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After years of gaining weight on purpose and losing weight, I am working towards completing my weight loss experiments. On Monday I weighed 179 pounds. This is where I am today. My goal is to help and inspire as many people as I can who struggle with losing weight and keeping it off.
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I’m happy I got in a baby sweat, followed by a healthy meal. Although I didn’t work out like I wanted to, a baby sweat is better than no sweat.I had to cook this meal because although my workout was a moderate workout, it still caused me to work up an appetite.🍰🍦***
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Have you ever been disappointed with yourself because you could not stick to a New Year resolution to exercise daily? If so, you are not alone.
For years, I made a resolution to exercise every day because I wanted to lose weight. Unfortunately, I could not stick to it until the end.
Then I realized that it was more important for me to exercise for the sake of my health than it was to exercise because of a resolution.
That's when I decided to ditch the resolutions and do it for the health of it!🍰🍦
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Sweat at your own pace.🍰🍦
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Today I finally cooked the broccoli and couscous I had been saying I was going to cook for the past few weeks. These are the type of meals I eat when I feel like doing the right thing.Eat healthy to be healthy.🍰🍦
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Today I finally cooked the broccoli and couscous I had been saying I was going to cook for the past few weeks.
These are the type of meals I eat when I feel like doing the right thing.
Eat healthy to be healthy.🍰🍦
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I can recall when my doctor told me he wanted me to lose weight. Then he told me to schedule a follow-up appointment to return in two weeks.
When it came to exercising, I could not get motivated to do so. I would get distracted by simple things.
There were times when I would make plans to go to the gym, but I went to hang out with friends instead.
There were also times when I got off course by procrastinating to the point where I didn't want to exercise at all. I ended up watching television instead.
Every day I kept saying, "I know I need to lose weight. I'll make sure I workout tomorrow." It turned out that tomorrow never happened.
When I went for my follow-up, I had gained six pounds. We both were surprised at my results.
My doctor told me again that I needed to lose weight. He also told me to schedule another appointment to come back in two more weeks.
Although I knew it was necessary to lose weight, I could not find the motivation I needed to workout.
When I went back to the doctor, I had not lost any weight. I was embarrassed. I had a second chance and failed.
My doctor seemed disappointed as he explained to me how important it was for me to lose weight. He then told me to schedule another appointment to come back in two more weeks.
As the days passed, I was still not doing as the doctor instructed.
After a week had passed, I realized I had wasted a week. That's when I asked myself, "How long will you interfere with your weight loss?"
I didn't want to go back a third time without making progress. I didn't want to embarrass myself again.
I knew the only way to prevent that was by exercising. It inspired me to change my eating habits and start working out.
When I went back for my follow-up, I had lost six pounds. That motivated me to keep going.
After seeing my results, it inspired me even more. I kept going until I lost twenty-three pounds.
Have you ever struggled to find the motivation to exercise while knowing you needed to lose weight?
If so, did you at some point find the motivation you needed to get started?
If so, what was your motivation?🍰🍦
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I thank GOD for allowing me to see birthday number 53. Thank you all for the videos, phone calls, text messages, hugs, kisses, prayers, support, kind words, food, and gifts. You all made my day!I thank GOD for allowing me to see birthday number 53. Thank you all for the videos, phone calls, text messages, hugs, kisses, prayers, support, kind words, food, and gifts. You all made my day!😘🥰
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Many of us eat and drink without the consciousness of how many calories we are consuming.
It’s best to keep track of our calories if our goal is to lose or maintain weight.
Count your calories because calories count. 🍰🍦
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I used to think that getting healthy was a series of habits. I later learned that it’s more than that. The truth is, healthy is a lifestyle. When a series of habits become a daily routine, then it becomes a lifestyle. 🍰🍦
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Sometimes we feel like skipping exercise, although we know it’s good for us.Today I didn’t feel that way. It was a day I was excited about exercising.🍰🍦
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My first day walking was so refreshing that I had to do it a second time. 🍰🍦
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This was my first day walking since Rona V came along and changed our way of living. Being outdoors is not the same, but it could be worse.I miss going to the gym, but I’m glad that I can still work out. I’m grateful I get to work out at the house, but I enjoyed it the most when it was an option.Through it all, I thank God I have been feeling well enough to exercise.Each time I work out, I am thankful that I was able to complete it, and I look forward to the next.Exercising makes me feel good inside and out. 🍰🍦
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When I first began switching over to healthier habits, it was a struggle.
As bad as I wanted to do it, it was easier said than done.I did well for a little while, then I fell off.
I was determined not to quit, so I continued trying.The more I tried, the better I was at it.Later,
I began to notice positive changes.Not giving up contributed to me living a healthier life.
I encourage anyone who struggles with healthy habits to never give up.
So what if you fall off, as long as you keep trying until it becomes a way of life.🍰🍦
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Sometimes when people struggle with weight loss, they say they can’t lose weight. The truth is, everyone can lose weight. You have to find what works for you. 🍰🍦 * * * * Follow me on Facebook @howtoeatyourfavoritedessertsandstillloseweight Follow me on Instagram @howtoeatyourfavoritedesserts Follow me on Twitter @how2eatyourfavoritedesserts Follow me on Tumblr @ https://howtoeatyourfavoritedesserts.tumblr.com/ Follow me on Pinterest @ https://www.pinterest.com/howtoeatyourfavoritedesserts/boards/
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Most times I try to focus on healthy eating habits. Sometimes I feel like breaking the rules. 🍰🍦 * * * * Follow me on Facebook @howtoeatyourfavoritedessertsandstillloseweight Follow me on Instagram @howtoeatyourfavoritedesserts Follow me on Twitter @how2eatyourfavoritedesserts Follow me on Tumblr @ https://howtoeatyourfavoritedesserts.tumblr.com/ Follow me on Pinterest @ https://www.pinterest.com/howtoeatyourfavoritedesserts/boards/ 
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