fearnotwony · 3 months
Weekly Affirmations
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♡ I am capable of overcoming anything.
♡ I deserve to be loved.
♡ Whenever I fall down, I get back up again.
♡ I am free to make my own choices.
♡ Good things are going to come to me.
♡ Happiness is a choice, and today I choose to be happy.
♡ I release negative feelings and thoughts about myself.
♡ I have made mistakes, but I will not let them define me.
♡ I was born strong, and I grow stronger every day.
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fearnotwony · 3 months
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fearnotwony · 4 months
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fearnotwony · 4 months
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tips for manifesting your dream life
this obvi are some tips i've been using as a beginner and everyone's method of manifesting is different but these have helped me so much!!
so i hope you enjoy them, and i hope everything works out for you (i know it will)
if you want it, you got it - think like you already have it
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"If you want it, you got it." Seriously, repeat it like it's your daily affirmation. The key to mastering the Law of Assumption is to think and act as if your desires are already yours. Picture this: you want that dream job, right? Instead of fretting about how you'll get it, start embodying the mindset of someone who already has it. Visualize yourself strutting into that office like you own the place, crushing every task with confidence, and celebrating your successes like the badass you are! The universe picks up on that energy, and before you know it, you'll be living your dream life.
write it down, write it down, write it down
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Here's where the REAL magic happens: journaling. Yup, you heard me right. Grab that cute notebook and start jotting down your manifestations like your life depends on it. Write them in the present tense as if they've already come true. Pour your heart and soul into those pages, infusing them with passion and positivity. And here's a pro tip: don't just stop at writing once. Make it a daily habit to revisit your manifestations, adding new ones, tweaking old ones, and basking in the joy of watching them unfold before your eyes. i love my journal so much!!! every morning when i do my daily gratitude i write things that i'm grateful for that i want to manifest and write it as though i already have it and im happy to have it in my life.
i've even been able to go back to old entries and see when manifestations came true!! i manifested the current job im in and moving in with my bf <3
figure out how you manifest best
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Manifesting isn't a one-size-fits-all kinda thing and it looks different for everybody! Take some time to figure out what works best for you bs this is about YOU. Maybe it's visualization, where you close your eyes and imagine every detail of your dream life with crystal clarity. Or perhaps it's affirmations, where you recite powerful statements that affirm your desires and boost your confidence.
it might even be a combination of different techniques! The key is to experiment, play around, and listen to your intuition. After all, nobody knows your manifesting strategy better than you do. let it come to you, it'll feel right once you find something that makes sense.
Remember, the power to manifest your dreams lies within you, so go forth and create the life you've always dreamed of. You got this!
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fearnotwony · 4 months
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⠀✹ 𓈒 ꒪⠀. ՙՙ 𝐅𝐀𝐋𝐋 𝐈𝐍𝐓𝐎 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐍𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓 . ⪩⪨ ₊ 𖥔
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fearnotwony · 4 months
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✿ ۪⋆ make it look easy
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fearnotwony · 4 months
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⠀��⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⊹ Me And My Husband 𓍼ִֶָ 🦢⠀⠀⠀⠀
⠀·:*¨༺ [ We're sticking together ] ༻¨*:·⠀⠀
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fearnotwony · 4 months
Opinions on sugaring and hyper gamy?
sugaring has its place but it definitely can be dangerous when you don’t know what the fuck you’re doing. do your research and listen to those who know what the game is. i know some but this isn’t what my blog is about so i won’t go into deep detail. i fully support hypergamy but i will never support a woman not doing shit, being at her man’s beck and call for every fucking thing, and expecting a man to be her source of life. yes. a man should court, help and provide for you but at no point are you to leave your well being in the hands of anyone else. get your degree/certifications in whatever field you’re passionate about. build your savings. start your business. invest in you. if that man is giving money for shopping or anything else you should always be tucking some aside. separate yourself from your man. remember: a relationship should absolutely be an asset and never a liability.
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fearnotwony · 4 months
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child relief fund
middle eastern child alliance
hospitals in palestine
reblogs > likes
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fearnotwony · 4 months
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credits to the owner on Pinterest <3
Love you <3
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fearnotwony · 4 months
the feel better formula⋆.ೃ࿔*:・🫧
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listening to music and dancing around my room - my current favorite song to dance to in my room is heart shaker by twice! doing this and dancing in front of my mirror just raises my mood SO much
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self care - if ur mental health isnt rly in a good state, its easy to skip taking care of urself. for me, when i find that i dont feel good, i find sanctuary in pouring into self care. but in some situations, going throughout my whole self care routine seems daunting so i try and simplify ur self care routine for days when u just feel like ur at 0%. but do a little something. shower, do ur skincare, and brush ur hair is my bare minimum, but that'll look different for everyone.
