#haikyuu smut
pin-k-ink · 2 days
kind of a weird request but can you write something about kageyama having a nursing kink ? kinda like an oral fixation but not really.
like, him having the need to just have his mouth on the reader’s boob in a non sexual way, you know ??
feel free to ignore this if it’s too weird 😭🙏
quintessence // kageyama tobio
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tw ⇢ clingy and needy!kageyama, mentions of anxiety, it’s fucking fluffy, biting/marking, non sexual intimacy, nursing kink, implied lactation but it’s not explicitly stated
wc ⇢ 2k
a/n: i hope i did it right 💀
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You stirred awake to the now-familiar sensation of Kageyama nuzzling into your cleavage, his strong arms banded around your waist as he pulled you flush against his muscular frame. Blinking blearily, you glanced at the clock. 3:14 AM. Right on schedule.
Over the past week, your boyfriend had developed a new nighttime ritual - one that involved using your breasts as his own personal pillows. He refused to settle down to sleep unless his face was firmly planted in your chest, nose nestled snugly between the soft mounds.
Not that you were complaining. There was something undeniably cute about the way he sought comfort in your embrace, his usually stern features relaxing ever so slightly as he burrowed into your warmth.
But even as Kageyama's breath fanned across your skin in deep, even puffs, you couldn't help but notice the furrow between his brows, the downward pull of his lips. He looked like a petulant child who'd been denied his favorite toy, even as he motorboated your chest in his sleep.
Stifling a fond snort, you gently combed your fingers through his dark hair, nails lightly scratching at his scalp in the way you knew he secretly loved.
"What's going on in that head of yours, Tobio?" you murmured softly. "You've been extra grumpy lately, even with the deluxe boob pillow treatment."
Kageyama grumbled something unintelligible into your cleavage, his arms tightening fractionally around your waist. Tilting his head, he shot you a bleary-eyed scowl.
"'M not grumpy," he mumbled petulantly. As if to illustrate his point, he promptly shoved his face back into your chest, rubbing his cheek against the soft swell of your breast in a move that was somehow both adorable and bratty.
You bit back a smile, knowing better than to push the issue when he got like this. Kageyama had never been one for talking about his feelings - getting him to open up was like trying to pry open a particularly stubborn clam.
"Alright, Mr. Not Grumpy," you teased lightly. "But you know you can always talk to me if something's bothering you, right? I'm here for you, no matter what."
Kageyama's only response was a muffled "Mmpf" as he burrowed impossibly deeper into your cleavage. Within moments, his breathing had evened out once more, the tension slowly leaching from his muscles as sleep reclaimed him.
You sighed softly, continuing your gentle ministrations through his hair as you let your own eyes drift shut. Kageyama might be a prickly, emotionally constipated handful at times, but he was your handful. And if motorboating your tits was what he needed to navigate whatever was bothering him, well...
There were certainly worse ways to spend your nights.
With that thought, you let yourself slip back into slumber, content to be your grumpy boyfriend's oversized teddy bear for the foreseeable future. He'd talk to you when he was ready.
Over the next few nights, Kageyama's restlessness seemed to intensify. He tossed and turned in his sleep, his brow furrowed and jaw clenched even as he clung to you like a lifeline. And his nightly nuzzling sessions were becoming increasingly...aggressive.
It started with little nips along the swell of your breasts - barely-there grazes of teeth that could almost be mistaken for accidental. But then you'd woken one morning to find a smattering of faint red marks blooming across your chest, telltale evidence of Kageyama's midnight mouthing.
At first, you'd written it off as an unconscious quirk, a manifestation of whatever stress was plaguing him. But as the love bites grew darker and more frequent, you couldn't help but wonder if there was something more to his fixation.
"Tobio," you murmured one night, hissing softly as he latched onto a particularly sensitive spot just above your left nipple. "Easy, baby. That's gonna leave a mark."
Kageyama merely grunted, his arms tightening possessively around your waist as he continued his ministrations. A muffled groan rumbled through his chest as he suckled at your skin, teeth scraping against the tender flesh.
"Hey," you tried again, gently tugging at his hair to get his attention. "Not that I'm not enjoying the enthusiasm, but what's gotten into you lately? You've been extra...bitey."
Kageyama stilled, his face still buried in your cleavage. For a moment, you thought he might have fallen back to sleep. But then he sighed, his breath hot against your dampened skin.
"I just..." he mumbled, his voice muffled and slightly hesitant. "I need...I can't..."
He trailed off, his brow furrowing as he struggled to find the words. You waited patiently, one hand absently stroking his hair while the other rubbed soothing circles between his shoulder blades.
"I don't know," Kageyama finally bit out, frustration evident in his tone. "I just...need you. Need this." As if to punctuate his point, he nuzzled deeper into your chest, his nose nudging the underside of your breast.
Your heart clenched at the vulnerability in his voice, the uncharacteristic openness. It wasn't like Kageyama to admit to needing anyone or anything. For him to confess his desire for closeness, for comfort...it spoke volumes.
"Oh, Tobio," you murmured, pressing a tender kiss to his hair. "I'm right here, baby. I'm not going anywhere."
You felt him shudder against you, his arms tightening fractionally around your waist. "Promise?" he mumbled, the single word laced with a fragility that made your throat tighten.
"I promise," you whispered fiercely. "You've got me, Tobio. Always."
Kageyama made a noise of contentment, the tension slowly draining from his frame as he melted into your embrace. His face tucked back into your cleavage, nose nestled snugly between your breasts as he inhaled deeply.
You held him close, your heartbeat gradually syncing with his as you let the quiet of the night envelop you both. Maybe you didn't have all the answers yet, maybe Kageyama still had some emotional unpacking to do...
But for now, this was enough. You were enough. And you'd happily be his human stress ball for as long as he needed, bite marks and all.
Just as you were drifting off, you felt Kageyama press a soft, almost reverent kiss to the center of your chest - right above your heart.
"Love you," he mumbled sleepily, the words slightly slurred but unmistakable.
A smile tugged at your lips, your own heart swelling with affection for your adorably grumpy boyfriend.
"Love you too, Tobio," you whispered back. "Even when you're using my boobs as a teething ring."
A muffled snort was his only reply, but you could've sworn you felt him smile against your skin.
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You were pulled from a dreamless sleep by the sensation of Kageyama shifting restlessly beside you, his nose nudging insistently at the swell of your breast. Blinking blearily, you glanced down at him, taking in the pinched expression on his face even as he nuzzled deeper into your cleavage.
"Tobio?" you murmured, your voice rough with sleep. "What's wrong, baby?"
Kageyama stilled, his face still tucked firmly against your chest. For a long moment, he said nothing, the only sound in the room his slightly uneven breathing. Then, so quietly you almost missed it:
"Can I...can I suck on you?"
Your breath hitched, your sleep-addled brain struggling to process his request. "You...what?"
Kageyama made a small, frustrated noise, his arms tightening around your waist as he pulled back just enough to meet your gaze. Even in the darkness, you could make out the dusting of pink across his cheekbones, the bashful set of his mouth.
"I want to...your boobs," he mumbled, his eyes skittering away from yours as he spoke. "Can I..." He swallowed hard, his Adam's apple bobbing. "Please?"
Oh. Oh.
Suddenly, everything clicked into place - the restlessness, the clinginess, the constant nuzzling and nipping at your breasts. Kageyama had been trying to communicate his needs the only way he knew how, through touch and subtle cues.
Your heart melted, a rush of tenderness and understanding washing over you. Reaching out, you cupped his cheek, gently guiding his gaze back to yours.
"Of course, Tobio," you murmured, your thumb stroking his cheekbone. "Whatever you need, baby."
Kageyama's eyes widened fractionally, a mix of relief and gratitude flashing across his face. Ducking his head, he pressed a chaste, almost reverent kiss to the center of your chest before slowly trailing his lips down to the swell of your breast.
With a shaky exhale, you arched into his touch, one hand coming up to cradle the back of his head as he mouthed at your nipple through the thin fabric of your sleep shirt. Kageyama groaned softly, his tongue laving over the sensitive bud as it pebbled beneath his ministrations.
Shifting slightly, you tugged your shirt up and over your head, tossing it aside carelessly. Kageyama made a small, needy noise at the reveal of your bare chest, his hands coming up to cup the soft mounds reverently.
