Curso de Inglês Online -St Petersburg metro explosions kill ten
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At least 10 people have been killed in explosions at underground stations in St Petersburg, Russian media report. News agencies reported the blasts hit the Sennaya Ploschad and nearby Tekhnologichesky Institut stations in the centre of the city. Images posted on social media showed a badly-mangled carriage in Sennaya station, with casualties nearby. President Vladimir Putin said all causes, including terrorism, were being investigated.
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The Interfax and RIA news agencies reported that at least 50 people had been injured, and that a number of children were among those hurt. Interfax said one of the blasts may have involved a device filled with shrapnel.
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Curso de Inglês em Imersão Fluência em 8 meses-
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Curso de Inglês em Imersão - Fluência em 8 meses Estão Abertas as Inscrições para o curso de inglês em Imersão /2017
Vagas com valores promocionais podem ser adquiridas até o dia 25/03/2017.. Após esta data uma nova tabela de valores para 2017 será aplicada.
Características do curso em Território Nacional. Fluência em 8 meses - 760 horas de aula - Incomparável.
1-Aulas todos os dias obrigatórias 2-Aulas 100% ao Vivo todos os dias 3-Aulas 100% individuais com um professor exclusivo para seu atendimento 4- Disponibilidade de efetuar suas aulas das 7 as 23:59 todos os dias 5- Aulas 100% Online ,100% individual, 100% ao Vivo, todos os dias;. 6-Certificação Internacional 7-Treinamento de teste de Proficiência TOELF , IELTS ou CPE incluso no curso.
Inscrições limitadas, Veja a disponibilidade vagas com nossa central. EAC Prime Personnalité - Inglês em Imersão FLUÊNCIA EM 8 MESES.
As inscrições para 2017 já estão abertas. As inscrições para Março de 2017 já estão esgotadas.7
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‘Transformers: O Último Cavaleiro‘ (Transformers: The Last Knight) teve o seu novo trailer divulgado.
O longa conta com a direção de Michael Bay e tem o roteiro assinado pelo trio Art Marcum, Matt Holloway e Ken Nolan. Já o elenco conta com nomes como Mark Wahlberg, Isabela Moner, Josh Duhamel, Tyrese Gibson, Jerrod Carmichael, Anthony Hopkins, dentre outros.
‘Transformers: O Último Cavaleiro‘ chega aos cinemas no dia 22 de junho de 2017.
‘Transformers 5‘ mostrará Optimus Prime procurando os criadores de sua espécie em viagem ao espaço, encontrando os Quintessons e o gigantesco vilão Unicron, um robô-entidade que devora Planetas. Em paralelo, Cade Yeager (Mark Wahlberg) se une aos Dinobots e a poucos Autobots (Bumblebee, Drift, Crosshairs, Hound e Hot Rod) para salvar o Planeta Terra da iminente chegada do Unicron – que destruirá toda a raça humana.
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Curso de Inglês Online - NEWS Migrant boat attack kills at least 42
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Forty-two people have been killed when a boat carrying Somali refugees off the coast of Yemen was fired at from a helicopter, the International Organisation for Migration says.
Women and children were among those killed when the vessel was hit near the Bab al-Mandeb strait, the IOM said.
Images from the scene showed a boat strewn with bodies.
In a separate incident on Friday, at least 22 people died in an attack on a mosque inside a military base in Yemen.
Two missiles were fired at the mosque, in the Kofal military camp west of Marib, officials said.
Boat attack
Among the dead on the boat were Somali refugees carrying identity documents issued by UNHCR, the UN's refugee agency.
About 80 survivors were rescued and taken to hospital, according to the IOM. It is also not known where the boat was travelling to and from.
It remains unclear who carried out the attack. A Yemeni trafficker who survived the attack told the Associated Press that the boat was fired at by a helicopter gunship and a military vessel.
Saudi Arabia, which is leading a US-backed coalition in the war in Yemen, has US-built Apache helicopter gunships. The coalition, which in general controls Yemen's airspace, has not commented on the incident.
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Inglês - Egypt extracts torso of 'Pharaoh Ramses II' statue from mud
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The torso of a huge statue, possibly 3,000 years old, has been lifted from the ground in Egypt. It could depict a famous pharaoh.
The statue's giant head and other fragments were extracted from the same site last week.
The relics were found in the north-east of Cairo, close to the temple of Ramses II, also known as Ramses the Great, and experts believe it may represent him.
