bokuto--booty · 4 years
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bokuto--booty · 4 years
I need a few voice actors!!! If you can please let me know! My partner is working on a project and she needs a few voice actors! For her project! Plzzzz let me know! She’s working on a Haikyuu project! We need some voice actors!! If you can or know someone let us know!
I need about:
5-6 boys
And 5-6 girls!!
Must have a discord!
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bokuto--booty · 4 years
“Treats later, I’m trying to make babies!” I really Cba 😭😭
Request for Bokuto and his Female s/o getting caught by their parents while doing it (nsfw)
A/N: IGCSE ICT Practicals really be like: Tawara mfs
Anyways, stream Initial by Poppin’ Party
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garboil. | bokuto kōtarō
word count: 893 words
warnings: nsfw
(n.) confusion
“Koutarou, shouldn’t we at least check if your parents are back?”
Your question is cut short by a rather enthusiastic thrust and a lecherous gasp that betrays your concern. Your husband disregards your distress and hums lowly against the skin of your back, groans resonant in his childhood room—which is becoming increasingly cramped as you near your peak.
“Can’t we just tell them we were busy making babies?” he suggests nonchalantly, hips slamming into the curve of your ass. “They’ll be sure to butt out from sheer interest.”
You didn’t think it was possible, but your face flushes deeper at his words. You and Koutarou hadn’t been married for too long, three months and a couple weeks at best, but he had never brought up children with you; those types of discussions veered to your appeal more, but it had been a while since it crossed your mind.
All at once, images of smaller, much raucous versions of you and your husband running about in your newly bought home in Kichijoji fills your head.
Koutarou would probably ask for a lot at once. Once we have a lot, he’ll wish we never did, you muse through your breathy moans. He still has a one-track mind… that’s the last thing I want my children to inherit from him. But—
“Ah!” you choke, when you feel the rough pads of his thumb tracing the tiny pucker above your core.
Leaning forwards to rest his mouth near your ear, the man still violently hammering into you speaks, “Oi, Y/N-chan… I don’t know what you’re thinking, but don’t you dare go distracted on me and stop making those cute noises, alright?”
He’s being considerate by the way he structured his request, but there seems to be a lingering aftertaste of animalistic authority in his husky tone. An authority you can’t bear to obey with the way his thumb is both caressing and violating your upper cavity.
“Every part of you is so cute, especially this one right here,” the phrase is accentuated with his thumb’s intrusion to the pucker and a shrill squeak from you that dissipates into a burst of moans. “So pink… and it sucks my thumb in so well…”
“Koutarouuu…” you’re practically sobbing by now, sharp pinpricks of tears clumping at your eyes.
It was painful, with his considerable girth and his thumb, but it feels so, so good. It always does.
Your husband was the type of person to put your pleasure first—you had realized this during your first time together, when he promised you he’d make you cum “at least a million times” before him and boy, did he deliver. You begin to wonder how long your hips are going to last before they decide to retire out of utter malfunction from Koutarou’s abnormal libido.
Eyes trailing down to the golden band wrapped beautifully around your left ring finger, you come to the conclusion that, maybe, it wouldn’t be so bad.
“Oooh… you’re tightening, Y/N-chan. You clench up so good around me… you’re close, aren’t you?” you’re too absorbed in the pleasure he’s building up in you to answer as he bites the junction of your shoulder, chest pressed firmly against your back.
“Go ahead and cum for me, baby. Cum for me loud and hard.”
That’s your green light. You’re clutching at his bicep that keeps your body from buckling as your senses go numb and all you can see, hear, feel and taste is Koutarou, Koutarou, Koutarou.
“Koutarou! We bought some treats from Hanada-san’s bakery on the way back. Does Y/N-chan want some too— Oh?”
The pleasure that had previously filled you to the brim is now frozen inside out. A peek of your mother-in-law’s pale hair is enough to root you in place, hands flying to cover your “necessities”. She was never going to live this down for the both of you.
Koutarou, on the other hand, became another case altogether. Eyebrows furrowed in a line bordering frustration and disappointment, he whines back at his mother.
“Treats later, Mom! I’m trying to make babies with Y/N-chan!”
God, you were going to fucking kill him.
