hwei-theories · 22 days
Art's Silent Language (Lukai Hwei x GN!Reader)
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Warnings: violence, blood
Chapter 3: Moonlight on Bloodstained Glass
(part 1 here)
(part 2 here)
Summary: You worry about Hwei's growing bond with Jhin. As you help the suffering villagers, Jhin discovers your secret and offers a deal. Refusing to compromise, you confront Hwei at an exhibition, where he passionately reassures his love for you.
You sigh as you wait at the temple gates for Hwei to return from another afternoon with Jhin. Ever since this artist had arrived at the Koyehn Temple a few weeks ago, Hwei spends nearly all his time following Jhin around like a lovesick puppy, enthralled by the man's charisma and talent.
You can't deny that Jhin is an incredibly gifted artist, but there is an air of danger about him that sets your nerves on edge. You worry about the influence Jhin is having on Hwei.
While Hwei's passion and skill for his craft have deepened under Jhin's influence, so too have his moods darkened. Gone is the shy, gentle boy you had known for years. This new Hwei is unpredictable, his temper flaring at the slightest provocation. Though he remains kind to you, you see how harshly he now critiques the other students' work.
Your gaze unconsciously ascends, and you behold a panoramic view of billowing clouds gracefully waltzing across the heavens. Amidst their ethereal expanse, tiny silhouettes of birds soar and dart, a synchronized flock effortlessly harnessing the currents. A bittersweet longing fills your being as you pause, captivated by their exquisite, unhurried movements.
Your concern grows as Hwei and Jhin come into view, walking close with their heads bent together in quiet conversation. A cold smile briefly graces Jhin's lips as his gaze flickers in your direction, and you have to suppress a shiver. You care deeply for Hwei and fear what might happen to him under this man's guidance. If only you could make Hwei see the danger before it is too late.
The bag on your shoulder feels heavy as you adjust its strap, filled with food and medicine for the village. Dark clouds gather in the sky as a gust of wind blows past, ruffling your robes. You glance up just as Hwei and Jhin emerge, engrossed in quiet conversation.
Hwei smiles briefly in greeting as his eyes meet yours, but quickly shifts his focus back to Jhin, hanging on the man's every word. You repress a frown. Ever since Jhin's arrival, Hwei scarcely has time for anything else.
They pass by without pausing, Jhin's cold smile sending an unwanted shudder through you. You watch them go, hoping Hwei will finally see the darkness lurking beneath Jhin's charming veneer. But for now, he remains blinded – his vision clouded.
You turn away from the temple, heading towards the town. The Temple Masters would disapprove if they knew you were using stored supplies to aid the village's sick and starving. But you cannot stand by while people suffer, not when you have the means and skills to help. Their well-being is worth more than any rules. A storm is coming, in more ways than one. All you can do is brace for the winds of change.
As you make your way towards the direction of the village, Jhin's voice suddenly calls out behind you. "Pray tell, where do you hasten with such urgency?"
You turn to see him peering intently at you, Hwei hovering at his side as always. Forcing a smile, you reply, "Just to the village to pick up a few things. I'll try to make it back for the exhibition."
Jhin's cold smile grows. "Do hurry along then. We wouldn't want you to miss Hwei's unveiling of his latest works. I'm ever so curious what insights you might share."
His piercing gaze makes your skin crawl, and you get the unsettling feeling he sees far more than you wish. Giving a hasty nod, you turn and continue into the forest, shoulders tensing under the weight of his stare. Only when the temple disappears from view do you dare to glance back, seeing with relief that Jhin has already gone. But his shadow seems to linger still, and you can't help but wonder what darker intents lie behind his interest. Picking up your pace, you focus on the village ahead and the people waiting for your aid, finding solace in lost souls far simpler than the games of those at the temple.
As you finally step into the village, a sense of tranquility washes over you. The mill town, nestled harmoniously alongside a meandering river, unveils its picturesque charm. The flowing waters of the river provide a lifeline of vitality for the village, powering the gristmills and sawmills that line its banks. The rhythmic hum of machinery fills the air, a testament to the industrious nature of the community.
Flour and lumber, products of the mills, are exported to distant lands, acting as golden threads that weave fortune into the fabric of the town. The buildings, constructed with sturdy timber and worn brick, stand proudly as testaments to the village's history and wealth.
At the heart of the community lies a central square, bustling with life and activity. On certain days of the week, the square transforms into a vibrant marketplace. Open-air stalls, adorned with colorful awnings, are filled with an assortment of goods. The townsfolk gather here, their faces animated with conversation and laughter as they socialize and trade wares. The air is filled with the enticing aromas of freshly baked bread, exotic spices, and fragrant flowers.
Amidst the joviality of the market, wandering bards and artists add an enchanting touch. Street performances captivate the crowd, their melodies intertwining with the laughter and chatter. The village square becomes a stage, where tales are spun, brushes stroke canvases, and dreams take flight in the minds of both young and old.
As you cast your gaze uphill, a charming waterfall comes into view, cascading gracefully down from a weathered cliff. Its crystal-clear waters reflect the sunlight, creating shimmering patterns that dance on the rocky surface below. The soothing sound of the waterfall serves as a melodic backdrop, harmonizing with the vibrant ambiance of the village.
Beyond the enchanting waterfall, a tiny harbor comes into view. Fishing boats and sailboats bob gently on the water's surface, coming and going with the ebb and flow of the tide. The harbor serves as a gateway to the vast expanse of the sea, connecting the village to distant shores and adventures yet to be discovered.
You enter the small room off the town's apothecary, trying to be as quiet as possible so as not to disturb the ill woman lying in the bed. The smell of sickness hangs in the air, a mixture of sweat and something unpleasant you can't quite place. Breathing through your mouth, you move to the bedside and place the small tray of food and water down on the rickety bedside table, taking care not to spill.
The woman's eyes flutter open weakly at the noise and she gazes up at you, her face pale and brow damp with sweat. She licks cracked lips slowly, as if even that small action takes great effort. "Thank you, but I fear this is the end for me," she whispers hoarsely. "Death comes for us all eventually."
You nod solemnly, understanding the resignation in her tone but unwilling to give in to despair just yet. Reaching for a cup, you hold it to her lips and encourage her to sip slowly. "This may be so," you respond gently once she's finished, "but as long as breath remains, there is still life to be found. We must seize each moment and find what joy we can, however fleeting, instead of dwelling in darkness."
A small spark of something - hope, or maybe just weary humor - glimmers weakly in her eyes. "Ever the optimist," she sighs, but the faintest trace of a smile tugs at her chapped lips. Outside, life in the village continues as normal, oblivious to the fragility of our mortality. For now, in this small space, you aim to keep death at bay awhile longer.
You take a moment to study your surroundings more closely. The single room is sparse, containing only the narrow bed, rickety table, and a single wooden chair. Yellowed plaster peels from the walls, revealing crumbling stone underneath. Dust motes swirl visibly in the rays of sunlight filtering through the lone window, one pane cracked and letting in the chill breeze.
Reaching into your worn leather bag, you withdraw a small loaf of bread and place it carefully on the table. As you do, something outside catches your eye. You cross to the window to find a small sparrow lying motionless on the narrow stone sill, eyes glassy and wings folded. It must have flown into the cracked pane in its frenzied flight, you think sadly. Nature's inevitable cycle on brutal display.
Carefully scooping up the tiny corpse, you turn to toss it out into the wild grass below. But pausing, you look back to the ill woman in the bed, taking in her labored breathing and pallid features. "Even the lowliest creatures fight until their last," you murmur, more to yourself than her. Reinvigorated, you shut the window firmly, blocking out the signs of life and death beyond, and turn back to your patient with a smile. "Now, let us see if we can coax you to eat a bit."
You exit the small dwelling and turn right as planned, pulling your worn cloak tighter against the chill. But barely three steps along, a voice sounds from behind, stopping you in your tracks.
"Interesting. I don't think the Temple would approve of your behavior."
Spinning, you find Jhin leaning against the wall, eyes glinting with something you can't quite read - mischief, malice, you know not. Your heart pounds, fear and worry flooding you at the threat of exposure. But you steel your nerves and reply firmly, "I am simply trying to offer comfort where the Temple has not. Now if you'll excuse me-"
Jhin holds up a hand, silencing you. "No need for threats, I wish no harm. Consider this... a favor, between artists. I won't tell of your little secret, if you would accompany me to the exhibition at the Temple. Purely for artistic enjoyment, of course."
You hesitate, memories of Jhin's... eccentricities giving you pause. "I'm afraid I must decline your offer, Jhin. I've duties that cannot wait," you say firmly, holding his stare though every instinct screams to flee.
You don't wait for more, whirling and darting down the road at a run. Glancing back, you see Jhin still watching from the wall, an unsettling sentinel against the gray stone. Pushing your legs to move faster, you pray the distance between you grows swiftly.
You arrive at the Temple's grand arched entrance, already buzzing with crowds filtering in for the exhibition. Taking a bracing breath, you slip within, instantly overwhelmed by the throngs admiring artwork hung salon-style along every hall.
Squinting through the masses, you finally spot a familiar head of wispy teal hair and make your way over. "Hwei!" you call, tapping his shoulder.
He turns with a grin and looks at the man beside him - Jhin, as poised as ever. "Ah, hello. Jhin was just complimenting my newest piece," Hwei explains. Hwei's gaze, as ever, holds multitudes - wonder and passion intermingled.
You nod coolly to Jhin, then turn your attention to the painting itself. His style is unmistakable in the swirling sand dunes and blazing sun depicted, awash in vibrant hues of gold and orange. And yet, peering closer, you discern notes of shadow amongst the light. Figures seem to lurk just beneath the surface of the dunes, half-seen in the gleaming beams.
"It's certainly beautiful," you observe carefully. Hwei smiles. Jhin merely watches, ever inscrutable. A tense moment passes before the crowd surges anew, pulling your attention reluctantly away. But try as you might, an uneasy darkness seems to have taken root in your mind, spurred by shadows both literal and figurative.
