extra-unknown-nation · 10 months
To Love, and Live Again Chapter 3
Peter Quill x Male! Reader
Now available!
Word Count: 6.2k
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Tags: Angst, Mild Hurt/Comfort, Internal Conflict, Slow Burn, Sexual Tension
Summary: You are a servant working under Ego's wing for a few years. You wanted a way out, but could find no way that didn't result in him killing you. That is until the day Ego had located his son, Peter Quill, who also could harness his abilities. With that in mind, perhaps there was a way out, someone who could contend with a celestial. Hope was finally in sight, and Quill was the key.
Chapter Summary: Arriving on Ego's planet, Ego has a task for you that heavily involves Quill.
Feedback is appreciated!
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extra-unknown-nation · 10 months
Peter quill x male reader writer 😫😫😫 doing gods work truly
Thank you!!
I’m trying my best to fill up the tag for male readers who love Quill 🥹🥹
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extra-unknown-nation · 10 months
not a chance to slow down
Peter Quill x male reader smut
1.8k words
Tags: unprotected sex and age difference
A/N: I’ve been obsessed with Star-Lord since I played the Guardians of the Galaxy game around the beginning of the year. The one written about here though is from the MCU and was pretty much inspired by some gifs I saw and couldn’t stop thinking about lol. I’ll probably end up writing something about Adam Warlock too because how could I not when Will Poulter looks as good as he does.
The first time you spoke to Peter, it was in passing. You were tired and cranky, having driven many miles to get home during your summer break from school. You were on your last box when he came out of his house.
“Nice shirt,” you said casually when he walked by you.
“Thanks!” His eyes darted down to the box you held, “you need some help with that?”
“This is the last one, thankfully,” you answered and used one hand to wipe the sweat that had gathered on your brow.
“I wish I knew you needed help, I definitely would’ve been out here to help you,” the man responded.
You couldn’t help but eye him over. With how broad his shoulders looked, you’re sure he would’ve been able to help without getting as sweaty as you did.
“I appreciate that, but it’s okay,” you said, sending him a smile, “that mail does look pretty heavy after all.”
“It’s nothing I can’t handle,” the man responded, and raised the few pieces of mail like a dumbbell, making his bicep flex.
It was probably from the time you spent in your car making you go a little crazy, but the man’s joke made you laugh harder than you expected. The other man’s face went red as you laughed, but after a second, he almost looked smug, like he was happy his joke had such a reaction.
“So,” the man says when your laughter has died down, “you here for the summer?”
“Yeah. After a long semester, I’m finally home,” you said, sending a grateful smile toward your house.
“Well, I’m happy to be the first person to welcome you back,” he says, sending you a soft smile.
You didn’t want to tell the man that he wasn’t the first person you saw since you’ve been home, instead, a smile matching the one the man wore landed on your lips. “Who do I have to thank for such a warm welcome?”
“Peter Quill, at your service,” he said, adding a bow.
You couldn’t help but laugh again at the display. You introduced yourself around the fit of giggles as Peter went on to laugh at himself.
“Let me know if you need any help unpacking,” Peter called from his door after you walked up your respective driveways. “Hopefully I’ll be seeing a lot more of you,” Peter said as he stood in the open doorway.
“I hope so too,” you responded, sending one last smile his way before you closed the door. The smile on your face lasted until you got to your bedroom, and fell once you were reminded of all of the boxes you needed to unpack.
Though you were tempted to walk out of your house and head next door to see if Peter would come to help you unpack your boxes, you didn’t end up seeing him until the next day.
“Are you on mail duty too?” Peter asked as he leaned against his mailbox.
“It’s one of my most important responsibilities. Nice robe, by the way,” it was pretty boring as far as robes go with its plain white color, but you weren’t about to tell Peter that.
“You like it?” Peter twists himself to the left and right to make sure you have a full look at the garment, “I just bought it.”
“Am I the first to see you in it?” You ask in surprise.
“You are. I saved it just for you.”
You let out a chuckle, though you weren’t sure if Peter was being serious, “what’s it gonna be tomorrow?”
