imagineanimu · 7 years
School has been a pain...
First off, I just want to thank everyone for being so patient and continuing to support this blog! I’ve been held up with studying for my midterms (which are this week and Monday of next week) so I haven’t had too much time to write- or really have much of a life at all. Anyway, I’ll start posting again on Monday! 
I also realize that Finals will be right around the corner as well, so I think I’ll start taking match-up requests for White Day now! 
tldr; Temporary Hiatus until March 6! Match-Up requests are OPEN
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imagineanimu · 7 years
How do the Vongola Guardians feel about having a shy and small s/o?
Nice! A KHR request~! Thank you for sending in a request! : )
Sawada Tsunayoshi (Katekyo Hitman Reborn!): He really adores the fact that their hands are smaller than his and would pretty much find anything they do to be adorable, really. It’s not often that he feels like the bigger guy around so it’s definitely something new for him. He’d be very patient and considerate towards them and would never push them to do anything. Everyone grows at their own pace, he knows that better than most.
Gokudera Hayato (Katekyo Hitman Reborn!): He was probably quick to underestimate them because of their small stature and reserved mentality, but both of those factors would lead to him becoming quite (over)protective of them. He’d encourage them to speak up for themselves in his own (rude) way but regardless of whether or not they decide to take him up on that piece of advice, he’d most likely finish their battles for them.
Yamamoto Takeshi (Katekyo Hitman Reborn!): He thinks they’re very cute- especially when he sees how big his baseball jersey looks on them when they wear it, and would say so quite often. He might lightly tease or joke about their height here and there (usually without even realizing it) but its never out of spite. Like Tsuna, he wouldn’t try to change them and would let them know that he loves them the way they are.
Sasagawa Ryouhei (Katekyo Hitman Reborn!): He’ll probably never admit how cute he thinks they are out loud (surprisingly) because they’d render him speechless a lot of the time. He wouldn’t look down on them for their size either, because it’s the heart/spirit that counts! He would probably try to encourage them to speak up from time to time, though. Mostly so he can hear them better and also so they could help egg him on.
Hibari Kyouya (Katekyo Hitman Reborn!): He’s not bothered by the height difference at all. He thinks they’re very cute, and they also probably remind him of the small animals he loves. He’d also be quite appreciative towards their quieter demeanor since it means he can enjoy more peaceful times with them. Their presence would definitely soothe him, and there’s no doubt that he would be quite (possessive) protective of them.
Rokudou Mukuro (Katekyo Hitman Reborn!): He’d be very fond of them for multiple reasons. Their shy nature makes them seem pretty naive and innocent; both are qualities he’d find amusing from time to time. He also wouldn’t be able to deny how adorable he finds them, and to this day he’d wonder what sort of thing drove them to associate themselves with a person like him. He also wonders why he always feels compelled to keep an eye on them. 
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imagineanimu · 7 years
Keiiii~ Hope you won't mind me asking for a match up ^^ Male HQ and KHR please. 4'8 INFP shy&socially awkward around strangers, esp guys. I get nervous and worry about things easily, and having to speak to people always makes me anxious. I tend to cry easily and am kinda emotional. I can get loud and talkative around my friends though and I like teasing them. I find stupid things funny and laugh easily. I fangirl a lot when watching anime/gaming, and I like to write/read fanfics~ Thank you
Of course I don’t mind! xD Only thing is, since we talk about baes so much (plus today is a special day), I’m already a bit biased so…Double the matches for you! Haha hope you enjoy~
Also...HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! : DDDDDDDDD Hope you have a fantastic birthday! 
Your matches are…
Yaku Morisuke (Haikyuu!!): With the nine-inch difference between you both, you make him feel pretty tall; and it’s not-so-secret that he revels in having a small and adorable girlfriend. His confidence and straightforwardness nicely balances your more demure demeanor and you can bet that he won’t ever hesitate to speak up on your behalf. While he’d be concerned about your anxiety, he’s glad that you let yourself cry. Better to let those feelings out than to bottle them up inside. 
He’s not a big fan of being teased, but he’ll put up with it if it’s from you. And if you’re teasing someone else, it’s likely that he’ll join you. Overall, he’d try to encourage you to have more confidence from time to time and would find your ‘fangirl’ moments to be quite adorable; though it does make him quite jealous from time to time.