You swear you can hear the woman giggle from the other side of the slightly opened door. “Alright then. Do your best, both of you! Y/N-chan, if you get thirsty, we’re having having oolong tea in the dining room~”
“Koutarou, I want at least three grandsons!” Enter the father-in-law.
“Come now, Shinjiro, let them do as they please…”
When Koutarou’s mother’s voice slowly fades into the depths of the long hallway, you finally relax your shoulders and lie flat on your back against the mattress. As you head began to drift into the thoughts of how you were going to look at your in-laws in the eye tomorrow morning, your husband was already occupying himself by settling himself in between your legs again.
Prying your legs open was easy, with the fatigue heavy on your body. Lifting your leg to rest on his broad shoulder, Koutarou leered at your swollen heat, a thick, white stickiness oozing out of it. He licks his lips and leans towards you, the head of his hardening member poking your sensitive nub. You let out a whimper that you know drives him insane.
“What do you say, Y/N? You heard the old man. He wants at least three.”
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bokuto--booty · 4 years
Plssss I need a job
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This is the Lucky Ace. Reblog to recieve a wad of cash that is oddly specific to your current needs.
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bokuto--booty · 5 years
punk eren jaeger is oliver sykes change my mind
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bokuto--booty · 5 years
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“Outfits  +Classic Lara” : Lara Croft ♡ ↳ シャドウ オブ ザ トゥームレイダーSHADOW OF THE TOMB RAIDER
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bokuto--booty · 5 years
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A map of every star that you can see from Earth! ⭐⭐⭐ You can read more about the science behind the art here or download the open-source code here.
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bokuto--booty · 5 years
Storm Bringer | 01
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; Drakken Rider!Taehyung x Drakken Rider!Reader
; Genre: Fantasy, fluff, future smut
; Warnings: Violence
; Word Count: 5.8k
; Synopsis: Drakken riders are the pride of Falrayne and you take pride in your place as a protector of your homeland. But what happens when you meet a drakken rider you never expected from another nation?
; A/N: I split this in two so there will be a second part. I felt this was a good place to end this part but who knows! Please let me know what you think by commenting, reblogging or sending an ask! I’m not sure if it’s actually like…good because it’s more world building stuff than usual and yeah.
The autumn night is quiet around you, the air calm and still as you watch out over the wall towards the dark forest that looms hundreds of metres away. A cool wind, pleasant after the unusually warm day, blows through the tall trees that have stood careful watch for centuries.
It’s so loud that you can hear the rustling of the leaves even from here on the tall, stone wall that has surrounded and protected the ancient city and castle of Drakanis for over five centuries. The sky itself is clear without a hint of cloud to block your vision, the pale face of the moon shining brightly while far off stars twinkle softly against the vast expanse of nothing.
Leaning over the edge of the grey, worn stone, you peer down at the inky blackness of the still water of the moat that surrounds the whole city. From this direction, the only thing visible is the moon kissed gentle meadow that butts up to the wild Rikara forest. In the daytime, you would be able to see the white capped peaks of the Ikana mountains far off in the distance.
Still, despite how calm the night seems, you shake your limbs slowly while rolling your head to stretch out the muscles. You’re tense tonight, and you don’t know why. Nothing has happened on the boundaries of Drakanis for over a moon now, and you’re worried that it means something is going to happen.
A calm before the storm.
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bokuto--booty · 6 years
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bts 2017 summer package vol.3
eng sub: google drive // openload
no sub: google drive // openload
raw dvd (eng + no sub) please do not re-upload/repost; gifs/edits allowed but must link/credit vid **if you’re having trouble viewing/downloading in google drive, try this
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bokuto--booty · 6 years
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BTS — Bon Voyage Season 3
do not re-upload, please give credit for gifs/edits. thank you! this post will be updated weekly, within 2 hours after airing.
