chuchuflower · 9 hours
may i request a rainbow snom for prode month
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chuchuflower · 9 hours
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chuchuflower · 9 hours
Do you know who prevs icon is?
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chuchuflower · 10 hours
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chuchuflower · 2 days
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🖤💜 Happy international asexuality day! 🖤💜🐀
Asexuality is the lack of sexual attraction to others, or low or absent interest in or desire for sexual activity 🖤💜
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chuchuflower · 3 days
Reblog if you or someone you know is ace… I’m trying to see something
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chuchuflower · 4 days
impossible challenge:
name one (1) bad pokemon
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chuchuflower · 4 days
"DNI: freaks" do you realize how conservative you look
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chuchuflower · 4 days
kisses for my fellow agender folk as well, the ones who simply have a void or static or glowing stardust where one's gender should be, I am giving you all the biggest consensual hugs
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chuchuflower · 4 days
fellow aces I am blowing you little kisses, happy pride my darlings
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chuchuflower · 4 days
i dont care about validity i care about my civil rights
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chuchuflower · 4 days
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a PSA for the naysayers and encouragement for those who need it. mostly the latter rather than the former, but for those who needed the PSA:
you’re welcome.
※ photos taken May 2018 at Tokyo Rainbow Pride. see more at queerascat.com.
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chuchuflower · 4 days
One thing I urge adults to unlearn is the stigma surrounding forgetfulness.
Perfect memory retention is rare. A faulty memory can be the result a host of mental illnesses, from ADHD to PTSD. It's not a sign that someone wasn't listening. I have a friend that has a four year gap in her memory due to trauma. I have another with poor short term memory retention because that's one of their autism symptoms.
Your brain can also trick you into misremembering things. I can't tell you how many times I've remembered putting my keys somewhere and unearthed them in a completely different place. I have to remind myself what my birth date is because I said it wrong once and now the wrong date is in my memory forever. I have to come up with mnemonics for birthdays, anniversaries, and events because my brain doesn't do numbers for some reason.
I see people bicker about forgetting a person's favorite food or what their mothers favorite color. I think it's important to forgive people who forget easily.
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chuchuflower · 4 days
jellyfish are so crazy. no heart no brain no bones just vibes
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chuchuflower · 4 days
Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria is such a weird theory because it's like there's a very obvious explanation for why middle school kids who didn't have dysphoria before might suddenly have dysphoria. Like huh weird I wonder what very obvious and widely known change that could cause kids to suddenly become very uncomfortable in their gender or sexual identity starts in between the ages of 10 and 14. Guess we'll never know. Must be peer pressure to *checks notes* become the only gender minority in your whole school singling you out for harassment by your peers. Couldn't be puberty suddenly giving you new body parts/bodily functions that are wrong for you.
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chuchuflower · 4 days
pride month!!!
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chuchuflower · 4 days
By the way. For anyone who needs to hear this:
You don't need to have been confident that you're a different gender than your birth gender from like 5 years old. It doesn't matter if you mostly lived your life relatively fine as your birth gender until now. You don't need to fit into all the Symptoms™ and boxes to be trans. That's made up bullshit to get you to not transition and most trans people do not fit neatly into that.
If you fantasise about being another gender, if it feels wrong to display yourself as your birth gender, if your birth gender feels kinda hollow and like you're just going through the motions, or even if it's as simple as you feel alright in your birth gender but you suspect it would feel nicer to be a different one... try out a different gender! It's as simple as that!
There aren't really any hard requirements to be trans. Anyone can be trans. Transmedicalist types who bitch about "transtrenders" are an outlier within the community and you don't need to worry that kuch about them.
Also important to keep in mind: even when you start out experimenting, you will probably have doubts. You will probably be unsure of yourself. That's normal. Just keep doing whatever feels like you. You will figure things out eventually.
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