Gently but firmly, you grasp Hwei's wrist amidst the swirling crowd and lead him away, towards an empty alcove offering refuge from prying eyes. As he turns to you with questioning eyes, you cannot hold back your concern any longer.
"Hwei, I worry for you. I have seen how you wander always at Jhin's heels, as if bound by his machinations. But have you considered what depths his interest may hide? I fear what machinations grow in that twisted mind of his." 
You duck your head, unable to meet those shifting eyes. "Forgive me, it is not my place to question your choices. Only...I do not wish to see you come to harm. You burn so brightly, my love - it would break me to see that light extinguished."
A soft sigh, then fingers at your chin tilt your face upward once more. Hwei smiles, a melancholy smile. "My love, you have nothing to fear. Jhin intrigues me, as do all souls bearing such exquisite complexity. But none could ever hold my devotion as you do."
His cool palm finds yours, twining your fingers fast. "My art may wander myriad paths, but here alone liesanchors - here in your steadfast heart there dwells no shadow of doubt could sever me. You, and you alone, are home." Lips brush your forehead, light as a breath of wind. "Now, come - let us find brighter themes to dwell upon this night."
As Hwei leans in, you meet his kiss with longing, all doubts melting away in the warmth of his touch. His hands cup your face with tender care as his lips move against yours, chasing away the shadows of the night. When he draws back to check for consent, you follow hungrily, grabbing his robes to pull him close once more.
This time the kiss deepens as you tease open his mouth, tasting the passion long kept at bay. One hand wraps around his waist while the other tangling in silken locks, grazing his scalp. You push him back against the wall for support as tongues glide in exploration. Lost in fevered sensation, you pay no heed to surroundings - there is only Hwei, his exhilarating nearness chasing all coherent thought away.
Reluctantly you break apart to regain your breath, eyes drifting shut as waves of rapture still course through your limbs. A soft gasp makes you reopen them to find Hwei staring back, lips kiss-swollen and eyes awash in vivid color - reds and pinks swirling like dawn breaking over stormy seas. His hands shake where they rest upon flushed cheeks, awed by the depths unveiled between you in that singular moment of surrender.
Your favorite color is truly whatever color Hwei's eyes are.
Words seem inadequate to convey all that hangs unspoken in the charged air. Instead you wind your fingers with his, guiding him gently from the alcove.
Hand in hand, you return with Hwei to the dwindling art exhibition. The candles have burned low, casting flickering shadows through near-empty halls. Most guests have departed for the night, leaving you almost alone amidst a sea of silent canvases.
Hwei leads you unerringly back to his own painting, glowing at the far end of the long gallery like a beacon. Up close, you notice new layers emerging in the hues - pinks like flushed lips, reds like throbbing hearts, all tangled within the dunes and light. His art seems to capture the maelstrom storming within, giving form to private joy too immense for mere likeness.
Slipping an arm around his waist, you lean your head against his shoulder and match your breathing to the slow rise and fall. Here is sanctuary, where passion translated holds no judgment, only revelation. One question lingers on your lips, soft as a brushstroke - what depths remain to unveil, through nights and nights of intimacy's unveiling?
But for now, solace dwells in stillness - in the adoring artist beside you, in his works that mirror your entwined souls. Together you gaze, absorbing serenity through every pore, as darkness gently gathers its easel and brushes and lets quietude's canvas spread unimpeded.
This is enough.
You stand in the temple library late at night, gently watering the plants that line the tall windows, lost in the calming rhythm of the work. Your thoughts wander back to Hwei and you blush. Outside, a warm summer rain falls, droplets racing down the glass in rivulets. The air is heavy with the rich aroma of leather and paper, centuries of knowledge soaked into the walls.
As you water the trailing ivy, a subtle change comes over you - the small hairs on your arms stand on end, and your breathing quickens almost imperceptibly. Though no sound disturbed the stillness, you feel eyes upon your back in the dark. You slowly lift your chin and catch a glimpse of the reflection in the rain-soaked window - a pale, ghostly figure watches you from the shadows.
A low, mellifluous voice echoes through the library then, the words gentle yet carrying an edge like a well-honed blade. "Do not turn around." You recognize that silky tone. Jhin. Against your will, your hands clench on the watering can, nails biting into your palms.
Jhin steps closer, boots whispering against the carpet, until you feel his warm breath stir the hair by your ear.
With a slow and deliberate movement, Jhin extends his hand, his touch feather-light as he caresses your neck. His voice is a mere whisper against your skin, sending shivers down your spine. "Ah, how exquisite it would be to make a diamond out of you," he murmurs, his words both haunting and captivating. "It was impolite of you to refuse my company this eve.”
His touch is like the brush of a soft breeze, but it's also firm and commanding. With his finger, he slowly traces the line of your neck upward, until his hand rests on your chin. As he turns you around to face him, the intensity of his gaze locks your eyes with his. Time seems to stand still. "You see, my dear, one can create diamonds from the ashes of the departed. How beautiful it would be to immortalize you in such a way."
His eyes are filled with fascination. Every detail of your face, from the curve of your cheek to the shape of your lips, is being analyzed and studied. You can feel his breath on your face, hot and heavy, like the air around a raging fire.
A chill runs down your spine as you realize the danger, you're in, but you're helpless to escape it. His grip on your chin is tight and unmoving, and you feel like you're trapped in a web of his making. You can only stare up at him, unable to speak or move, as he continues to evaluate you with those eyes.
You feel the cold glass behind you as he presses you against it.
"Imagine, a diamond forged from your essence, capturing your beauty for eternity," Jhin whispers, his words painting a haunting picture in your mind.
As your gaze momentarily flickers towards the exit, behind him, Jhin swiftly notices the movement. With a forceful grip, he turns your head back towards him, his eyes piercing into yours.
Desperation tinged with fear fills your voice as you plead with him, "Please, Jhin, let me go. I beg of you." Your words tremble with an underlying hope that he might release you from his clutches, that he might see reason beyond his twisted vision of art.
"Oh, my dear, you misunderstand. You are not meant to simply be set free. You are destined to become a masterpiece, a creation that will transcend time itself," he declares, his words carrying an air of absolute conviction.
With a calculating gaze, Jhin leans in closer, his voice a low, hypnotic whisper. "You will be adorned as a jewelry necklace, forever cherished and immortalized."
"Do you not wish to be forever with Hwei? As a jewelry accessory, you shall forever remain intertwined, your love immortalized in this exquisite creation." The mention of Hwei, the one you hold dear, sends a pang of both longing and terror through your heart.
Horror and disbelief washes over you, grappling with the twisted logic that Jhin presents. The thought of being forever confined as a mere ornament, your existence reduced to a lifeless gem, sends a wave of panic coursing through your veins. But deep down, a flicker of hope remains, that perhaps there is a way to escape this fate, to break free from the clutches of this deranged artist.
As you desperately attempt to flee, Jhin moves with swift precision, his hand snatching your wrist and pulling you close to him. Even as you struggle to break free, his grip holds fast. “This isn’t the curtain call. You won't be leaving just yet. I'm far from finished with you. And you’re going to watch the show… or I’ll make you the finale, now.”
Despite your sheer terror, you struggle with all your might to escape, but it's to no avail. His free hand reaches for a smaller gun, and with a swift motion, he strikes you in the head with the butt of it, sending a blinding shot of pain through your skull. You crumple to the ground, your head oozing with blood, and you feel his hand slip over your mouth, effectively muffling your screams for help.
With one hand, he strangles you, cutting off the blood flow to your brain.
As the world begins to fade to black, you hear his voice in a low whisper, close to your ear, "You are quite the fighter, aren't you, darling?" You can barely make out the words as they seem to echo in your ears, and you feel yourself slipping away, your consciousness slipping from you. His voice is the last thing you hear.
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hwei-theories · 1 month
Oh god, yes! I love that!
Both characters have been through a lot of pain and trauma and could therefore both relate to each other. Jinx's purple eyes symbolize, among other things, the torture she had to endure, just as Hwei's purple eyes symbolize his torture - I never noticed that connection!
I find it interesting that League of Legends uses the same color symbolism!Also interesting: Purple (pink) often stands for torment or crowd control abilities in the League of Legends lore. For example, Morgan's Q is also purple and roots the enemy (Just like Hwei's purple abilities root the enemy). I also find the description of Morgana's Q interesting: "Morgana binds an enemy in place with dark magic, forcing them to feel the pain they've caused and dealing magic damage." Sounds familiar, doesn't it? Hwei wants others to experience "the emotions they deserve."
Hwei's eyes turn pink when he feels tormented. He looks in Jinx's hot pink vibrant eyes and asks: "What are you going through?" And she says: "Everything."
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hwei-theories · 2 months
I would say he can do both.
Hwei possesses a unique power to manipulate both the physical realm and the subjective perceptions of others through his artwork. His paintings are not merely representational - they have the ability to manifest real, tangible forms and directly influence the mental states of onlookers.
This dual nature of Hwei's power is evident from the descriptions provided. On one hand, quotes indicate his works can "control the thoughts and emotions of those around him", suggesting an ability to shape how events and imagery are interpreted subjectively. However, it is also made clear that his creative expressions can "manifest in colorful washes of pigment and imagery", implying a capacity to conjure real, physical manifestations.
This is demonstrated in specific instances from the lore. When painting water lilies to comfort a grieving woman, Hwei is said to have both "shaped them" and had "the gulfweed pry them apart", indicating the flowers took on real, physical form that could interact with their environment.
For example, a line from Hwei's short story: "I listened. I gathered color from my palette and matched the sweeps of her oars, creating lilies and life anew—carps in the plums and oranges of sunset. I inspired her to recall kind memories from beneath layers of pain. Everything that burdened her became my burden." Hwei painted real flowers, but his art can affect people's emotions at the same time.
