angelwebs · 1 month
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kyhgwts · 28 days
Older!König x Fem!Reader
I love the idea of gentle and shy older!König but then he’s just an absolute beast in bed, like please? For my sanity?
Just imagine him being so quiet and put off to himself around everyone but you.
Walking around in the grocery store he’s trailing behind you as you push the cart, silently messing with your shirt nervously when someone comes up to you and makes small talk. He doesn’t dare make eye contact with them. It’s not that he is scared, god no, look at the man. But he just isn’t comfortable showing his real self to people who aren’t you. Maybe only your very close friends who come over a lot, but other than that? Absolutely no one.
He’s just so UGH like a big soft bear, silent and kept to himself but if anyone dares to mess with his territory (you) all hell will break loose.
He hates being out in public without you, because then you aren’t there to do all the talking. And he isn’t an asshole, so he has to respond back to people.
“Oh! Hi König!” He turns back to look at someone who he registered as a close friend of yours.
“Hallo” he smiles gingerly, he knew this friend of yours well enough they came over a lot, and he wasn’t shy by them.
“Where’s your attachment at?” They ask, smiling at their own joke. It almost makes him chuckle but that’s too far out of his comfort zone.
“Back at home, got sick” he would explain shortly, but not in a rude way because he respected this friend, they meant a lot to you.
“Well alright big guy, I’ll leave you alone. Tell her i said get well!” They said making their way for the end of the aisle, he just nodded.
How is he so big, but so gentle?!?! He’s so perfect :(
Like the perfect cocoon, laying in bed, you straddling his lap as you nuzzle your head into his chest and neck. His big arms holding you tight against him as he takes in your presence, the heat from your body, the weight of you making him feel secure, your hair wash smelling so good, as well as your perfume you always have on, he fucking loved it.
But oh if this man is in a mood? You have the time of your life.
“König! Please” you’d moan and cry, tear prickling from your eyes.
“Please what baby?” He’d ask all innocent, while he’s pounding into you, stuffing you so full you can’t even think clearly :(
He’d push down on your stomach, causing you to gasp at the familiar sensation.
“Yes! Yes yes yes yes” you’d sob, pushing down your hips trying to fuck yourself on him.
“My Süßes Mädchen“ he’d whisper, all while never giving you a break, pounding into you with his hand pressed hard into your stomach. (Sweet Girl)
The sound of skin against skin making him go feral, the wet sounds as he pounds into you making your cheeks go red, but he fucking loved it.
“Come on Kostbarkeit, let go for me baby” he groans, your tears streaming down your face in pure ecstasy. You loved this side of him, so masculine and beautiful. Taking care of you and that deep feelings in your stomach :( (Treasure)
Once you’ve came, and you’ve milked him for all he’s got he carefully lays himself on top of you. Making sure not to crush you. And loving on you like no other, head nuzzled into your neck as he kissed it, and hands roaming your body as he kept you close and your legs wrapped around his waist.
“Fuck Mein Baby, i just can’t get enough of you” he’d whisper while his hands slide under your back, hands meeting up behind your head cradling it as pulls you closer.
You moan from the movement, his cock still deep inside of you.
You could stay like this forever, in his embrace, feeling so full and content.
You didn’t leave that bed for another few hours, as he made soft love to you, making sure you felt his love as he slowly rocked into you.
Life was perfect with your perfect boy around :(
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pineapplepunchhh · 5 months
“Too Young.”
Kylo Ren x Reader
In this story when appointed Supreme Leader, Kylo is in his early 30's. There is no use of y/n, readers name just isn’t mentioned, use of biologically female anatomical features.
Warnings: age gap (10yrs?) possesive and obsessive Kylo, half smut, toxic maybe?
Being so young you felt like you always had to prove yourself, if somebody assigned you a task you would complete it a hundred times better than what was originally asked of you. But even with your outstanding efforts on the Finalizer, you were still looked down upon by your superiors. Yes your endeavors were excellent and nobody could complain about the work that you delivered but even then people would still call you, too young.
It hurt the first few times... oh but who were you kidding? It hurt every single time that it slipped from someones tongue, especially his. Kylo Ren, the recently appointed new Supreme Leader of the First Order. He was captivating, with and without helmet, you had only seen his face about two times in your years of working on the Finalizer but the image could never leave your mind, he was absolutely spellbinding. His beauty went beyond what you had expected, piercing brown eyes, dark hair that fell almost too perfectly around his face, a scar starting under his eye and disappearing into his clothes, a beautifully pale complexion and that nose, that might have been your favorite part of him, his big and prominent nose. His charm, however, was not limited to his face for you, he was huge, he was tall and everything seemed to be in proportion, his hands were huge, his arms were huge, his legs, anything and everything. He always towered right over you, when he was behind you he acted almost like a wall. He had never explicitly said it but whenever your mind wandered from a task to just how big his hands or gorgeous his eyes were, you could hear a voice in your head, a small whisper that you swore sounded just like him, ''You're too young.'' It said, rejecting your thoughts about your Supreme Leader.
But despite these comments entering your mind whenever your thoughts drove off to him, you were unsure of how genuine they were, whenever you were off to handle tasks you could always feel a presence lurking right behind you, and when you turned your head you could find him, standing in the same hallway, observing you but quickly walking away when you caught his stare. What you did not know is that you were right, the voice in your head was his, reminding you that you were too young, too young for him, It was not as much for you as it was for him. He could not get you off his mind, he tried day and night to stop thinking about you, your beauty was even more captivating to him as his was to you, but you were simply too young, you had only recently turned twenty two years old and he was well in his mid-thirties, he in no way wanted to corrupt your still innocent and free soul with his corrupt and troubled one, if anything he wanted to preserve what you had, you could not belong to him, he could not do that to you, but you could not belong to anybody else either.
For this reason whenever you would interact with any man on the ship, they would suddenly need to report to the Supreme Leader or he would suddenly appear behind you two, telling you both you need to get back to your tasks. You had begun talking to one of the First Order officers you later learned was named Lin. Lin was a kind man that often helped with your tasks even though you insisted you could perform them fine on your own, which was true, and he knew that, nonetheless he just wanted an excuse to spend his time with and around you. Kylo noticed this, and he did not like it, at all, no matter how much he called Lin to him, told you to go back to work or intervened in any way, he always came back. Kylo could not stand it, Lin might not have been a bad influence per se but Kylo could not risk it, he had to preserve your pristineness, your innocence, and to do that, he had step up his game. Kylo called Lin into the conference room and it did not take long for him to enter. ''Supreme Leader, sir, I am here, what do you need me for?'' Lin was panting as he walked up to Kylo, beads of sweat running down his face indicating he ran there as soon as Kylo called him. ''Hello, Lin,'' Kylo started talking, his voice distorted by his helmet, ''I have called you here because we need to have a talk.'' He stated, turning his body to Lin and stepping closer to him, Lin could feel Kylo's eyes piercing through his skull even with the helmet on. ''W-Well, what do we need to talk about, Supreme Leader?'' Lin was afraid, he knew what Kylo was capable of, he was a man with no mercy for anybody he deemed his enemy. ''I can sense your fear,'' snickered Kylo. ''You are weak Lin, I hope you are aware of that, but that is not the point, what I want to talk to you about is the girl.'' Lin raised his eyebrows in confusion. ''Do you mean-'' He started before being interrupted by Kylo. ''Yes, her, you are going to stop talking to her, you understand?'' Kylo stated, Lin's confusion rose. ''But Supreme Leader, sir, why?'' He questioned Kylo, Kylo stepped towards him, minimizing the distance between them every step he took and Lin did not dare step back, Kylo took one of his gloved hands and roughly grabbed Lin's face so hard he almost broke his jaw. ''Because I say so, and what I say, goes, you understand?'' Lin sputtered as tears formed in the corners of his eyes, he tried nodding but Kylo's tight grip would not let him. ''Yes s-sir.'' Lin barely got the words out but when they left his lips Kylo let go of him, ''now scram, you fool.'' Lin had already ran before Kylo could complete his sentence.
The following day when you were up to some of your daily tasks you passed by Lin in one of the halls, you waved your hand at him and were about to walk up to him to strike up a conversation, but as soon as he saw you, his eyes widened and he quickly walked off. You felt as if he was avoiding you, but you could not understand why, until you took a look behind you to find your Supreme Leader standing in the dark, watching you. He had been up to something and you knew it. You wanted nothing but to confirm your suspicions, but what were you going to do? You could not possibly risk offending Kylo, you would lose everything you had worked oh so hard for to build up these past few years, however your curiousity was eating you alive and you simply could not take it anymore. It was the late afternoon when you stormed into the conference room you knew Kylo Ren would be at, and luckily for you he was there alone. ''Ah hello, what a surprise to see you here!'' Kylo exclaimed when he saw you enter through the big, steel doors. ''What is it you come to me fo-'' you cut Kylo off before he can finish his sentence, your eyes trying their best to pierce through his helmet as you stand maybe... a little too close to him. ''What have you been up to?'' You question him, trying to contain your anger. ''What are you talking about?'' Kylo countered your question with his own, stepping closer to further limit the distance between you two. As his body comes closer to yours you almost forget what you came to him for in the first place, your fiery eyes go from his helmet to his chest, arms, hands, you take in his body, the size, the greatness, then you hear a low chuckle coming from Kylo's helmet. Your eyes shoot back up at him, ''I am talking about Lin, and basically any other man that I have ever come in contact with, they all suddenly get called away or distracted by something and you are always around when that happens, and Lin, we talked every single day and suddenly one day he starts avoiding me like the plague!'' You exclaimed in a tone you maybe should not have used, you realized your words and your throat felt closed up, you heartbeat increased rapidly and you hoped you were not visibly sweating. ''What exactly are you accusing me of.'' He lowered his head to to yours, the glass in the helmet showing you your own nervous and trembling reflection. ''N-nothing sir, I-I am sorry, sir..'' Your voice was shaking and you swore he just chuckled again, you could slightly make out the shape of his eyes behind the glass of his helmet. He stepped away from you raising his head back up. ''You are not wrong, you know? Maybe I scared some of them off a little.'' He shrugged, his back was turned to you as he walked to the other side of the room, you quickly followed. ''Wait what? excuse me sir but why would you do that?'' he came to a sudden halt and you almost crashed into his back, he spun back around. ''Because they were not worthy.'' You felt, flattered? Somehow? But angry at the same time, you were angry at him for turning away your chances at any type of relationship with anybody on the ship, but you were also flattered that Kylo Ren, Supreme Leader Kylo Ren, was this invested in you, that he cared about you this much. ''Then who is worthy?'' You asked him, he sighed all he wanted to tell you was that it was him, he was worthy, he wanted you, he wanted to tell you he heard all your thoughts about him, every single one and that all he wanted to do was fulfill them, but you were just... too young. ''Sir?'' You placed your hand on his arm and he quickly shook his arm to get your hand off. ''No, do not touch me.'' He shook his head taking a step back from you. ''But why, sir?'' The way the word 'sir' rolled so smoothly off your tongue drove him crazy, he wanted nothing more than to have you, to kiss you, to touch you. ''I know how you have been thinking about me, your thoughts, they are so loud, so loud, but I am sorry, I cannot answer to them, you are too young.''
It stung, like a knife to the heart it stung, Supreme Leader Kylo Ren, the man you had been lusting over for so long, he confirmed it, you were too young, but you were determined, now that you knew how he thought about you, you needed it, you needed him. ''I know im young, sir, but my mind is well beyond my years.'' You tried to persuade him, he turned his back to you and right when you thought you were being rejected, you heard a low hissing sound, his hand went up to his head, they grabbed his helmet and slowly raised it from his head. You saw his dark hair falling out from the helmet he then placed next to him on the conference table. He slowly turned around and you were met with his dark brown eyes, those piercing eyes, they looked down at you as he stepped closer, It was like you remembered, the eyes, the hair, the nose, the lips and the long scar, all you could think about was where it ended. A low chuckle emitted from his full, plush lips ''Your thoughts are so loud.'' He stepped closer to you, his gloved hand reached up to your face, caressing you cheek with the rough leather. ''But I cannot, I cannot corrupt your pure soul.'' You placed your hand on top of his, feeling just how big it was. ''You could not corrupt me even if you tried.'' You smirked at him, your confidence was radiating, you had this opportunity now and there was no way you were going to let it slip. Kylo's eyes went wide, he was shocked at your sudden confident attitude, his lips formed into a smirk and he grabbed your face with the hand resting on your cheek, he pulled your face towards his own and without a second thought he crashed his lips onto yours, you were soon to kiss him back and before you knew it you were half-sitting half-laying down on the conference room's table with Kylo between your legs hungrily kissing your lips.
