frownyalfred · 3 days
favorite Bruce Wayne hc of the week: you’re allowed to follow him into the Cave to continue your argument, but he’s going to start undressing and pulling off armor while heading for the showers and if you get an eyeful, that’s on you.
It’s an effective tactic and stops a good 60% of those arguments in their tracks. The remaining 40% are usually intense enough to follow Bruce into the showers and yell at him while he’s casually showering off grime and blood.
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mysticdragon3md3 · 3 days
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frickingnerd · 23 hours
dating katsuki bakugou
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pairing: katsuki bakugou x gn!reader
tags: wholesome fluff, established relationship, petnames, mentions of the bakusquad, clingy & overprotective katsuki
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katsuki didn't have any dating experience before he started dating you, yet he likes to pretend he had tons of partners before you and has the know-how to be the best boyfriend ever!
katsuki fell in love with you fairly quickly, but it took him months of denial and pinning, before he could admit to himself that he liked you!
katsuki is awful at expressing his feelings, which results in him either becoming quiet and flustered or straight up bullying you! he only works in extremes
he would probably be even more of an asshole to you, just to not seem soft and make others realize he is in love with you
but he'd also be very protective! he'd always be ready to protect you, whether it's during combat or in your everyday life
katsuki would literally die for you in a heartbeat! he's a reckless hothead and cares much more about you than he cares about himself!
despite not showing it, katsuki thinks you might be too good for him! whenever he allows himself to be soft with you, he wonders how he even deserved someone as precious as you!
katsuki is secretly really clingy! he tries to be around you at all times, but will act as if he's not doing it on purpose! only when you're truly alone does he allow himself to literally cling to you, arms wrapped around you and cuddling with you whenever he gets the chance
his clinginess also shows when katsuki gets jealous! he's a jealous person, so he quickly gets over protective and possessive when someone flirts with you, putting an arm around you and holding you close to show who you belong to!
it's especially bad when it's someone like midoriya or shoto, who he already sees as a rival! to those two, he'll brag about you all the time, trying to make them jealous, as he suspects they might be jealous of him already, for dating someone as great as you!
katsuki loves to give you nicknames! they range from derogatory ones like “dumbass” or “idiot” to sweet ones like “babe”, “prince/ss” or “teddy bear”! but he'll only use those sweet nicknames when you two are alone, as he has his tough guy image to keep up!
katsuki's friends love you a lot and have been rooting for the two of you to get together for a while! after you start dating, they immediately want to become friends with you and always drag you along to movie nights or training sessions with the guys!
as for dates with bakugou, he likes to cook for you or take you out to dinner! he's a simple guy and likes to treat you to good food! he might even teach you how to cook, if he finds out you're not good at it!
as for katsuki's mother mitsuki, she absolutely loves you as well! she can see that you ground katsuki and make him a better person, while genuinely caring about him and she's just waiting for katsuki to finally put a ring on you!
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artytaeh · 2 days
⋯ ⋯ ﹒ 🪻 ’
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mia stella, calls theodore nott to his significant other; immensely proud of his quidditch player girlfriend, even if it might mean that the house rivalries have to be subsided sometimes. even if slytherin loses against you and your skill, even if it frustrates theodore, one of slytherin's chasers, because your skill is on his team's way to victory.
mia stella, even if the game doesn't go as well as you wanted. even if your team loses, or if you fail some opportunities to score extra points— it doesn't matter; you're still theodore's stargirl, shining brighter than the other stars, as if you were the sun itself. impossible to confuse or to miss, bigger and brighter, illuminating his darkness with a warm brightness.
mia stella, he yells and cheers for you, on the stands, whenever you're playing and he's not, yet he never misses a game of yours— happy to be the supportive boyfriend. and if someone teases him? a glare and a shove. terribly mean comments and verbal jinxes to you, because you're being a good player? punch aimed to the nose. and then theodore nott is smiling again, that fond smile as he watches you fly around the pitch, his dead stare shinning for once. shining with love, because theo adores to admire his stargirl of a girlfriend.
