btstoes-blog · 6 years
Can I get a muthafuckin uuuuhhhh jimin x reader toe sucking imagine pls?
Jiminee stared at your meaty toes with desire, daringly taking one into his small hands. It was the big toe. You trembled in excitement. Of course he went for the big toe, he knew it was your favorite. He was always so understanding; you loved him, and you had fateful, irreplaceable bond. Rubbing the tender pad of his thumb along your calloused Papa toe, he smiles in adoration.
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“I love your big toe…….” He finally says, after a moments silence- you’d begun to get nervous before he finally spoke up, you sigh in relief when you hear his crystal clear voice shoot through the quiet. You were timid, usually, self-conscious, even. Jiminee was always your number one support system, telling you you were worth it and even going out of his way to show it to you any chance he got, even with his crazy schedule. But even with your loving boyfriend’s support, old habits still die hard. You can’t help shying away from what you really want, feeling overlooked, worrying excessively about being judged, keeping quiet most of the time. So it was surprising, to say the least, when a fiery confidence brewed in your saucy ovaries.
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“I want you to call it Daddy.” You say, making eye contact for the first time. Jimin raises one of his soft, expressive eyebrows in amusement.
“You want me to call your big toe Daddy?”
“Yea and suck it like you're…….” You paused, maybe this was too far- I mean, you’d never told Jimin about having this sort of desire. It was embarrassing to admit, but you’d always longed for your toes to be sucked until they are pruney as fucking shit. But one look in your Jiminee’s trusting, caring eyes had you sold. He was there for you, he always would be. He wouldn’t judge you, he’d always love you.
When you finally speak, its timid- even though you think you’re sure you wanna say this, it’s still scary.
“……… suck it like you’re a baby and my big toe is your favowite binky.” 
The busan boy stills, he stops massaging your toe with the crevice of his kpop thumb- only for a second- before you see a shift- and he smiles at you with his ample, succulent lips, before focusing his eye contact upon your papa toe: the object of his affection and your desire.
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“…….” You feel his fleeting breath on your toe, taunting you. Damn you wanted to see what that tongue do. “Daddy, can i suck my binky pwease?“
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btstoes-blog · 6 years
Hey guys! New blog! Be sure to send in requests!
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