baguettewriter · 3 years
Okay, but why is this so cute and amazing? 
I honestly love this so much! 
I forgot who posted it, but someone had said Sitara and Jordi should switch clothes. Now all I can think of is Aiden and Marcus looking at Jordi in shorts like:
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baguettewriter · 3 years
Watch Dogs OC part 2
Continuation of the post - https://hamomanna.tumblr.com/post/633616051114065922/watch-dogs-oc-well-i-dont-know-who-needs-it
For the second part, I have a fairly abstract scenario. And there are quite a few ideas. Actually a LOT. And I just don’t know what to implement, develop, and what to weed out… so I’ll paint a purely general picture.
Before the main events WD2, Ann and Aiden spent 2-3 years in San Francisco. During this time, Ann managed to make a name for herself as a Plague Chimera and become a legend as she was soon considered missing. No one knew what she looked like, most of the story (where she came from, when she became a hacker), or where she was. They only knew how she worked, some of her motives, and the mask / avatar in the form of a black leopard (panter) skull. Once again, she had a secure blanket that Aiden had given her, and now she uses it expertly on her own. By the way, in the previous post I forgot to write one important element in Ann’s story. After Ann had gotten over Clara’s death a little and asked Aiden to be his apprentice, she’d given herself changes in appearance. Specifically, she cut her long hair to pixie and painted it snow-white. She got rid of the glasses that she had been wearing all that time, replacing them with contact lenses. Painted her upper lip black and applied a black eye contour and shadow, (before that, she didn’t even paint her eyelashes, yeah) emphasizing her large, light and now tough eyes. She built up strong fangs. Finally, she changed her name to Alianimal{”alien” and “animal”} (yes, yes I know…) thus announcing “the fall of the Plague Chimera”.
The wardrobe has not changed much. The same black tones and the same heavy-soled boots, but now the sweater is bright yellow, and underneath it is a black mask that Ann pulls out and tucks back into her collar when she needs it. The jacket has a very high collar (because of this, it looks a little like a Disney villain) and ‘’Fox’’ symbol on back. In general, she has more pockets and belts on which she carries ammunition, such as a pistol, stun gun, bombs, knives, syringes, etc.
OF COURSE she will be in THAT DedSec team. How… At first, I thought that Aiden would somehow force her to work with them, “to unwind”, although Ann was very much against it. She has no desire to deal with “these teenagers!” (she is 24-old now yeah). But the Fox persuaded her.
But now I like this version better: For one reason or another, Ann had to work with T-Bone. And soon they went to a festival in the desert. That’s how Ann gets into the team, as a bonus to the Legend.
And here time to describe the “new” character of Ann and how it works with others.
As before, she is still nervous, anxious, cautious, distrustful, depressed, self-critical, defiant, proud, honest, ironic, sarcastic, smart and greedy for knowledge BUT now she has become self-confident. And from the usual whiner, she became… Stoic-whiner :D
And I can see how, at the start, she showed herself to be a haughty, prideful woman who, from the very doorstep, poked DedSec’s noses into their mistakes related to the workplace, their methods and planning, as if she were some kind of inspector. She was mostly do it with Marcus and Wrench. Sometimes T-Bone was also have a hit too. It was a good thing that despite the fact that Sitara didn’t like this gesture either, the girls quickly got along. Ann soon ceased to engage in harsh criticism, and the Sitara did not forbid her to scold someone sometimes. Ann found in Sitara just a gorgeous woman with whom she has many of the same interests and views. She did not have a problem to call her “sister”, although she still kept a certain mental distance.
With Josh she just didn’t want to fight, and neither with Horatio. For a long time, Wrench would be an uncouth, vulgar, annoying asshole in her eyes. How did Sitara even allow this crazy monkey to be on their team?! Only Sitara’s belief that he is a good hacker and not such a bad person will sometimes change Ann’s anger to mercy (she cares about people, no matter how disgusting they may be to her, but she is also practical). And Marcus… Ooo-ho-ho! It’s hot here! Ann had been a leader since she was a baby. Although she never aspired to be a leader. It happened by itself. But now that she feels like an alpha, she sees in Marcus… The wrong colleague. To Ann, he’s a sycophant, a flatterer. No, don’t get it wrong, she appreciates all the merits of Marcus and does not consider him a bad person. But she is annoyed by his naivety and that he is all so sweet, and acts exclusively according to the carrot method. She is an adherent of using both methods at the right moments, that why next to Marcus she wakes up a burning desire to use a VERY large stick. Well, just a duet of a good and a bad cop! But they don’t always work together… And it will be one of the main conflicts of the story that will move the plot and the arc of these two.
