icyhot-writes · 4 years
This was actually the cutest scene. I don’t. Care. Don’t at me
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Once you’re wrapped up, you become one, right? 
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icyhot-writes · 4 years
Toga could stab me and I would thank her.
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icyhot-writes · 4 years
Whether platonic or romantic, Toga and Twice’s relationship is adorable
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icyhot-writes · 4 years
Aizawa, hiding the adoption papers for his students: I hate all my students equally.
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icyhot-writes · 4 years
So, although we know bakugo is a top (edit: bottom whatever) . THE POINT::
Can we just please let them be switches?? Hear me out. KIROSHIMA CAN HARDEN HIS BODY AND CONTROL HOW HARD IT GETS AT WILL. Thanks for coming to my ted talk.
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icyhot-writes · 5 years
Two Worlds Apart - 2/?
Main Characters: OC Kamiko Kaori + Shoto Todoroki
POV: Half Todoroki- Half Kaori
Fandoms: Sailor Moon and Boku No Hero
Chapter Rated: SFW
Shoto leaned against the wall, watching Kaori intensely as she scaled down the building. She was a damn good fighter; he’d give her that. But something about her intrigued him, and it wasn’t just her power. Back in her normal clothes, he wouldn’t have given her a second glance in terms of power. Her hands wrapped up her violet tresses and he felt a small ounce of disappointment. It looked nice down.
Realizing the thought that crossed his head, he shook it vigorously. His eyes scanned the rest of his classmates, but like a magnet they only ended back up on her. Everyone was amazed by her performance and he had to agree. Although he couldn’t hear her, her body language showed she was uncomfortable. Her back was flush against the wall as her own eyes darted around. Midoriya was bombing her with questions and being on the receiving end of that, Shoto understood.
Before he could stop himself, he slid his right foot forward, causing a window of ice between her and his classmates. “Midoriya, enough. Let her breathe.” He ignored the shocked looks of his classmates, instead just keeping his eyes on Kaori and Midoriya. They all took a step back, and he dissolved the wall. She smiled at Midoriya and another pang of disappointment shot through him. Shoto turned on his heel, making his way to the back of the herd. At least this way she’d be blocked from his view.
“So, did you get your handed ass to you on purpose to help her out?” Mineta’s voice spoke. Todoroki ignored him trying to focus on the teachers giving out results, but this only prompted the ball-headed nuisance to continue. “No comment. That’s smart. Can’t let the rumors start getting around. I’m so jealous. If I had her pinned against that pole I would have-” he stopped when he noticed the ice-cold stare Todoroki barred at him. Another word and he was going to be a perv-cicle. All Might’s voice boomed stating Kaori had placed in first.
Against better judgement, he moved a bit to see her reaction. Todoroki thought back to that moment on the roof. I need this. She had practically begged him. When it finally sunk in she had achieved her goal, her face lit up. He felt something shoot through him. Something he hadn’t felt in a very long time, if ever. His lips curved into a small smile. It would be cool seeing her now and again around campus.
“That’s awesome. She’s a powerhouse. With her and Todoroki we’ll be unstoppable at the Festival This Year.” Kaminari laughed, high fiving Mineta. Shoto looked at him.
“Wait what?” he asked confused. Even if she got in.. she’d have to be a first year right?
“Too busy day dreaming? Aizawa said she’s in our class due to some circumstance or whatever. I’m stoked to have another person with an electric quirk! We already have so much in common. Ya think she’s into blondes?"
“You realize she has more than one quirk right? She has more in common with Todoroki than you.” Tokoyami pointed out, effectively crushing Kaminari’s spirit.
“Don’t listen to him! We’re going to get a date with her, make her our girlfriend and touch her boobs!” Mineta cheered.
“Yeah! Come on let’s go- where did she go?” Kaminari said looking around. Shoto did the same and as his classmates dispersed, he saw no sign of her.
“She left with Yaoyorozu while you two were being disgusting.” Tokoyami answered, shaking his head. “Now come on, it’s time for class.”
“Class?! At a time like this?! How am I supposed to focus when all of my thoughts are invaded by her?” Mineta whined as he was dragged away.