"Go ahead, baby," you encouraged gently, guiding his head back to your breast. "I've got you."
With a shuddering sigh, Kageyama latched onto your nipple, his lips sealing around the sensitive peak as he began to suckle. His eyes fluttered shut, his brow smoothing and shoulders loosening as he lost himself in the soothing, rhythmic pulls.
You cradled him close, your fingers gently carding through his hair as he sucked. There was something profoundly intimate about the moment, a vulnerability and trust that went beyond mere physical pleasure. This was about comfort, connection, a primal need for closeness and reassurance.
As Kageyama continued to suckle, soft, contented sounds rumbling from his chest, you felt your own eyes grow heavy. The steady draw of his mouth, the weight of him in your arms...it was soothing in a way you couldn't quite describe.
From that night forward, nursing became a regular part of your bedtime routine. As soon as the lights went out, Kageyama would curl into you, his head finding its way to your chest like a moth drawn to a flame. He'd nuzzle and mouth at your breasts, his touches soft and reverent, until you guided him to your nipple with a murmured encouragement.
Each night, as he suckled, you'd feel the tension drain from his body, the furrow between his brows smoothing out as he lost himself in the soothing, rhythmic pulls. It was a moment of pure, uncomplicated comfort - a respite from the pressures and expectations of the outside world.
For Kageyama, nursing wasn't about sex or arousal. It was about connection, about grounding himself in the solid reassurance of your presence. It was a way to quiet the noise in his head, to ease the constant thrum of anxiety that came with being a competitive athlete.
And for you...it was a privilege, a sign of the unshakable trust and intimacy you shared. There was something profoundly moving about being able to provide that comfort, that safe space for your partner to simply be.
Of course, it wasn't always easy. There were nights when Kageyama was restless, when the stress of the day clung to him like a second skin. Nights when he'd suckle for hours, his brow pinched and jaw tight even as he clung to your breast like a lifeline.
But you never wavered, never pushed him away. You held him close, your fingers stroking his hair and your heartbeat steady beneath his ear.
Gradually, as the weeks passed, you began to notice a change in Kageyama. His smiles came a little easier, his shoulders sat a little lighter. He laughed more freely, the sound rich and warm in a way that made your heart flutter.
And when he looked at you...god, when he looked at you, it was like staring into the sun. His gaze held a softness, a depth of affection and gratitude that stole your breath and ignited your soul.
You knew that nursing wasn't a magic fix, that Kageyama still had plenty of battles to fight and demons to face. But now...now he had an anchor, a touchstone to come home to at the end of each day.
And that? That made all the difference.
So every night, when Kageyama curled into you, his breath hot against your chest and his lips seeking out your nipple...you simply held him close and let him take what he needed.
Because in the end, that's what love was all about. Giving, receiving, and finding solace in the spaces between.
Even if those spaces happened to be in your cleavage.
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takes1 · 2 days
final part asahi x feral reader w/ a size k!nk
skip the intro if you want again, (i marked the beginning of actual smut for ease of navigating) couldn't resist adding some kuroo stuff bc i love writing him even if its not sexual/thirst. this has turned a bit more into porn with plot forgive me i'm simple
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warnings. heavy nsfw. minors DNI
info. nsfw / soft+rough kissy missionary sex / mentions of personal restraint / multiple orgasms / mentions of masturbation / gentle giant!asahi / asahi keeping your mouth shut / mutual size kink / sweet asahi / dacryphilia if you squint / sex toys (vibrator) / kuroo's sister!reader / kuroo cockblocking / kuroo being protective / 3.6k words / thanks for reading this asahi series!! it's been a delight!
haikyuu collection. more hq here! part one here. part two here. part three here.
more links. my ao3. masterlist. requests open!
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You chose some giant clothes to cover the fact that you weren't wearing anything underneath.
Then, with your security chair out of the way, you quietly slipped into the hall.
The familiar sound of Helldivers 2 on the entertainment speakers assaulted your ears. Of course, he got to invite friends over for the weekend.
You padded downstairs, the ache between your legs nearly unmanageable. You clenched your fists at the sight of his lazy ass as you walked behind the couch to get to the front door.
It was funny how quickly he zapped all desire from your body. You did not enjoy sobering up so quickly.
"I thought you said you were staying home!" Tetsurou called as soon as you grabbed the leash off of the rack.
You nearly pulled a muscle rolling your eyes so far back. You shook the thing violently from the doorway so he'd get it through his thick skull that you were literally doing what he texted you to do.
A couple voices muttered something, but your brother spoke volumes above it--
"Wait two seconds, shit-head!"
You clipped the hook into your dog's collar. To Hell with whatever he wanted. You unlocked the door and slipped on a pair of giant, black crocs.
That garbage pile gave you enough grief about your no-plans-plan in the past 12 hours to deserve being stranded on a barrel in the middle of the ocean. He could handle playing games with his friends while you went to walk the dog.
"C'mon, baby," You cooed and closed the door behind you.
It was, thankfully, nice and cold outside. You were glad you opted for some warm clothes.
"Where are my shoes?!" He yelled through the crack in the door. Almost to the end of the driveway, you didn't figure he had the gumption to follow you without them.
You pushed your hood up and pulled the strings.
A stop at the other side of the gate, and you waited for Maru to finish pissing in order to continue the walk. The big, empty street looked a little creepy in the dark.
You were glad to not be alone, but still threw your head back when he rounded the corner. His hands were shoved into his basketball shorts and he was shivering.
You both looked down to each other's feet at the same time. He had to put on your flip-flops, so his heels were hanging out the back and his grippers were on the pavement.
A silent exchange went down, one shoe at a time.
Now walking again, you returned to your baseline agitation.
"I don't need a bodyguard to walk the dog."
"Try being a little less stupid, and I'll trust you to not run off with the first guy you see."
You stopped dead in your tracks. "You think this is me sneaking out?"
He didn't respond quickly enough.
You kept walking, glad he was so cold that his teeth were chattering, "You're an idiot--."
He pushed you, unable or unwilling to argue.
"Why would I sneak out with the dog?" You muttered.
Another stop for Maru. It was silent, again, and you were wishing he would just go back by himself already.
"What's that smell?" He sounded ridiculously close to your head.
You looked up and realized that was because he was sniffing your hood. A sudden insecurity of smelling like sex flashed through you.
Pushing hard on his chest, you declared, "Fuck off."
It didn't send him flying the way you wanted it to. It only pissed him off, especially because he knew that smell from somewhere. He just couldn't recall exactly how right now.
You expected him to push or slap you back, so you tensed, but no such move was made.
"One day you'll thank me," He muttered with a grumpy chuckle.
A glance didn't do you any good. It was too dark to see his face.
"For what?" You rolled your eyes again.
It was quiet for so long that you were certain he had just been joking. As if he did anything to help you out, anyway. All he did was piss you off and get in your way.
"For making sure you don't get hurt."
Frustration on the tip of your tongue, you began to retort, "I--," but fell short of the will to say anything back for a minute.
Your glancing around in the dark didn't help you form any thoughts.
Maybe Asahi being so kind was just luck. Not the wise intuition you claimed to be guided by. There were already many times tonight that could've made a turn for the worse, and you hadn't realized until after the fact.
That didn't change how you felt, though, other than some newfound patience for Tetsurou's difficult, demanding nature.
Maru didn't want to go much further than the fifth lamp post, so your small party turned around before you could cross the street.
It was quiet on the way back. Just the jingle of your dog's collar and the flip-flip of these shoes you hated.
You rounded the corner and closed the gate behind you, Tetsurou opting to walk ahead since it was evident to him that there was no danger anymore.
It was just getting to be a comfortable silence when he had to speak up one last time.
"Has this tree always been sideways?"
You genuinely thought it was a joke, so you didn't spare a look when you crossed behind him to get inside. He caught you shoulder the way you hated so much and you swiped your hand to hit him, but saw what he was talking about and froze.
The both of you took a moment, dumbfounded, to stare at your lawn tree. It looked nearly snapped, like a hurricane had come through, but it hadn't rained in weeks. Nothing else was wrecked. Just the tree.
You felt guilty about it for just a second, but rationalized that it had nothing to do with you. You weren't sure what that was from.
"Maybe it was rotted from the inside?" You thought out loud.