mia stella, whenever you get a good grade, or manage to pass a subject that you struggle at. holding your head carefully to not dishevel your hair, theodore guides you closer to him as he leans down, pressing a gentle kiss to your head; smiling, proud of you. nevermind if it's one point above the medium score to pass the subject, he's proud nonetheless. proud whenever your hardwork proves itself worth it.
mia stella, he pleads with those puppy eyes that you should know better than to give in, when theodore trails after you, begging you to skip classes with him, even quidditch practices, which are even harder for you to give in. can you blame him? theodore is insanely enamored for you! and like the brightest star that you are, the sun itself, his sunshine— theo argues that he needs your warmth, or else he'd die, like planet Earth without the sun's blessing of a warmth. and why should you attend these specific classes? you're a stargirl, one class won't be dramatic to lose! if you struggle, theodore is happy to burn extra eyelashes to be a better teacher to both of you. and the quidditch practice? 'come on, mia stella— you're already the best at quidditch and your house can't possibly think of replacing you. you're that good.'
mia stella, theodore calls for you so tenderly, hugging you close to his body when the wind blows with a cold strength, keeping the two of you warm in each other's embrace. kissing your forehead, nuzzling against your hair, feeling your presence so close to him. as it should be. and even though theodore is one astronomy nerd, the breathing and living wikipedia of the stars, theo ignores the constellations above him to look at you. his star. the stargirl of his heart. you.
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Instead of: Batman leaves Jason alone with Sheila in Bosnia
I give you: Batman leaves Jason alone at the checkout line to go grab the milk he forgot
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yandereunsolved · 2 days
Yandere self-aware Aegons—the pissing contest of the ages.
Yandere Book Aegon is doing everything he can to keep your attention on him. He changes phrases in the book and even manipulates the plot, so he is seen as more favorable. He destroyed Rhaenyra with ease and now sits on the throne with a goblet of her blood. You swear, that wasn't how it happened. You look at the wiki, and it confirms it. Did you just get some weird, unedited copy? Did someone make a fake and switch it out? It leaves you puzzled. 
Yandere Book Aegon puts random sex scenes within the pages just to see how you react. He doesn't understand that half of your reaction is just surprise and confusion.  Why is the whore in the pleasure house described just as you are? How did that get in there? Did he just moan your name!?
Yandere Book Aegon just has to entice you. It's like a never ending adventure. Every time you open it, something new is happening. It doesn't help that this fictional book character knows how to tease you. It's as if he has been watching you from afar. Impossible. Just your silly little imagination.
Yandere Show Aegon always turns on your television, so you watch him instead. He'll interject whenever you try to change the channel. If you do, he'll push himself into the next channel and try to 'blend in' to watch you.
Yandere Show Aegon who makes sure all of your content is curated around House of the Dragon. He can't have you losing your interest yet! He recommends fanfics, edits, and profile pictures of him and only him. He doesn't need you to get more attached to another character. You consume content of Aemond instead? No. Suddenly, Aemond's name is switched to Aegon in every fic you try to read.
Yandere Show Aegon who goes off-screen to plot and see if there is a way to come into your world. He needs to get there before Book Aegon!
Yandere Show Aegon who is madly jealous that he is only a product of an actor. You like the actor more than him! That isn't fair. He is better. He had a dragon! What does that guy have? 'Acting talent'? He won't be super talented if Aegon has anything to do with it. He is so conflicted because that dude is him; he plays him. Yet he is here with you right now. At least Tom is handsome, which makes him handsome. Could he escape and manipulate you into thinking he is Tom's secret twin brother?
Yandere Book Aegon who swears at the other Aegon when your attention shifts to your television mysteriously turning on.
Yandere Show Aegon who wants to kill the other Aegon when you take the book to a separate room with no electronics.
Both eventually give up on the subtle tactic and tell you who they are. Oh, you're afraid? No need. They'll either come into your world or drag you into theirs. They can always just—change the script.