Ep 1: Subs / Google Drive (↑) / Google Drive (↓) / Dailymotion  Ep 1 Behind: Subs / Google Drive / Dailymotion 
Ep 2: Subs / Google Drive (↑) / Google Drive (↓) / Dailymotion Ep 2 Behind: Subs / Google Drive / Dailymotion
Ep 3: Subs / Google Drive (↑) / Google Drive (↓) / Dailymotion Ep 3 Behind: Subs / Google Drive / Dailymotion
Ep 4: Subs / Google Drive (↑) / Google Drive (↓) / Dailymotion Ep 4 Behind: Subs / Google Drive / Dailymotion
Ep 5: Subs / Google Drive (↑) / Google Drive (↓) / Dailymotion Ep 5 Behind: Subs / Google Drive / Dailymotion
Ep 6: Subs / Google Drive (↑) / Google Drive (↓) / Dailymotion
dailymotion password: bangtan
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bokuto--booty · 6 years
Dust, Diamonds: Part III (Levi/Reader)
PART 1 / PART 2 / PART 3
Summary: Ever since your youths, the two of you have been quite the pair: the toddler son of a prostitute and the child-thief who protected him; a thug who could waltz and a whore who could kill; humanity’s strongest soldier and an officer’s mistress. And now, after years of separation: diamond and dust.
Word count: 13.1k
Notes: Sorry for taking so long! This chapter was challenging for me to write, because the developments and conflicts were so internal. I hope I did a good job of it in the end. Thank you so much for sticking with me through this journey. I posted an afterword, because I am pretentious and overly attached to this fic lol. 
The medic was occupied with those hurt from the rescue operation. Next to the injured soldiers, they paid you no mind. It was all right, Levi thought. Given your pasts, he simply assumed that he’d be the one looking over your wounds anyway.
“I don’t have any,” you protested. He frowned.
“You’re hurt anyway.”
From the way you went quiet, he knew that he was right.
“…still this perceptive.” Your voice played at exasperation, but he could hear what was underneath: hesitation, wariness. You were wary of him, he suddenly realised. Briefly, he thought of the guarded expressions you used to wear after selling yourself. He thought of the way you looked at him and Kenny after your first night at the brothel: wrapped in blankets and three layers of clothing, looking at everything and anything like it would hurt you.
It took you some time, but eventually, you peeled off your shirt, then your pants. His breath caught at the sight of your naked skin: not out of desire, but pain. His stomach curled at the sight of all the green and purple that marked your flesh, the same way it always did whenever you came home from your more violent clients. Most of the marks didn’t surprise him. He knew that a lot of the injuries were from your suicide mission in Mitras, from all the dodging and running and being thrown around.
But some of the bruises were old. From the way you moved, he knew that they still hurt, bones wrapped up in blood. They were in places that would have gone unscathed during the battle: your ribs beneath your breasts, the inside of your thighs, the space under your collarbones, the skin of your neck.
They took two forms: small and in clusters of five or ten, or entirely shapeless.
And just like that first night, his heart ached.
Levi would have never let you go. He was surprised that you didn’t understand this right away, but then again, you had changed.
He knew immediately that you were different. He wasn’t stupid. It was as he’d said to you: you’d left him, and in your life together in that city without stars, you would never have done that. And it still showed, even if you had come back to him.
You no longer talked to people the way that he remembered. You used to come home and throw yourself around his shoulders and eagerly introduce yourself to whatever client he was seeing. What’s your name? he remembered your lilting voice asking Jan. You never sounded that bright these days. You never talked to other people, instead smiling stiffly and silently next to him. Your hands often twitched, as though you were on the precipice of reaching out to him, but being held back by some invisible force. Your jokes were fewer. He could tell, from the way that you laughed, that you were often sad.
Your smile was familiar, at least. He recognised it as the smile you’d flash at him after getting home in the early morning, trying to scrub off your skin. He had realised, when he got older, that you were trying to wash away your clients’ touches, that you smiled in that distracted way because you couldn’t stop thinking about them. It always tore at him, the way you did that. Even though he had always berated you about not washing up properly if he didn’t do it for you, that was the real reason he had started helping you clean up: so that you would stop scratching yourself raw.
But he wouldn’t do that for you now. He wasn’t sure that you’d feel okay with touching him.
And he wasn’t sure whether you loved him. Not after all this time
You were not the girl he had dreamt about for six years. He understood that fully.
He still wouldn’t let you go.
He owed you a debt from the day his mother died. Ever since then, you had tried everything possible to make him eat, make him strong, make him smile.
It was now time for him to repay that debt. Levi would make you smile again, even if it took him the rest of his life.
Levi would make you smile, even if you’d never love him again.