He glanced around, suspicion at its full peak, and guided you inside swiftly by your upper back.
Tetsurou locked the door behind you and stayed stock-still, staring through the peephole for so long you didn't bother saying anything to him before heading back upstairs.
At your door, you heard him call to Kenma and Bokuto.
"Did one of you kick that tree in the yard?"
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You collapsed against the door with a soft shut and an even softer sigh.
There was no time to deconstruct everything that was discussed, because your eyes followed a sound that nearly made you jump out of your skin.
The man took up so much of your bed. He was on his back, scarred knuckles brushed slowly up and down, a casual pump to quell his impatient cock.
His hand fit much better around it than yours. In his other hand, held closer to his face, he was clicking a small device- the familiar buzz of which inspired a complete takeover of tension between your legs.
Your embarrassment was no secret, and neither was his curiosity.
"I'd love to use this," He grinned and looked you up and down, undressing you with his eyes.
It took some effort to find the lock on the door and make your shaky way over to the bed. Like last time, he met you at the side.
However, you noticed that before you left, he didn't have the same edge in his brow, or the eagerness that defined the way he pulled you into him.
When you stumbled, he caught you and tilted your head for a restless kiss. He was shoving his hands under the waistband of your pants and humming a sort of approval against your cool lips. It sent your stomach back into those fluttery waves of excitement all over again.
"You should take your clothes off," He muttered, fully immersed in his desire since he never had to sober off of it.
"Yeah- I should," You breathed against his rough, needy lips.
You were slipping back in quickly, though, when he took your lips in a chaste, passionate kiss all over again. His hands were slipping over your skin, discarding your hoodie before you could do it yourself.
His whole body was warm, it felt like he was burning through you when you stepped out of your pants and fell against his front. Like a melting ice cube.
When he picked you up this time and set you down, it was less premeditated, more animalistic. You gave a giggling smile when he parted your legs for him.
Any shyness he had before was long-gone after 10 minutes of imagining what he was going to do to you- you squirmed at his spit-slick fingers slipping over your soaking cunt.
"Still so wet for me," He muttered, pleased, into your hair, while his massive body settled over you.
That intense, near-evolutionary drive kicked in again where you believed you could take whatever he wanted to give you all night. It may have been the smell of his sweat, it may have been his grumbly voice.
"Obviously," You smirked. He grinned at your confidence.
"We can take this slow," He rolled a condom on without wasting any extra time, "I don't wanna hurt you."
The statement floored you for a moment. He didn't notice as he lined himself up with your tightness.
It echoed in your brain during the most contradictory part possible.
He sank into you- it wasn't easy, but after hours of build-up -more if you counted the self-pleasure you couldn't resist before he arrived- it was beyond rewarding to watch all of the stress and worry on his brow melt away in one smooth, slow stroke.
"Fuck- fuck, fuck," You whined, his grasp on your hip reassuring, but still a pen in which you couldn't wriggle from or adjust against, "God-!"
Your thighs twitched on either side of him, forcibly relaxed- you tried to catch your breath, but felt like your lungs were too constricted to do so.
His thumb brushed your cheek.
Patience and gentleness in the midst of it all allowed you to breathe a little easier.
Only kindness, with a hint of pity, remained in his expression as you gasped and struggled to ease up around his cock.
He looked away for a moment, his hand leaving the side of your face, and you heard a saving grace.
Asahi did you the liberty of placing it against your clit. His face lit up at the sight and sound of your newfound gratification.
"I bet that feels better, huh?" He smiled against your parted lips, stealing a few of your moans with an excited kiss.
There was a hard-to-pin inquisitiveness about his attitude surrounding your vibrator. Like he was dying to use it on you, feel you writhe around his still cock.
"Ohh my god-! Ah-Mn!" You cried against his lips.
It was met with chuckle and the slow pump of his hips sinking deeper into you.
It dulled the discomfort of his size, leaving only a feeling of fullness between your legs, a satisfied craving, and the intense waves of pleasure from your clit.
His pretty face and perfect body over you- how could you not just announce your paradise to everyone in the city?
One hand laced in yours, and you took control of your vibrator to swirl it the way you preferred while he picked up his leisurely pace.
He barely caught your high-pitched tone at the combination with an alarmed kiss.
Stalling, he warned, "You gotta be quiet," and leaned to press further kisses against your neck.
He quickly learned that you weren't going to stay that way for him, even if his balls were allegedly on the line.
The feeling of him going deeper, your thighs bouncing from his weight that shifted your entire body, and the building waves over your clit.
"Asahi," Came out in a needy moan.
"Shhh," He cooed, gripping the bottom half of your face to get your focus on him.
The beat of his thighs against the back of yours stole your attention instead- you squeezed against his palm with furrowed brows.
Another noisy cry at his size splitting through you, and he instinctively covered your mouth to shut you up.
He thrust hard into you and stayed there, earning a pitiful whimper, and leaned in close to catch your avoidant eyes.
A mutter against your heated skin, "Do I need to keep you quiet?"
His cock was stretching you beyond your limits- that steely look in his pretty brown eyes was so layered.
You clenched around him, butterflies attacking you now, of all times, at his stern tone, but genuine concern.
A gorgeous smile spread across his features when you nodded, helpless, but honest.
He felt too good- he filled you up better than you had imagined. You were stunned to feel that you were already close. There was just no possible way.
This wasn't how you wanted it to go.
It was too soon- you didn't want it to be over so quickly. But now, of course, you realized you didn't have the physical capacity to take him all night.
You tried moving the overwhelming buzz away from your needy clit, but met the resistance of his hand instead.
He pressed just enough to guide you right to an edge you couldn't pull back from. You whimpered against his palm.
You couldn't tell him you were about to cum. You couldn't move away, or speak, nor did you possess the will to push against him. All you did was claw, weak, across his back.
The look in his eyes responded to your subtle panic-pleasure without a word. A gentle fondness that he shouldn't have been capable of while he gave you his rougher strokes.
He removed his hand from your mouth just to swallow your sounds with a starved kiss, an avid grumble at the back of his throat when you took his tongue so well.
"Mm-!" You squeaked, nails digging deep red trenches into his shoulder.
It was an ultimate submission you never had the insurance to safely experience before.
You got the chance for a gasp before getting cut off -half a second before you could alert the entire house- by his huge palm again.
Asahi groaned as you tightened around him. He quickly shut himself up by flexing away the pleasure and leaning down to pant, warm breath spilling against your ear.
"Shh- I got you," His kindhearted whisper strung you along, crushing you underneath his weight, while he repeated that sweet promise, "I got you, baby."
All your worry of it being too soon dissipated as your orgasm wracked through your entire body and filled you with pure bliss. He fucked you hard and steady through it and didn't even grant you the dignity of looking away from him.
Your chest was tight at the end of it, eyes stinging, and you would've sobbed if he wasn't still keeping you quiet.
He watched your journey the whole time through your eyes, wholly captivated by your big, glossy fixation on him. When you blinked away the burn, he took no time to kiss them away.
Your body naturally relaxed, a twitchy and overstimulating process.
He slowed for you after he sucked the rest of your complicated tears up.
He was so heavy, so adamant on keeping your noise down that you couldn't tell him to stop. You weren't sure that you would try, even if he wasn't hindering your communication. The fact that you trusted him so much right now wasn't necessarily wise, but it felt right.
His growing intensity didn't hurt, but it didn't start to feel good until a raspy voice told you:
"Feels so good," He swallowed the spit gathered in his mouth and seethed, a light chuckle breezing past his lips, "You got no fuckin' clue."
That was just kind of sinful confession that gave you nervous chills even though he was already fucking you senseless.
He studied how your eyes clouded over at his words. A restrained, toothy smile nudged your jaw in a sugary kiss.
"I'm not gonna be able to get enough of you," He finally took his hand off of your lips and you were able to gasp at the impact of his words.
When he readjusted, he swept your legs up to his shoulders and dipped back down.
"A-Ah!" You barely choked out before he moved his hand back to its diligent place over your loud mouth.
He was so deep- you felt like he'd split right through you. Yet, you welcomed the possibility with the blessing of another steady-growing climax.
Yet, only one of you was so careless. He was so tender, so considerate because he could feel it, too. How fragile you really were in this position in regards to his size.
"God," He sighed at your loving stare.
"Gonna- ah, make me cum, lookin' at me like that," He groaned, a bit strained.
