yourblues · 1 year
I met you in a dream
yuuka x silver / twisted wonderland.
It would be odd, if the student from another world showed her ideal world. Living in peace and wonder, the knight crossed upon it.
Book 7 Chapter 3 spoilers?!!!
note: this will be a two part story, i’ll finish it in a month or so, i’m coming back to my boarding school and will be free once and for all in 24th june. i’ll merge it after i finish the second part.
a/n: I wrote Yuu as Yuuka from the manga, though you're free to interpret them as anyone you’d like. but main traits and aspects from Yuu play a part here, like a judo athlete, hotheaded etc etc.
The black ink once again approached Silver, luring him into a deeper sleep, its presence growing stronger.
But then, a glimmer of hope emerged—an aurora-colored light pierced through the darkness, leading him into another dream.
"To you, whom I will meet once upon a dream..."
"Meet Me In A Dream."
As the wind gently caressed his hair and birds chirped in the background, an unfamiliar vibrancy filled the air, radiating a joy rarely experienced by Night Raven College students.
And suddenly, he was falling through the sky.
Amidst the wind, he shielded his face with a hand, trying to capture the mesmerizing scenery before him—tall buildings with unique shapes, resembling modern fortresses, scattered across a bright landscape. Different areas stood out, like recreational facilities and more.
Lost in awe, Silver wondered whose dream he had entered, oblivious to the tree about to collide with him.
"Kh!" Rustling leaves filled the air as tree branches forcefully struck his body. The impact heightened his awareness of the surroundings.
No time to analyze further, he crashed into the bike below the tree, the resounding clash echoing through the air. The piercing ring of the bell filled the surroundings, marking the collision as the bike crumbled and its mechanisms suffered damage, especially the derailleurs 
Leaves and twigs clung to his clothes and hair, piquing curiosity to those around the park. The owner of the bike turned, surprised to find a strange man on top of their damaged bicycle.
"Wait! That's my bike!" 
"Ah, damn it!" Silver knew he had no time to spare. His liege was in danger, and he needed to return quickly. With resolute determination fueling his every stride, he swiftly turned away, casting a parting glance at the bewildered owner, before vanishing a world he perceives as a labyrinth, sprinting towards the imminent destiny that awaited him.
While brushing the leaves off his cascading silver-colored hair, his equally mesmerizing aurora eyes analyzed the situation, meticulously searching for any spot to hide his presence.
“Where,..? What is this! Whose dream could be set in such a world?!” Silver thought to himself, asking several questions that could not be answered until the host of the dream shows before him.
The unfamiliar sense of heat only sparked more questions, the skies which he always known to be filled with sharp buildings now seemed vibrant, trees themselves stood alone, distances. While the trees he knew stood closer to each other all this time.
Feeling himself rather safe, he put his baton back into his belt, and put himself into a composed mode.
“Graaah!” A figure behind Silver had leaped and reeled themselves into a kick that chopped Silver’s figure, causing shock and pain.
The person took the chance to trip one of his legs and crashed him to the ground.
“You! Take responsibility for the person whose bike you destroyed!” The voice seemed to be akin to a woman.
“Agh!” Immediately standing up, Silver takes a few steps back and puts himself into a guarding stance. The situation was utterly unexpected, as he was feeling oddly safe at the situation beforehand
Taking a good look, Silver finds himself before a person, with a bright bird trailing itself around them. Signaling it was the host of the dream he crossed upon.
His eyes widened, as if time had stopped.
There’s no way.
A person of such couldn’t have found her own ideal world in this wonderland.
Yet he’s also here, possibly having found his own way to discover the mysteries of this person.
Yuuka Hirasaka.
to be continued.
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yourblues · 1 year
"Now I bid you my farewell, and I bestow my gratitude upon you, Child of Man,"
malleus asks yuu to put his belongings inside his room to attend a meeting. anyways!! can be interpreted as romantic or platonic
gn!yuu + malleus draconia
There's just something similar on how everyone treats yuu, and it's a distinct one. And it's their trust for yuu, from everything they do to how they act to the others.
— Malleus Draconia; the side you won't admit.
”Would it be fine for me to entrust these books opon you, child of man? though I suppose these books are heavy enough for a hu—"
Clutching the books casually, malleus stopped and had a look of surprise plastered on his face, then chuckled in amusement, looking at your posture holding a stack of ancient books.
"this much is nothing" yuu didn't show much reaction, but this is the least they can do to repay everything their horned-friend has done for you.