Speaking specifically about Ann, the main goal in this part is for her to stop feeling useless and learn to trust people all over again. At least few of them. Or, at least, not to let Clara down…
But the clouds are gathering over Ann, and she risks letting down not only Clara or Aiden, but herself as well.
And there will also be a lot of introspection on Ann’s part in the story… It won’t just be Ann talking to herself in her head… OK, I’m not write about it now. There can be MANY descriptions. If you want, I will write an additional post about it.
AND, OF COURSE, 1) I really want to write a moment in the story where suddenly there will be a rumor in San Francisco that the Plague Chimera, a Haker of Mind has appeared! And the team will want to find the hacker. Would he join their team? That would be SO COOL! Another Chicago hacker! As if in a game to make an alliance with two mini-bosses! But Ann would be against it. She doesn’t want to reveal that side of herself. She still does not trust the team, does not consider them friends (for her, ‘friendship’ is an intimate topic), and she does not want their attitude towards her to change on the basis of this truth. She wants to be treated like… To her. Not to the shining image that is stuck in the minds of these fanboys. She will try in every possible way to lead the trail away from herself. But team can show what they made of, and they succeed…
2) Not manifesting itself explicitly, as well as not playing a very important role in the plot, but a love line between… Oh, damn, you won’t guess?! I’m not the only one, by God. WrenchAnn
But I’m not sure I should write this. I don’t want to make a Mary Sue out of character. Of course, the first scene will not be for DedSec’s “ WOOOW! COOL! ” (Well… for this too, he-heh!), and the second is not just for please myself, buuut… I don’t know. I mean I can do it from my OC side but canon… HOW PEOPLE DO IT?!
Oh, and Horatio won’t die. Ann, as mentioned above, is very anxious. Her motto ‘’better safe than sorry’’. So she will notice his loss before anyone else, and they will have time to save him. And he will have more character development.
AAAND, I want more Lenni. Yes. Exactly. Like many people, I do not have really warm feelings for her, but … maybe I’m wrong, but I can see that Lenni isn’t that bad. And that it wasn’t because of a too good life or a bad temper that she became like THIS. And I would like to be able to write a line where Ann literally use the Magic of Friendship on her :D (But for first is psychological skills of course…)
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baguettewriter · 3 years
If you wanted to send a Watch_Dogs fanfic request I'd be happy to take it! I'm stuck in a Cobra Kai rut rn 😔 so feel free to shoot me a pmsg with ideas!!!!
I definitely will!!
I'm the same admin as gta5-watchdogswriter, but since this is my original blog, you might see me like / reply to things from here!!
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baguettewriter · 3 years
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I am more than happy to help out with that. I am actually getting ready to open up for that since I am getting comfortable with doing so!
Alas. there is like no Watch_dogs x reader fanfiction.
Yall know what that means.
*keyboard clatter*
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baguettewriter · 3 years
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━ Hello! I know I haven't been all that active nowadays, but I am coming in to plop this down. I will try my best to post about this new WIP weekly. Below you will find the information about such things. Feel free to LIKE & REBLOG.
➤ Name: Check Mate
➤ Genre: A touch of fantasy & action
➤ Started & End date: Feburary 24th, 2021 - ???
➤ Theme Song: Could Have Been Me - The Struts
➤ Synopsis: A connection that cannot be cut, pulling forth various of people from different worlds into one big world. A world full of competition and life-threatening things. All putting each other against each other. Follow the four protagonist on their adventures as they meet different types of people and what they have to go up against.
While Kitty is trying to uncover why everyone is pulled into this world and how to prevent anything bad to occur, her investigation brings her to Aera. A man, who is known as a legend for various of reasons. A man who only wants peace yet cannot obtain such things.
On the other hand, Saber is only trying to go down a peaceful path, completing the string of events. Little does he know that his goals are similar to two others. With the three being brought together, they meet CeeCee. A woman who is only wanting to figure a way back home.