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angelsdean · 2 days
desitel feelings / love timeline (2 me)
immediate attraction in s4 (hello he has eyes!)
s4 - 5, going from allies to friends, crushing hard and shooting his shot / flirting, but all of it goes over cas's head
s6 betrayal / cas's s7 death: when he starts realizing that the way he feels abt cas is Different and More than just a crush / friendship. bobby and sam not reacting the same way to cas's betrayal and death really starts to get the gears turning. then when bobby dies, dean also realizes his grief over cas is different from his grief over bobby. (also the keeping his coat, carrying it with them in every new car all throughout s7. like that man was in Love-love.)
s8: purgatory solidifies dean's feelings. all dean can think about for a year is finding cas, saving cas. he prays to him every night. his mind is just a skipping record of cas, cas, cas. i think by this point he's accepted his romantic feelings for cas. and by the end of s8 he was ready to tell cas how he felt in the crypt. he changes "love" to "need" (which imo is MORE insane and vulnerable actually) and then dean perceives cas's actions after the crypt as a rejection of dean's feelings). meanwhile, cas has not yet even realized his own feelings for dean are romantic love yet, more on that in a minute.
s9 - s12 imo are dean grappling with the fact that his love is unrequited and trying to live with that and maybe move on (drowley summer of love).
s13 -s14 : first the widowers arc of it all. dean realizing no matter what, cas was IT for him. there's never going to be anyone else for him. he doesn't want anyone else. dean accepting that cas is effectively his life partner and he's fine with them staying platonic (bc he still thinks cas doesn't feel the same way). dean stops hooking up. dean is content with the family unit they have made for themselves.
s15: dean grappling with the knowledge of chuck's manipulation over the years. dean questioning what's even real ("is his love for cas even real?") cas asserting that they are real. divorce arc. destiel miscommunication at its finest. dean once again thinking cas doesn't care for him the way he cares for cas. dean nearly losing cas again in purgatory and deciding to put his heart on the line (was going to confess before cas cut him off). then---cas's "i love you." dean overwhelmed in the moment. dean still not sure what cas's words mean until cas is taken by the empty and he processes the speech and declaration. and then he realizes--cas was in love with him. it was mutual. they could've had it. they could've been together for years. the one thing they both wanted---
immediate attraction in s4 (hello he has eyes! many eyes in fact!)
s4 - 5: going from allies to friends. cas remembering what it's like to FEEL again ("for the first time") after his millionth lobotomy. dean re-awakening those feelings, both for humanity at large and for dean specifically. but cas doesn't have a name for these feelings yet. he attributes them to his bond with dean / assumes most people feel like this about dean.
s6 - 8: cas largely still attributing his feeling for dean to their unique bond. cas putting the mission first. cas also dealing with his own guilt over his failures. not a lot of time for him to process his feelings for dean.
s9: cas has his italicized "oh" moment. i think it's a combination of being human and for the first time all the angel stuff isn't there, he can't attribute his feelings to their "bond." he's rooted in his body for the first time, really in-tune with his physical reactions too. i think early s9 is when he starts to realize his feelings for dean are different but he's still not quite putting a name to them. then metatron calls him out on those feelings (his snarky knowing "he's in love...with humanity") and then dean dying really solidify cas's feelings. he is now aware.
aaaaaand then s10 - 12 is him grappling with those feelings at the same time that dean is really starting to accept that cas doesn't feel the same and is trying to accept that they'll be nothing but platonic and move on. so that's why you get stuff like dean calling cas their "brother" (he's trying to be ok with this) while cas looks sick to his stomach bc he is just now really accepting and processing the fact that he's in romantic love with dean. gotta love that classic destiel miscommunication, never being on the same page at the same time.
by s13 he's accepted he's in love and is now thinking it's one sided and this is all they'll ever be. he's also still kinda avoiding it all throughout the later seasons, putting the Mission first again, leaving more often, focusing on jack stuff. really just putting his feelings on the back burner.
then s15. just like i said in the dean bullet point, the divorce arc stuff is more classic miscommunication. cas so badly wants dean to ask him to stay. dean so badly wants cas to stop leaving. they both need to just have one good conversation about all of this. anyways, the "i love you." truly i think mr. avoidant cas would have continued to keep his feelings for dean to himself perhaps forever, had it not been a life or death situation where he realized telling dean his feelings would trigger the empty deal. but he does tell him. and my personal headcanon is that when he does tell him he gets hit with a wave of feeling from dean (along with the love in his eyes) that basically confirms to cas that dean actually has felt the same way all this time. and also, i think cas has partially known for a while but let his own self doubt and insecurities convince him that dean couldn't possibly feel the same.
