blanketfourt · 5 years
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All three of us separately romanced Sable in Cirion’s Caldecott Caper campaign for Shadowrun Hong Kong. Therefore, meet his harem!
Bonus memes under the cut. (minor spoilers)
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Sable, post-heist:
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Kas: Check Rafik’s stats and consider getting Aim Kas: Which improves accuracy Crow: Out of context that sounds like a burn Crow: "Rafik, have you considered... Aiming?"
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blanketfourt · 5 years
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Our friendgroup anniversary was the beginning of this month!! so a drawing of the sunshine bar-restaurant to celebrate \o/
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blanketfourt · 5 years
One option is to put on an about page someplace what topics you are interested in writing? :O it’s decent for people to respect things like that and you’re never under obligation to respond to anything anybody asks you. ^^ If something comes in that bugs ya? Toss it and don’t let it rain on your parade. You do this stuff for you. :D
Sometimes I see prompt lists that are super fun but there’s like that one kinda NSFW one in the middle and while I usually don’t get a lot of prompts from people I have this fear that if I don’t have a set disclaimer I’ll get aksed for something I’m not comfortable with so instead of reblogging with the disclaimer I just Nope right past the post…
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blanketfourt · 5 years
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We are but wayward leaves Scattered to the air By an indifferent wind.
— Wirt, Babes in the Wood
We got together tonight and finally got to watch all of otgw through. It was Crow’s first time watching it and they absolutely loved it. So, I dug this doodle up from way back. :D
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blanketfourt · 5 years
Unlike my friends (that you’ll read about in a bit ;P) I’m not a writer. I’m a roleplayer at heart and have and probably will pretty much always be. I don’t create my stories in vaccuums— I need a close friend or multiple with me. For me, I barely ever have a semblance of plot in my mind. My character creation/development process is very much so orientated about my current inspirations and what the ideas are of those around me. I build a kind of synergy off of what’s already there, springboarding off of anything thrown out and developing my characters by seeing how they’d interact with or feel or think about anything mentioned. More often than not, all I have to start with is a general, vague idea of who the character is, and then they mold and meld themselves into something more complex fitting of their role in relation to everyone else. 
My roleplaying partners and I bring our ideas to the table, and from them spawns a slew of theoreticals that breathe life into what starts out as an empty vessel. Complex motivations and character insights come out of random headcanons and late-night ramblings. In this way I’d say I’m most like an antenna, where I receive and project ideas from and to others and build off of what we each say. The characters I create this way live for years. Their stories will likely never reach an audience, but the thrill of creating and discovering something together doesn’t get old. ... Though maybe the main reason it’s not suitable for reading is that it’s kind of a chaos in the process with jumping all over the timeline and filling things in whenever it happens :P (not to mention, sudden AU’s and what-ifs if things went differently.)
The initial seed for characters though can happen pretty differently for me. Sometimes out of nowhere I just go “Hm, I want a character that is xxx.” and off we go if the notion (as I like to call it) catches on. Sometimes, it’s an incredibly out of the blue piece of inspiration that suddenly strikes me. And then sometimes in my mind a six-second scene appears and begs a greater story. Honestly, I’m so used to creating a character for any occasion, though, that I find if I just sit down, stop talking, and think for five minutes, something comes to me out of the existing notions given. These notions can be others’ kernels of ideas for their characters, a few notes on the world background, or an image or piece of writing that invokes what we’re going for. But either way, once the character headcanon train starts rolling it ain’t stopping for nobody 'till it runs out of fuel to build off of -eyes emoji-. 
