Coming Out
((WARNING! Biphobia. It will never cease to amaze me the kind of questions people come up with when you come out... Also just search up “Oliver Digital Love” if you want to hear him sing the song!))
Len and Oliver were sitting in the living room just watching TV.
"Ugh, I'm so bored…" Len sighed.
Oliver got up and turned the TV off.
"Len, dance with me!" He pulled Len off the couch.
"But we don't have any music…" Len stated.
Oliver smiled and started singing, "Last night, I had a dream about you! In this dream I'm dancing right beside you!"
Oliver swung hips and grabbed Len's hand, "And it looked like everyone was having fun! The kind of feeling I've waited so long on!"
Oliver beckoned Len closer, "Don't stop, come a little closer~ As we jam the rhythm gets stronger!"
Oliver twirled Len around, "There's nothing wrong with just a little, little fun~ We were dancing all night long!"
Oliver wrapped his arms around Len's waist forcing them closer, "The time is right, to put my arms around you~"
As if on cue Len wrapped his arms around Oliver's neck, "You're feeling right, you wrap your arms around too~"
But then Oliver breaks away and wraps his arms around himself, "But suddenly, I feel the shining sun. Before I knew it this dream was all gone."
Len wrapped his arms around Oliver from behind and they swayed, "No, I don't know what to do, about this dream and you. I hope this dream comes true."
Len sang with him, "Oh, I don't know what to do, about this dream and you. We'll make this dream come true."
Len kissed Oliver's cheek, "Well, that was a surprise."
Oliver blushed, "Mmm, it's called being spontaneous, love~ I missed having your eyes on me~"
Len spun Oliver around and cupped his ass, "Well you certainly have my attention now~"
Oliver threw his arms around his boyfriend's neck and pressed their lips together.
"Heyyy are you guys doing gross stuff in our living room?" Rin peaked her head in.
Oliver embarrassedly buried his head into Len's chest while Len called out to his sister, "Ohhh yeah~"
"Len!" Oliver hissed.
"Ewwwww!" Rin gagged "Hands off the booty, Len!"
Len chuckled at their responses and put his hands up in surrender.
Rin walked in and poked Oliver, "Hey you!"
Oliver visibly flinched and turned around, "H-hey, Rin!"
Rin looked deep in thought, "It's still kind of weird to think of you two as a couple. I remember how you two would just rough house and be dumb. You guys act a lot different now…"
Len frowned, "Hey, it's still us. We still mess around and call each other names and rough house. We just… we're closer than ever. We always loved each other, we just show it on the outside, now."
Oliver accused, "Are you sure you think that it's 'weird' or is it that it's you still don't approve?"
"What?!" Len looked between his sister and his boyfriend.
"I never told you this... but after we came out Rin pulled me aside to have a little 'chat'." Oliver explained.
Rin begged, "Oliver, don't-!"
"-I'm not just going to pretend like it didn't happen anymore!" Oliver yelled at her.
"What… what happened?" Len asked shocked at Oliver's outburst.
Flashback Start
"L-len… I'm scared." Oliver was shaking.
Len grasped his hand, "I-I'm scared too, but… you still want to do it right?"
He nodded, "Yeah… I don't want to hide, but… what if they don't accept us?"
Len bit his finger, "I don't know… It's not like they can make us break up or anything though, right? We'll always have each other now."
Oliver smiled softly, "You seem pretty confident about that."
"B-because I love you, Oliver." he reminded him.
Oliver hugged him, "I know. And I love you too. That's why… That's why I can do something scary like this. Because you're by my side. I… I want to fight for this. For us."
Oliver laughed at himself, "We haven't even been on our first date yet, but I'm so serious about this. I'm falling for you so fast… it's kind of scaring me. I've... never been in love before."
Len touched foreheads with him, "You're my first love too, you know. And you're right it is kind of scary. I'm trusting you with my heart. You could break it so easily… But I'm freely putting it in your hands and hoping that I won't get hurt. I used to be so scared of being in a relationship again. Even after I figured out I liked you, I didn't know if I wanted to even try dating. B-but being with you and being your friend… All those moments we shared were so special to me. I was so scared, but in the end I just knew I'd regret it if I didn't try. And I would have been right."
Oliver cupped Len's face, "I don't know how it happened, but… I'm so glad you fell in love with me. If you hadn't, I may never had realized how special you are to me. Ever since I met you all I wanted was to be by your side. And now I get to stand here with you, face to face. I really am the luckiest guy in the world."
They melted together in a kiss.
"Let's do this." Oliver breathed.
They left Len's bedroom and headed into the dining room.
"There you two are! Get caught up playing video games again~?" Rin teased.
Oliver and Len looked at each other.
"L-len and I have something we want to tell everyone!" Oliver declared.
The noisy dining room went silent.
Len and Oliver held hands, "We're dating!"
"Whaaaaaaaaaaatttttt?!" the room exploded.
They were bombarded with questions and exclamations.
Meiko stood up, "Everyone shut up!"
She then turned towards the boys, "We're all obviously surprised... Would you two be willing to answer questions after dinner?"
They looked at each other and nodded before Len answered, "S-sure."
"Now, everyone's going to finish up their dinner and then we'll have a talk about this, okay?" she told them.
Len and Oliver sat down at the dinner table and winced as they heard all the whispers circling around them. Neither one ate much.
Once everyone seemed done eating Rin asked, "So… you two are gay?"
Oliver clarified, "Len's gay and I'm bi."
Kaito looked confused, "Shouldn't it be the other way around?"
"What?" Len asked.
Kaito explained his thinking, "Didn't you have a girlfriend? So you've been with a boy and a girl, so you're bi. And Oliver has only been with a boy, so he's gay."
Oliver's jaw dropped. The fuck kind of reasoning is that?!
"Um… Sexuality isn't like a record of who you've been with, it's who you're attracted to?" Len tried to explain, "Yes I have had a girlfriend, but I wasn't attracted to her. I just like boys. And even though Oliver's never dated anyone else before he likes boys and girls."
Miku asked, "But how do you know you like both, Oliver?"
"I don't know, how do you know you're straight? It's just like that for me, I just feel that way for both sexes." Oliver stated.
"So do you like Len because he's a feminine boy? Since you like both?" Piko asked.
Len scoffed at Piko. Like he can talk...
Oliver furrowed his eyebrows, "Everyone's feminine and masculine. I didn't start liking Len because of some ratio or whatever you mean. I just… like him. And yeah, I like him as a boy."
"Len… I don't want to sound rude, but… Are you sure you don't like girls? It's just, you didn't exactly have the best experience with your girlfriend." Luka asked.
Len sighed, "Yeah, I'm sure. I… I really cared about Neru, you know. It's not like I didn't try, but… I just… I couldn't like her that way because I can't. I can't like any girls that way. I only like boys."
"So... how did you two start dating?" Gumi asked.
Oliver smiled, happy to have a question not about their sexualities, "Well, Len confessed to me and I thought about it and I decided I liked him back!"
"Wait, so you CHOSE to like him? I thought it wasn't a choice or whatever?" Gakupo asked.
Oliver facepalmed, "That's not what I meant! I just… um… didn't realize I had feelings for him until he told me he liked me that way… I liked him too, I just didn't know it?"
"But, Len didn't know he was gay and he figured out he liked you. Why wouldn't you have figured out the same thing?" Mayu asked.
Len looked at Oliver as he replied, "I… I… I don't know. It just… I…"
"Hey Oliver, I think I know why. I think you're idem-biromantic." Fukase said.
"Wh-what?" Oliver asked.
"You see people who are idemromantic don't really feel a difference between friendship and romantic attraction. So when they decide if they have romantic attraction they base it on stuff like age, personality compatibility, emotional closeness, ease of living together, presence of sexual attraction, or whatever. And since you can form romantic attachments and sexual attraction to boys and girls you would be an idem-biromantic bisexual." He explained.
Everyone stared at him and he shrugged, "I go on Tumblr."
"That's… That's actually really interesting. I guess… I kind of did do that. After Len confessed to me I literally laid in bed and analyzed how it would work and stuff. Maybe you're right… Maybe I am idem-biromantic..." Oliver pondered.
"Th-that's cool." Len said supportively even though he was confused.
Oliver squeezed Len's hand.
"...So who's the top and who's the bottom?" Kaai Yuki asked.
Len and Oliver blushed and Len answered, "I don't think we really have a top and bottom? That seems to be code for 'who's the boy and who's the girl' and you know like… The whole point of being in a gay relationship is that we're both boys. It's not like a yaoi or anything where there has to be a seme and an uke. I feel like we're just equal, you know?"
"Does everyone get it now? We are simply friends that fell for each other and now we're dating." Oliver reiterated.
"Yeah, congrats guys!" Nekomura Iroha clapped.
Suddenly the room erupted in cheers, "Yeah! It's weird but we're glad you guys are happy!"
Len exhaled and Oliver laughed in relief.
Suddenly someone started pounding the table and began a chant that quickly spread, "Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!"
Everyone joined in and Len and Oliver blushed. Len leaned over and gave Oliver a kiss on the cheek.
"Boooo! What a cop out!" They complained.
Len threw an arm around Oliver's shoulders and grinned, "Sorry guys, Oliver's kisses are for me and me alone!"
Oliver lightly batted his chest and whined, "Lennn…!"
The other vocaloids 'awwed' and chuckled at the pair, "You two are so cute!"
Things seemed to go back to normal as everyone rushed off to do their own things including the boys who started heading towards Len's room.
Oliver hugged Len, "We did it! We survived!"
Len smiled happily and yawned loudly, "Ahh, sorry. I didn't sleep well last night."
Oliver reached up and ruffled his hair, "You should get to bed then."
Len yawned again, "But… I want to stay with you, Ollie."
Oliver brought Len's hand to his heart, "You'll always be with me."
Len blushed and whispered, "I never thought you'd be so romantic, Oliver."
"I'm surprised too. I guess I just like seeing you blush too much~" he teased.
Len cupped Oliver's face and kissed him. Oliver wrapped his arms around Len's waist pulling him closer.
"I'll never get enough of you." Len breathed.
Oliver gave him a quick kiss, "I'm counting on it~ Now, go to bed!"
"Alright… I'll see you in my dreams~" He flirted.
Oliver rolled his eyes, "Leave before you ruin the moment, you dork!"
Len chuckled, "Heh, I love you."
"I love you too." Oliver opened Len's door for him.
Len threw his arms up in the air, "Right, right, I'm going! Night, Ollie."
"Night, love. Sweet dreams." He hugged him before Len finally entered his room and shut the door.
Oliver leaned against the wall and sighed dreamily. I can't believe my best friend turned out to be the best boyfriend ever. I can't believe that I love him so much already… I hope this lasts.
"Oliver?" Rin asked, "Can I... talk to you?"
Oliver blinked, "Oh um… sure!"
She motioned for him to follow her until they were in her room.
Oliver nervously sat down, "I'm guessing this has something to do with me dating your brother?"
"You're Hell right it does! What the fuck are you doing?!" Rin snapped.
Oliver winced, "What… what do you mean?! Why are you so angry?!"
"Oliver… How could you be so selfish! Len needs you as a friend not… not a butt buddy!"
Oliver gasped, "How dare you?! I never thought you'd be homophobic!"
RIn shook her head, "I don't care that he's gay! I care that he's going to lose his best friend! Don't you know how much you mean to him?!"
"What's the problem then?! He's not going to lose me! We're closer than ever!" Oliver exclaimed.
Rin scoffed, "You really mean that you're never going to want a girl and leave my brother heartbroken?!"
"...Are you saying I can't be faithful simply because I'm bi?" he asked.
"That's exactly what I'm saying! I don't know if you can be satisfied with just dating a boy! That's why you need to break up with him now before he gets hurt again!" she demanded.
Oliver stood up, "Fuck you, Rin! I love Len and I would never cheat on him! I don't need a girl and a boy to be satisfied, I just need to be with someone I love and that's him! So just fucking deal with it, because I won't break up with him!"
Oliver went to the door and called behind him, "Don't worry, I won't tell Len about this because I actually care about his feelings."
He slammed the door behind him and ran to his room.
Oliver began to sob and clutched a pillow to his chest. How could Rin say all those awful things? I… I thought we were friends. I thought she would realize just how much I love Len. I never want to see her again!
End Flashback
"Rin… Did you really say all those things to Oliver?" Len asked.
Rin teared up, "It's true! I'm so sorry! I just… I couldn't bare to see you get hurt again! Especially… especially because it was all my fault!"
Rin started sobbing, "I'm really sorry I said all that awful stuff to you, Oliver! I know there's really no excuse… I understand if you can't forgive me. I just want you to know that I was wrong. I was so wrong. You make Len so happy. You were the one that healed his heart. I just make everything worse!"