Additionally: i do enjoy another late seasons variation, where BOTH of them have a mutual awareness of each other's feelings, but they both let insecurities and circumstances convince them it's not the right time, or they don't deserve to have this. they keep putting off talking abt this thing between them because there's always another apocalypse or big bad. because saving the world always comes before their own personal desires and happiness. so they keep putting it off until it's too late, until there's no time left. by s15 they're both feeling desperate. it's the end. they both feel they need to say something. dean tries in The Trap. cas finally does in Despair. and then there's just no time left. it's over. they never got to have it. (YET. because their story ain't over!)
anyways, i'm multitudes girlie and can enjoy many different interpretations, esp in fics, but this is my main destiel + feelings interpretation for when i'm watching the show and engaging with canon.
TLDR: they both start Feeling things for each other immediately. dean realizes these feelings are romantic love and puts that name to them first around late s6/s7. dean Accepts these feeling around s8. while cas has his realization that these intense feelings are romantic love around s9. and accepts them at some point between s10 - 12ish.
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raayllum · 3 days
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Autistic Ezran my beloved:
Trouble speaking (particularly growing up)
Safe food (jelly tarts)
Stimming (his happy leg kick he does throughout the seasons)
Tunnel visioning in his own perspective / forgetting that other people need more time to emotionally process certain things
Unintentionally misreading social cues (Corvus, Callum) even for people he knows well
Needing to have a joke explained to him before he finds it funny / not understanding the potential double meaning in his words unlike Soren and Corvus
Sensory (Bait as a comfort animal / scales as a texture)
Shut down under stress (his habit of retreating to be alone upon receiving upsetting news, not picking fights back with his brother)
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kymancanon82 · 2 days
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Stan's favorite flavor is chocolate
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And Kyle's favorite flavor is strawberry
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huaenrose · 2 days
Hua Cheng: will Gege still love me when I'm no longer young?
Xie Lian: will San Lang still love me when I'm no longer young and beautiful?
Qi Rong: you know you're already old and he's already ugly, right?!
Hualian: 👨🏻‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏻
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witchthewriter · 3 days
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𝐁𝐞𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐢𝐧 𝐚 𝐫𝐞𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐩 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐊𝐲𝐥𝐞 𝐆𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐢𝐜𝐤 𝐰𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐥𝐮𝐝𝐞
⤷ gender neutral, ambiguous race, and any size reader. Requests are open, thank you for reading!  
Warnings: swearing, nsfw included (no one under 18 please).
ᴹᵃˢᵗᵉʳˡᶤˢᵗ | ᴹᵃˢᵗᵉʳˡᶤˢᵗ ᴵᴵ
Chaotic Good
Gemini Sun, Virgo Moon, Cancer Rising
・Kyle Garrick is a true romantic.
・He always opens doors for you, and pouts when you don't let him. So you always let him, because a pouty Kyle is an insistant Kyle - he will literally put you back in the car and re-close the door, just to open it himself.
・Yes you've been late to things because of this
・Affection is easy with him. Even PDA. He loves holding your hand in public, kissing you on the lips, wrapping an arm around your waist etc.
・He doesn't care whose watching, but loves to let everyone know you're taken.
・He does care about your safety, so he was insistent you take self-defence classes (don't worry, I think he would attend them himself. But in another room, as to not make anyone uncomfortable)
・However, I also think he would instruct the instructor (because this is his area of expertise ... it's literally his job)
・Loves when you get passionate about something and rant. He's a great listener; encouraging you to talk about anything you want, whenever you want
・Loves buying you flowers; actually looks up the meaning and has that as apart of the card. I.e., Baby's Breath means everlasting love, White Hyacinth means loveliness etc.
・Always great at making you laugh, he has a great sense of humour and usually finds it in most situations. But don't think he can't be serious whenever it's needed.
・He's very intuitive like that
・Especially with your feelings as well, in all things he thinks of you.
