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Can someone please help me find this outfit Choa is wearing? I'm obsessed with it
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Protecting Mammon - Headcanons
Request: Hc for Mammon with a s/o that is usually very laid back and calm,, but whenever one of Mammons brother's mock him, reader gets super defensive of him, they're somewhat of a guard dog for him? And reader goes out of their way to compliment and be affectionate towards him in his brothers presence? (Also could you do Male reader? Thank you, i love your writing!!)
A/N: Let MC say fuck!! Please, i wrote a similar one, sort of,, like a while ago but i really want MC to stand up for him, please (aso i left this gn i hope you don’t mind!!) (one too many insults breaks my heart, like if my mc were there id make them all give away their possessions to him)
It isn’t easy to hear the brothers argue. Their voices boom that you think that the walls are going to collapse onto themselves, but you grow accustomed to it as you have with everything else about them. However, something doesn't come as easy. While they all insult each other, there’s always a playful toone attached to their words,a gentle shove and a wicked smile as they laugh when the other bites back. It’s different with mammon. It’s always been different with him. At first you assumed that was how they talked with each other- every sibling fights, lovingly known as the Cain Instinct in the Human Realm, not that you’d ever mention it to them. But, their words hold venom, they hit where it hurts for him, they tease and treat him horribly and it leaves a horrible taste on your tongue- it reminds you when you were small and you were forced to swallow that awful purple medicine that no matter what you drank, the taste just lingered. You wonder how long Mammon has had to hear those words.
You can always tell when the insults get taken too far, when they start to get personal and the words aren’t jokingly said or even in a teasing way, but they’re said out of anger and like the brothers that they are, they all start to gang up on the second eldest. The brothers joke and you can tell that it bothers Mammon by the way his jaw tightens and the roll of his eyes, the way that he starts to get quiet. You can only do the one thing you can think of- you hold his hand. He looks at you quickly, his brows raising and eyes glancing down to your interlocked hands as his lips quirk upwards. During that time, you pull him away, asking in a very loud voice that you need him to accompany you to your room or to a store. When the other brothers try to intervene, stating that they’ll walk you, you shut them down, pulling Mammon close to you, standing in front of him acting as a shield to protect him from his brothers. You want to protect him, to take him away from the insults and the mean words of his brothers.
Perhaps you’ll never know how much the words truly affect Mammon, everytime that you ask him, he just gives you a tight smile, shaking his head and squeezing your hand- a subtle hint to drop the subject. It makes you lay awake at night, wondering how a demon could be hurt by words. Everything about the words and brothers starts to leave a horrible taste in your mouth. A part of you even blames yourself- you know how he was teased mercilessly when he was tricked into forging a pact with you, but the thought of not having a pact with him makes your heart ache in a way that you didn’t know it could. He’ll like in your bed, a loose t-shirt on him as he lets out deep breaths, his chest rising and dipping with an arm over your stomach. Soon it becomes when there’s a snide comment, you give a curl of your lip and look of disgust.
The lack of sleep that you gain from overthinking about the pact and the brothers leaves you in an irritable mood. You start to resent the brothers, frowning and pulling away from them and even if Beelzebub isn’t involved in the teasing, he isn’t too bothered by it unless the insults really start to hurt. Leviathan and Asmodeus are perhaps the worst, Satan a close second- or third- if were to tattle on Mammon, but the two aforementioned brothers remain the cruel ones, insulting him and spewing filthy words that makes your face burn with anger that you wonder if Satan could feel it stewing deep in you. It hurts to pull away from the brothers but you don’t like how they treat your demon.
At a certain point, pulling him away from the brothers isn’t enough. Holding his hand is something you enjoy, and it must be a sort of release for him because you take notice of how he remains staring at you despite the onslaught of words thrown his way. With a careful glance given to the third eldest who rants on about how Mammon had stolen something- which you were sure he hadn’t, you’d been with him during the time frame that Leviathan accuses- you lift his hand and kiss his knuckles, letting your lips ghost over them. When you feel his breath hitch, your smile, turning his hand over and placing a kiss to his palm, moving to let his palm cradle your cheek as you lean into him. The arguing stops and you can feel eyes on you, but you can also feel the way that mammon’s heart echoes softly against your ear, how his hand slowly moves to hold yours once more.
No matter the amount of times that you’ve complimented him, he always reacts the same, as if it were the first time you told him something nice. His cheeks are tinted in a dark color, his face burning and heart beating erratically despite you telling him sweet things. You sit on his lap, pulling him close as you play with his hand, each line traced over carefully with a touch that tickles his palm. He jokes at first, telling you that of course you’d compliment him, he is after all The Great Mammon, but there’s a smile that lingers, stretched wide across his face as he leans back and keeps a hand on you, taking great pleasure in hearing you say something nice.