Peter crosses his arms over his chest, looking away with an intense look of thought on his face, “I could break out my birthday suit, but that’s reserved for my bedroom and the bathroom.”
You look at him with your brows raised, a slow smile spreading across your face, “I think I would get pretty lonely if you got arrested for doing that, so I’d think of something else to wear.”
“Or you could come up to my room and I could just show you, that way I don’t have to think of what I should wear to impress you,” Peter said with a smirk.
“I know thinking can be hard at your age, so that sounds like a good idea.”
Peter’s smirk morphed into a look of offense, “how old do you think I am?”
“You were wearing a Metallica shirt yesterday.”
“So? They’re a good band, that doesn’t make me old,” Peter responded.
“How old are you?”
Peter looked away, and glanced at the mail you held in your hand before looking back at you, “40,” he answered before looking away again.
“You’re not that old at least,” you responded, smiling when Peter shook his head.
You couldn’t ignore the nervous feeling that started to sink in when you stepped up to the man, “I have to put this inside then I’ll be over, okay?”
Peter nodded, sending you a small smile, “better hurry, you don’t want me getting any older, do you?”
You meant it when you said Peter wasn’t that old. It even made more things about him make sense, like his taste in shirts, and the way his eyes crinkled yesterday when he laughed at his joke. What didn’t make sense, or really, what you didn’t expect, was the way that he fucked you.
It almost reminded you of the guy you went home with last semester. Like the guy you went home with, Peter fucked you fast and hard. You honestly expected it to be over just as quickly as that last time, but when Peter rolled over onto his back and sat you down on his cock, you let out a punched out noise of surprise.
“Tired?” You asked.
Peter grinned, “I’m not as young as I used to be,” he said, running his hands up and down your thighs. When he pulled his hands away, he crossed them behind his head, looking relaxed.
You watched in confusion as Peter lay there. When his eyes fell shut, you clenched down on his cock, hoping to get the man back into action, but he stayed still. When you clenched back down on his throbbing cock, that’s when Peter’s eyes opened again to watch you.
“That all you’re going to do?” Is that enough to get you off?” He asked with a smirk.
“Fuck you,” you snipped back. You knew from the first time that you brought yourself up with your thighs that they would quickly start to ache, but it only spurred you on. You fell back down after bringing yourself up with a moan, feeling as if the cock inside you went deeper than the poison that you were just in.
“There you go, baby,” Peter said, his smirk now a toothy smile, “I knew you had it in you,” he said, still just fucking laying there.
In retaliation for his stillness, you reached down to twist at one of his nipples with your fingers, but it only made Peter let out a groan filled with pleasure. You took to settling your hands on his broad chest, finding purchase to help fuck yourself down on his cock.
You didn’t expect after only having met yesterday that you would be bouncing up and down on his cock the next day. You could see when you met him yesterday how broad his shoulders and chest were, but now, seeing it uncovered from the shirt he wore yesterday, and the bathrobe he wore today, you could see the way his muscles were covered with a soft layer of fat.
Your head fell back as you let out moans as the cock inside you hit your prostate as you filled yourself to the brim over and over again.
When the inevitable burn in your thighs began to set in, you paused to lean down and press your lips to Peter’s. You moaned into his mouth, feeling his cock throb against your prostate, even as you sat still.
Peter answered with a noise of his own and moved his hands back down to your hips. He traced his fingers over the sensitive skin of your hips bones, making you shudder, and once the kiss was over, his hands moved to the globes of your ass.
Peter gripped the skin tightly and used the harsh grip to lift you before he loosened his grip so you could fall back down.
You felt your body go boneless in his arms from the effort that you had put in, but with the way that Peter lifted you so he could fuck his cock in and out of your hole, you were happy to let go under the effort he gave.
You panted into his sweaty neck, letting out little grunts as you tried to still fuck yourself back down on his cock. You could feel yourself approaching the edge, too focused on that to respond when Peter turned his neck to connect your lips.
In reprisal, Peter bit harshly into your bottom lip before he soothed the mark over with his tongue. The headboard slammed into the wall as Peter thrust over and over into your tight, warm hole. The sound was accompanied by the slick sound of sweaty skin on skin.
