Since I give credit where credit is due it should be noted that I have two friends that help me write these when I get stuck or can’t decide on a love interest. They helped me the most with the self insert (Runaway Prophet) because as self indulgent as the fic is I wanted an opinion on what quirk I’d have since I couldn’t decide. (They said to do a quirk marriage type thing where I’d have two like Shouto since they couldn’t decide either akhdjsjd) But they helped me with most of the main plot and character development. They chose the love interests in it for me bc I thought I’d probably be a little too subconsciously biased about it. We usually work together by brainstorming when I need help.
But !! I appreciate them so much !!! They’re always hyping me up and making me cry by saying things like “ur writing is god tier and this one paragraph made me tear up the imagery was so good” I’m so self conscious and insecure about my writing, especially bc you can tell I used to write poetry alllll the time to cope with my mental illnesses and daily stressors. But they encourage me so much all the time. I probably wouldn’t have started posting at all without them, even if they’re probably only saying such things because they’re my friends ;0;
(btw I have computer access again, I didn’t for four months and that’s why I haven’t worked on anything all that much for so long. But I moved in with my grandparents and they’re letting me use their laptop for writing so expect new content soon!!)
Aaa I know it’s been awhile since I’ve posted a story and I only have one up, but I have about twelve total in the works rn that I work on off and on. My favorite is a reader with lots of trauma x pro hero Todoroki !! It’s about uhhh 7.5k words rn and I’m not even half way done with it if that gives you an idea on how much work I put into these heheh. One that’s on my tumblr drafts only that I need to move to my google docs to work on is a schizophrenic reader x Kirishima akhdjsjd
I should probably transfer it so I can work on it bc that’s a shorter one. I’ll be able to post it much sooner than the others lmao. I’ll probably post a screenshot of my docs in a bit
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This is the sixth time I’ve tried to upload these, let’s see if it works. My phone won’t upload the screenshots so we’re trying my grandma’s computer. This was so much more work than it should’ve been lmao ANYWAYS-- under the cut from top row left to right we got uhhh
Schizophrenic Reader x Kiri (Untitled), Reader Died and Materialized In BNHA AU type thing, Villain Deku x Villain Reader AU, Self Insert for funsies that I may or may not post
The Arcana (otome game) x BNHA Fantasy AU (It has an oc named Raja bc I got a bit carried away with the lore lmao, it’ll have a ton of courses for love interests and stuff, might upload each path individually or only put it on AO3 idk yet I just started the actual writing part), Reader With Lots of Trauma x Pro Hero Todoroki, Bullied Reader x Shinsou/Kaminari Triangle (end undecided but a poly one is not out of the question), (POSTED) Deku x Suicidal Reader
Apocalypse AU, Delusional Reader (Based off of one of my own delusions that had gotten out of hand and that I sometimes still fall back into, will have a separate Alice in Wonderland AU with a similar premise but a different love interest, basically a yandere type of thing, one will be Hawks x Reader the other probably Dabi), Yandere Deku x Cishet Male Reader x Tsu Songfic to test my skills (gets vvv dark, Tsu and reader both die in the end, mmmaybe i’ll let reader survive but if I do they’ll be being held captive by Deku), Fallen Angel Reader AU but written by an angel kinnie based off of and following actual angel and demon lore (like from books that are no longer considered canonical by christians but once were. Religion and religious lore is interesting and fascinating to me even if they’re not all something I practice)
Shinsou x Nonbinary Reader (Shinsou’s feelings are unreciprocated, Reader participated in a foreign exchange type thing for the first semester of year two and is back, they know everyone in class A except Shinsou since he transferred to the hero course in year two, they have a bf already he goes to a different school, very angsty idk why I love breaking Shinsou’s heart so much I fkn adore him), copy of the suicidal reader x Deku I made to send to my friend bc she doesn’t have tumblr
Most of these don’t have a set love interest because I like to let my stories write themselves. I like letting the characters interact and decide on the story’s path themselves. It’s more enjoyable that way for me as the writer because I get to be surprised and kept on edge as if I were a reader too. I usually come up with a few key plot points but that’s about it. For example in the trauma reader x pro Shouto/Hold My Hand/I’ll Hold You Tightly/Closely/I’ll Keep You Safe(I haven’t decided on a title yet lmao) I had planned “They meet, Reader’s abusive bf does an r-word, Shouto finds/saves reader, Shouto helps him get top surgery, They live happily ever after, the end. They start dating before or after the top surgery part but idk yet. It’s most definitely a slow burn lol. Nothing in between any of that has been planned, the characters have written it all. Right now they are in the hospital getting ready to leave the after Shouto found reader all bloody and naked and stuff. 
