euan112358 · 3 years
A Bright Celebration - edits
So recently I was talking with @thelazyhermits about some changes to A Bright Celebration to put it more in line with canon, and and it just snowballed from there. New scenes for one of the games, scene reorderings, new and changed presents; there's quite a bit that's changed. So if you enjoyed this story enough for a reread, now's the perfect time!
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euan112358 · 4 years
Pet's Day Out
For @thelazyhermits​ and her fantastic TABF-verse, here's something that came to mind. Hope it's fluffy enough!
"And... there! That's the last one!" Mineta said, gently peeling the last cat's fur off of the sticky orb. The tabby cat immediately hopped to the ground and began washing itself, obviously glad to be free of its prison.
"Good," Y/N said, brushing bits of fur off her lap and grateful that it was still early enough in the spring for claw-proof long sleeves. "Now what have we learned, Mineta?"
"That cats don't like being stuck to my hairballs, Sensei?" the short boy answered apologetically. "Sorry about the fuss."
"No harm done," Y/N said with a smile. "I agree that it was funny at first, but we shouldn't leave the cats to be upset for too long. Now how about you apologize to Missy with some belly rubs?" As if in agreement, the tabby cat in question mrowled and rolled onto her back.
Mineta chuckled and dutifully got to work, while Y/N stretched her arms and looked around the front porch of the 1-A Heights Alliance dorm. It was such a lovely spring day that many of the neighborhood stray cats that Y/N had a habit of feeding and welcoming had come for their tribute, at the same time that several of the students had decided to take a study break and enjoy the fresh air.
Needless to say, everyone soon joined in with playing with the cute kitties. To make things even better, Kouda had also decided that today would be a good day to let his pet rabbit Yuwai out for a run, and Vlad King had asked Y/N if she could look after his bulldog Wally while he and his class had a special session at the USJ. So, with animals all around her, Y/N, 1-A and a few passersby had settled in for a lovely afternoon.
She saw Eri giggling as the cat in her arms nuzzled curiously at her long silver hair, the adorableness of which made Y/N want to melt.
She saw Ojiro nonchalantly strolling across the road, trying to look nonchalant even with the jingling bells tied with ribbon to his tail tip, and the coterie of cats following him trying to grab them. Hagakure followed close behind, holding her phone up and enjoying every moment. 
She saw Tokoyami having an intent staring match with a black cat that she recognized as a frequent and very intent visitor, while Dark Shadow and Asui played with some more behind his back.
She saw Yuwai and the excitable Lionheart chasing each other around the lawn while Kouda chased after them trying to keep order, while never losing his smile. Her sympathies went out to Kouda and Lionheart; she'd chased Yuwai down before and she knew they were in for a time.
She saw Jirou sitting under a tree and trying to focus on her guitar-playing, even as a bold kitty tugged insistently at one of her long earlobes. 
She saw Satou dutifully pouring out some more water and food for the cats.
She saw Todoroki looking down contentedly at Wally snoozing on his left knee, as well as the handful of kittens snoozing on Wally's back and even more cuddled up against Todoroki's side. If she couldn't find a picture of that at the end of the day, she'd have some choice words for the photographers.
She saw Shinsou snoozing against another tree, the gray Olivia curled up in his lap.
She saw Yaoyorozu dusting off her hands and stepping back from a cat tower that she had assembled next to the door with her powers and bare hands, and Sero placing a cat at the very top of it. 
She saw Shouji looking like a cat king, all six arms and his many grown hands scratching at cat ears, backs and bellies, while Uraraka and Ashido laughed at the sight. 
Y/N laughed too and leant back, looking up at the spring sky. Truly, nothing could spoil this day. 
Suddenly, as if in response to her thought, a sudden onset of loud yapping suddenly filled the air, and several of the cats, which had only just gotten used to Wally around, stiffened. The students looked up in confusion, and Shinsou cracked open an eye.
The next moment, Iida appeared next to Y/N, trying to hide his fluster under his usual steadfast personality. "Y/N-sensei! We require your assistance! And where's Kouda-kun?"
Kouda waved from where he was trying to keep the cats calm, while Y/N stood up. "Iida? What's wrong? Weren't you, Midoriya, Kirishima and Kaminari out on an errand?"
"We were, but then we found Bakugou-kun, and we thought it best to bring him back here and inform you!" Iida replied, hand raised as if swearing what he was saying was true.
"Bakugou?" Y/N said, completely befuddled. "Didn't his parents come to take him out for lunch with an old family friend today?"
"Indeed they did, but they ran into some trouble! See for yourself!" Iida pointed back to where Kaminari and Kirishima were walking up the street, not looking half as harried as their class president.
The reason for that was clear; they were too preoccupied with the three dogs that they were bringing along. All three were very fluffy Pomeranians, with the one following behind the boys a dark brown, rather placid male, and the one next to Kaminari a poofy blonde female, which kept shooting looks at Kirishima.
Or more accurately, at the yappy, very irate, and very familiar blond Pomeranian pup held securely in Kirishima's hardened arms.
Y/N's jaw dropped. "Bakugou?"
"Yep, and whoever did this to him must have got his family too," Kaminari said, gesturing at the pup's blonde mother - which could only be Bakugou Mitsuki - next to him.
"Aw! Bakugou's so cute as a puppy!" Ashido cooed, darting over and trying to pet the angry fluffball, who only just barked at her. "Still could use some anger management, as always!"
Y/N had to agree that Bakugou looked absolutely adorable, but she tried to focus on the issue. "When did you find them? Who did this to them?"
"We found them just running towards U.A., so I guess they were trying to find help," Kirishima shrugged. "We... never actually saw anyone use their Quirk on them, but come on! Three dogs that look almost identical to Bakugou and his parents; what are the odds that these are just some random dogs?"
"Well, if you didn't see who did this to them, maybe they did?" Y/N suggested. "Kouda! Mind giving us a hand?"
Kouda looked up, then looked back down as one of the cats he was trying to corral hissed at the newcomers. He held up one finger as he tried to herd the cats away and prevent a mass panic - which was proving to be just as complicated as implied. 
"You need a minute, Kouda?" Y/N called, and got a nod in return.