Inuoka Sou (Haikyuu!!): He’s drawn to your meek nature, though at first it’s just pure curiosity on his part. Why is he always noticing this small and cute girl everywhere? Has she been watching him play? Should he try talking to her? Honestly, he wouldn’t even realize how awkward you actually are (since it’s not like he’s exactly ‘normal’ by social standards either), and given that he’s full of sunshine and cheer, it wouldn’t take long for him to get you to open up a bit. 
He’d probably initially respond with minor panicking/confusion whenever your nerves kick in or if you start crying, but he’d quickly put in his best efforts to cheer you up. He loves it when you laugh, and it wouldn’t be surprising if he tried to make it a goal to get you to laugh at least once every day. 
Fortunately for you, he’s pretty upfront about his feelings and whatnot so you hardly ever have to guess about things when it comes to him. That gives you one less thing to worry about in the end. Being the pretty hyperactive guy he is, it’s not hard for him to find something else to occupy himself with whenever you’re gaming by yourself, but you can bet that he’ll get curious whenever you start fangirling. He also loves seeing you get excited, and in his case, excitement is pretty contagious (though he’ll wonder why he doesn’t feel as fired up whenever you start talking about other boys).
Yamamoto Takeshi (Katekyo Hitman Reborn!): His laid-back and friendly attitude makes it pretty hard not to get along with him. He’d be pretty patient with you and will usually reassure you kindly whenever you’re feeling down or nervous. It’s nearly impossible to stay feeling down around this guy. He gets a bit difficult to understand whenever he’s excited and he can certainly be more than a little oblivious sometimes, but his heart is in the right place and he’d definitely try to be good to you. 
Since he’s such a nice guy and all, it’s likely he’ll become friends with your friends as well. He’d definitely like seeing the more open and interactive side of you and might even tease you about it from time to time. He also doesn’t mind you fangirling over anime or video games since he thinks you’re pretty cute when you do. So long as you aren’t just leaving him on the side-bench all the time, he'd be happy.
 TYL!Irie Shouichi (Katekyo Hitman Reborn!): He’s not exactly the most confident or social guy around so he would definitely relate with you. Especially since you both have issues with anxiety. The two of you could help each other overcome your inner demons. He’s a pretty smart guy, but it’d be good for him to loosen up sometimes (especially since he makes a bad habit out of overworking himself from time to time), and seeing as how you’re not exactly the type to put pressure on others (plus you’re pretty small and it’d be hard to consider you intimidating) as well as the fact that you can relate to and tease him, you’d be a pretty good candidate. 
The fact that you’re both a bit similar in the personality department would subconsciously make him want to step up from time to time. Not just to impress you (though let’s be honest, he’s tried and failed a few times in that regard), but also because he wouldn’t want more of his pessimism and anxiety to rub off on you. He’d realize it after hearing you laugh for the first time (I’m almost certain it was at his expense); that he wants you to just keep laughing. 
He’s got some experience in programming and whatnot so since you seem to enjoy yourself when you’re playing video games, he might try to create some MODs for you to play with as well after you’ve finished up with them. He’s very fond of music, and since he dreamed of becoming a musician at one point, he might let you listen to him practice sometimes. The fact that you both seem to be the indoor types is also a good plus.
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imagineanimu · 7 years
This is more of a question of opinion rather than an actual request but...What do you think Karasuno boys look for in a significant other?
Oooh! This is a very unique request! Please bear in mind that these are just my opinions. Anyone is welcomed to agree or disagree! : ) The first years will be under the cut! Hope you don’t mind that I just decided to write for the major characters (and I also tweaked it a bit since I could probably write paragraphs of what kinds of qualities they’d look for in a S/O)!
Sawamura Daichi (Haikyuu!!):
-A hardworking person. I feel like he’d really admire someone with a strong work ethic. It doesn’t have to be related to academics or work. In fact, I feel like he’d admire the person even more for putting a lot of effort into something they love whether it be their hobbies or even their (platonic) relationships with other people.
-Someone who’s pretty laid-back could also be good for him. At the end of the day, he’s rightfully exhausted so it’d be nice if he had someone to just relax and talk casually with. 
