dazatsu-week · 4 years
hii! I was just wondering why the Dazatsu Week is on Feb.18 - Feb.24?? Thankyou! :)
Hey! I'm sorry but those were the dates of last year!
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dazatsu-week · 4 years
Hi! Will there be a Dazatsu week in 2020? I would like to join :)
Hey! I'm glad you're interested in the week! The mods are now discussing how we'll do things. We'll let you know when we have more info ^^
-mod Yoyo
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dazatsu-week · 5 years
End of Dazatsu Week 2019 Announcement!
Hi, this is mod D ( @datura-foxglove)! With this post, we officially end Dazatsu Week 2019! This has been a really enjoyable and amazing week! At first we didn’t think that it will be received so well and people loving it so much, so imagine our surprise to be overwhelmed with so many great and beautiful contents! Due to some difficulty, this week is planned and announced in such a short time. Back at last December, I asked whether people would be interested in Dazatsu Week as more of a joke and hope that previous mods are going to hold it. After getting confirmation from the previous mods that there are no plans for anymore Dazatsu Week, I decided to try and hold it this year despite having no experience beforehand in organizing such an event lol. I asked for help and actually got more volunteer than I expected! From those I chose mod Yoyo and mod Greenbean due to timezone differences. We spend around a month suggesting word and song lyric prompts and then voting for it and then voila, you can see the result ^^
I thank both mod Yoyo ( @geekyyoyo ) and mod Greenbean ( @blood-stray-actors ) for helping me organizing this week! I couldn’t possibly even dream to hold this week without you two helping me. Of course, I also thank each and everyone who participated! All of your contents, either it’s a fanfic, fanart, poem, or graphic, all of them are precious and truly make us mods squealing in happiness! Thanks for all the people who leave a like or comment on the participants’ contents too! I’m so glad that we are able to share more love for Dazatsu ship and mod D will leave now with hope that we can see you again next year and brace yourself! Season 3 is coming!
Here are some farewell words from mod Yoyo and mod Greenbean too :
‘The year’s Dazatsu week has come to its end and even though I’m pretty sad about it this week has been nothing less than a blast!! I’ve thanked some people already for participating but I’ll do it again anyways: everyone, thank you so so so much for all your lovely creations! They all made me so happy! This ship isn’t one of the biggest in the bsd fandom so there’s most of the time not much content but with this week you’ve all made this ship a little more special. This little fandom is one of the most pleasant imo and I love everyone who participated but also everyone who reblogged and liked all the stuff and enjoyed it just as much as we did! This is getting sappy lol but really thank you!
I also wanna give a special thanks to @datura-foxlove for taking the initiative to make this happen!! Let’s make next year just as great!! ^^ -mod yoyo
hey guys! yknow, im not very good with saying goodbye and such so ill make this quick. its been really fun setting this week up and seeing everyone’s work. im really thankful for being given the chance to do this. to be honest, ive never been more sad about a week ending till now, but even with this ending comes fond memories of interacting with the community and the other mods. id like to say thank you to everyone who enjoyed this week with us and to the mod Datura and Yoyo for everything. i love this ship and i love you guys for making this happen. ♡
well this is mod greenbean, signing off.
-mod greenbean
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dazatsu-week · 5 years
Dazatsu week 2019. (New beginning)
Being with you for me is
A  fresh start
A new beginning for you and I
This one will last forever
This time
I know so
You are the one different from the rest
You make me happy
Able to feel again
Before you it was like
I was dead
Your smile
Your ocean sunrise eyes
You silk like hair
Makes something pound my chest
I want to be with you
To start something new
I want this love to flourish
For you to be with me till end.
Notes: My poem writing skills are not as good as I remembered… Sorry.
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dazatsu-week · 5 years
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dazatsu week 2019 Day 7 : Free day
Some moments from BSD Wan! recent chapters :3
Thank you all for the lovely week and all! X)
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dazatsu-week · 5 years
dazatsu week 2019 Day 6 : Sunset / Smile / Scars
*Mob Psycho 100 Reigen voice* KOKIA? Hikari no Naka ni?? for dazatsu??? What an excellent decision :’))) But seriously, I have always personally thought the song is just perfect for their bond/wedding XD and I didn’t expect to see the very combination exactly like this ;w; So happyyy ;v; Thanks!!
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“You held my hand and said ‘let’s walk together’
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All the time I’ve been through alone, has finally come to an end
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Now I have met you and have known about the joy of life
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For that irreplaceable, precious one person, I will live on.”
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- Into the Light (KOKIA)
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dazatsu-week · 5 years
I want to hug and thank each and one of you for making the Dazatsu Week possible this 2019. You guys are the real heroes and love you all. I wish you all a happy life!