"I'll give him a hand, Y/N-sensei," Shinsou said, standing up, stretching and moving towards the slowly-dispersing feline crowd. Satou, Yaoyorozu and Asui also went to help.
"So where's Midoriya? Wasn't he with you?" Y/N asked. Wally, awakened by the sound, gamboled up to the new dogs and barked a hello. The adult dogs yapped hello in return, while the pup just snarled in agitation.
"He was, but Bakugou really didn't like having him around," Kirishima answered, jostling the dog in his arms. "Kept yapping louder than usual and making all of us go deaf. So he offered to walk around the area where we found him and see if anyone saw anything. He said he'd call if he found anything."
"That sounds sensible," Y/N said, reaching out to pet the Pomeranian too. The yappy fur ball only yapped louder at the sensation, but a firm growl from his mother made him eventually give in. "But I thought Bakugou and Midoriya were on better terms now."
Kirishima just shrugged. 
Eri trotted up, looking curiously at the snarling blond puppy. "Is this really Bakugou-san? It looks just like him!" Y/N and many of the students snorted to hide a smile, but the pup in Kirishima's arms kept yapping and growling.
The next few moments were spent petting and cooing over the dogs, before Kouda finally came back, the cats successfully ushered away.
Y/N gestured to the dogs. "Alright, Kouda, can you figure out who did this to Bakugou and his family."
Kouda nodded, bent down to the brown father, and started whispering to him. How he negotiated, Y/N had no idea, but she could see the growing confusion on his face.
Then, all at once, Kouda's eyes widened and he looked between all three dogs with a sense of realization. His head flicked almost comically between the dogs until he couldn't take it any more, and he broke down...
... with laughter.
Y/N and the 1-A students stared in confusion as Kouda sat down on the road, clutching his stomach and giggling his heart out. His laughter was as quiet as his words, but the way he was obviously busting a gut seemed to indicate that there wasn't a major problem with.
Despite herself, Y/N couldn't help but smile at the laughter. "Kouda? What's so funny?"
Kouda just shook his head, too amused to even explain himself. Then the next moment, more laughter filled the air as, for no apparent reason, Jirou and Shouji started to laugh and chortle along with him.
Iida's head flicked between his three classmates, growing more indignant and frustrated. "Kouda-kun! Jirou-kun! Shouji-kun! What on earth are you laughing about? Your classmate has been turned into a dog, with no idea who did it or how long their Quirk may last, and all you can do is laugh about it?!"
Shouji just shook his head, leaning back against the tree he was sitting against. Chest still heaving with laughter, he raised one arm and pointed down the road, and right on cue, Midoriya spoke up.
"Ah... Iida-san, I think I may have the answer.."
Bakugou's voice caught everyone's attention, and they all turned around. There, coming up the road beside Midoriya, were Bakugou and his parents, completely human and looking rather bemused. Well, his father Masaru certainly was and his mother Mitsuki looked more amused, but Bakugou was his usual irate self.
Midoriya rubbed his head sheepishly. "I met them on the way in, and they couldn't understand why I was so excited, so I just led them here instead..."
Kaminari's face lit up. "Bakugou! You're alright! And you're not a dog!"
"Of course I'm alright, Derp-face! Nothing happened while we were out! And what do you mean by dog-" Bakugou's eyes widened when Kirishima turned around, revealing the spiky-furred blond pup in his arms. The moment it laid eyes on Bakugou, its yapping and snarling ratcheted up by an order of magnitude.
Bakugou pointed one incredulous finger at the fuzzball. "You thought that was me?!"
"And that these were your parents, transformed by a Quirk," Kirishima added, pointing to the other two dogs. "It... made sense at the time?"
"That hairball looks nothing like me!" Bakugou roared indignantly, the pup snarling just as loudly in unison.
His classmates, however, disagreed, given how they were all guffawing at the sight. The laughter only redoubled when both Bakugou and the puppy started snarling at everyone in perfect sync.
Mitsuki burst out laughing too when the mother Pomeranian trotted up to her. "You sure about that, brat? The resemblance is uncanny!" Her husband nodded, examining the brown Pomeranian papa, who by now had settled on the grass for a nap.
"I was trying to tell you," Kouda managed to get out through his giggles. "Those dogs weren't Bakugou and his parents; they're just some strays looking for food! It was all one big coincidence that they all look so alike!"
Mitsuki laughed, putting out a hand for the mother dog to sniff. "Well if that's the case, Masaru dear, maybe we can make some room to adopt them? With Katsuki living in the dorms, the house has been feeling a bit empty, and it'd be a great conversation-starter..."
"Sounds like a great idea!" Sero called out. "Maybe if Bakugou becomes a Baku-bro, he'll lighten up a bit!"
"Oh! Oh! And you can name him Dokkan!" Ashido chimed in. Soon all the kids were throwing out name suggestions, much to the ire of Bakugou and his pup-counterpart and the amusement of their parents.
Aside from Bakugou, the only one not laughing now was Iida, whose head was pivoting back and forth between the dogs and the humans he thought they were. His mouth opened and closed, but the only thing he could get out was, "But... but..."
Y/N smiled knowingly at the class president. "Jumped to conclusions again, didn't you, Iida?"
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euan112358 · 4 years
School Briefs Vol 4 summary - TABF comparison
This is for @thelazyhermits and her My Hero Academia fanfic series, Toward a Bright Future!
Alright, last one on the list, here’s Volume 4! And I know you'll love it, since it involves the Fatfam, Eri, and the Cultural Festival!
Thanks so much for indulging my thoughts, hope you enjoyed them, and let me know if you're inspired!
Volume 04 - Festival For All
Float-Filled Work Study - Tokoyami, Hadou, Asui and Uraraka are all patrolling with their mentors, and Midoriya is doing the same with Togata. Fatgum, Amajiki and Kirishima are doing the same at a float festival in Osaka, but when Kirishima fails to inspire someone he meets to stick to his dreams, he feels a bit crestfallen. However, a sudden villain attack may just be what everyone needs to   regain their fire. 
