woodsorrelpainting · 26 days
okay. my unintentional hiatus is (HOPEFULLY!! !) over with!!
There should be a new video uploaded on my channel tomorrow morning. Sorry for the wait! For... anyone who might've been wondering haha.
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woodsorrelpainting · 3 months
Hi all! I apologize for going silent... the holidays were hectic for me and I felt that I couldn't focus properly on this or my YouTube channel without burning out again.
I realize that this is I suppose my second "sorry" post (lmao) but you know what... it's okay. I hope to be posting more next week and into the next month!!
And of course theres always a chance that this isn't something I ought to be focussing my time with but... you know how it is.
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woodsorrelpainting · 4 months
may you achieve all your creative aspirations in the new year, be it professionally, as a hobby, or both. may you gain everything you seek from it and allow it to bring you joy
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woodsorrelpainting · 4 months
It just occurred to me that I may be coming off as overly polished or something from the way that I've been writing these posts... I promise I'm just typing like I normally would!!! I'm just kind of long-winded.
Well, I guess I'm "polishing" myself a bit in the way that I write, but only because I don't want there to be too many "long posts" on my blog... though I've kind of not done a great job with that it seems.
Oh well!
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woodsorrelpainting · 4 months
Of all the things I had forgotten about when it comes to painting/illustration (I guess), I'm shocked to find that the feeling of being Tired of it was among them.
Because it's not like I haven't felt this way before. And really I don't think this'll be a long-term thing... I feel like I just need to rest a little bit. And I will, over the weekend/Christmas Day (I like to take any excuse I have to not do as much haha)
But at the same time, the "art-block" I felt three years ago was so enormous and overwhelming that I stopped painting entirely for a year and a half-ish... You'd think I'd remember something like that.
I guess though that I've also been frustrated lately with my "productivity" in addition to everything else I'm having to do lately. And I really, really don't want to get so wrapped up in "productivity" or whatever... I want this to be doable for me. That's all I need.
It's just been so difficult lately. I dunno.
To end this on a more positive note, I've been doing lots better than I thought I would. I started up this blog, my side blog (where I'm actually reblogging!!), and I have two whole YouTube videos up with a third on the way... I wouldn't have guessed that I'd have all of that on my plate even six months ago.
I'm just... unable to stomach even music right now haha.
Have a nice day, evening, night, whatever.
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woodsorrelpainting · 4 months
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Flower, watercolor, Staats Fasoldt
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woodsorrelpainting · 4 months
ooough I remembered about my little flower-pressing kit that I have and !! also the flowers I have pressed in the past!!!
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(ID: A collection of dried, pressed plants against an off-white/beige background. It's mostly leaves and their stems versus flowers, though there are a couple large flowers in the lower right-hand corner. Notably, two orange trumpet-flowers, a pale purple silverleaf nightshade flower with prominent yellow pistils (? I hope that's right), and a pinkish-purple crepe myrtle flower. /end of ID)
I remember being able to get a lot of these because my dad moved out and none of us knew how to mow the lawn, so there were a bunch of "weeds" growing out back in addition to the few intentionally-planted... plants that were out there as well (tick city...)!! These are all a few years old at this point. Crazy to think about, actually.
But as much as I remember all of that, I don't remember what plants ALL of these came from. Especially the leaves. Though I was thinking about it and I feel like the largest leaves shown here were also from the trumpet-flower (also, I believe, called the "devil's shoelaces"... I believe that based on how prolific this plant was haha). I also remember some of the smaller leaves (perhaps you can't see it, but some of these leaves are "dappled") are from a "polka-dot plant" that I was taking care of for a while that died in a move. I miss that plant.
I believe the long, thin grasses (left-hand side) were "bermuda grass" that ended up flowering. I remember being to thoroughly fascinated when I realized that the little fuzzy-looking bits on the grass may've been FLOWERS, of all things. I didn't (and still don't) have a microscope or anything so I was unable to get a good look for myself, but I pressed them anyways. And the reason I'm confident about it being "bermuda grass" is because I remember my family putting down sod when we first moved to that house... Partly cuz I helped and it was so much work lmao.
One more thing that I might be remembering is that we had a lot of a plant that I struggled to identify growing in the backyard. AND I WOULD LIKE TO Clarify that I am not an expert!! This is very much JUST a hobby! Anyways, I think I settled on a plant (type of plant?) called "ragweed" due to knowing how quickly it spread and the way it looked/grew. It was a tall plant with, frankly, beautiful bunches of cute little white flowers. I never touched them a whole lot because I read somewhere that they can cause contact dermatitis... and I didn't really want to find out the hard way.
Anyways, I hope y'all think this as cool as I do. I also have some carnations that I pressed at my mom's request, so maybe I'll remember to scan those in too... We'll see.
Have a good day.
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woodsorrelpainting · 4 months
New Video!!
Yes, yes I've been away for a bit... I'm sure so many of y'all were worried. I'm okay though! I have this video made and uploaded (I hope!!! This is all scheduled !!!) And also another one in the works!!
I'm still figuring all of this out haha, apologies for all of it being some degree of whack. That being said... have a good day!!
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woodsorrelpainting · 5 months
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lascaux arcade carpet *_*
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woodsorrelpainting · 5 months
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woodsorrelpainting · 5 months
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Ok well pretend that this is oriented the right way because it's kept rotating on me even though I thought I fixed it.....
