carchacrok · 20 days
Pokemon can mega evolve on their own volition? I thought it was forced by the trainer!
It's not forced, it never was forced unless you're a fucking idiot. It's all about positive bonds and trust. If you're going against those core principles, something will go wrong. It's because of the bonds Nourrice and Clover have with me that they're able to even mega evolve. Of course also the stones, but they're moreso a device used to translate that energy into the process. Sure, in certain situations I can be the one to initiate the evolution, but I don't do it without knowing the pokemon at hand can handle it. And, and Pokemon are intelligent, they can trigger the phenomena themselves when the situation calls for it. It's absolutely fantastic, pokemon are absolutely fantastic! And you undermine them to something that has to be forced to do something that requires trust? People like you are the reason the world is stained.
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carchacrok · 20 days
what's your favorite gift you've ever received and what's your favorite gift you've ever given?
I actually have a few favorite gifts received! Both Clover and Cinnamon were gifted to me by my Papa along with my Keystone. Clover I've had since I was about 5, Papa saw this little Houndour and knew he had to bring her home. Cinnamon actually was a starter pokemon that couldn't be sent out because he refused to listen to anyone but me. It's also kind of funny that I got him when I was around 10, as that's the beginning of a lot of trainer's journeys as started in Kanto. The keystone is pretty self explanatory, but Papa seemed really happy when giving it to me. He always liked my enthusiasm about Mega Evolution...
...Anyway... As for a favorite gift I've given, it has to be this joke gift I got for Némélios. It's a large plush Pyroar that's just a little bigger than his actual Pyroar. He acts as if he doesn't see it as necessary, but I've caught him resting a few times with it. I'm sure it helps his back a lot.
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carchacrok · 20 days
chili is so cute!!!!!
He is pretty cute, isn't he? Also very handsome in his bandana.
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carchacrok · 1 month
Lipstick on my face.
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carchacrok · 2 months
What is your relationship status?
What is your relationship status?
What is your relationship status??????
I don't believe that's information that you need to know...! Why is that anyone's business besides my own?! You are being quite forceful about this!
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carchacrok · 2 months
Bonjour, I'm Valentin Mondrain, Head Assistant at Sycamore Labs in Lumiose City. My work at the lab involves studying the bonds between Trainers and Pokémon, both during the Mega Evolution process and outside of it. Currently, I'm doing a study involving Trainers and Non-Battling pokémon. If you are interested in participating, do not hesitate to reach out or stop by the lab.
A little about me:
I was born in Oreburgh, Sinnoh but raised in Santalune, Kalos. I specialize in Rock Type pokemon and am a former Rhyhorn Racer. If you've ever heard the names Valen and Yoka, that was me and my Rhyhorn. I unfortunately quit in college due to outside circumstances, but I will gladly talk about my experience. I also was in the soccer scene in college as well, but Rhyhorn Racing is more what I am known for.
Personal Information:
I'm 43 years old, use He/It pronouns, and have a service Rotom named Novae. I do also have a bit of memory issues, so forgive me if I accidentally forget anything.
Now, I believe that is all I can think of. It's a pleasure to meet you all and I look forward to what lies ahead. Au revoir for now.
Trainer Card:
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OOC: Anyu's Baaaack. Anyu's back Anyu's back Anyu's baaaaaaack. I'm showing off my latest guy because I love him! Main is @awn-moo
Anyway, you know the drill! Rules and OOC Information!
- No Legendaries/Sapient Pokémon
- No Magic Anons/Pelipper Mail is off unless stated otherwise/No other random inbox stuff that's been made up since I've been gone.
- 18 under/No age ment Do Not Interact with anything tagged #suggestive. Valentin is an Adult, suggestive things may happen. I will not let it get out of control, but be aware. I will also immediately block if this rule is broken. Both Muse and Mun are 21+
- Do not maliciously harass. Playful IC jests can be made, but anything genuinely harmful or derogatory will be deleted/blocked. Do also ask OOC if you think something may tread that line.
- Have fun! I wanna show off my Most Specialist Guy Ever and ouhhhhhh. I hope you enjoy himmmmm 🥺
OOC Info:
- Any Professor Sycamore Val mentions is @carchacrok :)
- Val cannot feasibly lie. He just falls apart any time he tries. You can use this against him.
- This one's just a fun fact, but he can Speak/Write/Read Kalosian and can only Speak Sinnohan. Novae translates, though she will not translate a lot of Val's Sinnohan for personal reasons.