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baguettewriter · 3 years
─ Kriylens (Kai-re-lens): Kriylens is a name for the whole species of an extraterrestrial lifeform. There are some subspecies for them with their own names found below. They are not all classified as “bad”, but many do share a common goal. They want to invade other species. Either for the power or to help with their own people. Most if all all of the Kriylens are unisex and can lean on either gender. All are capable of evolving and adapting to their surroundings, including taking on the appearance of other species. Yrivvexs being the ones who are commonly seen to do so. All Kriylens have their own language. Different ones too, but there is one that is common among them all. These languages cannot be pronounced on a human's tongue and lips. Hence many if not all words are translated to something simple.
↳ Looi’iels (Loo-Eels): Looi’iels are considered the “Queens” of the Kriylens. They are basically the female counterparts of Kooi’iels. Although there’s not much distinguishing features between the two, except that Looi’iels are considered to be the taller ones. They are also seen to be more aggressive than their male counterparts and will not hesitate in striking another down. Most if not all have that superior aura about them and will come off as someone who looks down at you. Alongside the Kooi’iels, the Looi’iels are the vessels to the Wooerz, or, what y’all like to call them, deities of the Kriylens’ world. They are strongly recommended to have Kooi’iels to rule with them. Otherwise, there is failure. There has been only one known case that has been proven where a Looi’iel can rule on their own and don’t need their male counterparts. That’s the first known Looi’iels, Sekiru. 
↳ Kooi’iels (Koo-Eels): Kooi’iels are the “Kings” of the Kriylens and the male counterparts of Looi’iels. Alongside their female counterpart, the Kooi’iels is the vessels of the Wooerz. Unlike Looi’iels, the Kooi’iels are shorter in height. They have the ability to sing, which their abilities stems from. They are also classified as the beautiful ones between them and their female counterparts. Not that the Looi’iels aren’t beautiful, but between the two, the Kooi’iels are much more beautiful. Don’t let the Looi’iels catch you hearing that though or a severe punishment will happen. It’s also the reason why the Kooi’iels can be mistaken as the females of the two.
↳ Kaai’iels (Kay-Eels): The Kaai’iels are considered as the traitors. They are a combination of Looi’iels and Kooi’iels. Although they may lose the abilities that either Looi’iels or Kooi'iels have, one thing remains true. Kaai’iels are still vessels to the Wooerz. The only known Kaai’iels is Ro’uio. These Kaai’iels do not share the same goals as Looi’iels and Kooi’iels. 
↳ Yrivvexs (Y-Riv-Vex): Yrivvexs are supposedly the first rulers of the Kriylens. Although they are thought to be extinct, they are still around, but hidden in the shadows, watching everything play out over the years. They were thought to be useless to the Wooerz. In reality, it was their time to go into the shadows after ruling for a long period of time. So, they stepped down. Unlike the Looi’iels, Kaai’iels, and Kooi’iels, Yrivvexs are not vessels to the Woeerz. They are both warriors and guardians for them. They are also known as the bone giants due to their bone-like appearance and their massive heights. Although they can go into another form to be much shorter, they are typically thought to be either twelve feet tall or higher. They can even go as far as being twenty feet tall. The gender doesn’t matter to them. The Yrivvexs are known to eat bones of others, no matter which species they come from. They will even eat their own kind if given the options. 
The Yrivvexs may not be on the same level as their gods, but they are pretty powerful. Only the Lhoos and the Onvvqs are known to come close to their level. The Yrivvexs are commonly known - out of all the Kriylens - to change their appearance and look like anyone else. Basically, it gives them the ability to shape-shift. As long as they eat enough bones of the species, they are capable of doing so. 
↳ Lhoo (L-Who): The Lhoos are thought to live around the same time as the Yrivvexs. The Lhoos manipulates the gravity around them, making them levitate into the air. Once they get to Earth, their ability to do so goes down a lot. They can only levitate a few feet above the ground or are forced to walk everywhere, which gives them a great disadvantage. Certain Lhoos managed to bypass Earth’s gravity to help them levitate more, though not for long. Other than their ability to manipulate the gravity around them and float around, they are known to be pretty fast. 
