codingstudies · 5 years
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11.3.18: felt a little adventurous this morning & found a cafe with a beautiful study view, and then spent the evening with some friends. overall a really nice day :-)
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codingstudies · 5 years
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Today’s vine quote of the day is:
“Why are you running? Why are you running?”
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codingstudies · 5 years
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Lessons learnt from this summer by @minijournals
Tips and guides
Selfcare guide
Self care by @kimanoir
Self care tips for students by @theorganisedstudent
12 steps for self care
Self-care to do list
Some little self care things by @irinastudies
Self-care guide by @thetrevorproject
101 self care ideas by @microstvdy
Self care by @littleredstudies
Finals self care by @rubypolar
Instruction manual by @hufflepuffwannabe
Some self care tips by @lovefulls
Self care by @lazyhermione
15 self care ideas by @kaleylearns
Little self care things by @flowerais
Self-care by @mlstudies
Self care by @likelyhealthy
A very brief guide to selfcare by @ejlandsman
My favourite selfcare tips by @rubynerdy
26 selfcare activities by @sheisrecovering
Little habits/things to do more of by @heyrosiebee
Guide to sleep by @educatier
Balancing sleep & education by @brbimstudying
Perfect night sleep
How to go to bed early and actually fall asleep
How to drink more water ft printables
Hydration masterpost
Take a break
Types of study breaks by @samsstudygram
Tips for getting better rest
Treat yourself
Simple ways to treat yourself by @anitastudy
Guide to treating yourself by @pennyfynotes
25 No/Low cost self care acts by @gaygirlhustle
Feel good
How to feel better by @bbangstudies
Feel good by @librarystudies
7 ways to feel better by @p-antarei
If you are having a bad day by @theblacksiren
Easy ways to destress by @parisgellerstudy
Stress relievers by @noteology
How to deal with stress by @studywithclover
Apps to help you destress by @gracelearns
Tips to manage stress by @fairy-studies-blr
How to deal with study burnout by @eintsein
Avoid education burnout by @neuroticmedblr
Mental health
Saving your grades from a crisis by @smartstudy
Chronic illness + studying by @studysenior
Coping with mental health by @overstudies
Studying with depression by @rannedomblr
Anxiety distraction games by @peachou
Anxiety masterpost by @dotgrids
Relaxing doesn’t help anxiety by @merrybitchmas91
Meditation and focus
Study sounds
What to do with notebooks by @tbhstudying
Podcasts for students by @studyquill
Period masterpost
Dealing with eye strain by @studylikeaslytherin
Listen by @studyblr
50 things you can do without looking at a screen
How to live a better life by @wilstudies
Fitness & health for student by @abby-studies-art
Friendly reminders taken from @cwote
Your mental health is more important than your grades
You are good enough, smart enough, pretty enough, and strong enough
Don’t just be good to others, be good to yourself too
Embrace all that is you
You will be okay
Just breathe. It will be okay.
Be proud of yourself for how hard you’re trying.
Be nice to yourself
Don’t beat yourself up. You are doing the best you can.
Be gentle with yourself, you’re doing the best you can.
Better things are coming.
Loving yourself is the greatest revolution.
Remind yourself, you deserve to be happy
Respect yourself. Don’t let others tell you who you are.
Learn to say no to people and things that make you unhappy.
Enjoy your own company.
Forgive yourself.
Never apologise for how you feel
Give yourself some credit. You’ve come pretty far.
Mental health is just as important as physical health.
Surround yourself with good vibes
Stop worrying about people who aren’t worried about you.
If you find you are surrounded by toxic people… Cut. Them. Out.
Trust yourself. You’re smarter than you think.
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codingstudies · 5 years
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How to deal with procrastination
One of the biggest problems for students is procrastination! It takes different forms for everyone but ultimately it stops us all at some point. Since there are several reasons for procrastinating, I’ve put together the five main types and a few ideas on how to deal with it. 