Since this taIes place after Amajiki is almost shot, Y/N would've definitely re-met Fatgum by now and re-bonded with him. However, it also takes place before the Overhaul raid, so I'm not sure Y/N would want to leave Eri for a whole day to visit a float festival. If she does attend, though, I can easily see herself enjoying the atmosphere, backing Kirishima up in his pep talk, and foreseeing the villain attack to prevent anything from going wrong. 
Prep - While Aizawa looks after Eri, Shinsou takes a break from his class's haunted house prep and goes for a walk around the school grounds, thinking about how his classmates are taking his transfer to the Hero Course, and if there'll be a place for him there. Walking around, he overhears 1A and 1B working on their own performances, hears Midoriya talking about him, meets Aizawa, and upon returning to his class, overhears them planning on throwing him a congratulations party, having known about his transfer request all along.
Well, a lot to unpack here. With Y/N's closer relationship with Shinsou, I can see  him going to her to clear her head, but I doubt they'd be strolling around the grounds since the kids want to keep their performance a secret from Y/N and Eri. Y/N would offer her perspective on his worries, and even offer to host a dinner for him and his friends once he gets in, knowing he wouldn't want to lose the friends he already has.
Oh, and the chapter has Dark Shadow playing the tambourine, so serendipity for our story!
Romeo and Juliet and the Return of the Prisoner King of Azkaban - Class 1B put on their performance at the Cultural Festival. It has all the regular hijinks from a zigzag plot, prop malfunctions and adlibs to Monoma chewing the scenery into scraps, and even Kaibara stepping up as the understudy when Tetsutetsu gets an upset stomach!
Seriously, go read the novel! I can't summarize this whole crazy show in a paragraph or two! I will say that Monoma was going for seriously dramatic and it apparently worked, but his sheer hamminess on stage would have Y/N in stitches just like the TABF chapter!
Beauty Pageant - Kendou and Yanagi aren't part of 1B's play, since they're helping the former get ready for the beauty pageant (at Monoma's urging of course), though the sight of her third-year competition in Hadou and Kenranzaki gets her nerves up. However, everyone might have to put their differences aside when a flock of crows go a-theiving!
I think this happens at the same time as the play so Y/N would be busy watching, and unless she and Hawks meet them on their walkabout, she wouldn't see them. That is of course unless she gets a vision of things, and Hawks gets to show off for the crowd and prove who's the big bird on campus today. Y/N'd definitely congratulate Kendou afterwards.
Festival for All - With the performances over, it's time for everyone to enjoy the Cultural Festival! From Eri looking for candy apples to Midoriya proving his No.1 Fanboy chops on a Hero Quiz, from Shouji and Satou being volunteered to be takoyaki chefs to Bakugou trying to beat All Might's record on an obstacle course, everyone's having a blast! 
I think Chapter 50 of TABF spells out pretty well what Y/N is up to throughout the festival, but this chapter opens up so much more ideas! There's apparently a Cat Person Cafe (students dressed up as cats) that I think would really pique Y/N's interest, and I can see the obstacle course that Bakugou is on being used for the 1A/1B races. And with Y/N helping Midoriya make the candy apples for Eri, there's no need for Iida to worry about where he went!
All Festivaled Out - The U.A. teachers have their own wrap party back at their own faculty apartments on campus, thank Nedzu for advocating that the festival continue, and reminisce about their own Cultural Festivals when they were students. Unfortunately for them, Nedzu gets back just as the alcohol gets to them and they begin to replicate their performances.
Well, Y/N would be celebrating back with the 1A students, so there's no reason for her to be around. Still, if anyone got any photos during all these shenanigans (my money's on Thirteen; they're one of the sober ones), she'll be in stitches once she sees them!
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euan112358 · 4 years
School Briefs Vol 3 summary - TABF comparison
This is for @thelazyhermits and her My Hero Academia fanfic series, Toward a Bright Future!
Here's Volume 3! Keep your ears open for the next one!
Volume 03 - Dorm Days
Cheers - After visiting the students' homes to move them to the dorms, Aizawa and All Might drop into a bar for a drink. Things turn rowdy when Mic hears about it, and soon all the U.A. teachers are there, getting drunk and singing, much to All Might's discomfort.
IIRC, Aizawa wanted to get the kids into the dorm as soon as possible after the summer camp fiasco, so while he's calling the parents of the kids, he'd likely be searching for Y/N instead of going for a drink. If this ever takes place, it'd be after Y/N is finally rescued and recovered, since he'd be hovering over her 24/7 otherwise. Y/N isn't much of a drinker so I imagine she'd rather be at the dorms with the kids instead of joining in, so I don't think this would change from canon except with a lot more relieved chitchat about their trouble magnet colleague. 
A Dramatic Makeover - It's moving day for Class 1-A into their new dorm at Heights Alliance, with varying problems. While Yaoyorozu is trying to pare down her possessions to fit in the dorm, Todoroki, lamenting the lack of tatami mats and Japanese adornments, goes on an adventure of his own, gets caught up in some of Hatsume's shenanigans, and helps rescue Recovery Girl from the rogue babies.
Again, as you mentioned, the moving-in happens in bits and pieces while Y/N is  absent, and since Todoroki is already moved in, this subplot for him is a non-issue. If he was that dissatisfied with the furniture, I can imagine him, Y/N and Uraraka going furniture hunting when it was just the three of them. This chapter would probably just be the two of them welcoming their classmates into Heights Alliance, while still trying to restrain their worry about Y/N. (Tokoyami, Bakugou and Mineta would be some of the earlier ones, and as per my head canon, if Mineta's chat with the two of them was going to happen anywhere, it'd be here).
Playtime is Over - Monoma is caught peeping into 1-A's dorms, and is taken on an impromptu tour of the dorms to compare the dorms of the two classes. Kendou, Tsunotori and Tetsutetsu come to retrieve him after a while, and when Monoma sees the two classes getting along, demands a game to satisfy his sense of competition. Todoroki obliges with a toy he got from Hatsume, which proves to be more than meets the eye.
This would probably happen during the dinner that Y/N holds for 1-A and 1-B upon her return to the dorms. While Monoma probably wouldn't be as antagonistic due to Y/N being present, he'll still be pretty obnoxious, but in the end, Todoroki will win the argument with six words: "Does your dorm have pillow forts?"
