hay-and-dey · 2 years
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reblog to scare an endo
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hay-and-dey · 2 years
We have two guinea pigs and they don't really notice switches except for a few alters who act totally differently from the rest of us. Sometimes they're confused because some alters have a different way of walking making their steps sound different (guinea pigs often tell people apart by the sound of their footsteps if they can't see them). They trust me the most, probably because I'm around them most of the time. Whenever a little or someone who doesn't know how to handle guinea pigs tries to approach them, they get uncomfortable or run away, but it's the same with anyone not in the system.
disordered systems out there
how do animals react to switches/switching??
Do they come up and comfort you when you’re dissociating or switching, do certain animals or pets react differently to different alters, etc
For us :
For a dog alter of ours -> dogs tend to jump on him or get in play stance. And notice when he gets close. When he’s close, they wander around near us and start paying close attention to us. When he fronts, they immediately get into play position or jump on us excitedly or sniff us like a dog
For me (the host) -> for whatever reason- cats don’t like me. They will straight up walk away if I front (this has happened multiple times, with multiple cats. They’ll be loving on someone else, then I get close or front and they walk away-). But animals outside of cats tend to like me and be affectionate
Two other alters -> for whatever reason, all animals and creatures love them both and weirdly tend to listen to them. Even animals who are usually really hostile or stubborn (meaning peoples pets who usually only listen to their owners and/or typically don’t like strangers or other people like both of them and are very affection with them. Birds, dogs, and cats have done this. And it shocked all the owners. One particular dog even attacked its owner before, but never harmed us. It was weirdly really overprotective of us and didn’t let anyone near us-)
Dean -> dogs really really like him for some reason and it’s pretty weird. Especially large and medium sized dogs- poor thing is kinda scared of dogs though, especially big ones, so it freaks him out
a little -> cats love her and are all over her
another little -> cats don’t like her and avoid her, which sucks because she loves cats
with our pet dog in particular :
She loves and obeys me and follows me around. Same with Dean and doll
she doesn’t really obey anyone else. She obeys me and Dean the most, and follows basic commands from doll. She’s also weirdly really really affectionate with Dean which bothered him at first, but he’s gradually getting used to it.
she doesn’t really listen to anyone else in our system. And there’s certain commands she’ll only obey if I in particular give them
shes less affectionate with the rest of the system
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hay-and-dey · 2 years
Plus at the time of diagnosis, the symptoms of DID/OSDD may be obvious but the trauma stays hidden because well that is part of what that disorder does
and when endos realise that the reason that childhood trauma isnt a "requirement" to be a system is because ITS FUCKING UNETHICAL TO TRAUMATIZE CHILDREN TO SEE IF THEY DEVELOP OSDD/DID
(edit) since some of yall cannot read
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hay-and-dey · 2 years
i just dont think endos realize that like the word "system" in this contexts comes from the phrase of "a system of dissociated parts" like you cannot be a system that is not made of dissociated parts because the word "system" is a shorthand for "a system of dissociated parts"
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hay-and-dey · 2 years
Hi! This is your reminder that, as you're looking for Halloween costumes this year, please don't dress up as a "Native American" or "Indian Princess" or whatever other gross stereotype it says on the packaging.
Indigenous People aren't a costume. We aren't a joke. We aren't there for you to make a "sexy" version of or to slap a felt "headdress" on and make mocking war noises. It's rude and offensive and you don't need to perpetuate the harmful views against us.
There are many ways to have fun with dressing up, and hurting others shouldn't be one of them!
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hay-and-dey · 2 years
shoutout to this guy on tiktok who was like "autistic people can't lie" uhhhh I hate to break it to you buddy but autistic people lie all the time, source: I am autistic and have many autistic friends and all of us lie all the time <3
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hay-and-dey · 2 years
Something that people, both systems and singlets, need to keep in mind about dealing with new alters is that the process of another alter getting used to being in a system varies from system to system and alter to alter. Some may get used to being in an unfamiliar body with an unfamiliar life in an instant while others can take weeks or months to be comfortable fronting, if they even become comfortable with it at all. In our system we have someone (not naming names because I'm pretty sure he wants to stay anonymous) who spent about a month trying his best to get used to being in the system. He found it hard to front because of his pseudomemories from source and still can't do many things today, after being around for ten months, like looking in the mirror or interacting with our parents. Then again we also had two alters who formed/became aware of themselves and both became frequent fronters in less than a week. It is all a matter of communication and how well the alter in question can adapt to new situations, so neither an alter getting used to the system quickly nor an alter taking long to get used to it should be scenarios a system should be fakeclaimed for.