𝑹𝒆𝒍𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏𝒔𝒉𝒊𝒑 𝑻𝒓𝒐𝒑𝒆𝒔
Short & bossy (You) x Tall & follows them around (Kyle)
"You wear the pants in this relationship" (You) x "oh I wish, I cannot control you at all" (Kyle)
You Fell First, But They Fall Harder
𝑹𝒐𝒎𝒂𝒏𝒕𝒊𝒄 𝑷𝒍𝒐𝒕 𝑻𝒓𝒐𝒑𝒆
Unbreakable Bond
𝑻𝒉𝒆𝒎𝒆 𝑺𝒐𝒏𝒈
Hell N Back by Bakar
𝑁𝑆𝐹𝑊 🔞 No one under the age of 18 past this point, makes me feel weird if you read it.
・A true romantic in the bedroom as well.
・Your first time together felt like something out of a book.
・Kyle is very gentle. He loves taking his time, stroking your skin, pressing his lips to the most sensitive places and watch as goosebumps rise.
・He's very well-endowed. Both thick and long; knowing how to use it to hit right where you want it to
・Neither yet both dominant & submissive. His style isn't to push your limits but to make you moan as much as possible
・The best head you've ever received. Takes his time. Really, takes his time.
・The raunchiest place you've fucked is a dressing room. His hand over your mouth, smiling into your neck - having to bite it when he came.
・Large hands, with long fingers. His hands ... are very sexy. Kyle does like to hold your hands when you fuck; usually above your head or behind your back
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epilary · 23 hours
summer fun w/ the msby boys | headcanons
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masterlist | requests are open
hinata shoyo
- trip to south america!! - he loves taking you to brazil - introduce you to all the guys he played beach volleyball with - they like to tease you guys relentlessly - (mostly saying how you're way out of his league) - you just give hinata a soft kiss in response - which makes them back down some - but then you'll also try beach volleyball - which is way harder than you thought it'd be - and hinata would make you try all of the great food - like pão de queijo - making it the best trip ever 
atsumu miya
- dude loves going on outdoor-based dates with you - like stargazing or picnics - but he can't plan for anything - it's the thought that counts kind of thing - so they usually have at least one thing wrong - if you're watching a movie on projector, he forgot a blanket - if you decide to try american s'mores, he forgot marshmallows - which make for actually very memorable dates - 'babe, next time, just tell me in advance and i'll get it' [you] - 'but then it ruins the surprise...' [atsumu]
kotaro bokuto
- cookouts and beach days are the ways to this man's heart - if it includes food and has you, he's good to go - he tends to act impulsively about your outings - usually messaging you minutes beforehand - but you've learned to adapt - knowing to bring a swimsuit and fruits - it became a good balance for the two of you - and he loves it - bokuto absolutely adores being with you - like his current hyperfixation is you - (and grilled meats) 
kiyoomi sakusa
- huge aversion to germs - which makes outdoor fun a bit difficult - however, you have found ways around it - like playing chess in the park - or taking a bike ride together - you even convinced him to take a carriage ride with you - after wiping down the seats of course - you started taking walks together - if you can't, he'll wheel around the city - he does also really enjoy trivia nights - somehow he’s convinced onigiri miya to host them - mostly cause he trusts osamu’s cooking - you end up spending most of the summer just hanging out - falling in love all over again
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rottenpumpkin13 · 2 days
How are the apartments set up at Shinra HQ? Who’s apartment is next to who’s? Is there any drama between neighbors? Is anyone’s far away, hoping they won’t be bothered?
I'm going to use this post as a reference dump for the headcanons I have, because I think about this a lot lol.
• There are two SOLDIER residence floors within the 49th level accessed by a private elevator that you need an access card to ride in.
• The Third Class apartments are shared between three people, the Second Class apartments are shared between two people, and all the Firsts have their own apartments. *There was a time period right before the war ended where all three Firsts had to share one Third Class apartment because the First Class apartments were still under construction.
• Zack is a Second but he currently doesn't have a roommate, so he takes this opportunity to have Cloud over all the time.
• Zack and Sephiroth are on the top floor, with Sephiroth's apartment being the last door at the end of the looong, large hallway. Genesis and Angeal are on the bottom floor at opposite ends of the hallway. *Due to Angeal's house plant collection, bugs oftentimes proliferate on their floor and get into Genesis' apartment, which he hates.