Sugawara Koushi (Haikyuu!!):
-I think Suga would really appreciate a supportive S/O. He’s not the type to give up easily when he wants to work towards something so it’d be good for him to have someone who’s more than willing to support him along the way.
-A determined person would also be nice since he’d be able to relate to them and they could both add to each other’s motivation succeed.
Azumane Asahi (Haikyuu!!):
-A bolder person would contrast nicely with him so long as they aren’t too over-the-top. He’s not big on making decisions or leading, so having someone who’s okay with taking the wheel from time to time would really take a load off his shoulder.
-I feel like a person with a good sense of humor could also help to get him to lighten up here and there, especially when he’s just a ball of nerves.
Tanaka Ryuunosuke (Haikyuu!!):
-Somebody who isn’t easily intimidated would probably be good for him. He’ll usually try to dial himself back a bit whenever he’s with them, but at the same time he can’t help but get excited easily so if he doesn’t have to worry as much about intimidating his S/O, it’ll definitely help to put his mind at ease.
-He’d like a devoted person. He pretty much said it himself that time he was talking about having a girlfriend who’d cheer him on during his games.
Nishinoya Yuu (Haikyuu!!):
-Someone honest and straight-forward. Noya himself doesn’t like to beat around the bush so I think he’d appreciate having a S/O who can pay him that same respect.
-A person with a lot of passion/enthusiasm would compliment him nicely; more so if they actually get fired up right alongside him. At the same time, a more reserved S/O would also be a good choice since they’d be able to ground him whenever he gets in way over his head.
Ennoshita Chikara (Haikyuu!!):
-An encouraging and confident S/O could probably help him with his self-doubt issues, so I think that could be a very nice touch.
-Perhaps a creative person? He likes to make films and I’m pretty sure he’d enjoy being able to collaborate with his S/O on small projects here and there.
Kageyama Tobio (Haikyuu!!):
-I almost don’t want to say it, but they should probably at least have a slight interest in volleyball. It’s practically his whole life at this point. Plus, he’d definitely get excited when talking to them about it.
-Anyone who wants to pursue a relationship with this boy needs to have patience. He won’t know what he’s doing at all in the beginning because he seriously has no clue when it comes to relationships.
Hinata Shouyou (Haikyuu!!):
-I think he’d like someone who can sort of keep up with him. Obviously the amount of stamina he has is ridiculous, but it’d be nice if his S/O doesn’t burn out as quickly as other (normal) people. Or they could even work on building up their stamina to better pace with him.
-A fun-loving person who’s open to trying new things could also be a nice plus since Hinata can be pretty sporadic at times.
Tsukishima Kei (Haikyuu!!):
-He’d probably like someone who doesn’t make him feel like the only person with a brain around. Though I could also see him meshing well with a naive S/O since he does have his tsundere moments. The most important detail is that they’re someone he feels comfortable talking with.
-A bit of optimism could help to balance him out as well. He might complain about their positive attitude but I can’t see him genuinely disliking it.
Yamaguchi Tadashi (Haikyuu!!):
-Someone who’s perceptive. They’d be able to take notice of how hard he works and from there they’d be able to encourage him. He doesn’t stand out much compared to the rest of the guys, so he’d be really happy to have someone notice him.
-I personally think a person who likes freckles (or at least his) would be cute since they’d definitely notice him that way. He definitely isn’t used to being singled out for the way he looks, but he’ll love it.
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imagineanimu · 7 years
GoM reacts to their s/o congratulating them after they win a game?
Ooooh~! More KnB! Thank you for sending in this request!
Akashi Seijuurou (Kuroko no Basket): He doesn’t immediately respond in a favorable way. “Of course. Victory was to be expected.” In his mind, the outcome hadn’t been much of a surprise at all. Rather, it was inevitable with his abilities. He never loses. And yet, he somehow felt that this victory in particular stood apart from the rest of them for some reason. A moment would pass before he’d smile at them. “Thank you.”
Aomine Daiki (Kuroko no Basket): He’d be a bit confused/shocked by the praise at first, having grown so accustomed to winning without even putting in much effort that it all just felt natural to him at this point. “What? You were watching?” A smirk would cross his face as he stared at his S/O before leaning in close. “You gonna reward me for this later?” He deserves it after all.