Oliver tentatively rubbed her back, "You know, looking back on it I understand why you said what you did. It was still very hurtful, but… I realize you were just trying to protect Len. That's the thing we have in common, you know, we both love Len very much."
Rin hugged him, "Again, I'm so so sorry. And I don't think that way about bi people anymore. I know you'd never intentionally hurt my brother like that. You're such a good boyfriend to him."
She then pulled away and looked at Len, "D-do you forgive me?"
Len sighed, "Honestly, I haven't had time to process like Oliver has, so yeah, I'm pissed! I…! Ugh, I guess I won't lecture you too much since it was a while ago and you're obviously sorry... But I'm really not happy about this, Rin! You went behind my back and threatened my boyfriend! Who I date is my choice and I expect you to not interfere again!"
Rin trembled and Len continued, "So… no. No, I don't forgive you. Not yet anyway… However, I still love you, okay?"
He hugged her and she started crying again.
He patted her back, "Just… give me a little space for a while, okay?"
Rin nodded, "O-okay, Lenny… Bye, guys."
"I'm glad that's over with, finally." Oliver said to himself.
Len crossed his arms and glared at Oliver, "I'm not happy with you either, you know."
"Wh-what?" he asked.
"You never told me what happened with Rin!" he yelled.
Oliver winced, "B-because I didn't want you to get hurt."
Len scoffed, "That's exactly what Rin was trying to do! It doesn't make it better just because you do it!"
Oliver touched his arm, "Len… I'm really sorry I didn't tell you. It was just… we had just started dating and I was scared that maybe… maybe you would have thought it was true too."
Len's face softened, "Ollie… I never once thought that you'd cheat on me. I guess I'll admit I was worried you might get bored of me because I'm a guy… but I also worried about you not liking me any more for other reasons! Any reason really…"
Oliver rubbed his arm, "It's okay, I understand, baby. I want you to know that you're more than enough. And I absolutely love you as a guy. I would never wish you were a girl or that I was with one. I love us just the way we are. I love that I'm a guy dating a super fit guy."
Len smirked, "Super fit, huh?"
Oliver pressed his hands against his boyfriend's chest, "The fittest~"
Len wrapped his arms around Oliver and pressed their lips together.
"So am I forgiven~?" Oliver asked.
"Not quite yet..." Len cupped his chin and went in for another kiss.
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Three questions, one each and one for both. Len: What attracts you to Oliver? Oliver: My favorite Vocaloid, are you a Tsundere? You seem quite mean to Len. Both: Why don't you start a Truth or Dare thing? It would make you ÜBER popular.
Len: Because he’s hot and adorable and he has the cutest butt ever? *pinches Oliver’s butt*
Oliver: *blushes* Ahh, Len!
Len: But seriously I think something that really attracts me to Oliver is how confident he is. He’s also just very playful and nice and loving! So many good qualities wrapped up in a super cute guy! What’s not to love~?
Oliver: *hugs* Heyyyy, don’t be so sweet after embarrassing me!!
Len: *squeezes* Your turn Ollie~!
Oliver: Mmm, I don’t think I’m a tsundere.
Len: Weeeelllll…!
Oliver: I’m not Tsundere! I’m a nice, loving boyfriend!
Len: That you are, sweetie, but I think we both know you like abusing me a little!
Oliver: That’s because you make it too easy~!
Len: See Tsundere!
Oliver: Nooooo…!
Len: Hey, Ollie, they have a point! Doing Truth and Dares would be fun!
Oliver: Yeah, I’m sure everyone would be entertained by you chickening out on half the dares.
Len: Whhhhaaaattt?!
Oliver: You heard me~!
Len: Do you really have that little faith in me?!
Oliver: *laughs* ... Oh wait you were serious?
Len: Aghh! You’re such a mean boyfriend! So Tsundere!! *pouts*
Oliver: Baaabbbbeeee doooonnn’tttt!
Len: Too late! *sticks tongue out*
Oliver: Ohhhh, I hope you get some really shitty dares!
Len: Bring it on! Kagamine Len needs to prove his boyfriend wrong!
Oliver: He means right!
Len: ...It’s a good thing I love you.
Oliver: *sticks his tongue out* You’re the one who wanted this relationship, remember?
Len: *gives thumbs up to self* Good job, past me!
Oliver: *rolls his eyes and kisses his boyfriend*
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Love Again
((Make sure to look up Love Again by the Pentatonix since it's kind of a music-y chapter, heh. This chapter is just Len and Oliver before they started dating. I freaking love to write them messing around and Len gets all sexually confused, lol.))
Oliver looked in the mirror and grimaced, "I can't believe I have to wear so much makeup..."
Len inwardly gasped as he took in Oliver's... Transformation. I know he's wearing makeup, but honestly, he actually looks more masculine than usual. The contour really brings out his jaw and cheekbones and the bright blue eyeshadow really makes the gold in his eye pop. He looks really, really... hot. That's the only word I can think of to describe him right now, even though he's also a boy... Rin voiced what Len was thinking, "I think you look badass, Oliver!"
Oliver looked her over, "Thanks Rin! You look awesome too!"
Len frowned. Is... Is he checking her out? Distracted by his thoughts, Len didn't notice Oliver subconsciously taking in Len's form. Rin does really look fit in her cyberpunk outfit... But I don't think even think a straight guy could resist Len... I bet quite a few of his fanboys would go gay for him. Oliver frowned. I wish I was that attractive...
Big Al fangirled, "I can't believe we're covering a Pentatonix song!"
"And I get to show off my beatboxing skills~" Piko bragged.
Rin cooed Piko, "Aww that's cute, you think you're the star of the show?"
Piko placed a hand on his hips, "Well I sure know it's not you!"
Oliver sweated, "Hey guys, I'm pretty sure the whole point of a Capella group is to um, you know, work as a team?"
Rin rolled her eyes, "Says the guy who got the main part!"
"Hey, leave him alone, Rin!" Len snapped.
Oliver raised his eyebrows in surprise and Rin cocked an eyebrow, "Looks like someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning."
Big Al squeals obliviously, "...I'm singing Avi's part!"
The rest of the group looked at each other and burst out laughing.
"Come on big guy, let's go make your dreams come true~" Piko dragged Big Al into the music video studio.
"Yasss!" Rin grabbed Len and Oliver by the wrists following the other two.
Oliver, Len, Rin, Big Al: Taste the pain right on my tongue Novocaine to make me numb
Piko: *begins beat boxing*
Oliver, Len, Rin, Big Al:
Don't you worry 'cause the night is young Dance until the morning sun Morning sun Morning sun Morning, morning, morning-ning-ning-ning-ning-ning Oliver: 
I am at a loss for words 
Can't believe I let you pull me down to this place You stole my heart and soul Just to think that I had-
Oliver, Len, Rin Big Al: -dried those tears from your face
Oliver: Len, Rin Big Al: I've played such a foolish game Ahh ahh ahh~ Feeling you were everything to me and more I don't mean to point the blame But baby you have hurt me to my very core
Oliver:  You don't know why  You don't know how You don't know when to love again You let me in then shut me out You have to learn to love again
Big Al and Piko: *makes beautiful bass noises*
Len: Learn to love again
Len, Oliver: Learn to love again
Len, Oliver, Rin: Learn to love again
Len, Rin, Big Al: Ahh ahh ahh~ Oliver:  Take me away from here  To a place where my feelings don't go to waste  We were in the atmosphere  Flying high above the stars that shone on his face So I'm running running baby 
From this hurting that you've given me  All through the night  Are we dancin' baby dancin' 
So your pretty face is hard to see  Tonight, tonight, tonight 
Big Al: *rejoins Piko in beat boxing*
Oliver:  You don't know why  You don't know how You don't know when to love again You let me in then shut me out You have to learn to love again
Len: Work!
Big Al: Imma teach you how to love Imma teach you Imma teach you how to love Imma teach...
Len: Work! Learn to love again
Len, Oliver: Learn to love again
Len, Oliver, Rin: Learn to love again
Love again
Love again
Love again
Len, Rin, Big Al: Taste the pain right on my tongue Novocaine to make me numb Don't you worry 'cause the night is young Dance until the morning sun
Big Al:
Imma a teach you how to love
You don't know why You don't know how You don't know when to love again You let me in then shut me out You have to learn to love again
Len watched as Oliver took over the stage. Just at a glance you'd probably think he's some shy little boy based on his appearance, but he actually exudes confidence. I think this is the first time I'm watching him perform in person… He shines so brightly. I feel like I'm only an instrument being used to compliment his brilliance. His words resonate within my being. Look at the way he moves… God, I could watch him all day.
Oliver beamed. I think I'm in love with performing. Right now I'm not a person, I'm a vibration bouncing off walls and colliding with the sounds coming from everyone else. I can literally feel the music. All of us together, right here and now, we are music itself. What a beautiful feeling… I love it. I love being a vocaloid!
Len performed all his parts perfectly, the words, the moves… But his thoughts were a billion miles away. There's just something about this song… What does it mean to me?
"You don't know why, you don't know how, you don't know when to love again." I guess that's kind of true. Getting out of an abusive relationship, I really don't know what relationships are. I'm kind of scared to try loving someone again. I mean… I wasn't in love with Neru, but I definitely cared about her. Isn't that a type of love?
"Learn to love again." I sang over and over. What is love? Can you just start over? Or can you be broken beyond repair? I don't know what love is… but I know it's something I can't live without. Like oxygen, like music. How do you find love? Who can show me how to love?
"Flying high above the stars that shone on his face." Did Oliver just sing "his"? I could have misheard… it could have been "your"... Why does that make my heart pound? That maybe this song could be about two guys trying to love?
There's a billion ways to interpret a song. No way is really right or wrong. So what is this song in my eyes?
There's a guy… And he get's out of a bad relationship with a girl. And then… then he meets a guy. But he doesn't know how to love him, he didn't even know he liked guys. He's confused about whether or not he's simply afraid to love another girl or if he could never actually love a girl… But he keeps having feelings as him and the other guy get closer together. He wonders when feelings turn into love.
As soon as they finished the song, Oliver turned to all of them and beamed, "That was amazing guys, thank you for sharing that with me!"
Len's heart skipped a beat. But it's just a song… right?
"You don't know why, you don't know how, you don't know when to love again~" Len sang to himself softly.
"So the song's stuck in your head too?" Oliver asked sitting down next to Len on the couch.
Len jumped a bit, "Y-yeah…"
Oliver pursed his lips, "I don't know what it is about it. I mean the lyrics aren't that special or anything, but I really like the song. I guess it's just catchy?"
Len nodded, "Hey, Oliver? Can I ask you something?"
"Uhh… I guess?" Oliver shrugged.
"What do you think the song's about?" Len asked.
Oliver lifted his eyebrows, "Oh wow… Honestly I hadn't really thought about it… Hmm…"
He thought for a moment, "Well… I suppose it's about being in love with someone who's kinda toxic, you know? Although I suppose that's half of the songs out there, haha. What do you think?"
Len explained, "Well I was thinking about it and like… what if the song's about two different relationships? Like what if someone was in an abusive relationship but then they fall for someone new. So they have a lot of bad and confused feelings about love so they're having a hard time accepting their feelings and connecting with the person they're falling for. And so during the whole song they're telling themself that "you don't know why, you don't know how, you don't know when to love again" so "you need to learn". I don't know that probably sounds pretty ridiculous…"
Huh, I wonder if he thought of that because… that's how he feels? He was definitely in an abusive relationship, but does that mean he likes someone? Well, if he does fall for someone else, I hope he has better taste this time around… Someone who'll treat him right. Oliver thought.
Oliver shook his head, "That's not ridiculous! That's actually a really cool interpretation! I never would have thought about it like that!"
Then he pouted, "I wish you had told me that earlier, I would have tried to convey that idea when I sang it!"
Len rubbed his neck, "Ahh, sorry, I just thought of it…"
"Sooo… What are you up to, other than using your brain for once~?" Oliver teased.
"Thinking, because I do use my brain!" Len protested.
Oliver clicked his tongue, "Okay there, touchy!"
Len scoffed, "I'm not touchy!"
Len paused, "...I guess I have felt a little weird today."
"Heh, looks like someone's going through the angsty teen phase~" Oliver asked.
Len fake grumbled, "You're lucky the angsty teen doesn't kick your 12-year-old butt."
"I'd like to see you try~" Oliver dared.
Len pushed Oliver down on the couch and straddled him, "What were you saying~?"
Oliver grinned pulling Len to his chest and rolled off the couch landing on top of him, "Haha, I thought a nerd like you would be smarter!"
"Ow!" Len blushed and squirmed underneath him, "Hey, let me go!"
Oliver stuck out his tongue, "Make me, bitch!"
Unable to get his arms free, Len pushed his abdomen off the floor and quickly flipped over throwing Oliver off of him. Both boys raced to their feet knowing that it's easier to overpower the other person from a higher vantage point.