Shoto turned away, looking in the directions of the dorms. He wondered how long until she’d get there. What room she would be in? How would she decorate it? What did she wear to sle-
“Todoroki? Are you coming?” Midoriya asked, suddenly by the boy’s side. Shoto nodded, feeling his face flush. “Are you alright?”
“I’m fine actually not feeling well. Can you tell Aizawa I’m going to go see Recovery Girl?” he asked.
“Yeah, sure. Do you want me to walk you?”
“No. I’ll be okay.” he waved his hand.
“Well alright. Be careful then!”
Midoriya jogged to catch up with the others and Shoto made his way to the nurse’s office. The entire time there, he thought about his battle with Kaori. How she smelled like vanilla and lavender when pinned her against the pole. How soft her hair was, like touching a small kitten. And the fire in her eyes, as she prepared herself for his next attacks. By the time her reached recovery girls office, his stomach felt weird, his head felt light, and his chest was so tight it felt like he was fighting to breathe.
“Hello, Todoroki ! What brings you in?” the old woman spoke sweetly, leading him to a bed. “I rarely ever see you in here.”
“I’m not feeling well ma’am.” he answered, head in his hands. “I was fine before the exam, but now I feel so weak.”
“Hmmm. Well let’s see if we can get to the bottom of this.”
“Momo, was all of this really necessary?” Kamiko asked as she peeked around the corner of the box she was carrying.
“Of course! Trust me, there’s nothing worse then being in the dorm and going I wish I bought that." Her friend answered, piling another box on top of Kamiko’s.
“Couldn’t you just you know...make something If I forgot it?” Kamiko pointed out.
“....You know they say I’m the fun sucker out of things. But no. It’s you. Definitely you.” Yayorozu glared and Kamiko laughed. “I’m going to go back to the house and get the last load. You okay carrying these alone? The guys should be out of class soon If you want to wait.”
“Guys? No way. I’m a big strong girl. I order my own food and everything.” Kamiko teased.
“Okay Rosie Riveter. Be right back!” Momo laughed, getting back into the vehicle.
She took off and Kamiko began carrying her things towards her dorm room. She was so focused on not tripping over herself, she didn’t see that the door to the building wasn’t even open. She slammed into the door, at full force. She bounced off of it, stumbling backwards and prepared for the impact on the ground. But instead she hit another person, their hands steadying her.
“Are you okay?” he asked and her body tensed up. She recognized that voice. Kamiko slowly turned and came face to face with her foe from earlier. He was looking down at her with concern and it made her cheeks flush.
“I-I’m fine. I thought we propped the door open but apparently not.” she gave a nervous chuckle. “You’re Todoroki right? We fought earlier.”
“That’s correct. And yeah I remember, Kaori” he half smiled and removed the top two boxes so she could see better.  Her cheeks grew deeper, something about the way he said her name made it sound so...Pull yourself together woman!! “Wasn’t yaoyorozu supposed to be helping you?” he asked, opening the door. Kamiko walked through, trying to focus on anything but how easily he held the two boxes with one arm.
“She is. She went to get the last load of things. She went sort of overboard buying me things. I’m going to try and return some of it when she’s busy.” she answered. They continued the rest of the walk-in silence, Kamiko not sure what to say. When the got to her room, she heard him suck in a small breath. “What? What is it?” she questioned. Her room was a bit disorganized with all the boxes, but she hadn’t unpacked yet.
“Oh uhm nothing.” he answered. “Was there anything else?”
“Just another few boxes. I can get them. I don’t want to keep you away from any classes.” she said placing her boxes on the floor with a thump.
“I’m actually excused for the day. Recovery girl thinks I may have gone too far in the exam today and said I could take the afternoon off.” he explained and Kamiko frowned in response. His held up a finger to his lips before she could say a word. “Don’t worry Kaori. It wasn’t because of just our fight. I’ve been training a lot more and was doing some extensive stuff before class.”
“Oh well, okay. But then you definitely shouldn’t be carrying these boxes with me. Just start opening them up ? None of the private stuff is here yet. It’s mostly furniture I need to start making. Stupid Ikea.” Kaori suggested not wanting to push him more.