''Your thoughts, your desires, your fantasies.'' He said inbetween kisses. ''I want to fulfill them all.'' He bit at your lip before moving his kisses down to your jawline and from your jawline to your neck, biting, sucking, licking, doing whatever he pleased. 'He continued speaking dirty words and sweet praise inbetween licks and bites, the only noises coming from you being whimpers and moans. ''You sound.. so sweet.'' He commented before pulling away from your neck causing you to whimper, he grabbed the bottom of your shirt lifting it up over your head, he stuck out a hand and an invisible pair of hands unclasped and removed your bra, an interesting use of the force for sure. H e took in the image of your naked boobs, still trying to process that this was really happening. He slowly extended his hand to one of your boobs, massaging it, looking up at you for any confirmation, you gave him a nod and he attached his lips to your nipple, sucking and licking at whilst massaging the other one, you tried to keep quiet not knowing if the room was any form of soundproof. Kylo pulled away from your nipple and was on his way to your pants before a swift sound came from behind you, you turned your head and saw the big doors had opened and General Hux stood in the doorway, he quickly turned to look away and you picked up your clothes and got dressed almost in an instant. Kylo did not seem to be affected by the situation at all simply stating ''we will continue our meeting later, I think General Hux needs me.'' He looked down at you giving you a wink, your cheeks heated up and you quickly scurried off past General Hux desperately trying to avoid eyecontact.
You could not wait for later.
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sim-patelle · 7 months
Overnight story
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Dilf! Ushijima x Reader (afab)
Smut! MDNI!
Word count: 4.6k
+ : age gap (reader in their 20s, him in his 40s), rough play, breast play, obvious flirting, overstimulation, passing out, very little degradation, very little to little praising, mentioning of creampie, hot body, Ushijima Wakatoshi (god this man..)
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"Wow I'm so glad for you! Honestly I couldn't endure it seeing you guys almost fucking right on the spot" you said to your friend, congratulating her that she got engaged, finally. "And it's really Alright if I'm there too?" you ask.
She was having a meet over with her family and her partners, and you got asked to give her company while they announce their love once again and celebrating it.
"Yes you gotta come, otherwise I can't stand my parents silent-treating each other all the time" she jokes around, while you try to remember her dad, wondering if you have ever met him...
You arrived at her house, lightly dressed up with a black dress and a see-through white blouse over your shoulder, keeping you a bit warm, having some exchange clothes with you in your Bag. She saw you through the windows and opened the door, hugging you tight. "You're good in time!" she adds a sentence whispering in your ear "my parents are already annoying" and smiles innocently. As you stepped into the quite big house, you already got greeted by 3 faces. Her family.
Her mother hugs you light as a greeting "Oh y/n I haven't seen you for a long time! You look good!" she says, admiring your looks and clothes. You thanked her for the compliment and looked at your friends brother, already knowing him. He gives you a slight smile and holds out his hand. With a comfort in your chest, you took his head and greeted him with exchanging some words. He's not much of a talker.
You feel a light gaze upon you while talking with him, a gaze that let you feel lightly uncomfortable. As you were done chattering, a tall man with olive eyes looks at you.
"Ushijima Wakatoshi, it's a pleasure to meet you" he says calm, with a deep voice that let you feel something deep down. You weren't expecting such an attractive man as her father, and he quite fits your type too. He holds out his right hand to greet you. You took his hand, noticing the size of it, but looked into his eyes with a slight smile, noticing his almost perfect eyelashes.
"Y/n l/n it's a pleasure to meet you too mister". He looks you deep in the eyes, letting a mysterious gaze through you, like he would enjoy giving you all the attention there is. Would that affect you? Probably..
The family of your friends fiance arrived shortly after that and you had quite some good time. Eating, drinking champagne, chatting with the others but mostly listening to the others. But all the time, you felt the familiar gaze from before all the time, Wakatoshi following your movements with his eyes, not taking them off of you.
He enjoys looking at you, studying like a picture, wondering what's making it so unbreable to not gaze at it, imagining what could be under that dress of yours. He is desperate for something new. His divorce was quite a time ago, and there hasn't been anything quite after it, just some hook-ups that were not that much fun as he thought.
Quite charmed of that misterious man, you got caught, trying to examine him with his grey-greenish hair. Just now your sight wanders over his clothes. A black blouse which seems a little tight on his build shoulders, dark-grey trousers and a brown slim belt, holding his trousers up to his waist. He notices your gaze, locking your eyes at his. Your doe eyes looking into his from a distance. He raises his glass with such a little smile, only you could see, you holding yours up too, sympathizing with him and smiling back.
You would love to hear his voice once again, him speaking with his deep voice that has made a little impact on you, wanting to hear him right next to your ear.
The evening went on, and eventually the party went to an end. The family of the fiance went home, your friends brother drove home to his girlfriend as you found out, and your friend and his fiance went into their bedroom. Because of your long way there, you got the guestroom and (unfortunately) Wakatoshi took the couch to sleep on, his driveway also long enough just to see his daughter.
You're laying in bed, already changed clothes, but still fully awake, your mind not getting him out of your mind. Wakatoshi was admiring you and he let you know that, visibly admiring you, smiling at you when you met him, it drives you crazy. Crazy not knowing what his intentions are, what he wants to do with you.
It gave you some tickling down your lower stomach, and just imagining that his rough, big hand would stroke over this area, gives you goosebumps. Already awake and not doing anything except of scrolling through your phone, you decided to go down into the kitchen to get something to drink.
Very slowly and trying to not wake the others, you open your door and get down the stairs, not making a noise. Only a bit light down there. Through the kitchen there's a wide opening, right to the living room where he sits. Wakatoshi, watching TV. He didn't notice you, not yet.
You quietly get a glass and fill it up with water, just now noticing that he sits there, without his upper cloth, having his right arm on the sofa back, his big shoulders and his upper back being visible. Your eyes wander over his muscles moving near his neck, hearing a little sigh from him. Even that makes you feel light, just some sounds from him.
He grabs something next to his body, his shirt. The moves that he makes while getting his shirt on, turned you kinda on. Those muscles that moves around, his arms getting through that shirt, his biceps visible is getting you some tickles and not just down your abdomen.
You shook your head, getting back your mind and were about to drink out of the glass, until the head of the tall man turns to the kitchen, catching you a little embarrassed on the stop.
Unable to get out of the situation, you decided to get another glass of water, asking a little shy if he wants something to drink. He nods to your answer and you walk to him, slowly, with the glasses in your hands, and getting a bit exited, to finally talk to him a bit. You walk through the opening with the glasses and he watches you, wondering if he gets to see more tonight, than just your short pants and your white shirt. He wants to rip it off, wanting to open that bra you can see a bit through.
As you sat down slowly next to him, it's more visible that he got a big chest that now is covered. His visible jawline got a shave two days ago. He leans back, his arm resting on the back of the sofa again, looking but not watching TV.
"You also couldn't fall asleep?" he asks, looking down at you from the side. "No not really.." you answer him, a bit intimidated, wondering what he will say again with this voice of his, that makes you feel dizzy. You now see where the silence from your friends brother come from. "Why can't you sleep?" you finally ask, not bearing that silence between you. "I couldn't handle it, not being able to talk to you propably" he shoot his shot. What does he have to lose? Nothing but your company he enjoys, and he was aware of what he has done to you.
You weren't prepared to hear that out of his mouth, making you feel exited, asking yourself if you should say something. "I think so too" you say, quietly regretting those words now. "I'm sorry mister, please forget what I said" spits out of your mouth, wanting to stand up and leave of embarrassment and the fact that you feel your cheek light up a bit.
As you stand up, he grabs your arm soft to hold you back, his whole hand fitting around your forearm. The soft touch with this raw hand, got your core throb a bit, getting too excited than you should. "Don't worry, I won't make a fuzz. You can stay to my pleasure"these words coming out of his mouth, you do see a light excitement from his eyes that look through you.
Deciding to stay, you sit back down and came a bit near him. It's hard to make a move when he is full of courage that he sends out, making it almost impossible to even flirt with that older man. Wakatoshi puts his arm on the back of the sofa, kind of getting you in his space more. As you noticed you dare to take a look at him while watching TV. He awaited that and raises his eyebrows at catching you stare, having a light smirk on his face which makes him unbearable to not fuck the shit out of him.
He slowly wanders his gaze down to your chest, and back at your eyes with a smile. God you just wished for a move that he would make, which he does, surprisingly right after enjoying the view of your body.
The excitement almost overflowing in you, as he lays down his hand on your thigh, not affecting him in any way. God, he is so close to your core, that you clench your thighs a bit to supress the throb that went a bit needier.
"Is that alright with you?" such a polite man, only if you knew what he wants to do with you. Fuck you raw and good, making you cum all over his dick are the only desires he has right now, and he is close to fulfilling that dream.
You nod, making him feel more comfortable around you than he was, making him stroke your squeezable thigh with his thumb, really slowly making his way to your lose short-pants. A compliment comes from his lips.
"You looked very good in that dress. I couldn't stop looking at you" finally you made a move, still kind of afraid but it was so obvious to you that he likes you. "I noticed that, I loved your attention on me" you said. God finally he kept moving on, you thought as he leans to you, watching those eyes and lips, wanting to kiss them so bad.
"I want to give you all the attention you want" he breathes, almost touching your lips with his. Only just some inches between it... You couldn't hold back, your self-control finally went away, he waited for that moment. "please do mister.." you answer without hesitation, finally getting his lips to touch yours.
Your whole body feeling hot, bursting out the lust you tried to keep in, moving along with his. His hand longing to finally touch your waist and grabbing your skin of it. Wakatoshi pulls you onto his lap, not interrupting your greedy wet kiss, turning into deep tongue kisses.
His deep voice humming while he sucked on your tongue, makes you crazy, slowly moving your hip, noticing his aroused cock inside his pants. As you weren't already wet of his touches, he slips his hand into your pants from your left leg, pleasuring your folds with slow movements.
He doesn't want to pleasure himself with you, he wants you to have an unforgettable rough sex with him, not wanting anything else but his dick after that. You break the tongue kiss, watching his hands in your panties, knowing exactly what he does and you can't hold back a slight moan.
"I can't let you be louder than that, otherwise they're gonna wake up" toshi says under his excited breath, longing for your pussy, but keeping it patient. He focuses on your throat now, slowly giving you some of the roughness by biting your collarbone and moving his lips up, placing wet kisses all over the side. Fuck, you thought, already so close to cumming on his fingers and he was just caressing your folds, his wet fingers full of your juice enter into your pussy, and it feels incredible, such a little rush but pleasuring like nothing ever was. You hiss, pulling you onto him more, and grabbing the back of his shirt.
Ruin, wanting to ruin that pretty back was your thought.
You pulled of his shirt, which was kind of hard while getting the full menue of getting fucked with fingers, and hold yourself onto his back, slowly scratching it with your nails. Some little whimpers come out of your mouth and as he started scissoring you, your moan got concealed by wakatoshis hand, while you finally cum on his other one, as you couldn't endure all that pleasure down there.
Your pussy wrenching it all out, sucking his fingers into it more, got him turned all up, ready to make you feel so good. Slowly taking out his fingers, holding them infront of your scrunched up face. "Was that you?" he asked in such a deep voice, it vibrates in your brain. "yes mister..."
What a lovely name to call him, bringing his control to the edge, especially hearing that out of your mouth. It drives him crazy, wanting to fill your hole up more with his cock. He helps you out of your shirt, him finally seeing that bra of yours for a short time, just to open it again, wanting to see every inch of your body.
"Stand up and take off your pants" he says with his eyes on your breasts, that would fit perfectly in his hands. As you do with a little struggle to keep yourself up, his eyes glances down, looking at his art of you with a slight smile. Seeing you being wet all of his doings with just one hand, is such a view to him.
He wanted you to come back on his lap, feeling the throb of your pussy for him, but you decide otherwise. You want to pleasure him too, giving him something he wouldn't expect.
Getting on your knees, you open his legs and pull down his pants. He looks at you seductively, waiting for you to go on, you hold up for a second and admire his length, overall a bit over average but it's gonna fill you up so good.
Taking your breasts around it, to give him some stimulation is a good idea. You start to move them around his cock, seeing how he lays back his head, enjoying your doings. God your sight of him wants you to cum again, and his little hums that turn into some grunts give you a little kick, finally wanting to hear more of him, his deep voice.