Oliver pushed on Len's chest, "Come at me, brah!"
Len shoved him back, "Just remember you asked for it!"
The boys joined hands and entered into a game of mercy. Len was pushing with all his might when Oliver intentionally retracted his own force. Oliver quickly let go of Len and stuck his foot out. Falling forward due to his own force he tripped over Oliver's foot and landed face first on the floor.
Oliver sat on top of him, "Come on Lenny just admit it~ Say I won~"
"Nooooo…!" Len whined bucking his hips trying to shake him off.
Oliver blushed and pushed down harder to keep him from moving, "H-hey, stop that!"
After a few more moments of struggling Len finally went limp.
Oliver laughed, "Decided to wait it out, huh? Too bad I could do this all day~"
Len groaned, "You suck…"
"How's it feel to be weaker than a vegetarian Mr. meat-gives-me-muscles?" Oliver asked.
"Sh-shut up!" Len blushed.
Oliver simply laughed and started poking Len's cheeks, "Come onnnn, break already!"
"I can barely tell you're on top of me since you weigh next to nothing, Mr. vegetarian!" Len exclaimed.
Oliver sighed and laid down on top of Len and whispered into his ear, "You're going to break~"
Len shivered at the feeling of Oliver's breath on his ear. Whoa, what the fuck was that? It felt like a wave of electricity just shot through my body. My heart's pounding really fast too...
"Break, break, break, break, break!" Oliver chanted into Len's ear.
Len went tomato red, biting his lip. Oh my god… Wh-why does it feel so weird and tingly? Wh-what the Hell is going on?!
"I GIVE UP!" Len shouted unable to take the weird feelings Oliver was giving him anymore.
Oliver got off of him and smirked, "Was that so hard~?"
Len sat up and took a deep breath.
Oliver tilted his head and said, "Hey are you okay? You look really hot..."
Len blushed even more. Um… why would he suddenly call me hot? Why does that make me feel funny? Oh wait! He meant like I looked overheated! Oh duh, hahahahaha…
Len sweated and fanned himself, "O-oh I'm fine! Don't worry about me!"
Oliver nodded, "Okay… So what should I take for my victory?"
"Wh-what?" Len's eyes widened.
Oliver tapped his chin, "Hmmm… Oh make me dinner!"
"Whhaaattt?!" Len exclaimed.
Oliver pulled him up, "Yeah you gotta make me food! Dooooo itttt!"
Len groaned, "Ugh, fine!"
"You're the best~" Oliver signed a heart.
Len didn't know why but he blushed.
Len gasped as fire burst from the pan, "Oh my god!"
"LEN!" Oliver shouted wrapping his arms around him and pulling him away from the stove.
Oliver quickly topped off the fire in the pan with a cover and turned the burner off. He then quickly spun back towards Len.
"Oh my god, you're so dumb! Why would you add so much oil you idiot?!" Oliver shook him by by the shoulders.
Oliver flung his arms around him and hugged him close, "You… You really scared me."
Len shakily hugged Oliver back, "Y-you think you were scared?"
Oliver pulled away and shook his head, "I totally saved you from natural selection…"
"I feel like you're always saving me." Len honestly admitted.
Oliver smiled, "I guess that's because you're worth saving, damsel in distress~"
Len blushed and uncovered the pan, "Yeeeaaahhhh, I definitely burnt it."
Oliver raised an eyebrow at Len, "Was there really any doubt?"
"Uhh, want me to make you some instant ramen?" Len asked.
Oliver shook his head, "I don't even know if I can trust you with that. Go sit your butt down and I'll make us some ramen, ya freeloader."
Len blushed with embarrassment, "Ah, thanks, Ollie."
"You're welcome, dumbass."
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First Date
((I have to say... This is probably the cheesiest shit I’ve ever written and I’ve written a lot of cheesy stuff. Enjoy Len and Oliver’s first date.))
Len tousled his hair for the billionth time. Okay, I think I’m ready! Oh my gosh though, I’m so so nervous… I can’t believe I’m going on my first date with Oliver! I… I never thought I would get to say that. I didn’t even know I was gay when I met Oliver. After he saved me we became very close and I couldn’t help but fall for him. Ever since then, everything started making sense and why everything had felt so wrong with…
Len shook his head. I’ve spent too long thinking about her. I just want to move forward and be with the person who truly loves me. Oliver… My Oliver…
Len smiled to himself before gasping at the clock. Oh no! It’s time to pick him up!
Oliver paced back and forth. I’m… I’m going on a date with Len! My Len! We’re… gosh I can’t believe we’re dating! It’s official though. We even came out to everyone, that was scary… Probably the scariest thing I’ve ever done. This date will be a piece of cake compared to that! But… what if it’s bad? Would Len break up with me for that? Oh god… I can’t pretend. I’m nervous! Please let everything go okay…!
Len knocked on the door, “Oliver?”
Oliver threw the door open and beamed, “Len!”
Len smiled back, “Hey!”
“Hey!” Oliver blushed realizing what he said was kind of dumb.
“S-so I was thinking movies then icecream? Is that okay?” Len asked.
Oliver nodded, “Yep, sounds pretty date-y, haha!”
Len ruffled his hair, “Heh! I thought so! Um… so let’s go?”
“Let’s!” Oliver agreed as the two began walking to the theater.
After awkwardly walking in silence for a few minutes Len blushed, “Hey um… do you want to hold hands?”
Oliver blushed as well, “I-in public?”
Len looked away, “N-never mind…”
“I’m not ashamed, you know! It’s just… embarrassing?” Oliver hoped Len would understand what he meant.
Len smiled reassuringly, “Don’t worry, Ollie. You know I don’t want to make you uncomfortable or anything.”
“Thank you…”
They finally arrived at the movies.
“So what do you feel like, Ollie?” Len asked.
“O-oh um…” Oliver glanced over the movie titles, “Well… this is a date so… maybe romance?”
“That would be a logical choice!” Len agreed.
“S-so which one?” Oliver asked.
Len read over the movie titles once more, “Actually… All these romances sound… really cringey and hetero.”
Oliver laughed, “Well, I’m sure they’re hetero!”
Len sighed sadly, “Yeah…”
Oliver cleared his throat, “Sorry, that wasn’t funny. Um… What about horror? That’s kind of date-y too, right?”
Len winced, “I mean… we could if you want.”
“You know what, forget it! We’re two guys going on a date, we can go to any damn movie we want!” Oliver exclaimed.
“Y-yeah!” Len agreed.
Oliver went through all the genres and finally something caught his eye, “Okay, so this is going to sound really lame…”
Len poked Oliver, “Tell me~!!”
“Well, it looks like they’re actually showing Beauty and the Beast right now so um…?”
Len gasped, “I love Beauty and the Beast!”
Oliver smiled, “Me too! So would you want to go to that?”
Len nodded, “Yeah! All these new movies suck anyway…”
As they entered the ticket line Oliver teased, “You sure you’ll be able to handle the heteros in Beauty and the Beast, Len~?”
Len blushed, “Sh-shut up!”
Oliver giggled, “You’re actually kind of cute when you’re embarrassed~”
Len squealed and Oliver’s eye widened, “You okay there, buddy??”
Len blushed harder, “S-sorry! I keep forgetting we’re dating and then I’m so surprised when you flirt with me! Do you know how long I’ve waited for this to happen?!”
Oliver grinned, “Aww, love! That’s so precious!”
Oliver leaned over and whispered in his ear, “I really want to kiss you right now~”
“Next!” the ticket booth worker called.
Len went tomato red, “Heyyyy! Um so we want um… two? Yeah, two tickets to Beauty and the Beast, please!”
The worker looked between the two boys, “Okay then… Remember it’s a kids movie.”
Len frowned grabbing the tickets and walking away, “We- we know.”
“Len… did he just…?” Oliver asked in shock.
“Pretty sure!” Len fumed, then he looked at Oliver sadly, “Sorry, Oliver. I guess you’re going to have to hear nasty stuff like that more.”
“I just… I just can’t believe how casual that was. Like if I hadn’t been paying attention I wouldn’t have even noticed what he really meant.” Oliver shook his head, “Should we have called him out or something?”
“I… I don’t know.” Len admitted, “I’m just as new to this as you are.”
“...Hey, Len?” Oliver laced their fingers together, “I want to hold your hand…”
Len brought their intertwined hands up to his face and kissed them, “It’ll always be there for you, Angel.”
Oliver blushed, “L-let’s go get some popcorn!”
They hopped in line for the concession stands.
Len groaned, “Why does the movies have so many lines? What is this Disneyland?”
Oliver laughed, “Wow, you’re so impatient, baby!”
Len blushed, “Heh, yeah! I guess I am!”
“Do you want anything other than popcorn?” Oliver asked.
“Um... soda?” Len sheepishly asked.
Oliver rolled his eye, “Obviously! I mean other than that!”
“Haha um, I don’t think so?” Len laughed nervously.
“Well, Daddy’s getting himself some Reese’s Pieces~” Oliver cooed.
Len sweated, “...Did you just refer to yourself as “Daddy”?”
Oliver blushed, “Um… no?”
“Next!” the concession worker called.
“What can I get ya?” they asked.
“We’ll take a large popcorn, a box of Reese’s Pieces, a Coke and…?” Oliver looked to Len.
“A Root Beer, please!” Len quickly added.
The worker nodded, “Okay that’ll be an arm and a leg.”
Both Oliver and Len got out their wallets.
Oliver shook his head, “Ah ah! You just bought the movie tickets, I’m paying for food!”
“But Ollie…!” Len whined.
Oliver slapped Len’s wallet out of his hands and shoved the money at the worker, “Quick, take it!”
“That was dirty, Oliver!” Len exclaimed shoving his wallet back into his pocket.
“Oh, you haven’t seen dirty yet, love~” Oliver whispered giving him a sly wink before gathering up half their food items.
Len blushed gathering the rest. Fuck, he’s sexy!
Oliver called to Len, “I got the straws and napkins! What movie theater are we in again?”
Len checked the ticket, “Umm… 22.”
Oliver sang softly, “I don’t know about you, but I’m feeling 22~”
“Woooowwww…!” Len laughed.
Oliver thought aloud, “Damn Tay-Tay, another masterpiece. #songwritinggoals”
Len scoffed, “You did not just use hashtag in a casual sentence!”
“I can and I did! Fight me, bitch!” Oliver challenged.
Len simply laughed.
“Where do you want to sit?” Oliver whispered glancing at the theater rows.
“Well if we’re in the back we could…”Len started.
“Back it is~!” Oliver agreed.
Once they were finally settled in Len asked Oliver, “Hey Ollie, could you move your drink to the other cupholder?”
“Um… okay?” he did as he was told.
Len raised the chair arm that had previously separated their seats.
Oliver gasped, “Magic~”
Len scootched closer, “Now we can really sit together.”
“And it’s easier to share the popcorn!” Oliver cheerily exclaimed.
“Mhmm~” Len agreed.
After the movie had been going for a few minutes Len faked yawned starting to stretch his arm toward Oliver.
“You’re not doing that really lame thing are you?” Oliver whispered.
Len quickly placed his hands back in his lap, “O-of course not.”
Oliver laughed softly and grabbed Len’s arm draping it over himself, “It’s okay, I’m into it, lameo~”
Oliver quickly pecked Len’s cheek before resting his head on his shoulder. Len blushed and squeezed his boyfriend.
They both grinned and thought at the same time. I love him so much.
A little later during the famous ballroom scene Len leaned in and kissed Oliver, “Sorry, I couldn’t wait until the end~”
“Stop” kisses “being so” kisses “distracting, love!” kisses.
“Was that enough kisses~?” Oliver asked.
“I’ll never get enough of your kisses, Ollie~” Len declared.
Oliver grinned and rolled his eyes, “Hey, let’s switch positions.”
Both boys look at each other and blushed. After Len retracted his arm, Oliver slid his own arm over Len’s shoulders and Len tentatively rested his head on Oliver’s shoulder.
Len breathes deeply, “This is nice…”
“It is…” Oliver blows into Len’s ear “Now hush up and enjoy the rest of the movie, you dork!”
Before they know it the movie is coming to a close and this time it was Oliver who sweeps Len up in a kiss, “I love you.”
“Mmm, I love you too.” Len breathes against Oliver’s lips returning the kiss.
Suddenly, the movie theater lights come back on and Oliver and Len jump apart from each other.
“WOW THAT WAS A GREAT MOVIE, WASN’T IT?!” Oliver loudly exclaims.
“Smooooth, Ollie. They’ll never suspect a thing now~” Len teased.
“Sh-shut up!” Oliver blushed.
Len and Oliver exited the movie theater swinging their interlocked hands back and forth.
“So where’s this ice cream I was promised?” Oliver asked.
“W-well, there’s this vendor at the park and I thought it would be nice to um, you know, watch the sunset while we eat?” Len blushed.
