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This is why I don’t tell 99% people im bisexual
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Well I never had the chance to watch Avatar the Last Airbender ever…. which sucks, but.. now it’s on the net flix so guess what ya boi’s doing !!!!!!
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Female Characters (PJO and HoO) - Rick Riordan Crit.
Rick Riordan’s portrayals of females are trash because 1) he believes that femininity equates to weakness, 2) to overcorrect the “femininity=weakness” toxic mentality, he promotes faux girl power which is basically just a watered down crash course on toxic “feminism” for impressionable 12 year olds (because that’s exactly how we want to raise our youth; good job, Rick), 3) any girl who is not able to be part of a romantic subplot is disposed of, and 4) there is little variance among his females.
There are a ton more issues interlaced with this, like the fact that he oversexualizes them as minors [Piper with her “embarrassingly low” v-neck dress after Aphrodite’s blessing, or Hazel who’s 13, dating Frank who’s 16 (middle schooler dating a high schooler)], or the balance of power between his WOC characters and cishet female characters (like Annabeth being portrayed as the most powerful when a lot of the WOC characters should be more capable *cough* Hazel is literally the daughter of one of the big three, so why does Rick pretend she’s so weak compared to Annabeth? Could it be that she’s not whi— *cough*), but those are separate tangents for another time, so I’m just going to focus on these four points first.
1) In Rick’s mind, femininity equates to weakness.
The first and probably perfect example of this mentality is Drew Tanaka and the entire Aphrodite cabin. Not only is Drew a terrible portrayal of Asian women, but she’s the worst “mean girl” trope. Drew Tanaka is shown as being gorgeous, and it’s stated that she is interested in makeup and fashion and subsequently bullies girls who aren’t as glamorous. Of course, there are actually girls like this, and that’s terrible, but then Rick turns around and solely promotes “tomboys” and always, always shames “girly-girls,” and that’s when we have an issue. In only villainizing stereotypically feminine interests, Rick shames girls who enjoy these sorts of things. He uses Piper’s distaste for the Aphrodite cabin like a weapon:
“They passed the next cabin, Number Ten, which was decorated like a Barbie house with lace curtains, a pink door, and potted carnations in the windows. They walked by the doorway, and the smell of perfume almost made Piper gag.
‘Gah, is that where supermodels go to die?’
Annabeth smirked. ‘Aphrodite’s cabin. Goddess of love. Drew is the head counselor.’”
- The Lost Hero
In this quote, he shames pink, Barbie, and even carnations just by associating it with Aphrodite, and then it shames Aphrodite too. First of all, what’s wrong with carnations? They’re just flowers. There is nothing feminine or masculine about plants. And Barbie? Barbie’s entire brand is that anyone can be anything, and even if there are many flaws in that company, it shouldn’t be shamed like this, and neither should lace or pink. There is nothing feminine about love either. Love is a universal experience: we feel it in familial bonds, platonic bonds, and romantic bonds. Humans have the ability to bond with goddamn Roombas, for God’s sake. Shame Aphrodite for being a crazy lady, just like the rest of the Olympians, not for being the goddess of love, and do not shame her children for the same. There is absolutely nothing wrong with liking any of these items.
Rick later describes the Aphrodite cabin as despising capture the flag and never participating. (I’m too lazy to find the quote, sorry). Everyone practically shuns them for disliking that game. Why? What’s wrong with having different interests? What’s wrong with liking pink and not wanting to get your hands a little dirty? I would love capture the flag, and I still like pink, even if it’s not my favorite color. Why does Rick have to make it a dichotomy? Why do you have to be either pretty or strong? Why must everyone who adores fancy things be rude? Why is Piper praised for not liking these things? They’re just different, arbitrary interests. Neither should be superior. Rick seriously missed out on the opportunity to show strength in being softer and kinder.