“If you insist.” Shoto sighed and began opening the boxes as Kaori walked out the room. He kept the pieces to each set of furniture close together so they wouldn’t get mixed up when she started to build them. He still couldn’t believe her room was directly under his. It was a cruel joke from the universe.  He grabbed the box she carried, but stopped when he noticed the heart broach on top. It must have gotten stuck and pulled off of her shirt.’ he thought picking it up. It was beautiful, not a scratch on it considering how much she used it.He pried it open and on the inside laid a beautiful white crystal. His thumb rubbed over it and it began glowing brightly, making his body tingle with power.
“Put that down!” Kaori’s voice rang out and he almost dropped the broach onto the floor.
She swiped it midair, clutching it to her chest. “Get out.”
Shoto was taken aback by her sudden harshness.
“Kaori. I didn’t mean to make you upset. I was on the box and I was curious. I’m sorry I touched it. It won’t happen again.”
“I said leave Todoroki. That was the last of the boxes. I don’t need your help.” she retorted.
Shoto let out a sigh of defeat. Day one and she already hated him. “Okay. I’ll go. I’ll be upstairs if you need any help.”
Kaori didn’t answer just stood, holding her room door open as he walked out. She closed it behind him and Shoto stood there for a moment. She seemed so angry, but also, sad. He wondered if he should try talking to her again. His knuckle raised to the door before lowering back down. No, I have to respect her wish to be alone. He thought to himself, no matter how much he disagreed.
Shoto went up to his room and laid in the bed, painstakingly aware of the woman underneath him as she moved about. Why did she have to get that room of all rooms? A door slammed under him and another muffled voice joined her.
“Ka-ri? What’s wr-ng?” he could hardly make out. It sounded like Yaoyorozu. Shoto crawled onto the floor, placing his ear against it.
“Nothing.” he could hear Kaori a bit clearer. He shuffled around the room softly, trying to find where they were.
“Your eyes are red. That’s not nothing. Why were you crying?”
“What did he do ?!” That was clear as she practically screamed it. Shoto’s chest tightened. Had he made her cry? HE pressed down harder, straining to hear. What he wouldn’t give to have Jiro’s quirk right now.
“He didn’t really do anything. He helped me carry some boxes and I sort of yelled at him. I feel awful.”
“Well ? Why did you do it then?”
“I saw him touching my broach and well, just got defensive. I feel awful. I actually think he’s kind of..” she trailed off speaking too low for Shoto to hear. Think I’m kind of what?! He internally screamed.
“Kind of what?” Yaoyorozu asked. Bless her.
His beat in anticipation for her answer, but right before his door opened wide.
“Uh...Todoroki? What are you doing?” Kiroshima’s voice spoke loudly. “Why are you on the floor like that?”
Wait, if I can hear her then they can.... Todoroki pounced on the man, pushing him out the room. “What do you want?!?” he growled.
“Whoa! Aizawa said to come make sure you were okay.” the boy defended himself, shocked by Shoto’s sudden aggressiveness. “Why are you angry?”
“I’m fine. Don’t come in without knocking again.” Shoto sighed, letting the him go.
“Then, what were you doing on the floor?”
Shoto’s face turned red and he turned away from Kiroshima. “Nothing.”
“Really? Because it looks like you were eavesdropping.” the red head smirked, looking up in thought. “jumpy behavior, embarrassed expression, blatant deny-”
“Okay fine! I heard that new girl mention my name to Yaoyorozu and I was curious on what she was saying.”
“Kaori? Well how about we just go ask her?” Kiroshima said walking towards the door. Shoto panicked, sending an ice path to freeze his feet. “Hey! Unfreeze me!”
“No. No. It's okay. It was a private conversation. We do not talk about this to anyone okay?”
“Well you really shouldn’t have been eaves dropping if it was a private conversation. “
“Just...promise me you won’t say anything.”
“Fine. I promise not to say anything to Kaori about you eaves dropping on her and Yaoyorozu.”
Shoto let out a sight of relief. This whole ordeal was making him insane.
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icyhot-writes · 5 years
Two Worlds Apart Part 1/?