Oh and I don’t write NSFW unless it’s an important part of the plot as it makes me uncomfortable. I’m asexual and a bit embarrassed about NSFW things, even if I’m not repulsed by it. There’s not always a need for it in stories, and it’ll usually be brief and undetailed unless necessary for character or story development. Especially if it’s traumatic NSFW like an r-word scene because not only is it triggering, but from my personal experience with being hurt that way you dissociate from what’s happening until it’s over. And I write almost strictly from personal experience. There will also be cw in the very beginning of the work and a tw before and after the triggering scene so that it can be easily skipped if needed or wanted.
I put a lot of work into all of my fics so that I enjoy writing them and I hope anyone that reads them enjoys them too, if u reblog any please please please comment on them in the tags. I’m vv insecure about my writing and would love any kind of feedback, constructive criticism is welcome! I went to advanced visual arts courses in high school and learned that constructive criticism is often necessary for improvement to occur!! Art can still improve without it but it will take much longer to do so!!
Aaa I know it’s been awhile since I’ve posted a story and I only have one up, but I have about twelve total in the works rn that I work on off and on. My favorite is a reader with lots of trauma x pro hero Todoroki !! It’s about uhhh 7.5k words rn and I’m not even half way done with it if that gives you an idea on how much work I put into these heheh. One that’s on my tumblr drafts only that I need to move to my google docs to work on is a schizophrenic reader x Kirishima akhdjsjd
I should probably transfer it so I can work on it bc that’s a shorter one. I’ll be able to post it much sooner than the others lmao. I’ll probably post a screenshot of my docs in a bit
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Aaa I know it’s been awhile since I’ve posted a story and I only have one up, but I have about twelve total in the works rn that I work on off and on. My favorite is a reader with lots of trauma x pro hero Todoroki !! It’s about uhhh 7.5k words rn and I’m not even half way done with it if that gives you an idea on how much work I put into these heheh. One that’s on my tumblr drafts only that I need to move to my google docs to work on is a schizophrenic reader x Kirishima akhdjsjd
I should probably transfer it so I can work on it bc that’s a shorter one. I’ll be able to post it much sooner than the others lmao. I’ll probably post a screenshot of my docs in a bit
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Consider this
Midoriya is a huge flirt, like, hUUGE
He doesn’t do it on purpose, he’s just naturally smooth af like that.
Accidently made Bakugou go ‘boom’ when he gave him bedroom eyes without meaning to.
Got Iida to do the impossible: share his class notes. Iida never shares his notes, let alone let’s someone copy them
But whoOPS here comes Izuku and “I lost my notes, Ii-chan! Can I borrow yours, please?” *Cue Izuku looking up at him through his ridiculously long eyelashes and smiling shyly.*
Iida practically shoves his whole binder in his hand while blushing furiously
Izuku once winked at Kaminari and he didn’t stop sparking for 12 minutes.
“Your quirk is so amazing Todoroki! You’re amazing!”
Half of Shouto burst into flames
Mr. Aizawa decides to let the class spend time outside because it’s a nice day
Izuku appears in a pair of shorts and a crop top
Half the class ends up with recovery girl
Especially Mineta.
He once fell onto Hanta’s lap bc Bakugou and Hanta fucking asecended right then and there
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I Love You (Midoriya x Reader)
It came back. It always does and it always will. You just can’t seem to get away from it. You’ve tried therapy. You’ve tried medication. Nothing. Ever. Works. That’s what lead you to this point. To this rooftop. The stars are twinkling down at you from the clear night sky. The city lights glowing up at you as cars race past. You take a deep breath and think about everything one last time. Sitting on the edge, your feet dangling as the harsh wind blows through your hair.
You had always wanted to be a hero, your quirk may not be the flashiest but it was pretty helpful. You were great at saving people, at least that’s what your classmates always told you. Mulling over them and all the good memories you’ve made at UA. There was Kirishima, the friendly outgoing redhead that always ran to help his friends without a second thought and no matter the cost. Todoroki, the quiet one. Kind of aloof but never afraid to speak his mind. He had more sass than anyone else you had ever met. Mina, the bubbly social butterfly that could bring anyone out of their shell.
So many from not only your class, but others as well, called you their friend. You were kind. Maybe too kind sometimes, always putting yourself last for the sake of the ones around you. Always choosing to suffer in silence over correcting someone or letting your own feelings be known. No one knew you were dealing with this. Not even Aizawa knew about it. You kept your appointments a secret in fear of judgement and risking your career.
