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You want a kiss? That's one gold piece!
I got a new graphic tablet and needed to try it out-
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What's this? An order from you? I'll gladly try my best to fulfill it.
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\\ finally a normal profild pic lmao\\
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“Ask me your questions. And be quick about it, I don’t have all day.”
Arthur || England
A Mismagius
An Educator
Part of the @aph-gijinka-au-hub
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Please Reblog This If It’s Okay To:
Send questions about yourself
Ask questions to/about your characters
Ask about your headcanons 
Send questions about your works (fanfics, art, music, RPs, etc) 
Ask about popular ships/headcanons
Ask about plot ideas you’ve had but haven’t acted upon yet (snippets of AUs, a scenario you wish to write/draw but haven’t gotten to yet)
Questions about other ships/headcanons that aren’t as popular or are rarepairs
Questions or comments about favorite tropes, headcanons, characters, foods, weather, or anything else you are okay in answering!
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You should go out more and make real friends lovi
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You're.. right. But I can't just leave my shop alone!
Perhaps.. yes, perhaps I can start by befriending customers..?
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Lovino what are you gonna be for halloween
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A tired merchant handing out candy and sometimes toys.
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Happy 3rd October
Or more like
Fröhlicher Tag der Deutschen Einheit
Fuck yea, free time. Best part of the day. Because we don't really celebrate it lmao
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"What can i buy off you for..." *looks at pouch* "A pearl necklace, a ring, and 1 gold coin and 10 silver?" -ask hws gijinka 2pamerica
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'Hhhhng... Kitty, why are you making me do fuckin' maths? Ah, I got it!'
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I can make you different offers! For all of this I can give you a Full Heal Potion! Or a pair of either Super, Hyper, or Max Potion with some normal Potions and slash or Heal Potions or like 20 berries of your choice thrown in! Oran berries are currently in season! Or, or, or, 10 normal slash Heal Potions and 40 berries of your choice. You can also get like, 65 berries for all of this or 13 Potions.
Personally, I'd go for the Full Heal. It's rare that I ever get that shit in, and it's an utter bitch to get.
But if you don't like any of these, I could also try to offer you some jewlery, or whatever you need. The call is yours.
//bruh, if you need a list of all the potions I had him rambling about here, hit me up. I may have based them on the ones in the games, but changed the bottles designs--
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Those thieves you let slide, are they like, children? how bad is it for the Normal types in this kingdom?
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... orphans. Beggars. I don't see any reason to report 'em. Fuck, I'd even help them! ...I also hope that their guilty conscience is punishment enough.
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Normal types.. we have it hard. Being at the bottom of the social ladder doesn't bring any advantages chuckles we're considered weak and useless by most. So, either they pity us or they just don't care about us.
..But, uh, of course not everyone is so. I hope. Still have to meet some.
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“Welcome to the kingdom! If you have any questions, do not hesitate to ask!”
Alfred F. Jones
Sylveon Gijinka
blog for the @aph-gijinka-au-hub
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i admittedly send you a lot of asks because i want you to have fun uwu i hope i'm doing a good job-
// yes you do! Thank you~
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mun how do you draw and update so quickly? give me your secrets.
// ah shit, never thought I'd be asked that lmao
Anyway, here are some things that help me
living in a different timezone. It means I can work on my stuff while you're either sleeping or going on about your day
Drawing on paper instead of doing so digitally. It just.. works faster for me?? And it doesn't hurt my back as much lmao
Having no friends and therefore lots of free time. No, seriously, my friends live far away from me
Just... straight up feeling obligated to answer questions. I don't like letting people wait for long
Using different styles. You may have noticed that I either answer with a complete 'detailled' picture or an one-coloured, sketchy looking picture. That usually differs from whenever you ask the questions. If I have work or school, it'll be a sketch. If I have free time, it'll be a finished picture
Barely getting any/ not getting much questions. I'll be honest, having 4 in my inbox was so far the highest on either of my blogs
Being constantly on my phone. I'm on the app mostly, and find it so easier to navigate my shit tbh
I guess that helps? Same shit goes for my main @askfairyromano
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do you have much problem with thieves? Being a merchant and all.
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Sighs Yes. But surprisingly not as often as one think it might happen.
...sometimes I let it slide though. Like, when the items are not too expensive or when the thief looks like they absolutely need it.
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Is everyone in your family an Eevee?
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Shrugs I don't know. As I said, haven't seen them in a long time.
//aka, I don't want to determine the pokemon types for Vene and Seborga. I also don't know if people applied for either of them yet, so if you want to, you still are free to choose!//
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Do you have any friends
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Money is my only and most loyal friend!
//bitch, you're lonely, shut up
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Do you have any family living with you?
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They're out and about. Haven't heard from them in quite some time, to be honest... I miss them.
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Interesting. Gotta keep that in mind then.
...how much do you charge for your protection?
"Depends, if you feed me while I'm protecting you then I'll only charge you 20 bucks, if not 50."
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