His cock starts to twitch, close to cover your tits with his cum, he stops you as his hand grabs your chin lightly. "Don't. Come sit on it." he says under his little breaths, that would enter your mouth soon again. You stand up and move your cunt right over his dick, hesitating at first, unsure of how fast he would go.
Wakatoshi holds you at your hips, getting some help. His large hands almost could hold you alone like that.
"Go on" he commands as he watches you dead in the eyes, giving you a shiver down your spine, almost doing it immediately.
You get down, only just taking his tip and you are already feeling full, feeling his cock. Going to the half, it already hurts a bit, stretching you lightly, but it turns to a pleasuring pain you want to get more of.
As you arrived at his crotch, you hissed in deep, full of him and feeling his veins so intense already brings you to an orgasm already, whining through that pain. You wouldn't know that you were so sensitive for him, already having your first orgasm.
"mister I- fuck I'm sorry..." you apologize under this pain turning into a pleasure. He feels your clenching insides, getting him more aroused. "you're taking my dick good. Don't worry, I will handle the rest" and he immediately starts moving you up and down, getting out full of you and letting you down full on his length.
Tooking you by surprise, you almost scream out his name, but he could stop you with his tongue getting into your mouth once more. Only this one move is enough for him, to get more interested in you.
The only thing you can do to express your pain is by scratching his back. Your hands under his arms, reaching out to it and holding you with your fingernails, leaving some marks and getting 'toshi to grunt into your mouth. The artwork of yours looks so good in his back, and surely as he moved your body up and down, the longer those scratches will stay.
His sweat already is wandering down his back, getting his body even warmer. Him moving you up and down all the time took him to the edge and he is about to give you a creampie. How he would love so see his cum slowly wandering out of you.
Under his heavier rough breaths he got out some words. "You'll feel so good when I come into you..." And so close to getting out all what he got, a supressed moan wanders through the hand of him on your mouth. you came again, not sure if his words got an influence on that, but it was already so much pleasure to endure, as you also couldn't believe how good he let's you feel, already having your second orgasm that lasted whole 2 minutes. Surely you got his lower back red of your nails digging into his wet skin.
His twitching cock pulses into you and at the last move of putting you down, his sperm flew right out of it, warming your insides more. Your clenching walls getting out everything of his cock. Arching your back as you feel hot inside gave you the rest and you almost screamed, again held back from 'toshis hand, muffling your pleasured sound, already seeing stars and so close of passing out.
Him grunting heavily by his doings, feeling your tight pussy. Slowly his cum is dripping out of you, still having his dick in you, is making him smile light, being proud of what he has done to you.
He was the first one, to give you two or three orgasms in only one position. And he will be the only one that managed that. You feel so exhausted, your body only leaning onto his big one, but you can feel his cock getting wrapped up again.
"Haven't you done your job right?" he whispers into your ear, shortly nibbling your earlobe, already having a plan how to manage a mess like you. "No mister... I'm sorry mister..." you say exhausted, not even able to move your body right now.
Unable to predict his actions, your body is in his control now, but he waits. He waits that you earn a bit strength back, slowly stroking your head, going through your hair, holding you tight to his body. He could be considered gentle, but his impression and roughness tell otherwise.
With slow movements, you wrap your arms over his shoulder, this being his sign to go on. "hold on tight" he whispers, slowly moving up, holding you. You automatically wrap your legs around his waist but your head wasn't quite able to catch up. And in a second, he bounced you on his dick once again, moving in even further.
Your mouths already together, you moan into his mouth again, even having the feeling to melt into his sloppy kisses. Not even you didn't know that you would be so loud in one lifetime, yet your beautiful sounds that he enjoys are getting muffled by his warm lips or his hand on your swollen mouth, due to all that kissing.
Your slim walls pushing once again, gives him extra pleasure to his thickened cock. Bouncing your body while he stood up, was only the second of his list on how to fuck you, but for tonight it was the last thing.
Feeling you so tight around his dick, feeling your bouncy boobs and moving you on your arse is everything he could do to feel you everywhere, which made his cock twitchened and he came once again, letting it all out inside you, already feeling is sperm getting out around it, grunting one last time in your mouth. You would remember that grunt forever. His chest heavily moves from the exhaustion that haunts him lightly, looking at his product that he made. The view he has, still holding your body and seeing you still intertwined with him, has such an impact of him. Never thinking of looking at a more beautiful thing.
What a shame it's already over, he thinks but your whole body was tired, you exhausted and barely could keep your eyes open.
The only thing you could remember was getting brought to bed like a kid, carried like one. Only feeling some wet tissues and towels on your body. Then black... You fell asleep, while Wakatoshi took care of you. Cleaning up the living room and bringing you your clothes in the guest room.
As he was done, he came back into your room one last time to look at you, seeing you sleep so peacefully after he made you such a mess. He placed a kiss on your forehead, leaving the room with one thing in his hand. If he would've slept in the same bed as yours, there would've been speculations and you couldn't see each other ever again. He wouldn't let that happen,he is a vulnerable middle aged man.
As he got on the couch, he took the cloth out of his pockets he took of you, your underwear being in his hands, wanting to do this all day long. One little sniff and he was satisfied for the rest of the night, falling asleep on the couch, remembering the view he had from you in his dreams.
The next morning, you hear some movements in the house, not quite able to assign them. You just lay in your bed, tired body and still tired mind, still trying to remember the last things from the night. As you decide to look down, you slowly stand up from the bed and stretching a bit to get a bit of the pain away that haunts you.
Climbing out of it and slowly opening the door, you see him on the stairs going up. The man that made you mess, Ushijima Wakatoshi. He noticed you on the doorframe and stopped going up, looking at you.
"the others eat breakfast, better get dressed" he says, quickly looking up and down at you, you still being naked. You speak up "I couldn't find my underwear" and as he predicted that, he gets to you, taking your hand and opening it.
This man was slightly obsessed with you and that was an understatement.
Placing his other hand on yours, giving you the underwear you searched for. Your eyes went from your hands to his face, looking up and meeting his. There's a small comfort in them now, a softer gaze than the day before, kind of hard to not lose yourself in his olive eyes. "come, get dressed and eat someting" he says with a charm in his voice, so soft yet so hot with his deep voice.
He shortly gives you a kiss on the forehead and went on going to the bathroom. You stopped him right before with your teasing words. "Missed me that much the night?" smirking to your satisfaction. Did you get him with that?
He looks back, chuckling shortly with a slight smirk. "Go dress up" he says, smiling light and disappears into the bathroom.
Wow, the short chuckle gave you little butterflies into your stomach... So attractive, you think and went into the room to get dressed.
All dressed up - with your underwear - you get down the stairs and sit down on the table where the others sit, one seat next to Wakatoshi. "Wow you slept in" says your friend, smiling to you. Quickly lying on the spot you say: "Yeah I drank a bit much champagne yesterday" and grab the juice to pour it into the glass infront of you.
As you do, a knee hits you light, not moving away from you, already knowing it's Wakatoshis. Only the little touch, not even from his hand, is making you feel comfortable, warm, maybe even a bit needy. It makes you happy, that he searches attention from you, a light smile appearing on your face.
You both shared some touches with your knees under the table as you all ate breakfast, and soon it was time to leave. Leaving your friends house, going home, not able to see him again..
With a little unsure feeling in your tummy, you pack your things in your bag, hopefully not forgetting anything. If yes, you have no shame of turning back if he would live here.
A knock on the doorframe, he stands there, leaning on it with his arm. God the marvelous sight, seeing him in that shirt, such a simple plain one, but he can style anything if it's on his body.
"Ready to leave with me?" you nod turning around and grabbing your bag, but holding in, did he say 'with me'? You look confused to him.
"I'll drive you, no talking back" he says, going away from the doorframe, longing for a short kiss and walks infront of you, ready to wait for your signal.
"okay, I can't talk back" you say, smiling at him, but is it a good time to kiss here? Well, your friend is downstairs, maybe one will satisfy your needs..
You got close to him also, your calm face awaiting his lips tells him that you also want it.
Looking at his lips was the sign to finally kiss you, he brought his hand onto your cheek, you feeling the sensation too much already and he closes your lips with his. It feels like you are on cloud 9 while getting electric shocks through your body. You lean into the kiss, he's feeling every inch of your cheek with-
"Come you guys, my mother is already away, you go now too!" you stop in shock, hearing your friends voice from downstairs. With widening eyes, you look at him moving away from your desperate lips. "We continue this another time" he whispers into your ears, making you fuzzy.
He goes down the stairs, you slowly follow, not trying to show your excitement on your cheeks.
"I'm gonna miss you!" Your friend says hugging you tight as a goodbye. You, laying your hands around her back. "I'm gonna miss you too, have nice holidays with him" you say and let go of her. Wakatoshi leans down to his daughter, hugging her and wishing her beautiful moments with her fiance.
You watching them, realizing that you like her dad, but he's single and you too. It felt like a match, and does she have to find out? You let that question open.
Both of you walk out of the door and wandering to his car, getting into the passenger seat, and as you watch him get into his car, you look at his thighs, now seeing that not only his back is well trained. He doesn't skip leg days.
"What city?" he asks you, answering a little late because you were.. Distracted. "xxxxxx" he looks at you, lighty having a disbelief in his eyes. "What?" you ask confused. "So we got the same destination" he answers, and also you were quite surprised but slowly replacing it with a tickling happiness in your stomach.
He starts to drive and you turned on the radio, not liking the silence when someone just doesn't turn up music while driving. It's giving you the ick.
You look out the windows but your gaze went to another thing, your thigh having a hand placed on it. It feels incredible, you had that feeling before, sure but it's always a relieving excitement wandering through your body with chills just by having his touch on your body. He notices you smiling and couldn't suppress his one, his corner of his mouth moving up.
You seem to find a pen next to you, deciding to write something on his hand. You took it, and hold down the hand with yours, writing with the other one. It sure is a spectacle, feeling his rough hands with little veins over it in yours.
He was relieved seeing your number on his hand, having some thoughts on what you guys were writing about and how he could pleasure you through the phone when he will write you...
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I need to wake up with him next to me so we can make love in the morning before we go to school. I want to have the memory and feeling of him inside me the entire day.
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littlegirlovhazz · 11 months
My Military 💚🪖
Oioi Gostosinhas!
Aqui está a one do Louis militar, recebi um plot na ask mas acho que no final não ficou tão parecido, por que não sei fazer personagens muito provocadoras, mas espero que gostem mesmo assim.
Prometo que a parte dois de Bad boy sai no máximo na próxima semana e se você nem sabe do que to falando, te convido a ler minhas ones fixadas no perfil.
Relaxem e gozem com esse Louis gostoso e uma Harry bem submissinha.
Avisos: hinter, age gap, desuso de camisinha, leve spanking, Harry utiliza os dois pronomes (ela/ele), palavras de baixo calão como: boceta, xotinha, cuzinho e etc.
Hazzy: 21
Lou: 34
Harry era uma garoto mimado, no sentido material, já que não tinha atenção alguma de seu pai e sua mãe havia falecido quando ela era bebê. Cresceu dentro de um sistema rígido já que seu pai era um militar, sempre teve uma boa vida, com dinheiro. Ele se mudava constantemente para sua segurança, principalmente após seu pai virar um capitão. Mas dessa vez seu pai estava sendo caçado, realmente em perigo e ela se sentiu assustada, ele não queria morrer.
Por viver sempre com a rédia curta, Harry não aproveitou como gostaria, para ajudar ele não era um garoto comum, ele tinha um segredo no meio de suas pernas e é claro que isso nunca poderia cair na mídia, seria uma vergonha pra um capitão do exército ter um filho intersexual. Seu pai lhe dava dinheiro para comprar milhares de camisolas e coisas femininas, desde que ele (ou ela, não importava) usasse roupas consideradas masculinas em público. Claro que Harry odiava, ele começou q fugir de casa aos 16 anos, mudava todo seu rosto com maquiagem, colocava lentes castanhas para esconder os lindos e inconfundíveis olhos verdes, suas saias curtinhas e ninguém nem desconfiava que ele era um garoto inter, ele teve sua primeira vez com um garoto de sua escola, que nem ao menos imaginava que aquele era Harry.