• The First Class apartments are the more luxurious and spacious ones, complete with floor-to-ceiling windows offering a panoramic view of the city skyline, combo bathrooms, and more space than they know what to do with.
• They usually congregate in either Angeal's or Sephiroth's apartments—Angeal's being the coziest, and Sephiroth having the biggest living room.
• Occasionally someone will set off the smoke detector and cause everyone on their floor to stand in the hallway at 2AM while maintenance deals with it. Zack has a tendency to wake up in the middle of the night, inspired to cook, and has been the culprit a total of 5 times. By the 5th time Angeal threatened to take away his stove. Genesis wakes up from nightmares shooting firaga, and has been the culprit 7 times. Sephiroth's oil diffuser caught fire one time and he thought the best course of action to take was to burn the diffuser into nothing. This didn't work. The two floors had to evacuate because it set off everyone's detectors. They all stood in the 49th floor reception as the fire was dealt with. They all knew it came from Sephiroth's apartment. Sephiroth didn't know this, so he spent a good portion of the night talking to people going "who could've done this?"
• All three Firsts have the keys to each other's apartments, not because they love and trust each other, but because one time they couldn't get ahold of Genesis for half a day, so they broke into his apartment and found out he was stuck in his own bathtub because he thought it was a good idea to submerge himself in essencial oils. He drained the tub but was completely unable to get out without slipping back into it.
• Sephiroth and Genesis regularly have to help Angeal drag up garage sale/flea market steals up the stairwell so nobody sees them. Sephiroth's last straw was when he had to go up and down 49 flights of stairs a total of 32 times bringing up boxes of antique kitchenware. By the 18th time he was having to step over Genesis' presumed dead body on the 38th floor landing.
• Sephiroth loves to meditate, but he is unable to because his apartment is right on top of Genesis', who loves to listen to his music uncomfortably loud.
• Genesis claims he's the one who suffers living under Sephiroth. One time he was woken up at 3AM to the violent sound of a gong being hit. Genesis blew a hole through his roof with firaga, which then shot a hole through Sephiroth's floor.
Visuals be upon ye
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xxlady-lunaxx · 3 days
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Sanemi is ALWAYS the one cooking
I’m sorry but I can only see Giyuu fucking up scrambled eggs or something. Sanemi cooks (or bakes) like a professional
Giyuu having a bedhead (he’s adorable) and Sanemi waking him up by either:
throwing a pillow on his face
running his hands through his hair and a “good morning, shithead”
One or the other, no in betweens
Sanemi usually does the chores like laundry, cooking, etc (malewife<33)
Giyuu can do things if given clear instructions tho
Hmm showering together just as a habit
If either of them were mad at the other (or they js fought) before bed, they’ll probably distance themself on the futon
When they wake up they’re always cuddling though
ouugh yes they share a bed
(it was so awkward at first like “ok… i’ll have this side” but then they got comfy and steal each other’s pillows (so romantic smh))
Sanemi definitely holds a longer grudge
Giyuu gets upset if he gets ignore too long, though, and Sanemi eventually caves
Why do I feel like Sanemi would just take pictures or videos of Giyuu randomly
When he’s asleep, when he’s just woken up, when he’s eating, doesn’t matter
Because Sanemi’s in charge of meals usually, Giyuu only gets salmon daikon once a week (which is already a lot as is, but he begs Sanemi for it so…)
Sanemi used to braid/put up his siblings hair a lot and when the two are cuddling, sometimes he makes little braids in Giyuu’s hair, or pulls it up in a high ponytail (often Giyuu wakes up with braids and his hair gets a lil wavy when he takes it out later)
Giyuu’s the baby in the relationship you cant change my mind. He’s the little spoon; he’s being carried because he’s tired; he’s given breakfast in bed.
Sanemi honestly doesn’t mind (he’s used to this) but likes teasing Giyuu about it
Giyuu has a bow of Tsutako’s (he stole a spare) and wears it to formal places always. (job interview? bow. prom? bow. work? bow.)