Oliver tsked, “So lame… I love it.”
The boys grinned at each other, obviously lovestruck.
“Oh there it is!” Len pointed out the ice cream stand.
“What can I get you fellas?” the vendor asked.
“Mmm, I’ll have a Strawberry, I think!” Len exclaims.
Oliver stated, “And I’ll have a Chocolate, please.”
Again, both boys got their wallets out.
Oliver sweated, “Umm… You want to just go dutch on this one?”
“Ahh, okay!”
They separately hand over their money and claimed their respective ice cream cones. After finding a bench Len started licking on his treat while Oliver just stared at his.
“Is something wrong?” Len asked licking his lips.
“How do you eat ice cream sexily?” Oliver murmured.
Len snorted, “Ollie! Don’t be so silly just eat it, haha!!”
Oliver blushed and finally began sucking on his own ice cream.
After dispensing their leftovers in a nearby trashcan, Oliver grimaced, “Eww, my hands are all sticky…”
“I’m sure that’s not the first time.” Len wiggled his eyebrows. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Oliver blushed scarlet, “Lennn!!!”
Len smirked unable to contain himself, “I’m sorry, Oliver, it just CAME out!”
Oliver squeezed his eyes shut, “Ahh, I’m never talking to you again!”
“It’s okay. I can think of a couple other things we can do besides talking~” Len kissed Oliver’s neck.
Oliver opened his eyes and stared into Len’s face, “Are you enjoying the sunset?”
Len kept his eyes only on Oliver, “Beautiful.”
Oliver whined, “Len, that’s sooo cliché!”
Len laughed, “Because it’s a good line! It won you over didn’t it?”
Oliver shook his head, “You’ll have to do better than that.”
Len bit his lip, “Okay then… How about… I don’t need to look at the sunset when I’m already staring at the light of my life.”
Oliver blushed, “Where’d you get that from?”
Len grinned smugly, “I just made it up~”
“What an awful talent…”Oliver mumbled while leaning in for a kiss.
More kisses were exchanged between the pair and before they knew it the sky had grown dark.
Oliver gasped, “Len, let’s lay down and gaze at the stars!”
“Okay…”  Len let Oliver pull him to a deemable patch of grass where they laid down still connecting their hands.
“So I’m the cheesy one, huh?” Len asked.
“Shut up, it’s pretty…” Oliver awed.
Len glanced over at Oliver, “Hey Ollie?”
“You don’t suppose that right now we’re star crossed lovers, do you~?” Len grinned.
Oliver groaned, “Oh my god, I’m divorcing you!”
Len gasped, “But we haven’t even had our wedding night yet!”
Oliver and Len stared at each other, blushing significantly.
“Hey, Len?” Oliver whispered.
“Do you think… one day we’ll get married?”
Len squeezed Oliver’s hand, “I hope so, ‘cause I… I want to be with you forever.”
Oliver searched Len’s eyes, “Forever’s a long time.”
Len shook his head, “Forever is nothing in the face of true love.”
“Do you really believe in that?” Oliver asked doe eyed.
“I do when I look at you.” Len breathed.
And the lovers kissed making a silent vow before the stars that had witnessed many other encounters between many other lovers across all of time. But none were quite as in love with each other as Len and Oliver in that moment which would live on forever in their hearts. What a perfect way to end their first date...
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The Girlfriend
((WARNING! Triggers: emotional abuse and mention of suicide. This fic takes place when Oliver and Len first met, but Len was still dating his girlfriend, Neru.))
"Baaaabbbeee" Neru whined. 
Len paused his game and sighed, "What?" Neru sat on his lap, "We never go out anymore, I want to do something fun!" Seeing him lower his gaze she cupped his face, "What's wrong, Lenny?" Len swallowed, "I don't know. I just... I just feel depressed lately. I'm sorry..." She hugged him, "Oh sweetheart, don't worry, we'll get over this, you and me, okay? I love you." Without waiting for a response she kissed him. Ugh, kissing’s kind of gross. It's wet and slimy and you taste weird chemicals from lipgloss. The movies lied, there are no fireworks. I don't feel anything when I kiss her. "Len?!" Rin called, "Oh, there you two lovebirds are~" Rin was really happy when Neru and I got together. They were friends and when Rin found out Neru had a crush on me. So she set us up and the rest is history. Now we've been together for a month, but... I don't really love her. She obviously cares for me and we spend a lot of time together, but I just feel empty and alone. "Come on you two, the new vocaloid will be showing up any minute!" Rin squealed. "Eee, come on Len, let's go!!" Neru forcibly grabbed my hand and dragged me down the stairs. Neru and Rin chatted while Len stared off into space imagining what the new vocaloid would be like. Luckily, he didn't have to wait long- the doorbell rang. Rin shoved Miku out of the way and opened the door, "Hi ya!!" "Ah, hello, um... Rin?" Oliver stated. Oh god, I hope I got her name right! "Kya, you remembered!!" she exclaimed wrapping her arms around the British boy. Miku pulled her off, "Hey, I'm suppose to welcome the new vocaloid because I'm number one, bitch!" Rin got into a karate stance, "Come at me, brah!" What the bloody Hell...? Take me back to England! These Japanese vocaloids be crazy! Oliver thought. Len sighed stepping between the two, "Can we not do this today? Especially in front of the new guy?" Oliver smiled at his savior. Thank the Queen, I'm saved!! Is that who I think he is? That's got to be Len, Rin's twin, right? He's just as attractive as his pictures, but... He looks tired. Is he okay? "Lennn, you're suppose to support your older sister!!" Rin whined. Len rolled his eyes at his sister, "I'm sorry, they're crazy. Just ignore them, they're both attention whores, but they'll calm down soon.”
Rin and Miku stomped away complaining to each other about how mean Len was.
Len finally focused on Oliver, “I'm Len, what's your name?"
Whoa... He's cute! Just look at him! ...That was a weird thought. Go to sleep brain. Oliver chuckled awkwardly and extended his hand, "Thanks for saving me! I remembered you! I'm Oliver. It's nice to meet you." Len shook it and smiled, "Ooo how foreign~ I hope we can be friends!" Oliver couldn't help but smile back, "Me too!" Neru cut between the two, "Lennn, introduce me!!!" Len flinched, "Sorry... Oliver, this is Neru." Neru stomped on his foot, "Len!!" "Ow! ...Ah, she's my girlfriend." He quickly added with a hiss. Oliver frowned, "I see..." Did she just stomp on his foot?! What a fucking bitch! He seems so nice, why would he be dating her?
She looked Oliver up and down, “Aww, you’re so cute! Len, why can’t you be as cute as him?”
Len look down with shame, “I-I’m sorry, Neru…”
She clicked her tongue, “Maybe if you played less video games and put a little more effort into yourself, you’d be less depressed too!”
“Neru...” Len begged. You’re embarrassing me. Please stop. Please…
“Hey, I like video games too!” Oliver exclaimed, “And I don’t know what your girlfriend is talking about, Len. I think you look great!”
Len blushed and he smiled, “Thank you!”
Neru huffed and grabbed Len’s hand, “Let’s go up to your room, Len.”
Len resisted, “But I-”
“Len!” she growled, her eyes shooting a warning.
“H-hey if he doesn’t want to go with you-!” Oliver started.
“This isn’t any of your business!” she snapped, “This is between me and my boyfriend.”
Len winced at the title. I don’t want to be her boyfriend anymore. I feel so trapped. How do I get free?
Len forced a smile, “D-don’t worry about me, Oliver. Neru’s just… passionate. I-I love her very much.”
Neru’s eyes lit up, “Babe!!”
She quickly mashed their lips together pointedly claiming him in front of Oliver.
She shot a smirk at Oliver, “See ya later~”
Oliver watched Neru drag Len off with disgust. I think… I think I just witnessed domestic abuse. Poor Len. I know he said he was fine, but he looked like he wanted to cry. I know I don’t know you very well, but I hope you’ll be okay.
Neru: Be good while I’m gone, k? I wuv you! <333
Len: Promise. ily2
Len sighed a breath of relief. Thank god girls love shopping together. Now I can finally play some video games!
“Len?” Oliver walked in.
“Oliver, hi!” Len beamed.
Oliver plopped down next to Len, but suddenly tensed up and started looking around, “Is she-?”
“On a shopping trip, thank goodness!” Len practically danced.
Neru: Miss me?
Len ignored her text, “So… you like video games?”
Oliver grinned, “Oh yeah~ I’m a real pro!”
“Well, then I’m sure you’ve heard of me, the King of Mario Kart!” Len pointed to himself dramatically.
“Ooo, you are soooo on, nerd!” he exclaimed picking up a wii controler.
Neru: Do you think I should get this pink lipgloss or this rose lipgloss?
Len turned his phone off.
“Noooo…!” Len shouted at the screen.
Oliver laughed evilly, “Nyhehe! Eat that red shell, Len!”
Len’s jaw dropped, “Y-you beat me at rainbow road!”
Oliver grinned confidently, leaning back with his hands behind his head, “Who’s the King now~?”
Damn, I thought before he was cute, but… he’s hot. And he’s nice and cool and… Oh god… these are really weird thoughts! You have a girlfriend, Len! Even if you don’t like her you can’t just… especially a guy. He’s a guy!
Len shook his head to clear his away his thoughts, “That was a total fluke! If you hadn’t had that red shell, I would have won for sure.”
He teased, “But you didn’t~”
Len dramatically slammed his fist on the coffee table, “I demand a rematch!”
“Sure thing! I could keep up with you all day, noob~!” he stuck his tongue out.
“LEN FUCKING KAGAMINE!!!” Neru roared, causing both boys to jump.
She grabbed Len’s phone and shoved it in his face, “What the fuck is this?! Did you fucking turn your phone off?!”
“Neru I-!” Len started.
Neru sobbed, “Do you know how worried I was? Len you know about my anxiety! I love you so much- how could you do this to me?!”
Len hugged her and stroked her hair, “I… I know. It’s all my fault. I’m sorry.”
Oliver awkwardly rubbed his neck, “Um… I’ll see you later, Len?”
Len watched as Oliver left. Wait… I didn’t want you to go.
“Don’t you still love me, Len?” Neru asked meekly.
Len lied, “Yeah…”
She pulled away to look Len in the face, “If you love me, then prove it. Have sex with me.”
Len shook his head, “Neru… no.”
Neru teared up again, “But baby-”
Len pushed her off of him, “Stop! I… We’ve talked about this before. I don’t want to have sex! Why can’t you just respect me?!”
Neru nodded, “You’re right, baby. I’m sorry. I just wanted to try and make you happy. You just seem distant lately. I want to help…”
Len brought his knees to his chest, “I know… I just… I think… I think I want to break up.”
Neru cupped his face, “Baby, you don’t mean that…”
Len started crying, “...I’m not happy. Please, let me go.”
Neru whispered, “Len… If you leave me. I’ll kill myself.”
Len shook his head, “Neru… No…”
“I love you so much, Len. I can’t exist without you.”
“Len...are you okay?” Oliver whispered at the breakfast table.
“I’m fine… just not hungry.” Len pushed the plate of food away without taking a single bite.
Oliver examined his dark circles, “You look tired…”
“Didn’t sleep well last night. Don’t worry about me, okay?” he forced a smile.
Oliver nodded, “Okay, Len.” I know it’s none of my business, I barely know him, but look at him… he look’s like a zombie. Apparently he’s not sleeping or eating now? That doesn’t sound good at all. Am I really the only one noticing this?
“Hey, Lenny~” Neru kissed Len’s cheek. I feel like I’m going to throw up…
“I… I don’t feel good. I’m going to go back to bed.” Len announced.
“Don’t worry, Lenny! I’m sure Neru will be a great nurse.” Rin flashed him a smile.
Len nodded, “I’m sure… Just… let me sleep for a bit, okay?”
“Your wish is my command, dearest~” Neru cooed. Yeah right.
Oliver knocked on his door, “Len?”
Len trembled. Oh god, I bet it’s Neru. I don’t want to see her. I can’t do this anymore.
“Yeah?” he softly answered back, hoping she wouldn’t hear his reply.
“I’m sorry. I just wanted to check up on you.” Oliver answered as he shut the door behind him.
Len smiled and tried to sit up, “Oliver!”
He immediately fell back down and clutched his head, “Ahh… I feel so dizzy.”
Oliver grabbed his hand, “Hey, are you okay?”
Looking up at Oliver with worry in his eye made Len choke up, “No… No, I’m not.”
“I… I know we haven’t know each other long Len, but you can talk to me, okay? I’m really worried about you…” he squeezed Len’s hand.
Len started sobbing, “L-last night I tried to break up with Neru, b-but she said if I did that she… she would kill herself.”
Oliver gasped, “Oh! Oh Len! I think… I think you’ve been trapped in a abusive relationship for a while now, but we’re going to get you out, okay? Everything’s going to be okay now.”