↳ Phqi (P-Qew; Qew being pronounced as Pew, but with a Q): Phqis takes on the appearance of an animal or an insects. They also take on the abilities of said animals and insects as well. Their abilities vary from one to another, which can make them strong or weak. Regardless, they can be proven as an intelligent and deadly subspecies, willing to be brutal with their fighting techniques. The known Phqis are Blood Roka and the Destinann Sisters. 
↳ Woeer (Woo-eer): Woeers are the deities of the Kriylens. They mostly keep to themselves. Once upon a time, they used to be involved a lot with the Kriylens and one day, they decided to isolate themselves for whatever reasons. The Woeers are uses the Looi’iels, Kaai’iels, and Kooi’iels are vessels. Mostly to give a message and that’s about it. Although the Woeers do have a physical form, they now use other bodies to roam around. Not much is said about them, though nowadays they are one angry deities for what the Kriylens are doing. They never intended for their own creations to invade other species.
↳ Stta (S-Ta): The Sttas is a name use for the infected. The ones that got the disease from the Kriylens. It doesn’t only apply to other species, but the ones within Kriylens. The Sttas are considered a mindless being that only follows orders from the Kriylens or follows wherever food is. By food, it’s another species. Although they can infect other species with their claws and bites, they try to eat. There have been cases where the Sttas have a mind of their own and can be seen being intelligent. More intelligent than before. They may be considered deemed as stupid to many due to them mostly following the orders of the Kriylens or going where food is, but they can be intelligent enough to outsmart their opponents/ food. The Sttas are hideous to look at and will take on an appearance of whatever their environment is, which can give them a huge advantage. Such as being strong in a forest-area if they are made out of a forest-like stuff but can be weak to fire. 
↳ Meeiz (Mmm-Eh-I-Z): The Meeizs are the hunters of the Kriylens. The warriors even. You best bet is to not have them target you. They are stubborn beings that will stop at nothing from tracking you down. It’s also why the Meeiz are thought to be strongly related to the Onnvqs because both are stubborn when tracking their targets. The Meeizs can also be seen hunting down food as well, being the ones who provide food for most if not all of the Kriylens. Despite their hunting nature and abilities, Meeizs are not the brightest. It’s easy to outsmart them if given the opportunity. 
↳ Onvvq (On-V; Vq being silent on this): The Onnvqs are massive creatures. If they do not kill you in other methods, their brute strength will. They are merciless, intelligent, and amazing hunters. They are considered the better hunters between them and Meeizs. It is thought that due to the Onvvqs existing, the Meeizs are not needed anymore. Despite their massive size and height, Onvvqs have incredible speed. Combine the two can result in their opponents being tracked down and killed within minutes. The creepy part about them is not only their skin, but also their faces, which takes on a human’s face. The only known Onvvq so far is Zol. 
─ Rvvkas/Rorzeo (R-V-V-Kay/ Ro-R-Z-Eh): They can be considered either of the two, but mostly as the Rvvkas. They are beautiful creatures with gorgeous wings that act like hummingbirds; never stopping and beating rapidly, causing the Rvvkas to levitate slightly off the ground. They are known for their powers over nature. Hence their blood entering another species’ body, giving them the same if not similar abilities and powers. The Hallowed Corps’ members are capable of transforming into the Rvvkas. One of their well-known powers is to erase the memories of another. This comes in handy when they have to help both the S.E.A.S.F. and the Hallowed Corps with keeping things a secret.
The Rvvkas and the Kriylens have a bad relationship with each other. It’s why the Rvvkas are so willing to help mankind in fighting back. The Kriylens almost took over the Rvvkas and planned to do it again.
─ S.E.A.S.F.: Their full names are Surveillance, Extraction, and Stealth Force. Like The Hallowed Corps, the S.E.A.S.F. is a government-funding and private military organization. Their goal is to maintain peace between mankind and extraterrial life forms, regardless of who they are. They also protect mankind from such lifeforms if given no other choice. They do go out of their way to obtain the extraterrestrial life forms as well and deliver them to labs all across the world. Their bases are fused with the Hallowed Corps, which can be founded world wide. These bases can either be far from civilizations and tucked away or hidden in plain view if chosen to be within civilizations (in cities, towns, villages, etc). There are several presidents for S.E.A.S.F., which each president is given a position for a certain region/areas. Such as a president for the Eastern coast of the United States, a president for Northern Ireland, etc. Both the Hallowed Corps and the S.E.A.S.F. are not known to the public or to the other military branches. Hence them being private. Only the government knows about these two organizations. 