The Hundred Tales of UA - Some of the kids are sharing ghost stories with each other, but one of Tokoyami's stories prove to be a little more real than anyone would like. A series of investigations ensue that end with a rain-drenched Present Mic, a demolished entryway, and a VERY unhappy Aizawa.
Again, Y/N's not one for horror, so I don't think she'd want anything to do with this, but when the shenanigans start up, it'd be a simple matter of her getting a vision to get the answers she needs. Failing that, I can almost envision some of the more panicky students running to her for comfort, and her having to manage her own fear to support them. 
A Day in the Life of a Class President - Iida is going about his day when he begins to notice his classmates acting fairly weirdly. He wonders what's going on and if he offended them, but it turns out that they were busy setting up a surprise party for his birthday.
Now this is something Y/N would definitely get into. There are two ways I think this might go. If the kids want Y/N to help with the cooking, she, Satou, Yaoyorozu and some others will handle the cake and dinner while the rest run interference (with varying succcess). If not, Y/N might volunteer to take Iida out for some errands (shopping, stuff at U.A., etc.) while his friends prepare the surprise back at the dorm. Maybe they can meet Tensei at lunch too!
I Am A Rabbit - Written from the perspective of Kouda's rabbit Yuwai, he gets out of Kouda's room one time and leads Midoriya and Bakugou on a merry chase around the dorms.
I can envision Y/N falling in love with the rambunctious bunny, knowing her love for cute animals, and she enjoys keeping an eye on him just as much as the stray cats around the dorm. However, I can also imagine an incident where she learns she shouldn't take care of both at once; it's a little more than she can handle.
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euan112358 · 4 years
School Briefs Vol 2 summary - TABF comparison
This is for @thelazyhermits and her My Hero Academia fanfic series, Toward a Bright Future!
Here's Volume 2! Keep your ears open for the next one!
Volume 02 - Training Camp: The Inside Story
A Learning Experience - Class 1A is studying for the finals. Ashido, Ojiro, Jirou, Kaminari and Sero are all at Yaoyorozu's massive house to revise, but they get lost in its halls and experiencing her mother's... questionable cooking. Elsewhere, Kirishima and Bakugou are trying to study in the library, but they some of Bakugou's old friends and Bakugou blows his top as usual when the topic of Midoriya comes up.
Y/N would probably not show up in these scenes, probably remaining at the dorm helping Uraraka and Todoroki to study. But I bet after the visit, Ashido and the rest would be begging Y/N for some sweets to get rid of that taste, and were really appreciative of the eclairs. Also, I have a feeling that all Kaminari would have to do is remember Y/N's Quirk, her water gun, and above all else her disappointed expression, and the topic of cheating would never even cross his mind. 
Bumpy Ride - The bus ride to the summer camp is rather bumpy, and the group try to entertain themselves. They try playing word games, I Spy, quizzes, and telling stories, although the latter is derailed when Mineta takes the floor with a mystery story. Meanwhile, Midoriya and his friends try to help when Aoyama gets carsick. 
There's plenty for Y/N to do on this trip, if she's not spending the time playing Neko Atsume. She could join in on the games, chitchat with them, help Aoyama by either offering some medicine (or just handing him a mirror or some stickers, hoping it'll cheer him up). She might keep one ear on Mineta to make sure he doesn't do anything foolish, but she definitely will not enjoy Asui's ghost story; I can see her trembling in her seat as she half-listens to the story, and when someone gets her attention she jumps to the roof with a scream.
Peeping Fool - Undeterred by Kouta's intervention and Aizawa's scolding, Mineta goes peeping on the 1B girls the following night. However, the 1A girls warned them ahead of time and they stop him and knock him unconscious. Later, he recovers and tries peeking on the Wild Wild Pussycats instead, but gets a rude awakening when he peeks on Tiger, who is a trans man.  
Now here's where things go off the rails. This would happen after Y/N's talk with Mineta, so this time her message really sticks and he wouldn't be doing any of this. What he does instead is up in the air. The chapter could be introspective and he could talk with Kaminari or Midoriya about his changed perspective, or it could be humorous and he could declare his changed intentions to all the boys, which obviously no-one would believe (except maybe Todoroki, since he knows how influential Y/N is), or just watch the events in Over the Top.
A+B Slumber Party - Some of the 1B girls (Kendou, Yanagi, Shiozaki and Kodai) pop into the 1A girls rooms after their shower as thanks for their warning about Mineta. Gossip goes from topic to topic, like which boys they like, which boys with Quirks they'd like to have - as well as copious griping about Mineta.
I can envision Y/N popping in to see how everything's going, and getting invited since other than just nights with Uraraka, she's never had a proper sleepover before. I can see Ashido trying to wheedle gossip out of Y/N, trying to get her to confess to liking anyone from Aizawa to Yamada, but Y/N is just enjoying the atmosphere and getting to know the 1B girls better. And for some reason, they keep getting the giggles whenever Monoma is brought up. 
Over the Top - Earlier in the day, the classes had to choose which class would get beef and which would get pork, but Monoma turned it into an arm-wrestling competition between the boys with the winner getting pork. The 1A and 1B boys go at it, but Monoma is revealed to be cheating, and everything devolves into a pillow fight to settle things. It gets so out of hand that Aizawa and Vlad King barge in, scold everyone, and declare that no-one is getting any meat.
Even after Y/N's talk with him, I can see Monoma being extra motivated to make this deal, since Todoroki and Uraraka got to sit with Y/N but he didn't. Y/N would be in the middle of the slumber party at this point, but I think she would get a vision of Monoma escalating the situation and the resulting pillow fight and scolding, and would intercept him before he can make the situation worse. After escorting him back to Vlad's class, she makes a check in to the boys to make sure things aren't coming to blows, and lets them know of the consequences she saw in her vision to make sure they don't. 
After the Hubbub - Iida wakes up because he needs to use the bathroom, but he can't find his glasses. He has to escape Shouji's bearhug, Kaminari's shock, and Mineta's sleepwalking before he can retrieve them. On the way back, he hears the teachers and the Pussycats talking about the students' potential, during their game of mahjong.