Sometimes Giyuu helps Sanemi hang up the laundry but they somehow end up hugging always (Giyuu goes on the other side of the clothing line and ThEIr lEgS juST mOVed By THemSElf)
On weekends, when there’s nothing to do, Sanemi will just scroll through his phone and Giyuu watching TV
Giyuu can NEVER not fall asleep during a movie though. depends on the day but he’ll either fall asleep 20 mins in or half way through
Sanemi doesn’t really watch movies and just slowly turns down the volume then off to not startle him awake
I can see Sanemi just volunteering to babysit for their friends (for free<3) and just having a box full of children’s toys for when they come over
Giyuu once overfed a baby to near sickness (“I thought her grabby hands were for more :(“ - “YOU IDIOT, SHE WAS TRYING TO PUSH AWAY THE BOTTLE!!”) and was thereafter forbidden to care for the children (unless they were older than, like, 12)
After a stressful day at work, Giyuu likes flopping down on the couch and having Sanemi run his hands through his hair and hum a bit, maybe small talk
I think Giyuu is actually an open book and horrible at hiding his emotions (like canonically as a child he was like that, only the deaths changed him sooo) whilst Sanemi is better at hiding things
But like after years of living with Sanemi/js being with him, Giyuu has been able to see small telltales
When he’s lying, Sanemi’s eyes flick every so slightly away (so subtly that only a few have caught it before), when he’s upset, he’s a little clingier or his voice is calmer (though many people interpret it as tiredness), when he’s angry but trying to stay calm he’ll probably have a lot of clenched fists (his hand opening and closing x100) but behind his back haha
Why can I see them both as dry texters tho.
Giyuu tries to sound more upbeat by adding emojis/emoticons but overall it’s basically just “Ok 😁👍❤️😋😚✨🎆🎉🎊🎏🍩🔥” // 😭 yeah he doesn’t have a lot of people to text…
I can also see Sanemi being a little old fashioned in a way, idk… He knows perfectly fine how to use a phone and shit but for some time mostly sent letters (except for casual/small talk ofc)
ok that’s it i can’t think of anything else anymore!!
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the first time Ratio uses his birth name, it takes Aventurine off guard- he hasn't heard this name in a while. he has gotten used to people referring to him as 'Aventurine', not that he has a problem with that.
he and Ratio are on closer terms now- or he hopes they are given the fact that they are in a relationship. but when he is greeted with a 'good morning, Kakavasha', it throws him off guard for a moment.
there's a feeling inside of him, one that he cannot exactly explain. or maybe he can- he feels humanized. he feels like a person. he isn't seen as someone affiliated with the IPC nor someone who endured hell for most of his life.
he feels like 'Kakavasha'. a person. a person being greeted by his partner, by his equal. it's a strange feeling, but one that he can definitely get used to.
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erofz · 11 hours
Random Ghost Headcanons (CoD)
I wrote these against my will for a friend
- Puts pepper on EVERYTHING. Like.. everything everything. His steak, cereal, water, tea, he’s disgusting like that. Gaz has and will throw hands if he ever sees Simon put pepper in his tea again.
- Has the most abominable gift taste. He cannot pick a meaningful present for his life, so he just picks whatever is funniest. One time he bought Johnny a soap bar, then hated himself for being so basic and got every brand of dish soap, soap bars, hand soap, etc. he could find to make a custom bottle/bar saying ‘Johnny’ to gift him for their relationship friendship anniversary.
- likes using water paints to paint trees. He’s bad at it, but enjoys it. No one knows. Not even Johnny. No one … except for Laswell cause she knows everything. She uses it as blackmail over him to do simple tasks. (E.g. buy her coffee, admit it’s better than tea, etc)
- the most huggable person in the world, he hates being hugged but is perfectly shaped for it. He will throw his fists if anyone even tries to hug him, the man hates it so much. However, Johnny will instinctively hug him whenever something good happens. It’s one of those bro hugs, he’ll jump onto Ghost and slap his back. Which is why if Johnny is ever running in his direction, he immediately has his hands up ready to bat him off.
For the simps- (not me)
- Ghost will randomly come up behind you and wrap his arms around your waist, placing his head in the crook of your neck. He gets so exhausted when he’s not in work mode, so he’s gotten used to using you as some sort of portable charging station that he just collapses onto.
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