You’ve got poor work/productivity habits. You leave things until the last minute since you “work better under pressure”. You probably think you’ll do something after you’ve finished something else, and then never do. You get distracted whenever you’re trying to study and will sit waiting to feel motivated but it never comes. For this I’d suggest:
create a productivity inspiring workspace - find somewhere that you can set up a study space, whether it is an actual office or just a desk. Organise everything that you will need. I have a selection of pens and my few notebooks on the top so I can easily access them. Remove anything that might cause you to be distracted and doesn’t need to be in your immediate reach. If you’re got space, put up some motivational pictures. This could be my motivational printables, some quotes or your own pictures. Plants are also proven to boost productivity, so might be worth putting a small one nearby!
create an action list rather than to-dos - write down a few manageable tasks that you need to do and be specific on the steps you should take. Writing the actions they require will help you see what you should be doing to complete something, instead of just the overall task. If you’re able to break it down, you can take actionable steps rather than mentally having to think of each point.
focus on 20-30 minute periods - generally, we lose focus after a while so taking regular breaks can help give you chance to relax and refocus. Apps like Forest allow you to set a timer and will give you off your phone at the same time. Obviously, if you’re being productive, don’t suddenly cut that off because it is “time for a break”. Here are some other free alternatives.
remove distractions as best you can - I’m always distracted by social media so I will use Forest on my phone or time-lapse myself so I can’t use my phone. With my MacBook, I have two accounts. One for university and one for everything else. I am not logged into any social media on my uni account so I can’t just check it for a minute then end up wasting 20 minutes :’-)
find an accountability partner - pick someone who you can rely on to check on you regularly and see how your tasks are coming along. You can send them your to-do list and then every few hours you can update them with your progress. You won’t want to let them down. Alternatively, you can study with a friend! Tumblr/Instagram is basically my partner!
use the two-minute rule - if something takes less than two minutes, do it. Don’t make an excuse, just do it. Tasks that are longer you can either delegate or defer. Here is a simple visualisation of what I mean.
record your progress - doing a simple “don’t break the chain” in your planner is a great way to see how productive you’re being and therefore get you more motivated to keep it up! The ‘100 days of productivity’ challenge might be worth doing!
You’re feeling stressed and overwhelmed. Everything seems to be mounting up and nothing seems doable. You don’t know where or how to start. For this I’d suggest:
ask for help - if you’re feeling like this, it is likely you need some help in some form or another. See if a family member, friend, classmate or teacher (or Google) can help or give you a starting point. Emailing your teacher is a great option if you’re a little nervous about speaking to them in person. Plus you won’t forget what they told you because you’ll have a response.
remind yourself that getting started is the first step - you don’t need to finish a task in a matter of minutes. Start doing something small. Maybe organise what you need, highlight the important bits of your assessment, or draft an essay plan. The secret to getting ahead is getting started!
divide and conquer - figure out what is the overall task that you need to do and split it into manageable parts. For instance, with an essay, the aim is to write it! Divide it into planning out what you want to write, any references you need, summarising a final draft and then writing each paragraph. By dividing bigger tasks into actionable parts you can reduce the obstacles and get through each part in a more timely manner.
reward yourself - create a system to celebrate completing a selection of tasks. By rewarding your progress you’ll build an incentive to work and reinforce productivity (great for your self-discipline!).
learn to forgive yourself - if you have an off day, that is okay! When the stress of your education is getting too much, it is necessary to have time out.  Remember to come back to it later and try again.
don’t over schedule - if you’re feeling pressure from the amount of work and then the added pressure of trying to stick to a time limit, you’re just going to go crazy. Set yourself flexible times to get something done instead of being heavily structured. Give yourself time for a break and the ability to change tasks.
stick with one task - it can be so tempting to multitask but try not to. Try to keep the focus on the what you’re doing until it is done. If you struggle with that, you could write down anything useful that you randomly think about for another task, use a break-time to think about that other task or alternate between subjects/tasks every few hours.
You’re a perfectionist. You either don’t want to start something out of fear you won’t get it right or you can get stuck on the small details. There is a pressure to achieve the unachievable. For this I’d suggest:
focus on getting started, instead of finishing - it is easy to get overwhelmed thinking about what something is supposed to be like finished if you’re a perfectionist. Take things one step at a time. It’s also useful to remember the sooner you start, the more time you’ll have to perfect it at the end!
make drafts - if you’re overwhelmed, take half an hour to map out your plan of attack. Drafts can take many forms: summaries, scaffolds/outlines, essay plans, post-it notes, etc. I find it much easier to get on with work if I have a bit of a plan.
remember that your perfectionist tendencies aren’t actually improving your work or productivity but hindering you - you’re continually setting yourself unrealistic objects and (like me) probably feel let down by yourself if you don’t reach them. Be realistic and focus on getting it done!
accept mistakes - you’ve written something wrong, don’t panic! Cross it out with a single line and move on. Things happen and you have to accept it. You can’t rip up the page every time you do something wrong, even if it is so tempting.
put things in perspective - is what you’re beating yourself up about right now going to mean anything in a week, a month, a year? Be honest if it isn’t, is it really worth putting unnecessary pressure on yourself.
praise yourself through the process - try not to criticise yourself but recognise your progress.
don’t compare yourself - this is very hard not to do but remember we are all different. Just because “you’re not as good” or don’t understand something as easily as others, it doesn’t mean you’re any less! Everyone was a beginner once and we all learn at different paces. Work to your strengths!