Unlike the Hallowed Corps, the members of the S.E.A.S.F. are injected with a small dose of the Rvvkas’ blood, which gives them certain things. Such as abilities (enhanced strength, enhanced speed, enhanced endurance, and enhanced regeneration), which can only be activated when their partners are near. Selective members can be seen having these abilities activated 24/7 with or without their partners if they do have a partner. Speaking of partners, it brings to the next point. Due to the members of both organizations having such DNA within their bodies, one member of the S.E.A.S.F. and one member of the Hallowed Corps can - what they call it - syncing together. In meaning, they become partners, resulting in them having one special power to use. This special power can only be activated when both are in the same area as each other. The powers can range from partners to partners and aren’t always based on Wish the members of the Hallowed Corps has.
The S.E.A.S.F. and the Hallowed Corps both have to go through two to three years of training before they graduate and be official members. You can go through training again - if failed - three times. Each being six months apart of these. Both members are in squads as well.
─ The Hallowed Corps: Like S.E.A.S.F., the Hallowed Corps is a government-funding and private military organization that the public and other military branches are not aware of. Members of the Hallowed Corps are called Nikes. Nikes share the same bases as the S.E.A.S.F. and do have presidents as well. Nikes are injected with more Rvvkas, which gives them powers and abilities.
↳ Nikes: As mentioned before, the Nikes are given more DNA into their bodies by the Rvvka, which gives them powers and abilities. Unfortunately, they have to channel these powers into ten discs into both their gloves and boots. ten for each (ten for the left foot & hand and ten for the right hand & foot). The abilities are pretty basic and can be considered the same as the members of the S.E.A.S.F., but in this case, these abilities for the Nikes remain active at all times. Basically, the Nikes has enhanced strength, enhanced speed, enhanced endurance, and enhanced regeneration. 
For the discs, there are four basic elements, which all the Nikes are required to have. Basically, fire, earth, water, and air. Then, you have five discs that the Nikes can choose from. It can be enhanced hearing, ability to detect other humans, speak to animals, etc. Then, one disc that contains the Wish, or known as a power. This varies from Nikes to Nikes and can depend on the personality or interest of the Nikes. Such as manipulating ice, shape-shifting, gravity manipulation, etc. These discs can have either a minute cool-down or a five minute cool-down, depending on how strong the Nikes are and how well trained they are. They can also use two different discs. For example, the Nikes can manipulate water with their hands and manipulate earth with their legs. Unfortunately, they can not do four different discs at the same time, which has a great risk of killing the Nikes. It has to be two and two. Not three and one or one, one, one, and one. 
Each switch will give the gloves and boots a glow of a color, varying from power to power. Such as purple for lightning, a dark blue for water, a bright green for earth, etc. When not using the gloves and boots - mind you, the Nikes are capable of taking these equipment off at any time - these equipment are whatever colors the Nikes has customized them as. It helps them blend in more. 
There are two types of Nikes as well. The mutant-types and the regular types. The mutant-types take on features of an animal or an insect. For example, the Clockwork twins are mutant-types and take on the features of a Scorpion. Jordan is another example. He has the features of a bird. Depending on the person, the features can either be strongly present and take on most of their body or be very little. It’s something they cannot take off either. So, if they take off their equipment, the features will remain, regardless of how long the equipment has been off. This also brings up another point. If the mutant-type Nikes has a partner, their partner will take on the features as well. Not exactly the abilities, but the features. Each mutant-type also has the abilities of said animals or insects. Like the Clockwork twins able to be poisonous while Jordan can do bird noise, eat bird food, see like a bird, etc.
Both members of the two organizations must be required to keep in shape. Even if they do a five-minute exercise, it’s still enough. Otherwise, the equipment will not be compatible with them. The Nikes are capable of sensing Kriylens.
─ Nullity: The Nullity is similar to the Hallowed Corps. Unlike the Hallowed Corps, the Nullity is not a government-funded organization and has to rely on the income of the businesses they own. But similar to the Hallowed Corps, the Nullity must keep what they are a secret thing, knowing how mankind will treat them. Another similar thing between the two is the equipment. The Nullity got their DNA and equipment by another extraterrial life form, which is known as Əvanu; An aquatic species. Unlike the Nikes, the members of the Nullity do not have ten discs to channel their powers. Their powers are limited to water-based abilities and another power. Such as shadow manipulation, gravity manipulation, etc. 