(Sorry for any grammatical or spelling errors that I may have overlooked, it is 10pm and English is not my native language)
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hay-and-dey · 2 years
Hi 👀
I need tumblr mutuals, if you're active on tumblr as of October 2022 and you post about being neurodivergent, anti-endo, trans, queer, chronically ill, disabled, or anything else in that general area, reblog this post!
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hay-and-dey · 2 years
This is such a big problem that no one is talking about.
Can we stop acting like the only valid forms of dissociative disorder are DID and OSDD systems?
I have a dissociative disorder (OSDD-4 specifically), but mine exhibits in dissociative trances. Why is it not talked about? It legitimately interferes with my life. Before I found out I even had an OSDD diagnosis, I thought I was having absence seizures (as I have a history of having seizures). They’re most likely just dissociative trances though.
So, I will say again, why don’t people acknowledge that not everyone with a dissociative disorder is part of a system? It’s not even just specific OSDD diagnoses that don’t have systems. Depersonalization/derealization disorder is a dissociative disorder.
It makes me feel forgotten when people act like everyone with a dissociative disorder is part of a system because that is not at all the case.
So can we start putting more attention on non-system dissociative disorders? Because I really feel forgotten since people never talk about OSDD types 2, 3, and 4. And they NEED to be talked about.
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hay-and-dey · 2 years
Statistically schizophrenic people are no more likely to be violent than anybody else but we ARE about 14x more likely to become victims of violence because people immediately assume we're dangerous when we exhibit any kind of psychotic behavior... Now isn't that ironic?
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hay-and-dey · 2 years
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ID: a photo of four televisions, with two smaller TVs stacked on top of larger ones. The TVs on the top right and bottom left are switched on and showing static. The words “Do not count on corporate media to tell you the truth about trans life” are written on the four screens. ED.
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hay-and-dey · 2 years
if you meet a schizophrenic or other psychotic person do not ask if they are hallucinating right now
that is literally none of your business! thats very personal medical information that you have no right to!
if you ask and they say yes you will probably ask where it is and if they tell you, you will turn towards that direction and check for yourself, do not do this, this will blend the real world with the hallucinations making it even harder for the psychotic person to tell the difference and that is dangerous
unless the psychotic person specifically asks you to look and tell them if its real, do not fucking look in the direction of the hallucination
nonpsychotic people can be a very helpful person to psychotic people, but they can also be devistatingly harmful
nonpsychotic people: you are not entiteled to any information about psychotic peoples experiences, you can make things worse for them, if you want to be an ally keep your fucking curiosity to yourself unless the psychotic person allows you to ask questions
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hay-and-dey · 2 years
People who fakeclaim systems based off who their alters are just need to stfu and go educate themselves on DID and OSDD because of they actually knew how this disorder works, they would know that what they're doing is just fucking stupid.
I hate how being introject-heavy just feels like an invalid experience.
Like, people would preach on and on about how "all systems are different!" and "there isn't a right way to a system!" when it comes to alters, but as soon as a system has a lot of introjects, all of that just goes out of the window?
And it's nothing just fakeclaimers bashing introject-heavy systems but sometimes other systems too. And this happens regardless of the body's age as well.
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hay-and-dey · 2 years
You can hold alters accountable without abandoning or rejecting them.
If an alter is hurting the body and/or the system, holding them accountable for doing so is important, but don't use their actions as an excuse to claim or believe that they aren't deserving of healing. Alters who hurt the system or body are still completely deserving of compassion, respect and dignity. They are still an important part of your system.
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hay-and-dey · 2 years
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POV your trauma memories start to add up and you start to put together a timeline
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hay-and-dey · 2 years
my body is a group project and no one is doing their part correctly
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hay-and-dey · 2 years
This was life for me back when I had migraines frequently. I couldn't do anything but lay in bed with my eyes closed because everything else was painful or I didn't have the energy to do it. No phone, no drawing or any other hobbies, heck I couldn't even sit up or stand up in bed. Whenever I managed to fall asleep it was okay because yay sleep but when awake I was just laying around wasting my time because I couldn't do anything else.
an under-discussed feature of chronic illness + pain is how fucking boring it is. Like I know that I will get better and stop hurting if I lie down with my eyes closed in a quiet dark room but holy fucking shit if I do that for five more minutes today I’m going to totally lose my marbles.
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