dakotacaudill-blog · 6 years
The Great Migration
After a bit of poking around, I realized that this account is largely tied to an old account I had. That account, as the admin, has way more freedom with editing, deletions, and the like - and I can’t remember the email/password. So, we’re moving! Follow my new blog and all my wacky adventures at: 
Fictional Daydreamer @ https://www.tumblr.com/blog/dakotacaudill12
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dakotacaudill-blog · 6 years
Graduation, Freedom, and...Freelancing?
Hey, guys.
I officially graduated on the 6th, with a degree in English Literature. Honestly, I still feel like I have homework due, or a fall semester to dread, so not much has changed since it’s not fully sunk in yet. Maybe it will one day, but I doubt it will be anytime soon. “But Dakota, what will you do now?” I hear you ask. Never fear, I have a plan! Or, well, something. An idea of a plan...a wisp of a - you know what, we’ll figure it out as we go along. Let me explain.
I’m going to write freelance, both because it has always appealed to me AND because it’s a way to hone my writing while I work on my personal manuscripts. Will it be hard? Yes. It’s a competitive place, and I really need to be on my toes to stand a chance against the more seasoned writers out there. I have something they don’t, though - my wife! Also, a caffeine addiction and nightowl tenden - yeah, most of them probably have that too. That’s okay! Competition is good! It’s a friendly competition, because community is important and everyone deserves to have work.
So, wish me luck in this new chapter! I will definitely be more active here, as well as on my Twitter - which I will link soon - and my LinkedIn.
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dakotacaudill-blog · 8 years
Orlando Shooting
My heart goes out to the victims and families affected by the Orlando shooting. Homophobia is a disease, and last night innocent people paid the price for someone's twisted sense of what is right. Islamophobia will run rampant after this attack, but I have seen many accounts of Muslims donating blood (during Ramadan) to help the injured in this attack. Do not blame an entire religion for one person's actions, because it makes you no better than the attacker. Let us stand together in love and solidarity during this hard time.
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dakotacaudill-blog · 8 years
LGBT Fans Deserve Better
There is a movement that has begun, spurred by the Bury Your Gays trope. Many others (myself included) are working to bury this trope for good. We are trending on Twitter, raising money for the Trevor Project, and reaching out to make sure those that come after us do not have to experience the heartbreak of seeing themselves die in media again and again. To learn more, please go to: http://lgbtfansdeservebetter.com/
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dakotacaudill-blog · 8 years
Manuscript Progress
I'm sorry for the page's inactivity, as well as the fact that manuscript is STILL not finished. Progress is slow due to my college classes resuming earlier this month, so I barely have room to breathe around homework. I will say the manuscript is coming along quite well, all things considered. It's a step out of my comfort zone, as it has no element of fantasy or the supernatural.
Summarized: I am still alive. My manuscript is STILL not finished. College is winning...all the things.
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dakotacaudill-blog · 9 years
Pushing Forward
Though I did not finish my manuscript within the time-limit for NANOWRIMO, I will not stop writing or give up on this story. It is too important to me. What is a time limit? It’s a cool challenge, but it’s not a big deal that I (or anyone else) didn’t finish on time. The important thing is the community it encouraged, as well as the imaginations it nurtured.
I’m hoping to bang out the full rough draft by the end of December. If all goes well, hopefully I’ll be able to share an excerpt here!
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dakotacaudill-blog · 9 years
First Review!
I received my first review on Necromantic! Overall, "Haunted Hotties Vol. II" received 4 out of 5 stars from the book review. Individually, this was what was said about my short story:
"Necromantic by Dakota Caudill ~ F/F Rating: 4 Stars This story was just Wow! Kat worked in a coffee place when she meets Emily. They agree to meet at a graveyard “awesome first date right” lol. Then Emily tells Kat she is a necromancer. They grow closer together then in comes the twist and I cant say anymore without giving this whole story away. All together I really liked this story."
Read the full book review here: http://www.inkedrainbowreads.com/4-stars-for-haunted-hotties-volume-2-mm-ff-anthology-mckay-rob-rosen-dakota-caudill-elizabeth-coldwell-jessica-payseur-jessica-chase-louisa-bacio-charles-payseur-helena-maeve-avery-dawes/
I am participating in National Novel Writing Month, so stay tuned for more information regarding what my next project is!
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dakotacaudill-blog · 9 years
Tumblr media
Meet the cover of “Haunted Hotties Vol. II”, an LGBT-friendly anthology containing all kinds of spooky Halloween short stories. Pick up your copy October 28th from Torquere Press!
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dakotacaudill-blog · 9 years
Release Date
“Haunted Hotties Vol. 2″, the anthology containing my short story, will be released on October 28th! Check out Torquere Press to find it and other LGBT-friendly works! Preorder coming soon.
Super psyched for this, guys. My excitement may be a bit higher given the release is on my birthday! What are the odds? :)
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dakotacaudill-blog · 9 years
An Imagination Is Such A Gift
It allows you to visit surreal worlds and take on epic adventures, testing your limits in a way reality does not allow.
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dakotacaudill-blog · 9 years
Dreams are often the best inspiration
I am slowly coming to a realization that many of my dreams are of freedom. I’m not sure if I will ever attain that intense feeling in reality, but using it as inspiration to fuel my writing helps.
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dakotacaudill-blog · 9 years
I don’t think it’s fully sunk in yet that I will be published come October. Wait, what?
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