The Nullity do not know the Hallowed Corps and the S.E.A.S.F. exist as the two don't know the Nullity exist.
─ The Mechanized Unit: The Mechanized Unit is a massive and well-known company that owns anything related to techy stuff. From TVs to computers to even the toaster in your kitchen. You basically see most of their stuff in any building or households. They also have successfully launched a new type of protective members, which can be classified as soldiers. They aimed to help the military and the police force a lot with their super soldiers. Behind closed doors, they work their employees to death as well as condone experiments on people. A combination of Sttas and robots. Little to no one has these types of information. 
─ COHF: Also known as the Circle of HellFire. They are a cult, disguised as a candy and toy company. They are aiming to rid the world of mankind and want the Kriylens to take over, despite being humans themselves. They do try to replicate the Kriylens’ DNA, but unlike the Mechanized Unit, the COHF have failed and are known for such things. They are considered the laughing stock of the two.
─ Cheaiil Al Wavviz: It is translated to Collections of Words. It is a massive collection of different types of written forms. From books to scrolls. All containing the population - or what is the remaining population - of the Kriylens. There have been a few that have been discovered, read from, and summoned the Kriylens. Prior to the story, more and more of these written forms are popping up, causing more and more Kriylens to come up. 
─ Təehxć / Muertos Təehxć (T-V-e-Hex-Ch; Ch being pronounced as in Charm): Both are the male and female parts.  Təehxć being the male-dominated species and the warrior types while Muertos Təehxć are the female-dominated species and the healer types. The Muertos Təehxćs can be found within civilizations and only appear to those who are sickly or close to death. It’s something within their genes that caused them to have such things. It’s why they may appear more often in hospitals or where death or the sickly is presented. The more they are, the more you’ll see them. Meanwhile, the Təehxćs can be found away from civilizations and mind their own business. Most are harmless and can only be provoked if you threaten them. The only time they act out of aggression is if you’re a Kriylen, regardless of which type of Kriylens you are and your intentions. While the Təehxćs take on more of an appearance of a Mayan warrior, the Muertos Təehxćs can take on an appearance of the Day of the Dead outfits. 
─ Əvanu (V-A-Nu): The Əvanus are aquatic species that can be found mostly in the deep parts of the oceans. The parts where the light cannot touch. Of course, they can be found close to the surface, which gives in to the stories of mermaids/ mermans, especially their appearance. Although they do look horrifying, especially when they start glowing in the dark, they are harmless creatures and do not interact much with other species much. They hold no hatred for the Kriylens due to the two not even interacting. Being generous as they are, they offered a group of humans some things, unaware that another species had the same idea as them.
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baguettewriter · 3 years
So, I am curious about this.  Would it be a good idea to post small writing here and there?  It doesn’t give away anything too much that’s important or anything.
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baguettewriter · 3 years
Hello writers of Tumblr! I am not new to Tumblr, but this is a new writeblr blog. I have MANY ideas rolling around in my mind and I just can't help but want to share them so I never forget them.
And this is probably not only going for my books as well but for the plots of webcomics as well.
On this blog I will probably be rambling about my issues as a writer, my writing process, my characters, stories, etc... I also love the writer memes. Also, I hope I'm able to get along with the rest of you. I'd love to hear your stories and everything in your writing worlds as well.
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baguettewriter · 3 years
baguettewriter’s announcement!
Hiya!  As y’all can tell by previous post I made a little while back, I am cleaning out my blog and restarting. Since I see myself not returning to my previous WIPs I had in the past, I cleaned my blog of those. Yes, they are saved elsewhere if I ever think about bringing any of those  characters / lore back. A fresh new WIP will be coming soon with a description and character & lore introduction. 
For this post? I am currently looking for other writerblrs to follow and interact with as much as I can. Reblog / like if you are writerblr. Whether you write a bunch of WIP stories or focuing on one. 
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baguettewriter · 4 years
Not all character development is positive. Characters can, and in my opinion, should, develop both negative and positive traits throughout the course of their story. As the story goes, they shouldn’t be perfected, they’re people, not artpieces, and so there shouldn’t be a stage where they’ve improved/changed exclusively for the better, to the point where they have no negative traits at all. 