That said, I find that most all of my character start off as a notion of a person in the moment as they are. Backstory tends to fill itself in as we go along. Depth to characters show up as I think about them more in context of everything else going on. It’s kind of like the character is opening up to those they’re interacting with, as well as to us. Very exciting! I’m telling you it makes the time you spend brushing your teeth that much more interesting :D
So sure, my process isn’t the most elegant, but for me, it’s fun this way and that’s honestly all that matters to me. :D I love my characters when I learn about them this way. They’re not so much my friends or my tools as they are a person that coexists in a universe alongside others. I find as I further explore hypothetical situations and interactions between our characters, npcs/further characters just pop up on their own. :D it’s wonderful fun~
I'd say my process and "interactions" change from story to story. Sometimes I have a very precise, full fleshed character in my head and I want to tell their story. And sometimes I have an idea for a plot and I try to find the best characters to tell that story. And since I don't like to fit in, I'd say that I'm a joyful mix of everything :P 
As for the interactions themselves? I've never ever filled any character interview or worksheet. Well I tried, but after 5 min fighting over what the hell could be their flaws (or hair color or whatever details I don't judge useful at that moment), I usually threw them out. I don't "talk" to my character neither, nor do they talk to me (creeeepy). And it can be sometimes frustrating to hear authors complaining about their characters actions because eeeh, yep but nope, I don't interact with them that way. As much as I consider them as "real" people, I'm still holding the reins. Of course, I will never make a character do something I consider they will never do. But they're are not "present" in my mind and when I write, it's not the character who decides what happens it's me who thinks "how would they react in that situation". 
So, if I had to summarize my process, or at least what I think I do (and really summarize is a big word after the wall of text I wrote up there), I would say that I start with a character's wound from their past and their journey to healing. That wound will affect their behavior and their perception of the world. I then throw them into various conflicts where the events challenge their beliefs and push them on the road to freedom (hooray). 
One last thing, I like to think of my characters as companions to the readers, friends of some sort. And it may sound weird from an artist, but often their eye color and other physical features come later in their development phase. Sure I take into consideration everything that makes a point as to who they are, but really the details of how they look like only comes later. That way it kinds of let the reader imagine what they look like, maybe associate them with someone they know and that way they can explore the story with their real best friend. Kind of.
Characters are useful packets of conceptual tools and ideas and information. Plotless characters can still be interesting whereas the best plot ever falters because a character is made of cardboard.
tldr also too complicated & too thinky for me.
My fault this post took so long to reach the virtual surfaces, but I’m finally typing my answers now!
I'd consider myself a part of all of these types. I'm an Engineer in the sense that I want the plot to develop in a logical or at least believable way, and I do have many minor characters who I generally consider "pawns" in the grand scheme of things. I'm notorious for not creating character sheets or outlines (to some mixed results lol).
I never really think of my main characters as tools. They're more like methods. They all have different ways of dealing with things in life, but their choices could reflect the ones people have made in the past or are making right now. I do control them, but I like to think they're not just born from me; they're bits and pieces from everyone I've known who was similar to them or everyone who I wished was like them. They already exist. Their stories already exist, whether it be in someone else's mind or attitude or mood or in the struggles they're facing. I'm just putting it all together by presenting the story in my own way. Meaningful characterization is more lively and ubiquitous to me than just taking root in a detailed character sheet and a plot chart.
I'm an Interpreter in terms of personality. I rarely try to imitate the looks of a person or a stranger in my life; I find I either go extremely specific or very broad with appearance. Few characters are based off of people I know, most are people that I've been or people who I've wanted to meet. People's reactions are for sure something I take inspiration from, though. I like seeing how people end up in certain situations and how they plan to get themselves out of it, peculiarities and all.
I think out of all of them, I'd definitely most call myself an Antenna. That's exactly how a lot of my characters come about, just walking into my mind one day and sitting down, waiting to be developed. When I write interactions, it feels more like discovery than me actively choosing their path. I didn't hang around anyone or have a "go-to" group of friends at the time when I created a lot of my characters, so I learned to care about some as much as I would an actual friend. They're really all I have at times, so I think having a deeper connection (without getting too crazy into it) helps out my characterization a ton. 'Cause you can talk to and change them anytime, but what aspects you let them keep says more about you than anything.