Mas nos últimos 2 meses ele não saia de casa, a segurança tinha redobrado, seu pai também saia muito pouco e sempre com o carro blindado e soldados o acompanhando, Harry nem queria saber o que estava acontecendo, ela já estava assustada o suficiente, mas quando o soldado mais fiel de seu pai a acordou as 3 horas da manhã dizendo que eles precisavam sair imediatamente, ela se sentiu fielmente desamparada, ela foi colocada em um carro e levada para o interior da Inglaterra, não havia absolutamente nada além do chalé que ela estava, o lago e as árvores. Era extremamente frio, não importa quantas camadas de roupas colocava e o aquecedor ligado, parecia que ela estava sempre gelada, talvez fosse o fato de que ela estava sozinha a horas, o soldado a deixou e disse que seu pai foi para o outro lado do país e entregou a carta onde homem disse que estava sendo perseguido pelo exército inimigo, que alguém viria para tomar conta dela, alguém importante e que devia um favor a ele.
Ninguém havia chego até o momento, Harry estava com um conjunto de moletom verde escuro, deixando seus olhos extremamente claros. O chalé por dentro era bonito, moderno e aconchegante, totalmente diferente de sua fachada, uma pena que ele estava ali pra que não seja morto ou sequestrado e torturado. Ele não tinha um telefone, porque poderiam rastrear, seu pai disse na carta que mandaria um novo que não poderia ser rastreado.
Foi quando a noite já caía que ela ouvi o alarme ser desativado e a porta aberta, o homem de uniforme militar entrou, seu cabelo estava bagunçado, era aparado nas laterais e maior em cima com leves fios brancos o salpicando, ele carregava uma mochila, o rosto era perfeito e anguloso, os olhos azuis pareciam cansados e Harry viu a insígnia e o reconheceu imediatamente, Coronel Tomlinson, o homem mais jovem a se tornar Coronel, com apenas 34 anos, isso era muitíssimo jovem dentro do exército, mas ele se destacou de forma gigantesca.
Harry estava sendo protegido pela porra do melhor soldado do exército, com foi quem seu pai se meteu?
O mais novo levantou rapidamente batendo continência ao Coronel e o mesmo sorriu de lado mas esse sorriso logo se desfez em uma careta de dor, e a garota percebeu que o rosto estava começando a ter um hematoma mas foi quando olhou pra baixo e viu a mancha de sangue se espalhando pelo uniforme e as pernas do mais velho bambearem que ela correu para ajudar, o homem se apoiou em seus braços para não cair.
- Por favor, arme o alarme novamente… Eu que deveria estar te acudindo… Desculpe menino, tudo dói. - Harry o sentou no sofá de couro branco e colocou a senha novamente seguido de sua digital, ele aumentou o aquecedor, pegou a maleta de primeiros socorros, água para ele beber, água quente e um saco de gelo voltando para o sofá. Ela não queria pensar que era Tomlinson ali.
O homem parecia exausto e machucado, como se estivesse no campo de batalha e precisasse se arrastar até aqui. Harry pegou um algodão e o mergulhou na água quente.
- C-com licença, Coronel. - Tomlinson olhou aquele garoto, sua voz era tão doce, seus traços delicados, parecia um anjo, ele limpou um pouco seu rosto e passou uma pomada no hematoma, pedindo que ele pressionasse o saco de gelo, sendo extremamente gentil e passou a abrir os botões de sua camisa camuflada e mesmo morrendo de dor, os pensamentos daquelas mãos o despindo, fizeram seu pau começar a endurecer, ele não podia.
Harry se assustou com a mancha de sangue, mas não teve como não reparar como ele era tonificado, perfeito, na medida certa.
- Foi um tiro, de raspão. - Ela concordou e cortou a regata, prendendo a respiração ao ver os músculos do peito e pensar como seria lamber ali, limpou a fissura em sua costela devagar e avisou antes de jogar o álcool. Tinha estado na presença do Coronel poucas vezes, ele praticamente não falava, era rígido e extremamente respeitado, toda vez que Harry o via ela prendia a respiração, ele era tão… homem, sempre a tratou com muito respeito e ela se sentia tão suja por observá-lo de longe, os braços fortes as vezes marcados no uniforme de gala, ou aquela bunda gostosa em uma calça militar, sempre imaginou como seria ser fodida por ele. Ela costurou o corte que a bala fez enquanto engolia em seco e foi buscar mais água e um sanduíche.
Ele comeu enquanto o garoto arrumava as coisas, Tomlinson pensava no quanto ele era delicado e quando ele se abaixou e a calça se moletom se agarrou em sua bunda, ela era tão redonda.. ele se sentiu um pervertido, o garoto deveria ter uns 20 anos, o que ele estava pensando? Toda vez que o via, se sentia estranho, com um tesão de adolescente em seus poros, como se o menino tivesse uma magia que o atraía, os olhos verdes sempre o observavam com cautela e tudo que o coronel queria era o foder olhando em seus olhos, até mesmo seu cheiro de melancia o deixava louco na mesma medida que o relaxava.
O cansaço atravessava seu corpo agora que ele havia sentado e seus cortes foram limpos e cuidados, ele não deixava as pessoas fazerem isso por ele, mas ele caminhou 20km pra chegar aqui, seu carro começou a ser perseguido, então era mais seguro que ele deixasse o seu soldado para escapar com o carro para o outro lado do país e ele viesse a pé, seus olhos estava muito pesados, ele só precisava de algumas horas de sono e estaria inteiro e pronto novamente.
Quando Harry se virou, o Coronel estava completamente capotado, seu sono era tão profundo que pela primeira vez a garota viu seu rosto relaxado.
Ela limpou tudo e foi em direção a seu quarto e depois de um banho bem quente ela vestiu uma de suas camisolas, essa era azul rendada, seus peitinhos podiam ser vistos pela renda, a calcinha era da mesma cor e toda transparente, ela também tinha seus cremes e diversas coisas, por que sempre tinha tudo separado para caso precisasse sair depressa.
Algumas horas depois ela estava com muita sede, havia esquecido de pegar água, ela escutou o chuveiro do quarto ao lado e decidiu que estava tudo bem ir até a cozinha bem rapidinho, ela colocou o robe de cetim e seguiu até lá.
Estava um breu apenas a lua prateada iluminando, já devia ser de madrugada, mas ela se sentia tão alerta, o tempo todo. Havia um passarinho na janela, ele era bonito e estava comendo as migalhas de pão que a garota espalhou ali mais cedo.
- Harry? - Seu corpo congelou, congelou tanto que o copo se espatifou no balcão. - Garoto, você esta bem?
Foi então que ela virou, ela não tinha como escapar. Os olhos do Coronel passaram por cada centímetro do seu corpo, como se estivesse o vendo pela primeira vez. Ela estava travada, completamente travada.
- Harry? - Ele chamou calmamente, ele não parecia bravo, ela nem podia imaginar como seu pau pulsava na calça por ver ele em cetim azul, suas pernas eram longas, bem branquinhas, sua cintura era fininha, o rosto iluminado pela lua era perfeito, ele nunca havia reparado muito no garoto, ele era muito novo e agora parecia extremamente assustado.
- M-me desculpe, Senhor. - O Coronel se encontrava muito confuso, por que ele estava pedindo desculpas?
- Desculpe pelo que? E pode ser só Louis, eu não sou tão velho, sou? - Harry corou em um rosa lindo. Velho? Aquele homem podia ser muita coisa, mas não velho, ele era na verdade extremamente gostoso, ainda mais em apenas uma calça militar, o colar de identificação, com o cabelo molhado do banho e os pés descalços.
- M-minha roupa… Eu, eu não… - Louis deu um passo na direção dele, ele parecia um coelhinho assustado quando se encolheu.
- Ei.. eu sou tão mal visto assim? Não a problema algum com a sua roupa. - O mais novo era tão bonito, os olhos verdes tão claros e sua pele parecia tão suave que ele não resistiu em levar sua mão aquele rosto.
A pele era tão macia, os olhos enormes agora estavam fixos nele e tinham uma curiosidade divina, ele esperava encontrar inocência pura, mas não, eles estavam queimando e Louis não resistiu ao se aproximar do corpo macio, encontrando suas bocas.
Harry estava assustada, mas o Coronel era tão delicioso que ela não resistiu, a língua pediu passagem e ela levou as mãos para o fios curtos, não podia acreditar que aquela boca rosada e macia estava na sua, ela amava beijar, amava o arrepio em seu corpo, a língua molhada com a sua, tomando tudo de si. As mãos fortes estavam em sua cintura e ele a apertou, levantando até que estivesse sentada na bancada. Ela se sentiu desesperada, mas as mãos cheias de veias e ásperas estava em suas coxas lisinhas, a boca gostosa desceu até seu pescoço, uma mordida foi depositada e logo depois a língua macia aliviou a dorzinha.
Louis levou as mãos ao cordão do robe e Harry choramingou alto quando ele abriu, os peitos dele era bem grandinhos e seus bicos estavam durinhos e vermelhos pela renda em contato direto, o olhos azuis estavam fascinados e o homem se encontrava travado com aquela visão. Mas foi impedido quando o mais novo fechou o robe e ameaçou descer da bancada.
- Desculpe, desculpe mesmo, Coronel. - Louis o impediu de descer o segurando.
- O que aconteceu? Por que ainda está pedindo desculpas coelhinho? - As bochechas dele coraram pelo apelido, mas ele parecia assustado e o desespero bateu no homem de que provavelmente ele não queria nada com um velho. - Oh Meu Deus, desculpe Harry, você não quer isso? Eu te forcei? Meu Deus… me perdoe.
Ele deu alguns passos se afastando daquele corpo mas Harry se desesperou ainda mais se agarrando em seu pescoço e o puxando de volta, colocando a cabeça em seu pescoço e tendo seus cachos afagados pelo homem.
- C-claro que não… e-eu quero tanto, quero desde quando te vi pela primeira vez. - Ela sentiu seus olhos úmidos. - Só estou com medo quando você descobrir que não sou um garoto.. normal. Eu-eu estou tão molhada, Coronel. - Louis puxou o rosto de seu pescoço ainda fazendo carinho e a olhou com dúvida. - Sou inter.. intersexual. T-tenho uma.. uma… sabe? Uma florzinha.
Ela se sentia patética enquanto Louis sentia que seu pau ia explodir dentro da calça, pq afinal ele não tinha preferência alguma se ele, ela, tinha um pau ou uma boceta, ele só queria foder aquele corpo. As lágrimas estavam presas em seus olhos e o homem percebeu que estava completamente estático, então tratou de aproximar a boca do ouvido dela, ele nem ao menos precisava disso por que estavam completamente sozinhos.
- Oh Coelhinha, você acha mesmo que ligo se você tem uma bocetinha gostosa? Eu vou chupar ela e foder você toda, eu posso? - Harry sentiu um arrepio em seu corpo inteiro, seu melzinho molhou a calcinha que usava e ela se agarrou ainda mais a ele.
- Sim.. por favor, Coronel… por favor. - Ela implorou mesmo sabendo que não precisava, mas estava extasiada por alguém querer ela do jeito certo, sem máscaras e disfarces. - Fode minha bucetinha.
Ele tirou o robe do corpo dela devagar, vendo ela ser iluminada pela luz prateada da lua, olhando apropriadamente dessa vez, a camisola era toda transparente e dava pra ver a calcinha da mesma cor, ela tinha uma borboleta tatuada na barriga, a cintura delicada podia ser vista, as coxas grossinhas estavam abertas e porra.
- Vou te destruir. - Ele agarrou os cachos e colou suas bocas, com uma única mão ele a fez rondear as pernas em seus tronco e a levantou, nem ao menos ligava para o corte da bala ardendo, não ia tirar os lábios dos dela por um segundo, desceu, beijando seu pescoço e maltrarando o local, andando com ela segura em suas mãos.
Chegando ao quarto do Coronel que tinha todo o cheiro dele e fazia Harry se sentir bêbada, ele a colocou no chão e a fez se ajoelhar. Segurando em seus cachos o tempo todo e fazendo ela olhar em seus olhos. Ele era o caralho de uma visão, o tronco bonito e definido, os olhos azuis eletrizantes e o cabelo bagunçado, ele abriu a calça apenas para tirar o cacete pingando pré-gozo pra fora, era cheio de veias, grosso, com a cabeça vermelha e brilhante, ela era lisinha e parecia tão gostosa que a boca da garota encheu de saliva, ela se apressou para por na boca mas o tapa certeiro em sua bochecha a impediu.
- Eu deixei você chupar? Eu te autorizei? - Ele tinha uma expressão fechada no rosto e os olhos estavam pegando fogo.