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Inglês Online - EU summit: Poland cries blackmail over subsidies
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Polish PM Beata Szydlo has accused the French president of trying to blackmail her country, in a row over Thursday's re-election of EU leader Donald Tusk.
At the end of an EU summit, she said it was unacceptable for Francois Hollande to threaten to stop funds because Poland was "not behaving properly".
Poland had tried but failed to stop Mr Tusk's re-election, and refused to endorse the summit's joint statement.
Ms Szydlo also warned partners Poland would not accept a multi-speed Europe.
She said the EU faced new divisions if stronger nations tried to integrate more among themselves at the expense of weaker ones like Poland and fellow ex-communist countries in the east.
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Inglês Online - Afghanistan: IS gunmen dressed as medics kill 30 at Kabul military hospital
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More than 30 people have been killed after attackers dressed as doctors stormed the largest military hospital in Kabul, Afghan officials say.
Militants armed with guns and grenades gained entry after one detonated explosives at a hospital gate and then opened fire on staff and patients.
Commandos who landed on the Sardar Daud hospital roof killed all four attackers after several hours of fighting.
The so-called Islamic State (IS) group has claimed the attack.
The Taliban has denied any involvement.
More than 50 people were also wounded, the defence ministry said.
President Ashraf Ghani said the attack at the 400-bed hospital "trampled all human values".
"In all religions, a hospital is regarded as an immune site and attacking it is attacking the whole of Afghanistan," he said.
How successful has IS been in Afghanistan?
Stuck between IS and the Taliban
The attack began at 09:00 local time (04:30 GMT). One hospital staff member who was able to get out saw an attacker "wearing a white coat holding a Kalashnikov and opening fire on everyone, including the guards, patients and doctors".
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A Bela e a Fera - BEAUTY AND THE BEAST Official Trailer (2017)
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Inglês Online - North Korea: Four ballistic missiles fired into sea
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North Korea has launched four ballistic missiles towards the Sea of Japan.
Three of them fell into Japan's exclusive economic zone (EEZ) after flying some 1,000km (620 miles), in what PM Shinzo Abe called a "new stage of threat".
They were fired from the Tongchang-ri region, near the North's border with China, the South Korean military said.
The type of missile is unclear but the North is banned from any missile or nuclear tests by the UN.
A South Korean military official said a launch had taken place at 07:36 local time Monday (22:36 GMT Sunday) and was being investigated to determine the type of projectile used.
What is new in North Korea's missile technology?
What will Trump do about North Korea?
More on North Korea's missile programme
North Korea's nuclear tests
The US military said later it had detected and tracked a launch but had determined that it did not pose a threat to North America.
State Department acting spokesperson Mark Toner said in a statement: "The United States strongly condemns the DPRK's ballistic missile launches tonight, which violate UN Security Council Resolutions explicitly prohibiting North Korea's launches using ballistic missile technology," using the official name of the country the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK).
On Friday, Pyongyang threatened to fire missiles in response to the Foal Eagle military exercises under way between South Korea and the US. The North sees the annual drills as preparation for an invasion against it.
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Inglês Online - France election: Fillon campaign manager quits along with allied party
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French presidential candidate Francois Fillon has suffered another blow as his campaign manager quit late on Friday.
Patrick Stefanini said his resignation will take effect on Sunday night.
Earlier, the Union of Democrats and Independents (UDI) called on Mr Fillon's Republican Party to choose another candidate in the wake of a scandal over payments.
It is alleged his wife and children were paid for parliamentary work they never carried out.
Details of his campaign chief's departure emerged when the French newspaper Journal du Dimanche published Mr Stefanini's resignation letter.
In it, he gave two reasons - writing that he had advised Mr Fillon to cease his campaign after an investigation began into his financial affairs.
After Mr Fillon decided to continue, he found himself in a minority in his political team, he wrote, and "no longer in the best position to lead your campaign".
The other reason, he wrote, was that Mr Fillon could no longer be certain of not being eliminated in the first round of voting.
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Inglês Online  - Trump Attorney General Jeff Sessions under fire over Russia meetings
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Attorney General Jeff Sessions met Russia's ambassador during the election despite telling his confirmation he had "no communications with the Russians".
The justice department confirmed he met Sergei Kislyak in July and September last year as part of his role on the Senate Armed Services Committee.
Mr Sessions said his comments at his confirmation hearing had related to his role on the Trump campaign team.
Claims of Russian interference in the election have dogged President Trump.
The US intelligence community believes the alleged Russian hacking of Democratic organisations was carried out to help Mr Trump defeat Democrat Hillary Clinton.