You want to do something else. You find whatever you’re doing boring. You want it to be over with but don’t want to get started. The ultimate catch 22, right? For this I’d suggest:
remember that putting it off isn’t going to make it go away - if you leave it too long you’ll end up getting more stressed about it. Best to get it over with.
make a plan from the get-go - once you know something is coming up (e.g. a test, an assessment, etc) make notes on it! That could be questions, annotations, potential topics, citations, etc. By making the effort to spend time reading through, you’ll save your future self some stress. Especially if it’s a topic you have forgotten. That way your notes act as a reminder so you can get started.
set a finish time with a reward - tell yourself that if you finish something by a certain time and then you can do something else. Use your self-discipline to not go back on this. Set a realistic time and try to get it complete before. If you can think that you’re doing something fun once it is completed, you’ll be more motivated to get it done.
make a structure - for note-taking, it can be overwhelming looking at a textbook and thinking what you’re going to write out. Make a note-taking layout/colour code that works for you and that subject. Mine is here - it just gives me an idea of how I’d lay everything instead of going in with no action plan.
try to make it fun - this could be using YouTube to learn or starting a study group. Use different methods for memorising information such as flashcards, mindmaps or study guides (like question/answer).
make the effort to refocus - if you’re finding something boring and you’re unfocused, walk away for 5 minutes, get a drink and come back. If you’re really struggling, change topics for a while. Find a point where you can finish and start doing something else that is productive.
listen to some music - generally, music without lyrics are best for focusing. Spotify has a great playlist for studying called ‘focus’. However, I find my regular music good for getting me a little more motivated and awake. I also like writing essays to music because I weirdly sort of type in the same rhythm. Funny study hack I’ve found that works for me haha!
write your thoughts down - Another thing I’ve been trying is externalising my thoughts. If I get distracted by something or have a “gosh, I need to remember that” moment, I will write it down. By getting it out my brain and onto a bit of paper, I no longer have to think about it and can continue. 
You have no motivation. Often we feel that motivation is the only thing you need to get on with something, but this isn’t totally true. You need a mix of motivation and discipline. As the saying goes: “motivation may get you started, but discipline keeps you going”. To build your motivation, I’d suggest:
have a mass organise - usually when I’m feeling unmotivated, I’ll clear out my desk and sort out my computer. This involves throwing out stationery that doesn’t work or scrap paper. I usually make piles of spare stationery and will re-organise my desk drawers. For my computer, I will pull out all my files to my desktop then start working through them. I’ll delete duplicates, rename files properly, and put them in the right place.
find some new stationery - weirdly buying stationery is one of those things that instantly makes you want to be productive. Head to the shops and spend a little something on a new pen, highlighter or notebook!
film yourself - studying generally doesn’t give us any instant gratification which can make it feel like a drag. By filming yourself working you can get a little video at the end which shows your progress. I love watching time-lapses of myself because you see all the work you did super quickly. It also means I’m not touching my phone!
set yourself some goals - write down a few things you want to achieve, in the short or long term. Put it somewhere that you’ll be reminded about it! By externalising your goals, you’re more likely to make the effort to achieve it.
check/make a studygram and studyblr - this is one of most motivating this I’ve done. Having social media dedicated to studying has helped not only improve my work ethic but my whole attitude towards education. Getting involved in the community is a great motivator. Here is a post on how to set up a studyblr.
I hope this post gives you just a few ideas on how to tackle procrastination! If you’ve got any tips you’d like to share, please message me! x
Other posts | Printables | Instagram | Youtube | Pinterest 
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codingstudies · 5 years
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3.25.17 // The light this morning ✨ 
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codingstudies · 5 years
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14/12/18 7:50pm | I’ve been taking some time off social media and living my life more connected to the world around me, it’s been good! I feel a lot more at peace. Currently I’m tucked up in my chair with a few heat packs and a cup of tea, this is bliss 🌻
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codingstudies · 5 years
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Spent half of the morning making flashcards for my clinical psychology exam (which is in July), I can‘t bother studying for my sociology exam yet, but I can‘t stand not being productive, so I‘m studying for clinical psychology instead :D I hope I can force myself to look at my sociology notes though.. I‘m going to watch Call me by your name tonight and I‘m really excited!
