c0le-star · 2 months
TW: mentions of hatred and neglect, monster, gore, cannibalism, horror, blood, and descriptive. Don't read if you don't like that sort of thing.
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"Mother, I crave mangos."
I pleaded as my mother ran away in fear.
I didn't know how old I was, but I was small, possibly a newborn then. I wasn't a newborn human, though. I was a newborn monster.
My skin was freakishly yellow, my eyes just black dots on my ghastly face along with a smile that looked like it had been drawn by a child.
I wanted mangos. I didn't know why. Hell, I've never even tried one. But I wanted it. I craved the taste of a mango.
My mother was gone, but I wanted her. I wanted her to give me a mango. But I was a monster, not a mother's loveable baby.
I was a freak, and I always will be. My mother has left me to rot.
It's been days, weeks, months. I want a mango. I NEED MANGOS.
I got out of my crib, it being rotten with bugs and mould. I got onto the floor and crawled. I was looking for something to eat, someone to eat.
I managed to leave the house, and I crawled and crawled. People ran, animals sprinted. It was like two magnets, and I was the side that repelled all other magnets.
Then, I found something. It was a baby, in a stroller, all alone. Fresh food...
I tipped it over and the baby fell out, crying and screaming from pain. But I didn't care, I didn't care about anything except for hunger.
I bit into the baby's skull and munched. It was dead, but it was so delicious. Feeling the blood run down my throat, the crunch of bones, the squelch of tasty flesh. I needed more.
I didn't want mangos anymore. They had left my memory as soon as I saw that divine tasting baby.
I ate the baby whole, the clothes just being extra delicacy. Then, I ran, I ran for meat.
I need meat.
A/N: bro, why am I so twisted when it comes to horror 😭 can u see the similarities with the first story? Make sure u put it in the comments 😊
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c0le-star · 2 months
TW: neglect, infant death, mentions of blood and police, starvation. You've been warned.
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I'm not a good parent. There. I finally said it. I don't have the money for a child, and I'm just not a good person.
I was raised in an abusive and neglectful household, so I thought that's how everyone's family acts. I was wrong. So wrong.
When I had my own baby, I didn't know what to do with it. It was constantly crying for food, but I didn't have the money for formula.
I had the bare necessities, at least; a stroller, crib, few toys, diapers. But it was not enough, nothing was ever enough.
One time, very recently, I was at a park with my child. And it wouldn't stop crying. It was so annoying. I swear my ears could be dripping blood at this point.
I screeched. It was so loud... people were staring, some were recording, I could even see someone phoning someone, possibly the police or social services. Crap.
I felt embarrassed and ashamed for the first time. The baby had stopped crying. It looked terrified of me, its mother.
I immediately rushed home to go to sleep. Maybe this was a dream. I went to bed, forgetting about the baby I had left in the stroller in the hallway.
I slept for the whole day. It was 06:43 in the morning when I awoken. Something felt... off. Like something terrible had happened in my sleep.
I suddenly remembered it. My baby, left in the stroller. I rushed to it. Its lips were blue, skin pale as a ghost. I felt its fingers. Cold, ice cold.
I forgot to feed the baby in over 12 hours. It was dead. There was nothing I could do. I killed my baby from lack of responsibility.
I'm sorry, my child. You deserved better than me.
Might make another part of the babys next life
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c0le-star · 2 months
My Introduction!! :->
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Hello!! My name is Cole, and I go by he and they pronouns! I prefer both equally (^_^) I'm gay 💅 and trans (ftm) 🏳️‍⚧️
I'm going be posting mha scenarios or just stories that I've made up ( ☆∀☆) I love writing stories, so you'd probably assume that I'd post a lot, but I just post when I feel like it. I could post two a day or one each month. It just depends 🤷
I like mha (my hero academia), and my favourite is Bakugo, I also like charity shopping, macaroons, music, hazbin hotel, tiktok, character ai, pop team epic, and mlp (^^)
I hope that you enjoy my posts as much as I like making them!!
My playlist:
Wattpad: c0le-star (don't know how to get link)
Character ai: C0le-star (same with wattpad)
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c0le-star · 11 months
Can I have character.ai requests? I'm bored, and I have an account (^-^)/
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