- Novae may post, her typing style is √Hello!√ She will end everything with "If you notice any issues or concerns with my programming, feel free to contact Roto.Tech!" or some variations.
- Jaycé (@moddedmoor) may be mentioned sometimes bc I loooove cross referencing my own stuff :3 This isn't important, I'm just saying it.
Anyway, Bye for Now!!!
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carchacrok · 2 months
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a green glow over lumiose...
another new print I'll debut at Castle Point Anime Convention!
Ko-Fi / Patreon / Store
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carchacrok · 3 months
...They're good, right? Despite how loud the thud was?
Oh yes they're fine! It's not ideal to be knocked out by Sleep Powder, but there shouldn't be any serious harm! Though I did try to at least move them to a more comfortable place to rest shortly after the video. I hadn't realized that went up or I would've clarified sooner to ease everyone's worries!
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carchacrok · 3 months
No! I was going to let this incident remain private to avoid embarrassing them!
That said, it's good that they're resting... Even if it's by accident. I think if I had asked them to take a break they would've called me a hypocrite! Which isn't untrue but it wouldn't be productive!
{° Video File Attached! Helpfully Translated And Transcribed By Yours Truly! °}
The video starts off showing Jaycé sitting at their desk, hunched over their laptop and various sprawled out papers. They absolutely look like they haven't slept in five days, with tired eyes that are just barely being kept open. They take a shaky sip of their current drink of choice, a bright teal MONster can. Meanwhile, on the other side of the frame, a small blue Budew waddles into frame. It watches Jaycé work for a bit before trying to climb onto the laptop. Jaycé makes no reaction as they slowly move to shoo the pokemon away. It retaliates to this by squirming a bit before expelling a large cloud of dust...? As soon as the dust is out, the budew hops out if their grasp and runs off as Jaycé immediately feels the effects of the sleep powder, head colliding with the desk with a loud thud. They are out like a burnt out light.
{° Get Sleep Powdered Idiot °}
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carchacrok · 3 months
Molasses, was it necessary to post a video of this to the Internet?
{° Video File Attached! Helpfully Translated And Transcribed By Yours Truly! °}
The video starts off showing Jaycé sitting at their desk, hunched over their laptop and various sprawled out papers. They absolutely look like they haven't slept in five days, with tired eyes that are just barely being kept open. They take a shaky sip of their current drink of choice, a bright teal MONster can. Meanwhile, on the other side of the frame, a small blue Budew waddles into frame. It watches Jaycé work for a bit before trying to climb onto the laptop. Jaycé makes no reaction as they slowly move to shoo the pokemon away. It retaliates to this by squirming a bit before expelling a large cloud of dust...? As soon as the dust is out, the budew hops out if their grasp and runs off as Jaycé immediately feels the effects of the sleep powder, head colliding with the desk with a loud thud. They are out like a burnt out light.
{° Get Sleep Powdered Idiot °}
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carchacrok · 3 months
Garchomp performing a little jig, one might say it’s a little bit of a dragon dance
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carchacrok · 3 months
hi. look at baby Clover. that is all. have a good night.
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carchacrok · 4 months
There's more molds missing from the cabinet than I have found gelatin creations... Seems the remainder of my day will be the worst kind of treasure hunt!
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carchacrok · 4 months
She can borrow one of our molds if she would like!
If this keeps up I may have to block Jayce and the Professor. Not because I'm mad, but because Serena keeps giving me a devious look and I worry what she may be about to do.
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carchacrok · 4 months
Yes thank you. Did you contribute to any more of these placed around my home or was it just the few I've found so far?
[A photo of what appears to be a large lime jello. Floating inside the bright green gelatin are a collection of objects including: Whole grapes Carrots shaped like flowers being held by Flabébé constructed out of olives and toothpicks Pieces of Krabby Meat A whole onion ring (from Grimsley) A set of keys?
Standing around the jello creation are Jaycé and Grimsley, gesturing proudly to the monstrosity on the table.]
How on this green earth did they get the keys to my lab? Locksmith was supposed to never let that out of their sight! And don't even get me started on... Whatever this is!
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carchacrok · 4 months
Let it be known I woke up this morning to my coffee mug and another cigarette encased in gelatin. Quite the breakfast! I didn't realize Father's Day had come so early this year!
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carchacrok · 4 months
why do you guys casually have a fish mold the size of an unborn baby?????
You never know when you might need it!
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