Len shook his head, “No it’s not! This isn’t the first time… She’s not bluffing, Oliver. She’s hurt herself before. I don’t want her to die, but… but… I’m so unhappy! She’s always yelling at me and crying and she’s driven all my friends away and I’m so alone… I can’t do this anymore!”
“Don’t worry, Len. It’s all going to be okay now. I know just what to do, okay? Don’t cry. You’re okay. You’re okay…” Oliver comforted him as he continued to cry.
Rin teared up, “Len, I’m so sorry. I didn’t know-!”
Len hugged her, “It’s okay. How… How’s she doing, by the way?”
Rin explained, “Well she’s in the hospital now, as you know. It looks like they’re keeping a really close eye on her and they started her on some meds and therapy. She already seems a lot better.”
Len nodded, “That’s good.”
Rin hugged Oliver, “I don’t know how I’ll ever thank you. You saved my brother and my friend. Thank you so much!”
“Ah… I’m just glad Len’s okay now.” his eyes drifted to Len.
Len beamed, “I’m better than okay! I’m free! I can do anything I want now! And um Oliver…?”
“Yes, Len?” Oliver asked.
Len blushed, “I’d really like to get to know you better.”
Oliver smiled brightly, “Me too, Len!”
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((Macaronilen requested the boys take a look at this doll! It goes from really serious to really stupid really fast. XD #howtoknowyou'reinarelationship))
Oliver: *sniggers* Len you’re a Barbie.
Len: *scoffs* First of all there is nothing wrong with being a Barbie! You’re just jealous~! But secondly, this isn’t a Barbie, it’s a Dollfie Dream! And thirdly who sang the song about being a… What was it again? A “Barbie Girl”?
Oliver: *sweats* You swore you’d never bring that up again!
Len: Geez, you get so touchy about your masculine sometimes. What’s wrong with singing about Barbies or being a girl?
Oliver: Nothing, it’s just a little… Um…
Len: *frowns* “Gay”?
Oliver: *rolls his eyes* Oh here we go again! You know I wasn’t going to say that.
Len: We both know that’s what you were thinking.
Oliver: Ugh, just because I’m not “homo” I’m automatically not good enough to be a part of the fucking community. How dare I be bi? Shame on me!
Len: I didn’t say that!!
Oliver: *mocks* “We both know that’s what you were thinking!”
Len: Oliver, I’m sorry… I really didn’t mean that at all. There’s nothing wrong with being bi. I love you just the way you are. *hugs*
Oliver: *sighs* I’m sorry too. You know you’re right though, I do get insecure about my masculinity easily. I’m not confident like you. You know exactly who you are and you don’t let anyone put you in a box. But I do get upset if I’m assumed to be gay. I shouldn’t because there’s nothing wrong with being gay, but I’m not so…
Len: Hey, it’s okay, sweetie. You know I get upset too if I’m assumed to be straight. It just doesn’t feel right and makes me uncomfortable. I try not to show it, but it does get to me. Like I wonder if I’m gay enough sometimes.
Oliver: Yeah, labels kind of suck sometimes… Like they have power, but they also box you into like these stereotypes and stuff… I don’t blame people for not wanting to label themselves…
Len: Yeah…
Oliver: Yeah…
Len: Um, aren’t we suppose to be talking about dolls?
Oliver: Oh yeah! Sorry! We totally got off topic! Honestly, I think it’s a little funny, but that’s just because I’m imagining Len having tea parties with Mrs. Nesbit.
Len: Who doesn’t want to have tea with Mrs. Nesbit?!
Oliver: …Damn, you right. Anyway, I think your doll looks really good, like art!
Len: Just like the real Len Kagamine~
Oliver: *facepalms* I can’t believe you say these things out loud.
Len: It’s true and you know it! *model poses*
Oliver: *blushes* Maybe… *picks up the doll and stares at it intensely*
Len: *sweats* What are you doing?
Oliver: *mumbles* I wonder if it works like a voodoo doll…
Len: Ahh, put it down! *reaches over to grab it*
Oliver: *keeps it out of reach and forces the doll’s hand to it’s face* Why are you hitting yourself? Why are you hitting yourself?
Len: Really? If you had a voodoo doll of me you would make me hit myself?
Oliver: *smirks* That’s quality entertainment, love~
Len: And you say I’m childish?
Oliver: That’s not the only thing I would do with it!
Len: Oh god, what else would you do?
Oliver: *uses Len voice and messes with the doll* I’m Len Kagamine and I’m so famous I can’t fit my big, shota butt on one side of the bed. I need all of it! That’s why I have to push my boyfriend, Oliver, out of bed in the middle of the night!
Len: *blushes* That was one time…!
Oliver: *continues to mess with doll with his Len voice* I’m Len Kagamine and I have definitely pushed my boyfriend out of bed more than once! I’m also prone to shoving my knee up his ass and not in a sexy way!
Len: *reaches for the doll* Ahh, stop!!
Oliver: *holds the doll out of reach again and continues* I’m Len Kagamine and I have short arms! Even though my boyfriend is slightly shorter than me I always have to ask him to reach things for me!
Len: *whines* Ollie!!
Oliver: *continues* I’m Len Kagamine and I- oof!
Len: *tackles Oliver to the floor* Give me the damn doll!
Oliver: Never! *wrastles*
Len and Oliver: *pulls on the doll until the head pops off*
Len: You killed me! *sobs*
Oliver: My son…!
Len: What?
Oliver: What?
Len: …This is why we can’t have nice things.
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The Confession
((So this is a flashback of how the boys actually got together! I hope you all enjoy this angsty, cheesy tale! ^-^))
Len  paced around his room biting his finger. Oh man, I really really like Oliver. I mean… at first I became interested in him because, well, he’s really the only guy my age that I found attractive…  But this isn’t just attraction anymore! I just… I like hanging out with him and the faces he makes when I tease him. I like the way that even when he gets mad and yells at me there’s still no hint of true meanness. And I really like watching  him interact with James when he thinks no one is looking. He’d never admit it, but he’s full of love and kindness. I want him to feel special. I want to give him all my love. Yeah… I love him. I’m in love with Oliver.
Len sat down on his bed and clutched his banana shaped pillow. Ah, there’s no way he’d ever like another guy, right? But I love him so much… How will I ever get him to fall for me?
“Here you go, James.” Oliver smiled sweetly as he filled the bird dish with food. James chirped with glee as he started his midday feast. Oliver chuckled to himself as he was reminded of the encounter James and Len had earlier today over a banana. He rolled his eyes even though he definitely wore a grin. Len… He’s such a dork. All we really do is tease each other and mess around, but he’s probably the closest thing I have to a best friend. Even though we’ve been hanging out more than ever I have a weird feeling that there’s some kind of distance between us.
Oliver sat on his bed and frowned. Maybe I went too far with one of my comments and hurt his feelings? I don’t know. I’m not sure what to do in a situation like this. But… Len and I are friends, right? I think so… All I know, is I don’t like this. I want him to really smile at me again. Like he used to. He has a nice smile…
Oliver shook the dreamy grin off of his face. Whoa, that was… weird. L-let’s just try and fix the problem with Len, okay? Ah, should I go talk to him or wait for him to come to me?
Len took a deep breath. I have to do this. I need to face Oliver. I just… I can’t hide my feelings any longer.
Len knocked on the door, “O-oliver? You in there?”
Oliver opened the door examining Len’s face closely, “Hey, Len… What’s up?”
Len looked away cursing the blush he felt on his cheeks, “Um, are you hungry? There’s this new vegetarian restaurant that opened up so I thought um… maybe… we could go?”
Oliver leaned against the doorway eyeing Len suspiciously, “You want to go to a vegetarian restaurant? Mr. eats-meat-every-meal?”
Len rubbed the back of his neck nervously as he came up with an excuse, “Well… you um… inspired me to cut down on my meat intake? Y-yeah, I thought going to this restaurant could show me my options and stuff! And I mean obviously you’re a vegetarian so… wanna go with me?”
Oliver pursed his lips in thought. I don’t buy it. Something’s… off. Guess I won’t figure it out if I don’t go. Plus, vegetarian food! <3
“Umm… is it going to be just the two of us?” Oliver asked.
Len sweated. Oh crap, is he catching on that I’m basically asking him on a date?! Ah, I mean of course he’s so smart, he’s definitely seen right through me! And I mean I’m pretty gay. Even though I haven’t told him he could have figured it out. Especially because of the way I look at him… Oh god.
Realizing he needed to say something Len replied, “Yeah?”
Oliver nodded, “Great.”
Len blushed at his response, feeling like he was walking on air.
“Awesome!” Len exclaimed feeling like a giddy school girl.
Oliver asked Len seriously, “...Are you on drugs?”
Len laugh nervously and rubbed his stomach, “No, I’m just uh low blood sugar’s all! Let’s go eat!”
He pivoted and started walking away. Oliver followed behind his eyes tracing Len’s form. What the Hell’s wrong with him?
“May I take your order?” the waiter asked us.
Len made eye contact with him, “Uh, actually can we have a minute?”
The waiter smiled, “Take your time, honey. And if you have any questions let me know, mmkay?”
Oliver furrowed his eyebrows. Am I just being paranoid or is the waiter flirting with Len?! I’m not homophobic or anything, but I just… I don’t like it. I came here to figure out what’s wrong with Len and enjoy a meal, not to watch some random guy flirt with him!!
Len glanced over at Oliver wincing at his clearly irritated expression, “I’m sorry I’m taking so long to decide, Oliver… There’s just a lot of stuff on here I’m not familiar with.”
Oliver’s expression softened, “Oh, don’t worry, it’s fine! I was actually thinking about what you’d like. I think you should try the barbeque tofu. It’s kind of like meat, but you know... not. Plus there’s no vegetables, I know you’re not very fond of those… Honestly, sometimes I can’t believe you’re not 5.”
Len blushed shamefully at Oliver’s comment, “Ahh… Thank you, Oliver.”
“I’m sorry, Len. I’m just in a bad mood I guess… I um, have a headache?” he lied.
Len’s eyes widened in worry, “Oh would you like me to run to the pharmacy across the street and grab you some Ibuprofen?”
Wow, that’s a really sweet offer from him. I guess shouldn’t have lied… Oliver shook his head quickly, “Oh no! I think the caffeine from my drink will be good enough! Really don't worry about me.”
“If you're sure…”Len replied.
The boys looked away from each other and awkwardly sipped on their refreshments.
“Are we ready to order?” the waiter came up and asked with a smile.
Oliver inwardly sneered. I like how he says “we”, but he’s clearly making googly eyes at Len. This is soooo unprofessional…
“Um, I’d like the b-bar… bar…” Len stumbled over the foreign word.
The waiter leaned over Len’s shoulder, “Just point to it, honey.”
“He wants the fucking barbeque tofu!” Oliver growled.
The waiter blushed, “Ohh, I’m sorry. I didn’t realize you two… Um, what would you like to order?”
Oliver’s jaw dropped, “Umm? We’re not a couple if that’s what you insinuating?”
He tilted his head to the side, “So you’re not gay?”
Oliver blushed, “O-of course not!”
“Why do you care if I flirt with him then? You act like you're his boyfriend.” the waiter spat.
Oliver scoffed, “Excuse me we came to eat? And by the way it’s rude to assume someone’s sexuality?? I would think someone like you would know that.”
“Well if you have a problem with “someone like me”, you're sure as Hell going to have a problem with him!” the waiter pointed at Len.
“Len’s not-” Oliver stopped mid-sentence as I glance over at Len, his eyes filled with tears.
He stood up avoiding eye contact with Oliver, “E-excuse me…”
Len ran out of the restaurant allowing his tears to flow. I’m so stupid. I’m so so stupid. Did you see the way he reacted when the waiter asked if he was gay? He was so angry. And now he knows that I’m gay! Forget love… There’s no way Oliver will even stay friends with me now. Maybe I should just come back later and get that guy’s info. Maybe he could distract me from my broken heart?
“Len?!!” Oliver yelled. I’m such an arse. The way a lot of that came out was really nasty… Len must think I hate him. Is he really gay? I never ever would have guessed. I guess I don’t really think about it? Ugh, whatever’s going on this must be the reason he’s been acting weird. I can’t believe I made him cry… Len, I’m so sorry.
Oliver caught up to Len and grabbed his wrist, “Len I-”
Len tried to twist out of his grip, “Let go of me, Oliver! You made your feelings perfectly clear!”
Oliver flinched but refused to let up on his hold, “This is all a big misunderstanding, I promise! Can we just talk?”
Len wiped his face on his sleeve, “Yeah…”
We sat down on the opposite sides of the nearest bench.
After a minute of silence Oliver slowly asked, “So… you’re gay?”
Len wouldn’t look at him, “Yeah.”