a good journalling session - i dump whatever is in my head into my diary and i feel a million times better. SHADOW WORK → BRAIN DUMP → JOURNALING
through trial and error at formulating what i call, my feel better formula i've come to find that for me, (self care activity + something that engages ur mind + REAL rest + movement + hobby = feeling better). even if its a little bit, the goal is to feel better.
self care activity continued ; brush ur teeth, wash ur face and eat something, and if ur feeling a little stronger, take a quick shower.
mind engagement ; watch something that motivates you. for me, i watch one of the wizard liz's videos, or i'll even go into my blog and read what i've written cuz taking ur own advice helps more in my opinion
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real rest ; without the phone or computer or television, take a nap, just sit with ur thoughts and meditate a little bit, just spend time without a screen and REST. do absolutely nothing 
movement ; a couple jumping jacks, maybe take a walk, pop a couple squats a little bit is better than nothing. as long as ur moving ur body
hobby ; listen to some music, do a cross-word puzzle, watch some of a series that you've always wanted to or are continuing, do some dancing 
of course this is what i've found works for me so if u wanna formulate ur own feel better formula it'd have to be specific to you, this just serves as inspo or an outline or something that u can try and see if it helps you too 🫶🏽
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fearnotwony · 4 months
Weekly Affirmations
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♡ I am the creator of my own happiness. I’m ready to take responsibility and do what it takes to start living my dream life.
♡ I’m going to only focus on things I can control and let go of worry about the rest.
♡ 2024 is a year of wonderful surprises, good decisions, and creative solutions.
♡ I am creating financial abundance, a healthy body, and positive relationships in 2024.
♡ This year is going to be a great and wonderful year for me.
♡ This year, my dreams are coming true.
♡ I am dedicated to becoming my higher self this year.
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fearnotwony · 4 months
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fearnotwony · 4 months
let's try
tonight when you go to sleep imagine a short scene that will fulfill your desire. Lose yourself in it for as long as you can until all you feel is happiness from your fulfillment and then go to sleep with the thought that you already have everything. Don't expect anything from 3D in the morning because why should you? Get up in the morning and make sure you have it in your imagination.
that's it.
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fearnotwony · 4 months
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Your manifestation can get externalized in infinite ways (based on your beliefs)
Do u want white teeth?
- you might wake up with it
- you might get the money to book an appointment with your dentist
- You might get an offer out of thin air
- etc
So stop beating yourself up over the process and movement
Your life and circumstances are unique to you.
If someone "manifests" $5000 within 5 minutes, IT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH ME or with any of my desires because I know that I will have mine and even better.
And YES you getting the money and booking an appointment with your dentist to whiten your teeth is a success story too.
Live your life! Live your best life!
And the same thing goes with appearance changes.
Ask yourself, "What would it be like to have my desired body? How would I feel if I had my desired white teeth?" Stop TRYING and start BEING
Maybe you want a new nose
- someone might offer you a free rhinoplasty or your body might make specific changes & many more
Just because you got an appointment and had a procedure done doesn't erase the fact that it was also a huge success story.
Be proud of yourself and celebrate your achievements.
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fearnotwony · 5 months
If you are struggling at school/ Uni etc. read this : <3
Always give your best and believe in yourself . You are capable of everything you wanna do or achieve . I know the feeling . When you feel alone or like you are the only one struggling in a situation or class but most of the time there are other people who are struggling too . You are never alone because everyone has a class or a subject were they struggle . For me its certain subjects in math , especially since this school year , and PE / Gym class because its making me uncomfortable and I'm not very athletic .....Yes I'm good at dancing and I'm not bad at badminton and swimming either but this are topics you do like .... maybe 1% of Pe . Everyone is struggling so remember you are never alone .
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Credits to the owner !
Love you <3
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fearnotwony · 5 months
Do you think you speak too fast/ too slow?
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Here is what I learned from a speech coach.
warm up:
start this exercise by taking a deep breath and saying “aaaaah” - try to extend this to 30 seconds. Now if it doesn’t go till 30, that’s fine. Aim to work your way to that. If you can work it up to 30, go for 45/60 seconds. Do this 5 times.
next. Download an app called Metronome beats. It’s basically what singers/ musicians use for beats.
Settings: keep beats/bar as 1,
clicks/beats as 1
start at 90. It will start with a click sound and continue “beeping.”
Match your words to the beep. One beep = one word. Now slowly, increase the beat by 5 till you reach 110. Increase it at your own pace but try to spend at least 20 seconds on each number (90 for 20 seconds; 95 for 20; 100 for 20….) That’s when you stop.
either start by reading something out loud and matching the beat, or select a topic and speak freely.
do this every single day. This will help with your breath, if you’re speaking on a topic it will help you think better and improve over time. The best way to further complement this exercise is to improve your vocabulary. Try to learn 1-3 new words a day and incorporate it in your vocabulary.
This is a great tool to use when learning new languages too. You can practice your speaking skills and see how fast you can remember/ read words.
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