fabian-juncan · 7 months
Life as a student and how to dominate school
In class and breaksAs a student, you wake up, go to school, and you’re home. Use your time when you’re at school to not need more time to learn at home. Be focused in class and if you really want to be time efficient, do your homework in breaks. Being focused is hard for many teenagers like us, distraction is everywhere, everyone is distracted. Meditation makes your attention skyrockets, when you…
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fabian-juncan · 7 months
Gym tips to grow faster
Gym is a magic place , where men grow together, help each other and relationships of friendship are made. Maybe some people don’t like it but it is surely a very nice place! 1.FoodWhen you push (or pull) a weight, usually heavier, or more reps than before, the fibers in the muscles are tearing apart. Muscles are just tubes, they break and that’s why you have muscle soreness the next days after a…
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