artlessictoan · 2 years
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artlessictoan · 3 years
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artlessictoan · 3 years
Fandom’s Race Problem and the AO3 Ship Stats
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artlessictoan · 3 years
While I think Infinity Train did a great job developing Grace and providing her a fleshed-out character arc, she still falls prey to the trend of women of color in animation (and media in general) suffering much more explicitly than her white counterparts AND where her arc doesn’t lead to happy or fulfilling ending, earned or otherwise. Grace’s age could be a factor, as she’s a late teen vs. Tulip and Lake’s 13. Perhaps the creators believed they could get away with more explicit hardships for an older character. But it still holds weight as Tulip and Lake’s suffering and challenges earned them a happy ending, unlike Grace, who lost everything and has more work to do before she’s fulfilled and off the train.
Compare this to Allura, a princess who experiences hardship after hardship, and ultimately must sacrifice herself because the plot demands it. Compare this to the excessive brutalization of Korra, particularly in the later seasons. Compare this to Carmen Sandiego, who suffers two painful near-death experiences on-screen. Compare this to Catra and Mara from SPOP, to Violet from Young Justice. All recent examples in cartoons that continue a trend of WOC having to suffer a plethora more for their happy endings (if they receive happy endings at all). And while I’m thankful these characters exist, each with distinct personalities and motivations, I believe it’s worth asking why writers and creators alike put their WOC through these obstacles, particularly dark-skinned WOC, without receiving much in return.  
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artlessictoan · 3 years
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Redhawk realized his failing vision caused things to morph, so he started to play with morphing software and thought, “What if I morphed an image onto itself?”
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“It’s an artistic expression of the confusion I go through with my vision loss… 
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Not enough data getting sent to the brain, and it tries to fill in the blanks with false information, so you can’t trust what your eyes or brain are telling you.”
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artlessictoan · 3 years
Hey, so they’re making a Netflix Harry Potter.
With that in mind, we’re all gonna remember that JKR is a terf who has literally been cited by legislators engaged in legislation that actively harms trans people, and we’re not gonna give her any more money.
That means not streaming the new show on Netflix, because regardless of how much influence she has on the production, she gets paid for it.
We’re gonna make the show flop. We’re gonna show Warner Brothers that we don’t forget (of course, how would we forget, it isn’t as if she’s stopped), and that their business association with terfs is no longer profitable.
It is NOT like Lovecraft, because Lovecraft is very dead and his works are in the public domain. By consuming Lovecraft media, you are not giving any money to old Howard.
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artlessictoan · 3 years
Autistic Lifehack: Hearing Problems
If someone says something that you only partially understand:
DON’T ask for clarification with a generic “What?” or “I’m sorry?” (In my experience, people will repeat the phrase the exact same way without helping you to understand).
Example: Them: “Hey, do you like pahganabasa?” Autistic Person: “What?” Them: “Do you like pahganabasa?” Autistic Person: “I’m sorry, what?” Them (annoyed): “Do you like pahganabasa?”
Instead, DO repeat the part that you did understand, and substitute a “What?” for the unintelligable part.
Example: Them: “Hey, do you like pahganabasa?” Autistic Person: “Do I like what?” Them: “Pineapple pizza?” Autistic Person: (Understands the words!)
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artlessictoan · 3 years
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i am OBSESSED with this response my philosophy teacher made to my introduction post okay OBSESSED
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artlessictoan · 3 years
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artlessictoan · 3 years
Tumblr users are often so arrogant and it shows. They can draw a full cast of POC characters but when POC say "Hey we want more than just our skin tone" they're suddenly deaf as shit.
Representation on Tumblr has become a way for white people to win brownie points just because they took a Hershey's bar and slapped it onto a person's skin tone.
The most disgusting thing is that they insist on making JUST African-Americans. They insist on making JUST one facial type, one nose type, one lip type, one hair type, one slang type, one skin tone.
And when they make a person Asian, it's Japanese. And when they make a person Hispanic, it's Mexican. And when they make a person indigenous, they never specify on which tribe/nation they came from, but you'll bet they're Native AMERICAN.
But my favorite part is when other POC demand representation and those same fucking white people are like "But but but look at all my black characters!!!!"
POC isn't just confined to America.
POC isn't just black.
POC isn't just Japanese.
POC isn't just Mexican.
POC isn't just Native American.
It's from the Miskitu in Nicaragua, from the highlands of Ethiopia, from the deserts of Saudi Arabia, from the mountains of Indonesia. It's from the arroz con gandules, from the folk music, from the festivals. It's many cultures blending, it's speaking more than just English, it's dealing with racism unique to our countries of origin.
It's more than just one universal experience, and white Tumblr isn't willing to show that.
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artlessictoan · 3 years
Hedge funds shorted more than 100% of all shares of gamestop, to do this that means they had to sell more shares than actually existed.
The hedge funds never actually owned these shares to begin with because they were short selling so they never actually paid for them.
Redditors saw this and decided to buy up all these shorted shares to gamestop a company that wasnt failing that the hedge funds would then be forced to buy back as they never actually owned the shares.
The beauty of this is if you knew what to look for you could’ve seen this coming too. It isn’t mystical, it isn’t magic. They made these billionaires pay back more than what they basically stole by being greedy, this is a good thing.
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artlessictoan · 3 years
in movies couples always split up bc one of then wants kids and the other doesnt and then at the end they get back together bc the one who didnt want kids wants them now and that means theyre fixed and normal i hate that
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artlessictoan · 3 years
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This is why people who stay in my life are neurodiverse like me!
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artlessictoan · 3 years
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artlessictoan · 3 years
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i spent way too much time on this, play hades.
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artlessictoan · 3 years
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The Outbursts of Everett True was a comic strip that ran in papers from 1905 to 1927, wherein the aforementioned Everett True regularly beat the everliving shit out of rude people as a warning to anyone else who might consider being rude. Men have not only been taking up too much room on public transport for about as long as public transport has existed, but the people around them have been irritated about it for at least a hundred years. The next time someone tries to claim that manspreading is a false phenomenon, please direct them to this strip so that Everett True can correct their misconceptions with an umbrella upside the head.
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artlessictoan · 3 years
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i keep drawing him woops
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