I think you covered this one in this post, so I don't see the need to change anything there. Y/N gets another vision on the way to bed after everything else that night, and comes in to help Iida out of his predicament. She also takes the time to comfort and mother all the other boys and girls before heading to bed, thankful that everything is all right... for now. 
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euan112358 · 4 years
School Briefs Vol 1 summary - TABF comparison
This is for @thelazyhermits and her My Hero Academia fanfic series, Toward a Bright Future!
So after reading the My Hero Academia: School Briefs light novels (you can read them here), I find myself thinking how they would go if Y/N were there, experiencing them all with her favorite class! So here's what I've come up with!
At least for Volume 1 - turns out I have a lot to say! More coming next time!
Volume 01 - 1-A Parents Day
Notice From School - After an evacuation exercise, Class 1A is given notice about Parent's Day and are asked to write letters of thanks to their parents. Shouto is obviously conflicted about this, and during a visit to his mother, his sister Fuyumi arrives and agrees to come to Parent's Day.
I think Y/N would be tickled pink to meet everyone's parents, and be chatting to all the students about them. Knowing Shouto, he'd be talking about Y/N during his visit with his mother, and I bet Rei would definitely want her to visit sometime.
Staff Room Uproar - While Aizawa is calling all the kids' parents, his fellow staff members are having their own talk about the upcoming hostage test, which follows into discussion of their Quirks, how they'd use it for villainy, and their childhood prank misdeeds, which Nedzu derails with his own megalomaniac imagination. 
How this would play out depends on whether Aizawa delegates the parent-calling to Y/N or not. If he does if she gives the authority, I can envision Y/N getting into minor chitchats with the parents about their kids that Aizawa has to remind her to snap out of. In regards to the Quirk discussion, I can see Mic making the joke that Y/N's future vision could make her a dastardly and tricky villain to beat (but it might also give her a bad feeling for reasons she can't explain).
Theme Park Panic - Since Todoroki, Uraraka and Midoriya are all not free, Iida ends up bringing Mineta, Kaminari and Tokoyami to a theme park with his tickets instead. While Iida is trying to have orderly fun and Mineta and Kaminari are trying to score, Tokoyami ends up helping a girl find her mother and bust up a haunted house in the process. 
I don't see Y/N being involved in this event unless she mentions to Iida that she's never been to one before, at which point Iida is almost obligated to invite her. Not sure which boy she'd replace, but if she's with either Kaminari or Mineta, they'd both be on their best behavior lest they end up on the wrong end of her new water gun, and if Tokoyami is around, Dark Shadow would be having the time of his life, especially when they handle that little girl. 
Heartwarming Trio - Uraraka runs into Asui and Yaoyorozu while out grocery shopping. While debating whether or not to buy extra mochi, the three notice a very fidgety man shoplifting underwear. While stymied by his sneezing Quirk, they eventually catch him and end up helping him with his girlfriend.
This happens at the same time as the theme park visit so Y/N can only be in this chapter or the previous one, not both. While Uraraka is living in the dorms at this time, I can imagine her agreeing to help Y/N with the grocery shopping (either with or without her). If Y/N does come with, I can see her getting amused by Uraraka's frugality and kind-heartedness, when it comes to the shoplifter, her water gun ought to help with cleaning everything, and at the end of the day, they're gonna invite Asui and Yaoyorozu back for dinner.
1-A Parents' Day - The day has come for the visit, but none of the parents have shown up. When the class goes to a training ground at Aizawa's request, they find a villain holding all their parents hostage over an inferno. Using their evacuation training, the class rescues their parents, at which point Aizawa reappears and says the whole thing was a logical ruse to demonstrate their training. Inko says she's proud of her son, and Midoriya recognizes the villain as All Might in his smaller, disguised form. 
Aizawa would definitely keep Y/N with him or with the parents to prevent her spoiling the secret, or to give the kids a larger incentive to save them (how well that works depends on her acting skills). Y/N would definitely take the time to get to know them better, gushing about how great their kids are, which would definitely get the attention about all the mothers. The only one I think might raise some concern is with Mineta's parents, whom I bet Y/N would have some choice words about their son's behavior (whether the behavior is encouraged by the parents is another story altogether).
Lastly, depending on if Y/N was allowed to make the phone calls to the parents, I can also see her making a request to them. After the whole ordeal is over, I can see some parents handing over baby pictures of their kids to Y/N, and those that she won over during the talk asking for her contact info to send the photos later, much to the kids' dismay. 
Epilogue - Endeavor arrives to U.A. but isn't allowed in. Recovery Girl meets him at the gate and Endeavor tries to act aloof, saying he was just in the area. Recovery Girl starts going about the Parents' Day mission 1A just accomplished and the day is now over, making Endeavor disappointed that he missed the day. When Recovery Girl calls him out, Endeavor burns the evidence and leaves, wishing he hadn't missed the notice but hoping that Shouto had a good day.
Y/N obviously wouldn't be there to meet him since she's busy with the kids. I don't think Y/N, Aizawa and Nedzu would have informed the rest of the staff about Endeavor's real behavior, but if they did, I can see Recovery Girl being more aloof to him than normal, which might puzzle him.
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euan112358 · 4 years
Okay, that is absolutely EPIC!
I love your rendition of Y/N's hero costume, especially her red-eyed look! Now all she needs is Hatsume's gadget load out with jetpack and boots and it'd be perfect!
And you've done an incredible job with her eyes; they really fit her!
Found this lmao,, wrote down my version of Fortune and said I was gonna draw it then never did,,
Whelp I'm gonna do it now then xD
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euan112358 · 4 years
Wow. Once again I am blown away. Fortune looks incredible and I love your interpretation of her costume! Thanks so much for your amazing work, and may your flames of inspiration burn long and bright!
Fortune Hero Poster
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In celebration of my rereading of the TABF series, here we have our wonderful MC Fortune in her Hero costume from @thelazyhermits​ fanfic Toward a Bright Future! The costume design and poster style is from @euan112358​ Fanfic A Bright Celebration.