“Len…” Oliver reached over and placed a friendly hand on Len’s knee.
Len’s eyes widened and he turned towards Oliver, “I-I thought you hated me.”
Oliver shook his head, “Len, I honestly don’t care about you being gay. I promise. I was just upset that that waiter was blatantly flirting with you. I thought it was rude…”
Len’s eyes searched Oliver’s, “Y-yeah?”
“I do have one question…” Oliver admitted,  “I know she was awful but... didn’t you have a girlfriend?”
Len winced, “Yeah, but that was before I figured out that no, I’m into boys. Just boys.”
Oliver swallowed and blushed a little, “And there’s nothing wrong with that! Nothing at all… You know we’re friends and I would never judge you for that, right? We’re all good now, right?”
Len closed his eyes and shook his head, “Oliver… there’s more.”
Oliver chuckled nervously, “W-what? Did you kill someone or something??”
Len bit his lip. Fuck it. I know he’ll never like me the way I like him. Can I just pretend for a moment?
He leaned in and brushed his lips against Oliver’s.
Oliver quickly pulled away holding his hand up to his mouth, “L-len?!”
Len stared into his eye, “Oliver… I love you.”
Oliver scooted further away from me shaking his head, “No… Len… Stop…”
Len choked up, “I’m in love with you Oliver. I… I just couldn’t keep it a secret any longer.”
It was Oliver’s turn to tear up, “So you kissed me? Why…. why didn’t you just tell me? You stole my first kiss!! That was suppose to be with a girl I loved, Len!”
Len trembled, “I know you’ll never love me. I’m sorry, Oliver, I wasn’t thinking. I’m so sorry if I hurt you. I love you…”
Oliver stood up, “Stop saying that! How dare you claim to love me when clearly you don’t even respect me.”
“I’m sorry, Oliver. I wasn’t thinking straight…” Len sincerely apologized.
Oliver snorted, “Obviously you weren’t thinking straight!”
Oliver winced at the hurt on Len’s face, “I’m sorry, Len. I’m just upset. I realize you're sorry, but I need time to get over this. I hope… I hope eventually we can be friends again.”
Len reached out to Oliver, tears streaming down his face, “O-oliver…”
Oliver sobbed and backed away from him, “I’m sorry, Len. I can’t. I can’t.”
With that he ran back home.
Len balled his eyes out. What have I done?
Oliver leaned against his closed door. Oh my god… He… He kissed me.
He reached up and touched his lips. He stole my first kiss. Len, how could you? I was saving that for a special girl because I’m straight… I’m straight… I’m straight...
The next morning both boys laid in their beds.
Len sighed. I hope Oliver’s okay… I’m so stupid. Life sucks.
Oliver turned over and blushed. I can’t believe Len has an actual crush on me. Looking back it does explain a lot… but still. Len, a boy, likes me! I mean, how did this happen? Why me…? I mean, I’m not gay or anything, but Len’s obviously hot. I mean like really fit!! He could totally do better than a loser like me. I mean that waiter yesterday was practically drooling over him.
Oliver could feel the steam come out of his ears as he thought about that flirty waiter. “You act like you’re his boyfriend.” That’s what he said to me. That’s not true though, right? No way… I mean, I guess I do nag him a bit and we do spend a lot of time together, but one key element is missing! I’m. Not. Gay. I was just upset that that stupid guy was blatantly flirting with my friend! It was rude! But, I guess maybe that wasn’t my place. He’s right, if I’m not his boyfriend why would I care if Len did flirt with another guy. Isn’t that what I want? Him to like someone else?
Oliver thought of Len dating a guy and frowned. I guess, I just don’t like the idea. I’m not a homophobe though. I’m sure of it! I support and know lots of gay couples so why? If I’m not gay, obviously I like girls, so why? Could I be jealous? N-not in a romantic way or anything, but maybe because he’d be spending less time with me as a friend?
Oliver nodded to himself. Yeah, I guess I was jealous afterall. I… I really like Len, as a friend. He’s always kept me company and made me smile and laugh. We had some really good times. I guess, all those moments we spent together meant a lot to him. They meant a lot to me too, but I… I don’t love him… I… Wow, this is actually kind of hard. He means so much to me and he really does make me happy. But do I love him? And what does that mean if I do?
Oliver’s thoughts shifted to Len. I wonder how he’s doing. Probably beating himself up about yesterday. I mean, I really really didn’t like him kissing me like that, but I don’t want him to be depressed over it. Even though he shouldn’t have done that, I probably did overreact a bit. It was just a peck. And according to Len he… he loves me. That moment probably meant a lot to him and I made it really ugly.
Oliver covered his head with a pillow, “Uuuuggggghhhh!!!”
This is all so confusing. Damn, you Len Kagamine! I mean… am I really questioning my sexuality here? Does that mean that I am gay or something? Straight guys wouldn’t be laying in bed thinking about their best friend down the hall. But then again, most straight guys probably don’t get kissed by their gay friends.
Oliver breathed. Okay, okay. Let’s examine the facts here. I like girls. There is no question about that. B-but boys? I don’t know… I mean, I guess I can tell if guys are attractive, but does that mean I’m attracted to them? I definitely think Len’s attractive… But could I kiss him and more?
Oliver swallowed. The kiss… I… I don’t know how I feel about that. It was my first kiss ever and it was really quick, but I don’t think I hated it? And my heart was pounding, but that could have just been from shock. D-did kissing him actually turn me on?
Imagine kissing him. For real. Our lips coming together and saliva mixing as our tongues fight for dominance. And he would trail kisses down my neck while he squeezes my ass. And then he would… he would…
Oliver mewled as the fantasy took over and he clearly had a hard on. His mind turned over dozens of hot, sweaty, gay scenarios with Len Kagamine and with a little help from his right hand he came.
Oliver panted. Well, you sure can masturbate to having gay sex. So um… checkmark next to liking boys? ...Is it really that simple? Oh my god, am I… bisexual?
Oliver started shaking. I think. I think I might actually be bisexual. I like guys. Holy shit… And if that’s right, if I am really bi and Len’s gay… we overlap. We could- we could actually date. I could date my friend Len- a boy.
Oliver started laughing. This. Is. Insane. No way. No way! I… I’m straight. I… No, that just doesn’t sound right anymore. I’m bi. I’m definitely bi. But how? How could I have lived my entire life up until now and not know who I really am? Did society brainwash me or did I deceive myself?
Oliver laughter turned into sobs. I’m bi. I’m gay. I like boys. I could have gone my whole life thinking I was straight. I can be with a boy or a girl… Oh my gosh, I have so many options!! And I have one big one staring me in the face. Len. He’s my friend, he loves me, I’m sure he wants to date me. I know I’m bi now, but… do I feel the same for him?
Oliver blushed. Well, I certainly know I’m physically attracted to him. But what else? I… I like how happy he is. He’s always smiling and joking and making the world brighter. And even though he can be a little childish he’s actually very caring and sweet. Even when I’m not with him, somehow I’ll always be reminded of him and I enjoy that. Could I have actually had a crush on him and not had known it? Well, apparently I was bi this whole time and didn’t know it so… but crushes are special. Shouldn’t I have noticed my heart beating fast or something.
Oliver closed his eye and placed a hand over his heart. I guess when your heart beats fast around someone you like it’s because you're nervous ‘cause you know you like them, right? I don’t feel nervous around Len. I just feel really happy and warm when he’s around. I thought that feeling came from companionship, but perhaps it came from love? I wonder if my heart would beat fast now that I know I have a crush on Len. I have a crush on Len? Maybe… maybe I do. And if that’s true, my crush likes me back. He loves me. He kissed me.
Oliver pursed his lips. Even though I think I might like him, I still don’t like that he kissed me without permission… Can I forgive him for that breach of privacy and respect? “I know you’ll never love me.” My heart hurts thinking about that. That’s what he said after he kissed me. Imagine being in love with someone for a long time and thinking they would never ever love you. And it’s not even because of a regular reason, simply gender. I mean, gender matters, but it must still hurt to think about. Like if you were the exact same person but with the opposite gender they could actually like you. Romance is messed up. Gender really doesn’t matter to me, but if the roles were reversed… if I was a girl… Len wouldn’t like me. But Len can’t help that. That’s the way he was born. Just like I was born to like boys and girls. And Len and I were both born boys. Our sexual orientations overlap. We like each other. Everything seems to be leading up to the same conclusion. That maybe I should give Len a chance. Maybe I should date Len.
Oliver squeezed a pillow to his chest. Stuff like going on dates… Am I ready for that? I am only 12. And Len is 2 years older than me. So we’d go out and do stuff just the two of us… Would that be fun? I mean we did just do that yesterday, but that wasn’t exactly the best experience. The stupid waiter got on my nerves though and Len was acting really weird… Oh. Oh! Len and I went to a restaurant just the two of us. That was… that was a date! I went on a date with Len!! Sorta? I didn’t know it was a date… but that was probably why he was so nervous yesterday! Maybe… maybe he was planning to confess the whole time?
Oliver’s heart sped up. I know he shouldn’t have kissed me… but if I knew then what I know now… I think I would have wanted him to kiss me. Yeah, I… I really think so. I think I actually, really like Len. I like Len!! I want to see him!
Oliver jumped out of bed and rushed to get ready. Ahh, I definitely have to brush my teeth and do my hair… And what should I wear?!
After having a mini-crisis, Oliver was finally ready. Okay, I’m going to go find Len, now. Ahh!
Oliver’s stomach did somersaults as he found his way to Len’s bedroom. Might as well start by checking here.
Oliver knocked on the door. No response. “Len?” he called softly, finding his vocal chords unable to work properly. Still no response. He was about to continue his search around other areas of the mansion, but Len let out a choked sob affirming he was indeed in there. Len… I’m sorry I let you suffer by yourself for so long. I want to be there for you though. I want to dry your tears. I hope I’m not too late.
Len continued to sob into his pillow. It really is useless. Oliver will never want to see me again. Why did I have to kiss him? He was right I could have simply told him… I just… He’s my first real love. I knew it was never going to happen. I just wanted to pretend that for even a moment he could love me too. But it was just an ugly lie I told myself and hurt Oliver with. I’m so selfish. I never should have kissed him. I’m so sorry, Oliver. I’m so so sorry. Can we at least be friends? Please… You’re the best person I have ever met. I never want to live without you. Even if I can only admire you as a friend, I’d be okay. Please…
Oliver slowly creaked open Len’s door, “Len?”
Len quickly sat up, “O-oliver?”
The two stared at each other before Oliver voiced, “Um… can I talk to you?”
Seeing Len nod, he closed the door behind him and sat on the edge of Len’s bed.
Len started tearing up again, “Oh Oliver… I’m so sorry. I never should have touched you. I can’t imagine what it must be like having a guy force himself on you like that… It was really wrong of me. I know we can never be together. I’m so sorry. Oliver I-”
Oliver wrapped his arms around Len, “Shh... Don’t cry. It’s okay.”
“Oliver…” Len blubbered.
Oliver carefully wiped away Len’s tears and smiled, “There, that’s better.”
Len’s lip trembled, “W-why are you being so nice to me…? Do you really forgive me?”
Oliver tapped his chin exaggeratedly, “Hmm… Do I forgive you? ...Yep!”
Len stared at the boy in bewilderment, “But, Oliver… I really don’t deserve to be forgiven so easily… I did something really bad…”
Oliver flicked his forehead, “I think it’s up to me to decide whether or not I forgive you, Len. Trust me, I know you did something bad, I was kind of there. And I mean, although I didn’t appreciate you kissing me without permission, I know you’re really, really sorry so I forgive you, okay?”
Oliver looked away from Len and blushed, “Let’s try again, shall we? Ask me if you can kiss me or not.”
Len eye’s widened, “Wh-what?!”
Oliver blushed even harder and hit Len lightly, “I said ask me if you can kiss me again! I’m the victim here so just do what I say! I’m teaching you a lesson!”
“Oh, I see…” Len’s shoulder’s slumped and he asked half-heartedly, “Oliver… C-can I… can I kiss you?”
Oliver swallowed, “G-go for it.”
Len covered his face with hands, “Oliver… I know you're mad at me, but don’t be cruel. I want to try and just be friends again, b-but right now… I’m still in love with you…”
Oliver grabbed Len’s wrists and forced his hands down, “Len… I’m serious. I… want you to kiss me.”
Len shook his head, “I’m sorry if I confused you, Oliver. We both know you're straight. I don’t know if you want to experiment or something, but I just… I can’t. I know I kissed you, but I just… wanted to pretend that you loved me too. I know you don’t though so please don’t ask me to-”
“Len Kagamine you are honestly the most infuriating person I have ever met! First you kiss me, then you can’t let me forgive you and then you can’t comprehend that I like you too! It’s a good thing I do love you because this is a lot of headache!” Oliver huffed.