When you leaned up, Peter followed so he could stay close and connect your lips. You tried your best to keep up, but ended up with your forehead pressed to his as you panted into his mouth once the kisses were over.
With one hand still braced on his chest, you used the other to wrap your fingers around your cock. After a few tugs of your cock to the rhythm of Peter’s thrusts, your back arched and your head fell back as your orgasm washed over you.
You opened your eyes during the aftershocks as Peter chased you into orgasm. He held your asscheeks in a bruising grip as he thrust inside your hole. You almost wanted to open your mouth and let out a whimper of pain at the grip he held you in, but he soon relaxed as he fell over the edge.
Peter gave one final thrust when he let go of your ass, instead moving his hands to your back so he could pull you close. He groaned over and over again, each noise ending with a breathy moan as he came deep inside you.
You buried a hand in his sweaty hair as he ducked his head down into the crook of your neck. Peter held you close even after his cock had gone soft, his only movement being a slight shift for his cock to slip free.
You felt warm and sticky in his arms. You knew Peter had a mess that coated his chest from where your cock had shot ropes of cum, and you knew that you were equally messy where Peter’s cock had been, but you didn’t want to move.
Peter fell back down to the bed with a groan before pulling your body down on top of his. Though he wrapped you tightly in his arms, you still couldn’t contain your shiver as everything on and leaking out of you began to cool.
Peter gave a low chuckle, “did I not warm you up enough?”
You pressed your smile into the sweaty crook of his neck, “I might need your bathrobe.”
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extra-unknown-nation · 10 months
To Love, and Live Again
Peter Quill x Male! Reader
Chapter 2 Is Now Available!
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Tags: Angst, Mild Hurt/Comfort, Internal Conflict, Slow Burn, Sexual Tension
Summary: You are a servant working under Ego's wing for a few years. You wanted a way out, but could find no way that didn't result in him killing you. That is until the day Ego had located his son, Peter Quill, who also could harness his abilities. With that in mind, perhaps there was a way out, someone who could contend with a celestial. Hope was finally in sight, and Quill was the key.
Chapter Summary: With the guardians now set for departure with your group, bonds starts to form.
Feedback is always appreciated!
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extra-unknown-nation · 10 months
Posted Chapter 1 to the beginning of my new Peter Quill x Male!Reader fic series!
I won’t be posting it here on Tumblr, but can be read over of A03. Support from Peter Quill fans and readers who loved the character would be very much appreciated!
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Hey love your fics! Can I request a peter quill x male reader fic where he dances with reader and kisses him for the first time, his hands on reader’s hips and all, something really cute. Maybe it can take place on his ship, all up to you!
Thank you if you do this request! ❤️
Peter Quill x Male Reader
Warnings: none reader just has slight attitude:)
Song: Fooled Around and Fell In Love- Elvin Bishop
“God, where did you put my headphones peter!” You say and start throwing things around in your room on the ship. He had broken his headphones that connected to his Walkman and starting using yours for his music.
You groan when he doesn’t respond but suddenly hear loud static. Confused, you let out a huff and walk out to the front of the ship where he was.
You see Peter fidget with the ships radio and a bunch of stations changing and static was heard. “Peter,” you say sternly as you once your hands on yours while in the door way.
Peter ignores you and finally hooks up his Walkman to the speaker and turns to you with a grin on his face.
The intro plays in and you roll your eyes, of course he’d put this on.
“no need for headphones when we got this now. We can listen together, honey,” peter says as he starts swaying to the slight beat.
“I must’ve been through about a million girls”
Peter started mouthing the lyrics and you tried to hide a smile.
“I’d love em them I’d leave them alone”
The song continued and he made his way to you, “come on, dance with me?” He held his hand up to you,” he begged with sweet eyes and a genuine smile.
You sucked your teeth but gave in to him with a smile and grabbed a hold of his hand. He grinned widley.
“ but then I fooled around and fell in love”
Peter spun you around with his arm still around you.