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codingstudies · 5 years
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In this post, I’m going to talk about the study methods that have worked for me and that I learned during my time at UCLA!
(see another post like this about being healthy here)
Short Term Productivity
Use a stickynote/index card and write a couple goals for today only. Don’t write too many or you will feel overwhelmed! Stick it on your laptop or planner or notebook (somewhere you will see it)
Have a whiteboard at your desk and write down things you need to remember (like a simple equation or some vocab)
While waiting for something (the bus, your coffee, the shower to warm up) have something to recite in your head (probably something you already know, but would like to reALLY KNOW)
When you read, try to tie big concepts to things you would remember easily (like acronyms or symbols) like for example i remember gen chem oxidation as OIL RIG: Oxidation is Loss (of electrons) and Reduction is Gain (of electrons) and I remember the first four unordinary hydrocarbons from Me Eat Peanut Butter (lmao): Methane, Ethane, Propane, Butane
Longer Term Productivity
Plan out your weeks!!! Plan when you will study on each day of the week and keep track of due dates
Make it a habit to do homework/assignments AS SOON AS YOU CAN (like right after you snack or something after classes)
Try not to think about how long you will study and rather think about the number of topics you will study
Don’t stop until you feel confident in your knowledge OTHERWISE YOULL JUST LOSE IT IT ALL 
Keep your notes organized because you never know when something is gonna bite you in the butt again in the future
Review everyday. Like, Serioouslyyyy. It helps a lot.
Read before going to bed instead of being on your phone for 400 hours :C I THINK ITS TRUE THAT THE STUFF YOU READ BEFORE BED STAYS WITH YOU BETTER BC YOU GET TO SLEEP ON IT
Try to keep your area quiet or have only white background noise because if someone is talking about the weather and you’re studying math, best believe you’ll only remember the weather
Reading a Textbook
Most of the time, you don’t need to read the introduction paragraphs.
Read the bolded titles to see what you will be getting into
Before class you can skim lightly!! It will help you not feel lost in class
AFTER CLASS you will now FOCUS YOUR READING ON WHAT WAS SAID IN CLASS because most of the time, class-covered topics ARE THE MOST IMPORTANT! save yoself some time!!
When reading after class, do NOT just read. If you go over something that makes you go ??? in even the slightest way, read it again to understand. Look it up. Do it in THAT moment because you’re gonna forget to do it later.
If you don’t wanna read the whole darn book because ur lazy (like me) or you are cramming, READ!! THE!! SUMMARY!!! 
The back of the book might have some seriously useful appendixes 
Try not to skip the diagrams and pictures lol they’re there for a reason
Taking Notes in Class
dont be on your phone or whatever during class time Like actually PAy attention because if you learn it now, you won’t have to try to learn it again later (you can be on your phone later)
Take down everything written on the boards FOR SURE because if the professor/teacher thinks it’s important to write it, you better think it’s important too
Be an engaged listener! Don’t let it slide straight thru ur head
Try not to scribble your notes so you can read it later
Make CLEAR HEADERS for the topics so you can find those notes quickly
Def make friends in class in case you miss something on the notes ://
Doing Practice Problems and Homework
Homework is seriously a great study tool because your instructor assigned that FOR A REASON (aka it’s prob gonna be tested on)
Try to know what you are doing before you start the homework so that you don’t feel lost as heck doing it
When doing practice problems, if you have the answers, don’t be afraid to look at the answer the first time around if you don’t know how to do it. IVE SELF TAUGHT MYSELF SOOOOO MUCH by just looking at the answer to a question.
Don’t memorize how to do the practice problems, you should memorize the method of solving the problem and understand each step clearly (and understand WHY you do that step!!!) just in case the test pulls some funky stuff on you
The more you can do, the better. But don’t be sleepy and do them because you won’t really retain anything
Other Random Things
My organic chem professor actually did a funny study on sleep and test scores. He said on his final exam he asked “How many hours of sleep did you get last night?” 
and like obviously the more hours of sleep reported, generally the higher the student scored on the exam
WHEN YOU SLEEP AND HIT THE REM CYCLE, YOUR BRAIN PROCESSES THE INFORMATION BETTER and it will really stay with you. So yall need to sleep. Don’t do the all nighters. You won’t remember anything
anyways like nike you should Just Do It
I hope you guys find this useful!! Remember that everyone has different needs and preferences, so take these tips as just tips and not rules!! Experiment with things, see what you like best, see what gives you the best scores. 
