fugitivestogether · 2 years
Just a reminder that it's okay if you feel uncomfortable sharing f/os. You're not greedy, or selfish, or anything like that. You're not saying "You can't like this character because I like this character", and anyone who sees it like that is childish. We're all here because we love our f/os, they mean a lot to us, and if we don't want to share with a complete stranger on the internet then that's okay
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fugitivestogether · 2 years
*lays across my f/o’s lap like a cat* pay attention to meee…
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fugitivestogether · 2 years
Imagine your f/o having an all out PTSD episode. Their breathing is labored and their eyes are wet and they suddenly can't focus on anything but that anymore. It makes them angry. All they can feel is fear and rage, and all they can do about it is try not to break apart.
Then you come in. Immediately, you softly make them aware of your presence, as to not badly startle them, and sit them down. You then turn your focus to their breathing, giving them the space or physical support they may need at the moment. You repeat gentle reminders to them like a mantra. "You're safe. You don't have to worry anymore. The weight of the world and its burdens is off your shoulders, so you can rest." Their state slowly starts to improve as you sit with them.
They go to apologize, but you cut them off before they can even try. They have nothing to be sorry for. Anyone who lived through that hell would have moments like this (and maybe you know that all too well). Giving them a gentle smile, you ask them if they want to take their mind off of it somehow. A favorite movie, a relaxing shower, or even just turning in early and going to sleep. Whatever they choose and whatever comes after that, you'll be doing it hand in hand.
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fugitivestogether · 2 years
If you have abandonment/trust issues, imagine confessing this to your FO for the first time. How their eyes soften, how their eyebrow furrow with sadness. How they wish they were there for you - that first time when others had let you down. When pieces of your heart shattered. Again and again.
"Oh (y/n)...." they whisper softly.
Maybe they don't know what or how to say the words they want say to express how heartbroken they are on your behalf. But one thing is for sure. They will always be yours for however long you'll have them. They will never abandon you.
With silent permission, they wrap their arms around you, pressing as much of themselves as they can. Their goal is to make you feel engulfed in their love and warmth.
Maybe you sob with relief. Maybe you press your face against their chest/neck with silent wonder.
You stay in this moment for a while. Baby steps, your FO thinks, but at least they can provide one of the few steps.
♡ !!!!
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fugitivestogether · 2 years
Title: Love in the Year 3000
Word Count: 713
Summary: Isabel and the Doctor ring in the new year. Well, a new year.
The year: 3000. Well, half an hour from 3000 to be exact. Isabel and the Doctor had found themselves at a New Year’s Eve party nearly a thousand years in the future and a billion miles from earth, orbiting the planet Llezephus in a leisure ship designed specifically for grand celebrations. Music was blasting, drinks were flowing, and the atmosphere was filled with excitement and anticipation. After all, it wasn’t every night that one got to ring in the dawn of a new millennium. The ship was appropriately decorated for the event, with tinsel lining the walls and hundreds of shiny silver stars hanging from the ceiling, and a number of unusual guests roamed the room. At one table, several women with very tall, eccentric hairstyles gossiped, and at another, a group of gelatinous orange aliens were playing poker. The crowd was so diverse and unusual that Isabel hardly felt out of place, despite the fact that she was, by all means, a stranger in a strange land.
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fugitivestogether · 2 years
Imagine your F/O(s) telling you how much they love you and how proud they are of you for living through another year.
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fugitivestogether · 2 years
when u sit so close next to me we’re touching or when ur hand brushes against mine or when u lean in close to me to say something and ur like RIGHT THERE and ur voice is soft in my ear…..cue intense blushing
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fugitivestogether · 2 years
Imagine resting your head on your f/o’s shoulder and then them resting their head on top of yours. 
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fugitivestogether · 2 years
If the anime characters I'm attracted to were real they'd fuck me I know they would I just know it
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fugitivestogether · 2 years
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fugitivestogether · 2 years
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Love yourself first and last 🙏😍😎
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fugitivestogether · 2 years
anyone else feel like they missed about 85% of 2021
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fugitivestogether · 2 years
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fugitivestogether · 2 years
New year is comin’
Where’s my f/o to give me my new years kiss
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fugitivestogether · 2 years
you: *watching/reading/listening to your f/o(s) source material*
your f/o(s): *shows up* hi :)
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fugitivestogether · 2 years
“he’s my comfort character!” then comfort him, he’s drowning in an indescribable emptiness right about now
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fugitivestogether · 2 years
Hi hi hey HELLO reminder to think ab curling up under a really fluffy blanket with yr f/o and watching your favorite movies and them kissing your forehead.
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