So in summary, Hwei seems to wield a dual-faceted power of both illusion and manifestation. He has the ability to manipulate how people perceive and experience reality through subtle influences on their mindset. But he can also impart real, tangible qualities to the subjects and settings depicted in his artwork, essentially blending imagination with actual physical changes in the world. This allows him to soothe with comforting illusions of nature or unleash destructive imagery with real-world consequences. His paintings straddle the line between representation and incarnation.
╰┈➤ What exactly do Hwei's paintings look like?
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I made a post about how Hwei's paintings are similar to impressionism and surrealism (here). But what do Hwei's paintings look like exactly?
Hwei's paintings are a reflection of his unique artistic vision and his ability to manifest his imaginative ideas in a dynamic and magical way. They are not mere two-dimensional representations, but rather three-dimensional images that come to life, blurring the line between reality and art.
The visions that fill Hwei's head are translated onto the canvas with vivid colors and intricate details. His paintings often depict ethereal and fantastical landscapes, showcasing a blend of natural elements and surrealistic imagery. For instance, he may paint scenes of lush forests with vibrant flowers, majestic mountains with swirling clouds, or serene lakes reflecting a multitude of colors.
We know that Hwei has already drawn a landscape through his lore. He painted the Sea of ​​Koyehn for the temple masters.
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Hwei's mastery of artistic magic allows him to control the thoughts and emotions of those who witness his art. As a result, his paintings evoke strong emotional responses in viewers, drawing them into the world he has created. The emotions conveyed in his art range from joy and wonder to melancholy and introspection.
In terms of style, Hwei's paintings exhibit a unique blend of impressionism and surrealism (click here for more). The use of vibrant colors and brushstrokes that capture the essence of a fleeting moment or emotion is reminiscent of impressionist techniques. At the same time, Hwei seamlessly combines elements of reality and imagination, blurring the boundaries between the two, which is characteristic of surrealism.
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Hwei's artworks often feature symbolism and visual metaphors that invite viewers to interpret and contemplate their deeper meanings. He may incorporate recurring motifs such as cracked earth, songbirds in golden cages, or all-seeing eyes (click here for more) straining full of veins. These symbols represent Hwei's exploration of his own inner darkness, his quest for understanding, and his desire to shed light on life's intrinsic elements through art. (From Hwei's short story: I stand in a glade and imagine it drowning in sights unreal. Grass melts. Rocks swirl into twisted faces. Leaves turn to liquid and drip down branches, bleeding into pools.)
Hwei also paints lively elements like flowers. For example, in his short story, Hwei painted water lilies for a woman to comfort her.
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Here we see a specific example of what Hwei's paintings look like.
Here is an analysis of this video: ╰┈➤Hwei Cinematic - Surging Beauty - League of Legends - Analysis
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hwei-theories · 2 months
╰┈➤ What exactly do Hwei's paintings look like?
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I made a post about how Hwei's paintings are similar to impressionism and surrealism (here). But what do Hwei's paintings look like exactly?
Hwei's paintings are a reflection of his unique artistic vision and his ability to manifest his imaginative ideas in a dynamic and magical way. They are not mere two-dimensional representations, but rather three-dimensional images that come to life, blurring the line between reality and art.
The visions that fill Hwei's head are translated onto the canvas with vivid colors and intricate details. His paintings often depict ethereal and fantastical landscapes, showcasing a blend of natural elements and surrealistic imagery. For instance, he may paint scenes of lush forests with vibrant flowers, majestic mountains with swirling clouds, or serene lakes reflecting a multitude of colors.
We know that Hwei has already drawn a landscape through his lore. He painted the Sea of ​​Koyehn for the temple masters.
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Hwei's mastery of artistic magic allows him to control the thoughts and emotions of those who witness his art. As a result, his paintings evoke strong emotional responses in viewers, drawing them into the world he has created. The emotions conveyed in his art range from joy and wonder to melancholy and introspection.
In terms of style, Hwei's paintings exhibit a unique blend of impressionism and surrealism (click here for more). The use of vibrant colors and brushstrokes that capture the essence of a fleeting moment or emotion is reminiscent of impressionist techniques. At the same time, Hwei seamlessly combines elements of reality and imagination, blurring the boundaries between the two, which is characteristic of surrealism.
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Hwei's artworks often feature symbolism and visual metaphors that invite viewers to interpret and contemplate their deeper meanings. He may incorporate recurring motifs such as cracked earth, songbirds in golden cages, or all-seeing eyes (click here for more) straining full of veins. These symbols represent Hwei's exploration of his own inner darkness, his quest for understanding, and his desire to shed light on life's intrinsic elements through art. (From Hwei's short story: I stand in a glade and imagine it drowning in sights unreal. Grass melts. Rocks swirl into twisted faces. Leaves turn to liquid and drip down branches, bleeding into pools.)
Hwei also paints lively elements like flowers. For example, in his short story, Hwei painted water lilies for a woman to comfort her.
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Here we see a specific example of what Hwei's paintings look like.
Here is an analysis of this video: ╰┈➤Hwei Cinematic - Surging Beauty - League of Legends - Analysis
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hwei-theories · 2 months
╰┈➤Hwei's living paintings and connection to us (player)
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Hwei's abilities are given the name "subjects." He says in the champion selection: "A painter meets their subject eye to eye."
Described as dynamic and living images, Hwei's abilities go beyond static representations. They possess a vitality that can influence and affect anyone who comes into contact with them. It is through these abilities that Hwei brings his artistic visions to life, capturing the essence of various subjects and translating them into powerful manifestations.
Moreover, when Hwei addresses the player as "subject" during the champion selection, it signifies his perception of the world and its inhabitants as potential subjects for his art. By referring to the player as a subject, Hwei acknowledges their role as a participant in his artistic vision. He recognizes that humans, just like his living artworks, possess their own unique qualities and experiences that can be translated into artistic expressions.
This perspective suggests that Hwei sees the player not only as a participant but also as a living artwork themselves. By involving the player in his artistic process, Hwei invites them to appreciate and engage with his dynamic paintings on a personal level. It creates an immersive experience where the player becomes an integral part of Hwei's creative expression, allowing them to connect with the emotions and themes conveyed through his abilities.
In essence, the use of the term "subject" for Hwei's abilities and his interaction with the player reinforces his artistic nature and his perception of the world as a canvas for his creative expression. Hwei views his abilities and the player as living artworks, blurring the boundaries between art and reality within the context of the game. It symbolizes the profound connection between the artistic realm and the lived experiences of individuals, infusing the gameplay with a deeper sense of artistic immersion.
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hwei-theories · 2 months
╰┈➤Is Hwei a more jealous or possessive partner?
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I saw your question as an opportunity to write a longer post. I think there's a lot that can be written about your question!
Hwei possesses a profound depth of emotion that permeates every aspect of his being. His artistic nature allows him to channel his intense feelings into his craft, creating vivid and captivating works that reflect his innermost thoughts and desires. This inherent passion and expressiveness, while captivating, may also give rise to possessive tendencies when it comes to matters of the heart.
Growing up in a lonely childhood, Hwei experienced a sense of isolation that left an indelible mark on his psyche. Painting became his solace, a means to bridge the gap between his inner world and the external reality that seemed distant and unattainable. This solitude left him yearning for emotional connection, craving companionship and a sense of belonging. Therefore, when Hwei finally forms a deep emotional bond with someone, his past loneliness and longing may manifest as possessiveness.
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Hwei's expressive nature extends beyond the realm of art. When he loves, he loves with an intensity that knows no bounds. His emotions cascade like vibrant brushstrokes across a canvas, painting a portrait of devotion and fervor. This level of emotional investment, combined with his past experiences of isolation, can give rise to jealousy. The fear of losing that which he holds dear, the person who has become his emotional anchor, may ignite a possessive streak within him.
It is important to note that Hwei's possessiveness stems from a place of deep-seated passion rather than a desire for control. His yearning for emotional connection and fear of abandonment intertwine, creating a complex web of emotions within him. While Hwei's possessiveness may be a manifestation of his past loneliness, it is not necessarily a negative trait. It is simply a testament to the depth of his love and the intensity with which he experiences emotions.
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In the realm of relationships, Hwei's expressive nature shines through. He wears his heart on his sleeve, openly and unabashedly expressing his love and affection. Hwei's capacity to express love with such fervor and depth is both a gift and a challenge, as it requires his partner to embrace and reciprocate his intensity.
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Alternatively, one could argue that Hwei's experiences with loss and betrayal might make him more prone to feelings of jealousy. Having gone through significant emotional turmoil, Hwei may struggle with trust and feel a constant need to protect what he perceives as his own. This could manifest as jealousy, as he may fear losing his partner or being replaced by someone else.
Okay i think the universe is telling me
✨️Yandere Hwei ✨️
So probably going to be working on the big HC 'fic'
Is a set of head canons a fic ?
Also do you guys think Hwei is more Jelous
Or more
Because omg he's so deep and nuanced that I am scared of making him out of character and oc-ifying him...
I feel like hes more possessive but can definitely get jealous if others get to close to his muse~
He'll just have to paint pretty little marks all over you to show the world who you belong to and be rid of the nuisance trying to pry into his relationship ♡
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hwei-theories · 2 months
I absolutely adore this fanfic! The writing is so tender and intimate. I can really feel the love and care between Hwei and the reader. It is beautiful to see Hwei slowly opening up and becoming vulnerable with his muse. You do a wonderful job of capturing sweet moments of passion, while also showing Hwei struggling with past hurts and learning to trust again. All the little details - from the hair pulling to the body worship to the multiple orgasms - add such richness. But what really stands out is how you handle the emotions. You can sense the angst Hwei has overcome, and the way he cherishes his love in the end is just breathtaking. It is so satisfying to see Hwei rewarded with serenity in vulnerability. Kudos to you for such a moving piece!
