I really just want to find a good friend group that plays d&d and apex and valorant or enjoys art. Anime. Manga. Idk I miss not being sooooo isolated
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Definitely healing. And past the point of moving on. I deleted her and have no interaction with her at all. Still miss her at times but I think it’s mainly because I lost all my friends when we split. but it’s just me and my cat against the world lol.
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Various stars & moon details from my gouache paintings 🌙✨
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Honestly. I’m just afraid. Like I thought I was healing. I thought I was getting better. But the isolation and just not really making any friends. Spending all my time in my room isn’t it. Like I’ve tried picking up archery again. And I’ve been having a good time but with work it’s not the most convenient. I’ve gotten into reading and I’ve been enjoying it but it’s still kinda isolating since I don’t have anyone to discuss books with.
I went to Barnes and noble and saw these two girls who were recommending books to one another and it was soo sweet. I almost asked them for a recommendation but I don’t wanna come across as a creep.
I’ve always felt like a healer. I’m a healer main on just about every game I play. And irl I feel like I help people untill they just toss me aside and discard me. I just want the same kind of love I feel like I give. I want to be someone’s first choice. Not their last option.
Idk I’m just stuggling lately. I miss dnd. I miss hanging out every night. Just talking. Discussing random things. Playing random group games or just watching someone stream to discord. It’s been rough lately. And I’m sooooo tired of crying. Like ahhhh =\
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“If you hesitate between me and another person don’t choose me.”
— Unknown
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“At some point in life, someone will love you more than what you’ve expected. Be Patient and learn to wait, because sometimes a patient person receives the best love story.”
— Unknown
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Because you deserve to get back just as much of the love you pour into the world.
k.b. // you do
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One day I will stop falling in love with you. Until I do, I'll be thinking of you.
k.b. // laufey, philharmonia orchestra - let you break my heart again
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I just want to be loved. I just want someone to give me a chance and not give up on me. I’m loyal and I’ll love you till the end of time. I’m funny and I’ll always have your back and do my best for you.
If I can love all these wrong people soo deeply.
Imagine what loving the right person would be like.
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If life can remove people you never dreamt of losing, it can replace them with someone you never dreamt of having.
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Yeah idk =\ I want make friends soo bad but I legitimately have no idea how =[
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I’m tired of feeling like I’m just easily replaced. Like, I’m worth more than that =\
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“Do not lose hope. Please believe there are a thousand beautiful things waiting for you.”
— Unknown
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“People think being alone makes you lonely, but I don’t think that’s true. Being surrounded by the wrong people is the loneliest thing in the world.”
— Unknown
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“Never forget the people who take time out of their day to check up on you.”
— Unknown
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I want to make friends. People to play apex with. Or arams. Or Fortnite. Make memories. Talk about fantasy or dnd or just things we enjoy. I lost my last friend group. All of them. They left when my ex broke up with me. But I guess that just means we were never friends in the first place. Which yeah it sucks and like it’ll be okay ? Right? I’ll find someone. I can’t be alone my whole life.
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