Good luck with everything~ thank you for reading!
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codingstudies · 5 years
top 5 videos that make me want to study
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hey guys, on my instagram i asked if people wanted to see videos that motivate me studying, pushing my limits, and most important help me stop procrastinating. so here is my top 5 videos, hope you like them!
video number one: The ABCs of SUCCESS - Amazing Motivational Video for Students, Studying & Success in Life
video number two: Grey’s Anatomy, Cristina Yang: “Be unstoppable.”
video number three: Legally Blonde - I’ll show you how valuable Elle Woods can be!
video number four: Michaela Pratt | That’s My Girl (How To Get Away With Murder)
video number five: From FAILING STUDENT to ROCKET SCIENTIST - The Motivational Video that Will Change Your Life
bonus video: Rory’s system to study her finals (Gilmore Girls)
My social media: Instagram / Youtube 
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codingstudies · 5 years
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● seize time opportunities. If I have 15 minutes until your next class, I sit down and do homework in the hallway. If I have a long commute, I’ll do flashcards. This works because you most likely won’t have anything else to do anyways, so it’s easier to get your work done.
● start something. When I get a lab report assignment, the first thing I do is pull up the directions and at least start the cover page and pull up some research links. It takes 5 minutes but it gets the ball rolling and makes it more likely that you’ll finish what you started.
● auto-mode. When I procrastinating, it’s usually because I’m too busy thinking about what I’m going to do. Instead, I like to pretend I’m in “auto-mode” and just get started as fast as I can. auto-mode means shutting out distracting thoughts or pleas to watch one more funny cat video and forcing your hands to open your textbook. Works every time.
● personally, creating time schedules don’t work for me because if I fall out of time, the whole schedule falls apart and I usually give up. Instead I use time games. I’ll tell myself something like “work as hard as you can until 11:00 sharp and if you finish, you can have a break”. This is great for developing self discipline because it’s in the moment so you can be more realistic and flexible.
● i don’t like writing down earlier due dates in my planner because it’s confusing so instead, it’s good to have some sort of mental rule. for example, my mental rule is to finish everything at least two days before the due date. following through with that will keep you on track.
● do a little bit every day. If you have a big project, chip at it within a week rather than stressing out 2 days before it’s due. the same goes for studying for an exam. if you review lecture notes and attend office hours after class + work on flashcards throughout the week, then do a final review at the end, you’ll be well prepared and won’t need to cram. It’s a good habit and you won’t get stressed. Two birds with one stone.
● use mornings too. I’m not really an early bird, but using mornings to get some work / chores done is great because it gives you a productive start to the day, which makes you feel proud of yourself for knocking out half of your tasks in the a.m. 
a. Lay out your lecture notes / worksheets on the table the night before and open your work tabs on your computer so they’ll be the first thing you see when you turn on your computer.
b. Put your computer far away from your work space and go to sleep.
c. When you wake up, the first thing that you’ll see is your ‘paper’ work, so get it done first. then start on your ‘screen’ work (you’ll be less likely to get distracted if you do your ‘paper’ work first). when you open your laptop the first thing you’ll see are the work tabs you opened the night before. Your job is to go on auto-mode and get started.
Good luck with self-discipline. You’ll do great. - hana from thoughtscholar
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codingstudies · 5 years
10 Ways to Improve Your Time Management Skills
1. Delegate Tasks: It is common for all of us to take more tasks than our desired potential. This can often result in stress and burnout. Delegation is not running away from your responsibilities but is an important function of management. Learn the art of delegating work to your subordinates as per their skills and abilities.
2. Prioritize Work: Before the start of the day, make a list of tasks that need your immediate attention as unimportant tasks can consume much of your precious time. Some tasks need to be completed on that day only while other unimportant tasks could be carried forward to next day.  In short, prioritize your tasks to focus on those that are more important.
3. Avoid Procrastination: Procrastination is one of the things that badly affect the productivity. It can result is wasting essential time and energy. It should be avoided at all costs. It could be a major problem in both your career and your personal life.
4. Schedule Tasks: Carry a planner or notebook with you and list all the tasks that come to your mind. Make a simple ‘To Do’ list before the start of the day, prioritize the tasks, and make sure that they are attainable. To better manage your time management skills, you may think of making 3 lists: work, home, and personal.