°💧Serenity in vulnerability💧°
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♡First time making love with Hwei, With GN AFAB Power (?) Bottom reader and Soft service Dom Hwei♡
🔞NSFW minors dni 🔞
Tw: Porn with plot!! Angst, Smut, established but newish relationship, Hwei struggling with vulnerability, Hwei having trust issues, flustered Hwei, teasing turned flustered reader, oral reader receiving, marking, hair pulling, creampie, multiple orgasms, implied masturbation, mentions of female anatomy, body worship, unintentional orgasm denial, breeding kink if you squint, mentions of female aligned clothing, crying (happy tears!) , Aftercare
Pet names for reader used: my muse, angel, my love,
You had been invited into Hwei's home studio so he may once again paint his most precious muse but there's a hot pink glint in the eyes of the visionary and a tension in the air that's thick like warm honey.
It always filled you with butterflies and made you feel like royalty whenever your boyfriend wanted you to be the sole subject of his art piece. Always putting his skills on full display to portray you in the most beautiful way he can, taking tender care to bring the beauty that you didn't see within yourself to light. Though there was a lingering feeling in the air the past few times he's brought you here
Recently he has suggested you to be put in more revealing outfits, and comprised positions. And if you would comply with his request, those said sessions you'd be left on the pedestal alone for prolonged periods of time while he disappeared in search of certain supplies. Only to return with various small jars of paint of pastel hues in hand and a flushed face
"May I ask you something my muse..?"
Hwei questioned as the both of you walked through his home, trying to hide the apprehension that laced his usual melancholic tone. He lightly coughed into his sleeve as the two of you entered his studio, the golden light of the late afternoon sun pouring in from the windows.
The nervousness was so evident in his voice and his eyes swirling with an unusual magenta hue. It caused curiosity and a pinch of excitement to stir in you bringing you to a brief pause before you answered
"Hmm? What is it?"
He hesitated before he replied, his gaze casting to the doorknob of his creative abode, he awkwardly stepped aside as he turned the knob. He let you through the door before him while he gently placed a hand upon your upper back, then followed in closely behind you. you could almost feel the hot air of his heavy sigh fan across the nape of your neck
"I was wondering.. and you have every right to reject! but.. y/n could I ask to see you nude and to paint a portrait of you bare ..? You're just so beautiful and I can't stop thinking about it"
His request has already made you feel stripped nude, your face goes hot, as you wrap your arms over your still-clothed body as a means to calm yourself as you feel your heart skip a beat. Your words caused him to stammer, his once composed, dreary demeanor now turned to that of a deer in headlights.
He looks at you with rosey eyes pleading, begging for your acceptance as he locks the door behind him. Your face flushes as his words freeze you in place, so you reiterate with a question of your own, needing to confirm what he really meant despite it being painfully obvious
"Hwei you.. you want to paint a portrait of me naked?"
Hwei's eyes started to swirl with cautionary yellow hues flickering with a firey red as panic started to settle in. He can clearly see how you're uncomfortable, his breath is caught in his throat, he puts a hand over his mouth as his eyes dart around the large open studio, while he slowly nods.
He knows he's probably stepped over a boundary but yet, he's long yearned to see you in your most natural form. Your truest self laid before him so that he may hopefully indulge in it. To worship you like the divine being he sees you as, so he had to jump on the opportunity when it presented itself
While yes it was a major step to be stripped bare for his eyes to see, to fully let down your guard and let yourself be on full display for him. It was the way he always was so gentle and mellow with his requests that touched your soul, putting your comfort first and foremost before fulfilling any of his desires that made your heart swell thus allowing your nervousness to dissipate
Seeing your lover so flustered wasn't an unwelcome sight either, confirming to you that he cared and loved you so deeply. He looked rather adorable as he so politely pleaded for your acceptance, you could see how red the visionary was becoming. How his eyes would dart around the room, one moment, then the next scan your body up and down as he so desperately searched for your answer.
Hwei was growing more anxious by the second, the wait felt unbearable, his heart pounding in his chest, as his stomach began to do flips. So he threw his hands up and waved them in front of his face, the words stammering out of his mouth, to try and relieve the rising tension between the two of you
"I-I'm sorry..! Just forget what I--"
"You may"
You interrupted his flustered babblings by taking his hands in yours, gently stroking the backs of his trembling palms with your thumbs. Your words caused time to stop, his body a blaze as your acceptance processed itself in his mind, still unable to believe that you said yes
"Y/n..? Are you sure..? Are you really sure..?!"
He didn't want to push you but your willingness to be so open and vulnerable took him by surprise and almost frightened him, a feat even he might not be able to overcome in the near hours if the situation leads to it. You nod your head to reaffirm your statement and decide to take advantage of the situation to tease him a bit in his moment of weakness.
"Hwei it's alright, as long as no one else interrupts us~ we could do more than just paint hm?"
Your musings send shivers down the man's spine. The sultry tone of your voice and the way you loosen the first few buttons of your shirt to expose a bit of your skin causes him to practically malfunction. You can see his throat bob up in down as his widened eyes dawn a bright magenta hue. The red color that adorns his face deepens as he watches you with his mouth agape. You make his heart feel like it might just stop as he stumbles to sit at his workspace, unable to take his eyes off of your little show
"Hmm? What's wrong~? Isn't this whatchu wanted?"
You continue to provoke him as he watches from his painter's chair, swiping his dark teal bangs back and away from his face watching you remove your garments at an agonizing pace. More of your supple skin begins to reveal itself, your curves unveiled under the setting sun that seeps through the curtains, casting a luminous golden glow upon you as your clothing pools on the floor beneath you but stop your little strip tease once you are down to just your bra and panties. You give Hwei a look full of mischief laced with lust, you walk over and place his trembling hands over your hips as you almost straddling the man. You hook his slender fingers under the band of your panties and whisper.
"Would you like to do the honors?"
Hwei already couldn't believe his eyes, the word perfect couldn't even begin to describe you. His words were caught in his throat, he felt like an eldritch creature placing its dirty, vile hands upon the purest, most divine angel heaven had so graciously blessed him with, while desperately fighting the immense need he's been holding back.
He didn't feel worthy of indulging in you in such an intimate manner. Words couldn't even begin to describe how beautiful you were in his eyes, and how disgusting he felt about himself in comparison. But how the need for you grows as he casts his borderline obsessive gaze upon you, again feeling the soft plush of your hips and the silky fabric of your underwear beneath his fingertips only driving his desire further
"If you so allow me to my love.."
You could see the turmoil of emotions swirling in him, nervousness and need, hesitancy and desire. Knowing Hwei he probably feels inadequate and untrusting of himself to touch you in such a way but how desperately he wants to devour you in this moment. So you tighten your grip upon his hands whilst you affirm aloud
"It's alright I trust you Hwei..! I know you won't hurt me.."
Your words caused his heart to swell as a slight sense of newfound confidence from your affirmations caused him to straighten up in his seat. He leaned in closer to you then thickly swallowed with a shakey breath escaping his lips still uncertain of himself. He pulled down the delicate fabric, it took everything in his being not to dive into your core right as it revealed itself.
His touch was careful and restrained, Hwei placed his warm hands atop your plush thighs, slowly sliding them up your torso, watching in awe as his fingers sank in slightly into your plush flesh. He leans his face closer to your torso, his lips ghosting over your pristine skin. Allowing himself to indulge in the intimacy, he softly presses his lips upon your body, trailing a path of affectionate kisses up to the valley of your breast as sweet nothings fall from his lips and onto your supple skin
"Oh my love... how you're more perfect than I could've ever imagined... I truly don't deserve someone as divine as you.."
His musings make your heart both simultaneously soar and sink as you feel the warmth of his breath alongside strands of his hair tickling against your skin. His hands gingerly make their way to the claps of your bra, Hwei's hands hesitate for a moment, feeling like the world could end if he messes things up now. He looks up to you, a look as if he's asking once again for your permission.
You nod your head knowing what he's asking for as his hands ghost over the only thing left from exposing yourself entirely to him. It takes him only moments of fiddling with the clasps and your bra sluffs off of your shoulders and onto the floor beneath the two of you.
You could feel Hwei stiffen underneath you, watching him so intently hide his hardening groin from your sight. Shuffling and shifting beneath you, grasping for the ends of his clothes, draping the ends of anything he could grab onto and place over his growing erection, praying you don't notice as arousal of your own begins to swell within you
"Whatever did I do to get so lucky to have an angel lay bare right before my eyes.. y/n you're everything anyone could ever want.."
He continues placing soft, slow kisses up to your collarbone, his hands ghosting over the mound of your breast. You gently place your hand over his, collapsing his trembling palm over the soft flesh screaming to be touched by his hands.
While the tension and the atmosphere was hot as a summers day, the temperature in the visionary's studio was a stark contrast. Goosebumps began to litter your skin, your nipples perking up under Hwei's fingertips while the night air crept in through the windows. You shiver under his touch, as a shakey sigh leaves your lips Hwei's loving immersion is broken as concern settles in noticing your icey state.
He quickly rubs his hands up and down your arms and pulls you in closer, he then removes the crest from his robe and swiftly sets it aside. Hwei then distances himself slightly as he begins to remove the long teal tunic he so often adorns, then wrapping it around your form and pulling you close once again
"Apologies it gets so in here cold during the late hours.."
He pauses his voice becoming low and raspy against the nape of your neck. He whispers against your skin as he wraps his robe around the both of you. Your body pressed up against his, and your breast squished into his exposed chest.
"Besides.. I don't think we're going to be staying in here anyways.. I can't focus when you're acting like that.. c'mon lets go to the room.."
It was your turn to be flustered, your heart pounded as he lifted you from your seat. There was a small string of slick that trailed from a clear puddle that you had left atop his thigh illuminated by the light of the moon as you separated yourself from him. This didn't go unnoticed, you watched in embarrassment as he gave you a look of awe at the mess you had made.
He ensured that your body was fully covered not wanting a soul besides himself to lay eyes upon you in your beautifully bare state. He leads you out of his studio and down the darkened hallway of his home. Your hand was tightly clasped with his, each step you could practically hear the loud thud of your pulse as panic mixed with excitement settled in as you entered his bedroom. Your mind swirled with thoughts of
'Oh god I really did it now, it's happening..!! Or is it?! I don't know I didn't expect him to be so forward?!'