As you thought about this your mind drifted back to one specific classmate and friend. Midoriya. He was nervous most of the time but it was endearing. Wishing you could tell him the truth about why you would leave campus alone every other week. Visiting family was believable but it hurt to lie to him. He’s one of the kindest souls you’d ever met. He deserved better and you knew it. It didn’t take long after meeting for you to develop feelings for the boy either. Too bad you would never be able to tell him now. You’ll never get to know what could’ve been. But you were okay with that.
In your note you said that it wasn’t the fault of anyone but yourself. How you were sorry that you weren’t stronger. But that was it. Short and sweet, no blame anywhere. Sighing you decided that it was time. The moon had risen high above you as if to say one last goodnight. But, right as you started to stand and take in the view, the door behind you slammed open.
“(Y/N) please! Wait, let me talk to you!” you recognized the panting voice as that of the boy you grew affections for. He must have found the note and ran here. Not wanting him to see your messy tear stained face you sat back down without turning around. You decided to feign ignorance and forced a cheerful tone.
“What’s up, Midoriya? Come to watch the city with me? It’s past curfew you know.” Your voice lowered as you gazed down, “You’ll get in trouble.” That was the last thing you wanted for him.
“I found your note. I went to give you back that book I borrowed. You didn’t answer when I knocked and I saw it peaking out from under the door.” You choked back a sob, not prepared for someone finding you. “I couldn’t just let you do this so I.. I snuck out and searched for you. I remember you saying one time that if you had to go you’d like to see the city and it’s beauty one last time. You were mumbling it to yourself but I still heard you say it. I saw you sitting up here and just bolted.” You smiled through your tears. He’s so sweet, but you can’t let him stop you now. There’s no other way out but down.
“Even now, you talk too much. I’m so sorry Midoriya. I’m so sorry I kept this from everyone, from you. I’m so sorry you found me. And I’m sorry that you can’t stop me.” You stood back up, prepared to jump when you felt him grab your forearm. “Midoriya please, just let me go.” Still refusing to look at him you felt another sob shake through you. Only this time you couldn’t choke it down.
“No (Y/N). I won’t let you go. Not when there’s so much left for you to do.” You could hear the desperation in his voice as he trembled behind you. “Please step away from the ledge.” You tried to pull your arm away but his grip only tightened. Not nearly enough to bruise but enough to catch you if you jumped. Gentle yet protective. Just like always. 
Finally you turned to look at him. Seeing his disheveled hair and clothes, the tears streaming down his freckled cheeks from his wide fearful eyes. You almost threw yourself into his arms on the spot. Seeing the boy you loved like that broke your heart. “I can’t.” It came out as a strained whisper. Broken and scared just like you.
“You can. And I’m not going anywhere until you do.” Why was he doing this to you? Was he trying to make you break down completely? Why did it have to be him that found you? Your mind was racing with thoughts, not noticing that the boy in front of you was ranting. You interrupted him when one question filled your head.
“Why?” He stopped mid sentence when you looked down at him. He seemed shocked by your response but quickly regained his voice. “Because, you mean so much to everyone. We all love you (Y/N), more than you could ever imagine.” You turned back around, facing the horizon and tugged on your arm again.
“Then you’d let me go.” As your tugging increased in strength, so did his grip. In one swift motion he pulled you back towards him, away from the ledge. 
“I can’t do that. You wouldn’t let me go so why would I let you go? You’re always saving people. Encouraging us to do better and helping us stand when we fall. Please just let me return the favor and save you for once.” 
“You can’t save me, Midoriya. No one can.” Your words shook him enough to loosen his grip. Letting you break away and run back to the ledge. The second you stepped back up there he shouted, “I love you, (Y/N)!” You froze in your tracks. “W-what?”
“I said I love you, (Y/N). More than anything. I’d be lost without you so please, just come back to me.” You tensed, unable to believe what he was saying. “Take it back. Midoriya, take it back.” Tears started pouring uncontrollably from your eyes as if a dam had broken. “Tell me you’re joking. Please.” Why’d he have to make this even harder for you?
“I’m not.” His voice raspy and low from his own tears. You felt your knees grow weak as sobs cracked like thunder through your body. But as you began to fall to them you felt two strong arms wrap around you from behind and pull you back into a warm chest. Midoriya buried his face into the crook of your neck, wetting it with his tears. For once not uttering a single word as the two of you just stood there crying.
You don’t know how long you two stayed like that, sitting on the roof crying together, but as the tears stopped you turned around and hugged him tightly. Breaking the silence he asked, “Want to talk about it?” Letting out a heavy sigh you shook your head. “There’s nothing to talk about. I’ve been like this for so long there’s no real reason anymore.”