Sorry for the poor quality. My scanner does not like me and all of my coloring stuff is stuck at college so I just had to make do with a black-and-white drawing. I tried my best with incorporating all of her little gadgets, even her little earring that she shares with Shinsou.
Overall, though, I do like the drawing. I am not very good with poses, especially anything involving ¾ view, but it turned out better than I had hoped. My favorite part was honestly my experimenting with the specifics on how the armor looks and I think I am pretty proud with how I did it.
Haze, I am really happy with how the TABF series has been going and I am always excited to see your little updates so keep up the good work. Always a good read no matter how many times I read it. Euan (sorry, I don’t have a shorthand for you), I love your interpretation of the characters and Everyday Superhero made me both smile uncontrollably and cry so good job XD.
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euan112358 · 4 years
Alright, I reread the last part of this post, and I just got this hilarious OOC scene idea:
Tokumei walks into his abode, still well-groomed but with maybe a few hairs out of place. He sits down at his desk, brushes off his coat, and places a container on the table. 
"Did I have to sneak into that dorm, evade capture, erase those kids' memories, and hack the security systems to remove all footage of myself?" he mutters to himself. "Of course not. Was it worth it?"
He opens the container, takes out a home-baked cookie, takes a bite, and exhales in satisfaction. "Indeed."
(Student au) After interning with Nighteye, would she stay there or would she go to another agency? On another hand both og and au, Tokumei, does he care about Fortune even the slightest bit? Because during Bright Celebration he appeared and greeted her a Happy Birthday and you don't seem opposed to it so...
Well, in TABF, I came up with the idea of Nighteye investigating the LoV so Midoriya ended up with Endeavor because UA wants to avoid the students getting involved with the LoV even if it’s just an investigation. So, I guess Fortune wouldn’t go to Nighteye. Instead, I think this would be a perfect opportunity for her to intern at Fatgum’s agency. That way she can be in the Nightfam and the Fatfam XD
Yeah, I wasn’t opposed to the Tokumei’s appearance in A Bright Celebration since I could see him being curious about her first birthday celebration and coming to see it for himself. That dialogue was very on point for him haha
In regards to his feelings for Fortune, it’s the same in both versions. Basically, Tokumei does have a slight attachment to her. I don’t know if I’d say care per se, but he definitely likes her more than his brother lol 
Tokumei is the definition of apathetic, not having any close bonds with anyone and having no interest in forming such bonds. The only person he was ever close to was his mother who he loved a great deal. It hurt him a lot when she died of an illness a few years before Fortune came into the picture, but he’s never been the overly emotional sort. So, he was able to eventually move past that. 
Tokumei’s slight attachment was a result of Fortune’s cooking reminding him of his mother’s. He’ll never admit it, but he was the first fan of her cooking ^^
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euan112358 · 4 years
Haha! That is awesome! I always held out hope that my hero costume idea for Fortune/Y/N would get traction, but fan art was always something I thought I'd have to commission myself. And here is someone making it because it's cool!
@goldentIme, thank you so much! I love your rendition of Fortune, especially how you included so many of the details from the bell-pouches to the calico pattern! I'm blown away again!
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Submitted by @goldentlme
i did this thing called a pro gamer move and drew my version of fortune, who happens to be a pretty boy named shin! i mentally switched the pronouns as i read and the vibes were wonderful
i also did the hero costume as a bonus bc i was having a lot of fun during the drawing process, but now that i look at it it looks more like a koi fish ( i also hope u like it even though he isnt technically the same character :flushed: 
Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!!! He looks so cute!! I love his design and how you drew the hero costume! XD
I never considered a male version of Fortune, but I really like this version! Shin looks awesome! You did a great job!!! ^-^b
Hey @euan112358 check it out! Your hero costume design got art!!!
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euan112358 · 4 years
Wow. I am blown away. 
I'm fully aware that @thelazyhermits and her work is more than deserving of all the fan art she gets, but I cannot believe that my fic has actually inspired fan art from anyone, especially fan fiction based off another fan fiction! 
@l-insomnity-l, thank you from the bottom of my heart. I have held a smile in my heart from the moment I saw this post to now that I have a chance to respond to it.
Your sketches are adorable, from the presents to Y/N's reactions to the gift-giver's reactions. I cannot tell you which is the best 'cause they're all incredible!
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Random doodles I couldn’t stop myself from doing from this fic:
It’s a side story by storysmith112358 (i dont know their tumblr?? If they have one?)
It’s based off of @thelazyhermits fic https://archiveofourown.org/works/16250162/chapters/37992731
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euan112358 · 4 years
Toward A Bright Future MV - Dakara, Hitori Ja Nai
I saw the music video for this MHA ED a while ago (yeah, I know, I'm slow), and I was instantly inspired! Let's start off the year on a bright note, eh, @thelazyhermits?
(Bold)  - Song lyrics 
[Italics] - Music Video actions for above lyrics
(Ahh, ahh, ahh!) 
[The screen pans across a clear summer sky and some treetops, as in the canon opening.] 
(Gonna triumph!)
[Y/N reaches up to grasp the air. View changes to show Y/N and the 1-A girls in summer outfits lying on the grass looking up at the sky. Eri runs in and pulls Y/N to her feet, the video changes from anime-style to live-action, and the girls all get up and run through the entryway of Universal Studios Japan.]
[The camera focuses on Y/N as she starts to sing] 
(How come I am the only one to always face a hurricane?  Back then I used to think it all so meaningless (was so alone)0
[The girls run past a horror movie set, much to Y/N's dismay, though she tries to be strong for Eri's sake. Monoma, Shishida, Honenuki, Bondo, Kuroiro, Tokage and Yanagi dance out dressed as horror movie monsters. The 1-A girls try to hold them off by break-dancing themselves, but Monoma gets through and grabs Y/N and Eri.]
(But everything began to change, we’re getting closer day by day 
Together, we can take off and chase after all those fleeting dreams)
[However Monoma suddenly freezes, blushes and breaks character, quickly turning around embarrassedly. As Y/N and Eri wonder what's wrong, Asui yanks him away with her tongue, and the girls run off while his classmates start teasing him.]