Some people like to bring up Silena as a counterpoint to this. People like to go to their graves saying, “she was a hero, not a traitor,” but the fact remains that the only girl who is more in touch with her feminine roots and not mean ended up spying on the camp for Luke, and her reason wasn’t even completely honorable: 
“Before … before I liked Charlie, Luke was nice to me. He was so…charming. Handsome. Later, I wanted to stop helping him, but he threatened to tell. He promised…he promised I was saving lives. Fewer people would get hurt. He told me he wouldn’t hurt…Charlie. He lied to me.”
-Silena, The Last Olympian
We could’ve done without the “He was so…charming. Handsome.” part. It would’ve made the whole thing ten times more honorable. If she had followed Luke because she really thought she was doing the right thing and was just a little naive, if Luke had only blackmailed her with Beckendorf’s life, then she would’ve been a hero through and through. Instead, Rick just pinned her as a girl who screwed over the camp because she thought Luke was cute. Not really a stellar resume there.
Like I said earlier, Rick missed out on the opportunity to portray strength in being kind and gentle. Some strong women are athletic with bold personalities and speak nothing but the brutal truth. Some strong women are emotional, enjoy dresses, and love children. Some strong women are hard workers and like STEM. Some strong women are extremely maternal. Some strong women enjoy cooking for their friends, family, and significant others.
There is no perfect mold that can form an exact representation of what a strong woman must be. In society, a strong woman is seen far too many times as an ideal man. They’re praised for doing the equivalent of a man, and that’s great that they’re being praised at all, but women should not be expected to prove their worth in terms of men. While we should continue to highlight when women break barriers and surpass records set by men, women should also be allowed to enjoy activities labeled as feminine. Women are allowed to enjoy “feminine” interests without feeling obligated to apologize or fearing that men will think them weak. Women can do what men do and more, but having “feminine” hobbies do not diminish any gender in any way.
Being “womanly” has been trained into our senses since we were young. The color pink was associated with femininity, and boys shame other boys for liking it, and girls would proudly announce they liked blue more to gain boys’ respect. Any girl who didn’t like sports in elementary school but liked competition in other ways, like mental sports, or didn’t enjoy competition at all and just liked to have fun were deemed “really girly” by every boy and even other girls. Females have been deemed as less worthy girls for enjoying certain colors or activities, and it’s preposterous. Do not feel obliged to feign love of anything for a man’s approval, and the fact that Rick would push such a ludicrous agenda on young, impressionable girls makes me sick.
2) To overcorrect femininity = weakness, Rick basically spitballs faux girl power.
“I’m not like other girls” is basically Rick’s motto for every one of his female characters. He frequently pits girls against one another. As I mentioned earlier, Piper McLean and Drew Tanaka are really good examples of this.
“There was some giggling from the Aphrodite cabin. God, what a bunch of losers, Piper thought. But it didn’t do much to break the tension.”
Piper - The Lost Hero
Congratulations on turning Piper into a Strong Woman™, Rick. Apparently giggling is cancelled too. By depicting Piper as a “not like other girls” girl and then praising her for it, he encourages his young female readers to compare themselves to other girls and participate in this competition of women created by society. I think most people know about Drew and Piper being set against each other, but another one that I think more people forget is the beef between Annabeth and Rachel.
Normally I would say jealousy is a good flaw to give a character. The best flaws are relatable flaws, flaws that regular people have. And people do get jealous. But if that’s the only flaw Rick’s really going to give Annabeth besides “pride” (which is also romanticized for absolutely no reason) and then also have no one hold her accountable for it, then I don’t want it. Annabeth is consistently praised and thought of as “funny” for calling Rachel stupid and basically being a bitch about someone else liking Percy, despite Rachel remaining cordial the entire time. Then Rick goes ahead and paints Annabeth as a badass feminist who doesn’t take crap from anybody else. Yeah, okay. Because hating other women makes you really strong. Sure.
The third example is Reyna, pitted against both Piper and Rachel. I won’t really delve into it because I feel like I’ve made my point for this, but it’s basically the same thing: “I, a girl, am very strong and hate people and I dislike you, another girl, just for fun, and it makes me strong.” Revolting.