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bokuto--booty · 6 years
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bokuto--booty · 6 years
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A short guide to the Universe :)
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bokuto--booty · 6 years
Omg this is so cute, my heart :((
Watch out, Gucci boy
Pairing: Kim Taehyung x Reader
Genre: Angst, fluff
Word Count: 5k
Request: “Hello! Can you do a Taehyung scenario in which y/n is a total badass and catch a thief who wanted to steal his Gucci watch before he even realizes that he’s being robbed and before a thief could run away? Make him fall in love with this girl but she would refuse everything because she thinks he can’t handle someone with such bad memories as her. Angsty with fluffy ending 💜💜💜”
A/N: Omg this turned out to be so long??? I thought it would be like 2.5k at most but as I kept writing I realised there was no way I was fitting the whole plot in that “small” amount of words. It’s just, this story needed a good development, ya feel? Okay, bye. And enjoy, hopefully.
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“Oh my God, Y/N, it’s BTS” Haeun whisper-shouted, your gaze instantly going where she was looking at and tilting your head as you checked out the two guys she pointed out walking down the street. “I mean, it’s not all of them but holy shit, I need a picture with them” she didn’t hesitate to grab your hand, crossing the street as she practically ran towards where they were, dragging you with her.
She suddenly slowed down a few meters away as a guy approached them first and initiated a conversation with them out of nowhere, mumbling to herself something about having to wait until that man went away. So you just stood there, both of you resting your backs on the wall to one of the buildings – you hugging yourself since the night had turned out to be a little bit colder than you had expected and your thin sweater wasn’t doing much for you.
You sighed as you looked to the guys from the group your best friend would not shut up about and wondered how could they be so famous and yet look so normal – although one of them did seem rich; his classy clothes and the watch wrapped around his wrist which looked expensive as hell giving away his social status. His friend, on the other hand, was simply in a black Puma sportswear.
Your eyes travelled from the two idols to the man in front of them – your heart skipping a beat the second you realised you had most definitely seen that face before. “Shit, Haeun, he’s the guy from last week” you took a step further.
Her alarmed face snapped towards you. “What guy?” she inquired, deep down knowing the answer but not really wanting to believe it. She knew what was coming.
“The one who stole my phone” your reply was straight to the point, not taking your eyes away from him. “Stay here”.
“Y/N, no” she pleaded grabbing your hand; feeling the anxiety build up in her whole body, scared of any of you getting hurt if you got any closer. “Let’s go home, call the police, anything”.
But it was as if her words were not even heard by you. She just stood there, watching you go towards that guy. What else could she do? It wasn’t the first time something like this happened and she knew better than to get in your way.
As you got closer to the three of them, it looked like they were having a really nice chat, all of them were smiling and from an outsider’s view the guy would look friendly and even inoffensive, but you knew better. Seeing the guy gaze down to the watch you had also noticed moments ago, your hands turned into a fist. It had been the same for you: he had asked you for directions, nice little chat, and then boom, your phone had been taken away from you before you could even react; being too taken aback to do anything.
There was no way in hell you were letting him get away with yet another rob.  
“Okay, buddy, I think you need to keep walking” you barged in with a blank expression. As you positioned yourself in front of the two boys, you could feel their confused stares on you.
The delinquent, though, scoffed – his friendly façade immediately being dropped. “And who are you?”
“The girl you stole her phone from last week” the cynical smile you gave him was enough for his expression to harden. A small gasp was heard from behind you. “Now go” you took a step forward.
He glared down at you, taking a step closer as well to frighten you, but you were not moving. “Look, bitch, why don’t you mind your own–“
“Hey, don’t call her that!” you heard a deep voice being raised.
That made the man’s stare move from you to the voice’s owner. “You better go handing me that watch, kid” he threatened, no longer minding you as he began walking to the idols.
Only you didn’t let him get anywhere near them.
Moving to the side so you could block his path, you hit his nose with your lower palm, his hand instantly covering it and a loud groan leaving his mouth. He did not give up, though, going back at you with the intention of punching you back – but you were faster. Your knee went up, hitting his balls with all your strength. As he went to the ground groaning in pain, you turned around to face the two very shocked guys.
“This is when we run” you informed them, starting to walk backwards to make sure they followed. When it seemed like they finally came out of their trance, they did as you told them. “Haeun!” you called your friend, who was hiding behind one of the street lights.
