gl-l0stie 3 years
I just finished this hard ass workout y鈥檃ll please be proud of me cause I really wanted to quit please praise me
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gl-l0stie 3 years
I鈥檓 so pissed my mom wanted a movie night so she got all these snacks guess what I did I ATE SO MUCH LIKE MY FUCKING STOMACH HURTS I was doing so good I didn鈥檛 have over 600 calories ugh I鈥檓 so pissed so piste I have a goal to reach and it feels like everything is against but I will persevere I鈥檓 not giving up ever there is something I have to work for something I yearn for so I鈥檓 going to get it I鈥檓 going to achieve no matter what it鈥檚 either that or death fuck it no in between
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gl-l0stie 3 years
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Who鈥檚 a little fat ass I am yes I am a little fatty McFatass anyways what I ate was three rice balls with kewpie Mayo and rice seasoning lil mini muffins like 3 fucking croissants and spicy chicken dip I can鈥檛 find my appetite 锟約uppressants so it鈥檚 so it鈥檚 hard for me to fast and get back on track and my mom order me a burger and fries I feel so useless you know, fuck that I鈥檓 gonna loose weight I鈥檓 going to have my dream body before school but it鈥檚 not by eating like this I鈥檓 going to restrict still but not to this diet still an 18 hour fast and still burning off everything I eat the die at is to sudden for a body what got used to eating so much so I鈥檓 doing something else tomorrow I鈥檓 going to be so beautiful more beautiful than I already am before I go back to in person school.
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gl-l0stie 3 years
Bruh these bitches terminated my account anyways I failed I made honey bread corn bread and I had to try it it was good so good my fat ass ate three slices im going to burn 850 calories tonight which should be enough to burned off the corn bread and I鈥檓 trying again tomorrow (my old account was gh0sty) anyways here
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