5. Avoid Stress: Stress often occurs when we accept more work than our ability. The result is that our body starts feeling tired which can affect our productivity. Instead, delegate tasks to your juniors and make sure to leave some time for relaxation.
6. Set up Deadlines: When you have a task at hand, set a realistic deadline and stick to it. Try to set a deadline few days before the task so that you can complete all those tasks that may get in the way. Challenge yourself and meet the deadline. Reward yourself for meeting a difficult challenge.
7. Avoid Multitasking: Most of us feel that multitasking is an efficient way of getting things done but the truth is that we do better when we focus and concentrate on one thing. Multitasking hampers productivity and should be avoided to improve time management skills.
8. Start Early: Most of the successful men and women have one thing in common. They start their day early as it gives them time to sit, think, and plan their day. When you get up early, you are more calm, creative, and clear-headed. As the day progresses, your energy levels start going down which affects your productivity and you don’t perform as well.
9. Take Some Breaks: Whenever you find yourself for 10-15 minutes, take a break. Too much stress can take the toll on your body and affect your productivity. Take a walk, listen to some music or do some quick stretches. The best idea is to take off from work and spend time with your friends and family.
10. Learn to say No: Politely refuse to accept additional tasks if you think that you’re already overloaded with work. Take a look at your ‘To Do’ list before agreeing to take on extra work.
9K notes · View notes
codingstudies · 5 years
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Working on software engineering notes in the library. Agile development is fun but also a bit boring, theoretically. Also got a lot of pending tasks done this morning so it feels good; mostly relieved but also good and productive.
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codingstudies · 5 years
A list of random tips I learned during college:
If you are in a new city with no friends, go out alone. It might seem weird but you will get to spend quality time with yourself + possibly meet some people. Just stay safe, be where there are other people, avoid sketchy neighborhoods and don’t go out too late!
Carry your college ID everywhere and don’t be afraid to ask if a store has college discounts!
Take. Notes. Of. Everything. You might think “eh I’ll remember this”. You won’t. Write it down.
Replace your morning coffee for green tea, it is less likely to give you an energy crash later in the day, and take coffee as a pick me up later in the afternoon
Take a break from studying every hour or so, but don’t use your phone/computer. Go out for a walk, stretch, drink some water, shower. It will help you focus better
SKINCARE TIP: steam your face by boiling some water and putting some sage in it, then putting your face above the pot with a towel covering your head and the pot. It will help open up your pores and clean them
Things to always have around: coconut oil (for hair care, removing makeup, dry skin, cooking..) and baking soda (removing stains, face peeling, good for your gums..)
MEAL PREP!! Or at least shop for the following week so you are less likely to eat out, and eat crap!
Try new things, you might not be great at them, but you also might find something you are passionate about.
MEDITATE. If you don’t know how, download a guided meditation app (like Headspace). Meditation is great for reducing stress and boosting productivity. Also a great thing to do on your study break.
Don’t stare at any screens before bed, it WILL make you fall asleep harder and fuck up the quality of your sleep. Instead try reading, meditating, doing skincare, journaling.
Speaking of journaling, get a bullet journal. Write down your thoughts, plan your week, your month, write to do lists and shopping lists, and just use it as a creative outlet. You don’t have to be a great artist, it doesn’t matter, just let it all out on the paper.
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codingstudies · 6 years
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are you familiar with the feeling of oh-my-holy-moly-my-life-is-a-complete-mess? me too fam. but now, it’s time for change. It’s time to get our shit together and here are some tips to get started.
note : this is just a beginning guide; which only includes 1/100 of the tips to get you life together. I’ll probably make a part two if this is helpful?
1. do not procrastinate.
sounds crazy? but honestly, just don’t. procrastination leads to stress and anxiety and helps you lose your shit.
but, how do we not procrastinate?
‌get things done early. remember that sheet of paper your professor gave around in class having the list of all the assignments to be done that semester? yes, do that work months before if you have time.
do your homework the day it’s given. (no watching tv before you do)
‌study in the time you’re actually studying. don’t go on your phone half the time. If you’re doing that, you may as well put your books away.
