blackdragonbeauty · 3 days
Hello, my fellow non-binary kindred! Please take time today to make sure that your jaws and fists are unclenched. Drink some water; and take a few deep, slow breaths if you haven't yet today. They are small things; but they are grounding when life seems so overwhelming.
Please Reblog is Your Blog is Safe for Non-Binary People.
If my mutuals can’t rb this then we can’t be mutuals
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blackdragonbeauty · 4 days
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blackdragonbeauty · 5 days
Oz Media needs help.
I... I want to support a youtuber who's in a slew of hell right now. All i can do right now is spread awareness in hopes it'll reach people who can do more than I can. I hope others are aware of Iilluminaughtii's tirade against anyone who would even dare slight her. As it currently stands; she's taken Oz Media to court and is, in my opinion, attempting to punish Oz by bleeding finances that he ALREADY is so low on BECAUSE OF HER. (For more in depth information on how shitty her court case is; please watch "MadCatsters" videos going over the legal documents) On top of it all; he has admitted to him and his partner having endured a recent miscarriage. I... can't imagine the stress of all these petty legalities that Blaire(Iilluminaughtii) has brought on them didn't play any part in that. I've supported before, but quietly. I cannot in good faith continue quietly. Please, I hope others hear this and can do more than I, if not; even just spreading awareness might be of some help. I'd hate to see a devil win against a good man.
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blackdragonbeauty · 12 days
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blackdragonbeauty · 22 days
Unmute !
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blackdragonbeauty · 30 days
I feel this. I've got a few posts regarding him and the Black Flight; but TLDR: they absolutely Theramore'd the entire flight through mishandling, convenience, and sheer laziness. "Yeah he just used Shadowflame" is a horrible understatement of the writers regarding the tragedy that we get hints into based on the lore THEY GAVE US. Neltharion SHOULD have been a tragic hero, but they just threw him around as "always has been a dick." Wrathion isn't perfect. But that's what makes him perfect to many lmao (I'd go to great lengths to defend the poor lad). His true peak of characterization has to be VoN (personal opinion), as dragonflight completely took every trauma he went through, every mistake he did, all his character growth... and bashed it across the rocks. All because "it'd be funny for him to be the youngest bratty brother."
I'm sorry but I continueally get mad at the Dragonflight retcons of Neltharion's character.
Neltharion was, originally, a very noble dragon, a defender of Azeroth. His descent took eons, and his eventual fall was tragic. Dragonflight was like "yeah he just used Shadowflame." like, die. You made his unwilling descent into a choice? Get fucked writers. Also the art for Wrathion in the Art book is stunning, I already said this but please look it up if you can, he's flippin' perfect.
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blackdragonbeauty · 3 months
be nice to fyrakk about forgetting his mission hes got adhd
Ha! I'll give him a pass on that one. Just this once lol.
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blackdragonbeauty · 4 months
Fyrakk Inferiority, Deathwing Forever
Fyrakk, I guess, is alright. But we've been there, done that with a fiery, shadowflame corrupted dragon. A far better, more badass looking, more charismatic one at that. Fyrakk compared to Deathwing, is a pale imitation. A weakened candle to a roaring bonfire. Fryakk couldn't even stick to HIS OWN plan (had to have his followers remind him of his goals lmao) whereas Deathwing could mask himself for YEARS as Neltharion without raising much suspicion. Fryakk, imo, is a scrawny, firestick-looking ass, Deathwing Wanna-be. He'd be a lot cooler.... If we HADN'T have already had Deathwing. Fyrakk is funny though. Not like... humorous; but funny to laugh at.
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blackdragonbeauty · 4 months
I just killed Fyrakk. Got the cutscene.... It REALLY should have been Wrathion as aspect. Thanks Blizzard for absolutely fucking his story and character up. Shit makes me want to cry so hard. Also fuck whatever Alexstrasza says. It wasn't the titans that separated the dragons, it was HER mentality that enforced such a mindset. God she really CAN'T take any credibility for her own short comings. She's so insufferable.
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blackdragonbeauty · 4 months
Writing is hard lmao. I AM determined to write at least SOMETHING for "A Day in the Life of Neltharion" (the AU prompt) but creativity and depression really make it rough lmao.
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blackdragonbeauty · 4 months
My problem with Ebyssian is Blizzzard feels they have to strip him of everything relating to his Ebonhorn identity and connection to the Highmountain Tauren, can't let the tauren have anything after they're gods and entire religion have already been confirmed as fake and one of their dwarven tormentors got the job of protector of Azeroth.
