barbianaa · 3 years
boyfriend!chris: admiring you
a/n: it’s been a hot minute and i’m very sorry, uni got the best of me😙. hope you guys enjoy this tho! 
knowing that you are indeed the main character rn, you waltz into chris’ office ready to leave your shared house for the night
your dress is hugging you in all the right places, shoes are glimmering whenever they seize the light, with your hair and makeup perfected to the very last details
chris is slumped in his chair, legs spread far apart, clearly not enjoying whatever was in front of him
his eyes are currently glued to a sheet of paper as he runs through the lines of a script, so you clear your throat in order to catch his attention
“oh, sorry ba-” turning his head, he’s cut short by his own double take 
he sits up promptly, his hands gripping the arms of his chair to steady himself
he scans from your feet, up your legs, past your hips until his blue eyes finally land on yours 
“ya like?” you ask, shifting your weight to your right leg and cocking your eyebrows up
there’s a deafening silence before he quietly whispers, “i love,” licking his lips in complete awe
at this point, his eyes are completely glossed over with lust, pupils blown at the sight of you. you’re his ecstasy.
he gets up and saunters towards you, hands reaching out to fiddle with the fabric on your upper thigh. “what’s the special occasion?” he questions, brushing his pink lips over your own
“i’m going out with y/f/n, but i’ll be back by two-ish? i dunno, but, uh, i’ll keep you updated!” you smile, pressing a quick kiss onto his lips
“nah y/n. no, not like this you aren’t,” chris replies, roaming his hands down your back until his hand lingers on top of your bum, “don’t want anyone seeing what’s mine.” he growls, slapping your butt harshly
“cute,” you laugh, throwing your head back, “but the plans for tonight and the outfit have literally been four months in the making babe. i’m going.”
he just stares at you for a few seconds, trying to take you in
his hand gently rests on your face (he knows not to ruin that makeup) and his thumb swipes over the bridge of you nose
“you’re so beautiful, man.” he groans, pressing up against you
“i know that press, but not right now christopher!” you gasp
“i just wanna get lucky so i can worship and admire you tonight.”
“but you can get lucky tonight - no promises tho.” you wink, pushing him off to walk out of the office as his eyes widen
this guy was basically put into a trance by you 
“stay safe and update me!” he chases after you, knowing he can’t stop you, “and don’t wear yourself out too much cos you’re gonna need some energy for me tonight.” he called out as you step into the uber waiting on your driveway 
he sits on the granite floor of the home entrance, letting out a heavy sigh
waiting for you to come back is gonna be literal torture for him
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barbianaa · 3 years
May your January be filled with love and healing. 
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barbianaa · 3 years
hc of chris and the reader getting caught having s3x 👀
a/n: nonnie has had to wait a while for this one lmao sorry, i only wanna do soft hcs for now but i dooo hope you enjoyyy
warnings: smut (chris x fem reader), interrupted peak and embarrassment lol
‘baby come on, we can sneak one in before scott is ready,’ chris whines, leaning against the door frame of your shared bathroom in nothing but his boxers
‘no chris, i’m going with scott right now to get some things for our little new year’s celebration,’ you grumble, pulling your jeans up your legs
he strides from the door frame to the vanity you are stood in front of and gently places his soft lips on the side of your exposed neck, sucking at your flesh
you let out a quiet moan and shake your head in disbelief, but it doesn’t stop the butterflies flapping around in your stomach 
‘okay fine,’ you say, quickly turning around to push him on the bed, ‘but you better make this quick.’