Mr Trump's National Security Adviser, Michael Flynn, was fired last month after he misled the White House about his conversations with Mr Kislyak, allegedly regarding sanctions against Moscow.
Who is Attorney General Jeff Sessions?
The Democrats have reacted with anger at the latest revelations, saying Mr Sessions should resign and at the very least step aside from an FBI probe he is overseeing into the hacking claims.
What is the basis of the latest allegation?
The Washington Post reported that Mr Sessions and Mr Kislyak held a private conversation in Mr Sessions's office in September and had spoken earlier in the summer at a meeting with several other ambassadors.
Mr Sessions had meetings with more than 25 foreign ambassadors in the course of the year.
But his meetings with Mr Kislyak came while he was a prominent part of Mr Trump's campaign team - a so-called surrogate - and amid growing reports of Russian meddling in the US election.
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Notícias em inglês - Kim Jong-nam killing: 'VX nerve agent' found on his face
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Kim Jong-nam, the half-brother of North Korea's leader, was killed by a highly toxic nerve agent, says Malaysia.
Mr Kim died last week after two women accosted him briefly in a check-in hall at a Kuala Lumpur airport.
Malaysian toxicology reports indicate he was attacked using VX nerve agent, which is classified as a weapon of mass destruction by the United Nations.
There is widespread suspicion that North Korea was responsible for the attack, which it fiercely denies.
It responded furiously to Malaysia's insistence on conducting a post-mortem examination and has accused Malaysia of having "sinister" purposes.
What does the toxicology report say?
Malaysia's police chief Khalid Abu Bakar said on Friday that the presence of the nerve agent had been detected in swabs taken from Mr Kim's eyes and face.
One of the women Mr Kim interacted with at the airport on 13 February had also fallen ill with vomiting afterwards, he added.
Mr Khalid said other exhibits were still under analysis and that police were investigating how the banned substance might have entered Malaysia.
"If the amount of the chemical brought in was small, it would be difficult for us to detect," he said.
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#Notícias em Inglês - Russian military admits significant cyber-war effort
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Russia's military has admitted for the first time the scale of its information warfare effort, saying it was significantly expanded post-Cold War.
Defence Minister Sergei Shoigu said that Russian "information troops" were involved in "intelligent, effective propaganda", but he did not reveal details about the team or its targets.
The admission follows repeated allegations of cyberattacks against Western nations by the Russian state.
Nato is reported to be a top target.
During the Cold War both the USSR and the West poured resources into propaganda, to influence public opinion globally and sell their competing ideologies.
Speaking to Russian MPs, Mr Shoigu said "we have information troops who are much more effective and stronger than the former 'counter-propaganda' section".
Keir Giles, an expert on the Russian military at the Chatham House think-tank, has warned that Russian "information warfare" occupies a wider sphere than the current Western focus on "cyber warriors" and hackers.
"The aim is to control information in whatever form it takes," he wrote in a Nato report called "The Next Phase of Russian Information Warfare".
"Unlike in Soviet times, disinformation from Moscow is primarily not selling Russia as an idea, or the Russian model as one to emulate.
"In addition, it is often not even seeking to be believed. Instead, it has as one aim undermining the notion of objective truth and reporting being possible at all," he wrote
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Inglês em Imersão- Fluência em 8 meses.
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Inglês Online em Imersão - Certificação Internacional
Agora você pode ficar fluente em 8 meses. Com aulas todos os dias obrigatórias, 100% individual e 100% ao vivo você terá a melhor imersão em inglês. O sistema de Imersão é mais rigoroso que os sistemas tradicionais de ensino, devido a isto a instituição não aceita clientes menores de 18 anos.
Nossos cursos possuem os treinamento para teste de Proficiência inclusos nesta promoção, escolha entre CPE, IELTS ou TOELF.
As vagas para 2017 ja estão abertas. Próximo inicio de aula disponível 06/02/2017. Todas as vagas de Janeiro de 2017 já estão esgotadas.
Faça sua reserva. Verifique a disponibilidade de vagas.
Inglês Online - Fluência em 8 meses Veja os diferencias de nossos cursos:
Aulas de inglês todos os dias obrigatórias Aulas 100% individual com seu professor Aulas 100% ao vivo todos os dias. 1 horas de aula de conversação todos os dias 15 horas de aulas semanais obrigatórias Atendimento das 7 as 23 horas de segunda a sexta-feira de acordo com a disponibilidade do cliente Sistema 100% digital com salas digitais de ultima geração.
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