He finally dipped his head with closed eyes at the sweet, slick heat he just wanted to bury himself in. He couldn't get too carried away, now that it was starting to get difficult.
Your shitty stamina stroked his ego so much that he forgot he wouldn't be too far behind for a while. He got a bit ahead of himself and was paying for it with the climbing pressure in his stomach.
Your pussy was reason enough to fuck you harder, but that face was what really tested him.
His hand twitched at the compelling desire to hear you scream for him, but again, had to keep his sanity for the two of you. Next time he would make sure that brother of yours wouldn't be in the way.
He tried to keep an edge going, but found it laughably difficult to settle down.
If it wasn't your Fuck-me-harder eyes building up the needing to cum, it was your cute tits squished against your soft, scratched-up thighs, right under his chest.
It was impossible to keep himself from riding that high in the end.
As if to spite him, to completely spend all of his restraint, your watery eyes rolled back again. Your muffled whines filled his ears as you tightened once more around him, weaker this time but still more than enough to send him over the edge.
"G-od,fu-ck," He groaned, hitting just the right spot to fuck out both of your orgasms.
You felt him swell inside of you, his grip on your hand crushed yours back to the point that you couldn't claw him, his hips stuttered to a slow stop, deep inside of you.
A sense of satisfaction beyond the physical softened your face, your resistance between his fingers, and all your aching muscles. You weren't quite sure what it was, but didn't feel rushed to figure it out.
He was trembling when he released the lower half of your face, a beautiful sweaty and out of breath mess on top of you.
Once again, you gasped at the opportunity to breathe better.
He tensed up immediately and you flinched at the twitch of his cock inside of you.
"Shit- was I choking you?" He managed to stay worried right after he came.
You grinned, carefree on the backend of your own, and shook your head, "Mm-mm."
The look of unmatched relief that washed over him was supremely attractive.
He pulled himself out, slowly, and made a face at how much he came before turning to discard the tied-up thing into the trash with a solid toss.
You welcomed his cuddly shuffle up to your side by burrowing into his slippery chest, and sighed at last, "Cute butt."
That, of all things, made him uncomfortable. He cringed when you spared a glance up to his face from his chin. You rolled your eyes at his overthinking.
"You must be an athlete, or something--," You rubbed your face harder into his chest and felt his laugh resonate throughout your body.
It all felt natural. The joking, the cuddling, the winding down. You both forgot that you weren't together, let alone that you had only known each other for less than a week.
It was already warm with him next to you, but you were happy to be under the soft throw he found and pulled over.
"I can't believe you came twice," His soft laugh invited an embarrassed, but sharp look from you.
He clarified, "It's really hot, don't get me wrong--,"
"I'm not usually so easy," You half-joked.
A big, handsome guy that knew how to use his dick, went down on you, listened to you, and didn't shy away from a vibrator? It'd be a challenge to find a girl who wouldn't cum that quick.
You blushed under the cover of darkness at his gentle, comforting hold on your breast and reassuring kiss to the side of your neck.
The ache in your belly was evident when you were flipped over to be little spoon. It burned pretty bad and you couldn't exactly hide it.
"Did I hurt you--?"
"No," You muttered, clearing your throat, "No, I wouldn't say that."
He placed a big hand on your tummy, feather-light, and you looked over your shoulder to meet his perceptive gaze.
You sure as hell couldn't lie to this guy. He saw right through you.
You pouted and gripped your pillow. Of course you couldn't handle his dick the way you wanted to, the way you bragged about or even genuinely thought you could.
"You were so good," You admitted, a little sad in tone.
A warm kiss to the back of your head. He took the weight of his arm off of your sore body, sighing into your hair.
"You were, too."
He decided to drop the subject, since you both had strong opinions that seemed to clash.
You smiled.
You talked about a range of topics for the rest of the night. General information, first, then personal interests that turned into a long conversation about volleyball, then family history, then academics, then personality, goals, and attraction.
Soon it was 4 in the morning. You were eating popsicles from your freezer and discussing the adventure he had to get up to your window.
You both watched, trying your best to stay quiet, a minutes-long video one of his friends sent in the Karasuno volleyball group chat of him falling out of the tree outside.
A hand flew up to your mouth to silence your intense giggle-fit. You had no idea how you were going to keep something like this a secret from Tetsurou.
Before too long, the pain in your tummy was just an ache and the stranger in your bed turned into a lover overnight.
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ty for all the replies and reblogs and likes!! it means so much. it's really nice seeing all the other asahi appreciators out here!!
@valiantqueengarden @rinheartshyunlix @alpha-mommy69 @yuyunhoo @insertamazingnamehere
@ruu-https @kasai-https
@40unung @deluluforcarlos55 @lili-harg @beyond-your-stars @noyaskneepad
@rinheartshyunlix @vintagevict0ria @am-3-thyst
<3 u are literally asahi mvp @screamin-abt-haikyuu
requests open!
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ushijimaschubbs · 3 days
i have EXTREME bodyguard!osamu brainrot so here you go
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bodyguard!osamu who is not just your bodyguard but also your personal chef. there hasn't been a single day this man hasn't cooked what you asked him to for you. he loves spoiling you because you're his princess .
bodyguard!osamu who invited you to dinner one day to his house and his twin couldn't stop flirting with you so he pulled your chair closer to his during dinner and gave atsumu a deathstare. his twin knew to stop now.
bodyguard!osamu who smashed a guy's face against the bar because he wouldn't stop pestering you on the dance floor and then picked you up and left the place.
bodyguard!osamu who stays behind you at all times not just because he's your bodyguard but because he loves admiring your ass, cannot stop fisting himself every night and has moaned your name obsessively while climaxing.
bodyguard!osamu who almost confessed to you one time because you said yes to a date with another guy but had to stop himself because he was scared you'd reject him.
bodyguard!osamu who couldn't control himself anymore and confessed to you anyways right before he ate you out in the kitchen with your legs on his shoulders.
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v4mpi33 · 1 day
Men who…
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✧ multi x fem! reader ✧
CW: choking, p in v sex, semi rough sex, fem bodied reader
Word count: 100
✧ Men whose hands slide up onto your neck gently gripping it when you two are making out…
✧ Men whose hands somehow always find themselves on your neck when you two are fucking. Balls deep in your pussy while in missionary, his hand tight around your throat with every forceful thrust, followed by your moans that make him squeeze his eyes shut in ecstasy as be cums hard and deep inside you.
✧ Men who love how you whimper softly whenever he chokes you slightly, the smile and giggle that come from you making him smirk slightly. He loves you so much…
(Blue lock) Kaiser, Sae, Oliver, Reo, ᴿᶦⁿ (Haikyu!) Tsukishima, Tendou, Sugawara (occasionally), Terushima, Matsukawa, Kuroo (Hunter x Hunter) Chrollo, Feitan, Phinks, Hisoka
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sugawarassoulmate · 18 hours
do you write for chubby readers? if yes how do you think bully!osamu would be if reader was chubby, on the bigger size. any hcs?
i do! i try not to give physical traits to my readers so people can easily insert themselves but i have explicitly written chubby!reader before!
some examples:
chubby chaser!bokuto (kinda old tbh)
daichi x chubby!reader
daichi again lol
tbh i don't think bully!osamu would mind/care if reader was a chubby. i could see him really liking it.
he can't be gentle to save his life so if he finds you body checking in the mirror, he's going to be pissed.
he's definitely gonna snap at you. "what the fuck are ya doin'?" he asks, not giving you time to respond. he always knows.
"don't let me catch ya doin' that again," osamu warns.
i don't think osamu would treat reader any different if they were bigger tbh! unless reader has body image issues, he's there to comfort (?) them in his own special way.
but osamu has no shame in his game. he WILL be seen with you. hold hands with you. openly kiss you in front of everyone.
and anyone stupid enough to make comments about your weight while he around (or if he hears about it through the grapevine) it's an instant beatdown.
and uhhh, osamu definitely grabs at your rolls while fucking you. LISTEN!
awww you don't like??? are you gonna tell him to knock it off?? good fucking luck.
he's grabbing at your stomach when he sinks his thick cock into you.
he's digging his fingers into the fat of your thigh while he eats you out.
osamu loves every second of it, how your body jiggles with every thrust, the way he can hold you tight while he cums.
and if you're stupid enough to ask him if you should lose weight, osamu's telling you to fuck off and come cuddle with him.