‌other resources -
the procrastination masterpost by @studious-simplicity​
how to stop procrastinating by @determinationandcaffeine​
how to stay productive by @julstudies​
productivity masterpost by @ib-studyblr
2. become the master of  “fake productivity”
fake productivity is basically when you do mechanical work (i.e. stuff which doesn’t require much brainpower) to get into the real “productivity” zone. it helps you brain prepare for the big task ahead. here are some things to do -
make your bed
do the dishes/laundry
clean your room (i know it’s messy yo)
get your closet together
empty your inbox (be it gmail or tumblr)
do a smol workout?
make a to-do list/ organize you calendar
do a easiest or the most enjoyable task off your to-do list
3. plan, plan and plan
your planner/bullet journal should be your best friend. plan those essays you got to write, that research paper you have to do, down to the time you need to go out for dinner with friends. Plan. Every. Single. Thing. I. Really. Mean. It.
+ and follow up with those plans!! you have already wasted a lot of time on planning, you hAVE to follow up with that planning, right?
4. wake up early
why?  waking up early gives you the time to do things slowly and carefully so that you get it perfect in one go and your life isn’t a complete disastrous mess.
how to wake up early? i got you.
how to wake up early by @theyrestudying
how to get up early and enjoy your day by @coffeesthetics​
the morning “me” routine by @fightostudy​
5. have a healthy lifestyle
an example -
x wakes up at 7 am every morning, goes for a short run to wake herself up and comes back to have hearty breakfast of eggs, bacon, slices of bread and a mug of steaming hot tea. she starts on her work after that, doing it without stressing about it. Then, after a nice hot bath and a delicious lunch, she goes out to a cafe to work on her online classes and to hang out with her friends. coming back home, she does a quick workout, takes a shower and heads off to make dinner. Having an early dinner, she spends the remaining few hours relaxing, drafting blog posts and spending time with her dog. at 10 pm everyday, she heads off to her bed, looking forward to a glorious tomorrow.
..sounds like a fairy-tale, right? you can definitely live it though.
In general, your day should have the following stuff  -
‌sufficient hours of work using which you can get all your work done
‌a healthy breakfast, lunch and dinner (yep, no skipping meals)
‌a workout, generally of 15 - 30 minutes at the least
‌interaction with people, like hanging out with friends or family
‌sufficient sleep and resting time (preferably 8 hours of sleep)
‌a fixed routine consisting of you waking and sleeping at fixed time
‌a ‘me’ time at some point of the day where you don’t worry about work or anything and focus on relaxing after a long day.
6. believing that coffee sucks
why? its basically a drug and if you need three cups of it just to get started on work, you’re going to have a really hard time during finals.
Instead, get enough sleep so that you have enough energy to study without being a coffee addict. or you can even swap coffee for water. (hey, you’ll be more hydrated!) side note - a cup of coffee per day is okay though. I love coffee too and I totally feel you but don’t overdose on it, okay love?
some extra things to know about -
‌have a companion to keep you accountable at the start.
‌do have a laid-back day once in a while, you’re human after all.
balance work and play. reward yourself for shit done.
keep track of your spending, earnings, investments, etc.
stop being a perfectionist. seriously, you dont need to rewrite all those notes, trust me (comes from a was-a-perfectionist-kind-of-still-am-but-trying-not-to-be perfectionist)
‌don’t stress yourself out. getting your shit together is a journey and not a result.
remember, change will come. yes, it will; but only if you take action. start now.
also, on a side note - and this might seem very ironic, but sometimes you don’t have to have your shit together. life is always a mess and trust me when I say this, no one - yes no one - has their shit together and sometimes it’s worth it to lead a messy life and enjoy it without having any fixed rules and regulations like you would have if you wanted that perfect life. enjoy the life you lead and stay wonderful, loves!
- ̗̀   the adulting 101 series   ̖́-        
part one : kicking a rut
go check out my other masterposts here and you can always send in a request for a masterpost as my ask box is always open!!
much love, Taylor  (´。• ᵕ •。`) ♡
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codingstudies · 6 years
how to survive bad school days, from morning till night
my last year of high school starts rather soon, and i’ve had more than my fair share of days when i wake up wanting to cry. there aren’t many things you can do when obligations like school force you to get over it as soon as it starts, so here are some tips to make your day better.
1. dress opposite the way you feel. even though sweats might be super tempting, dress up. wear your favorite pair of jeans, or a dress, or your cutest sneakers, even. wear bright colors at least. sweatpants and such will just make you feel even more blah and unfocused throughout the day. 
2. moisturize! this might seem like an odd idea, but moisturizing and going into school glowy and soft definitely helps me feel more comfortable and less ugh during the school day. it helps keep me in my home-y comfort zone, if that makes sense. 
3. carry something from home. this can be a book (even if you don’t read it), a tube of chapstick, a big waterbottle, etc… i have even gone as far as wrapping myself in a small blanket and walking around like that for the day. if you like this option and don’t feel comfortable wearing it, fold it up and place it in your backpack, just so you know it’s there.
