camgrlcairo · 1 month
Your desires are here allow yourself to receive, time is fluid time is something that you make it to be. Time is a concept
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camgrlcairo · 2 months
its so easy to stay where you are most comfortable and where you are used to being - in negative states.
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something i realized i used to do a lot when i first understood the law/states: i used to know i had to change self but i still spent days in the same negative state without taking the effort to apply. understanding the knowledge is one thing but actually applying can take a push.
applying the law is not "work" but at the same time everything depends on YOU to change and that change might take a push or some effort since some of us (especially ppl new to the law), are so used to being in a negative state which becomes comfortable and our dwelling state.
this makes it SEEM "harder" to manifest when in fact all you have to do is take the lead and change self. you have to realize that life is literally only a reflection of SELF. you feel shitty everyday bc thats what version of self you are being.
if youre thinking bullshit like "ill do it later" when talking about applying the law, you are failing to realize that you are ALWAYS applying the law. you are only failing to apply it in a way that benefits you which is self sabotage. stop leaving yourSELF last & CHANGE SELF NOW!
imagine being in a state for months or years where you believe youre ugly and successful. ofc you become comfortable in that state since youve been accepting/being that version of you for so long. this doesnt mean its hard to change states if youve been in a negative state for so long. again, this means it SEEMS hard to change, but its NOT. realize everything is only a state and everything is up to you! you being SELF! you are not your state! you are only occupying states! theres nothing to "reprogram"! theres no need to work on limiting beliefs!
to be comfortable in your ideal state, you have to be uncomfortable & get tf out of that negative state u are so used to being in. stop w the "ill do it later" & make sure ur actually applying the law to ur advantage be u complain about ur life while not being the change u need.
take the effort to CHANGE. use techniques to your advantage and HAVE FUN w them! KNOW your power and know everything changes once YOU change. idc if it SEEMS hard... change self. idc if you feel lazy... change self.
when are you going to take control of your life and yourSELF instead of staying comfortable in old, negative states? is SELF in control of your life or these states? are you willing to get uncomfortable by occupying the state that benefits you for the change you look for?
ofc when you start to change self/states, it can feel weird and uncomfortable but it WILL become your new COMFORTABLE. stop waiting for shit to change when the only thing that needs change is SELF. take control of your life and apply the law to your advantage NOW!
kisses, jani ☆
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camgrlcairo · 2 months
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we know everything is neutral but sometimes we get attached to experiences we label as “bad” and that gets annoying. anytime something "bad" happens and i find myself attached to it / replaying it or dwelling in being that version of me who experienced that "bad" thing, i think about my future self, the one 5-10 years into her dream career, living her dream stress-free life with her dream house. would she care about this moment? will she even remember what i now labeled as a "bad" moment? no.
this helps me:
a) get rid of the attachment to that “negative” experience
b) shift to a better version of me who has good things happening
like seriously…in 10 years would i give a fuck about this “bad”experience? i doubt so. now that “bad” situation seems so small.
another thing you can do it just accept that negative event happened. okay and now what? let yourself know: that was old me. im choosing to be a better version of me now. i dont have to be limited by that “bad” event. that thing does not define me. i can move on. yes it happened and now im over it.
you can use techniques to help reimagine another event if just moving on doesnt help you much. visualize or script your desired outcome (aka revise) and know from that point on, that what you visualized/scripted is true. decide to move forward as that version of you who experienced your desired outcome.
+ know that attachment is temporary. you may feel shitty today but know that when you wake up tomorrow, you may feel more relaxed about the “bad” situation. dont limit yourself to a “bad” event or define yourself based on “bad” experiences. you are self. you are greater than that and know that whatever bullshit you are dealing with now, you can and will move on from it.
kisses, jani ☆
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camgrlcairo · 2 months
why do you feel like you don’t deserve your desires?
Your desires are something that you have already, you deserve your desires just like you deserve happiness these things are not something someone can give you but something you give yourself.
If you give yourself the opportunity to believe in your manifestations to believe in yourself. You will and I mean you WILL manifest what you desire.
Overthinking, doubting is all apart of the cycle of manifestation, once you allow yourself to believe and work your way into fully living in your desires, Your life changes.
So manifest that desired person, body, or whatever you are working towards, you can do it.
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