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moon1833 · 2 days
Haikyuu! Boyfriend headcannons! Part 2
Seijoh, Nekoma, and Fukurōdani
Unrequited/requited love/miscommunication (sorry)!
Had class together.
Thought you were one of Oikawa’s fan girls trying to get closer to him for his best friend at first since Oikawa was right next to him.
You genuinely just didn’t know what the homework was.
Had no idea he was even on the volleyball team until you heard him talking to his friend in class.
He always thought you were beautiful, but he didn’t bother attempting anything.
You started talking to him in class a little, but he was still unsure about your intentions.
You thought it was funny how he was always yelling at his friend.
The first time you laughed at Iwaizumi calling him “Shitty-kawa” he completely froze up from shock.
Knew he was in too deep at that point.
He told Oikawa about his feelings for you and he took at as an opportunity to get to know you, too.
You thought he was nice, but you were interested in Iwaizumi.
Asked Oikawa to help set you up
He took match making very seriously.
However, Iwaizumi saw you two talking and texting more and just assumed he was right all along.
Started a rift between him and Oikawa, Iwaizumi confronted him eventually.
Oikawa came clean about everything.
Iwaizumi told him he wanted to get to know you at your own pace but he appreciates the effort.
He starts talking to you more.
Knowing you liked him made him insanely nervous he could barely string a sentence together.
Oikawa didn’t tell you that he knew you liked him.
He invites you to a game.
You’re cheering for him as loud as you can since everyone else was cheering for Oikawa.
“He’s overrated.” You told him after the game. “I thought you were much more interesting to watch.”
He almost kissed you right there in the middle of the gym, ignoring Oikawa complaining about how ‘mean’ you were to him.
Asked you if you wanted to grab ice cream after the game.
You say yes obviously.
You spent at least 15 consecutive minutes telling him how awesome the game was.
He was bright red the whole time.
Slyly bought your ice cream before you could even think about getting your wallet.
“There’s a little ice cream on your face.”
“Oh,” you wipe your face, embarrassed. “did I get it?”
“Can I?” you nod.
He takes his thumb and wipes the bottom of your lips (there was no ice cream on your face).
You closed the distance, unable to handle how he was looking at you
Ice cream was suddenly his favorite dessert.
Favorite past time as a couple was making fun of Oikawa (who insisted on third wheeling both of you).
Light PDA as much as he can.
Hand on your thigh whenever you’re sitting next to each other, or around your shoulder.
He loves showing you off.
He’s very gentle with you.
Kisses your face all the time whenever you’re cuddling.
Fake dating/drunk confessions (very slight grumpy x sunshine if you squint)!
You were team manager for Seijoh.
You had no problem with Oikawa, but it did annoy you that you had to deal with the swarm of fangirls almost every day.
You had an intimidating aura, so they backed off when you were around.
He wouldn’t admit it, but the girls approaching him daily bothered him too more than it flattered him.
He also felt bad constantly rejecting girl after girl because he wanted to focus on volleyball.
He proposed the idea of a fake relationship to you.
You were opposed to it at first, you didn’t want to get killed by a crazy fangirl.
He said he “wouldn’t let that happen.”
You told him if it was up to him to protect you, you were screwed.
He asked you to think it over.
You weighed your options, you were constantly hit on from other teams and decided it’d be a good idea.
He hugged you and lifted you up when you told him.
Decided the only people who would know it was fake was Iwaizumi.
Which meant even in practice you had to pretend.
Oikawa was a good actor, he was constantly wrapping his arms around you and kissing the top of your head.
It was hard to stay unbothered by it and make it seem like it was normal.
Iwaizumi almost forgot it was fake.
Oikawa had just gotten used to kissing your cheek goodbye, he kept doing it even when no one was around.
He started realizing he was developing real feelings for you after you showed up to practice in his jacket with his name on it.
Even though it was planned, it was impossible for him to think about anything but you in his clothes for a few nights.
You realized you were falling for him when he fell asleep on your head while sitting next to you on the bus after a game.
He smelled good.
At a house party celebrating another win for Seijoh, you both showed up together.
You both drank a little too much, and the casual arm around your shoulder as you both spoke to the group on the couch had you leaning into him.
As more people sat down around you both you ended up on his lap.
He sneakily kept kissing your neck.
Got to a point where you were dragging him somewhere deeper into the house.
Momentarily thought you were about to chew him out or that he overstepped.
Last thing he was expecting was for you to use his collar to bring his face to your level and kiss him, backing him against a wall.
“I wish this was real.” He mumbled practically into your mouth.
“Look around.” You replied, running your hands through his hair. “Who am I faking this for?”
Neither of you forgot the next morning.
However, you were too scared to talk about it with him.
Regardless, Oikawa showed up at your door at 10 in the morning (as soon as he woke up) with breakfast and coffee.
You had just finished throwing up and wanted to again at the sight of him in your kitchen with his glasses.
He admitted he was starting to want a real relationship with you, but understood if you didn’t mean anything by your actions last night.
“If I didn’t feel like I was dying right now I’d kick you.”
Started dating for real after that.
He is always tickling you.
If you thought it was bad before it’s even worse now.
His fangirls cannot stand you so he’s always with you.
Always a hickey on his neck.
He purposely wears shirts that reveal it.
Opposites/tutor x student!
You had Trig together.
You sat in the back of the room and never really spoke.
Bokuto would ask questions so frequently the teacher would call on him even if he didn’t raise his hand.
Class would laugh at him but he genuinely didn’t understand the work.
Your teacher offered you (who was at the top of the class) to tutor him for extra credit.
You agreed.
The first time he came to the library for your first session he loudly declared how pretty you were.
You were caught off guard, flushing red as Bokuto apologized.
Found out that he just had a short attention span but he could focus if he really tried.
Constantly changing the subject to talk to you.
Started walking you to class (he was late to his own classes)
Begged you to come to his matches.
Out of curiosity you did (you wanted to see him play).
He shouted your name and waved at you the moment you walked in, telling his entire team you were here.
He was on 1000% the whole time, showing off as much as he could.
Ran up to you as soon as the game was done to ask you if you thought he played well.
Akaashi came to pull him back, apologizing.
You called him that night to tell him he played well.
Ended up on the phone with him until 4am.
Continued to tutor him, even though he eventually got kicked out of the library for being too loud.
Now studied at his house or yours.
He did not get any work done when he was in your room for the first time (he hadn’t seen you in comfy clothes before, either).
Purposefully left his hoodie at your house so you’d have to visit him at practice and give it back to him.
Partially wanted you to keep it.
When he passed his trig test for the first time, you hugged him from excitement.
He was so excited he picked you up and spun you around.
You volunteered for the summer training camp as a nurse (Bokuto asked you to with puppy eyes).
He would purposely get hurt so you’d have to help him.
Would get dramatically jealous if you were tending to another guy.
Kuroo flirted with you in an attempt to get Bokuto to admit that he liked you.
Bokuto just scooped you up and walked away.
When wrapping his fingers for the third time even though he didn’t need it, he asked you to “kiss it better”.
You rolled your eyes at him before kissing his cheek.
“If this will stop you from jamming your fingers intentionally, then sure.”
Ran back into the gym yelling to Kuroo that you kissed him.
You fell asleep on his shoulder on the way home.
It was the longest anyone on the team had seen him be quiet.
At your next study session, you’d rearward him for each question answered correctly with another kiss on the cheek.
Suddenly was an academic weapon.
Would giggle after each one.
Gently kissed him on the lips that day at the end of the worksheet you made for him.
Ended up on your bed.
He talks about you to everyone.
Asked you if he could be your boyfriend.
Loves to lay on top of you.
You’re the only person who could get him out of “emo mode”.
He loves picking you up.
Childhood friends to lovers/young love!
You met Akaashi when you were in elementary school, you were seat buddies.
You were both on the quieter side, he was overall introverted while you were just nervous.
Bonded over a box of crayons.
You came out of your shell more as you got older.
Were inseparable.
Always holding his hand.
Everyone always teased you two.
We’re each other’s first kisses at the age of 10 because you wanted to know what it felt like.
Supported him more than anyone else through volleyball.
He knew he always liked you, but didn’t want to compromise the friendship.