Another tactic Rick frequently uses to portray the strength in his females is making them very shouty and loud and very powerful. While some women really are like that (which is okay too!), not every girl is. It’s a shame that’s the only depiction of strong female characters Rick can offer. And then he also takes it too far. Not only are Annabeth, Rachel, Reyna, Thalia, Piper, *insert all his other female characters* really loud and angry individuals, but sometimes they get downright abusive, and it’s supposed to be funny? I think? A good example of this is Annabeth judo-flipping Percy when she sees him at the Roman camp for the first time. (Hurting Percy Jackson, omg sWOoN). Like, what is this? A kink or something, Richard? Strong women do not need to put down men to be strong. Feminism is the belief that women deserve equal respect as men, not that women are superior to males. This whole “tsundere” look is in bad taste in my opinion.
People often use Hazel as a counterpoint to the “shouty girls.” And that’s fair. Hazel is soft and kind, except there’s the issue I mentioned way, way earlier: Hazel is kind and soft-spoken (unless it’s something very important), and then she’s also shown as being weak. Because kindness and quietness means you’re weak. Perfect. Good job, Richard.
(I would also like to point out that it’s not just girls putting down other girls either in this whole toxic “feminism” agenda:
“Some girls kept looking over at Piper and Dylan and snickering. Jason figured these girls were the popular clique. They wore matching jeans and pink tops and enough makeup for a Halloween party.”
Jason - The Lost Hero
Matching jeans and tops. Makeup. Oh, the horror. How could they like dressing up? How evil!!!11!1
3) Any girl not part of romantic subplots is thrown out.
This means that Rick associates value in characters with romance, and that’s disgusting. He does this a bit with boys too, like with Grover who we never see again after getting Juniper, and other examples, but at least they have purposes by themselves. Grover was meant to find Pan, and once he did that, I guess I can excuse dropping the ball with him. But sometimes it just makes zero sense.
Examples: After Percy chose Rachel, Rick really just yeeted Rachel out of the universe. He just said the Oracle can’t date, and we basically never see her for more than a couple moments despite the fact that she’s really good friends with Percy, was/is super respectful of Percy’s choice to date Annabeth, and is overall just a cool girl who chucked a blue hairbrush at Kronos.
Another example is Thalia. Thalia just randomly joins the hunt. I can see how she joined it to spite her father, or because she didn’t want to be part of the prophecy, but I just find it weird that she’s super attached to Luke and everything, and then just dips as soon as he’s dead. We deserve to see her still ruffling Percy’s hair, much to his distaste, and dropping by to hang around Jason, and, MOST IMPORTANTLY, hanging out with Annabeth. So, what, just because Luke dies, so does her familial relationship with Annabeth? Bullshit.
Third example: Calypso. In @meclusa’s rant on Leo, she explained this really well, so I won’t delve super deep into it and will rather redirect you to her blog, but basically, Calypso was just rejected by Percy and then passed over to be someone else’s prize instead. She’s “awarded” to Leo because poor Leo never got a girl (Alexa play despacito). Revolting. I would’ve loved to see her get off the island and then go explore the world on her own before even considering being shipped with someone else. I could also totally see her joining the Amazons or the hunt, not because she deserves no page time, but because she just wants to be free and travel from place to place.
The fourth and most famous example is Reyna. After being rejected by both Percy and Jason, what does Rick do? Rather than allowing her to be a strong Praetor who’s independent and still kickass, he ships her off to the hunt full of twelve year old girls. Praetorship is such an honor, and she worked so hard to get there, and you really think she’d give it up to run around with prepubescent girls just because two boys didn’t like her? Give me a break.
Female characters should not be disposed of because they can’t be paired with anyone. The same goes for boys, of course, but this post is mainly about his interpretation of females, not males.
4) Who’s who?