Len’s breath hitched, “You… love me? But that’s… that’s impossible.”
Oliver lifted his eyebrows, “Oh is it? After all the time we’ve spent together, is it really that hard to believe that somewhere along the way, I fell for you too?”
Len drew his knees to his chest, “Well, you made it pretty clear yesterday that you weren’t gay…”
Oliver sighed, “That’s because I’m not… I’m pretty sure I’m bi.”
Len looked up at Oliver, “B-but if you liked me then why would reject me yesterday?”
Oliver blushed and rubbed the back of his neck, “W-well, maybe I didn’t figure out that I liked you until 10 minutes ago?”
Len made a disbelieving face.
Oliver waved his arms, “Wait! Hear me out! Look… I… I never really thought about guys that way before. Like ever. I mean I knew guys could like other guys, but it never even occurred to me that I could like guys too! I’ve known forever that I liked girls, so I just assumed I was straight. I didn’t realize that the admiration I’ve always had for other guys is actually attraction. Probably because I didn’t want to accept myself, you know? It was just easier to just be straight and leave it at that. But now I know that I like guys and girls! I’m sure of it! I’m here and I’m queer!”
Len nodded, not looking at Oliver directly but listening closely, “That still doesn’t explain why you think you like me.”
“Hey look at me.” Oliver poked Len in the cheek.
Their eyes met and Oliver exclaimed, “I definitely like you, okay? I feel really really bad that it took me so long to figure it out and you’ve been suffering all by yourself. It really breaks my heart. I know it probably seems unbelievable that I like you after everything we went through yesterday… but it is true. I like you, Len. I think I might even love you. I know I didn’t even know I liked guys, but it was still there right? I think subconsciously I gravitated towards you because I just loved who you were. Do you know how many vocaloids there are living in this damn house?! And out of all of them the one I wanted to see everyday was you. I thought it was just because I liked you as a friend, but you’ve always meant more than that to me. You make life so much more colorful and brighter and I want to continue spending my days with you. I want to go on dates and hold your hand and kiss you and wipe your tears away and maybe… someday… make love and um… Ahh, it’s a lot harder to talk to you now that I know that I like you.”
Oliver wiped the sweat off his forehead with his arm and held his arm out, “L-look, I’m shaking, I’m so nervous! A-and sweaty… Sorry, that’s gross I shouldn’t have said anything-!”
“Mmmm!” Oliver was silenced by a kiss from Len.
He closed his eyes and leaned into the kiss. Wow kissing is really weird, but it feels amazing!!
Len pulled away blushing like a bride, “Am I dreaming…?”
Oliver pinched his arm and Len yelled, “Ow!!!”
“Looks like you're awake~!” Oliver teased sticking his tongue out.
Len whined, “Ollie, you’re a mean boyfriend!”
Oliver blushed but continued to joke, “H-hey now! I only kissed you, I never said I’d be your boyfriend!”
Len wrapped his arms around Oliver, “Nope! You’re mine now, I’ll never let you go!”
“Oh no, I’m trapped! How did you know bear hugs were my only weakness?!” Oliver feigned.
“Luck?” Len replied sheepishly.
Oliver shook his head, “Wow, personality, talent, looks, brains and luck? I never stood a chance!”
Len nuzzled Oliver’s chest, “This is literally the best day of my life.”
Oliver smiled and ran his fingers through his hair, “Duh, you’re dating me now! You’re welcome~!”
Len pulled away to take in Oliver’s face, “I promise, that from this day forth I will do my absolute best to be the best boyfriend ever and make you the happiest guy alive.”
Oliver blushed, “Wow, you really are serious, huh? Guess it’s my turn to make a cheesy vow… Um… I will try my best to not be the suckiest boyfriend ever?”
“That’s fine. I obviously have low standards since I fell for you.” he teased.
Oliver shook his head, “I’m not sure if that was a bigger insult to you or me… I’ll count it as another win for me then! Nyhehe!”
Len rolled his eyes with a grin, “How did I fall for you again?”
Oliver shrugged, “I literally have no idea. But liked you said, it’s too late now! You’re all mine~”
Oliver tentatively leaned in for a kiss which Len happily reciprocated.
They rested their foreheads against each other as they caught their breath.
“Len… You’re my boyfriend…!” Oliver whispered excitedly.
Len rubbed his nose against Oliver’s, “And you’re mine.”
“Ahh, Len you’re so lame!” Oliver blushed.
Len smiled and laced his hands with Oliver, “I love you, Ollie~”
“I love you too, Len. No waiters can have you!” Oliver declared.
“Never.” Len agreed with a smile as he went in for another kiss.
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RP: Player!Oliver and Shy!Len
((Okay, so I’ve been thinking about it for a while and I decided that I want to be able to post roleplay oneshots and flashbacks/moments with the boys in fic form. I think that’ll just work out nicer, but I’ll keep all Tumblr asks and reacts in script form, does that sound good? Okay! ^-^))
“Hey, Ollie?” Len asks with a blatant blush.
Oliver tilts his head, “What is it, baby?”
Len whines, “I want to try roleplaying!”
“Wow, how gay are you?” Oliver smirks.
Len scoffs, but before he can say anything Oliver grabs his hand.
“I was just kidding, love! Honestly, it sounds like fun. But um… what do you want to roleplay?” he asks.
Len closes his eyes and immediately shouts, “Player!Oliver!!!!”
Oliver smiles smugly, “Fantasy of yours~?”
“Yeah, because if you were a smooth guy you would give me so many compliments and flirt with me!!” Len exclaimed with heart eyes.
Oliver rolled his eyes, “The lengths you’ll go to fish for compliments, I swear. Well, if I’m a player, I want you to be shy! For once maybe you’ll be quiet, haha.”
Len huffs, “Fine! I will be the most kawaii shy guy ever! But since this is roleplaying you have to go with whatever happens just like improv, okay?”
Oliver nods, “Sounds good… But just in case maybe we should have a safe word?”
Len taps his chin, “Oh right… Um… Bananas?”
Oliver shakes his head, “You think you can really go a whole rp session without mentioning bananas?”
“You’re right...What about um… Code Blue?” Len asks.
Oliver cocks an eyebrow, “That’s oddly specific.”
Len explains, “Remember in Undertale how Sans explains the blue attack by saying it’s like a stop sign, but blue? That’s what I was thinking of.”
Oliver snorted, “Wow Len, you’re such a fucking nerd sometimes, haha! I love you!”
Oliver kisses his cheek, “Well, I guess I better go get changed to sell the part. I might have to raid your closet though since you have a bunch of douchebag clothes.”
“Heyyy!! Ah, I’ll go get dressed too!”
Len: red glasses, longsleeve shirt and sweater vest, tie
Oliver: baseball cap backwards, tank top hoodie, baggy shorts, golden chain, black fingerless gloves
Len walked to the wall pretending it was his locker, “Ahh, I th-think this is it!”
Before he can “open” his locker, a hand is pressed up against the wall.
“Hey, cutie~ You must be new here because I definitely would have remembered you~” Oliver winks.
Len pushes up his glasses and nods, “Th-that’s right... “
Oliver smiled, “I knew it! My name’s Oliver, by the way. I would love to know yours~”
Len looked at the floor, “I-it’s Kagamine. Kagamine Len…”
“Damn, what an adorable name! It totally fits you~!” Oliver flirted running his hand down Len’s arm.
Len’s eyes widened and he backed up into the wall, “Ahh, e-etto, d-do you think you could show me around? S-since I’m new and all…”
Oliver bowed and offered his arm, “At your service, m’lady~”
Len blushed, biting his lip, “Y-you’re not one of THOSE kinds of guys… are you?”
Oliver smirked, “Why? Would that make you uncomfortable~?”
Len tapped his pointer fingers together, “B-but two guys…”
Oliver cupped Len’s chin, “Guy, girl it doesn’t matter. They all fall for my charms eventually. You better look out Len Kagamine, because I’ve set my sights on you.”
Oliver added using his best Gaston voice, “The lucky girl I’m going to marry!”
Len burst out laughing mumbling “I love you” before clearing his throat and getting back in character.
Len closed his eyes, “Ahhh, e-etto, I better get to class now!”
With that he nose dived into their bed, the “classroom”.
Oliver sits down next to Len, “Not only are we in the same class, but it seems like we’re sitting next to each other. It seems we connected by the red string of fate, hmm~?”
Len covered his face with his hands, “Wh-what am I going to do?”
Oliver laid his head in Len’s lap making him squeal.
“God you’re adorable~ I think you should just accept that we’re meant to be!!” he exclaimed confidently.
Len legitimately blushed, “I’m sure you tell all your other… ‘conquests’ that.”
“But baaabbbeee, you’re different! I swear!” Oliver whined.
Len pursed his lips, “I-I’m sure you tell them that too…”
Oliver sat back up and grabbed Len’s hands, “I’ve never felt this way about anyone before.”
Len shook his head, “B-but we just met today. There’s n-no way you really like me… You just want to use me then lose me…”
Oliver rubbed the back of his neck, “How can I explain this… With other people it was all a game. I didn’t care about them and they didn’t care about me. They’d use me to feel special and I’d use them… But with you it’s different. I can genuinely tell you don’t want anything from me. So if you liked me it means you’d actually like me for me…”
Len’s eyes widened, “O-ohhh... “
Oliver continued, “And I like you… I mean really like you. I noticed you because of your looks and stuff but I really like your personality! I know we just met, but you’re really sweet. I know I can come on a little strong, but you were really nice to me even though I could tell you were uncomfortable. And I just feel a connection with you! When I look into your eyes, everything feels more real… You’ve awakened my heart. I… I think I’m falling in love with you.”
Len’s eyes became half-lidded as he touched his heart,  “Ollie… I mean! Um… W-wow, that’s quite a confession.”
Oliver leaned closer raising his eyebrows, “Well…?”
Len tentatively put his hand on Oliver’s cheek, “I… I think I like you too. I’ve n-never done anything like this before. I’m not sure what to do… M-maybe you are just a player who’s going to break my heart. But if anyone breaks my heart, I-I want it to be you…”
Oliver pressed his forehead against Len’s, “I won’t, baby. I promise. This is real.”
“C-can we…?” Len breathed.
Oliver pulled on Len’s tie causing their lips to collide.
“Mmmm~” Len moaned into the kiss.
Oliver pushed Len down onto the bed.
Len cocked an eyebrow whispering, “So the desks magically became a bed?”
“That’s the power of Love, baby!” Oliver winked.
Len rolled his eyes chuckling at his abnormally cheesy boyfriend.
Oliver nibbled on Len’s ear, “Roleplaying was a good idea, love. Super sexy~”
“Mmm, sexy’s right…” Len purred dragging his hand down his lover’s chest.
Oliver grinned going in for another kiss, “Len… I can’t believe this is your first experience with kissing. You’re a real natural~”
Len bit his lip realizing they were resuming roleplaying, “Ah, well I’m doing the best I can to keep up with someone s-so… experienced.”
Oliver trailed kisses across Len’s jaw and neck, “It’s true. There’s much I could show you~”
Len squeezed his arms tight around Oliver, “W-well… show me.”
Oliver sat up and took his shirt off, “As you wish~”
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who tops in this relationship? Just curious :)
Oliver: *glares* I’ll fight you.
Len: *rubs Oliver’s back* Don’t get so upset, love. Let’s spread understanding instead, shall we?
Oliver: *pats his cheek* You’re such a good person… Anyway, hi questioner. I understand you’re asking an innocent question and don’t mean anything by it, but it does upset me… You see when people assign labels to gay couples like “top and bottom” or “dom and sub” we know what the question really is… “Who’s the guy and who’s the girl?”
Len: *nods* You see, the whole point in dating the same sex is that there is no guy and girl. I don’t understand why people don’t get this… But um, the fact is I think even with straight couples the point is to be equal. And that goes with our sexual relationship as well.
Oliver: Yeah, I mean it is true that some couples prefer certain roles over the other, but it is often not 100%. Len and I both give each other affection emotionally, physically and sexually. So like Len said it’s basically equal. Even if I was the bottom or top more often I still wouldn’t want to identify with such a term because I find it a little degrading to be honest… I mean, people don’t go around asking hetero couples who’s the “top” and who’s the “bottom”, right?
Len: Yeah, I really don’t understand why it’s okay to go around asking gay couples that stuff when it would be rude to do so to a hetero couple… But it’s really okay that you asked, we’re not mad at you or anything! It’s good to talk about stuff like this when it comes up and hopefully people will be able to understand stuff better from our perspectives.
Oliver: Mhmm. Basically, there’s no top or bottom, no dom or sub, no “guy” and “girl”. We’re just two guys who happen to be a couple! We’re just Len and Oliver!
Len: Couldn’t have put it better myself, love.