“That’s alright, but if you change your mind I will always listen. Even if it’s just how you feel in the moment.” Pulling back he held your shoulders, just watching. Getting lost in his eyes you couldn’t help but tear up again. There was so much care and emotion in them. “Midoriya, can we walk around the city a bit?”
“Of course, (Y/N). We can do anything you want.” The two of you stood up and made your way to the door, down the steps, and out of the building. You walked in silence, it wasn’t uncomfortable but it was tense. You knew he wanted to talk to you about it, but you also knew he wanted to respect your wish to not talk about it. Taking in his features Midoriya was looking straight ahead, eyes watery and muscles tense. He’s a good bit taller than you, and looked stunning in the low light of a night in the city. Your eyes wandered down his shoulder to his empty hand next to yours. Glancing back up at his face you briefly thought it over before hesitantly wrapping your fingers in between his.
This made him tense further then relax as he looked back at you and squeezed your hand. The two of you wandered around until you came to the city park. “Hey Midoriya..” He stopped to look at you. “I want to see the fountain.” Smiling he whispered, “Of course, (y/n)”
The two of you sat on the edge of the fountain, listening to the water fall. Midoriya was looking up at the stars, but when you looked closer you could see tears flowing silently down his face. This must be so hard for him. Thinking back you don’t think you had ever seen him so scared before. So you scooted closer, until your sides were touching and nuzzled your face into his shoulder.
Midoriya looked down at you, blushing slightly as he wrapped an arm around your waist to hold you closer. “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry Midoriya, it just hurts so much and I’m tired. I’m exhausted. All those times I told you I was visiting family, I was actually going to therapy. It’s..never helped. Neither have the medications. I’m sorry.”
Midoriya pulled you by your chin to meet his eyes. “Hey, don’t apologize. It’s okay. You feel like there’s no other way out for you, I understand. I know what it’s like. Trust me. I can’t promise you’ll feel better any time soon, but please come to me when it’s enveloping you.” He looks out of the corner of his eyes and sighs heavily. “And, I.. I understand that my feelings for you aren’t reciprocated. But please let me be there for you as a friend. Let me try to lighten your load and make you laugh. Let me be your hero, (y/n). You’re already mine and so many others’. You don’t have to do this alone anymore.”
Reaching up you gently wiped the tears that have yet to stop falling from his eyes. As if he were made of glass. When you got him to look you in the eye again you just as gently grabbed his face and pulled him towards you. Kissing him softly you waited for him to press back before pulling away. “Izuku Midoriya, I never said I didn’t love you, you dork.” If he could get any redder he’d probably explode. “Then.. then why did you say-“ you cut him off, “Because I didn’t want to hurt you. I wanted it to be a joke because if it was then jumping would’ve been easier for me. I wouldn’t have had any regrets. I wouldn’t have broken your heart.”
“No, but I would’ve had to live without you. I’d have to live with what you did even if I just thought of you as a friend. I’d still be hurt, we all would’ve been. I didn’t plan to tell you how I felt tonight, or ever if I’m going to be honest, but I got so scared. I was desperate to bring you home. To get you away from the ledge and down off the roof. It just..slipped out.” You smiled to yourself. “And I’m so glad it did, Midoriya.”
“Izuku. I want you to call me Izuku.”
“Then I want you to call me (y/f/n) in return.” Izuku beamed at your words. “Deal.” Looking at the time it read 4:18, the sun will be coming up soon and everyone will be waking up. Aizawa will be checking our dorms in just a few hours.
“It’s really late, we should probably head back.” He sighed heavily again and stood up wiping his eyes and face clean of tears. “Yeah, you’re right. We’ll get in trouble if we’re caught out this late... I won’t tell anyone about tonight.” He held his hand out to you, which you gladly took and let him help you up.
“Thank you, I’m worried that if word got out about my depression that my career would go down the drain. And I don’t really want to worry anybody.” Tangling his fingers with yours again he smiled. “Of course.”
The walk to the dorms was peaceful. It was a comfortable silence, filled with soft jokes and laughter here and there. Sneaking back onto campus Izuku walked you to your room before kissing you goodnight. You watched him walk away before he disappeared around the corner, then went into your own room to rest. Good thing it was the weekend and there was no class tomorrow. You’d be exhausted otherwise.
Crawling into bed you let your mind wander to Izuku’s words. How you weren’t alone in this anymore. You had someone to confide in, to comfort you. Maybe things will get better after all. If he’s there to support you through treatments you believe it will. You drift off crying, but for the first time it’s of happiness instead of sadness. You’re not alone.
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Gonna use this for writing prompts heheheh
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Boku no Hero Academia click and drag game!
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