Bokuto convinces him to confess.
You return his feelings to his surprise.
You were both young (in middle school) when you told each other you had feelings for each other, so you didn’t really seriously date for a few years.
Maybe argued once in your whole relationship.
He’s very understanding.
Knows you better than you do.
He proposes right after graduation.
Long engagement because you’ve “waited this long”.
We’re practically married before you were married.
Bokuto’s your practice kid.
Fated lovers!
Met him by ‘accident’.
Your cat had run out your front door, you were looking for him.
You find him nuzzled into some guys arms at the park he usually ran off to.
You’re so happy you found him you almost forget to thank Kuroo, who found your cat.
He thought that was cute.
You’re walking away, still talking to your cat before you noticed his presence.
You bowed, thanking him repeatedly.
He wanted to ask for your number right then and there but you were already running off.
Went to the same school, but Nekoma was so big you never saw him before.
Ran into him one morning on the train.
He gave up his seat for you to sit, and you spent the rest of the trip talking to each other.
Gives you the nickname “Kitty”.
You hate it (you love it).
Introduces you to Kenma, who takes a liking to you.
Kuroo gets jealous of how much nicer he is to you than him.
Started walking to the train station together every morning.
You fall asleep on him almost every time.
He’s worried you’re not sleeping well now (you will not hear the end of it).
One morning, there was no room to sit so you were both forced to stand, using the pole for balance.
Someone knocks into you, sending you roughly into Kuroo.
He snaps at the person who shoved you to watch it before holding you by the waist protectively.
You couldn’t string a thought together for a few moments.
The SMOOTHEST in asking you out.
“I’ll see you tomorrow.”
“No, you won’t.” You tilt your head at him in confusion. “It’s Friday.”
“I know, I’ll pick you up at 3. Dress cute.”
Took you to a cat cafe because he just “had to”.
Holds your hands through crowds or has a hand on the small of your back.
Very gentlemanly.
You kiss his cheek when telling him goodnight.
Thinks about it all weekend.
The next time he sees you he kisses you as soon as he gets close enough to “even the score”.
Shows you off whenever he possibly can.
Always standing behind you with a hand on your waist.
Extremely ticklish.
Like all you have to do is poke his side and he’s squealing.
You use that to your advantage.
Absolutely showers you in gifts.
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iwassupremacy · 23 hours
Writing prompts rules
smut: 𓆩♡𓆪 fluff: ♡ comfort: 𖤓 angst: ☾ humor: ⛧
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Stray kids
Fake text
Accidentally sexting bestfriend!stray kids 𓆩♡𓆪 ⛧
Drunk texting bestfriend!stray kids
hyung line pt 2 maknae line pt 2 (work in progress) 𓆩♡𓆪 ⛧
Sexting bf!stray kids
hyung line maknae line 𓆩♡𓆪
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Coming soon!
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Work in progress
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Daichi Sawamura
Good Girl 𓆩♡𓆪 ♡ 𖤓
Perfect Girl (work in progress)
Random thoughts
1 𓆩♡𓆪
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My hero academia
Random thoughts
1 𓆩♡𓆪
2 𓆩♡𓆪
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Avatar the last airbender
Coming soon!
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House of the dragon
One Shot’s
Jacaerys Valeryon
A lady’s pleasure 𓆩♡𓆪 ♡ 𖤓
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Game of Thrones
Coming soon!
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aestosia · 2 months
ur fav + filming ..! >_<
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“such a pretty pussy..” he mumbles, lowering the camera in attempts to get a good angle of your glistening hole. a soft moan escapes your lustful lips as he toys with your sensitive exposed bud.
“feels so good baby.” you whimper, heat building up in your stomach as he slowly stimulates your nether regions. “it’s so soft in here,” he says, sticking his long fingers in and out of your velvety walls. “have a feel.” he states, before you can even get a word out he guides your hand to your heat emitting core.
“try putting a finger in.” he instructs. you do so, letting out a low groan as you feel your fingers easily slide into your cunt. “feels good, right baby?” he asks in a husky low voice. he inches his hand between your legs, spreading your puffy lips apart. “it’s so fucking beautiful, wanna show you off..” he says seductively, showing the camera your exposed pussy.
“t’s embarrassing..” you cry, covering your blushing face with your hands. “why baby?” he questions, “it’s so pretty, i want everyone to know it’s all mine.” he announces, his possessive tone giving you an excited feeling in your stomach. “it’s so wet for me.” he states, proceeding to stimulate your clit again.
“i wanna put it in..” he says in a needy voice “you can, i want you so bad.” you moan. “god.. you really know how to turn me on.” he says, feeling his bulge strain against his pants. “wanna give you my full attention.” he says softly, throwing his phone onto the unmade bed.
“been waiting all day to have you..” he snarls aligning his freed cock to your entrance.
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GOJO, geto, CHOSO, TOJI, ATSUMU, kageyama, ushijima, tsukishima, kenma
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tonycries · 3 months
“She My Best Friend, Yeah We Not a Couple.”
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Synopsis. You know it’s wrong to fuck your best friend. But how can you complain when you’re slammed against the library desk and stuffed full of his big cock like this?
Pairing. Multiple x Reader
Content. MDNI, fem! reader, unprotected sex, panties in your mouth (+ some other very heinous things), really fucking dirty, public sex, jealous sex (from his side), pet names (my angel), swearing.
Word count. 1.3k
A/N. My ancestors are prolly so proud of me rn. Art by @_3em on X.
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“Best friend” his ass. 
It’s laughable really - the way those other losers think they have a chance with you when you’re begging for his dick every night. 
He’s known you since you were both whiney, snot-faced brats - and right now he’s got you sitting prettily on his lap in a study room tucked on the campus library. Your needy mewls are muffled into the crook of his neck as he holds you steady by your hips, the length of his achingly hard cock nudging the line of your ass. 
Panties hastily pulled to the side, your slick pools on his flushed tip, dripping along his length to his tight balls. Pressing hot, open-mouthed kisses along your racing pulse, he drags his hefty erection teasingly along your dripping folds. 
God, he could feel the way your pussy was clenching desperately around nothing and it was driving him insane. 
Surely that study buddy of yours could wait a few minutes. Who did that scrub even think he was? Eyeing his pretty lil’ best friend like that.
“Hngh- please, I want-.” you whisper into his ear, the heat of your breath sending blood rushing straight to his already rock-hard cock. Your needy whimpers are cut off as he subconsciously thrusts in-between your swollen folds, juices making the prominent veins along his length glisten.
Fuck, this was getting too much for him too. 
“Tell me what you want, my angel.” he leans down to murmur raspily in your ear, sending a trail of goosebumps down your spine. You were so fucking hot. 
That scrub couldn’t even imagine this. How perfect you were. How wet you were for him. How lustful your voice is as you sinfully whine, “I want your cock in me so badly. Want you to fuck me right here. Right now.”
With lightning speed, he’s got you bent against the cold surface of the library desk, painfully hard cock throbbing under the thin material of your panties. You gasp as his length grinds against your quivering cunt.
Having you splayed out so sinfully for him, he’s never been more thankful that the old librarian was such a heavy sleeper - probably wouldn’t wake up for a stampede of elephants if it happened. 
“This shit is getting in my fucking way.” he groans out as a large hand grabs your soaked panties. 
A sharp rip! of fabric sounds throughout the still air of the study room. “Much better.” he grins dangerously, harshly groping every inch of skin now laid completely bare for him.
“Please. Put it in.” you mewl, voice dripping with need for him. Fuck, he’ll never get used to this. 
“Shhh, my angel.” with a low hiss, he bullies his thick cock into your dripping cunt.
“God. S’tight, so tight. Pussy so desperate for me hah- sucking me back in. She doesn’t want me to leave, huh?” he grits out through strangled moans as he sheaths himself completely into your wet pussy. Shit, at this point they’ll hear him and not you.
Warm walls squeezing him to insanity, he fucks you at a feral pace, pulling out till his tip teases your dripping entrance, only to ram himself fully inside once more. 
“Ah! Hngh- It’s too much. Please!” 
He would never get to know the feeling of your snug cunt desperately sucking his cock back in every time he rams into you. He would never get to feel the way your walls clamp down on him, struggling to adjust to the burning stretch of his thick cock. He could never make you feel this good.