You flinch when you hear Hwei's voice accompanied by the locking of the door. His tone was much more demanding than what you were used to, his hands softly gesturing to the bed whilst he lit the room aglow with candlelight. It was getting unbearable to restrain himself, to take you fully, to paint beautiful marks all over the perfect canvas that was your body turning you into his magnum opus, and to live out the countless scenarios he'd fantasized about.
You do as you're told, with your body feeling as if it's on fire from the heated tension between the both of you. You place yourself at the edge of the mattress, his tunic still draped over your form. You watch Hwei as he bends down to his knees before you. Oh how you look so divine, his muse being wrapped in his clothing as the moonlight is accompanied by soft flickering flames of the candles scattered across the room, highlighting your most pristine features.
He pauses at your feet, akin to a disciple in front of their god, if he was going to make love to you, he was going to ensure that he does it right. He wanted to guarantee you felt safe, loved, and given the purest of exctasy even if he's terrified of giving you even the most gentle of touch. He's mortified of hurting you, he has known the most disastrous of things coming forth of his hands despite the countless times he has brought forth serenity and now he had to prove it not only to you but to himself. To keep himself in control when it was almost impossible to.
From his seated position between your legs, he looks up at you with desperate but darkened eyes. He rests his head against your thigh, wrapping both of his slender arms around your leg giving it a gentle caress as he whispers in a deep tone.
"Y/n.. are you completely sure you trust me..?"
Your heart was racing, you knew what Hwei was about to do and what entailed next if you said yes. You knew he had your best interests at heart, that he loved you deeply. The way he was always so tender with his touches, more than respectful with your boundaries, and he wouldn't be kneeling before you just to check for the nth time if you really were ready for this if he didn't right?
"I do Hwei! I do..and if things do lead to us going there tonight, I'll gladly let it, especially since it's you..!"
You warmly say to him, your words like a vow. You can see his body go still, his eyes reflecting the colors of the ocean hues being pulled by the moonlight coming through the windows as he's deeply moved by the words you spoke. He fights back his tears with a heavy sigh, leaning his head against your thigh, leaving long and deep kisses against your soft skin, his voice raspy and needy as he spoke
"Then.. let me show you just how much that means to me.. just how much you mean to me.."
His voice was full of gratitude and sincerity as Hwei continued to place deep kisses all over your body, his tongue gliding over your supple skin slowly creeping up your body from his seated position kissing even the most sensitive of areas, sending waves of ecstasy through your veins.
You can't help but let a few moans pass your lips as his graze dangerously close to your core as he continues traveling upward, the sounds coming from you only stirring him on. His touch becomes desperate and more possessive, softly pushing your bodies against the mattress placing himself just above you, capturing your hand in his as your fingers intertwined
"And just how much I need you.."
He mutters out right into your ear, his tone thick with sultry as he continues drowning you in lustful affection. He lowers his body, putting more of his weight onto you causing your legs to spread in the process. Hwei welcomes himself in between your thighs, grinding his hardening cock against your folds whilst his mouth latches onto the side of your neck. Your breath hitches as you feel his teeth grazing over your skin, hearing him emit sounds of saccharine satisfaction as he leaves his first mark upon your delicate skin
"Two more.."
He whispers as he makes his way down to the skin just above your heart which beats so loudly for him in this moment. You feel Hwei suck your skin between his teeth, his tongue savoring the addictive taste of you loving the way your heartbeat quickens under his touch. Arousal akin to that of hot lava runs through your veins as he leaves his second mark, fondling your breast in the process. You feel how you're practically dripping between your legs, drenching anything that comes close, feeling how easily even his clothed member slips between your folds, so addictively working that knot within you
"So pretty, your body is the perfect canvas.. just one more okay, let me know if it hurts.."
You nod your head as he moves downwards once more to just under your navel, he yearned to mark the womb he so wished to fill. It was almost painful when he stopped rolling his hips against yours to position himself for his next mark and your neediness didn't go unnoticed. He grabs your hand and brings it down your bundle of nerves that's begging for attention.
"Guide me.. and don't lie to me either because I'll feel it if you fake it..!"
The sharpness in his glowing magenta eyes and the firmness in his voice caused you to hesitate momentarily, but the way your body was almost screaming for Hwei's touch had you moving his hand right atop your sensitive bud. You inhale sharply then let out an elated sigh as you feel his now wet fingertips begin to massage your sweet spot
"Ahh..! R-right there.."
His skilled hands brought you pleasure that you couldn't even imagine bringing to yourself. He continued winding you up tighter at an almost alarming speed due to how long you had been aroused without touch.
"So wet.. so perfect.. don't hold yourself back, if it comes, let it. I want to see you full of bliss by my hands"
He mused as he placed his lips right above your womb space continuing to work circles onto your sweet spot. Wanting to leave his third and final mark, Hwei latches onto your skin, devouring the scent, taste, and feel of his muse wholeheartedly. He craved to feel you hit your peak whilst he painted your body with deep purple blotches. So he then takes his free hand and slowly slips a finger into your heat.
His entry caused you to gasp, you instinctively gripped the sheets while he entered you. You feel him stop momentarily his fingers lay still upon your form as the sound caused his ears to perk up in apprehension with fear and doubt finding its way back in.
"Are you alright my love..? Too much?"
Hwei stopping was agonizing as you were so close to your peak but you couldn't help but swoon at his all too considerate nature. You prop your head up to meet his concerned gaze you can see the fear and self-disdain building by the second within him so you swiftly shake your head and in a last-ditch attempt to soothe his sorrows and obtain the high you both knew you craved. You cup his cheeks in the palms of your hands, throwing your shame out the window, and cry out to him
"I am! Just p-please.. don't stop! If anything I'm not okay because you're holding back.. You're still even fully clothed..! I love you and I know you want this as much as I do..!"
You make Hwei's eyes go wide, surprised that he's genuinely giving you pleasure instead of pain. Your cries strike a deep wounded chord within him a thread that has been woven deep into the fabric of his being for as long as he could remember. Yet another person he has been close to tells him that he's holding back. He fears for the moment when he truly lets it all go, to fully surrender despite the traumatic events of his past. Even more so if losing control means you get hurt and you end up despising him as much he does himself
But there you are, blessing him with your love and trust, allowing yourself to be so vulnerable and raw as you await his loving touch. You always we so accepting of him and his entirety with open arms, showering him the same love he is giving you so it truly was a shame he was keeping himself from enjoying this moment.
"I-I love you too, so so much..! and you're right.. let's change that.."
He says as he thickly swallows with a deep ragged breath escaping his lips. He pulls away from you to swiftly remove the rest of his clothing, trying to push back the tormenting thoughts, horrified by what you will think of his stripped state, keeping his underwear still intact. When he returns to you, placing his skin onto yours, a wave of ecstasy and elation washes through both you as you lay skin on skin.
A soft chuckle passes your lips as you see how Hwei melts his bare slim form into your soft body for a warm embrace.
"See isn't this better~ you had nothing to hide anyway you look amazing.."
You only see Hwei nod, hearing him hum in contentment, pressing his body flush against yours. You soon feel him placing his nimble hands right back where they should be
" It just feels so right.. as if we were meant to be.."
He confesses, resuming to feed you the pleasure your body craved while simultaneously returning to his previous spot to place his final mark. Your moans sound like sweet music to him, only urging him to keep going. He feels your body tightening that knot right under his lips, the way your body is reacting is maddening, and your scent is so intoxicating. He can't stop thinking about how it would feel to be sunk deep inside your silken walls or even how you would taste.
He can't help but let his hips roll into the mattress as he chases your high. You arch your back as your hands find purchase once again on the sheets with a harsh grip. The way he almost perfectly curls his fingers into you with one hand and so skillfully worked quickening circles onto your clit was enough to send you over the edge. Your body shudders, emitting an airy loud cry of his name as you finally reach your peak. Hwei feels a sense of deep satisfaction when you tighten around his fingers, feeling his shaft throb at the sensation, with him practically drooling at the sight of your cute bud pulsing with pleasure.
"So good for me my love.. but I wonder just how you taste"
You see him lick the slick from his fingers, huming in delight at the taste, whilst he smoothes back his bangs through a half-lidded gaze causing your face to heat up more than ever thought possible. Then just seconds later you sense Hwei gives a soft experimental kiss to your sensitive bud, causing your body the writhe at the sensation of his tongue swiping over you.
"Mmh..! H-hwei..! I-- Ahh..!
Your response only continues to encourage him. You feel him venture deeper, wrapping his lips fully around your sweet spot, sucking on the delicate flesh. Stars cloud your vision with ecstasy coursing through your veins. Your hands unconsciously entangling in his hair, you were all too eager to explore this newfound side of him if this is what it means to see Hwei fully let go.
The taste of your sweet nectar covering his tongue was addictive, unable to resist the urge to press his tongue against your heat. incapable of controlling the moans passing his lips and onto yours. The vibrations of his voice sends shockwaves through your already stimulated system. He ruts his hips into the mattress, dying to plunge himself deep into you as the need for his muse hits its boiling point. He pushes back the urge to take you right then and there because he so yearns to taste your release
Your slick runs down his chin as he slips his tongue through your core, placing his fingers and swirling them atop your bud. He savored your delicious taste like the finest gourmet meal and only craved more as he pressed further, as he mused onto your heat.
"Your taste.. so delectable..~"
The feeling Hwei was giving you was so intense, you already were so close, that you almost couldn't handle the sensation that was building within you. With exasperated breathy moans, you feel that dam burst as your walls clenched down on Hwei's tongue, your hands tightening their grip on his hair.
The combination of feeling your fingers pull on his hair with you coming down on his tongue it was almost impossible to hold back hitting a peak of his own but as soon as he felt you crash down onto him, Hwei could feel the ecstasy coursing through your veins and in turn, he couldn't help but release himself. Hearing him let out a deep groan of satisfaction, your name falling from his lips like a prayer.
