capperslost · 1 year
What though the radiance which was once so bright Be now forever taken from my sight, Though nothing can bring back the hour Of splendour in the grass, of glory in the flower, We will grieve not, rather find Strength in what remains behind.
Passage from GLORY IN THE FLOWER by Wordsworth
A passage I feel can relate with climate change, rising temperatures will inevitably lead to species and ecosystems getting eradicated. But rather than turn a blind eye or helplessly mourn, I hope and strive for a human kind that uses it as a strength to speak for what we still have to save.
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capperslost · 1 year
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capperslost · 1 year
Carbon neutral synthetic fuel is on the way!
Very exciting to see, now it's all about scaling up and logistics (which is a slow and tough process)
There's over a billion cars in the world, and they're no longer destined to be sent off to the junkyard anymore because of their dependence on crude oil.
For reference, around 30% of the worlds yearly emissions are from the transportation sector - half of which is personal transportation with automobiles (15% global emissions).
Now we just need legislature to catch up and put a deadline one dinosaur fuel, thus increasing the momentum for carbon neutral alternatives like this.
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capperslost · 1 year
Fossil fuels popularized "carbon footprint" so that we would blame ourselves, instead of them
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capperslost · 1 year
Loving this, giving me the same vibes as "I really want to stay at your house" from the Cyberpunk 2077/Edgerunners soundtrack.
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capperslost · 1 year
Interesting video on a new checkbox added to iPhone, that is by default opt-out. It's in the Battery Health & Charging settings and called "Clean Energy Charging", on by default (thus the opt-out) - and will temporarily pause charging until there's lower emissions energy available in the grid where you are located.
On a large scale this could have some very interesting numbers, as MKBHD predicts Apple will likely highlight in some way (Keynote or marketing).
With a very low inconvenience factor, leaving it on you'll simply have a notification on the lock screen to override it and charge anyway if you need the juice quickly.
Details about how it works functionally Use Clean Energy Charging on your iPhone - Apple Support
Would be interesting to find out if there is a public database with the information they use for this, or if one could be created and crowd sourced and managed.
Imagine if all laptops had this feature and it started using the battery instead for a while until clean energy would be available again. Or other applications where, for the user it might not even be noticeable, but from a larger perspective it could be huge. Lowering emissions as we lessen the impact on the grid at those peak hours where it's being powered by dirty energy.
As a software engineer myself this is peaking my interest, and can see many ways this can be applied beyond just charging. Will definitely investigate more into how it works!
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capperslost · 1 year
During a break in the recent snow storm
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capperslost · 1 year
Spring time creeping up, with a squirrel passerby
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capperslost · 1 year
Being in the process of getting diagnosed and initially going in feeling I'm somewhere on the spectrum of inattentive ADHD. But also relating immensely to the guy in the video and his diagnosis with "AudiHD" (Autism+ADHD).
Time will tell, having my first ADHD investigation sit down in just a couple of weeks.
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capperslost · 1 year
"We need to stop focusing on shareholders and even stakeholders, and start focusing on right holders"
Interesting Ted talk envisioning a future economy based around the rights of all life and ecological systems, thus looking after a whole ecosystem rather than the financial results for a select few.
"Realizing return on inter-being" instead of Return on Investment, something that'll be very important in saving the climate, as so much of the world lives on the idea of infinite economic growth, when in reality our planet is finite and is reminding us that it isn't endless, there is a ceiling and we're about to hit it.
We Don't Own Nature, We Are Nature
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capperslost · 1 year
Super interesting TED Talk about the plant that's capturing CO2 from the air in Iceland
I took note of this from reading The Climate Book by Greta Thunberg et al, and noted that the current scale it captures ___
Also another solution or even complimentary addition is to capture both methane and carbon, as methane eventually turns into carbon anyway and is more abundant in our atmosphere at the moment. And 28x more potent as a green house gas
It's clearly early days, but definitely a promising bright light in the looming horizon with current trends in emissions. Although hopefully in a more sustainable world where oil stays underground, and these types of operations are only for non-avoidable emissions.
I took a note of this plant in Iceland from reading about it in The Climate Book by Greta Thunberg et al, where it says that its currently capable of capturing 3 secs of the current global annual emissions (at the time of writing that book, according to climate scientist Peter Kalmus calculations).
Which can be extrapolated to 0.000000095% of a whole years worth of CO2 emissions globally. You'd need ~29k of these plants to remove a whole days worth, or around 100k to remove 1% of a whole years emissions (globally).
Framing it against Iceland's annual emissions (where it's based) is more appropriate I think, and they emit 3.5 million tonnes annually according to Our World In Data (although this probably doesn't include emissions from imports). But if we take that value at face value it comes out to capturing 0.10% of Iceland's annual emissions - assuming it captures 10 tonnes a day like he says in the talk. Which is pretty impressive for a first of this kind plant.
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capperslost · 1 year
Magical skies of late 20230216
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2 first ones in the city, last 4 out in friends backyard
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capperslost · 1 year
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capperslost · 1 year
Stargazing with friends
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You'll probably need a dark room and max brightness~
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capperslost · 1 year
I dream of my future Remote from time bounds Becoming myself in truth
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