I’m going to give y’all a description, and I want you to tell me which character I’m talking about: “She’s strong. Beautiful. She fights really well. Funny. Sarcastic. She’s loud and opinionated.” Confused? Great, so am I. My fourth main point is that Rick gives his female characters no discernable personalities. I mentioned this a bit earlier at the end of point two, but I really want to expand on it here.
When we compare discernibility to the boy characters, it’s a little bit easier. If I say, “He’s strong. Ruggedly handsome. He fights really well. Funny. Sarcastic. He’s loud and opinionated,” we would probably immediately pin that to Percy, right? He’s the most sarcastic of the boys, besides Leo, but Leo’s not shown as fighting really well or incredibly physically strong, so it’s easier to pick out who we’re talking about. Granted, it’s still not perfect because his development of HoO characters is nearly non-existent, but it’s still easier:
Jason is very much the Good Guy™, and he’s a leader who always serves the greater good; Percy is loyal to the select people that he loves, and he’s more rebellious and snarky and dark (his hatred of the gods and understanding that he serves his friends first, not the greater good); Leo is supposed to be the ironic comedian with a sad backstory whilst still providing humorous relief (though @meclusa had a very good essay as to why this is a huge L); Frank is…actually, I don’t even know what his purpose was, seeing as he had zero characterization other than a buff glow-up (which was fatphobic but whatever); Nico carries the greatest burdens of them all, what with growing up in another time period and struggling with homosexuality as well as the stigma of being a child of Hades, and he has this wonderful nuance and operates in shades of grey, but ultimately, he has a good heart; Luke is Percy’s counterpart, in that they share similar values, but he’s more like the cautionary tale of what happens when you take any belief to the extreme.
In comparison to these guys, the female characterizations fall flat. They have little to no discernable personalities, other than the fact that they have different names, different parentages/powers, and different appearances. They either fall in the category of being weak and powerless and kind, pretty and fashionable and villainous, or Strong Independent Woman™ where they just do and say questionable things while yelling at the top of their lungs and stabbing boys and wearing sneakers but still being oh-so-effortlessly-pretty-how-does-she-do-it-wOW.
Rick has no place pretending that he knows how to write strong female characters. You do not just create Mary Sues and hand them weapons and then market them as the perfect role models for girls. You do not create beautifully nuanced boys (Percy and Luke are my favorite examples for this) and then pretend that girls cannot be as complex and dynamic of characters.
You do not under any fucking circumstance shove these toxic ideas into the faces of young, impressionable middle school girls so that they grow up thinking they can’t like pink and be opinionated and be compassionate and be intelligent and kick ass and look fabulous while doing it all. Humans are not black and white. They are not inherently good or evil. Please extend the same courtesy to your female characters. We deserve to be represented just as well, and we deserve to be given more thought in the writing process just like your boys.
Fuck faux girl power. And fuck Rick’s idea of feminism and female portrayals. If you read through this whole thing, thank you lmao. I’m sorry if it was a little messy. I was rushing through it, and I could talk about this for hours, but I tried to shorten it.
Also shout out to @meclusa and @finding-my-culture whose criticisms of Leo and Piper, respectively, inspired me to write my own on another thing I despise about Rick’s writing. Y’all really be iconic, and I love you. Oh, and shout out to team seven and other PJO bloggers in the PJO discourse (@valgraced, @hazelmagix @caiprisa, @reynaisalesbian, @tridentgum, @dykeplants, @hazelslevesquee, @silima, @bunkernine, @mclean, @piperisgay, @pjolesbian, @charlesbeckendorf, etc.) (If you don’t already follow them, go do that right now). I recently followed all of y’all, and your rants are honestly something else. And that’s on holding authors responsible for their shit.
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I wanna do one of those “if you’re lgbt put your orientation, sign and favorite tool in the tags” but I know most of The Gays have never touched a tool on their life. I’ll be left with 15 lesbians, one gay dude and a handful of bisexuals and they better all be tagging screwdrivers
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I’m not risking that
“But if you forget to reblog Madame Zeroni, you and your family will be cursed for always and eternity.”