‘oh your body leaves me with no choice,’ he grins, pulling down your jeans and knickers to grab a handful of your ass 
the index finger of his other hand wanders along your bare front, until he reaches your breast and starts rolling your left nipple, looking up to make direct eye contact with you
he takes no time getting to actual work, rolling you over onto the bed so that you’re laying down looking up at him with your legs spread wide open
he pulls out his hard dick, stroking it before he starts to rub the tip up and down your folds 
‘don’t tease.’ you whisper-yell as you feel some wetness seeping down the side of your thigh 
‘of course not, baby,’ he says, slowly sliding his length into your wet core, waiting for a few seconds before he begins to start thrusting in and out of you
‘oh fuck,’ you gasp, still not being fully used to his girth 
‘so tight and wet all just for me,’ he grunts, taking two fingers and shoving them into your mouth to quieten your moans 
your legs wrap around his waist as you start to buck your hips upwards, letting him know you want him to move faster
‘go faster.’
he plants one hand down next to your head, and starts to move at a supersonic speed 
‘yes! o- oh yeah j- just like that, right there,’ you moan out through his fingers 
‘you close, honey?’ he asks, taking his fingers out of your mouth to rub quick circles on your clit, moaning at the sight right in front of him 
watching himself go in and out of you with more slickness coming out each time was quite literally taking him over the edge 
you nod, barely able to speak as the tight coil quickly forming in your lower stomach threatens to snap 
‘come for m-’ chris commands before your bedroom door swings open, abruptly cutting him off
‘hey y/n, i’m ready!’ scott sings as he walks in, ‘oh! oh! oh my gosh!’ he yells as he turns to face you directly
‘scott what the hell!’ chris shouts, throwing a pillow directly at his brother’s face whilst simultaneously trying to cover you up with his body
‘look the fuck away, man!’ he adds, as you lay there completely limp in shock, staring up at the ceiling as you really don’t know where would be the better place to stare at
moment completely ruined 
‘are you guys that thirsty for each other that you couldn’t even wait like an hour? i’m now forever physically scarred by you horny ass people. ew!’ scott laughs
‘and i thought you were waiting a while before you have kids! what happened to that, huh? i hope you’re using protection.’ he adds
‘scott. not helping. get the fuck out.’ chris responds, still trying to shield you
he lets out another loud laugh and rolls on his heels to briskly walk back out of the bedroom
chris turns to face you, cheeks bright red but with a smirk forming across his face
‘i fucking told you NO,’ you say, rolling your eyes, ‘oh my gosh, i’m so embarrasseddddd.’ you whine, 
‘i’m sorry baby but it’s just scott, don’t worry he won’t tell anyone... i mean it could’ve been worse, he could’ve been trying to prank me and entered whilst recording.’
‘chris.’ you sigh, trying to not show your amusement at the whole situation
‘c’mon let’s finish’ 
‘CHRIS!’ you semi gasp, semi laugh - wriggling away from his grip and rolling out of the bed, ‘i can’t do this shop with scott now, you go.’ you huff, throwing a fresh shirt towards chris 
it’s gonna be impossible to look scott in the eye - like ever 
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barbianaa · 3 years
its 3am rn and I'm having trouble sleeping, all i want is just to cuddle up with chris and have him softly rubbing my back until i can fall back asleep 😔😭
a/n: sorry if i’m late, i run on uk timing 😭 but honestly i feeeeeel you on this one. i gotchu x 
you’re tossing and turning trying to find the most comfortable position to get you back to sleep, letting out multiple huffs in the process.
chris, already half asleep, notices your restlessness
“what’s wrong, baby?’’ chris asks, his deep voice laced with sleep
“i can’t sleep,’’ you sigh, throwing the duvet to the side and crossing your arms over your chest
“c’mere’’ he responds, pulling you closer to him so that you were directly facing each other
‘‘get comfy” he says, and you do just that
he slings one arm across your hip and the other on the pillow above you, hand resting on the top of your head so his thumb can circle your temple.
his other hand creeps up your back, rubbing it in a slow and rhythmic motion
after a while he takes a different approach as his hand crawls up under your shirt, using his nail beds to trace gentle patterns on your bare back.