“ I fooled around and fell in love”
He looked into your eyes and unwound you.
“ I fooled around and fell in love”
As the note hit on “ in love,” you were spun outreached from each other, hands still locked together warmly. You smiled and shook your head, still seeing him slightly dance and sing.
“ fooled around and fell in love”
He spins you back in and your hands connected. The song was made as background music as you spoke, “ I do need my headphones though.”
Peter groaned, “why?”
“To not listen to you and rocket complain the entire time while going to a mission.” You give him a look and he rolls his eyes, you guys still sway together, hand in hand.
You guys moved your feet in sink and you spun him this time. He came back to you with a pout.
(2:15) When the chorus kicked in, you placed your hands on his hips as he rested his on your shoulders. “It’s not my fault he always get us lost on the way ,” peter says.
You shrug, “meh, it’s mostly you involved as well.”
The guitars plays amazingly in the background as you guys continued swaying.
Peter dramatically gasps, “what does that mean?” You shake your head, “it means,” you move your hand to his face, brushing hair away, “you’re the cause,” you release him and start to walk away, about to let go of his hand.
Relaxing this, he immediately pulls you back, tugging you, your back hits his chest. Peters arm wrapped around your torso, his beard tickled your neck, “well you just don’t hear the full story,” he huffs.
You scoff, “trust me, it’s hard not to hear it.” You feel peter smile against you, causing you to smile, moving to hold his arm that’s around you.
“ free on my own, that’s the way it used to be”
The music definitely reminded you of you and peter, and you can’t deny this used to by a strong favorite of yours when with Peter.
“ but since I meet you baby, loves got a hold on me”
He twisted you around as the ‘fooled around and feel in love’, continued off, wrapping both his arms around you now, placing his chin on your head.
Both you and Peter held each other until he reluctantly leaned back.
He stared into your eyes, searching for something. “You okay peter?” You ask as you place a hand on his shoulder.
He hummed, “I-…just admiring you, Y/n.” You quirked an eyebrow at him. “Oh really? That’s the only thing?” You question him and he laughs. “Of course, why wouldn’t I admire the handsome man I love the most,” peters eyes widen as those words flew out.
Your eyes widen as well, but quickly soften and smile sweetly up at him. “Well, admire me later,” you say before placing your other hand in his jaw, thumbing at his beard.
You leaned in and Peter gasped, not expecting the outcome. The gasp was quickly morphed in by your guys’ lips connecting.
Peters eyes flutter and sighs into it.
His hands moved to rest on your hips and moving you closer, nodded together. Moving a hand to peters hair, you started combing with your fingers through the fluff, enjoying the moment.
Peter made the move to deepen the kiss, lips now moving in sync.
Still swaying, the end of song neared and faded out “fooled around and fell in love”.
Perfectly describing the moments you two always share together.
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You could make headcanons for Peter Quill dating a human who was kidnapped from Earth by aliens and rescued by him.
Peter Quill x Male!Reader
Peter Rescuing You (+Aftermath) Headcanons
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✨️You weren't the only one who was abducted; you were in a group among other victims that have been taken away from their homes. For some reason, seeing someone, a human, was able to calm you down just a bit; the amount of aliens and other creatures you've never seen along with being taken from your home was terrifying for you.
✨️You're probably one of the few people who Peter really relates to. There are times where the both of you talk about your experiences back on Earth, as well as being kidnapped and what your lives were like afterward.
✨️He helps you get used to the aliens and creatures, especially the Gaurdians. It took you a while to get used to everything, being away from Earth and all; you already had a fear of aliens and creatures out of this world due to your abduction.
✨️You usually spend your time on Knowhere, and Peter visits you whenever he gets the chance. He misses you dearly when he's away, so he makes sure to make the best out of it whenever he's with you.
✨️He's so protective of you to a point where others may find it annoying or even overbearing. He's told to give you a chance to breathe, but he can't help but be worried about you, so he'll do anything he can to make sure you're not in danger.
✨️Peter is hesitant on taking you on his ship during missions, but he shows you around sometimes in his free time. He likes to show you the different gadgets he has and feels proud of himself when he sees how impressed you are.