- Não Coronel, desculpe. - Ele fez um carinho aonde tinha dado um tapa.
- Não seja uma puta desesperada, eu mando aqui e você vai obedecer, não é coelhinha? - Ela colocou as mãos sobre as coxas grossas e definidas dele e concordou, o tecido da calça era grosso e quando ele a fodesse ia raspar em toda a pele dela. - Chupe, até o final, eu quero que você mame bem gostoso e bem babado, certo? Se você fechar os olhos, eu vou estapear essa bunda até ficar roxa.
Harry concordou novamente com a cabeça e recebeu outro tapa.
- Palavras vadia, eu vou ter que te ensinar tudo? - Ele segurou os cachos com força agora e com a outra mão guiou o pau para boquinha com lábios vermelhinhos e inchados pelos beijos e mordidas.
Ele pincelou a boquinha toda com a cabeça de seu pau a manchando com seu líquido, Harry lutou para manter os olhos nele quando sugou a cabecinha, o gosto era tão incrível. Ela mamou devagar, brincando com a língua a sua volta e desceu por todo aquele pau grosso, babando em excesso e o acaricindo com a língua macia. Louis jogou a cabeça pra trás em deleite com aquela boca.
- Caralho Coelhinha, tão quente essa boquinha, será que você vai ser macia em todos os lugares, princesa? - Ela agora fodia a garganta naquele pau, levando todinho na boca, a saliva com pré-gozo escorria pelo seu pescoço e os olhos verdes estavam cheios de lágrimas e quando ele começou a estocar em sua boca sua boceta pingou mais na calcinha e ela podia começar a sentir o meio de suas coxas ficar pegajoso, ele era bruto e toda vez que ele batia de levinho em seu rosto e jogava a cabeça pra trás gemendo um som delicioso, ela pulsava mais. - Porra, você vai engolir tudo? Hm? Vai engolir todo o leite que seu macho vai te dar?
Ela concordou com seu pau ainda na boca e ele gozou forte em sua boca, gemendo seu nome longamente e Harry teve que apertar sua boceta entre as coxas pra não gozar só ao ter a visão dele esporrando. O Coronel não perdeu tempo, a puxando pelo braço e a jogando na cama, a camisola tinha um fecho na frente que ele tratou de abrir e a deixar só de calcinha e se surpreendeu ao alinhar seu rosto e perceber como ela estava encharcada, todo o tecido transparente estava manchado com seu líquido.
- Pingando tesão, coelhinha? - E rasgou a calcinha delicada para vislumbrar aquela xota gostosa, os lábios gordinhos brilhando e o clítoris inchado chamavam por sua boca.
Ela gritou tão algo quando o Coronel passou a lamber todo seu melzinho, chupando o seu grelinho e brincando com sua língua, dando mordidinhas em seu clítoris. Ele comia aquela boceta com vontade, descendo sua língua até a entradinha e podendo perceber como ela era apertada, ele forçou a língua pra dentro e Harry ergueu as costas da cama.
- Oh Coronel, você me chupa tão gostoso, sua língua é deliciosa, muito obrigada. - O pau de Louis não ousou amolecer e ouvir ela agradecendo a ele, fez com que uma gota de pré-gozo pingasse da cabeça babada. Ele desceu a língua até seu cuzinho e a garota pulou assustada.- Eu-Eu nunca, não ai, nunca…
Tomlinson fez um carinho em sua coxa a acalmando.
- Só vou te lamber, coelhinha, mas quando você quiser eu vou te foder aqui. - Ele disse colocando o dedo no buraquinho virgem. - E você vai gostar tanto, que vai querer estar sempre cheia, eu vou gozar lá dentro e colocar um plug de rabinho, pra combinar com a minha coelhinha gostosa.
Quando terminou de falar caiu de boca, lambendo o cuzinho e ousando enfiar a pontinha da língua ali, voltando para xotinha encharcada quando as pernas dela começaram a tremer, ele passou a estapear suas coxas e chupar com mais força e sentiu ela molhar mais e gritar que estava gozando. Foi a cena mais linda que Louis já viu, as bochechas coradas, as mãos enfiadas em seu cabelo e o grito profundo em sua garganta, quando soltou ela, a garota começou a chorar.
- Coronel.. Por favor, fode minha xotinha, eu preciso, por favor.. por favor! - Ele subiu em cima dela ainda com as calças e só cacete para fora e beijou todo o rostinho, pegando suas lágrimas, ele roçou o pau na boceta encharcada fazendo com que Harry tremesse.
- Oh minha garotinha, claro que eu vou foder você, vou foder agora, você vai aguentar? Hm?
- Eu vou Coronel. - Ela estava tão manhosa e toda vez que ela o chamava de coronel fazia seu pau querer explodir, naquele tom ela acabou com a sanidade de Louis, ele empurrou devagar. Ela era absurdamente apertada.
- Hm princezinha, você é tão apertada. Se não soubesse que você é uma vadia, diria que é uma virgenzinha. - Quando as bolas bateram na bunda dela, Louis passou a arrematar forte.
Ele fodeu olhando naqueles olhos, a admirando como se ela fosse a porra de uma Deusa, ela era divina, a porra do paraíso. A xota era tão apertada e quente, extremamente quente, as unhas curtas arranharam o pescoço dele, e sua coelinha era tão atrevida que desceu as mãos até apertar sua bunda por dentro da calça, o empurrando para que fodesse mais forte. A calça roçava nas coxas macias, deixando a pele vermelha.
- Uma vagabunda, vou te encher com tanta porra Harry, que você vai sentir sua barriga inchar. - Ele disse batendo na cara dela e sentindo ela arranhar todas a suas costas, enquanto a garota pirava com aquela corrente batendo em seu rosto, ele virou os corpos na cama sem sair de dentro dela. - Cavalga pro seu Coronel, minha putinha.
E Harry sorriu, deixando suas covinhas amostra, ela apoiou as mãos no peito dele e começou a rebolar enquanto Louis revirou os olhos, ela apertava a boceta em seu pau e o levando ao céu, aqueles olhos verdes, os cachos bagunçados, e o jeito que ela levava seu pau, ela foi moldada pra ele. Quando viu os peitos balançando ele se levantou, colocando um deles na boca e mamando com força, passou a destribuir diversos chupões e mordidas antes de abocanhar o outro, mamando, mordendo e sugando com força. Foi quando Harry acelerou os movimentos, o clítoris se esfregando enquanto ela rebolava e sentia aquele pau delicioso pulsar nela.
- Goza Coelinha, goza pro seu Coronel pra eu te encher de leite, minha, só minha gostosa. - Foi o jeito que ele revindicou Harry, que ele disse que ela era dele que a fez esguichar, molhando e expulsando o pau de Louis.
Ele sorriu feliz em ver ela chorando, tremendo e gritando seu nome.
- Dentro, goza na minha xotinha, me deixa suja de você, por favor Amor. - Ela falou tão manhosa que Louis apenas se enfiou de uma vez com ela caída em cima dele enquanto ele arrematava pra cima, ouvindo a voz baixinha dela dizendo “Coronel, goza na sua garotinha, eu preciso” ele esporrou forte olhando em seus olhos e enquanto se liberava ele a beijou, profundo.
Harry acordou horas depois, eles dormiram rapidamente, sujos de gozo, ela acordou com aquele pau roçando na sua bunda e a mão forte apertando seu peito. A cabeça daquele cacete tão gostoso estava bem em seu cuzinho e ela o sentiu piscar, sua xotinha estava ainda suja de porra e ela se sentia quente, ela passou a se mexer fazendo com que a cabecinha molhada de pré-gozo ameaçasse romper seu buraquinho virgem. Ela queria, queria muito.
- Lou… - Ela proferiu baixinho, não queria levar uma negativa.
- Oi princesinha. - Ele respondeu em seu ouvido e ajudando com os movimentos pela cintura. - Você quer?
- Eu quero amor, tenta devagarzinho. - O pré-gozo ajudava a escorregar a cabecinha e Harry relaxou o corpinho, se abrindo bem e engolindo a cabecinha.
Ela não sabia explicar como, ela tentará algumas vezes antes, mas simplesmente não conseguia, mas ela estava necessidade disso, ela se sentia uma vadia tão suja, dando para o Coronel, anos mais velho, dando seu cuzinho, deixando ele beijar seu pescoço, apertar seus peitinhos e esfregar os dedos na sua xota. Ela estava em êxtase e depois de Louis mandar ela cuspir em sua mão e passar por todo seu pau e um pouco bem em seu cuzinho, ele escorregou pouco a pouco pra dentro.
Era surreal pq apenas uma ardidinha leve a incomodava, mas o caralho entrou tão facil, ela estava relaxada e se sentindo tão bem, o tesão dentro dela era inexplicável, um sexo extremamente gostoso. Louis estava maravilhado, o cuzinho dela era tão bom, apertado, quente.
- Minha Coelhinha, você é a melhor, a mais gostosa, ta me deixando maluco. - Ela gemeu manhosa. - Você é tão gostosa, a única que aguenta meu pau bem assim, nunca mais quero foder ninguém, só a minha garotinha gostosa.
- Promete.. Promete Coronel que esse pau só vai entrar na minha xotinha, no meu cuzinho, na minha boquinha, só eu posso ter o seu leitinho? - Ele revirou os olhos fodendo ela devagar e passando a mão por todo o corpo, ele fez ela virar a cabeça, para beijar sua boca de uma forma obscena, cheia de língua e saliva. Harry nunca tinha sido beijada assim.
- Só você, minha garotinha mimada, vou te dar tudo que você quiser. - Harry gemeu, pedindo mais beijos, era tão sujo e intenso.
Eles passaram muito tempo assim, com Louis a fodendo-a de ladinho, cuidando dela, quando ela começou a tremer ele a prensou na cama fodendo seu cuzinho até que ela gozasse e em seguida enchendo-o de porra.
- Vou te comer todas as manhãs, vou te deixar sempre cheia, Minha coelhinha. - Harry sorriu extremamente satisfeita e subiu em seu colo, adormecendo com a cabeça em seu pescoço.
Espero que tenham gostado, essa ficou um pouquinho maior e eu tive uma insegurança com ela. Mas obrigada se chegaram até aqui!
All the love,
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angelwebs · 24 days
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oceantornadoo · 3 months
not a good student
ta!simon riley, curvy reader implied (tw: age gap but he's still in college so it's not weird, slight exhibitionist)
*wrote this for my bestie with a very sus ta*
you were incredibly stressed for your upcoming stats midterm. the class just did not make sense, and it didn't help you were pretty sure your hot ta hated you. he was always staring at you with an annoyed look, like he couldn't be bothered to answer your stupid questions. even so, grades come first, so you had finally gotten the courage to ask if he could spend some extra time tutoring you in the nights before the test.
that's how you got here, the top floor of your university's auditorium, studying at a table overlooking the quad. your ta was correcting your work next to you for the thousandth time. it was two hours in, and you were starting to go delirious.
"i really appreciate you doing this, simon. i'm sure you had better things to do tonight." he answered you with a grunt, eyes locked onto your work as he furiously corrected with a red pen. "'s ok. nothin' much goin' on anyways." he replied after a minute, finally out of his trance. you locked eyes and gave him a small grin to show your gratitude. he stared back, like he always did. you started on the next problem, eagerly trying to prove that you could do it.
suddenly, a warm hand covered your own, scars scratching your soft skin. "'s not 5, 's 10." he murmured, his gravelly voice making you shift in your seat. you nodded, not sure you could trust your voice to not squeak. you continued like that, his hand on top of yours, working through the problems together. his face hovered over your shoulder, inhaling your scent as you worked.
ever so slowly, he ran his nose up your neck, making you shiver. "look at you. got that one right all on your own." you gasped as his other hand found the base of your neck, massaging away the built-up tension. "y'know, i thought you hated me." you whispered, a small secret lost into the darkness of the night. "why'dya think that?" he asked, genuinely surprised. "you're always staring at me like you want to kill me." he rewarded you with a low laugh as wetness pooled between your thighs. "was jus' confused how the prettiest girl in the room couldn't do stats." you laughed, a short sound of surprise. "that's mean!" you turned around, shoving his shoulder. he caught your wrist at lightning speed, large hand dwarfing yours. simon's eyes locked on yours as he raised your wrist to his mouth, giving it a small kiss. gaining confidence, you brushed your thumb over his lip, returning the intense eye contact. you drew his face to yours cautiously, searching his eyes for any negative signs. he gazed back lazily, waiting for you to make the first move. finally, you put your lips to his in a soft kiss.
the kiss triggered a switch in simon. he instantly scooped you up and deposited you onto the table, hands greedily gripping at your thighs. he deepened the kiss, devouring you with his lips as his hands searched for something. they roamed your body eagerly, tracing over your sweatshirt and sweatpants with a fervor. finally, his fingers slipped under your sweatshirt, familiarizing himself with the warmth of your skin. he waited until you nodded against his lips, and then began his exploration upwards, tugging your sweatshirt off.