Kise Ryouta (Kuroko no Basket): He’s visibly pleased by his S/O’s praise and would smile brightly before enveloping them in a (slightly sweaty) hug. “Thanks, (y/n)-cchi!” Needless to say, his performance had been more flashy than usual during that last game since he knew his S/O was watching. “We should go out somewhere nice to celebrate!” It’s not exactly a ‘suggestion’.
Kuroko Tetsuya (Kuroko no Basket): He’s a bit embarrassed at first since he didn’t know his S/O had been watching the game. “Were you watching the whole time, (y/n)-san?” He wasn’t exactly the most outstanding player on the team, but he had to admit that it did feel nice to be recognized like this, especially by his S/O. There’s a very soft and sincere smile on his face as he thanks them. “Thank you, (y/n)-san. I’m very happy.”
Midorima Shintarou (Kuroko no Basket): He’s in the middle of contemplating his performance in the last game before his S/O suddenly congratulates him. There’s a tint of pink on his cheeks that he tries to cover up by adjusting his glasses. “O-of course we won, nanodayo,” he begins stiffly, clearly caught of guard by the genuine praise before he adds in quietly, “…Cancer ranked first in today’s Oha Asa readings.”
Murasakibara Atsushi (Kuroko no Basket): There’s not a hint of obvious emotion on his face as he stares down at his S/O after they congratulated him. “Oh…Thanks,” he’d say in his usual unenthusiastic tone, having not been surprised about the outcome of the match one bit. His mind would wander off for a few moments before he returned his attention back to his S/O. “Hey, (y/n)-chin…I want to eat some dango today.”
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imagineanimu · 7 years
Hello! May I request a scenario where Aomine (KnB) and Bakugou (Hero Academia) hears guys have been asking out their petite and small (4'11) f!so by guys from their school [she attends Seiren in KnB and Yuuei in Hero Acdemia] so they act in a moment of jealousy when a guy asks her out just while they are approaching her to walk her home
You certainly may! Thank you for sending in a request! Sorry for the long wait! I don’t think they’d initially react in an extreme manner since there would be serious consequences (Aomine could get suspended from club activities and Bakugou might even risk expulsion from UA), but I hope these were okay!
Aomine Daiki (Kuroko no Basket): He wastes no time in approaching the two of them, and managed to hear the guy’s confession the moment he was within earshot. He’s visibly annoyed by the development and has absolutely no qualms with physically coming between the two and casually snaking an arm around his small girlfriend. Sure, the other dude might’ve seemed like a giant in comparison to his girlfriend, but he clearly towered over both of them. 
“He a friend of yours?,” he’d ask his girlfriend with a scoff, though it’s clear he’s not expecting an answer. If the other guy wasn’t already intimidated by him, they certainly were now. “Let’s get going, (y/n).” He’d begin leading both of them away before stopping after a few steps to spare the dude one last glance.
“Don’t ever come near my girlfriend again, got it?”
Bakugou Katsuki (Boku no Hero Academia): He didn’t believe the rumors at first as he figured no other guy at school had the balls to try something while he was around. There’s a mixture of emotions in him when he spots a guy in the process of asking out his girlfriend; irritation, anger, and gladness. Because he finally found someone to take his pent-up annoyance out on.
“Hey. You got a death wish or something, you fucker?” He’d call out from a few feet away with a cocky smirk. Sparks would emanate from his palms and anyone else in the area (with a brain) would quickly evacuate. By now the other guy would surely realize who they were up against, and if they had any sense at all, would quickly back down.
“Thought so. Try shit like that again and I’ll blow you into next week.”
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imagineanimu · 7 years
May I request some HC's with Giotto when he's around his crush? Wishing you a happy and safe holiday from Brazil! ❤️ - Shy Anon
So sorry for the long wait! Thank you for always supporting me and this blog! Seeing you in my inbox always brings a smile to my face : ) I hope you’re having a wonderful year so far!
Giotto (Katekyo Hitman Reborn)
-He’d be a true gentleman and wouldn’t hesitate to do things like opening doors for them, pulling out their chairs, taking their coats, etc.