✨️He loves to show you his music playlist, or better yet, listen to it with you. The two of you just hold hands while listening to music and looking at the stars.
✨️He comforts you when you have nightmares about being abducted; he may not be the best at comfort, but he does try and hold you to let you know that he's here for you.
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I'm Not In Love;;
A/N: I was feeling silly goofy and got this idea while listening to the gotg soundtrack.
Pairing: Peter Quill x Reader
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"You're going to see him, aren't you?"
Peter jumped when Gamora spoke. Her voice slightly echoing in the hallway of the ship as he leaned against the wall. His heart was racing. A mix of being caught sneaking out, and also the fact that he was on his way to see you.
"What? No. Who? Who am I going to see... Exactly?" He asked, his ears turning red at his stammering. She only laughed, rolling her eyes while shaking her head. "You know who I'm talking about."
Peter could own up to being caught. It wasn't like the whole crew didn't know that he was sneaking out to see you. You were the only person he ever made time for anymore.
"Psh, I have no idea," he played dumb. A fowl play. "Is Peter sneaking out to see the silly earth boy?" Peter jumped yet again. Flailing his arms a little while he jumped to this time face Drax.
"You guys need to stop doing that! And he's not a boy, he's like six months younger than me! Don't make it weird," he scoffed, causing a rumble of laughter to escape Drax's throat. Gamora smiling in amusement.
"Well, if you have no idea who I am accusing you of hanging out with," she sighed, "I guess you won't mind if I invite the silly earth boy over to hang out with us all." She toyed.
Peter felt his stomach bubbling with anxiety. He could throw up if he really wanted to, but he didn't. That'd be one more thing for them all to make fun of him for.
"Why are you inviting him?" He blurted, certain that they would catch onto how enthralled in you he really was. "Well, just to talk. That's all." That definitely was not all if Gamora was the one inviting you over.
Quill was defiant though. He wasn't about to admit that he was sneaking out to surprise you at your apartment. Hopeful to spend any amount of time with you, even if it was short lived. He wouldn't care. Just seeing you made him feel better.
"Why are you so obsessed with the silly man anyways? Haven't you got a billion other people to sleep with? Or are you in love with him?" Drax accused, and Peter felt his face heating up more than before. God, he needed a drink. Or to be knocked unconscious. Anything works.
"One, I do have a billion other people to sleep with. They're all just... Busy, and he's not. Two, I'm not in love!" He shouted, and Drax only smiled. "That's what a man in love would say!" He boasted with a laugh. Peter only grunted. Slumping his shoulders forward a bit while he headed back for his room on the ship. "Whatever," he scoffed, making Gamora and Drax smile at each other.
"Oh, he's in love," she teased loud enough for him to hear. He was sick of it. Even if they were right.
When you got to the Milano everyone was sitting around the main table. Laughing and shouting at one another. It wasn't long before you were spotted, though.
"Quill! Your funny earth man is here!" Drax yelled, a curse coming from beside you as Peter entered the room with more drinks in his hand. He looked over at you. Smiling softly when he met your gaze. "Hey," you grinned back. "God, this is disgusting! You two are always fucking with your eyes," Rocket slurred. Having a few too many drinks.
"I am groot," "It's not cute! It's burning my eyes!" Rocket cringed, rubbing his eyes with his hands in an attempt to make his point. You just laughed, rolling your eyes while you approached the table. Sitting beside Gamora and Groot. Peter across from you when he finally did sit down.
The conversations you all had were quick to turn into banter. Nothing important was really shared. Outside from old stories, gossip, and some minor advice from Drax.
"So, how's your love life going?" Gamora had asked you, and you felt your stomach bubble. A familiar nervousness boiling within you when you noticed how intensely Peter was staring at you from across the table. "Well, it's interesting," you smiled, and everyone was all ears now.