“relax baby. focus on the patterns i’m drawing.’’ he whispers, trying to maintain the calming state he’s evoked in your mind.
his thumb is still gently rotating around your temple, easing you out of the tension built throughout the day
absentmindedly, he starts to hum a made up yet soothing tune as he watches your eyelids fall heavy with sleep.
he carries on lulling you to peace for a few minutes after your eyes have closed, and when he’s certain you’re finally resting he positions himself to embrace you in his big muscular arms.
he pulls the duvet back over your bodies, ensuring he comfortably tucks you in and retreats back to your cuddling position
“ah yep, that’s my girl’’ he smirks as a small snore escapes your lips
he stares at the ceiling for a couple of minutes, his arms lazily wrapped around your body
and in a matter of seconds he’s drifting away into his own slumber
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barbianaa · 3 years
its 3am rn and I'm having trouble sleeping, all i want is just to cuddle up with chris and have him softly rubbing my back until i can fall back asleep 😔😭
a/n: sorry if i’m late, i run on uk timing 😭 but honestly i feeeeeel you on this one. i gotchu x 
you’re tossing and turning trying to find the most comfortable position to get you back to sleep, letting out multiple huffs in the process.
chris, already half asleep, notices your restlessness
“what’s wrong, baby?’’ chris asks, his deep voice laced with sleep
“i can’t sleep,’’ you sigh, throwing the duvet to the side and crossing your arms over your chest
“c’mere’’ he responds, pulling you closer to him so that you were directly facing each other
‘‘get comfy” he says, and you do just that
he slings one arm across your hip and the other on the pillow above you, hand resting on the top of your head so his thumb can circle your temple.
his other hand creeps up your back, rubbing it in a slow and rhythmic motion
after a while he takes a different approach as his hand crawls up under your shirt, using his nail beds to trace gentle patterns on your bare back.
“relax baby. focus on the patterns i’m drawing.’’ he whispers, trying to maintain the calming state he’s evoked in your mind.
his thumb is still gently rotating around your temple, easing you out of the tension built throughout the day
absentmindedly, he starts to hum a made up yet soothing tune as he watches your eyelids fall heavy with sleep.
he carries on lulling you to peace for a few minutes after your eyes have closed, and when he’s certain you’re finally resting he positions himself to embrace you in his big muscular arms.
he pulls the duvet back over your bodies, ensuring he comfortably tucks you in and retreats back to your cuddling position
“ah yep, that’s my girl’’ he smirks as a small snore escapes your lips
he stares at the ceiling for a couple of minutes, his arms lazily wrapped around your body
and in a matter of seconds he’s drifting away into his own slumber
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barbianaa · 3 years
sorry for the delay if you’ve sent in a request! this season is busyyy but i’m working on posting them as soon as possible😙
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barbianaa · 3 years
Yay thank you! What would Steve Rogers be like trying to keep your relationship a secret from other avengers?