((Hey, so I am in a queer relationship and questions like “who’s the top and who’s the bottom?” or “who’s the guy and who’s the girl?” I find to be personally a little rude. First of all it isn’t really anyone’s business, second of all these labels just feel like people are trying to put our relationships in hetero terms. That just doesn’t work. The whole point of a homo relationship is that it is between two people of the same sex and what people choose to do in the bedroom shouldn’t make them assigned to a stereotype? Sorry, just my own little mini gay rant within my fictional mini gay rant. I’ll leave now… >.>))
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What's a typical morning in your household?
*beep* *beep* *beep*
Len: *shuts off alarm clock* Ugh, it’s 7:00am already? *gently shakes Oliver* Baby, it’s time to wake up now.
Oliver: *turns over* Mmmghhh…
Len: *sighs and gets up to brush teeth and jump into the shower*
Len: *moderately shakes Oliver* Sweetie, you really need to get up now, we have to leave by 8:00, okay?
Oliver: *pulls pillow over his head* 5 more minutes…
Len: *shakes head and goes to get dressed and do his hair*
Len: *pulls covers off Oliver* I’m going to go down and make breakfast. You need to get that cute butt of yours in the shower right now, mister!
Oliver: *groans* But Lenny…
Len: I swear that I’ll undress you and bathe you myself! *starts pulling off Oliver’s pants*
Oliver: *jumps up out of bed* Okay, okay I’m going!
Len: *slaps that ass* Much better~
Oliver: *runs to the bathroom and slams the door*
Len: *skips downstairs to prepare breakfast*
Oliver: Baabbbeee? What’s for breakfast?
Len: Banana pancakes~
Oliver: *sits down and sighs* Really, again?
Len: *places food in front of Oliver while whispering in his ear* Don’t like it? Then you can make your own fucking breakfast in the morning, bitch.
Oliver: *sweats* Len, breakfast looks great as always!!
Len: *kicks a leg up in the air* I know~!
Oliver: *grumbles* And people think I’m the yandere…
Len: *sits down across from Oliver with his own breakfast* What were you saying my lovely boyfriend that I literally dragged out of bed this morning and then made breakfast for?
Oliver: *blushes* Umm… That I’m an ass, but I love you?
Len: I love you too, sweetie. It’s okay, you know I’m all about that ass~ *winks*
Oliver: *shoves a bite of pancake in his mouth* You’re really going to start that this early in the morning?
Len: The love machine is always ready to go~
Oliver: Well, I would hope so since it’s already 8:00am.
Len: *inhales pancake* Okay, ready!!
Oliver: Did you even taste the food??
Len: *grabs Oliver* No time for questions, love, we gotta go!
Oliver: *gasps* Oh shit, I forgot deodorant!  
Len: *sighs* I’ll go start the car… *grumbles* Every damn day…
((Sorry, guys I know it’s been a bit. I’m not abandoning again, just had a little writer’s block is all. Love you guys!))
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Len: Aww, I remember this song. Even though the song itself is a little obscure, I was really happy that they let me sing a song with you! It doesn’t happen often enough! Plus I mean, it’s about Undertale! *fangirls*
Oliver: Plus they actually let me use my lower range for this song! That never happens either! And we were singing in English! Len, your accent is so freaking cute! I never get to hear it!
Len: Ahhh, honestly I’m kind of embarrassed by my accent…
Oliver: WHAT?! The Len Kagamine is actually embarrassed?! About his adorable accent?? Who are you and what have you done to my boyfriend?
Len: But I know I’m mispronouncing the words! No matter how hard I try you can definitely tell I have an accent which just distorts the words and makes it less impactful, I think.
Oliver: Len, your pronunciation is really good! I mean did you listen to the song? You really convey the emotions in this piece, I think even better than I did!
Len: That’s because I was thinking about you the whole time I was singing it. It actually reminded me of us in a lot of ways really. You used to shut me out a lot even though deep down I’m sure you wanted to open up to me. But that’s okay because…  ~I’ll continue to reach out. I won’t abandon you. Determination fuels me to keep trying to save you.~
Oliver: ~Forgive me, stay with me. You’re the last light I’ll see.~ ...Wow, I can’t believe we just quoted our own song, usually you’re the only one that lame.
Len: *grins*  I guess I really am rubbing off on you, huh?
Oliver: Mmm. *kisses* ...I love you, Len.
Len: *in English* I love you too, Oliver.
Oliver: Oooo, say it again!!
Len: *blushes* Ollie…
Oliver: *puppy eyes* Pwease~?
Len: *in English* I love you! I love you! I love you! *trails kisses along his face and neck*
Oliver: *tousles his hair* How did I get so lucky?
Len: It wasn’t luck. It took a lot of hard work and love to end up here. ...Especially from my end. *sticks his tongue out*
Oliver: Heyyy… I know I can be a little… abrasive, especially when I was younger, but you know I always loved you, right? And I know it hasn’t been perfect, but I don’t regret being with you for even a moment. I mean it.
Len: *kisses Oliver’s forehead* I know, my love. I’m so glad to hear that. I know I haven’t been a perfect boyfriend, but your happiness was always my top priority. Always.
Oliver: *snuggles* I never doubted it, darling. You’ve really been the best boyfriend ever. I know I don’t really have any experience to compare it to, but it doesn’t matter. I know it’s true in my heart.
Len: And what a lovely heart you have. *squeezes*
Oliver: You should know, since my heart is yours. ...Oh gosh that was really cheesy wasn’t it?
Len: Not at all… it was very sweet. Thank you for being my boyfriend, Ollie. You make me so happy.
Oliver: No need to thank me, it’s my job, you know.
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Hey Everyone! +80 Followers!!!
Len: Hey, Oliver?
Oliver: Yeah?
Len: So… remember that Tumblr blog we used to run? It seems there’s a high demand for it to come back.
Oliver: You mean the one where you just posted embarrassing personal shit online? No way. People don’t even like us as a pairing that much. *leans over Len’s shoulder to look at his screen*  But… I see what you mean. That’s a ton of asks!
Len: I wonder how many followers we have now… Holy shit.
Oliver: 80 BLOODY FOLLOWERS?! Didn’t we used to have only like 20?!
Len: I don’t know it was 3 years ago!!
Oliver: Oh my gosh… what are we going to do? Make up an excuse for why we’ve been inactive for so long??
Len: I think we should just tell them how it is. Life happened.
Oliver: Ugh, maybe they’ll forgive you, Mr. Popular. I’m pretty sure people would support you for drowning a kitten. But me… I don’t know if I’ll be as easy to forgive.
Len: Ollie… Baby, they love you. And honestly there’s nothing to be ashamed of. Really. *squeezes Oliver’s hand*
Oliver: *smiles softly* Thanks, sweetie. Still, you all deserve an explanation. You see 3 years ago I was called back to England in order to promote and raise money for the Engloid tour. It was a really big deal because it was the first multi-vocaloid and world wide tour for us ever. Between writing and composing a bunch of singles and planning the actual concert I was gone for 4 months. Len wasn’t able to come with me though because coincidentally the Japanese Vocaloid started planning a world tour due to the buzz of our Engloid tour. And if that wasn’t bad enough we actually launched our tours around the same time, but the Engloids started the launch in Europe and Len and the others launched in Asia. The tours ended up taking almost a year… In the end we were apart for 14 months. It was so awful.
Len: Yeah… It was probably the hardest thing I’ve ever done. It was so hard getting through the days when every second all I could think about was you. I missed you so much. And even the few rare times we could talk we’d often just end up fighting because of how stressed and miserable we were. Some days I honestly thought we were over.
Oliver: *hugs Len* We did it though. We survived. It wasn’t all bad. It definitely made me realize how much I loved you. And when I came home after 14 long months it was the happiest moment in my life. Even though we had been dating for years at that point I was so nervous and you were so different but the same. We took a long vacation and fell in love all over again, stronger than ever before.
Len: And you finally agreed to move in with me!
Oliver: I did! It was a really big transition, especially after the unusual independence I became accustomed to during the tour. But there was no more fear or uncertainty. I love Len Kagamine and dammit I’m going to be with him!
Len: I love you too, Ollie. With all my heart. *leans in for a kiss*
James: *swoops down and effectively cock blocks Len*
Oliver: *giggles* Some things never change~ Anyway, we’re finally back so make sure to send in questions or suggestions! We look forward to them!
Len: We love you guys! *blows kisses*
Oliver:...*looks pointedly at Len* We don’t love them THAT much!
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Hey guys are you still here~? I miss your posts :'D ~Sincerely, a hardcore Leniver fan
((Oh man... I know I’ve been gone forever guys. Please understand that life just got in the way and I never meant to disrespect any of my followers. I know I’ve made promises to return before, but I won’t do that this time because I really don’t want to let anyone down. I am planning on trying to post some new content for this blog however that I hope you all will be able to enjoy. I made this blog almost 3 years ago so I would like to start on a clean slate. I know I had some personal headcanons but I would really like to re-vamp their relationship and dynamics a bit. Not only have a grown as a writer and in my beliefs but now I have a lot more experience with gay relationships as I have been with my girlfriend for 3 years now. So anyway please, be sure to send me questions or suggestions for this blog. I would truly be appreciative and I will begin working on uploading actual content really soon! Thank you so much macaronilen for inspiring me to be active on here again!))
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Len: *nosebleeding* Let's go crazy, crazy, crazy 'til we see the sun~
Oliver: *leans over his shoulder* What the hell are you doing?!
Len: *jumps in his seat and closes window* NOTHING MY SWEET LITTLE ANGEL
Oliver: Were you listening to bloody fucking One Direction?!
Oliver: *clicks on internet history*
Len: *sweat drops* Fuuuuuuuuuuuu- nny! I must have accidentally clicked on it! Haha...
Oliver: *shakes head* I can't believe it you're a fucking One Directioner!!! You'd think being a singer you would have the integrity to not support trashy boy bands like this that are tainting the reputation of Great Britain!!!! 
Len: But they're just so cute and British!! I can't help it I have a weak spot!!! *winks*
Oliver: *blushes* ...So basically you just like them as eye candy?
Len: A little... Plus some of their songs are really catchy and they just get stuck in my brain!
Oliver: *pulls out chainsaw* I think it's time I visited Britain again.
Len: *sweat drops* Oh gosh...
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((Okay, earlier in the year I promised to start posting and I didn't follow through on that promise. Sorry the school year's just been crazy!! Anyway guess what~? School's almost over! I'm planning on definitely doing some major posting since I won't have to do any ducking homework! Woohoo!! ...Not yet though, I have to study for finals. ;-; I may post a random thing here and there, but I should definitely be up and running again by the end of the month. (And trust me I am planning on some major ass kissing!) I love you guys!))
Oliver: *rolls eyes* Yeah, yeah...
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Oliver and Len. If you could describe in a song lyric what both of you felt after seeing each other for the first time, and then dating each other for the first time what would those lyrics be?
((This was probably not my best but I'm a bit rusty so please forgive me!))Len: The first time I met Oliver? Hmm... I know!Oliver: Dear Queen Elizabeth...Len: I gotta have you! I gotta have you! You are the one I've been waiting for! You are the one I adore! Let me love you! Let me show you something new! Love, I gotta have you!Oliver: *blushes and whispers* Wow...Len: *smiles and hugs Oliver* I love you baby!Oliver: *half heartedly pushes Len away* G-get off of me!Len: *kisses Oliver's cheek* Never!Oliver: *blushes and smiles softly* Y-you wanker...Len: Sing a song about how you felt when you first met me Ollie!Oliver: *smirks and pushes Len away from him* Don't stand! Don't stand so close to me!Len: Hey! You have to make up your own words and why are you singing about me getting away from you!Oliver: That's not written as a rule! And when I first met you,all you did was stare at me and made me feel uncomfortable! Len: *pouts* It's not my fault your so adorable! How can I NOT stare at you!Oliver: *sighs* You are so- so-Len: Amazing? Wonderful? Perfect? Grea-Oliver: Cheesy and creepy.Len: *smirks* That's not what you said last night.Oliver: *stares blankly before sharply turning in his heel* Okay I'm done.Len: *grabs Oliver by the shoulder* Hey we gotta answer the second half of the question!Oliver: Grr! Fine!Len: So when Ollie and I first started dating...Len: *sings softly* I know I hurt you baby. I know I made you cry. I know I'm not the best, but I'm definitely your guy. I will wipe away every tear. I will make you smile. I will make you open your heart, even if it takes a while.Oliver: *puts arms around Len's neck and looks down murmuring* I'm not very good at this...Oliver: *sings* It was never suppose to you. I was never suppose to love you. I was never suppose to be with you, but somehow I am. I don't know how this happened, but it did. I don't know how, but I love you. Len: *smiles and kisses Oliver* I love you too.
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(You're a guy? Whoa, that's somewhat surprising.)
((Um I'm not a guy... Just because I have a girlfriend doesn't make me a boy.))
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