Every insult is refuted with a compliment. He’s called a scumbag, you call him your protector. He’s called greedy, he’s reassured that his sin is something that is difficult to control. He’s told to never come home, you cup his face in your hands and tell him that you’d follow him anywhere- a heavy implication that stays on your tongue and when he nods slowly, you hold him tight, grateful that he understood what you wanted to tell him. You hold him close, his door locked as the movie plays, the colors flashing across his room until they fade. The desperate part of you needs to tell him everything, to repeat every compliment until they drown out the insults. You need him to smile.
They’re brothers and you know that, but it doesn’t lessen the blow. You make sure you spend more time with him, to show that he’s your number one and your favorite. It might be cruel, but they’ve been cruel to him. You want to keep him safe. When the insults start to worsen, you bite back. You scowl and tense your shoulders, your hands fisted tightly leaving crescent shaped marks against your skin. The words might not be cruel- you don’t think that you would want them to feel that sort of pain, nor would it do any good towards Mammon- but you tell them to be quiet, glaring at them and looking away immediately.
Sooner rather than later, the brothers catch on. Every insult is met with a kiss, your lips pressed against his cheek or your hand pulling him away, locked behind a door where they cannot enter. They sulk and pout, they try to pull you away, but you can’t leave Mammon’s side. Not that you would ever choose to do so. You stick by him, pulling him close and sitting beside him, your attention stuck on him. He’s your demon, why would you ever want to be pulled away from him? You keep him close, hugging on his arm and telling him how he’s been so much help to you. Mammon keeps you in his arms, you smile shining at him, and you pay attention to him. You kiss at his wounds and run your hands through his hair. You pull him close to your chest, your words soft as you tell him how warm he is. He loves the attention, the kindness that you give to him, the way that such a small and delicate human can stand up against demons and fight back all to protect one. He lays against you, sinking into your own warmth and taking it greedily, loving the way that you feel pressed against him.
Greed personified is not easy to please- he wants it all, craves it and yet, he can’t have it. It sits on his palm but he is unable to close his fist to truly claim it. Yet, you sit beside him, eating a meal at the dinner table as the ruckus continues on, your hand clasped tightly around him and when he turns to look at you, he squeezes your hand. He holds it tightly, feeling your hand tighten a moment later as you turn to him, your cheeks puffed with food still your mouth as you smile at him. You remain in his hand- whole and ever beating with a smile that is forever etched in the demon’s mind.
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Chapter 5 is out✨
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Chapter 4 is out!
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Chapter 3 is out✨
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This makes me want to add a shopping spree chapter🥺
OM!Brothers When You Indulge In Their Sin:
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Lucifer, Mammon, Leviathan, Satan, Beelzebub and Belphegor
Tw: None that I know of
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You were bloody proud of yourself.
Schoolwork? Done. Chores? Finished and you even cleaned extra. That one project you've been postponing since you never found a time where you're both inspired and free to do it? Completed and it turned out amazing.
Not perfect. But it might as well damn be close to it.
So safe to say, you're feeling proud of yourself!
And apparently, your pride must've shown on your face, if Lucifer's... unnatural, for lack of better term, actions were anything to go by.
Since when does Lucifer openly pat you on your head?
And with such a gentle smile??
"You seem happy, Mc," he said, as he patted your head. You looked at him with faux disgust, wondering who the hell's in front of you right now. There is no way this is Lucifer.
"Well, considering I've been doing amazing things lately, it'd be weird if I wasn't, don't you think?" you replied, your head held high despite your previous thoughts. His actions are fueling your pride and you know your indulging in it.
And, well, that seems to have done something to him because his smile got... wider? Somehow? And you don't think you're mistaken if you were to say you're seeing shadows of his demon form arising.
"Uhh, you alright?" You asked, when he kept patting your head with a blissful look on his face before he snapped back to reality.
"Ah, my apologies," he said, fixing your messed up hair. And with that, he left, with no explanation whatsoever. Well, you're not going to let him ruin your good mood! And off you went to do whatever it is you planned for the day.
Little do you know, now that he has a taste of the euphoria he's capable of feeling when the human he made a pact with indulge in his sin, he's planning ways to corrupt you even more.
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You want more- need more. Wealth, items, posessions.
You weren't sure why, but what you have is never enough. Yes, you already have a few black pens at home, ready to be used for school, but you don't have that specific feathery pen displayed at the bookshop over there!
And no, you technically don't need new clothes since you have enough to last you for the year, but those at the store's windows look absolutely gorgeous. You're not sure if you'll even wear it, but you know you want it- need it.
Well, there goes all your saved up money for the past few months.
And Mammon who became a witness to your shopping spree looked strangely happy.
Like, strangely happy.
"How about this one?" Mammon asked, holding up a casual shirt, and you tried hard to avert your gaze. You weren't sure why, but the past few days, you've been unable to control your urges and bought everything that caught your eyes.