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baguettewriter · 4 years
one day you’ll have written a novel of your own.
you’ll be able to hold it in your hands, feel the weight of it - each chapter, each page, each word that you so lovingly crafted. you’ll be able to watch each scene, something you built and tended and know most intimately, unfold beneath your hands again with every turn of the page. you’ll be able to run your thumb down the spine of the book and feel the shape of your name pressed into the side, because this is yours.
so keep writing. because your novel is just waiting for you to bring it into existence.
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baguettewriter · 4 years
Inspiration and writers’ block
Aka, lessons from my mom.
Have I mentioned before that my mom is an internationally acclaimed artist? She makes amazing ceramics, she teaches, she works on commission, she makes new designs, she judges in competions, ehm, what else? The thing is, she has made creativity into her sole source of income, so let’s assume she’s good at it.
Today, my mom and I were talking about inspiration and making art. So, what can she teach you about writing?
Inspiration comes from discipline
Don’t wait for the Muse to visit you. Chase her with a stick, or your novel will never get finished. Treat it like a job. Show up, even though you’re not feeling it.
For me, inspiration only comes after the first 1000 words or so. It took a while before I discovered that. Find your inspiration point. How many words/minutes does it take you to warm up? Try to always write past your inspiration point. Start working and trust that inspiration will hit.
Make writing your priority
If you want to write that novel, you got to put in the time. Stop watching tv you won’t remember in a month’s time. Stop scrolling through tumblr. Carve out writing time and stick to it.
Write when you’re the most alert. Does your brain go to sleep after dinner? Write before dinner, even if it’s only 30 minutes a day. Does your brain only work in the afternoon? Well, the weekend has two delightfully long afternoons you can dedicate to writing.
If writing is important to you, then make sure you write.
Writer’s block? Narrow it down
Have you ever sat down and tried to write anything? It’s hard, isn’t it. Total freedom is absolutely paralysing. Narrow it down. Give yourself a few restrictions, even if you make them up randomly. Your mind will cling to it and it will spark inspiration.
Make your reader dream
The titles my mom gives to her work are, for example, “So what”. It makes people dream: “What am I ‘so what’ about? What’s the story behind this sculpture?”
So, give your reader enough to imagine the scene, the character, the emotion, but don’t spell it out. My mom doesn’t name her sculptures “A kind of disappointed man with a slight frown”. Trust your reader to get it.
I hope this was useful. Follow me for more writing advice, or check out my other writing advice here.
If you have any questions, my ask box is always open. Happy writing!
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baguettewriter · 4 years
its kinda scary how your whole life depends on how well you do as a teenager 
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baguettewriter · 4 years
some info on finding an agent and querying
Alright, so Sarah Glenn Marsh came to talk to my Creative Writing class today, and she dropped some tips and tricks on finding an agent and querying that I for one found helpful, and thought I’d share for anyone else that might be curious!
Finding an Agent
Good sources for finding an agent are Literary Rambles; a site that is basically just an index of agents. 
Another site was Predators and Editors, but it’s down/revamping currently.
Also check twitter! A lot of agents will put up what books they’re looking for or what type of books they represent.
Query Tracker - this site basically helps you find agents, tells you how to write a query letter; there’s also a list of publishers
Agent Query - another site that helps you search for literary agents
Queries are basically a summary of your book in <250 words that gets to the meaning of it without spoiling the ending.
Make sure you spell the agent’s name right!
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baguettewriter · 4 years
Every day I’m like, I should work on that wip intro, or I should share an excerpt, or I should share some art, but it’s like, I’ve come to the conclusion that I don’t owe anyone content? I can use this site how I please and I don’t need to prove that I’m productive….
You shouldn’t feel pressured to put out content/make aesthetics/participate in games/whatever. If you have the time and energy, amazing! If you don’t, or just aren’t feeling up to it, that’s okay too :))
You don’t owe anyone content. Keep doing what works for you. And take care of yourselves.
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baguettewriter · 4 years
Tumblr media
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baguettewriter · 4 years
for anyone who needs to hear it: give yourself permission to draw, write, paint, sing, dance, etc. create like there’s nothing stopping you. you can always revise later.
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