(I've only chased the answers with my eyes, I'll never find them if I'm lost inside the sky)
[The girls run past a 50s vintage drive-in restaurant, with Shouji, Sero, Satou and Hatsume sitting around the cars wearing hip-hop street fashion, and they join the girls in grooving down the street.]
(Cause I'm alive inside the here and now, I will prove it to the world and make it somehow!)
[The Big Three run up to meet them dressed as Peanut characters, with Hadou dressed as Lucy, Amajiki dressed as Snoopy (in white suit, red scarf, sunglasses and dog-eared headband) and Togata dressed as Charlie Brown. The girls take their hands and run to the Main Street, where the rest of Class 1-A and some of 1-B are gathered in formation.]
(Today I'll cry but, I'll fly high
Prove to the world there's nothing I know I can't overcome
I'll take your hand in mine (and we'll be fine) 
We're never alone, 'kay? No way!
Nothing in this world can change it
With all my heart
Calling out)
[Cue dance sequence in street as per music video, with Y/N, Eri and the six 1-A girls taking point in a line.
Awase, Kaibara, Tetsutetsu and Kendou cross in front wearing suits and holding instruments - Awase on trumpet, Kaibara on snare drums, Kendou on saxophone, and Tetsutetsu doing the Arsenio Hall fist pump instead of playing his saxophone.]
("We won't run away")
[As the dance ends, Tokoyami, Ojiro, Kirishima, Midoriya, Todoroki, Kaminari, Kouda and Shinsou move to the front, all wearing white, and scoop Asui, Hagakure, Ashido, Uraraka, Yaoyorozu, Jirou, Eri and Y/N respectively into their arms and run off camera. Uraraka and Midoriya end up in center stage, both lost in the moment with each other.]
[Sudden scene change to a new street, as Uraraka suddenly finds herself on a bench, and she takes over singing.]
(I’m passing through a city full of people that I don’t know
And unfamiliar tears flow down my face as I’m heading home.
But even if I pass the station at my journey’s end
Or even if I wanna go somewhere I’ve never been,)
[Uraraka gets up off a bench and joins the other girls walking down this new street. Cementoss, Ectoplasm and Thirteen stroll up to greet them, as Shiozaki, Kodai, Tsunotori and Komori are in dance costumes doing a routine around them. Nedzu, Recovery Girl and Power Loader are seen strolling in the background.
Jirou, Ashido and Hagakure run up to Kamakiri, Rin, Vlad King and Snipe, all wearing casual clothes. The two students tear off the teachers' tearaway casuals to reveal their costumes beneath.]
(Familiar scents and voices full of warmth are coming back to mind.
How I miss the dream we had that day. It’s far and fading from sight.
I can’t help but ask if there’s some place that I should be.
I can’t help but ask where my feet are taking me.)
[Vlad King and Snipe don their masks and run across the street.
Uraraka, Yaoyorozu and Asui run up to Hawks, flanked by the two Iida brothers Tenya and Tensei, with Fukidashi, Tsuburaba and Shoda standing behind them. The students tear the heroes' casual clothes off to reveal their hero costumes (somehow), and Hawks takes to the sky while the two armored Iidas zoom off.]
(We're on the path that leads us to our dream
It looks so far, but I'll be there if I believe)
[Y/N and Eri walk past Sir Nighteye, Fatgum and Ryukyu. Centipeder and Bubble Girl, standing behind them, tear off their clothes to reveal their hero costumes (Nighteye in particular has his salaryman suit torn off to reveal his hero salaryman suit), and Ryukyu transforms into her dragon form and takes off, as Y/N retakes the lead singing role.]
(Soon the answers won't just disappear,
Soon the world will understand, I'll show them I'm here!)
[The 1-A girls continue dancing down the street as more people accumulate behind them. Eraserhead, Present Mic and Midnight join them in dancing - well, the latter two are dancing while Uraraka and Asui are trying to get Eraserhead to join in, and only Eri's encouragement gets him to do more than just shuffle.
Y/N moves to the front, and suddenly All Might in his hero form drops down from the sky to land next to her, and the two of them strike a teeth-shining thumbs-up pose.]
[All Might jumps away, to show everyone else in formation. Uraraka, Ashido and Hagakure have exchanged their summer clothes for cheerleading outfits, and Hadou has joined them in a cheer outfit of her own.]
(Today I'll cry but, I'll fly high 
Straight to the end, I know this time if I fall again
I swear I won't give in
We'll make it you'll see, you're with me
Nothing in this world can change it 
With all my heart 
Calling out]
"We won't run away")
[Cue dance sequence in street as per music video, with Yaoyorozu, Jirou, Y/N, Eri, and Asui taking point in a line, with Uraraka, Ashido, Hagakure and Hadou cheerleading behind them.]
(Cause I'm through with just standing still, I'll keep moving if no one will
Watch your dreams appear, your future's here!
Come on and see! Let’s go!)
[Y/N and Eri join hands and run off down the street while everyone waves after them. Y/N continues singing.]
(Today I'm crying, crying,
But I'll prove to the world there's nothing I know I can't overcome
I'll take your hand in mine)
[The camera focuses on Eri, who starts singing innocently.]
(We're never alone, 'kay? No way!
Nothing in this world can change it
With all my heart
Calling out!)
[Y/N bends down and starts singing to Eri, picking her up and twirling her around.]
(Crying, but flying 
Straight to the end, I know this time if I fall again 
I swear I won't give in)
[Scene change to Y/N and the girls on stage in front of the Universal logo along with everyone else, dancing as per the music video. Eri and amazingly a white-clad Mineta are doing a duet on the stage-steps. Everyone is using their Quirks to enhance their performance, from Aoyama shooting off fireworks, to Dark Shadow mirroring Tokoyami's movements, to Kendou just clapping extra-large hands. People like Aizawa and Nighteye, although doing the moves perfectly, are noticeably deadpan in their expressions.]
(We'll make it you'll see, you're with me 
Nothing in this world can change it  
With all my heart  
Calling out
"We won't run away"!)
[Members of 1-A and 1-B run to beneath the stage and continue break-dancing. Even Bakugou is joining in and having a good time.]
(Gonna triumph!)