"si, someone could see." you nodded at the window that overlooked the quad. "s' nighttime." he paused. "can i make you feel good?" he drew back, those eyes always watching. "yes." you answered breathlessly, hands exploring his torso and tugging off his shirt. your fingers traced the tattoos and scars of his body, even more turned on by the second. he tugged off your sweatshirt, and in a blink, his mouth was on your breast. he sucked slowly, teeth scraping slightly in a way that made you wet without pain. his left hand rolled your other nipple between his fingers as his right hand trailed down the pudge of your stomach to the line of your underwear. "yeah?" he asked against the shell of your ear, voice deeper than normal as he moved his mouth off your breast. "yeah." you exhaled, pushing your hips into his hand in a search for friction. "want you so bad." he murmured, mouth focused on your neck. his palm pressed against the outside of your clit as your hips rolled against it. you whined and he laughed, drunk on the sound of your moans.
"gonna come just like that?" you nodded furiously. your tits were aching, the stimulation from his hand and mouth leaving you right at the edge. he moved his hand under your underwear, a finger dipping into your aching hole as he pressed against your clit. "right there, 'm there." you were a mess, glistening under him as you chased your orgasm. "such a good girl for me. takin' me so well. wanna see you like that 'round my cock." your orgasm hit at the filth of his words, brain clouded with images of getting fucked by your older ta. he grinned against your neck as he grinded his hand into you, wringing you of your orgasm. you collapsed into his neck, the reality of the situation hitting you hard.
"'f you wanted extra credit that bad, you could have asked." he said, giving you a small kiss on the neck. you laughed, legs wrapping around his torso as your arms wrapped around his neck, reveling in the warmth of simon's embrace.
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cowboyfromh3ll · 7 months
It's John's turn this time.
The reader is Dutch's daughter still.
Dutch starts dating John's mother, and they have a dinner to introduce the kids. (They're 18 ans 23 but) since Dutch is serious about this woman, he wants her son (who still lives at home... also maybe has an emo band but thats besides the point) and his daughter to meet each other.
Cue another stereotypical porn scenario, except this one of the Stepbro variety
I absolutely loved Cola.
Have you heard the song "She keeps me up" by nickelback? (Ik nickelback is kinda cringe but this song 💋👌)
It reminded me of this prompt because one of the lines is:
"Funky little monkey, she's a twisted trickster.
Everybody wants to be the sister's mister
Coca cola, roller coaster
Love her even though I'm not supposed to."
(StepBro!John Marston x Dutch’s Daughter!Reader Smut)
WOOOO MY GOD this was sooooo fun to write and it's one of the best pieces of literature I have ever written. Enjoy.
Warnings: Stepcest, age gap, unprotected piv, reader is a pervert with a wild imagination
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You had a near giddy sense of optimism at the thought of that day's coming events. The lust was like an IV drip in your veins, spreading through your body rapidly enough to make you feel lightheaded from excitement. You tumbled out of bed and pranced towards the bathroom like a deer frolicking through a field, though with your hazy state of mind, it felt more like dragging yourself towards the bathroom with the helpless awareness of someone realizing they’d been slipped a drug. You swung open the door with such great ferocity you thought you might rip it off its hinges if you weren’t careful.
You tried to take relief in the surging water of the shower, cranking the handle the furthest you could; the bathroom filling with steam within minutes. You stood underneath the water, watching the way each droplet drummed against the bottom of your tub hypnotically. You thought of the boy you were hours away from meeting in an introductory dinner, your father informing you he was named John. From pictures your father had so graciously shown you, you knew he was your type. He looked considerably older than you, though not by too much. Young looking enough that people wouldn’t give you questioning looks if they saw you walking together in public hand in hand, or perhaps sharing a milkshake; seductively licking the whipped cream off the corner of his mouth before dipping your own finger in the fluffy confection.
His skin looked nearly wet in the picture your father showed you, standing next to his mother in some outside area (You barely remembered what she looked like, far too focused on him). The oily lubricants of sweat caused his hair to cling to his forehead; the effortless feather of his side-swept bangs that were just slightly too long framing his left eye. You’d imagined that if you pushed them back, the path of his shining forehead would be exposed. The thought alone made your heart quicken as if he had just stripped naked in front of you. You went on to imagine that after pushing back his bangs, you’d lick his forehead; likely tasting of the sweat on his inner thighs and the crevices of his torso.
You smiled at the thought as you slathered the syrupy body wash across your breasts, hoping your skin would ferment with the scent and create an intoxicating alcohol in the air. You began to imagine John inhaling the rousing fragrance of your cherry vanilla shampoo as you massaged your scalp; the result of accidentally leaning far too forward next to him while he showed you something on his phone screen, a swath of velvety hair brushing against his nose as he tried his best not to deeply inhale you. You soon became so dizzy from your own thoughts that you clumsily supported yourself on the shower wall before sliding down. You extracted the shower head from its holder before turning the notch to a narrow stream of high pressure and holding it between your legs the same way a medic would put an oxygen mask on a patient slipping from consciousness.
You chose your outfit for the day carefully. You decided that today you’d brandish a mini baby pink slip dress, the material imperceptibly sheer; slight enough that they wouldn’t be able to discern the outline of your lacy underwear; but sheer enough that upon closer inspection, they’d be able to make out the prints of your hardened nipples and the color of your smooth breasts. For the special occasion, you wore no bra but donned a simple white cropped cardigan. Only upon entering the privacy of John’s bedroom, if allowed, would you discard the fabric to allow the cold air of the house to make a show of your hardened nipples for your target. Until you were able to engage in true contact with the man, you’d use his hungry stares as sustenance. You’d imagined John had never been with someone so deliciously supple, someone so curvaceous and tempting, that he couldn’t mask the direction in which his eyes traveled and the delight at what he was looking at.
When you check the weather for the day, your heart swelled in satisfaction at the realization of what the record high southern heat would bring. You licked your lips as you watched the news anchor on TV, almost able to taste the flavor of John’s sweat on your tongue. The piquancy would cause your mouth to water in delight, and you began to clench your legs painfully together as if to muffle the screeching desire that clawed away at the ornately papered walls of your meridional mansion.
As you shuddered, your father walked into the living room with an equally blissful smile on his face. “Goodmorning, sweetheart.” He called before walking over and planting a tender kiss to your temple. “Are you ready for tonight?” You nodded enthusiastically, perhaps a bit too enthusiastically as you realized your own excitement. In the past, you had never been particularly keen on meeting your father’s girlfriends, but it wasn’t often they had a hot son under their wing and this situation seemed too good to pass up.
The ride to their house was torturous; restless in the passenger seat of your father’s corvette as he drove down the road. Even though he was already driving above the speed limit, a part of you wanted to shove your father out of the driver's seat and drive there on your own at record speed, pushing the gas pedal to its limits. You tried your best to not bite your nails, painted cherry squares that gleamed like red vinyl; it was a habit you had ditched in the throes of your childhood. As you and your father pulled into the driveway of a quaint suburban home, all judgment you might’ve initially had left you as you remembered the prize that awaited you inside; like a parcel sitting inside an ornately wrapped gift box. You squinted your eyes against the bleached out concrete of their driveway, looking past the beat up looking 1900 Audi 100 and towards the doorway. The stone paved walkway served as an umbilical path to the inside; the bottom of your Repetto Camille heels scraping against the granular surface of their front steps, each strike of your heel against the ground a sharp reminder of what awaits you. It felt like a daydream, like you were walking a path of luminous sugar.
The rap of your father’s knuckle against the front door snapped you back to reality, and you stood there skittishly. You straightened your posture and flashed your father an enthusiastic smile which he returned. The door creaked open in front of you, revealing the woman of your father’s affections, but not the man of yours. Nonetheless, you held your smile and greeted the woman. You watched as the two exchanged kisses on the cheeks, before she turned to face you.
“Oh it’s so good to meet you, (Name)!” She stuck her hand out to shake yours, which you gingerly accepted and shook. “I’ve heard so much about you.” She went on to say, which made you smile wider.
“It’s a pleasure to meet you Ms. Marston.” You nodded, your eyes skidding to look behind her to see if John was there. A sense of disappointment began to swell within you as you considered the fact that he may not be there; he was a grown man after all, and he could decide whether or not he wanted to be present to meet his mother’s new partner. The realization felt akin to the bittersweet pain of heat leaving your genitals upon retracting your hand before you could reach orgasm.
“Please, step inside. Dinner is nearly ready.” She stepped aside to allow you in, and you did so in a sluggish manner. The woman led you down the hall, presumably to her living room. When you turned the foyer into the living room, you nearly crumpled to your knees.
There, on the couch, you beheld the love of your life. Your chest began to surge when he turned to face the three of you, at once standing in a show of practiced politeness. His awkward gait as he walked over nearly made you screech in desire. Now that he stood before you, you drank in details you weren’t able to capture from mere pictures. Healed scars almost white in comparison to his tanned, stubbled skin. The small bump on his nose as it curved to a rounded tip. The girth of his generous biceps, decorated in embellishing ink designs, not revealed in the portrait style pictures you had seen. The slight downturn of his brown eyes contrasting his rough features.
Before you knew it, he was standing before you, seemingly last in the assembly line to be greeted by him. “Nice to meet you, I’m John.” His southern drawl made you shiver, your teeth chattering as you lifted your hand to his. The initial feeling of skin to skin contact made you want to cry out; the single touch alone would’ve been enough to satiate you for the entire night and until your next meeting. But your longing grew teeth, and you were ready to maul the man before you. There was a distinct gentleness in the way you took his hand, flashing him your best smile as you batted your eyelashes. “I’m, (Name).” You chirped. “Pleasure to meet you.” And what a pleasure it would be, indeed, you thought. You noted the calluses on the tips of his fingers, imagining what their roughness might’ve felt like grinding into your clit. As the two of you parted hands, you smoothed the tips of your fingers over his wrist and slid them over his palm. You watched his face to pick up on any reactions to your strangely intimate gesture, relishing in the way his adams apple bobbed harshly.
“See, they’re already getting along.” Your father joked. You offered genuine laughter, finding amusement in the unintentional literalness of his statement.
“Oh, yes! Let me check up on dinner to see if it’s ready yet.” John's mother began walking towards the kitchen, to which your father followed closely behind her.
“I’ll come with you, the two can acquaint themselves for a bit.” He patted her shoulder, offering you and John a polite yet expectant smile. You and your father seemed to have a hive mind that night, because the set up couldn’t be any more perfect. You stepped around the arm rest of the couch and sat down on the cushioning, seemingly assessing the comfort of the pillows to see how well of a surface they’d make for cunnilingus.
Your attention was drawn back to John, who was sitting in a reclining chair vertical to the loveseat you sat on. “There’s some water on the table if you’d like some.” He motioned towards the tray on the table, which held 4 glasses.
“Thank you.” You said, a small purr in your inflection as you reached for a glass and brought it to your lips. John watched with near a hypnotized demeanor as you tipped the cup back, your rouge lipstick leaving a print on the side of the cup. He watched as the pink flesh of your tongue flicked over the rim of the cup tentatively, catching a few loose droplets of water. John looked so nervous he looked like he might throw up all over his shoes, and your small gestures were enough to start up a tremble in him.
“So,” you began, the sound of you setting your cup down causing John to jerk. “Tell me about yourself, John!” You said enthusiastically. You hadn’t noticed how wide you were grinning, perhaps too excited for a simple meeting. He looked at you as though you had just asked him the meaning of life. You gave him an encouraging nod, something you would’ve never otherwise done if this were any other boy. But you could make special exceptions.
He sat up and drummed on his thighs, deep in thought. “Uh, well… I’m twenty three-”
You couldn’t help but lick your lips at the mention of his age, passing it off as blithely wetting your dry lips. You listened attentively as he recounted the rudimentary details of his life, your eyes focusing on the scars littered across one side of his face. You imagined what it’d be like to skate your tongue across them, allowing your tongue to linger on one end before sliding back down the other direction.