"I met this guy, he's really nice. Sweet, even. He knows just how to turn my bad days into good ones, and he's got the craziest life I've ever heard of. I like him quite a lot, actually," Peter scoffed at your words. He hadn't meant to, though. "Who is he?" He asked, and now it was everyone's turn to look at him. "Are you jealous? I think he's jealous!" Rocket hooted which caused Peter to raise his hands in defense. "I ain't jealous!" "No need to be jealous anyways, he's sitting right in front of me," you told him while nervously fiddling your fingers in your lap.
Everyone was quiet. Looking between the both of you. Everyone was wide eyed with disbelief, besides Gamora. Who was just smiling smugly over at Peter. Waiting for him to either progress the relationship between the two of you. Or fuck it up with something stupid. It was a fifty-fifty chance with Quill.
"Me?" He asked, causing everyone to sigh or groan. "God, you're so stupid, yet it's you!" Drax shouted. More stressed over the situation than you were. You only giggled, raising your hand up to rub your jaw. "Yeah, you," Quill had no idea how to respond to that. He only stared, dumbfounded.
"So much for 'I'm not in love'!" Rocket mocked Peter's voice, and the man sneered. "I do not sound like that!" Drax and Rocket were laughing now. Gamora still looking between the both of you. Groot was truthfully lost, but he supported whatever was going on.
"So?" Gamora spoke to Quill. He just stared, shaking his head with wide eyes. "What?" He asked, and she groaned for you. "Are you going to say that you like him back? Or are you going to keep acting like you know nothing?" She nearly shouted, and Peter through his hands up. Opening his mouth to speak, but then it closed. He couldn't muster up the courage to say anything.
"If you don't like me that's fine, Peter. Don't let Gamora scare you into something that you don't want." He did want you though. In more ways than just sex. He wanted to wake up to you next to him every morning. He wanted to explore the galaxy with you. He wanted to be able to call you his.
"I do uh, like you." He stammered, "And I do want you," he nearly whispered. A sheepish smile gracing his lips. Cheers were heard from around the table, but neither of you really paid mind to them. You were both too focused on looking at one another from across the table.
"Jesus, quit doing that," Rocket sneered, and Peter sighed. "Doing what?" He asked, and Rocket waved his hands between the both of you. "That thing with your eyes, you're practically undressing each other! Just get out of here if you guys wanna be weird and sappy," he scoffed. Making a fake gagging noise in the process. Peter only rolled his eyes, standing from his chair while you did the same.
"I have to get going anyways," you told Rocket, and Quill frowned. "How come?" He asked, watching as your smile grew mischievous. "That guy I was talking about? His bed's calling my name right now," you hummed, waving to the group before heading through the ship to where Peter's quarters were.
Peter stood there for a moment, smiling as he watched you walk off. "Hear that guys? This guys not only got some sort of relationship going on now, but I'm also getting laid," he snickered before moving for you down the hall. Practically jogging down after you. Everyone else slowly lost the fondness of the idea of you two being together. Now they saw how big of an issue it could be.
"It is like living with my parents all over again. Just hopefully Quill will not tell us how they have sex," Drax informed the crew, and they all let out noises of disapproval. "I'm sure Quill'll let us all know without his words," Rocket grumbled, sinking into his chair. The rest of the crew doing the same as they drank the rest of their booze.
What a night for you all indeed.
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Screw it I’m making another Peter Quill x Male!Reader, there’s not enough of this man 😭
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Star-Lord and his curly hair has changed something in me
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'He Likes You'
Peter Quill x Male!Reader Word Count: 0.9k
Summary: After you had a bad day, Peter comes to check on you, for reasons he keeps hidden.
A/N: Just got back from seeing GOTG3 and needed to write about this man asap! This is pretty short but, hope you like! (Also I don't own this GIF)
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You were sat comfortably outside the bar, drinking away at the weird beverage you had taken from the fridge just inside. It's strange, texture made you shiver but brought you slight relief after just getting done helping Nebula with supplies. She was tough to read, and quite harsh with her words; as if the day hadn't been awful already, Nebula treating you like an after thought made it worse.
Sighing you take another swing of your drink, placing it just beside your hips as you gaze around. As per usual Knowhere was busy, with people going about their duties to keep the place bustling, some like you, were just relaxing and enjoying their day. Well, you tried to at least but things just weren't working out for you.