Main Characters: OC Kamiko Kaori + Shoto Todoroki
Fandoms: Sailor Moon and Boku No Hero
Chapter Rated: SFW
My name is Kamiko Kaori, and I’m from Crystal Tokyo in the 30th Century! Or at least I was. I guess I should tell you I’m also Sailor Star Galaxy, the last generation in the Sailor Soldiers. I possess all the powers of the Other Sailor scouts, and was trained to be a last line of defense and to step in should any of the other scouts fall. During a fight with our latest enemy, the return of the Negaverse, a tear in space was ripped open. Sailor Pluto and I attempted to seal it up, but not before I was sucked in. That’s when I woke up in this archaic world, where almost everyone possessed some type of power. Or “Quirk” as they called it. But that was almost eight months ago. I thought Neo Queen Serenity would have come for me by now. But it seems that this new world was now my reality. And that brings us here! Standing at the gates of the esteemed U.A High School, wondering what I was possibly doing there.
“Hey Kamiko! You made it!” called Yaoyorozu, or as Kamiko knew her as, Momo. She ran towards Kamiko, two other girls at her side. Yaoyorozu had come across  Kamiko within her first few days in the strange land. Hungry, beaten, and scared, Yaoyorozu showed pity on the girl and took her home. As she nursed Kamiko to health the two soon became friends. Eventually, Kamiko told Yaoyorozu her story, being Sailor Star, and how she ended up there. In return, Yaoyorozu taught her about their world of heroes and quirks. She was the only person Kamiko trusted. A few weeks ago, she convinced Kamiko to return to school, specifically…to apply to UA.  
“Hey Momo.” Kamiko smiled at her. “Are these your friends?”
“Yes! Guys, this is that girl I told you about. Kaori Kamiko, Meet Uraraka and Ashido .” Momo introduces them.  
“Is it true you’re an alien!?” the pink girl pushed forward, a little too close for comfort.  
“Ashido!” Yaoyorozu scolds her. “I swear not everyone knows. Just Ashido, Uruaka and Jiro.”
Kamiko dismissed it with a wave of her hand.  
“It’s okay. To be fair, the word Alien is relative. From my point of view, you guys are the aliens.” She joked with a smile. She used a hand to push a wisp of violet hair out of her face. "But I suppose I am. I’d rather not talk about it right now though. I have to stay focused for the entrance exam.”  
“Right! Well come on! We’ll take you!” Uraraka smiled, grabbing Kamiko and dragging her through the campus. “It’s so rare that UA will make an exception and do an entrance exam mid-semester. You must have a crazy strong quirk!”  
“Well uhm...something like that.” Kamiko stammered out, feeling her cheeks heat up. It was so weird going from a world where powers had hidden identities to a world where almost everyone had them. Even displayed them.  
“Hey look!” Ashido pointed up at the building. “That’s Principal Nezu, All Might, Mr. Aizawa, Mr. Yamada, and Ms. Kayama. They must be waiting for you.”  
“Huh? And that’s our homeroom class. I wonder why they are here.” Yaoyorozu stated curiously.
“Ah, Kamiko Kaori! Thank you for joining us this morning.” The …well…mouse spoke to her. I really needed to stop being so surprised at this point. She thought to herself. "Please bear with us, the arena is finishing being prepped. It is so rare an occasion we do exams like this in the middle of a semester; we needed to adjust a few things.”  
“It’s I who should be thanking you.” Kamiko and bowed respectfully. “I am so grateful this opportunity Principal Nezu.”  
The teacher who looked like he pulled one too many all-nighters stepped up. If Ashido named them in order, this should be-  
“My name is Aizawa. This is my homeroom. They will be participating in the arena with you to keep things semi-fair like the normal exam. However, keep in mind each of the students here have not only passed the exam, but already have hero training. But seeing as this is an exceptional case, this shouldn’t be a problem.” He spoke in a monotone, bored voice.  He turned to the group of students. “I doubt I need to say this but it’s in your best interest to try in this. This will be treated as pop quiz. Turn your attention to Present Mic and he will explain the rules.”  
The next teacher to speak was the exact opposite of Aizawa.  
“Alright Listeners, this may be a repeat for some of you but it’s a remix!” he spoke energetically, causing Kamiko to cringe. “Three different types of faux villains are stationed in each battle center. You earn points for each of them based on their level of difficulty. Your goal is to use your Quirks to earn points by immobilizing the faux villains. BUT THIS TIME, attacking other examinees is ALLOWED.  Why? WELL because the zero-point villains that are normally robots will be some of your classmates. That’s right folks, some of your peers have been briefed beforehand and will be sabotaging the others as double agents!” he spoke with such enthusiasm even at the last part.  