The four of you ran a few blocks away from there, stopping only when you felt safe enough to do so.
“Holy shit” the one in the sportswear let out, placing his hands on his thighs as he tried to catch his breath. “That was awesome!”
“Yeah!” said the one with the watch, allowing you to see a very pretty boxy smile. “Thank you so much” his words earned a smile from you, shrugging to let him know it was no big deal.
“You’re so badass!” his friend spoke again, not quite over it yet. It was Haeun’s turn to smile, finding his reaction kind of adorable.
“You get used to if after seeing her do that a few times” the girl beside you amusedly informed them before focusing her eyes on you. “But I still get worried you will get hurt, you idiot! Stop putting yourself in danger!” she slapped your arm, making you feign an offended expression.
“It’s done, no need to worry” you stated the obvious, at which she rolled her eyes – yours went back to the boys in front of you. “Be more careful when you speak to strangers, not everyone is as nice as they seem” they nodded at your motherlike advice. “Shall we go?” you spoke now to your friend, turning around so you could finally head home.
“Wait!” the one with the deep voice stopped you, not being able to hide the sudden shyness he got the moment you locked eyes with him once again. “Um… I’m Taehyung, this is Jungkook” he pointed to his friend, who shyly nodded.
“I know!” Haeun jumped up in excitement, the three of you looking at her with an amused smile. “This is Y/N, I’m Haeun” she was the one to introduce both of you.
“Y/N” Taehyung repeated your name, gazing at you with a smile. “Is there a way I can repay you?”
You were taken aback by his words; that thought not once having crossed your mind. “No, it’s okay”.
“But, I mean, you did risk your life for us” Jungkook spoke his mind; his friend effusively nodding by his side. “Well, for Tae, more like. It was his beloved Gucci watch the guy wanted to steal anyway” he added in a mocking way, still not understanding his hyung’s obsession with that brand.
“Exactly” Tae agreed. “Let me take you out to dinner, or for coffee, whatever you like”.
You stood still, trying to process what was happening. Was he asking you out?
The mere “are you kidding me?” look Haeun gave you after you remained quiet for longer than it was considered normal made you snap out of it.
“It’s okay, really. It was also kind of personal; take it as my revenge towards that guy”.
You looked at Haeun and tilted your head, implicitly telling her the two of you should go home.
“Can I at least get your number in case you change your mind then?” Tae stopped you once more.
You tried to hold your laugh back at the little squeal that left your friend’s mouth – one of the idols she loved so much was desperate to keep in touch with her best friend, how could she not freak out?!
“I don’t have a phone” you reminded him, which made his hopes of ever getting to know you instantly dissipate. “See you around, I guess” you pressed your lips together, forming a small smile before you turned around to walk away for once and for all.
It was after you had already taken a fair amount of steps away from there that you noticed Haeun had not followed you. Looking around for her, you saw her from afar, still talking to the boys – the phone in her hand telling you she had asked them for pictures. A sigh left your mouth as you crossed your arms; with the adrenaline of the moment you had completely forgotten it had all started because she wanted to meet them.
After that eventful night, you carried on with your life like it didn’t even happen. Of course, you did not forget about it because your best friend would not shut up about those two guys for the love of God. You swore she was so whipped for them. You had to give it to her though, they were indeed pretty handsome – especially the Gucci guy. His nicely shaped dark eyes and his bright boxy smile remained stuck in the back of your mind, and a part of you regretted not having given him at least one of your social accounts’ username so the two of you could’ve kept in touch. The reasonable part of you, however, told you it had been for the best; a guy like him wouldn’t be able to put up with a girl like you.
It was a week later, when you got home and saw a package placed in front of your door along with a note that signed “Kim Taehyung”, that you knew the boy wouldn’t give up on you that easily. Picking the box up and entering your house, you rushed to get your scissors so you could open it. And when you finally did, you almost dropped it out of surprise.
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bokuto--booty · 6 years
When the new OP isn’t by linked horizon
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bokuto--booty · 6 years
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like or reblog if you save·
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bokuto--booty · 6 years
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Kim Taehyung looking like a real life anime character 💫 (I edited this but the original photo was from @/v13mm on Twitter)
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