You thought hard, a little too hard about your worth, feeling as though you didn't belong there, that is until you were startled by a hand grasping at your shoulder. Looking up, you make eye contact with the man; your eyes widening as you realized it was Peter.
"Hey," he says, his voice low and causing a shiver to run up your spine.
You quickly stand up, gripping your bottle and wiping away the frown on your face, "Hey Pete, what's up?"
"Nothing, just checking in on you," he replies, watching as your shoulders tense up. "Heard about how you stormed off from the lift off zone, I just....wanna make sure you're good."
A scoff escaped your lips as you look down at your half empty bottle, Peter's concern for you always seemed to bring you some warmth in times of distress. Even as something as small as this, you couldn't help smirking, "Yeah, got scolded by one of your friends is all."
His brow rose, "Wait who, was it Nebula?"
You nodded, pursing your lips in shame.
"Sorry about her, she's been rough on everyone today. I can go talk to her, I think she's still at the ship." Peter begins to ramble, taking a few steps back as if he would go to retrieve her.
You didn't want him to go though, "Peter..."
He didn't listen, continuing to speak, "I promise you by the next few days she'll be-." Peter suddenly stopped as he felt your hands wrap comfortably around his wrist; preventing him from stepping away.
You both exchanged looks, your eyes filled with a need for him to stay while his brighten at the feeling of your hand around his.
You quickly noticed yourself lingering too long with his hand, pulling back before quickly apologizing.
Peter shook his head, "It's fine." Deep down though it wasn't, he wanted you to touch him again just like that, to feel the butterflies he'd get all the times you two would accidentally brush up against each other. Just thinking about it made his stomach flutter.
"Umm..." is all you could mutter, as the two of you remained awkwardly looking at each other; waiting for the other to say something to break the silence.
Luckily there was someone, somebody that wasn't even apart of the conversation, Drax.
"Kiss him, Quill." The deep, burly voice cause you two to snap your gazes to the side, where Drax was nonchalantly staring at you both.
"Drax! Why are you not at the ship with the others?"
Drax explains, "I got bored, and plus Mantis told me to follow you just in case you finally reveal how much you like-"
Peter chimes in before Drax could finish, "No, no, no, no, okay. I need you to help unpack things with Mantis on the ship alright? You're the strongest on the team, she can't do all the work alone."
"You gonna tell him first?"
"Tell me what?" You questioned.
"He likes you."
"What it's true?!"
Peter rolls his eyes, "Oh my...Drax get back to the ship, now!"
Drax listens this time watching your surprised expression as he began to walk away, turning occasionally to see if Peter would make any moves.
As he disappeared behind a building, Peter turns back to you, his face flushed with embarrassment. "Sorry about him, he's a-little...you know," Peter drew circles around the side of his head, indicating Drax's stupidity.
You played along with Peter, trying to hide your smile, "No I get it."
Peter scoffed, "I should probably make sure my team isn't causing a ruckus, huh?"
Although you didn't want him to leave, at least this time he had a better reason to do so. You nodded, your lips twitching at Drax's previous remarks. 'He likes you'. Was that honestly the truth? You liked Peter, but you weren't sure if he had similar feelings, not until now. His defensive comments, and his friends ratting him out proved he was interested in you.
"Can I...get a hug first,” he asked, his face expressing fear of denial. You weren't the kind of person to harshly turn down something, but the thought still crossed Quill's mind.
You shrugged, willing to take up his offer. You closed the gap between him, reaching up to wrap your arms around his neck, carefully to prevent the glass in your hand from hitting his head. Peter pulls you in, his hands resting in the small of your back.
He was so warm, you could just sink into his embrace and never wanna let up. You wished the two of you could just be still, and enjoy each others company for as long as possible. The thought of having to let go, to let yourself be release from his grasp was something you tried blocking out.
For now, you would appreciate the moment, knowing that things between the two of you would likely to shift going forward.
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A Way Out (From Heterosexuality) ❤    
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I love you so much Raphael Fire Emblem Kirsten
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