Kamiko’s violet eyes scanned the class for a clue on who may have been against her, but everyone looked equally shocked. She made contact with a boy with red and white hair. One brown eye. One blue. He turned away from her almost instantly. Kamiko continued to watch him until Momo bumped her.
“Gawk later. Pay attentinon.” she whispered. Kamiko rolled her eyes, tuning back in.
“Now remember young heroes! Attacking does NOT mean injuring. Although we have Recovery Girl standing by, that doesn’t mean you go all out. Use your best judgment on when to pull back.” All Might instructed. “Anyone caught using excessive force WILL fail.”  
“This should be fun! I didn’t have to take the last exams.” Yaoyorozu whispered to her. “It’s cool to see what it was like.”
“I, uh, just have one question.” Kamiko spoke, a raising a hand.  
“Yes Miss Kaori?” All Might answered her.  
“I’m sure you’re aware, my “quirk” works differently, should I transform now or once the test has begun?” she asked, not wanting to break rules.  This gains some looks from the other students, and she quietly cursed herself for drawing attention.  
“Once the test has begun. After all, you can’t always prepare ahead in a real battle.” Principal Nezu smiled giddily. She nodded clutching the broach on her chest. It was similar to Sailor Moon’s and held a piece of the silver crystal handed down to her. “We shall all go to the observation room then. Good luck Miss Kaori. You as well my students!” With that All Might scooped up the teachers with a hearty laugh, and bounded into the air.  
“Is he always like that?” she asked with an amused smile. But before anyone could answer, the doors to the exam slammed open. Everyone ran in, Kamiko at the back of the pack. She was going to need a boost. She ran towards the side of the tunnel using the wall to jump over the other students. “COSMIC PLANET POWER!” she yelled out mid-air, and began to transform into her sailor form.
Her violet hair released from its bun and flowed down her back as purple glowing ribbons wrapped around her body. She landed on the other side of the crowd, looking over her shoulder at them in her purple, black and white senshi outfit. They all were staring at her surprised, except for Momo who had seen her transform before. “Well? Are you all just going to stand there?” she smirked.
“She’s right!” an overly excited boy saluted, the engines in his legs boosting him towards the robots. “Sorry Ma’am, but this is competition! And Class 1A does not lose!” At that rate he was going to get to those bots before she could.  
“Jupiter Thunder….” Kamiko yelled, crossing her hands like the former sailor had taught her.  An antenna rose from her tiara. “CRASH!”  
“Iida jump!” Yaoyorozu warned her classmate. He did as he was told, just narrowly avoiding her thunder blast at the robots.
“Whoa! A thunder quirk!” A boy with spiky green hair gasps.  
She smiled to herself, watching as the robots twitched and fell.
“We’ve got to slow her down!” He moved toward her with incredible speed, a green light shooting around his body. Kamiko jumped back, just barely dodging his hand grabbing at her. Another hand grabbed her shoulder. It was rock hard, but still she managed to flip them onto to the ground, a blur of red hair catching her eye as she slammed them.
“Sorry!” she winced before running off.  
I need to get away from the group as fast as possible. She thought looking for a solution.  High ground would be best so I can survey what I’m up against.  She spots a building with an overhang and ran towards it.  
“Venus Love Me Chain!” she yelled and the heart shape golden chain latched on to the edge. Kamiko jumped into the air, the chain pulling her higher, kicking a few more robots down as she went.  
“OH NO YOU DON’T!” A yell came from behind her.  A blonde boy with spiky hair was using blasts from his hands to chase after her. The look of anger on his face was terrifying. “I WON’T LOSE TO YOU!”  
She removed her broach and willed it into Pluto’s staff. It quickly took the form and she aimed it at the boy. “Deadly Scream!” the sonic blast hits him and the neighboring robots, sending them all back towards the ground, a slew of profanities leaving his mouth. “Nothing personal!” Kamiko yelled back just as she reached the top of the building.  