[Everyone strikes a final pose, then takes a slow bow.
A girl with white hair runs up to the stage, applauding and congratulating everyone for a job well done.]
Lyrics sourced and combined from the following English versions by re:TYE and Ashley, Freya and Black Rage Infinity, and AmaLee.
Yeah, I know it's a bit long-winded, but I hope you had fun imagining the visuals!
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euan112358 · 4 years
Heh, well, how about that!
Well, it's a good thing I've got a draft in this post here then! https://thelazyhermits.tumblr.com/post/183654104184/i-remember-when-someone-asked-you-what-do-you
Let's see, there's the ball dress fitting, the jealous glares from the boys and the excited talk from the girls, designing the other members of his family, the Iida boys being overprotective...
A lot of things to think about! Let's see what my muse things, and hope that it's feeling cooperative!
I really hope Storysmith112358 will write to add a fanfic about Fortune is going to the Iida Family annual ball when she receives the invitation as Tensei's date to the ball from Iida's mama! 🤞🤞 Because I really love to see heartwarming and hilarious scenario about Iida's mama meets Fortune at annual ball!!! 🥰🥰🥰
You hear that @euan112358? You got a reader excited to read more of your writing, not that I’m surprised since you always write such good stuff ^-^
Now all I can think is how good it was that Fatgum wasn’t there for the present opening part of the story since he would’ve freaked about the date lol XD
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euan112358 · 4 years
You can find it here.
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euan112358 · 5 years
Ah, maybe I didn't read through that part carefully enough. 
Maybe it's just the dissonance from knowing about the fandom's love for Shinsou and his sympathetic motives, and reading some fanfics who don't buy it and call him out for using villainous tactics and reinforcing other's beliefs of him having a villainous Quirk. *shrug*
Still, do you think Y/N would ever call out Shinsou if she notices him using tactics that might reinforce other people's perception of him being a villain?
Question about Shinsou. I’ve noticed a few fanfics call him out for his actions during the sports festival, not because of what his Quirk is, but for how he uses it. They say that because Shinsou didn’t even try to get teammates by asking and just brainwashed them first makes him both a jerk and unworthy of trust, and him claiming to not want to be stereotyped as a villain yet still uses his Quirk in a villainous way makes him a hypocrite. How would Y/N respond to that criticism?
Uh that’s kinda already answered in the Sports Festival chapter during her discussion with Ojirou. He didn’t say those exact words, but her response then pretty much covers how she’d respond to criticism about Shinsou’s actions that day. I’m not sure what more I need to add tbh ^^’
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euan112358 · 5 years
Thanks for the answer. I think I just got the ideas from a Spacebattles thread that was pretty critical of MHA and UA's methods. 
One poster even compared Aizawa to Endeavor, in that just like the latter is the No. 2 hero who is a child abuser, the former is a protective hero and teacher who's still a jerk goading a kid to break himself (as little as possible) to prove he belongs.
A majority of criticism also came from the Summer Training, where the kids were effectively told to push themselves to the point of physical agony, then start all over again without any rest or medical checkups (which is downplayed in TABF since Fortune was there with refreshments, but she's still no nurse). They effectively compared it to Boot Camp for soldiers, which works for soldiers but not for kids learning to be heroes. I think that's where the Plus Ultra criticism came from.
Reading it just made me wonder what someone like Fortune would think of all of this.
Got a few questions for Y/N, if you don't mind. Let's say she meets someone who knows about Izuku's ordeal in Aizawa's assessment test, and as a result they loathe Aizawa with a passion because protective hero at USJ or no, he's still someone who expected Izuku to break himself as little as possible to pass his test instead of booting him for his own safety or putting him in special training, or the fact that he was willing to declare Izuku as hero-unworthy because he couldn't throw a ball.
I can’t really see how that would happen since the only people who would know about that test are those who saw it ^^’ I also can’t really imagine anyone feeling that way unless they know Midoriya’s full situation since I’m sure others, like Aizawa, would think he’s just a kid who never learned how to control his Quirk and just assumed he could get himself into the school cause the Quirk was powerful. I feel like most adults would agree with Aizawa because they wouldn’t want a kid to destroy himself like that every time he used his Quirk. In regards to booting him, since Midoriya passed the entrance exam, I figure Aizawa would’ve needed some kind of reason to expel him ergo not doing well during the test. 
However, I will say that Fortune’s first impression of Aizawa was not a good one. She didn’t like him at all after seeing how he treated Midoriya during the test. While she understood Aizawa’s reasoning of not wanting Midoriya to keep hurting himself, she thought Aizawa was too harsh about it. She also really wished All Might had told Aizawa about OFA so Aizawa would’ve understood why Midoriya had such poor control and would’ve helped him. While she disliked his methods, she did acknowledge that it was because of Aizawa that Midoriya learned how to rein in some of his power, so while he was harsh, Aizawa did kinda help Midoriya. 
However, what made Fortune want to give Aizawa another chance was the fact that he stopped Bakugou from attacking Midoriya after Midoriya used his Quirk to throw the ball. Aizawa was the first adult to ever stop Bakugou from hurting Midoriya. She was relieved that he wasn’t like all the other teachers the boys had up until that point. So, while she still wasn’t really fond of Aizawa, she wanted to give him a chance. 
In regards to booting him, Fortune knew how much being at UA meant to Midoriya so she’s really glad Aizawa didn’t immediately do that to Midoriya. While special training would’ve been nice, she knew that a school like UA wouldn’t pay special attention to one student like that when only the best of the best students should be able to enter. There’s no way Aizawa would’ve done something like that when he thought Midoriya had his Quirk all this time and never bothered learning how to control it. 
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That’s not really how Fortune views the motto. She sees it to mean that you should surpass your limits to get stronger but within reason. She’d never want her students to hurt themselves since she believes that taking care of themselves is also important. She basically views the motto to mean don’t be satisfied with where you are if you know you could do better–if you could do more to help others. Basically, she wants her students to do their best but at their own pace–to never give up but to not overdo it.
I don’t think she’s ever considered the implication you mentioned, but she definitely wouldn’t agree that it’s the students fault if they’re doing their best. She would never ask for more than that. 
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