bloggerpushkin · 3 years
“A woman who opens her heart to love you when it’s already been broken, is braver than any person you’ll meet.”
— Steven Benson
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bloggerpushkin · 3 years
Of all
If I could give you a call?
Maybe who knows
The lost footfalls
If would ever cross my walls!!
I turned
From mighty to small.
Witnessing the changes
When the world tagged me a maniac
I tried being back on track.
The rhythms attacked
Something got detached.
A human touch
Though nothing much!!
The absenteeism - all Greek
Baffled - What should I speak?
To pray for an impossible seek
Dearest God
The successful failures made me weak.
The stolen healer
The failed searches
Years passed
The walks on crutch
The plans all Dutched
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bloggerpushkin · 3 years
Just few did
As the favorites were counted.
To say, 'see you later'
In life, may you grow
As a true leader.
Wishes for next innings
A House to home; for yourself
You would be making.
A fresh life
Counting the new
As blessings in disguise.
Hope you could be arrested in lieu of theft
Leaving behind memories
And an unpleasant silence.
Be brought back
To record the voices
The playbacks later played
As no left choices.
The unheard sorry(s)
Stuck in between
Muddled with thoughts
To lock or keep opened
The doors of your
Four walls?
The never ending - 'To do list'.
The dreams piled...
Second Innings
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bloggerpushkin · 3 years
The new name
The old face
Been long
Since the last gaze.
Guessing the change
Reason - Keeping self
Out of range.
The cracked jokes
All lame.
Just those confirmations
You been blessed
With wealth and fame?
The years did fade
And would fail
To add to what it became
The coming years too would burn
In those verbal flames.
Ignited and exited
The gestures depicted
The defeat faced
When wrongly decoded.
Not a series of poetry
Just those half conversations
Those, yes, needed a recitation...
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bloggerpushkin · 3 years
Travelling back
Pressing the play button
The recaps
The flashbacks unbuttoned.
The motion paralyzed
The rest hypnotized
Adapting new
The updates exercised.
Honest tears
Shed by eyes.
The stolen paradise
The isolation
Beautifully accessorized.
The memories
Endless telecast
The details memorized.
The highs
Looked being penalized.
The lost battles
And those self fought fights
The nights being questioned
The modes to survive.
With the travelled years
The faces would be tough to classify
The impossible to make self realise....
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bloggerpushkin · 3 years
r e w i n d
the depths of my core, trembling. the stability of my resolve, wavering. the motion of my body, stifled. every damn fiber, paralyzed. unable to contract, or relax.
the night replays  through blurred frames and static images. along narrations of familiar voices, home video by a muddled mind, signed yours truly.
rewind the VHS. scrutinize every second, searching for a suggestion- of wicked intentions. lamenting over  magnetized moments. the tape rewinds and  my mind presses play.
this midnight exhibition is where my brain glitches. trapping me  in alternate dimension- between the past and present. beneath my skin, on top of my chest. in my bed, out the window,  petrified to rewind…
- aleta jay
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bloggerpushkin · 3 years
Tumblr media
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bloggerpushkin · 3 years
Maybe I was a fan
Of the critisism.
Of the rudeness.
Of all the wrongs.
Maybe the rights were just not me
Not for me.
I was water drop in the desert
That never existed.
The existence was just a metaphor.
Being gazed closely
The touch was denied
The blessings I was kept away from!!
An irony
The thoughts of being favorite
At last
Being gifted with hatred.
The life would be spent
Searching answers
To the misleads
That gave birth to the sufferings
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bloggerpushkin · 3 years
“Speak when you are angry and you will make the best speech you will ever regret.”
— Ambrose Bierce (via quotemadness)
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bloggerpushkin · 3 years
“Worldly faces, never look so worldly as at a funeral.”
— George Eliot, Scenes of Clerical Life
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bloggerpushkin · 3 years
Nothing more
Nothing less
Life played
The game of chess.
'Check Mate' yes
At the same address.
Maybe the fate finds
A correct one dressed.
Mistakenly mixed up
Narrating biography
A complete mess.
I confess
The medicine to distress
Lost in panicking darkness.
The aches of the heart
The thoughts when apart
The mind games played smart
The incredible art
Drawn by some known part!!
Trying the fresh start
The thoughts crawl
To the memories stored in backyard.
The gaze
Doesn't amaze
Moving on
Witnessed the greatest fail.
No warn
One mourned
The gift
Left to be kept
Until the next born....
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bloggerpushkin · 3 years
What's that that exists besides all the lies??
Maybe those hallucinations
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bloggerpushkin · 3 years
None stayed
All moved.
The movement showed
They were groomed.
From years of showered love
It took seconds to unlove.
The care, the promises
Now seemed all fake.
The increased distance
I'm surprised how to take?
The gradual moves
If were known!!
I wouldn't have approved.
The falling apart
The whines from heart
Humans fell for the wicked art.
Stay back requests
None digest
The souls unmoved
A thought - were the emotions used?
The conscience says no
Just the inner me knows.
Hated being judged
I kept zero grudge.
Those not known reasons
Winters - the most cruel season.
I know, entire life would be spent
No eradication. Even for the known
purest intent.....
0 notes
bloggerpushkin · 3 years
“Sometimes tears say all there is to say. Sometimes your first scars won’t ever fade away.“ - The Script
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bloggerpushkin · 3 years
The words you don’t say
Are heavy on my ears
The words you don’t say
My ears long to hear
The words you did say
Brought pain into my heart
The words you did say
Prove you’re a liar from the start
The words you won’t say
Would allow me to stay
The words you won’t say
They’re pushing me away
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bloggerpushkin · 3 years
“You can get addicted to a certain kinda sadness.” - Gotye
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bloggerpushkin · 3 years
Where do broken hearts go,
Do they blend into the darkest shade of night
Do they take refuge in words and prose and mourn
Do they rest on the shoulders of melody
Do they wail and scream, into the vaccum, once called home
Do they wander and seek the reality
Or do they lie in the arms of sympathy
Do they lie still, frozen in pain, waiting for their cacciatore transform into salvatore
Where do broken hearts go............
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