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I can’t not reblog this
Words to replace said, except this actually helps
I got pretty fed up with looking for words to replace said because they weren’t sorted in a way I could easily use/find them for the right time. So I did some myself.
IN RESPONSE TO Acknowledged Answered Protested
INPUT/JOIN CONVERSATION/ASK Added Implored Inquired Insisted Proposed Queried Questioned Recommended Testified
GUILTY/RELUCTANCE/SORRY Admitted Apologized Conceded Confessed Professed
FOR SOMEONE ELSE Advised Criticized Suggested
JUST CHECKING Affirmed Agreed Alleged Confirmed
LOUD Announced Chanted Crowed
LEWD/CUTE/SECRET SPY FEEL Appealed Disclosed Moaned
ANGRY FUCK OFF MATE WANNA FIGHT Argued Barked Challenged Cursed Fumed Growled Hissed Roared Swore
SMARTASS Articulated Asserted Assured Avowed Claimed Commanded Cross-examined Demanded Digressed Directed Foretold Instructed Interrupted Predicted Proclaimed Quoted Theorized
ASSHOLE Bellowed Boasted Bragged
NERVOUS TRAINWRECK Babbled Bawled Mumbled Sputtered Stammered Stuttered
SUAVE MOTHERFUCKER Bargained Divulged Disclosed Exhorted
LASTLY Concluded Concurred
WEAK PUSY Begged Blurted Complained Cried Faltered Fretted
HAPPY/LOL Cajoled Exclaimed Gushed Jested Joked Laughed
WEIRDLY HAPPY/EXCITED Extolled Jabbered Raved
BRUH, CHILL Cautioned Warned
ACTUALLY, YOU’RE WRONG Chided Contended Corrected Countered Debated Elaborated Objected Ranted Retorted
CHILL SAVAGE Commented Continued Observed Surmised
LISTEN BUDDY Enunciated Explained Elaborated Hinted Implied Lectured Reiterated Recited Reminded Stressed
BRUH I NEED U AND U NEED ME Confided Offered Urged
FINE Consented Decided
TOO EMO FULL OF EMOTIONS Croaked Lamented Pledged Sobbed Sympathized Wailed Whimpered
JUST SAYING Declared Decreed Mentioned Noted Pointed out Postulated Speculated Stated Told Vouched
WASN’T ME Denied Lied
EVIL SMARTASS Dictated Equivocated Ordered Reprimanded Threatened
BORED Droned Sighed
SHHHH IT’S QUIET TIME Echoed Mumbled Murmured Muttered Uttered Whispered
DRAMA QUEEN Exaggerated Panted Pleaded Prayed Preached
OH SHIT Gasped Marveled Screamed Screeched Shouted Shrieked Yelped Yelled
ANNOYED Grumbled Grunted Jeered Quipped Scolded Snapped Snarled Sneered
I WONDER Pondered Voiced Wondered
OH, YEAH, WHOOPS Recalled Recited Remembered
BITCHY Tattled Taunted Teased
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211 notes · View notes
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i know im not funny okay?
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Reblog if you DON’T despise Trials of Apollo
205 notes · View notes
reblog if you:
are bisexual
love bugs
are just vibing
support bisexuals
we’ll never know which one!
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Your fifth most recent emoji is what your soulmate thinks about you
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replace one word of your url with bitch
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Vaggie: Good Morning
Charlie: Good Morning
Nifty: Good Morning
Cherri: You all sound so fucking robotic, “Good Morning, good morning” spice shit up a bit!
Angel: Hey motherfuckers
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Angel: I walked into glass thinking it an open door, I think i’m stupid
Alastor: I do that all the time
Angel: Walk into glass?
Alastor: No, think you’re stupid
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Yes daddy
im a plastic surgeon now, let me turn you into the demons I saw in my dreams
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*Percy and Grover doing a secret handshake*
Apollo: Why can’t we be like that?
Meg: because you’re a peasant
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