(ID: An image of a sketchbook page featuring three small watercolor sketches. One shows the windowsill of my bedroom, one is primarily a blue sky with the silhouettes of some plants and a lizard peeking out from the side of the frame in the corner, and the final one is of a heron wading in some water. It's a circular painting whereas the first two are squares. END ID)
Yeah so I sketched these over the course of a couple of days. I've been exhausted lately... back hurts, so much stuff going on, changes in both my daily routine and my sleeping schedule....... For reals I'm exhausted.
But here is this! I filmed the process of painting these, and I'll have that up sometime this week I hope. I'll announce it in another post when I get around to that.
All of these are based on images I took with my phone. It's my windowsill, a picture of what I think is a heron that I took through a binocular lens, and what I felt was a cute image of a lizard watching me through the window.
These aren't the most rendered, I know, but... I dunno. The lizard piece is gouache in addition to watercolor. I had a good time painting that, it brought back memories. I don't live in that house anymore, but the plants silhouetted there are jasmine tendrils... my dad didn't think that one through haha, they very quickly got big and frankly were a problem.
The bird is one of my fave images I have on my phone. Like I said, I took it through the lens of a pair of binoculars... it was a difficult as youd imagine. It's not actually in a lake, but it's really in a flooded pond that was behind our house at the time. It's county land, not city land, so no houses were allowed to be built there. It functioned as where rainwater would flow to when it rained a lot and so sometimes we'd see a lot of cool critters and creatures. And we heard a lot of frogs. This day in particular it had flooded A Lot to where the water was nearly to our fence.
All of that to say that there's a reason the painting is weird haha, I was trying to imitate the strange chromatic abberation and fuzziness that the binoculars gave the image.
And the windowsill... I found this to be the most boring, as I don't really care much for painting non-organic things. I prefer animals and at the moment, plants. I was mostly interested though in the coloration of that dark blue blanket. I dunno, I don't consider it a "success" but is it really supposed to be? Who knows.
I used Sakura Koi watercolors (24 color pans) and Arteza Gouache Colors (out of a tube). All of these images were painted from reference images that I took so I won't link my pinterest board here.
Anyways, thanks for reading~ Have a good day
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woodsorrelpainting · 5 months
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(ID: A sketchy collection of watercolor and gouache doodles of greenery. There are two long, skinny rectangles with blotches of green and yellow watercolor. To the right of those are two squares, one with a similarly blotchy green and yellow color palette and another with a more refined green, yellow, and brown color palette. The refined square more clearly looks like a plant with small yellow flowers growing out of the ground. To the right of those squares is a small close-up of these plants' leaves as well as a flower and flower bud. ID END)
Admittedly, I have mixed feelings on how this turned out, but I mean it's definitely servicable. This is one of the things I was hoping to make a print of, but of course I still need to paint it.
It's of a plant that I see around where I live all the time, but I'll have more information on it when I'm able to upload an image of the final painting (I am manifesting that I finish this lmao).
To the side, those thin rectangles are actually a result of me considering making some bookmarks... I really don't know if/how thouse would sell though. But I was ideating some composition ideas. We'll see, haha.
- I used Arteza Gouache Colors (in tubes) and the Sakura Koi watercolor set (24 colors).
- I used reference images that I took of these plants literally on my doorstep, haha, so I won't be linking my pinterest reference board here.
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woodsorrelpainting · 5 months
Well, I had intended to be posting here more often-- and I think I'll get to do that more eventually... but also I've been having to take care of my dad more than I initially thought I would, and it's really been limiting how much time I have to dedicate to all of this.
Rest assured (because I know y'all are So Concerned*), I'll post something today. Maybe two somethings! As a treat.
But I guess just in case anybody's thinking I've given up... I haven't lmao, I'm just kind of struggling with "time management" at the moment
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woodsorrelpainting · 5 months
I've done it....... posted a video on youtube....... scary and terrifying and whatever. Not to mention how... slimy it is that I can't include "clickable links" in the description until my channel is "verified". These losers already have my phone number!!! Y'all don't need my ID or to see my face. Sorry. (I have so many burning feelings about it)
Anyways, hehe, here's the link!
No pressure to watch it of course... I really don't have much experience editing or filming or anything... so like of course it's a bad video. But nevertheless I have to "announce" it!
It's about thirty minutes long and has no voice-over. The music is by Chillpeach (go check out their channel!!).
Have a nice day :) :)
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woodsorrelpainting · 5 months
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Weisensee ♥ Gouache on weed + extra
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woodsorrelpainting · 5 months
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another one!! 🧡
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woodsorrelpainting · 5 months
ok one more post for tonight
I Have A Question regarding Learning to Paint:
Where have y'all found artists to be inspired by? Do y'all find artists throughout history who painted the way you want to paint, or the subject you want to paint? How have you done that? Any sources anybody can recommend?
I ask because I want to do "studies" but I really have no clue where to find other art ("recent" or otherwise) that I can draw inspiration/techniques/subject matter from. I don't have a ton of money to work with, but honestly I'll take just about anything at the moment.
I had an idea to look at my local library, and I will be doing that when I'm able to, but I can't think of much else. I've looked at the websites of various art museums, but have found them... uncomfortable to browse. To say the least.
I dunno, if anybody has answers then, of course, you're free to reply here :)
If not then that's okay too. AND!! It's okay if you don't see this for a year or so. I won't find it weird if it gets reblogged even five years from now.
Thanks in advance :) !!
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