That loser probably has a small dick anyway.
He drinks in the pornographic ah! ah! ah! leaving your mouth at each harsh thrust, feeling intoxicated off the animalistic cadence of his hips, and the thick white ring of slick forming at his base. 
“Shit. Always so good f’me, my angel.” he groans, your pretty moans only making him thrust impossibly deeper in a way that has you scrambling to hold onto the table for support. 
His throaty groans and the merciless slapping of his heavy balls against your ass echoes across the room as his fingers dig deep purple marks into your hips.
“S-someone’s gonna hah- hear-” 
“Then we must be quiet, hm?”
Before you have a chance to process what’s happening, the wet panties that were tightly gripped in his hand are now stuffed into your mouth. You moan around the large fingers forcing themselves inside, cold rings stretching your mouth as much as your cunt.
His cock twitches as he forces you to taste yourself, feeling you getting impossibly wetter. That’s his girl. 
He could never fuck you like this. 
Moans now muffled by the fabric in your mouth, his saliva-coated fingers move down to draw rough circles on your clit - making you yelp at the stimulation. 
He knows someone could walk in at any moment - and a part of him actually wants it to happen. Let them see, he thinks. At least then those fuckers would finally take a hint.
A soft whine of his name snaps him out of his pussy-drunk thoughts, blown-out eyes now meeting your dazed ones as you lock eyes with him over your shoulder. Lipstick smeared, tears clinging to your lashes, and panties half-hanging out of your kiss-bitten lips.
Ah, actually scratch that - he’s gonna keep his pretty lil’ best friend all to himself.
“Shhh, my angel. I’ve got you.” he towers over you, pressing a trail of kisses up the curve of your spine before angling your neck to attach his lips with yours. He delights in your surprised squeal, clearly not expecting him to kiss you with your panties still in your mouth. But for you, he’d do anything.
Cock twitching, your feet almost lift off the ground as the rhythm of his hips gets harsher. He intertwines his tongue with yours, sweet slick-soaked panties wrapped in the middle. Fuck, he was going insane at the contrast of your soft tongue with the lacy fabric of your panties, hand around your neck getting tighter.
You moan incoherently as he sucks on your tongue, drool dripping down the corner of your mouth and onto the polished library desk. 
It was so fucking lewd. Doesn’t matter how many losers swarm around you - none of them deserved you. None of them could fuck you like this.
Your sounds of pleasure get more and more frantic as his cock still slams inside you relentlessly, ringed-fingers continuing their abuse on your clit - getting closer and closer to what you crave.
He can feel the way your walls flutter so snugly around him. God, he’s so fucking turned on that he doesn’t know whether the heartbeat he feels between his legs is his or yours.
Neither of you have to wait long. His tongue still continues its dance with yours, around your soaked panties, as you both cum with a muffled moan. 
Your pussy clenches around him as you climax him as if to milk his cock for all he’s worth. And you do, thick ropes of his hot cum painting your pulsing hole white. 
Riding out both your highs, he fucks his cum into you animalistically - feet lifting off the floor at his firm grip on your waist and the sheer power of his rough thrusts.
So messy. Damn, he has to send the librarian an apology gift later - a fruit basket or something, he wonders, barely lucidly. 
His mind is still foggy as he pulls his sensitive cock out, and pockets your panties for a lonely night without his dear best friend. Promptly plugging his fingers in your quivering pussy, cum smearing on his fingers, he mutters out a quick “Keep it inside.”
Walking out of the heavy, sex-filled atmosphere of the study room, he bumps into that fucking study buddy of yours - running late and clearly surprised to see him there.
With a slow smirk, “Sorry in advance, my girl made a bit of a mess in there. Hope you don’t mind.”
Hey, this is what best friends are for, right?
- GOJO, GETO, Choso, Tsukishima, ATSUMU, SUNA, Oikawa, Kuroo, EREN, Armin
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A/N. Teehee *blushes like a slut*
Longfic Sunday incoming if I manage to write 6k words by tomorrow.
Plagiarism not authorized.
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chaepink · 7 months
can u make headcannons on sub!yan’s tendencies in the relationship?
also can i be 🉑 or 🌝 anon?
dating sub!yandere boys hcs ♡
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sub!yandere boys when they date you.
wc: 1.1k+ words | masterlist
dom!fem!reader, unhealthy relationship, mention of killing/murder, both sfw and nsfw!, mention of feminization, bondage
note: yes you can be 🌝 anon!
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— your yandere would be possessive of you, even more compared to when you two were just friends
— well, you thought you two were just friends. he already assumed you two were together sometime earlier during his friendship with you
— he would do anything for you in order to make sure you're happy and safe
— a friend of yours is getting too touchy with you? well the next day that friend is ignoring you and when you confront them, they look at you scared and quickly scurry away from you. did your yandere do something to them? surely not
— a weird guy keeps following you around your neighborhood? well a couple of days later you see on the news that his body has been found near a river and weirdly enough, you havent seen your yandere on the days before the guy's death
— you complain to your yandere about how a teacher gave you a bad grade on something you worked so hard on? suddenly your grade changes to a A and that same exact teacher suddenly resigns from the school
— he'll try his best to know where you are most of the time and try to follow you back home to make sure you're safe (though its really obvious, you don't acknowledge him so he thinks he's actually doing something)
— but no matter how scary and possessive they are of you, they just want to be good for you, really
— its almost as if they're a puppy for you, always there for your beck and call
— give them a simple command and they'll do it immediately, no questions asked
— ask them to buy you a snack from the nearest store? he'll return back with a bagful of others that he thought you would like
— they're super clingy and always want to be near you
— somehow they manage to have the same exact classes that you have and at the same time. maybe you guys are just lucky? little do you know that your yandere hacked into the principal's computer to change his schedule to fit with yours
— if you're sick, they would immediately fetch you some medicine and make so many bowls of your favorite soup that you're not sure you could finish them all
— they would be so sad when you're sick cause that means they can't be as close as they usually are with you :(
— in bed, nothing changes at all. rather, he becomes even more infatuated with you
— they're still so good and obedient for you, always following your commands. its cute
— like what i said with him doing it with no hesitation, your yandere is eager to do what you say
— tell him to get on his knees? say less as he's already doing so, staring up at you with such innocent eyes
— tell him to open his mouth for you to stick your fingers inside? he opens wide and sticks out his tongue in such a sinful manner, hazy eyes absolutely begging you to make him choke on your fingers as drool drips down his chin
— order him to suck your strap and get it all wet? he's quick to get in between your legs and get his hands on the fake dick, his mouth going straight to bobbing it up and down and gagging as it hits the back of his throat. he'll try to subtly grind his hard on against your foot without you noticing but you do anyways but he's being a good boy so you allow it
— and oh my god is he so shameless in public
— no hesitation in telling you what he wants you to do to him when there are people around
— you'll be at brunch with some of your friends and suddenly you'll feel a hot breath on your ear, such sinful words coming soon after
"im wearing lingerie under my clothes, your favorite set too. wouldn't you like to just ruin me right here and now? make me cry and look so pretty while you show everyone im yours?"
— safe to say that you immediately dragged him to the family bathroom and fingered him until he was gripping onto you for dear life, begging and crying out for you to stop and take pity on him (he's lying about wanting you to stop)
— when you're out with errands or just at work, he'll take such sinful pictures of himself to send to you randomly
— the pictures would include his legs spread out, a obvious bulge in his underwear, and something adorning his body whether its lingerie, a maid outfit, or rope that's tied so tightly on him
— if he's feeling like teasing you even more, he'll send whimpering audios that beg you to come home and fuck him and if you listen close enough, you'll hear some wet noises that let you know that he's masturbating
"f-fuck, [name] come back s-soon, please? i-i miss you so much! i- ah! i-im wearing your favorite outfit right now! i'll be a g-good ngh boy waiting for you ♡"
— itll end up with you rushing home after you're finished to fuck him dumb in that outfit, making it stained with his tears and cum
— he knows you can't really get him pregnant but your yandere just loves those straps with cum in them that you can just shoot inside him whenever you're fucking him fast and rough
— that'll make his eyes roll back and head throw backwards as he lets out such a loud mewl at the feeling of your fake cum filling him up
— and afterwards he'll tease you by using his fingers to push the cum thats gushing out of his hole back in before licking his fingers
— although your yandere is a good boy for you most of the time, theres times where he's a brat
— he'll talk back to you whenever you command him to do something or cum without permission
— but just some long edging or overstimulation will break him and turn him into a sobbing mess
— tying his hands to the headboard and keeping his legs spread apart whilst a vibrator is inside him on the highest setting is his favorite punishment
— your yandere thinks you don't know that since you do it all the time but you actually do know it, you just love the way his face is stained with his drool and tears while his chest and the sheets underneath him is covered in his cum afterwards
— such a slut but we love him for it
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ty for reading to the end! ❤ - chaepink
╰┈➤ masterlist | rules
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sluttsumu · 9 months
☆ — breeding you
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“ohmyfuckingod” you whine.
it’s been hours of him relentlessly pounding you, flipping you from position to position. but you love it, and he does too. watching you love drunk on his cock with hearts in your pupils, it’s adorable.
it’s a cute sight really, your ankles next to his ears while your knees hover over the sheets.