Oh my gosh this is so sweet!! Thank you so much!! And we want to hug everyone who participated!!! Without you guys there wouldn't have been a week in the first place!! We wish everyone a super happy life as well!! -mod Yoyo
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dazatsu-week · 5 years
I'd like to be one more to drop in to thank you guys for hosting the Dazatsu week! Not only the mods comments on the works were lovely and heartwarming, seeing everyone else's work was really engaging and fun to me, this pairing has a lovely fanbase ❤ Hope to see you all again next year, if possible!
Awww thanks! :D you and your husband’s works are also very lovely and we are glad you two have joined us this week
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dazatsu-week · 5 years
I know everyone is already saying it and I've left a thank you note on my last fic, but I just wanted to personally thank you for making this week possible. I had so much fun and all of you are so so nice to all the creators, while also being amazingly skilled writers and artists yourselves. I am so glad for all the content we got, and that the fandom came together to make all of it. So, thank you mods, I hope to see you guys around after this 💕
Thank you for your kind words! At first we aren’t sure if we should put our comments on the reblog but mod yoyo convinced us, and we are glad we did because a lot of people have said that they are happy with our comments! It’s mostly just us mods dying or squealing, but I’m glad all of you love it! :D
Yes! All of the contents are amazing and precious! We are thankful for the fandom, the participants and those who leave likes or reblogged the posts. It’s been 2 years since the last Dazatsu week and to have such a positive response to this week feel really gratifying. The mods are thankful for those who loves our contents too!
We will see if we can hold another Dazatsu week next year, but the mods will still produce Dazatsu contents whenever they can to share the love :D
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dazatsu-week · 5 years
You all are amazing and I can't wait to see you all next year.
Thank you! And we also thanks all the participants who have created such amazing contents this week! Even if we are sad this week is over, we are elated to have make this week possible!
We will try our hardest to hold this week again next year!
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dazatsu-week · 5 years
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DazAtsu week 2019 : Day 7 - free / au !
Here I am back on silly cafe drawings haha
Dazai is a walking disaster in the cafe so it’s often Atsushi who makes sure he’s not causing chaos in which most cases he is lol
This week was so much fun to participate in!! Seeing all the love for these two is always so heartwarming , they deserve it !
Thank you to those put together a lovely week ~
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dazatsu-week · 5 years
Announcement for latecomers!
We will still reblogs your contents for those who are late to the week or want to post more until March 3rd! So don’t worry and go ahead, I’m sure all of us Dazatsu fans will be delighted to have more contents!
Though, some of the mods are busy this week, so we won’t be as often reblogging stuff. We are sorry and we are looking forward to your contents!
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dazatsu-week · 5 years
dazatsu week 2019 Day 5 : Trust / Sleep
Dazai holds Atsushi in his arms, listening to Atsushi’s heartbeat. It’s quite fast at first, as Atsushi feels a little shy and embarrassed. But soon it calms down, and Atsushi gently hugs him and pats him with smile.
Listening to the stable heartbeat of the beloved boy who isn’t afraid of him or avoiding him at all - Dazai slowly dozes off, even without realizing it. Atsushi notices he actually fell asleep and gets surprised, trying hard not to move or wake him up by any chance. Atsushi is so happy that the beloved man trusts him and feels comfortable that much.
Atsushi finds sleeping Dazai cute like a baby. Dazai is even drooling on Atsushi’s shirt, but Atsushi still can’t wake him up. Later, Atsushi falls asleep, too.
They were in the ADA office, and everyone took a lot of pictures and videos.
(* Believe it or not, this has nothing to do with 55Minutes or recent chapters XD)
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dazatsu-week · 5 years
Ahhh is it okay if we post late?? So sorry!
It’s okay! The mods will still reblog posts until 3 March! However we won’t be as fast as before in reblogging due to personal reasons. We will love to have more contents from you guys!
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dazatsu-week · 5 years
I wanted to thank you for this wonderful Dazatsu week! It was my first time participating to this kind of challenge, and I had a lot of fun writing a short drabble for each day! And the comments you left in the tags when you reblogged my works made me so happy and encouraged me! Thank you again, and I hope to see you next year!
We have lot of fun too! We, the mods, always squealed in our discord chatroom after reading and seeing so much of great Dazatsu content. As your work appear mostly on my shift I am the one who reblogged and commented, but the other mods also read and enjoying every one of them!
We are glad that all of us can have such a splendid week with you all and if we can, we will hold another Dazatsu week next year and with more materials from canon to make prompts!
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dazatsu-week · 5 years
Day 6! This one’s a bit NSFW as well, just a warning!
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dazatsu-week · 5 years
Dazatsu Things #26 (AU)
Executive Dazai lightly rubbing Port Mafia Boss Atsushi’s cheek, giving him the rare comfort Atsushi believe he doesn’t deserve. Dazai continues doing so, noticing Atsushi’s eyes were closed and his body posture relaxed. He slowly moved his other hand near that damned collar. He was the only one who can keep that tiger away, the only one that can still remind Atsushi that he is still human other than that torture device. He wanted that collar go- “What do you think you’re doing? Get back to work.” Dazai felt a hand crushing his when he was just centimeters away from the lock.
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