intermezzosvh · 2 hours
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Emo th1nspo
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intermezzosvh · 6 days
Model th1nspo
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intermezzosvh · 6 days
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Model th1nspo.
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intermezzosvh · 13 days
Next time you binge or have a bulimic episode (whatever type of bulimia you have) ask yourself what did you feel? Instead of punishing yourself and letting yourself down, just ask what happened before.
How did I feel? How can I help myself now? How can I fight the feeling which caused the bulimic episode?
Remember days when you didn't have bulimic episodes. Analyse them. Which environment is the best for you to not binge/purge. Situations when you don't feel that negative emotions which cause your bulimic episodes.
And again, working off the calories or purging is not the main thing to do. Don't listen to your ED's voice. The main thing to do is to reduce the feelings and make yourself feel a bit better physically (without excessive working out or purging)
Try to catch yourself when that voice says:
" Eat, you'll feel better ", " vomit/workout, you'll feel better ".
Catch yourself at this moment and ask why. What happened and which are other ways to help yourself? You have to learn to live with your emotions without hiding them, you have to learn to FEEL your emotions.
P.S. I'm not a therapist or other expert, of course. It's just my own experience of trying to help myself, have a better relationships with myself and escape sport bulimia. + I've read some real therapists' articles about it. It's just that many therapists treat the symptoms, not the root cause. The main problem is not eating habits, disordered eating, diets etc., the main problem are emotions and things you cope with by being addicted to weightloss process.
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intermezzosvh · 13 days
Your body is not the problem. Your perception of the world is.
It's not about how your body looks, it has nothing to do with the size of your clothes. Nothing will change when you lose weight. The main thing is your perception of yourself, your relationships with people, the way you hide your emotions behind your ED. It's about the way you punish yourself with extreme diets or bulimia instead of releasing your anger. Instead of being angry at people who make you feel bad you choose a "safer way" of showing your emotions by hurting yourself. Am I right? Cause I'm also here.
P.s. And also the result is not the main thing. We're addicted to weightloss process. That's why we always relapse, gain back, lose weight again. We need weight loss as a coping mechanism, not for results. Losing weight without ED is so much easier.
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intermezzosvh · 13 days
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Not ana, but inspires so much.
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intermezzosvh · 13 days
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Skinny, beautiful, with perfect skin and makeup, but it's her 10%, don't compare it to your 90. You can look that nice too, but nobody is perfect 100% of the time. She's alive human and has all the "human things" you have. It's just that her agency will not show you the other side.
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intermezzosvh · 13 days
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Looks nice, isn't she? But keep in mind one thing that all of us knows yet still ignores: they don't look like it all the time, their stomach isn't completely flat all day long, they suck it in or don't eat before taking these photos. They are alive humans who just create a "perfect image", their agencies try to convince us that they are 100% living dolls, who always look perfect, skinny, with perfect skin etc.
You all already know this, but still try to make yourself look like those "perfect people images", which are not, in fact perfect in their everyday life. You know it but still punish yourself for not being like them. Am I right? If yes, then try to stop doing it. You really need to accept your "bad" side, which doesn't look good, which has acne, whose stomach isn't always flat, whose legs don't look like sticks. It's not about body, it's about your perception, it's about what you want to get from being skinny. And then you realise that the things you wanted to achieve with thin body can't be achieved like that. It's not about body, it's so much about relationships with people.
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intermezzosvh · 16 days
Що зі мною не так?.. і як це виправити
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intermezzosvh · 16 days
Як же життєво. Через мою поведінку в мене ніби на лобі написано "бісів інтроверт. Максимально зашорений". Жарт у тому, що самотність і стала, свого часу, причиною появи мого рхп. Я дуже довго не могла зрозуміти причинно наслідкові зв'язки і те, що проблема не у розмірі мого тіла, а у браку соціальних навичок. Ну, і виражати/глушити почуття через дієти, булімію, самопошк0дження це база.
P.s. це нікому не здалось, просто виговорююсь.
Мозок: нам треба спілкуватись з людьми
Я: ну то пішли
М: нііі, ми їх боїмося
Я: емм.. і що тоді робити?
М: страждати!!
Я: аа.. можна не треба..
М: нізя)))
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intermezzosvh · 16 days
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Калорійність різних видів кави.
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intermezzosvh · 19 days
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As long as I'm trying to escape my sport bulimic period now, I want to share some trackers for it. I use mine to track days with or without bulimic episodes.
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intermezzosvh · 19 days
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intermezzosvh · 19 days
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I'm late, but... (Deleted tumblr and forgot about this account)
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intermezzosvh · 2 months
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intermezzosvh · 2 months
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intermezzosvh · 2 months
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