For me, ideas come from everywhere, but my process tends to stem from music first and foremost. I listen to the rhythms and the lyrics and try to create something new from it, or even from the spaces in between. I get so much inspiration from albums and musical concepts, I would say that over half of my characters have been made just because of songs. I also tend to have a lot of character playlists (like, a lot a lot). This has also led me to compare their voices to singers, even with the ones who've never belted a note in their life. :P
I always abide by the quote, "Good characters can carry a bad story, but bad characters can't carry a good one." So as long as I have characters stay true to themselves, I really don't see a way to go wrong.
This was a very interesting way of phrasing the question, so thank you for giving words to describe all these different interactions. ^^
How do you interact with your characters?
I really want to know!
Are you an engineer? Do you design them deliberately, fill out all the worksheets, control them as part of the plot? Are they a deliberate part of the story, moved like chess pieces to serve the goal of moving the story?
Are you an interpreter? Do you borrow from real people, take a friend, a stranger on the bus, some historical figure and envision how they would react? Do you people-watch and find yourself asking how that mom from the park might save the world?
Are you an antenna? Do your characters just walk into your mind one day, and start showing you what they would do in that situation? Do you really know where the ideas come from? Are your characters more like friends than tools?
Or are you something else?
Please tell me! Also, I am curious if there is a strong variance by genre, so if I don’t know what you write, maybe let me know??
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blanketfourt · 6 years
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Inktober Prompt WORDS...
... sometimes they don’t reflect the truth.
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blanketfourt · 6 years
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»→ THE CROW-SHIP’S CAPTIVE.  . : ᚦᛖ ᛫ ᛋᛠᛚ᛭ᚱᛟᚨᛞᛋ
 “So... how  long  does it take  to  learn     these  secret  waterways?”
                                         Kasren’s  mouth  twitched in a  secretive  smile.                                                 “Oh, just  about  several  lifetimes,” he said.
Barbaric round-ears teem the coasts of Bavatica and Avaires during raiding season, crow-ships plying the waters in search of merchant prey— and for Chivance, the only son of a prominent lord, that meant him.
On board the Stormcrow, with nothing but ocean for miles and miles, it’s either swim or cabin with the only other person on the ship too valuable to lose.
And unfortunately for him, Chivance isn’t a great swimmer.
                                ask us anything // join the tag list!
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blanketfourt · 6 years
hey! :D I’m not in this one personally but I heard from crow and skaely that—
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Super cool and friendly / active bunch. :D
(( Word Anvil itself I’ve heard is a really awesome platform for worldbuilding— apparently you get to make your own wiki?? You get to do all kinds of stuff with it and far as I hear you can do it without having to pay premium. Probably useful for epic fantasy writers out there but you never know if you want it in your back pocket? ))
There’s also a (smaller) writing/art server that skaely mods for so if that might be something you’re interested in I’ll poke her about it a little later :D
Alternatively I saw someone posting about this initiative called plan.net? Somewhere on tumblr, not sure if it’s off the ground yet, but they did ask for an app and I think it’s gonna be ~25 writers. Maybe this was helpful, I have no clue pfffft
yo are there any active discord servers for writers anyone feels like sending me an invite to :D
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blanketfourt · 6 years
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The Impermanence of Things.
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blanketfourt · 6 years
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Go listen to The Moth by Manchester Orchestra because it inspired this song (thank you Crow for making me discover this amazing song) I use to talk a lot about reaching your goal but sometimes, we get so, so focused on our goal that we become obsessed with it and we burn ourselves in the process. Also, all that shines is not gold (or smth like this) so what you think might be bright and sparkly can also be dangerous and deathly. The moth is often a symbol of rebirth as well so don't lose hope if it seems it's the end of something, what comes next might be even more beautiful.
Side note, don't carry a candle like this guys, it's dangerous.
