xoxojaz · 3 years
Why I believe in investing in yourself?
Self-investment is probably one of the greatest showcases of self-love to yourself. In a way it is the most profitable investment you will ever make, especially if you do this consistently. It is a large determining role in your future and the quality of life you want to live.
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xoxojaz · 3 years
no connection is worth sacrificing your growth for. if you find yourself constantly taking steps back in your growth to create comfortability for someone, or consistently find yourself dropping yourself to their level so they can swim with you, you’ve already sacrificed too much.
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xoxojaz · 3 years
Girls remember all of this ✅
∆ You are gorgeous and beautiful. there is no one is like you.
∆ Don’t obsess too much about how you look. You always look amazing
∆ Love and take care of yourself because no one will love you as much as you do.
∆ Don't worry what other people think. Just be you and do you.
∆ Distance yourself from people who (disrespect you, are abusive, are negative, use you, put you down and don't appreciate you like should be).
∆ & finally, i love you and know your self worth. ❤️️
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xoxojaz · 3 years
Glow up 10/10
you are perfect and beautiful just the way you are. and you don’t need to change anything for other people, if you want to change then change for yourself. 
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xoxojaz · 3 years
Glow up 9/10
1. try to get 8-9 hours of sleep every night
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xoxojaz · 3 years
Glow up 8/10
1. Get a water bottle that you like to encourage you to drink more water
2.  Never skip a meal eat your meals
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xoxojaz · 3 years
Glow up 7/10
1. Clean out and organize your phone
2. Make a fashion inspo board and try new styles 
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xoxojaz · 3 years
Glow up 6/10
Brows and Lashes glow up
1. Apply castor oil or almond oil every night to help them grow.
2. Don’t use waterproof mascara (it’s hard to take off and it’ll ruin your lashes)
3. Curl your lashes and used vaseline instead of mascara for a more natural look.
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xoxojaz · 3 years
Glow up 5/10
lips glow up
1. Apply lip balm everyday.
2. Use a lip scrup to exfoliate and get rid of dead skin.
3. Drink a lot of water to avoid chapped lips
4. Use lip balms with spf
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xoxojaz · 3 years
Glow up 4/10
Hair glow up
1. Don’t wash your hair everyday. washing your hair less often will help preserve the natural oils in the scalp and keep hair well moisturized.
2. Dry your hair with a t-shirt instead of towel to prevent frizz and breakage.
3.  Trim your hair regularly to avoid slipt ends.
4. Try a new haircut or hair color.
5. Deep condition your hair once a week
6. use scrunchies or clips to make more presentable
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xoxojaz · 3 years
Glow up 3/10
Skin Glow up
1. Clean your face every night
2. Avoid touching your face a lot (when you touch your face a lot of germs on your hands can cause you pimples)
3. Do face mask 2× a week (clay mask is the best for this)
4. Always moisturise and don't forget to wear sunscreen everyday (specially when you go out)
5. Drink a lot of water
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xoxojaz · 3 years
Glow up tips 2/10
Physical Glow up
1. Exercise 2 to 3 times a week ( you can follow 10 to 15 minutes workout videos in youtube . There so easy you can literally do them everyday, i'll link some in this post just click it)
2. Moisturise your body everyday.
3. Always wear perfume and try to find your signature smell.
4. Paint your nails or wear arcrylic nails
5. Accessorize (always wear rings and necklaces)
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xoxojaz · 3 years
Glow up tips 1/10
Mental Glow up
1. Cut off toxic and negative people from your life.
2. Set reasonable goals for yourself (don't set unrealistic goals)
3. Delete old contacts and any pictures that remind you of a bad time in your life.
4. Write your feelings and thoughts in a journal/diary (writing down your feelings helps you to process them better)
5. Medidate and be more mindful ("CALM" is an amazing meditation app)
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xoxojaz · 3 years
I can't trust anyone anymore....
Because the one person i thought would never turn on me.... turned on me.
The one person i thought would never hurt me....hurt me.
The one person i thought would never leave me....left me.
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xoxojaz · 3 years
This book has ended but trust me you're the best page for me.
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xoxojaz · 3 years
he came back because he said i’m his home.
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xoxojaz · 3 years
Someone: Do you love him?
Me: yes
Someone: How much?
Me: Does it matter?
Someone: why? Does it not?
Me: Because it wasn't enough to make him stay.
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