Hwei slowly wipes your slick off of his face with the back of his hands with a darkened but desperate look in his eyes. He slowly crawled atop your form, with languid movements he pulled down his boxers whilst wiping away the evidence of his premature climax. With glazed eyes he gawks at your body, it was a stunning sight to see you glistening with sweat and slick with his now soiled tunic draped loosely over your frame, it was a moment even more perfect than he could have ever imagined.
"Y/N my muse... you're so perfect.. you don't know how long I've craved for us to be intimate like this.."
Hwei pants out with labored breaths as you feel the visionary shift his weight as he places himself between the warmth of your thighs, his throbbing length dripping in what you think is pre-cum so desperately waiting to be invited into your heat as it glides between your folds.
He catches your hand in his, entangling your fingers as leans in to lock his lips with yours in a slow but heated kiss. As heady as the moment was, there was a sense of serenity to it as your tongues danced with one another, swearing you saw small golden orbs of lights fleeting in your vision the moment the kiss broke, leaving it to be just your mind being full of bliss
Hwei gently cups your cheek, gently stroking his thumb across your delicate skin, leaning in close to rest his forehead against yours. His eyes once again a bright brilliant blue swirling with specks of magnificent magenta as he aligns himself with your entrance. You open yourself completely to him, your form fully relaxed, his prior musings had made you feel more than safe and prepared for this moment, signaling to him you want this just as much as he
"Promise to tell me if it hurts alright?"
Hwei mutters, his breath hot against your skin. His brow knitted in concentration before your bodies combine. He won't move an inch until he knows you feel fully secure. You tighten your grip on his hand, locking eyes with him. You gaze up at him with deep adoration as you let your body sink further into the mattress, accommodating for Hwei's tall frame with your essence coating his length.
"I will, but I know you won't hurt me"
You see his eyes soften, a serine smile adorning his features with Hwei emitting a long and deep sigh. Trying to resist the looming thoughts of how he doesn't deserve to be in this moment or how you may be lying to him, choosing to trust, so he can just simply indulge in the pleasure and love that you're so graciously offering to him.
You both give each other a knowing look as Hwei takes in another deep breath before slowly sinking himself into you. You inhale sharply at his initial entry, feeling his cock stretch you out so perfectly as he inched deeper and deeper until he senses the elation of being fully engulfed by your heat. You feel his tip kiss the deepest parts of you with his bright pink eyes scanning you for signs of pleasure or pain
"You alright..?"
Hwei whispers out through shallow breaths, as he dared not move, his chest strung so tightly awaiting your response. He only allows the tension to dissipate in a long, drawn-out breath once he sees you nod your head and your affirmations to soothe his stressed state.
"Yeah, you're not hurting me Hwei, quite the opposite actually ~"
He then pauses, his face flushed red from your musings, but relieved to hear that you're not in pain. He then relishes in the moment savoring the feeling of you so deliciously warming pulsating length.
"That's good.. but if I may please let me stay like this for a moment, please Y/N..! I've yearned to feel our auras blend.."
Hwei breathed out, leaning down to pull you into a tender embrace, sinking his head into the crook of your neck as he planted soft kisses upon the mark from moments prior. He needed to let the realness of this moment set in, that you were really here, here to stay, and that you were so willingly giving yourself and your love up to him.
You had never felt so loved, so cherished, and so clearly wanted than in this moment, you snake your arms around his slender form that lay hunched over yours with you leaning your head slightly to the side to grant him more access to the sensitive area.
Growing a bit impatient, an idea crosses your mind. A soft sultry chuckle escapes your lips while you languidly wrap your legs around his waist, wanting to see how he would react. Hwei's eyes go wide, his breath hitches with even the slightest of movements sending hot lightning through his veins
"Y-Y/N..! W-what are you-- mmh!!"
You giggle as you watch him stammer through gritted teeth. Your actions took Hwei completely off guard, the sensation of your walls pulling him was irresistible. It was impossible to ignore the instinctual urge to move, to thrust into you like no tomorrow.
"I-I swear you drive me insane..! you feel so good for me..! I need you so badly I--!"
Hwei's hushed words get left behind, biting his lip in a desperate attempt to hold back his needy cries. Unable to help himself from starting to roll his hips against yours, the sensation exponentially better than what his hand could ever provide. The feeling of him perfectly caressing every inch of your interior was irresistible, with the intense pleasure that builds with each of you.
His hands reach down and grip the swell of your hips, in hopes that holding onto you will help him hold on to the last bit of composure that was rapidly slipping through his fingertips. The visionary pulls you in closer to him, his grip gentle, but dripping with need with his long dark hair cascading over you, long since loosened from its normally tied-back state.
The moans you both emit ring through the room like an unholy choir, accompanied by the rhythmic sounds of his hips rutting into you. His fingertips dig deep into your soft flesh, feeling his restraint dissipating every time his cock slipped in and out of you. You feel the ecstasy slowly building with each of Hweis slow sensual movements, only leaving your body to crave
"More..~ Hwei, please..!"
Your desperate cries are like a fire to the tightly strung rope that is Hwei's resolve, causing it to snap. His body shudders, and his erratic breath is hot against your skin, akin to that of an animal in heat. You feel the small gust from how his hands leave your hips and slam themselves into the mattress, locking you between his arms.
Hwei couldn't resist you any longer, the mix of how you were so perfectly fit for him and the sweet melodic sound of your voice begging for more was all too alluring. His hips began to slam into you, his brow beginning to bead with sweat, with his eyes aglow with that same magenta hue from earlier that day, casting an almost obsessive gaze upon your vulnerable form.
You gasp at the rapid change of pace and change in his demeanor, you had never seen Hwei so, determined? No that wasnt it. It was a look of pure possessive obsession. A glint in his eye that made the entirety of your body shiver but not in an unwelcome way. In fact it only excited you as that familiar heat began to pool at the base of your stomach.
His relentless borderline erratic pace only made you mewl and whine out his name while he ignited your senses. Hwei could feel how close he was, the entirety of his body screaming for that release, the only thing he wanted to paint in that moment were the walls so addictively clenching down around him in a brilliant white, your body telling him that your peak was just as close as his.
His eyes swirled with glowing golden hues, Hwei softly cups your cheek with a trembling hand, his skin burning against yours from the heated passion, tilting your head to look straight up at him
It took every ounce of strength to keep in the load threatening to spill. Hwei knew of the consequences of what entailed if he truly lost his grip, surrendering to his instincts and emptying himself into you without conscious thought. You weren't helping him any either, your heat sucking him in, pleading for his essence with your body arching at the precise angle. Making him feel like he was practically dripping, his tip brushing against the deepest parts of you
"Y/N..! My love, I need you to look at me..!"
Hwei mutters out through exacerbated breaths, he needs to burn this moment deep into his memory. You roll your head to lock eyes with him, oh how you look so divine, so full of bliss. You had been left utterly breathless from his touch, and so dangerously close to spilling over.
You can see tears pricking at the corners of his eyes with an expression of pure love and desperation adorning his visage. He slowed his pace whilst steadying his breathing in a feeble attempt to try and compose himself.
" 'm so.. so close..y/n..! Where do you want it..?!"
He choked out, once again pleading for an answer. Your body freezes, momentarily contemplating the situation at hand. You take this to be a moment where you can truly show Hwei how much you love and trust him wholly. You once again wrap your legs around his waist, locking him in tightly against you, grinding your hips against his as you chase the high your bodies both crave mewling out the answer that was clear as day.
" In.. please..! I'm so close too, please I want to feel you release deep inside of me!"
Your words shook him to his core. His heart, mind, and body so overwhelmed by the pure faith and devotion you so easily gave to him that he couldn't help but let a few tears slip. But the why you whined out in congruence with the way you perfectly rolled your hips against his to milk him for every last drop, made his body writhe in ecstasy. Hwei wrapped his arms fully around you, pulling you in close, more than willing to fulfill your wish.
"F-fuck..! I love you..!! So much Y/N..! I'm gonna--!!"
"Me too Hwei Ahh..~!"
Hwei's voice is strained and muffled against your skin. Your vision goes a blinding white as the tidal wave crashes then drowns the both of you in heated extasy. You can't help but cling onto him, crying out his name in turn as you ride out your high, feeling him begin to pump you full of his hot white seed.
Your bodies are both left trembling from the intense satisfaction, letting yourselves pause to indulge in the afterglow. It takes a moment before Hwei finally pulls away from you, letting your mixed essence flow onto his tunic that still lies beneath you and gently laying you back onto the mattress, a cerulean-hued gaze tenderly casting its view onto you with your e/c staring lovingly back.
"See, I know you're not the monster you think you are Hwei, you're so vastly the opposite.."
Reaching up to caress the soft skin of his cheek, pushing away the stray hairs from his face. Hwei leans his head into your palm, nuzzling into its warmth, as he places his hand over yours. Never had he felt so seen, so accepted, and so truly loved than in this moment. He finds it impossible to fight back a few stray tears that fall onto your fingertips, with you gently swiping them away.
"Your words never fail to not only make my heart race but to also put it at ease.."
His raspy voice whispers out to you, the both of you are completely spent, but Hwei knows he can't just leave you like this. He leans in once again, this time to litter kisses all over your glistening skin gently shifting your body to remove his robe from you, taking the time to meticulously wipe you clean with the silken fabric, using whatever is left for himself and tossing it aside, extinguishing the candles in the process. Hwei put a finger to your lips before you could refute a thing
"I'll wash it later don't worry my muse.. but for now, please embrace me while we rest, I'm not ready to be apart from you."
You so willingly fit your form against his, laying your head atop his chest, his body still exceedingly warm from the moments prior but it exudes nothing but comfort. A content sigh leaves his lips whilst he pulls you closer ensuring you're glued to him. Hwei then reaches for the plush blanket draping it over the both of you.