a/n: ahh my first steve hc! really hope you like it <3 also shoutout to everyone who reblogs and likes my posts, it’s v reassuring🥺🥺🥺
you and steve have been dating for a while now
and steve is really into you
he would do anything to make sure you feel comfortable
he really believes that you’re ‘the one’ so he doesn’t want to slip up and possibly scare you away
for him, the best way to protect this relationship is to go at a steady pace
and this includes protecting the privacy of your relationship - which happens to mean not telling the other avengers about it
but boy, that was hard for steve
he felt you deserved to be shown off and appreciated, but that can wait
steve is the type of guy to remind you all the time that he loves you
so instead of doing this in front of everyone - he has his own little ways:
starting a conversation with thor on the other side of the room so he can walk past you and slip notes into your coat pocket:
‘i just want you to know that you look beautiful today. i can’t stop marvelling at how good you look, especially when the light hits your skin. i love you xx’
‘i’m so lucky to have you and i can’t believe you’re mine’
‘every time i see you smile, i fall in love all over again. p.s. i know sam is funny, but don’t laugh too hard at his jokes’  
he never signs them off just in case you misplace them and someone finds it laying around
whenever you’re in a room together you try extra hard not to look at him to avoid getting those butterflies
but you can literally feel him just staring at you
so you quickly glance up, and catch his blue eyes sparkling for you
he’ll send you a cheeky wink and hastily look in the other direction, smirking that he got his own way again
but secretly he’s melting inside (he’s just happy that you acknowledged him ha)
he would definitely be jealous of the other avengers
there’d be a few flirty jokes and innuendos here and there - obvs not a big deal to the other avengers bc they have no idea about you and steve
and it takes everything in him to not pop all the way off on them
can’t make it too obvious that all he wants is to smash his lips onto yours
instead a small ‘okay guys, that’s enough’ or ‘i think y/n has heard enough from you today’ will do it
when you’re on the phone later that night, he’ll complain about how he wishes everyone knew about you two so that no one would even dare to flirt with you
the next day he’d make sure to flex his muscles just that little bit more, as well as running a little bit faster as you’re sat observing, to make sure you knew that you bagged the best avenger
as you spend your weekends with each other, he’d be sure to completely clear his schedule and check again twice to make sure he’s not double booked so he can fully devote his time to you
also to make sure that no avenger comes knocking on his door, resulting in you having to be bundled away behind his cupboards
it’s most difficult for him when tony throws one of his big parties and you have to attend separately to completely avoid any speculation
watching you step out of the car in all you glory without him sends him over the edge
just seeing you all made up in your gorgeous outfit absolutely turns him on
and when it comes to dancing on the floor? with bucky, sam and natasha joining in with you - yeah he’s lost it
he’ll briskly walk past, risking it all by grabbing your ass whilst acting as if nothing is happening
his 6 foot self can easily hide his actions
but that’s as close as he’ll go to chancing outing your relationship
he’s generally not big on pda, but all this sneaking around means he’ll hold you extra tight at night when you’re together in peace
he’d have a hard time as he just wants to be with you - holding, kissing and cuddling you
he’d slightly feel like he’s lying to his closest friends
but he knows it’s worth it in the end - because it’s for you
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barbianaa · 3 years
hc of getting up in the morning with chris and dodger? 🥺❤️
a/n: yesss this is a cute idea. hope you like it!
warnings: none, only fluff
as the crack of dawn hits and your body is entangled with chris’, dodger leaves his own doggy bed to sprawl out on yours
the gentle pitter patter of his paws hitting the wooden floor mixed with the calls of the birds outside informs you both that a new day is fast approaching 
nevertheless, you both still cling to each other tightly to snuggle some more
once dodger reaches the bed, he jumps on to greet his parents 
he’s managed to plant himself right in the middle of you two
chris is usually always first to wake up between the two of you, so dodger excitedly uses this as an opportunity to shower his owner with a bunch of licks 
he gets a bit too into tho
‘shhh dodger, you’re gonna wake up your mom’
he responds with a head tilt and retreats back to his spot in between the  two of you
and for a moment, complete silence encapsulates the master bedroom 
chris tilts his head to watch how the rising sun dances on your skin, your soft snores leaving your mouth and how dodger so comfortably rests his head on your shoulder 
gosh, he felt so blessed
‘we’re so lucky, dodge’ he whispers whilst still admiring you
‘stop staring at me, creep’ you murmur as you half open your eyes, smirking at a grinning chris
dodger’s ears perk up at the sound of his second parent’s voice, lifting his body to get closer to you 
you wrap your arm around dodger, cuddling him tight whilst peppering kisses all over his face
‘huh a good morning would be nice... plus i’m sure we’re taught to admire beauty, not ignore it’ he retorts as he reaches for his phone to snap a picture of you and dodger canoodling 
‘good morning, handsome’ you laugh while chris grabs you into his muscly arm, joining in with the morning hugs 
he rests his forehead against yours, so happy with how well you and dodger gel
you both spend the next ten minutes lightly playing with dodger and talking about your plans for the day 
which is abruptly cut short by dodger’s barking 
‘bubba is ready to be walked’ you say, getting out of bed with dodger instantly following you to the bathroom
chris, still stretching, also follows the lead and joins you to get ready for the day 
whilst you’re brushing your teeth, you’re both listening to the early morning radio jams, singing along, spinning and dancing
dodger runs around and jumps up (so you and chris can take his paws in your hand), not wanting to miss out the on the fun, tail quickly wagging from side to side
not only is dodger your alarm for the morning, but he’s also your little child that brings joy and good spirits to start the day
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barbianaa · 3 years
dad!chris: naming the kids edition
a/n: this is random but yes, i have to admit that i do spend a lot of my time thinking about what chris would name (y)our kids lmao. there is highkey no credible basis to support these ideas apart from his general life as well as his love for disney and nasa hahaha. 