-He's usually seen smiling when in the vicinity of his crush and whether he realizes it himself or not, his guardians note that there’s an unusually pleasant vibe about him during those times. 
-Lots of eye contact. He makes it a point to give his crush his undivided attention whenever the two of them happen to be together. 
-It’s probably happened at least once or twice, but he’s gotten lost in their eyes after staring for too long. He covers up very well, but there’s no denying the small bit of embarrassment he felt at that moment. 
-He’s also a lot quieter when it’s just the two of them since he prefers listening to what they have to say and finds even the most trivial details of their life to be significant.
-He’d be very cautious about being seen with them in public since he wouldn’t want any enemies or rival organizations targeting them for being associated with him.
-Because of the aforementioned point, he’d stay pretty close to his crush whenever they’re out together, and would always make sure that either he or at least one of his trusted associates can see them home safely.
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imagineanimu · 7 years
Thank you to everyone who took the time to send in a request! I look forward to getting your match-ups done! For those of you who weren’t able to send in a request, there’s no need to worry! I plan on accepting more Match-Up requests for White Day (March 14). More details on that will be given after my last midterm on the 15th.
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imagineanimu · 7 years
Updates (Important = I recommend you read this [please])
So I’m officially off of hiatus today (though I’m unofficially going to be on semi-hiatus because it turns out that in addition to a midterm next Wednesday, I also have a big quiz this Wednesday: rip Me).
I’m going to answer everything (non-requests) in this one post so that I don’t spam everyone.
So first off, regarding match-ups:
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@shimmerleaf & @musso-musso-black-forest: Thank you both for your input! Seeing as how you’re both really good personal friends of mine, it’d be wrong for me not to take your opinions into consideration! <3
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@ Anon1: I agree that match-ups are pretty popular! I actually started off on a blog that purely did match-ups, but my only concern this time around is, rather than focusing on match-ups (again), I want to work at developing my writing skills. I’m fairly certain that if matchups become an official feature on this blog that at least 70% of requests will be match-ups. If I could be sure that I’d always have a substantial amount of non-matchup requests to work on then I’d definitely consider it. But seeing as how I’ve only got about 7 requests left in the inbox, I’m really hesitant. Thank you for your input, though!
@ Shy Anon: I really appreciate your concern for me as well as the fact that you went out of your way to share your thoughts! They certainly do add to the overall workload, but they’re also nice to have to work on the side or whenever I need a small break from actual requests. I know match-ups aren’t for everyone, but if you ever do change your mind then I encourage you to try it out some time! It doesn’t have to be on this blog either. It’s nice to try new things. : )
And so the verdict is...
This blog will feature match-ups, but only as an occasional feature for the moment. Schoolwork has been piling since I’m on the quarter system now so I need to be careful about how many requests I take at once. And since there’s only a limited number of actual requests left to do, I don’t want to be stuck doing just match-ups for the next month or two. Writers like me like a bit of variety to work with. 
What’s going to happen now with my busy schedule?
Glad you asked. I’m going to finish off all seven requests in my inbox by this Wednesday night (meaning I’m gonna jump on them as soon as I’m done with my quiz and the rest of my classes that day), and stagger them in the queue so that they’ll post evenly over the next week or so. 
But Valentine’s Day is coming up! Aren’t you going to do anything special? D:
If by ‘special’ you mean “study my butt off because my hardest midterm is on the next day”, then yes. It’ll be very special. Just kidding (well, not entirely)! I actually do have a little something planned for this blog on Valentine’s Day though whether or not I’ll actually have time to do it all depends on how well I do with my studies.
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In conjunction with what I have planned for Valentine’s Day, I’ve also decided to open up Match-Up requests temporarily (until 12PST PST tomorrow). I know there will probably be a good amount of you who won’t have the chance to submit a match-up request by the end of today, but the reason I have to do things this way is to keep things manageable. If all goes well, I should be able to have all of the match-ups done by the end of this week. And at the very latest, I want to have them finished off by Valentine’s Day. 
tldr; School is kicking my butt. Requests will be queued by Thursday and will post throughout the week. Please send in more requests. ACCEPTING MATCH-UP REQUESTS UNTIL 12PM PST TOMORROW (February 7).