“The car out in the front is mine, actually.” There was a small inflection of pride in his voice, though you couldn’t remember the conversation having gotten to the point of discussing cars in your daydream.
“Oh really? It’s quite nice.” You supposed talking up a man’s ego would be the easiest way to get him out his pants, and his car seemed to be a soft spot for him. Though comparably, if you were talking cars, you’d be doing him a service driving him around in yours. Imagine the fun you two would have! You’d pick him up in your baby blue audi roadster; he’d sit a bit awkwardly at first on the passenger side, his legs bent up too far to avoid having the skin on the back of his knees touch the hot leather of the seat. You’d drive him down an isolated road with the top down as you floored the gas, letting the wind hit your bodies in some form of foreplay. Before long, you’d be surrounded by overgrown greenery and untamed woods, and you’d tell him to slide his jeans down so you could pull his cock out and fellate him.
“Y’know, I actually have quite a few cars. Maybe you can check ‘em out sometime?” You offered, feigning innocence. His eyes widened slightly at your mentioning of having several cars of your own. “Yeah?” He asked in disbelief.
You nodded. “Yeah! Maybe I’ll even let you drive one.” You giggled, feeling exultation at making him laugh as well, even if it was nervous laughter. You hoped that upon accepting your invitation to view your cars in some impromptu meet, it’d be easy to seduce and fuck him in the back seat of one of your coupes.
"Ha, never imagined my mom would find herself a rich fella. Now I'll be able to borrow my rich sister's cars." Having him call you his sister felt like a kick in the skull, it was like being unwillingly pulled into a group project you had no intentions of being a part of. "Well, I'm not quite your sister." In an act of defiance, you shed the thin cardigan and puffed your chest out, pulling the thin strings tying the front together like you were unwrapping a gift; the lighting from the chandelier made your dress appear subtly translucent. You suppressed the smirk that threatened to come onto your face when you heard him cough and clear his throat. "Think of it as borrowing your friend's cars " You turned to look at him again, flashing a toothy smile that dismissed any ulterior motives.
"Uhm, yeah." His porcelain voice shivered with forming cracks. He crossed one thigh over the other, leaning back in his seat and sucking in a deep breath. Now that he was actually in front of you, you could take a moment to study his clothing of choice. It seemed that that day he himself had decided to brandish baggy black jeans that bunched around his ankles, and a black band shirt that read 'Alice In Chains'. Not only that, he had a few studded leather bracelets around his wrists. You wondered what he'd look like with a similar choker around his neck, attached to a leash as you sat on his back with a leather crop like he was your mount of choice.
"I like your style!" You complimented, taking another sip of your water. The remark seemed to work in your favor, causing him to sit up straight and smile in pride. Indeed, the way inside a man's heart, and pants, was to talk him up.
"Thank you, I like yours too." His tone was hushed, briefly flickering his eyes down your body before your father walked in. "Hey you two, dinner’s ready." He announced. You dropped all seductive pretenses and faced your father, pulling your cardigan back on while smiling. "Alright daddy!"
The two of you promptly followed behind Dutch, who already seemed to know his way around the house as he led you towards the dining room. John mechanically set the table as his mother droned on about how excited she was to have finally met you, putting a hand on your shoulder with familiar proximity. You did not mind the touch, but you detested the idea of it being perceived as motherly by your father or John. You sat across from John on the mahogany dinner table, which was a heartland expanse of wood long enough for you to lay down on as John pillaged you. Though the four sharp corners of the table were somehow symbolic; a reminder to not go out of bounds on this dinner.
The dinner went on as planned by your father: blithe introductions and a lighthearted atmosphere, your father encouraging you to speak of your achievements casually to show what a great unit the two of you were without sounding pretentious. Though you supposed speaking about all your pageantry awards and college certificates along with your impressive resume was anything but; feeling instead like you were in the middle of some high stakes interview that determined the rest of your life. In a way, you thought it did though. Afterall, the man of your dreams was sitting across from you, and you wanted to impress him. But John seemed to sink in his chair the more you spoke, his eyes flickering occasionally towards his mother, who's jaw only seemed to open wider the more you shared.
"Quite a daughter you've got, Dutch! You should be proud." She cheered, flashing you a warm smile in the process. You returned it before looking over across from you, and John himself seemed to be impressed. But it was more of an ashamed look, as if he were trying to telepathically communicate to his mother 'don't be disappointed in me because I don't have all those achievements under my belt'.
In an act of consolation, you slipped your foot out of your shoe and ran it up his leg, not once looking at him as you did so, stopping to rest your toes on his knee. Perhaps a rush of your judgment, but you felt his entire leg go rigid beneath your foot as he froze, his fork stopping mid way on its path towards his mouth. You continued conversation with your father like it was nothing, a skill born out of practice. You retracted your foot momentarily, an imaginary static shock connecting the two of you as you flickered your eyes towards him briefly, who was staring back at you with aroused disbelief.
"Would you like some more water, (Name)?" John's mother asked, pitcher in hand. You nodded and thanked her, watching the way the cup filled before flashing John a more sultry smile, knowing and empathetic. It said all the words you could not speak out loud. You rested your chin on the back of your hand as you listened to John's mother speak about the multiple clients she saw a day as a real estate agent. You took John's reaction as a green light, opting towards a more bold move. The initial touch had been a pop quiz, now this was the big exam. Once again, your foot traveled up his shin, stopping only for a moment at his knee, as if waiting for one last sign of rejection, before reaching past his thigh and landing at his crotch, rubbing front to back again and again while your father spoke of his own business. Upon applying more pressure to his half erect genitals with the sole of your foot, John's knee reflexively jerked and slammed up into the table, causing you to pull your foot back and shove it into your shoe before anyone could see what you were doing.
Dutch and John's mother looked at each other before looking at John in confusion. "Are you okay, hon?" His mother asked. Her concern-laden question made you want to laugh. John cleared his throat and nodded, shifting in his seat.
"Yeah, mom." He confirmed. She didn't appear too convinced, but she didn't want to rouse any sort of uncomfortable conversation in the middle of dinner. You smiled to yourself in satisfaction, a small victory cheer playing out in your head. The rest of dinner went without a hitch, occasionally stopping to rest your foot on top of John's shoe. He still held an expression of confusion and disbelief, a tinge of arousal; but not once did he move his foot away.
By the end of dinner, John's mother insisted he show you to his room so you could see all his rock memorabilia, something she thought a woman of your age would enjoy seeing. And while you had never dabbled in the more alternative side of fashion and music, it was certainly something that you thought made a man more attractive. John had a stiff air about him as the two of you got up and excused yourself from the dinner table, and you reveled in his tenseness as you walked alongside him. He was quiet the entire walk as if in deep contemplation, not once looking at you out of fear that if he did, he might turn to see some sort of succubus had taken your place. Though once you reached the steps leading up to the second floor, you made a point of stepping directly in front of John as you traversed upwards.
You could feel his eyes train on your ass, the shortness of your dress and the movement of your hips affording him a peek beneath the hem of your dress and to your lace clad ass. As if you were a magician hypnotizing him with some sort of mystical locket by swaying it back and forth, he followed you up in a trance. It wasn't until you stopped at the top of the stairs, turning your torso to face him, did he rip his eyes away from your posterior and up to face you. You smirked unabashedly, as if to tell him you caught him staring.
"Which room is yours?" You asked, looking back to the hallway.
"Oh, right this way." There was a small pep in his step as he led you down the carpeted hall. When he reached the door, he pushed it open and stepped aside to allow you in.
"Ladies first." He said, a tinge of amusement in his voice.
"What a gentleman." You said as you stepped in. You stood in the center of his room, looking around at its slightly disheveled state. He clearly hadn't anticipated having anyone in his room that night, only expecting a quaint dinner. His walls were decorated with several posters of bands, all dressed in a similar fashion as him while carrying electric guitars and wildly thrashing their hair. His navy blue bed sheets on his unmade that you so badly wanted to throw yourself onto face first before inhaling deeply. He had a few guitars of his own propped up against the wall, and you took an instant liking to the bright red one. There were stray t-shirts littered across the floor; his closet door bulging open to reveal more black clothes.
"I like your room, it's so you." You smiled at him, crossing your arms beneath your chest. John stepped fully inside, closing the door behind him but leaving it slightly ajar.
"Thanks, I'd say it's real uh, expressive." He said, which made you giggle.
"You play?" You pointed towards the instruments, only then taking note of the amp positioned behind them.
"Yeah, I'm actually in a band."
This new piece of information was absolutely delightful, and it made you perk up. "Oh really?" You asked, leaning forward in interest. He showed that same bit of pride, gaining confidence at your sudden inquiry.
"Yeah, I'm the lead guitarist." He boasted, sitting down on the bed behind you. You looked at the spot directly next to him, and asked "May I?"
Before he could realize what you were asking, he nodded yes. The realization of what he agreed to came when you sat down so close next to him that your thighs were shy of touching each other. He made no comment about it, only deeply inhaling to steady his breath. The casualty of your prior conversation almost made him nearly forget about the little trick you pulled downstairs at dinner.
"Uhm.." He began, opening his mouth to speak but closing it as if unsure how to start. He looked at you and squinted his eyes, confused by the perplexed expression on your face feigning innocence.
"Downstairs, uh…" You cocked your brow in faux confusion, as if you had no idea where he was going with this. The action alone made John feel crazy, as if he had imagined the whole scene in its entirety and by mentioning it, you'd look at him in appalled disbelief for even imagining something so lewd with his new step sister.
Before he could continue, you cut him off. "Hey John, I have a question."
He pursed his lips before gulping. "What is it?"
"When your mother showed you the picture of my dad and I, did you touch yourself to the thought of me?"
The forwardness of the question made John’s eyes widen to gargantuan proportions. He raised one of his brows at you as if to assess whether you were serious or not, and for a moment, you felt the unfamiliar fear of the possibility of your assumptions being wrong. To emphasize how serious you were, you began undoing the front strings of your cardigan again, letting it slide down your arms along with a singular spaghetti strap, which you made a point not to fix as it slid down your shoulder.
“Uhm… I…” His hesitancy to answer was an answer of its own. You smiled and leaned into his arm, feeling the rigidity of his body. You looked at his face; he looked as though he were weighing out his options. You were sure that if you could read his mind, one end of the balancing scale would have “Remain decent during this joining of two families”, and the other end would read “Fuck my super hot step sister who clearly wants me.” And you were certain that the latter was outweighing the former.
“Well,” You began, ghosting your fingers on his thighs. “I have.” His breath hitched, eyes fixed on where your hand was. “All I can think about is touching you. I want to touch you so badly, and I want you to touch me.” You brought your face closer to his, awaiting any sort of response. He didn’t seem quite as convinced as you wanted him to be though.
“I know you want to.” You purred, laying your palm flat on his thigh, shy of a few inches from his cock. “I saw the way you were looking at me in the living room. And I know you were looking at my ass when we were going up the stairs. Just admit it.” John looked off to the side shamefully as though he’d been caught walking into a room he wasn’t welcome into. You were sure that if this were under any other circumstances, John would’ve pounced on you with as much fervor by now. But the step siblings aspect added an extra layer of shame that you viewed as unnecessarily tedious.
“John.” You said more firmly, cupping his stubbled cheek and turning him to face you directly. “Touch me.”
His hands came to the sides of your face as he lowered his mouth onto yours. You felt his pulse strike against your fingers as you continued to hold him, willfully opening your mouth in the beginning of a hungry kiss. Instantly, John shoved his tongue into your mouth, the nascent feeling of metal on his tongue as he created a sucking motion with each kiss making you shiver. You moaned into the kiss, sucking and kissing anything your mouth came into contact with. He abandoned all hesitant pretenses as his hands began to roam your body, groping and squeezing anything that filled his palm. His touches were so confident and intentional, it appeared as though he had never been scared at all. He seemed to have a perfect lexicon of your body inside his mind, knowing exactly where to touch without looking.
You turned to face him better on the bed, swinging one of your thighs over his lap. As you two separated from the kiss, his needy hands came to your straps and hooked two fingers around them, looking to you for permission before he pulled them down.
“But you’re my brother.” You joked, faking a pout.
“Your STEP-brother.” He clarified. Without another word, he yanked the strings down, exposing your pert chest and hardened nipples. He lowered his mouth to a nipple before taking it in between his lips, pulling it along with his teeth as he sucked. You lowered your head and watched the pink on skin contact, your nipple beginning to glisten with John’s saliva. You gasped and threw your head back, holding his crown in place as his tongue piercing swirled around the bud.