Everyone seems to be either fighting amongst themselves or the other robots. Kamiko looked down trying to think which attack would only harm the robots, when a wall of ice suddenly hurtled towards her, knocking out tons of robots simultaneously. She went to avoid it but was too slow. The ice began to encase her, grounding her feet in place. She pressed her hands together. “Mars Fire Ignite!” The fire shot out and circled her, melting the frosty cage in the process.  On the outside of the wall, the boy with the half white, half red hair looked at her with that same stoic face from earlier.  Did that attack come from him?  
“So, you have a fire quirk as well.” He said coolly. Stating the obvious much?
“It will take more than a measly snow globe to keep me down.” She huffed twirling the staff in her hand. He didn’t answer her, instead examining her, most likely thinking of what move to do next. He shot another ice blast, but it avoided her, instead taking out the robots on her flank. She looked at him curiously. That attack was too precise to have been an accident. If he was a double, why would he help her?  
“Thank you.” She said softly. He still didn’t answer, instead running at her, an icy chill escaping from his lips.  He began shoot ice blast after blast at her. Or Not. She thought breaking the attacks with her staff. What was with this guy? She moved to evade him and he formed another ice wall to block her path. That’s when she put it together. He was making her waste time on him. Bastard can’t block what he can’t see. “Mercy Bubbles Blast!” she yelled, making a thick mist. She danced around him making noise with her staff to confuse him on her location. But he was smarter, fire blasts began to shoot out, not only shocking her, but causing her mist to thin out. “Venus love me chain!” She shot the chain in the direction the flames came from, trapping his body. Or what she thought was his body. When she pulled, the chain tightened but didn’t budge. Even if he was stronger, she should have felt a little tug. The mist continued to thin out and she saw she had actually wrapped around a pole. Shit. “Mirror.” she said softly, planning to use Neptune’s Mirror to see where he was hiding. But as the staff morphed, a warm hand grabbed her, pushing her against the pole.
The cold sharp point of an icicle was pointed at her neck. “You put up quite a fight.” His icy breath whispered in her ear, sending shivers down her. “but you’re done now.” Anger radiated through her body. How could she fall for such a ploy?
“You’re the one who’s done.” She spoke through gritted teeth. She slowly angled the mirror until she saw his reflection in it. “Submarine..Reflection.”
The mirror shot out a bright blast, forcing him back and onto the ground. “Mars Flame Sniper!” she said and her fire took the shape of a bow and arrow. She shot Four hours into his shirt, pinning him, even if it’s for a moment. “Stay down, please.” the violet haired girl begged. “ I need this.”
To her surprise, he laid his head back, not resisting. Kaori ran to the edge of the building, looking down at the other students fighting the robots. She aimed her bow, and began to shoot the flaming arrows at as many robots as she could manage. Then a loud buzzer rang through her ears.  
“TIMES UP!” Present Mic’s voice boomed through the air. She disarmed her bow, the fire disappearing in thin air, as well as the arrows pining the boy. Was that last attack enough to make up for lost time?
The sound of ice crinkling caught her attention as a large ice slide formed down the building. Her opponent stood at the edge and then slid down to the bottom. Kamiko rewrapped her chain around the pole and jumped off the building. Once at the bottom, she detransformed to her normal clothes and the broach returned to its place on her chest.  Quick hands began to return her hair into it’s messy bun. She made eye contact with Uraraka who quickly ran over to her. “Kaori, that was incredible! “She smiled, hugging Kamiko tightly. “I had no idea you were that powerful.”  
“You even held your own against Todoroki! And he’s our strongest classmate!” Ashido appeared giddily.  
“HE IS NOT!” The voice of the angry blonde boy from earlier boomed. He pushed through the crowd toward her, and she had half the mind to turn back into Sailor Star Galaxy. “You may be strong, but you’re not stronger than me GOT IT?! Neither is Icy Hot! I will Destroy-“  
His voice cut off as a red headed boy clamped a literal, rock hard hand across his mouth.  
“Sorry about Bakugo. Just ignore him, it’s what most of us do.” he smiled at her as he held the other boy back. “I’m Kiroshima! And you were seriously awesome! I didn’t see that flip coming!”  