"No, Mammon," you replied, shutting them when he dangled the item in front of you. You couldn't see it, you're sure the second you do, you'd buy it in an instant.
"C'mon! I told ya I'd pay for it this time. Anythin' ya want! The Great Mammon's bein' generous today!"
Why is he so insistent on tempting you with these new materialistic things on the one day you've decided to save money? It's better to control yourself now then regret it later. Honestly, with the way it's going, you'd say he's trying to tempt you to indulge in your greed.
Oh, wait, he's a demon.
And did he say he'd pay for it?
You peeked one eye open, and damn does Mammon have good taste. The shirt was exactly the type of clothing you'd wear! And it's design is exactly to your liking. And-
"So?" He grinned successfully when your eyes shone. "You want it?"
You hesitated. His smirk looked both infuriating and kissable that day.
"...You'll pay for it?" You grabbed the shirt, feeling it's material and inspecting it's stitches.
Well, what's wrong with buying it when he's the one who offered?
"Anything I want?"
"Like i said, the Great Mammon's generous today!"
"I'll make you regret your decision," you said, immediately going around the store and taking everything that caught your eyes, greedy for everything and more.
And Mammon? He has the largest smile on his face, watching as you take everything that catches your fancy as he basks in the euphoria only his pact owner can bring him.
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You were envious. Absolutely envious.
How is it fair this newbie pulled the character you want in their first ten pull when you haven't gotten them in your two hundredth?
It's not!
And they dare complain about them not being the character they want?
Talk about rubbing salt in your wound.
That's how Leviathan found you -when he wanted to invite you to watch a new anime series- seething in your room and glaring at your phone who refuses to let your character come home.
He instantly felt your mood, an unexplainable pleasure filling his every veins.
Is this what the lower demons meant when they say they like making pacts with humans who indulge in their sin?
"You understand me, right?" You ranted about the unfairness of the gambling game you're playing, frustrated to no end.
"That's so unfair!" Leviathan nodded, doing nothing to help you feel better about yourself. He understands your pain, he does, but seeing you become so envious feeds a certain part of his soul.
He's enjoying this pleasure way too much to remember why his sin is considered a sin in the first place.
"I knew I wasn't the only one!" You continued ranting, pointing out every single faults of the game. "I should've gotten the card! This person won't even use it!"
"You're so right. You would've appreciated the card more than them." Leviathan hyped you up, holding back a smile to mask the euphoria he feels at seeing you so envious.
As you continue feeding into your envy, eventually spending more money to get this card you want but couldn't get by using the resources you've grinded for over the past 4 months, Leviathan invited you to play other games of similar nature, if only to see you indulge in his sin once more.
It's natural, afterall, for a demon to want to corrupt humans. Especially their pact masters.
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Anger wasn't a feeling you're foreign of.
But usually, you're able to stomp down those feelings before it goes out of hand, or well, at least keep your emotions to yourself.
But you're currently irritated, walking home with Satan as he tactfully avoided starting any conversation during your horrible mood. Morning's been a disaster with you waking up late due to a certain avatar of sloth who didn't want to let you go, which causes his twin to eat your portion of the food.
And while you'd typically be able to forgive them, it doesn't mean immediately.
At school? Well, you forgot your homework on your desk at home, resulting in a public lecture by your teacher. And it was only during lunch that you'd realize someone stole your money.
So that's why Mammon had more money than usual.
Alright, four incidents. Not that bad, right? You can still stay patient, right?
Of course, it was when you were on your walk back home with Satan, barely holding yourself together that a demon rudely bumped into you, dare blaming you, for their actions.
This demon's asking for it.
And Satan was enjoying every second from the sidelines.
You didn't care to ask where the popcorn and 3D glasses came from when you're too busy picking a fight with the creature.
"You looking for a fight?!" the demon said, perhaps unaware of the avatar of wrath besides you as they puffed their chest out with a glare. Your last conscious snapped, and seething in rage, you were consumed by an uncontrollable wrath.
And with that, you squared a punch right in their gut, taking out your anger on the passerby.
Some might say you're blowing this out of proportions, and on a normal day, you'd agree! But now? The demon was the one who dared looked down at you, all 'high and mighty'.
It made your blood boil.
And Satan, who originally planned to take care of the demon himself, couldn't help but feel his wrath being replaced by a pleasurable sensation the second he saw you snap. Or more accurately, sensed your wrath overwhelm you.
He really shouldn't feel such joy when you're so mad, but he's a demon, and his pact owner's indulging themselves in his sin. And honestly, seeing you get violent with this random demon does something to him.
Don't mind him when he starts taking note of what makes you tick. He won't do anything that'll make you mad! Not him, at least.