When sending in a match-up request, please refer to the: rules
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imagineanimu · 7 years
Hiatus Announcement
I’m so sorry for the lack of updates. School and life have been piling up on me and with midterms this week and next, I’m going to be on hiatus until the 6th. I’ll be sure to answer all of the asks and requests by then. Please be patient with me.
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imagineanimu · 7 years
for a drabble, maybe shouto todoroki x ochako uraraka fluff? like todoroki realizing he has feelings for her and she is just completely clueless about the whole thing. I love this rare pair so much save me.
My first ship request on this blog! Haha it’s definitely a pairing I haven’t seen much of. I guess I should say that there’s…Some minor manga spoilers ahead for those who’ve only seen the anime? I hope this was fluffy enough!
“Thanks so much for coming, Todoroki!,” Uraraka clapped her hands together as she greeted her classmate at her apartment door, glancing up at him with a slightly embarrassed smile as she let him inside. “I hope I’m not being a bother.”
He remained silent for the first few moments upon entering her apartment, unsure of how to respond since he didn’t usually visit people’s homes. “Are you living by yourself?,” he asked curiously as he glanced around at the sparse pieces of furniture around her home. It was nothing like his home at all. Upon realizing that his question may have come off as a bit insensitive or judgmental, Todoroki was quick to apologize. “Sorry. I don’t mean to pry.”
Since their interactions had been quite limited before, Uraraka couldn’t help but giggle a bit at the male’s formalities. “You don’t have to be sorry for something like that! I don’t mind!,” she reassured him with a smile as she closed the door before proceeding to explain, “my mom and dad work for a building company so it’s just me living here.” 
A small, embarrassed blush rose on her cheeks as she tried to lighten the mood, “I know I don’t really have much here but…Feel free to make yourself at home?” She had kept her financial issues a secret from most of her classmates as she hadn’t wanted to make anyone else worry about her. “Oh my gosh! I’m such a bad host!,” Uraraka cried out suddenly with a gasp, causing Todoroki to jump slightly, “I didn’t offer to make you tea or anything! Oh but I forgot that I’m out of tea…Is water okay?”
“That’s fine,” Todoroki gave her a small nod and was unable to help the faint smile that appeared on his face as he watched her disappear into the kitchen. There was something about that cheerful attitude of hers that somehow drew him in. Was it just him, or did the place suddenly feel very warm? 
Since there wasn’t anywhere else to sit, he chose to sit down on one side of the low table as he waited for her to return. 
 Uraraka soon returned with a pitcher full of cold water and two glasses. 
He watched her fill the glasses, and didn’t seem to realize that he had been staring at her until she had smiled at him. “Thank you,” he told her as she sat down across from him. An awkward silent moment passed as they both took a sip from their glasses.
“What did you need me for exactly?,” he finally asked upon realizing she never told him what the ‘special favor’ she needed from him was. 
Uraraka’s eyes widened as she realized he was still completely in the dark about the situation and nearly choked on her water. “O-oh, right! I forgot I haven’t told you yet. My bad,” she paused for a moment, almost seeming to hesitate before she continued, “it’s kinda embarrassing but…My fan broke and I can’t afford to get it fixed but it’s been sooooo hot these days! I just wanted to ask you if you wouldn’t mind using your Quirk to help cool down the place a bit? I almost feel a bit silly for asking you but I couldn’t think of anything else…”
“I don’t mind,” he replied simply as he began to lightly chill the room with his right hand. “Let me know if it gets too cold.”
“Ah~ this is perfect…,” she purred, laying on her back as she was finally able to relax in her own home again. She didn’t know how she managed to survive the smothering heat for so long…How long had it been since she last felt so at peace? Before either of them knew it, she had fallen asleep.
“Uraraka?,” Todoroki finally questioned after a couple minutes of silence. He peered over the table to discover her sleeping peacefully with a smile and smiled in turn. He watched her for a little while longer before eventually joining her.
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imagineanimu · 7 years
Could I request a scenario with Kageyama Tobio and Tanaka Ryuunosuke with an s/o who's as tall as them/if not taller! Thank you so much, good luck with your blog!
So sorry for the wait! I gave it a shot XD hope it’s at least something close to what you were looking for! I decided to go with a same height s/o for both of them!