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so i don’t think chris would be that sort of celebrity to name his kid something outlandish/ totally different 
but i wouldn’t be too surprised if he gave them a fairly unique name 
starting off very basic
his middle name, so i guess he’s essentially paying homage to himself 
as he should 
ALSO his father’s middle name, so i think it’s like tradition and our family man chris would deffo like to keep that tradition going
plusss it’s rdj’s first name, and as we know chris really respects him 
nicknames would 100% include: rob, robbie, robster, roberto etc. 
chris has mentioned a few times how his mum’s side of the family is italian 
so this is a shout out to them, as the name is of italian-spanish origin 
name means ‘sun god’ - so there’s that space aspect i think he’d like
also elio evans has a nice ring to it
big up cmbyn for inspiring this one ;)
fairly similar to robert 
but this is based solely on the fact that chris’ fave disney movie is robin hood lol
a nice unisex name 
for variation and to make it a bit different - change the ‘i’ to a ‘y’ and make it robyn
nicknames would be similar to robert 
this one is ofc because of his love for autumn 
i’m pretty sure he said autumn is his favourite season
i can literally picture dad!chris making jokes about orange trees and falling leaves with his child’s name 
‘autumn, leaf me alone!’
*child walks in for dinner* ‘hey look who it is guys! orange we happy it’s autumn?’
*fakes being serious* ‘hey, you really autumn know...’
would readily take pictures of the falling orange trees and his kid in front of it for his insta story
captioned ‘look at autumn’s power!’
i had too much fun w this one LOL
this one is acc quite likely if you think about it 
the name of one of jupiter’s moons 
cute and simple
elio and elara as twin names is a shoutttt
nicknames include: lara, lala, ari, elle
one of the more unique names
bc he’s a ‘the little mermaid’ stan soooo
he literally knows all the songs 
nicknames would certainly include: ari, elle, riri, aria, aya
sidenote: i’m sure if chris had a significant other of a different ethnicity, he would be more than open to naming the kids something from that specific culture. (more than willing to do requests for this!! pls!!)
i have sooo many more names that i thought of whilst making these omg. definitely doing a part 2. 
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barbianaa · 3 years
Hi! Do you write for Steve Rogers or just Chris?
heyy, i’m starting off writing for chris only, but send me your steve request and i can try :)
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barbianaa · 3 years
This blog 100% supports dark skinned women.