Malleus had once again gone to another book store within the city, of course, without neither Silver or Sebek, his loyal guards. It's a specially leisure time for him, that is, until duty calls and his guardian had exposed his whereabouts.
"Dear Malleus, it seems that you've gone nowhere as the other dorm leaders have no clue whatsoever on your whereabouts...." Lilia spoke as he approaches Malleus while levitating in front of him.
This is going to be a lecture of a life time.
"How lucky I am indeed to encounter you just before the dorm leader's meeting,"
"Ah, Lilia, a dorm leader's meeting is going to be held today?" Malleus asks, truly knowing nothing about the current events, as he is not invited.
Lilia grins cheekily, "now let us commence forth, to the headmaster's room!"
Malleus, upon realizing the luggage he brought from city asked Lilia to stop, "Did you go to the city again? Oh dear, pray tell what your grandmother might say to you"
Guilty as charged.
—That's how it came to be.
"Ah right, Child of man," Malleus realizes something as he and yuu walks together, "I suppose you might need to take hold on this,"
And he hands you over his precious toy, the Gao-Gao Dragon-kun Lilia gave him 10 years ago.
"Huh? W—...wait, Isn't this..?" Taken aback, well mostly because yuu didn't expect Malleus to own something like this, moreover, why is he handing it to you? "I'm not sure why...?
"I'd like you to put these in my room, but I believe the students assigned to guard won't allow you inside unless there is sufficient proof to allow your entrance" Malleus spoke, "So I propose you hold onto this,"
"Now I bid you my farewell, and I bestow my gratitude upon you, Child of Man,"
And within a second, Malleus disappears follow by a trail of green sparks.
That... was a quite the thorny past, they must say. Holding a stack of thick books isn't an easy feat if you live in Night Raven College, the leech twins bothering you... Grim asking this and that, even worse when the stacks blocked your vision into seeing Leona Kingscholar's tail which you stepped on.
"Now shall I?" Heading towards the mirror chamber, Yuu braces themselves, diasomnia students sometimes tend to have an alert presence, and stays on their guard all the time, so mental preparations are definitely necessary.
The surroundings changed into a dark eerie place surrounded by thorns. Yuu heads towards the castle led by the path.
"Human!!!! What do you intend to do inside Lord Malleis' room?!??!"
"Ooh shit," yuu cursed under her breath, "I don't want to argue with another hot headed guy....,"
"Hmm?? What's it with those books??!!"
"Tsuno—" before you even have a second to explain, the guard already cuts you into another scolding.
"I impose you to stop calling Him with that obnoxious nickname, Human!!" Sebel continues, "
Oh dear LORD, you had Floyd taking one of the books as some sort of mischief act, Leona letting out his Angers Of The Day mood, Grim hogging you to the canteen, and now this.
"Sebek," Yuu couldn't simply hold it anymore, "Please for the love of this land just let me inside, there is a reason why Tsunota—"
"No stop I'm not done yet," Shushing him, Yuu continued, "I highly appreciate your loyalty and I do think it's admirable, but Tsunotarou does have a friend, and it's me, I believe even this is the least thing I can do for him to pay him back, now if you could—"
"Ah," a sound of realization just hit them, "Also this! He told me to well, show this I guess??"
Holding the small toy Malleus entrusted them, Sebek looks both, shocked and confused.
"That toy! Why do you have—"
"Please just let me in," begging for the last time, Yuu looked desperate.
"A-ahem, only this time I suppose"
Finally, after stepping inside Malleus' room, yuu turned back and closed it, beginning to arrange it at the shelf.
"I must say, that was a pleasant thing for you to do," A familiar deep voice surprised Yuu behind.
Turning back, Yuu saw Malleus smiling wide, showing his fangs, being surpriaed by his presence, they almost dropped the books.
"Tsunotarou! Wait— aren't you supposed to be— w-wait did you listen to—" Not knowing where to start they just babbled all over.
"Fufu, see, Crowley had forgotten to tell you were supposed to be apart of the meeting, Child of man," Malleus says, "I believe it's pertaining the recent problems, and you were the witness in all of them,"
"Let us go shall we?" stepping closer to me, he grabbed yuu by waist and carried them bride-style.
"Wait what— where are you going!?" Yuu's panicking because he's heading towards the open window, "are you going to throw m— waaaaaaghgh!?!?"
He indeed not, instead he jumped out and flying towards the chamber.
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yourblues · 1 year
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Cerberus gear looks strong
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