Kageyama Tobio (Haikyuu!!): He found himself unintentionally glaring back at you with a slight scowl. It was practically a default expression for him and by no means was he truly upset with you. “What is it, y/n?” He met your gaze dead on, not needing to try very much as you both were already standing on the same eye level. 
You had been staring at him for the past couple of moments, appearing to be deep in thought while you remained silent. “It’s just…Being able to see them so clearly in front of me like this, I can see that your eyes are very pretty,” you had finally answered with a smile that only widened as his face burned up right before your eyes. 
“Th…Th-thanks…!,” he sputtered out whilst shooting an annoyed glance at the floor. “Y-your eyes look n-nice too…” It was an honest, if not slightly awkward, compliment. While the two of you were definitely standing on the same level, it would still be some time before you could both be on the same pages.
Tanaka Ryuunosuke (Haikyuu!!): “Oi, y/n!,” he called out upon entering his room fresh out of the shower in his shorts with a towel drenched over his shoulders. He had set aside one of his favorite shirts to wear only to find it missing once he had finished showering. After searching through his drawers to discover that his shirt truly was nowhere to be found, he could only conclude that you might’ve accidentally thrown it in with the laundry.
“What is it?,” you popped your head into his door curiously, raising a brow as you eyed his scattered shirts all over the floor. “You shouldn’t leave your clothes on the floor like that, you know. They’ll get dirty.”
“I’ll clean it up right now. By the way have you seen my-” He instantly froze upon seeing you in his missing shirt, gaping slightly at the sight while a blush quickly surfaced on his face. Honestly, you fitted it so well that it arguably looked better on you than it did on him. “…”
You gave him a questionable look as he seemed to be completely speechless for the moment. “I-I-It’s nothing..! N-nevermind!”
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imagineanimu · 7 years
I’m curious, but how many people are actually interested in Matchups? I’m debating on whether or not to actually include them as a feature on this blog or to just accept Matchup requests on (very rare) certain days. So...Some feedback from you guys would be very much appreciated! Either like this post, comment, or send a message in the inbox to let me know. Please & Thank you!
are you open for matchups yet? :)
Soon. :)
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imagineanimu · 7 years
are you open for matchups yet? :)
Soon. :)
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imagineanimu · 7 years
I’m not dead!
...Just getting over being really sick and preparing for school in a couple of days! I’ll get back to working on requests soon!
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imagineanimu · 7 years
I'm real nervous about askin for this but!!! If you have Ochako Uraraka with f!S/o headcannons I would be super thankful,,, Bless your heart for the anime imagines!!
Awwww! There’s no need to be nervous! This is actually a really cute request! Thank you for your kind words! I hope these are kind of what you’re looking for!
Uraraka Ochako (Boku no Hero Academia)
-They’d have been best friends before they became girlfriends so there’s already tons of pictures of them together on Uraraka’s phone. 
-Matching friendship bracelets will definitely get an upgrade (though they’d probably just wear both to recognize the friendship that brought them together and the love they now share).
-Matching shoes/shirts will definitely be a thing. Uraraka loves matching with her girlfriend.
-Uraraka talks to her parents about her F!S/O all the time. Her parents not only support their relationship fully, but they’d already know a bunch of things about their daughter’s girlfriend before they’d even get to officially meet her (favorite color, favorite food, etc.).
-They hold hands all the time. Uraraka has accidentally made her girlfriend float a few times by accidentally using her quirk when she’d get super nervous/excited. Good thing she never lets go.
-She already cuts back on a lot of expenses to save money so she can get by, but she might cut back even more at times to save up some cash so that she can buy her girlfriend cute gifts here and there and make her happy.
-She’s fiercely protective of her girlfriend and won’t stand for anyone saying mean things about her. She’s always ready to pick a fight on her girlfriend’s behalf no matter who she’s up against.
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imagineanimu · 7 years
Happy Birthday Licht Jekylland Todoroki! (12/24/2016)
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I wanted to doodle up a little something for Licht today so…Happy Birthday to our favorite Christmas Eve! And Merry Christmas Eve to everyone! I didn’t have time to shade and I didn’t really use references so I hope it doesn’t look too bad
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