I feel this. I love hate Ebyssian for the same reasons. I love him for who he is. And i hate him for who he is. Reason for love: He was never supposed to be a real person. Blizzard fucked up timeline so they wrote him in last minute. But despite haste; he was genuinely a REALLY cool dude up until Dragonflight, and I loved who he was. Reason for hate: He WAS SO REALLY FUCKING COOL. And Blizzard can't let ANY black dragon have ANYTHING good or genuine to themselves. They ANNHILATED Wrathions previous development and absolutely Theramore'd (I'm using that event as a verb now.) his dreams and his genuine good goals. AND THEY TOOK OUR ONE GENUINELY GOOD BLACK DRAGON who didn't have any personal shit with anyone, and was genuinely best in an advisory role and completely 180'd him. And now I hate him so much that I CANNOT physically drag myself to play this expansion. Because of who he is now. (along with how Wrathion and Alexstraza was handled) As for the Highmountain? Yeah I agree; they and the other Tauren get the short end of the stick a good deal of the time. Maybe not as much as the Nightelves; but gods damned Blizzard just can't give them, and let them keep anything good.
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blackdragonbeauty · 7 months
I've been debating this with my fiance' in WoW Lore so I figured I'd turn to others and see what others know. In regards to Alexstraza being "The Dragon Queen," I SWEAR I had learned that when they ascended to Aspecthood, the original aspects agreed that in times of need; they'd have a functional leader, otherwise they were equal. So they agreed on Alexstraza being the "functional queen in times of need." I swear this was a thing, but it's entirely possible I imagined it in my "I really fucking hate Alexstraza" craze. Please feel free to confirm or tell me I imagined it. Because I feel like I've gone nuts trying to find information.
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blackdragonbeauty · 7 months
I know I've spoken about this with like... stuff from in game to back it up, but like.... I really really just hate how the Black Flight was handled. I'm so fucking irritated how any characterization was not just ignored, but alluded to; and then like spit on basically.. it's just all a mess. Ebyssian did nothing to deserve Earthwarder. Sabellian did more for HIS part of the flight, but nothing more. Wrathion, RIGHT OUT THE EGG, tried to do everything he could to protect Azeroth. Correctly or not; he tried. He had it all stacked against him and he still tried. And he learned better. Yet blizzard just.. completely threw all his development, his dreams, and his initial concept for how he wanted to lead the flight away. I know I'm probably like... part of the minority here on this stance. And I go out of my way any time to /rude Ebyssian. I didn't WANT to hate him; but blizzard just... ugh. It was infuriating enough to where I cannot stomach Dragonflight. And that's really disappointing as I'm a MASSIVE fan of Dragons.
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blackdragonbeauty · 8 months
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Hey one more picture before i leave in a few hours!! uwu I’m trying out a new brush but i also… love drawing Mortis in poofy shirts
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blackdragonbeauty · 8 months
I've been tempted to like... attempt at writing short snippets of an WoW AU where Nel DIDN'T go nuts and things aren't COMPLTELY fubbernucked? Not really sure about it as like.. I'm not the greatest writer lmao. Would y'all enjoy very short stories of these snippets if I were to attempt?
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blackdragonbeauty · 8 months
i hate the commercial i see on tumblr with the guy and the elongated torso to look at his 24 pack abs
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blackdragonbeauty · 9 months
Poor Halsin...
I've been musing about Halsin for a while now in private, and there's been some... oddities in his words that have me a bit snagged. I fully am on board with him if polyamory really is up his alley, and I'd LOVE to be shared by him and Gale if both were willing. (I have a MASSIVE weakness for those two dorky bleeding hearts.) I'm fully on board with some of his quirks, and silliness; and his more wild side... but it's how he speaks of himself that doesn't feel... honest??? It's not a dishonesty that's intentional or at all even conscious. From what I'm seeing in his dialogue; he really does believe himself to be more a bear than he is a mortal humanoid. And through my time; he's talked about his "biggest failures" and how much they weigh on him. I believe firmly that Halsin is more than just a big teddy bear. He's confused about himself because it's easier to accept Halsin the Bear who's guiltless, over Halsin the Archdruid who he believes failed people, and believes failed his grove: even when the facts proves him innocent. He claims that he's a restless being, and that comfort is for farm animals... but he's only a fraction wrong. He took comfort in being more bear; and thus started loosing control of his wildshape because he began to believe that bear IS more his nature. In a way; he's become more a bear pretending to be a man than a man who can be a bear. Because it's easier for him to accept that over the trauma of what he's endured.
And none of this is intentional; trauma and survivor guilt can fuck people up and make people confused. I wish I could help him gently. I wish not to take the wild nature out of him. Just to help him nurture his true nature. Because he deserves to love himself as much as he loves others.
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