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Your stomach is already full, but you're not sure when you'll be able to eat the delicious meal in front of you again, seeing how it's exclusively sold in this one restaurant where it takes years if not decades to make a single reservation.
And it was by luck that Beel happened to book a table some time before he met you, with the reservation conveniently nearing as he already grew to love you.
Of course he invited you to this once in a human lifetime opportunity!
So could anyone really blame you when you kept stuffing your mouth full even when your stomach couldn't take anymore?
And it's not like Beelzebub is stopping you either...
He was even sharing his portion of the meals!
You took another bite of the slice of heaven on your plate, getting sleepy from being so full. There's still a lot of food on your plate, and it wasn't like you'll ever be able to try this ever again in your life.
Yet out of the corner of your eye, you see Beelzebub piling even more on top of your still full plate, an amount equivalent to three portions of your average meal.
Your stomach rumbled, and, perhaps you shouldn't eat anymore-
"Do you like this?" Beelzebub asked, an innocently sweet smile on his face as he watched you eat your meal, casually piling more food onto your plate with each bite you took. He was content just doing that, barely taking any bites for himself.
Not that you noticed, when you're so stuffed, and most of your energy are focused on your stomach's processing the food.
Seeing you slowed down as time passes by, Beelzebub took the liberty of feeding you, taking your utensils in his own and hovering the food in front of your lips, prompting you to take a bite with a look of expectancy.
"Here," he said.
You eyed the food warily. You really, really should stop eating.
Yet his gaze burnt holes into your head, and one look into his hopeful eyes and you- you just can't say no to his face.
You took the bite, and he let out a hum of approval, the next spoonful easily making it's way to your lips once more.
Just- just one more.
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All your basic necessities as a human -food, shelter, and clothes- are covered during your time in Devildom.
Which might've caused you to become too comfortable in the House of Lamentation, thus how you ended up sleeping in, yet again, on a school day, uncaring of the potential consequences of your actions.
Your showers had also become less frequent as you started to neglect yourself, your laziness consuming your daily life.
And of course, one Avatar of Sloth didn't fail to notice the life choices you've made as of late.
Not that he's complaining, now that he's got a 24 hour cuddle buddy.
You stared at the ceiling.
You probably should get started on your schoolwork. And perhaps your chores around the house as well, lest you want to go through another 3 hours lecture from Lucifer...
But the bed is so comfortable.
And Belphegor wasn't exactly helping your case.
"Belphie?" You called the demon clinging to your side, his grip tight around you.
He hummed a response, eyes shut tight as he basks in your presence.
"I've got schoolwork to do," you said, making a poor attempt at escaping his hold. He wouldn't let you.
"Come on, Belphie."
"Just five-" he yawned. "Five more minutes."
You glanced at the clock, and five more minutes wouldn't hurt you too bad, right?
"Fine, just five," you replied, as if you're unhappy with the predicament you're getting yourself into and ignoring the consequences you knew would come as a result of your choices.
Belphegor does seem to agree with your choices as well, if his wide smile was anything to go by.
He loves it when you're lazy.
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A/N: HOW DO YOU WRITE DEMONS BEING DEMONS??? I wanted to make it more dark and do some world-building and lore, but my creative juices ain't in stock. And technically I'm still on my hiatus, but I wanna feel productive and feel good 'bout myself 😌
Pretty sure 've read another person's fic with the same concept that may or may not have inspired me to write my own version, but I can't remember where I've read it so... Been months plus my memory ain't the best. I'll link it if I find it! Didn't write Momo's 'cause I'm uncomfortable talkin' 'bout that topic...
Anyways, hope y'all enjoyed these~ Feedbacks are greatly appreciated!
Taglist: @yukihaie @satanist-apparently
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Chapter two is out✨
Go read Chapter one of my Mammon fanfic✨
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Go read Chapter one of my Mammon fanfic✨
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Wanna bang on the human anatomy bed?😩😩😩
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✨Kurt is my ideal type and the fact that he absolutely hated the way he looked shocked me when I found it out. He’s a beautiful person inside and out.✨
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✨ I bwast out the ghastwy contents of phiwosophicawwy whited sepuwchews and waugh with sawdonic wwath!✨
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✨ I gaze into the gwassy eye of youw feawsome jehovah, and pwuck him by the beawd; i upwift a bwoad-axe, and spwit open his wowm-eaten skuww!✨
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✨ I waise up in stewn invasion the standawd of the stwong!✨
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✨I bweak away fwom aww conventions that do not wead to my eawthwy success and happiness✨
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✨No hoawy fawsehood shaww be a twuth to me; no stifwing dogma shaww encwamp my pen!✨
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✨I dip my fowefingew in the watewy bwood of youw impotent mad wedeemew, and wwite ovew his thown-town bwow: the twue pwince of eviw-the king of the swaves!✨
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