4. plan out your day. even if it’s just making a mental note, tell and remind yourself of the things your going to do and when. this will get rid of any unnecessary stress and pressure. if something unexpected comes up, this will also help you manage your time a little better.
5. eat and drink happy things! pick today to pack a lunch, no matter what your usual routine is. drink plenty of water throughout this day, and eat as many fruits and veggies as you can. fill a reusable water bottle with water, fruit (like lemon or strawberries), and chia seeds! it’s perfect to sip throughout the day for a reboot or just to boost your mood. 
6. when you get home, bathe immediately! wash off the day’s dirt. drop everything as soon as you get home, and either jump in the shower or relax in a bath with your favorite soaps and scents and a book. give yourself a break before you have to get back to work.
7. don’t ignore your work. by work, i mean school work. if you’re having a bad day, don’t hesitate to take a break from talking to people or running (low-priority) errands. you don’t want to ignore schoolwork, though, because teachers aren’t the most lenient people in the world, and getting it done will take a lot off of your shoulders. pushing it away will only gain you more bad days. 
8. go to bed. get sleep! you want to be refreshed and happy for the next day, even if it’s a weekend. there’s a good chance your bad day began because you didn’t get enough sleep, or because you were ripped out of bed. reward yourself with rest after a long day. 
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codingstudies · 6 years
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7 Ways to organize your laptop because we can always be a little more organized on our devices (including myself). 
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codingstudies · 6 years
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hey everyone!!
after getting an instant message from one of my followers about having a maths exam and not knowing how to study for maths, i thought about making a maths masterpost!!
so i actually accelerated in maths for high school and am currently doing year 11 maths while in year 10!! i have struggled quite a lot with my grades and being able to understand the difficult topics but i have been getting used to it and improving so these are my tips and tricks for studying for math!
important study tips:
constantly practice what you are learning and what your exams are focusing on!! it is very important to practice what you are learning so doing some exercises from your textbook would make you more confident with the problems and the type of questions that you may get in your tests and exams! even googling some example *insert maths topic* questions so that you will be able to get more exercises on the internet!! sometimes your school also purchases accounts for maths exercises such as mathsonline where you are able to focus on the specific topics c:
ask questions in class!! if you don’t understand what you are learning, ask your teacher or classmates! this seriously is so helpful as you may not understand what others understand so by asking your teacher you are able to finally understand it. if you’re too shy to ask, try emailing your teacher or even googling it :’))
for my maths tests and exams, i am allowed help notes :D I always go through the what the exam/test is focusing on and write notes on them for the help notes. I usually include formulas, explanations, diagrams and examples and write them in pencil first, then rewriting them in bright colours so that it stands out to me. If you are allowed to make help notes, try to include the most important things that you aren’t sure about in them! [some examples of my help notes: x, x]
use past exam papers!!! 
teach others about what you’re studying, it really helps me to understand what i am supposed to study hehe
also, i’m not sure if this is a true scientific fact, but in primary school my teacher said it takes our brain 3 days to memorise something ( i think, i forgot so i’m not sure) so we always studied the stuff for 3 days consecutively and then had a test on the day after the 3 days… even though i don’t know if this is a true working fact, it is best to repeat what you are learning over and over again, even a little bit of maths per day will help! and try not to study for your exam and test the day before, give yourself time!!
apps + websites:
malmath [ android | ios ] type in an equation and it will solve it for you!! (yas)
photomath [ android | ios ] take a photo of your maths and it solves it for you!
mathway (this website solves your equations for you but you need to pay for it to show you how they did it :( )
online grapher!
GOOGLE DOES MATHS FOR YOU TOO!! hehe v helpful and quick!
casio graphics calculator emulator (a graphics calculator for your laptop, i use this whenever i forget my calculator in class!!) [ to download, click programma ]
if you are ever struggling, youtube is also a great helper!! my maths teacher actually posts onto youtube sometimes (his videos are private where he gives us the links but it still is v useful, especially if you miss a class), even if you are struggling to use your graphics calulator, there are plenty of people who post videos about it :D
other maths masterposts:
math resources and links by @ashleigh-studies
math by @areistotle
a maths masterpost by @organisaticns
my other masterposts:
chinese masterpost
app masterpost
bullet journaling
ok so i rambled again but i hope i helped you with your maths with this masterpost!! - Jemima c:
studygram: acadehmic
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