“Oh that was you?” Kamiko remembered the person she had slammed earlier, and put two and two together. “I really am sorry! Are you alright?”  
“No worries! My quirk is hardening. Takes a lot more than a few body slams to hurt me.” Kiroshima chuckled. “Speaking of, you have some major quirks yourself. How many do you have?”  
“I counted six! Thunder, Chain, Fire, Bubbles, Sonic Waves and that transformation in the beginning! ” the green hair boy from earlier ran up. “Do your quirks only work after that? It must be why you asked principle Nezu. And is that staff thing apart of you? How did you get so many quirks?” he shot question after question; Kamiko barely able to keep up.  Her back pressed against the stone wall of the building behind her as the rest of the students gathered around her, eager for answers.
“I..well..” she said softly, not used to so much attention at once. Just as it was becoming too much, an ice wall thin enough to see through separated her from the rest of the group. She turned her head and at the end stood Todoroki.
“, Enough.” he said in a monotone voice. They locked eyes for a moment. “Let her breathe.”
“Oh… Sorry Kaori.” Midoriya apologized and the boy let the wall down once everyone took a step back.  
“It’s okay. I’m just not used to so much attention.” Kamiko gave a sympathetic smile to him. She looked over at Todoroki, but he was already walking away from them. Her lips curved into a frown.
“Amazing Job Students!!” All Might’s voice bellowed, as he and the other teachers came from seemingly nowhere.  
Aizawa sighed getting in front of All Might. “As I’m sure you all figured out, Midoriya, Bakugo, Todoroki, and Kiroshima were all on the double agent roster. They were all able to secure multiple sabotages while continuing to attack robots. From lowest to highest, Kiroshima, Midoriya, Bakugo, and Todoroki.”
“DAMN YOU DEKU!! ” Bakugo screamed, as Kiroshima sighed next to him, placing another solid hand on the boy’s mouth. Kao Midoriya ri assumed it was a common occurrence as Aizawa ignored the boy.  
“Additionally, everyone can see their scores in the post outside. However, I will announce the top three scores for our non-double agents. In third place, with 30 points, was Tanya Iida.” The boy with rockets in his legs smiled, but there was a small hint of sadness in it. At least your scores don’t depend if you get to stay Kamiko thought nervously. Aizawa continued. “In second place, Momo Yaoyorozu with 32 points. And lastly-“Aizawa was cut off by the excitement of All Might.  
“KAMIKO KAORI!! 40 points!” He bellowed.
“First place…that means…. that means she got in right?!” Momo asked excitedly. All might opened his mouth but was shushed by Aizawa.
“Yes, against better council, she technically did.” Aizawa spoke harshly.  “But I want to make it clear it is on a probationary basis. Any screw ups and you’re out. And to ensure a decent eye is kept on you, you’ll be in my homeroom. Look around you. These are your new classmates.”
“But sir! She’s a first year. She would have to pass her hero’s examination, receive her probationary license, midterms, finals. I understand she’s powerful but UA’s standards-”
“For reasons I’ll leave up to her to discuss with you all, she’s been considered a special case by the principal. The decision has been made, regardless of any disagreements.” Aizawa shut him up. Kamiko flinched at the harsh tone in the man’s voice. His words said one thing, but his tone implied he agreed with Iida. “Yaoyorozu, you’re excused for the remainder of the day.  Help Kaori get situated in her dorm, in her uniform, the works. You’re all dismissed.”
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icyhot-writes · 5 years
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icyhot-writes · 5 years
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Used a heck ton of apps and sites to make different versions of Kaori ♥
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icyhot-writes · 5 years
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Original Character For: Two Worlds Apart - Sailor Moon X BNHA Crossover
Name: Kamiko Kaori.
Alias: Sailor Star Galaxy
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icyhot-writes · 5 years
Did I just create a new blog so I can start posting fan fics,imagines, and one shots again? Why yes, yes I did. Thank you @lavander-cherry after I stalked their page for 3+ hours today and making me want to do this again!! They’re a great writer guys y’all should follow them. But yes! By the end of the weekend @halfxhalfwrites will be up with its first fic posted !! So yeah go follow it for spam posts of mha. And possibly ,definitely, other anime things as well!! 💕
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icyhot-writes · 5 years
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