Also kind of impromptu reference to the Hand of Glory here ^^
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blanketfourt · 6 years
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KASMANDER! — this guy absolutely hates the cold, it messes with his tail-flame :<
Generally, he’s the guy that lugs around all the stuff and makes sure the Bestest Rescue Team actually, yaknow, does their job. His poncho unfolds into a blanket-sized blanket and the pattern is modeled off of sunflora petals :D
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blanketfourt · 6 years
Heck yeah! I went rushing off to show Kas and Skaely your rendition of Kaladin with a manbun :D !! Unfortunately my own endeavours with ink will have to wait >>;; October is proving unexpectedly busy, and where I can squeeze a doodle in, well, let’s say it generally doesn’t hold up well to learning how to use a gel pen ahaha— when I have a larger slice of time, maybe! I’ll keep your encouragement in mind :D (not to mention it’s super impressive seeing your past Inktobers in your archive!)
As for my “runner”, ahaha, I’m not sure I can even call him that anymore, seeing as our setting (as constructed by Kas) is based upon Shadowrun but maybe not-so faithfully at this point. Therefore, Roman is a bit of a liberal take on the idea of a face mage. 
He’s the charisma of the team, with a little added oomph in that his specialty is guising— if he can get his hands on a personal object, he’s able to essentially turn himself into a convincing body-double of the target. There’s also a bit of interpretation in the mix, as he extrapolates quirks and personality out of observation and what he can glean out of the feel of their important item. 
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He’s a very tactile person and a quick study, so you can count him proficient at what he does. That’s not to say he doesn’t or hasn’t used this skill of his for p(r )ettier purposes of course :P 
He says you can’t spell romantic without Roman, but that’s not the actual meaning behind his street name. 
That’s about a decent idea about my concept for him at least! Without going into novel-length detail about some less shiny info such as what he’s like, this is, uh, yeah, this is him haha. I don’t think we plan on going further than some writing for fun (see: actually playing) so I’m more just playing with the idea than being completely faithful to Shadowrun source material!
I’m not sure this is what you signed up for when you invited me to talk your ear off, but either way, I’d love to hear about that poor Dragonfall decker of yours if you don’t mind doing me the favour :D (Definitely bowing down to your inking supremacy there ^^)
That said, hope your week has been / will be awesome :D !
Hello there! :D I just wanted to say even though I just came across your inktober art, I absolutely adore it. I definitely aspire to / am in awe at your bold use of ink and really, really appreciate how you frame your art pieces. I actually found you through your shadowrun inktobers while looking for inspiration for my own shadowrun character, and I was awesomely surprised when I found you share a lot of my/my friends' interests too! Thank you for the awesome art and please have a wonderful day!
Whoa, thank you! I’m super grateful and humbled to hear that you’re finding some inspiration from my Inktober pieces. Participating for a few years now has definitely helped me grow in confidence with the medium, so hopefully you have as good a time experimenting with ink as well. And how cool is it to run into someone else into the same fandoms, especially when they’re rarer on Tumblr like Shadowrun and Cosmere? High five for good taste to you and your friends, hehe. Also if you don’t mind sharing, I’d love to see your Runner sometime. 😎
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blanketfourt · 6 years
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but my words, like silent raindrops fell and echoed in the wells of silence
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blanketfourt · 6 years
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Today’s inktober, inspired by the song Lightning in A Bottle by The Summer Set. And my usual babble about it: this represents how you kind of try to catch precious moments in a bottle but they're too powerful they don’t last long. And all you can do is try to nurture the sparkle they brought into your life.
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blanketfourt · 6 years
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A Dragon Prince fanart I did for Inktober Prep!! It was so fun drawing them!
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blanketfourt · 6 years
The Impermanence of Things
Say this, then:
Nothing is ever truly saved.
Not the barren
mango tree of
your childhood,
leaves painting
the bedroom window
at first light,
Not the fallen stones
of the House of Wisdom,
strewn about in ruins
in the Mongolian wake,
the waters of the swift
Tigris teeming
with soot and torn
pages like flotsam,
Not the great library,
the lighthouse at Alexandria
which burned for nights,
all of human knowledge
consigned to the pyre—
how to even begin to
write of such loss?
Take a blackened branch,
kneel here amongst
the ashes and write anew.
Write this, then:
Nothing is ever truly lost.
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blanketfourt · 6 years
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*insert sound of silence*
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