“gonna fill you up,” thrust. “wanna be a mommy?” thrust. “have my babies?” thrust. it was painfully delicious, the way he kissed your cervix so desperate to come inside of you, listening to the way you chant his name over and over.
“want it—! please.” he loves to hear you beg for it, seeing your eyes fixated on his length pumping in and out of you. it’s not long before his moans stutter and thrusts dwindle and he’s spilling a thick load into your pretty pussy, breeding you to your fullest.
“always such a good girl for me.”
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☆ — atsumu, bokuto, ichigo, renji, shidou, nagi, geto, choso
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sluttsumu 2023
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nkogneatho · 8 months
—cw: fem!reader, edging, overstim, spitting.
Men who have their arms locked on your thighs, making sure your pussy is easily accessible to their tongue. they don't start right away, but gaze at it. your heat melting in juices, flowing and staining the sheet underneath. they breathe over it, to tease it even more and she flutters in need. warm air grazing the skin enough to make it squirm but not enough to chase that high.
To make it more wet, more messy, they gather the saliva in their mouth before spitting on it, watching the translucent drop trail down and fusing with your juices. A wide smile appears on their face when they realize the effect it has on you, making your face heat up and your thighs squirm in his arms. but they're locked up. he's got it locked up so he could enjoy this pretty movie without any intermissions.
When they finally decide to give you the sweet satisfaction of having their tongue lap on your pussy, it comes with a price. There's no way you could win in anything when it comes to them. It's either craving their touch, or begging them to stop from the overstimulation. They are mean. They don't stick to a single pace. Instead, they start out slow, savouring all your heat on their tongue, then get fast making you a moaning mess and you scream—beg for them to keep going. you're close. but they change it back to being slow, depriving your pussy of it's climax. you cry and cry and cry. but they're doing this for you because,
when they actually give you the satisfaction—after what it feels like hours—you are gripping his hair, pushing him further in your pussy and jerking your hips forward at the same time. fuck does it feel so good. you're crying, moaning and screaming their name at the same time in multiple repetitions that has their dick jump up and slap against their abs and spluttered cum on it. shit. am i ruining her or is she ruining me?
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ushijimaschubbs · 13 hours
i only need one thing inside me and that's kuroo tetsuro's cock
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sir-kuroo · 10 months
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𖦹 f!reader, just rough unprotected sex
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HE HURT HIMSELF while playing volleyball again and just like the usual, you kissed his wound before keeping the medicine kit. "This hurts too," he whined and you gulped when he brought your hand over the huge bulge of his gray sweatpants, dragging it along his waistband, which you didn't hesitate to pull down. Your eyes widened as his erect cock popped upright. Your tongue reflexively moistened your lips at the delicious sight of it.
"Would you give it a kiss too?" He whispered under a sleazy grin.
"Which lips do you want?" You breathed out and you surely saw him get a tad bigger.
He ran his curled finger over your lips and you anticipated sucking it, but he pulled away.
"Is this one ready?" He asked while the tip of his fingers rubbed your pussy over your panties like he's squeezing the juice out of you. "Fuck..." He hissed, seeing how quickly he made you feel aroused. "Just the sight of my cock and you're this wet."
"P-Please..." You begged as you rolled your hips against his touch.
He groaned in return unable to hold back any longer. Positioning yourself over his lap, he set aside your panties and aligned his cock on your entrance. Without hesitations, he pushed his hips upwards, penetrating you deep.
You moaned and he grunted. He didn't bother taking it slow and he slammed with endless speed, making you wrap your arms around his strong body. "W-Wait! Wait! I can't...take it!" You pleaded but he didn't budge, instead he got both of his palms on the surface of the bed, pushing himself up and down against you and showing you who's in control. You felt your inside heating up as his dick felt like tearing you apart yet it felt so good you're about to lose your mind. Your head swung back not bearing the intensity and soon, you let go of your hold of him, your back falling in bed. He hovered you, not letting go. With such force, he rammed into you finishing himself. You convulsed, cumming hard around him at the same time.
You both caught your breaths and he placed gentle kisses on your temple. "Does this hurt?" He asked, tenderly touching your pussy. "Do I have to give it a kiss?" He whispered and you knew you couldn't stop him. Your head started spiraling when he sucked you in, bringing you back in bliss again probably for the entire night.
—♡ kuroo, bokuto, oikawa, atsumu, lev, osamu, iwaizumi, ushijima, terushima, daichi, hirugami
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beaunoor · 2 months
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You tell you bf fingering doesn’t get you off, he proves otherwise
"Well how do you usually get off when I'm not here?" He chuckles in disbelief at what you had just admitted to him.
"I don't know, I just don't," You say with a light chuckle and look away in slight embarrassment.
The revelation that you would wait for him to come back home to you and fuck you had him hardening in his pants. There was no way his baby went on without any relief.
"Come on baby, you can do it."
Your right arm is tired from locked position you have it in as your middle and ring finger move in and out of your hot, wet pussy. Your forehead is glistening in sweat and your chest moves up and down with heavy breathes as you lay your head back onto his shoulder as he sits behind you on the bed. You could almost cry as you've been trying to get off for the past thirty minutes.
You let out a frustrated whine when you can feel the ache of your fingers, scared of loosing the arousal, you pull them out. The slick clinging on makes you shiver.
"I-I can't do it anymore. Please!" You cry out and look up towards his face to make him see your desperation.
But when you look up you see his eyes on your sex, eyebrows furrowed, an almost angry look on his face. He breathes out of his nose before his hand replaces your own, his two fingers slipping right in and move at a faster pace than what you were doing.
"So wet baby, look at this. Why can't you get off like good girl?" You let out a shaky moan as you looked down, watching his hands play at your cunt. His fingers reaching places you couldn't reach and the other hand rubbing on your swollen clit. You then feel his lips on your neck, kissing and licking, all the sensations making tears form in your eyes.
“So pathetic, can’t even do it yourself. Look how you writhe baby.” He chuckles, hearing the squelching at the pace he was going. You begin writhing, body moving in jolts at the sensation of your orgasm coming.
"Uhn! I- I'm cumming! I'm cumming!"
“My poor baby, how long have you gone without getting off, huh? Don’t worry I got you. Need another one from you.” He coos
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pulled this out of drafts to give new followers something, almost done with uni for the summer so I can focus on finishing writing the bigger projects
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hqkalon · 9 months
tying up men twice your size, just to feel him thrust into the palm of your hand as he continuously chants curse words underneath his breath. “fuckk angel.” his dick twitched in your hand as you continued moving your wrist in an upwards-twist motion. usually he’d be the one reflecting the same actions on you, but much meaner. his low pants turned into small groans, watching the head of dick disappear in the palm of your small hand. “shit baby, i’m bouta cum.” he looked up at you through the wet hairs sticking against his forehead. “oohh fuckk!” you watched as his caved in, seeing how his beautiful muscles flexed as your fist tightened around his length. “angel..” his husky voice almost sounded like a pleading cry as he threw his head back against the headboard— you began pumping faster, feeling his hips jerk up, “anggh fuckk. c-cumm-ing.” he groaned, shooting a load with each stroke of your palm as he hummed in pleasure. “good boy.” a mischievous smirk ran across your face as he replicated the same devious grin. “now it’s your turn pretty girl.”
reiner, sukuna, yami, gojo, bokuto, toji, miya twins, getou
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