He finds himself slowly stroking the top of your head, with the only thought crossing his mind before the lull of sleep takes over you both being, that there truly can be serenity in vulnerability
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hwei-theories · 2 months
╰┈➤Jhin and Hwei's Secret Quest - Analysis
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The secret quest in League of Legends involving Hwei and Jhin killing each other, called "Golden Ratio," adds an interesting dynamic to their interactions.
The Golden Ratio has been recognized and utilized in various fields, including art, architecture, and design, due to its perceived visual appeal and balance. It is believed to create a sense of harmony and proportion that is pleasing to the observer.
Perfection and ideal proportions are frequently attributed to the Golden Ratio. By naming the quest "Golden Ratio," it could suggest that the completion of this quest represents the pinnacle of achievement or the attainment of perfection for both Hwei and Jhin. It implies that their clash and subsequent mutual defeat result in a state of artistic excellence or transcendence.
Balance and harmony are widely recognized as defining characteristics of the Golden Ratio. It represents a proportion that is aesthetically pleasing and visually balanced. The quest name could imply that through their confrontation and simultaneous demise, Hwei and Jhin achieve a moment of perfect balance and artistic harmony.
The Golden Ratio has long been associated with artistic composition and design principles. It has been applied in various art forms, such as painting, architecture, and sculpture, to create visually appealing and well-balanced compositions. By naming the quest after The Golden Ratio, it could suggest that Hwei and Jhin, as artists within the game, are striving for artistic mastery and using their confrontation as a means to achieve a higher level of artistic expression. Their death is their greatest artistic achievement.
The color gold is often associated with both Jhin and Hwei for different reasons (click here for more information, regarding this topic). Gold symbolizes Jhin's elevated status and the grandiosity of his artistic vision.
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When Hwei wins the quest, he gains 3.33% Magic Penetration. The statement "Hwei made Jhin witness the depths of his visionary mind" implies that Hwei showed Jhin his new skills and artistic capabilities.
The quote "Understand, Jhin. Understand pain, and peace, and art - like I do, now" suggests that Hwei has gained a profound understanding of the complex emotions and concepts associated with Jhin's artistry, including suffering, tranquility, and the aesthetic beauty of his killings.
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If Jhin kills Hwei in the quest, he gains 4,444 Lethality. The statement "Jhin made Hwei into his virtuosic magnum opus" implies that Jhin has turned Hwei into his greatest masterpiece.
The quote "Our fourth and final act draws to a close. The painter falls, and I arise the maestro of death" signifies Jhin's triumph over Hwei, suggesting that he has achieved a pinnacle of artistic expression by eliminating his "rival."
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hwei-theories · 3 months
Ahh, that's so beautiful! I love the colorful lighting in her hair. The outfit is also so cute and adorable. 💙 I'm in looovveee
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✨💙 Sweet berry Sona 💙✨
Still rying to teach myself lighting eee
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hwei-theories · 3 months
╰┈➤Gold as a visual element: Unveiling the meanings in Hwei and Jhin's characters
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The color gold plays a significant role in both Hwei's and Jhin's characters, albeit with different connotations and meanings.
In Hwei's character, the presence of gold represents despair and emotional overwhelm. While gold traditionally symbolizes success, affluence, and luxury, in Hwei's case, it takes on a different significance. The color gold serves as a visual representation of his inner turmoil and deep sorrow. It reflects the complexity of his experiences and the weight of his emotional journey (see Hwei's abilities as metaphors for Hwei's stages of Life). Despite his struggles, Hwei manages to hold onto his inner light, and the gold in his design may serve as a reminder of the strength he possesses beneath the surface.
In contrast, gold is strongly associated with Jhin's character. Jhin's stagename, Khada Jhin, means "Golden Excellence," and his obsession with the number four is reflected in the fact that "gold" has four letters. Jhin himself acknowledges the power of gold, stating, "Gold is my power color." The color gold in Jhin's character represents his pursuit of perfection, his desire for excellence, and his fixation on beauty. It symbolizes his artistic sensibilities and his meticulous attention to detail. Jhin is called the "Golden Demon." Jhin embraces the allure and grandeur associated with the color gold.
The presence of gold in Hwei's design may indeed suggest an influence from Jhin. Given that Jhin is associated with gold and that Hwei's character has elements of despair and emotional overwhelm, it is possible that Hwei's design draws inspiration from Jhin's aesthetics and themes. The inclusion of gold in Hwei's abilities and official artworks could be a deliberate choice to convey a sense of connection or contrast between the two characters. It adds another layer of depth and complexity to Hwei's character, highlighting the impact of Jhin's presence on his story and journey.
Hwei and Jhin are also referred to as the "Golden Artists." They have a Secret Quest called "Golden Ratio."
The term "Golden Artists" could be seen as a metaphorical representation of their artistic prowess and impact. "Golden" could signify their exceptional talent and mastery in their respective artistic crafts. It could also imply the prestigious and revered status they hold within their artistic domains.
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hwei-theories · 3 months
╰┈➤Hwei Artwork (from Paintings Framed in Half-Light) - Analysis
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(Paintings Framed in Half-Light)
Artwork by Seansketches
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The artwork presents a captivating portrayal of Hwei's inner struggle and the complex emotions that define his character. The artist skillfully employs color and symbolism to convey the depths of Hwei's internal battle.
The composition of the artwork is divided into two distinct sides, each dominated by contrasting colors. On the left side, a prominent presence of purple hues signifies Hwei's apprehension and reluctance to reveal his true self to others. It represents his fear of being seen and judged by the world. The inclusion of menacing beasts with sharp teeth further reinforces the notion that Hwei feels threatened and vulnerable. However, amidst this fear, Hwei clings to blue colors, seeking solace and comfort. Blue is often associated with calmness and serenity, indicating Hwei's desire to find inner peace and tranquility amidst his turmoil.
Hwei also holds the red and purple colors, which could represent acceptance of his emotions.
In contrast, the right side of the artwork is characterized by warm colors, such as vibrant reds and oranges. These hues symbolize Hwei's inner darkness and his destructive tendencies. They represent the turbulent emotions and impulses that reside within him. The presence of these warm colors suggests that Hwei struggles with his own aggressive and chaotic nature.
The background of the artwork is depicted in a golden hue, reminiscent of the color associated with Jhin, a character who has influenced Hwei's life significantly. This choice of color implies that Jhin's presence looms over Hwei, exerting a profound impact on his psyche. The golden backdrop also hints at Hwei's internal conflict as he grapples with resisting Jhin's influence and maintaining his own identity.
The painting has a dreamlike (see "Dreamscapes Unveiled: Hwei's Surrealist Artistry, Guided by Van Gogh and Freud") quality, and it seems to capture Hwei's inner thoughts and emotions. The vibrant and saturated colors create a sense of unease and tension, while the loose and expressive brushstrokes convey a sense of movement and fluidity. The abstract landscape in the background suggests that Hwei is lost in his own thoughts and emotions, and that he is struggling to find his place in the world.
Hwei's purple eyes are a striking feature of the painting. In this painting, Hwei's purple eyes seem to reflect his complex and contradictory emotions. He is wise and insightful, but he is also afraid and overwhelmed by his emotions.
Hwei's pensive expression and crooked body posture also reveal his inner turmoil. He is clearly deep in thought, and he seems to be struggling to come to terms with his emotions. His crooked body posture suggests that he is feeling unbalanced and overwhelmed.
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hwei-theories · 3 months
╰┈➤Hwei Artwork (from Paintings Framed in Half-Light) - Analysis
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(Paintings Framed in Half-Light)
Artwork by Seansketches
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The artwork presents a captivating portrayal of Hwei's inner struggle and the complex emotions that define his character. The artist skillfully employs color and symbolism to convey the depths of Hwei's internal battle.
The composition of the artwork is divided into two distinct sides, each dominated by contrasting colors. On the left side, a prominent presence of purple hues signifies Hwei's apprehension and reluctance to reveal his true self to others. It represents his fear of being seen and judged by the world. The inclusion of menacing beasts with sharp teeth further reinforces the notion that Hwei feels threatened and vulnerable. However, amidst this fear, Hwei clings to blue colors, seeking solace and comfort. Blue is often associated with calmness and serenity, indicating Hwei's desire to find inner peace and tranquility amidst his turmoil.
Hwei also holds the red and purple colors, which could represent acceptance of his emotions.
In contrast, the right side of the artwork is characterized by warm colors, such as vibrant reds and oranges. These hues symbolize Hwei's inner darkness and his destructive tendencies. They represent the turbulent emotions and impulses that reside within him. The presence of these warm colors suggests that Hwei struggles with his own aggressive and chaotic nature.
The background of the artwork is depicted in a golden hue, reminiscent of the color associated with Jhin, a character who has influenced Hwei's life significantly. This choice of color implies that Jhin's presence looms over Hwei, exerting a profound impact on his psyche. The golden backdrop also hints at Hwei's internal conflict as he grapples with resisting Jhin's influence and maintaining his own identity.
The painting has a dreamlike (see "Dreamscapes Unveiled: Hwei's Surrealist Artistry, Guided by Van Gogh and Freud") quality, and it seems to capture Hwei's inner thoughts and emotions. The vibrant and saturated colors create a sense of unease and tension, while the loose and expressive brushstrokes convey a sense of movement and fluidity. The abstract landscape in the background suggests that Hwei is lost in his own thoughts and emotions, and that he is struggling to find his place in the world.
Hwei's purple eyes are a striking feature of the painting. In this painting, Hwei's purple eyes seem to reflect his complex and contradictory emotions. He is wise and insightful, but he is also afraid and overwhelmed by his emotions.
Hwei's pensive expression and crooked body posture also reveal his inner turmoil. He is clearly deep in thought, and he seems to be struggling to come to terms with his emotions. His crooked body posture suggests that he is feeling unbalanced and overwhelmed.
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hwei-theories · 3 months
╰┈➤Hwei's tragic quest for closure and his path to possible destruction
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TW: PTSD, Trauma
While Hwei sets out seeking answers and closure after Jhin's betrayal, it would be understandable if his pursuit gradually consumed and corrupted him.