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barbianaa · 3 years
boyfriend!chris: bedtime edition
a/n: just a quick one i’m thinking of whilst laying down. also thanks for the likes and follows on my first post 🥺
warnings: none, just fluffff
so picture after a long day you and chris lying down on his comfy king sized bed
dodger in his little dog bed in the corner ofc
he made sure to slightly open the big ceiling windows  
a gentle breeze circulates the room, allowing some crisp and refreshing air into the space 
chris insists on being big spoon, mainly bc it let’s him feel like he’s protecting you 
but he also loves the more simple things it allows him to see and experience:
like the rising and falling of your chest as you breathe in and out (which he tries to mimic to sync you two together)
your steady heartbeat he listens to 
watching your lashes lift up as you attempt to blink the tiredness away 
the small twitches you unconsciously make as you fall into a slumber
it’s second nature for him to lift his hand to the back of your neck and run the pad of his index finger up and down its surface, lightly tracing hearts and ‘i love yous’ 
he raises this hand and uses his thumb to lightly run over your cheeks, nose and lips - taking in the features that he loves so much 
his other arm is wrapped around your waist, sandwiched between the foamy mattress and your skin 
one swift motion, and he’s pulling your backside close to mould into his front
your hand reaches over to hold his, and he gives your hand a gentle squeeze
the squeeze symbolising an ‘i’m here’ sort of assurance 
and now that you’re closer to him, he rests his chin in the nook of your neck 
you hear him take a sharp inhale and you already know he’s trying to take in your scent or the smell that coconut conditioner in your hair 
he moves his head back slightly to give the side of your neck a kiss, instantly retreating back to the nook of comfort 
his soft exhalations through his nose blowing against the micro hairs of your neck give you goosebumps
at this point, you’re both just so tired and no words need to be said
just enjoying each others company 
and justttt as you fall asleep, chris softly mumbles ‘i love you so much’ 
oh to be in bed laying down with chris </3
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barbianaa · 3 years
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soft chris evans with his soft smedium tee
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barbianaa · 3 years
okay so this is my first hc! not requested, but one i’ve wanted to do. requests are open and feel free to leave comments/ feedback :))
making this a part one. i’ll probs do a series for this title
warnings: none really, just fluff. a teenyyy bit of intimate touching
i feel like chris would be the best boyfriend ever 
first of all he’d be so so so in love with you and he would definitely let you know that everyday 
‘you know i love you right’ 
‘im so lucky to have you’ 
‘i wanna grow old with you, honey’ 
he’s deffo very caring
the sort of guy to bring you a tea/ coffee/ smoothie (you name it) every morning 
will always ask you how your day went - even if you were laying in bed all day 
and listens with actual interest 
can read you like the back of his hand so he is very aware when you’re uncomfortable 
knows exactly how to calm you down and comfort you
knows the words that will make you feel settled 
will always respect your privacy
loves hugging you
and girl...he doesn’t have big hands for no reason 
so i’ll let it be known that he’s very hands on 
practically grabs and envelopes your face whenever you kiss 
loves resting his hands on your things 
palms always resting on your hips and stroking your skin there 
back rubs
foot rubs 
cheek rubs face and ass cheeks 
talking of ass cheeks, he loves to rest his hand in the back pocket of your jeans 
sometimes he will randomly just hold your boobs in his hands - no matter the size
holds your hands a LOT
intertwines your fingers with his and uses his thumb to run up and down the back of your hand
really likes asserting dominance by resting his massive biceps over your shoulder
it’s not even like he’s trying to flex, although, when you first met he was 
but now it’s just like a natural reflex for him to do whenever you’re by his side 
it’s also a way to show other people that you’re his and his only 
he LOVES gifting you 
doesn’t even have to be a special occasion 
he’ll just come home on a random tuesday like ‘hey babe, come see what i got you’
and when you open it, it’s the expensive pair of shoes you’ve had your eyes on for the longest time
yes this makes you all flustered and blurt out loads of ‘you shouldn’t have’s
but he simply shrugs and says 
‘you do what you want for those you love, right?’ 
and he’s great at gifting because of how much attention he pays to you 
like you might just mention something you like to him as a passing comment 
but best believe that he’s noted it down and will literally buy it for you without needing a reminder of what it is/ what size you are/ the colour you want etc. 
he is lit rally the best boyf ever
i feel like there’s sooo much more to add to this, but i’ll leave this as a part one for now
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