You reached your arms across his back and began clawing at the shirt he was wearing, pulling it up along his back until he helped you pull it over his head, temporarily interrupting his ministrations. After delivering the same attention to your other nipple, he began yanking the rest of your dress down along your body. You lifted your ass in assistance, giggling at the way he flung it across the room, hanging on the headstock of his red guitar.
“Damn, girl, you are stunning.” He smirked, taking a moment to admire your perfectly taut torso before smoothing his hands over the skin. “And you smell amazing.” He added. His comments nearly made you blush. You flung your heels off across the room, leaving you in only your red lacy underwear.
“Your turn.” You whispered, winking at him. He stood hastily and began removing his studded belt, dropping his jeans quickly after and clumsily pulling them off his ankles. His excitement made you laugh, you thought he might trip from how quickly he was moving. You licked your lips at the sight of the trail of hair dusted across his naval, disappearing beneath the waistband of his boxers; it appeared as if it were some wispy chocolate confection drizzled over his body. At this point, he joined you back in bed, remaining in his own underwear. You eyed the noticeable bulge in his underwear, a tiny wet spot where his tip lay.
“Someone’s excited.” You teased, tracing the scar that ran along his cheek.
“Shit, with someone as smokin’ as you, who wouldn’t be.” He leaned forward and pressed a kiss to your neck, his teeth grazing your pulse. The two of you shared a moment of lighthearted giggles as he pulled you along further on the bed.
“You ever had a girl?” You asked. You supposed you knew the answer, but you wanted to hear it come from his mouth. Your hands wrapped around his cloth covered cock and began to stroke leisurely.
“One, but besides that, I haven’t done much.” His labored breath sounded like he was running from something. “How come?” You asked. “You’re certainly handsome.”
He shrugged, shaking his head as he tipped it back on his sternum. “No one will have me, I guess.” He laughed in self pity. In response, you squeezed his cock before lifting your hand from the wad of fabric shaped around his erection. You hooked your fingers on the elastic of his underwear, pulling it down as the head of his cock snagged on the waistband before springing free. You smirked at the sight of his Jacob's ladder piercing.
“I like it.” You complimented, looking back up at him. “Real adventurous.”
“I guess the pain would have been worth it after all.” He joked.
You lowered your head above his cock, your hair falling around you. You exhaled onto him, bathing his tip in your warm breath. With that, you licked your lips, lowering them over him, leaving a pink print wherever your lips paused. You heard a guttural moan above you, his fingers resting over your scalp as if debating whether he should grasp your roots or not. You slowly arched your neck, extending your throat until it came to his base. You delighted in the feeling of metal against your tongue, fluttering it against his underside. He made gasping noises and began bucking his hips, writhing in a disoriented way that made the tip of his cock bump against the back of your throat.
You gave him a few minutes of skilled sucking, your throat producing various wet slurps and gags as you fucked your own throat on his cock. You brushed your hair behind your ear, looking up at him through your lashes. His face twitched and contorted in pleasure, his mouth hanging open in a silent moan. You began tasting the salty bitters of pre-ejaculate on your tongue, hollowing your cheeks as you pulled your head back on his tip, giving a few more harsh sucks before popping off of it. His erection glistened and bobbed in the air as you looked up at him seductively, licking your lips before leaning back up towards eye level. His eyes remained trained on his own cock, looking as if to see if it was still attached.
“Your turn.” You whispered before placing your fingertips on his chest, pushing him back to lay on the bed, his head landing comfortably on his pillow. His lips twitched into an excited smile as you shuffled over him, your knees on either side of his torso. His shaky hands came to grip the back of your thighs, his pointer fingers digging into the plump flesh where your thigh curved into your ass.
You couldn’t believe how close the two of you were to actually fucking. You had a small growing sense of paranoia that your father or John’s mother may decide to walk upstairs, the carpeted floor cushioning their muted footsteps. That they’d throw the door open and see the clothes strewn across the floor, before landing on you sitting atop of John. You sweeped the thought away, deciding to enjoy this for as long as possible. You gripped the head board as you walked your knees to the sides of his neck, looking down at his excited face.
“You know what would be really hot?” You asked, squaring your cunt in front of his mouth. “If you took ‘em off with your teeth.” He leaned up with the obedience of a dog, pinching the elastic between his front teeth before sliding them down, his canines lightly scraping the tender flesh of your thigh. You shuddered as goosebumps wracked your body, the feeling of his nose traveling down your pubic bone making you want to cry out in ecstasy. Your thighs nearly sandwiched his neck, and as your panties pooled at your knees, it only required a slight tilt of your pelvis before you straddled his face fully, releasing your weight onto his mouth. His hands came to grip your ass, squeezing and pulling the globes of flesh in opposite directions.
His lips quickly latched onto your clit, sucking before he opened his mouth and flattened his tongue along your cunt; the feeling of cold metal making you yelp. Without waiting for the green light, you began grinding down onto his face. You bit your lip to avoid the risk of being found out, scrunching your face up at your best attempt to keep quiet. The bottom half of John’s face quickly became marinated in your enthusiasm, eating you out with the same eagerness as if he had just got a new car and was driving it for the first time.
He moaned into your pussy, his tongue laving between your lips and labia, circling your clit before sliding back down to your molting hole. He slid his wet muscle inside you, effectively tongue fucking you as you ground your clit into his nose. He gave your ass a playful spank, a sharp quick cut into the static haziness of your wanton acts which made you keenly aware of the fact either of your parents might’ve heard that. But you couldn’t find it in you to chastise him, he was far too engrossed in eating you out, and very excitedly.
John gripped your ass more forcefully now, manually shoving your cunt further onto his face as he continued to suck and lick. He was doing this with the full intention of making you cum. You bit the back of your hand, grinding so hard into his face you thought you might break the mattress. With a few more harsh sucks, you felt a flash of heat as you came all over John’s mouth and chin, barely able to suppress your cry of euphoria. He wrapped his mouth fully around your cunt, swallowing as much of your cum as he could before going back to sucking on your oversensitive clit. Your grinds slowed to a halt before you climbed off his head, seeing just how spent and drenched his face was.
You laughed in amusement. “My god.” You continued to giggle, feeling a sense of tenderness for him. He had a satisfied smile on his face as he laughed.
“How’d I do?” He lifted himself on his elbows as you moved off of him, leaning your back against the wall as you shed your panties off of your legs fully.
“Well you made me cum so I’d say pretty fucking good.” You giggled, patting him on the knee. Your cunt was a spent pool of pleasure, but the ache inside you continued to burn. You imagined he felt the same way, his cock somehow harder and in more need of touch.
“Take these off fully, already.” You pouted, moving to yank his underwear fully off his legs, throwing it into the pile of clothes next to his bed. You turned to face him. “How do you wanna fuck me?” You asked. He sat up suddenly and moved to the side, patting the pillow where he once laid.
“I wanna look at you while we do it.” Wordlessly, you followed his order and laid on your back, hugging your knees to your chest as he positioned himself above you. He took your ankles and settled them on his shoulders, giving the sides of your feet a kiss before gripping his cock and guiding it inside you. You nodded in encouragement, your mouth falling into a silent o as he slid in slowly to the hilt. He sucked in shaky breaths, trying his best to contain any sounds. He decided to lean forward and over to his night stand, pulling out a random CD before popping it into the player atop. At once, the sound of guitars and drums and smooth vocals filled the room, masking any sounds you made. He cranked the volume up, hastily beginning to thrust inside you.
It was the perfect cover up, one John’s mom wouldn’t question. It made sense, after all, for John to be sharing some of his music taste with you up in his bedroom, no matter how obnoxiously loud it might be. The two of you began in a chorus of moans and grunts, the wet sounds of skin on skin accompanying the playing of the band. John paused his movements momentarily to reach for an extra pillow aside your head before shoving it under your hips, helping him in elevating your pelvis. You let out a particularly loud squeal at the newly reached depth, letting loose a stream of obscenities about how good John was fucking you.
His hair began sticking to his forehead the same way it did in that one photograph, the sight of it making your cunt tighten around him. You dragged him down toward you by the arm, before sweeping his bangs to the side and landing a stripe of saliva on his forehead. The racy flavor made you shudder in delight, and you moved to wrap your arms around John’s neck to hold him in place. He buried his head into the crook of your neck, gripping the headboard as both of your bodies jerked from each movement. If the bed was squeaking, you wouldn’t have known; far too stimulated by the sounds of your bodies moving in tandem along with Chino Moreno’s singing.
John lifted his face to press his sweaty forehead to yours, an expression of pure ecstasy on his debauched features. The functioning awareness of his brain lagging behind his own body as it tried to register what had just happened, what was currently happening, and what was about to end. His eyes opened momentarily and you saw a sense of bewilderment for his own actions, before shutting slowly again in bliss. An involuntary and guttural noise left his mouth as he came inside you. The uncontrolled wince of his face combined with the spreading warmth in your abdomen tipped off your own orgasm, and you came harder than you had before. In the moment, you hadn’t registered that the way you screamed was akin to the primal screech one would release upon being fatally wounded.
As the next track on the album came to an end, the two of you remained in the same position catching your breaths. John seemed to snap back to his senses when he looked down to where you connected, a ribbon of cum dripping out of you. When he removed himself his horrors were only confirmed further.
“Shit, I’m sorry. I-I’ll pay for your plan b, I-” You sat up and waved your hand dismissively.
“On the pill, don't worry.” You reassured, which seemed to effectively calm his nerves. You sat up again, resting your back on the headboard.
“Wow.” He said, smiling at you widely.
“Wow, indeed.” You said.
“That was the best sex of my life.” He slapped your thigh before rubbing it, which you welcomed by placing your hand over his. “There’s more where that came from.” You winked once again and leaned forward to kiss him. The two of you shared a non-sexually charged kiss before separating.
“Alright.” You pat his knee, “Let’s get dressed now before my dad or your mom come up.”
The two of you got dressed simultaneously, slipping your dress on quickly before studying your hair and makeup in a nearby mirror. You picked up your panties and tossed them back towards John, who just barely caught them.
“Keep 'em, as a trophy.” You giggled as you watched him stuff them in his pocket. “Will do.”
The two of you made a haste trip to the bathroom to clean yourselves up and make sure you looked presentable before going back downstairs again. The two of you shared a tender moment where you dabbed away the sweat on each other's foreheads with crumpled up tissues. Upon your return downstairs, you found your respective parents sitting on the couch chatting, before they turned to face you two.
“How’d you two get along?” Asked Dutch. John’s mother looked on in enthusiasm, clapping her hands together. “I’m assuming well, John put on one of his favorite CDs to show you after all.” She cooed. The two of you looked at eachother knowingly with blithe laughter that suggested nothing out of the ordinary had happened at all.
“Yeah,” You began. “I think we’re gonna get along great.”
MX - Deftones
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88 notes · View notes
this happened or my delusions are getting out of hand
this morning, C saw me in the hallway and asked me to come into his office. like wtf??
In my delusion after i enter his office, he closes the door and we kiss passionately. In real life he left the door open and asked me to sit. i was freaking was i in trouble
He apologized. maria i didn't mean to bring that up in conversation the other day (he meant looking for an apartment). It is not common knowledge, and none of the students know this but i have been separated from wife for a while now and we are in the midst of getting a divorce and i was trying to stay at our house in the meantime but its just gotten too bad so i need to look for a place to stay (I"M FAINTING AT THIS POINT OMG THEY'RE SEPARATED!!!!) You are the only student who knows this and I would really appreciate it you just kept it between you and me, and didn't say anything to anyone.
I promise i would and said i'm so sorry that was happening to you, i promised again. (while my mind is screaming this is unbelievable)
He thanked me for my understanding and said he would see me in class. THEN as i was about to leave, he said he really liked my outfit. I'm still shaking, what just happened. i can't wait to get to his class
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yourprettyyygirl · 9 days
i want an older man to make me cum on his face
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angelwebs · 1 month
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cocalittlefairy · 2 months
I can’t stop thinking about him fucking me slowly and kissing me deeply,like I want him to make passionate love with me. I promise I’m going to be a good girl with his hand wrapped around my neck. I want him to rail the shit out of me in the most romantic way possible. I want him to moan into my ear like a little desperate slut. God, I’m so wet just thinking about it. I wish he knew how down I am for him. Only if he knew how much I desire him😫.
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naiadlily · 18 days
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What do you mean I can’t be carried out of bed, and fed breakfast? And that I have to do all these tough tasks all by myself… (っ- ‸ - ς)
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