Grief, confusion and the darkness within could slowly overwhelm Hwei's empathy and kindness as he searches endlessly for Jhin. Isolated in his obsession, he may lose touch with reality and slip into despairing dreams. Hwei's extraordinary imagination, once a source of beauty, could twist into disturbing visions that further erode his grip on sanity.
Only by destroying Jhin can the torment end. This corrupted mindset could drive Hwei to commit immoral acts as he scours Runeterra, falling deeper into insanity with each failed attempt to find Jhin.
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A final, fatal duet between the two artists, each driven to madness by the other's influence...
I think the ending would suit Hwei very much. A bittersweet ending.
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Part of what makes trauma so devastating is grappling with the senselessness of it all.
For Hwei, the massacre at his temple would shatter any notions he clung to of life having inherent meaning or order. I can imagine the endless questions tormenting him - "Why did this happen?", "Why was I spared while others died?", "What purpose could such violence possibly serve?", "Why me?"
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Seeking answers is a natural human response to trauma, but in a situation without rational explanation or justice, it becomes a futile chase indeed. No resolution Hwei finds could undo the pain or make logical sense of the lives lost.
Over time, this likely leads to a crisis of faith, as he is forced to accept the random, meaningless nature of suffering.
"None of us will leave unchanged. I'll make sense of our suffering." This line shows how Hwei tries to find meaning after the traumatic events.
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In this state of disillusionment and grief, clinging to dreams of vengeance against Jhin might be one of the few things keeping Hwei tethered to a sense of objective in his anguished world. But ultimately, even destroying Jhin could not fill the void or restore what was taken.
It is a bitter pill to swallow, accepting that trauma simply exists without higher purpose. Facing that harsh truth could break what remains of Hwei's spirit, unraveling his fragile grip on reality altogether. Stripped of hope for answers or closure, he may lose himself to the abyss of meaningless pain.
It is a deeply melancholy concept, but captures how trauma destroys more than just lives - it can shatter one's perception of order in the world
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hwei-theories · 3 months
╰┈➤Hwei's tragic quest for closure and his path to possible destruction
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TW: PTSD, Trauma
While Hwei sets out seeking answers and closure after Jhin's betrayal, it would be understandable if his pursuit gradually consumed and corrupted him.
Grief, confusion and the darkness within could slowly overwhelm Hwei's empathy and kindness as he searches endlessly for Jhin. Isolated in his obsession, he may lose touch with reality and slip into despairing dreams. Hwei's extraordinary imagination, once a source of beauty, could twist into disturbing visions that further erode his grip on sanity.
Only by destroying Jhin can the torment end. This corrupted mindset could drive Hwei to commit immoral acts as he scours Runeterra, falling deeper into insanity with each failed attempt to find Jhin.
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A final, fatal duet between the two artists, each driven to madness by the other's influence...
I think the ending would suit Hwei very much. A bittersweet ending.
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Part of what makes trauma so devastating is grappling with the senselessness of it all.
For Hwei, the massacre at his temple would shatter any notions he clung to of life having inherent meaning or order. I can imagine the endless questions tormenting him - "Why did this happen?", "Why was I spared while others died?", "What purpose could such violence possibly serve?", "Why me?"
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Seeking answers is a natural human response to trauma, but in a situation without rational explanation or justice, it becomes a futile chase indeed. No resolution Hwei finds could undo the pain or make logical sense of the lives lost.
Over time, this likely leads to a crisis of faith, as he is forced to accept the random, meaningless nature of suffering.
"None of us will leave unchanged. I'll make sense of our suffering." This line shows how Hwei tries to find meaning after the traumatic events.
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In this state of disillusionment and grief, clinging to dreams of vengeance against Jhin might be one of the few things keeping Hwei tethered to a sense of objective in his anguished world. But ultimately, even destroying Jhin could not fill the void or restore what was taken.
It is a bitter pill to swallow, accepting that trauma simply exists without higher purpose. Facing that harsh truth could break what remains of Hwei's spirit, unraveling his fragile grip on reality altogether. Stripped of hope for answers or closure, he may lose himself to the abyss of meaningless pain.
It is a deeply melancholy concept, but captures how trauma destroys more than just lives - it can shatter one's perception of order in the world
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hwei-theories · 3 months
╰┈➤Hwei's abilities as metaphors for Hwei's stages of Life
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Hwei's abilities, Serenity, Disaster, Torment, and Spiraling Despair can represent the stages of his life and the emotions he experiences throughout his journey.
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(Hwei's abilities)
Serenity symbolizes Hwei's early peaceful life at the Koyehn Temple. It reflects a time of tranquility, harmony, and balance for Hwei. This ability could be associated with healing, protection, or supportive effects, representing the nurturing environment of the temple where Hwei honed his artistic skills.
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Disaster represents the tragic event that occurred at the temple, resulting in a massacre. It signifies the chaos, destruction, and loss that Hwei experienced. This ability is offensive and damage-focused, representing Hwei's desire for vengeance or his need to defend himself and others from similar disasters in the future.
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Torment embodies Hwei's inner struggle and trauma after the temple massacre. It represents the conflicting emotions, the darkness, and the turmoil within him. This ability has crowd-control effects, reflecting Hwei's internal battle with his own emotions and the challenges he faces in reconciling his past and present - he feels frozen. The association of the color purple with Torment adds depth to this ability, as it can symbolize both Hwei's inner turmoil and his connection to Jhin, who is associated with purple due to his traps and smoke bombs. This color choice reinforces the idea that Hwei feels tormented by Jhin's actions, as Jhin was the catalyst for the temple massacre and a constant reminder of Hwei's trauma.
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Spiraling Despair is a manifestation of his own emotions and the sense of despair he experiences. The ability is designed to make enemies feel the creeping despair that Hwei himself feels, emphasizing his emotional state and the impact it has on those around him.
The concept behind Spiraling Despair is rooted in the idea that Hwei, as an artist, wants others to experience the emotions they deserve. However, he himself is unable to escape the feeling of despair. This presents an opportunity to translate these emotions into his ultimate ability, creating a gameplay mechanic that reflects his internal struggles.
The use of the word "despair" in the ability's name further emphasizes the emotional aspect of Hwei's character. It suggests a deep sense of sadness, hopelessness, and anguish that he carries within him. By using this ability, Hwei is able to project his own despair onto his enemies.
It's worth noting that the concept of despair can also be linked to the traumatic event that Hwei experienced, as mentioned in his backstory. Following the attack on the temple by Jhin, Hwei is left devastated and seeks closure to ease his mind. This event likely contributes to his ongoing feelings of despair and shapes his character's emotional depth.
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hwei-theories · 3 months
Oh, yes! I love your point.
It's no surprise that Hwei enjoys his alone time. As an artist, he pours his heart and soul into his paintings, and that kind of deep creative work takes focus and energy. I can imagine he needs time to recharge after delving so fully into his craft. Being alone likely gives him space to immerse himself in his art without distractions, letting his emotions flow freely onto the canvas.
That said, I don't think Hwei is a complete hermit. He may have tried in the past to connect with others, only to feel misunderstood. It's disheartening when people don't "get" you. Over time, that could make anyone a bit wary of opening up.
His bond with Jhin seems different though. As another complex soul who expresses himself through art, Jhin understands Hwei in a way most others can't. What a relief it must be for Hwei to find someone who truly gets his artistic spirit. Their connection probably makes solitude feel a little less lonely.
Fear of judgment also plays a role, I'm sure. When you pour your heart into your work, it's scary to expose those vulnerable parts of yourself. If people misinterpret or criticize what's so personal to you as an artist, that would cut deep. No wonder Hwei prefers the safety of solitude, where he can share his gifts freely without that risk.
We've all probably felt more comfortable indulging our true passions when alone, away from outside opinions. For Hwei especially, past experiences with masters who didn't respect or understand his art may be what drives him to solace in isolation, where he experiences the freedom and authentic self-expression that clearly means so much.
╰┈➤Hwei Cinematic - Surging Beauty - League of Legends - Analysis
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(Video here)
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hwei-theories · 3 months
╰┈➤Dreamscapes Unveiled: Hwei's Surrealist Artistry, Guided by Van Gogh and Freud
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The last line of Hwei's short story is "Awake, I dream of my next piece." And that is just perfect. The line perfectly confirms Hwei's connections to Surrealism.
Especially: I had to think of Van Gogh's quote: "I dream my painting and I paint my dream."
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The line "Awake, I dream of my next piece" from Hwei's short story encapsulates the essence of Surrealism.
Hwei's statement reflects the Surrealist approach to art creation. It suggests that even in his waking state, his mind is immersed in a world of imagination and creativity. The phrase implies that Hwei's artistic process extends beyond the physical act of painting and delves into the realm of dreams and the unconscious, where his ideas and inspirations take shape.
The quote from Vincent van Gogh, "I dream of painting and then I paint my dream," resonates with Hwei's line. Van Gogh's words highlight the intimate relationship between dreams and artistic creation, emphasizing the artist's ability to transform their inner visions into tangible works of art. Similarly, Hwei's statement expresses his continuous engagement with his artistic imagination, suggesting that his waking thoughts are filled with the anticipation of translating his dreams into his next masterpiece.
Freud's dream analysis, a psychological theory that emerged around the same time as Surrealism, delved into the interpretation of dreams as a means of accessing the unconscious mind. Freud believed that dreams offered insights into hidden desires, fears, and unresolved conflicts. In the context of Hwei's line, it can be interpreted that his awake dreams symbolize a connection to his subconscious, where he explores his deepest emotions and artistic inspirations. Hwei's art becomes a window into his inner world, a visual representation of his unconscious thoughts and desires.
In the case of Hwei, his embodiment of Surrealism and the influence of Freud's dream analysis can be seen in his ability to translate his inner visions into living works of art. Just as Freud believed that dreams hold hidden meanings, Hwei's artistic expressions become a medium through which his own subconscious desires, fears, and emotions are communicated.
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