wingedcatastrophe · 3 months
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the writeblr garden is now accepting members 🌱
the writeblr garden is a community space focused on the progress of your novel(s). whether you're in the outlining stage, 10 drafts in, or already completed a book and are aiming towards your next, the garden is here for you! we host events made to encourage you to write and share your progress.
we are now accepting members to help the garden grow! if accepted, you will henceforth be known as a goblin of the garden 🧙‍♂️ goblins will help promote the network, create and work in events, and other potential future duties. currently, we are only accepting 6 goblins. in the future we will expand but we have decided to keep a small group.
in order to be eligible for membership you must be a member of our discord server, which you can join here. you can find the application within our server! we're looking forward to growing with you ✨
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wingedcatastrophe · 3 months
oh i don't know what young adult needs to hear this but you should google what day your 10,000th day will be & set a reminder in your calendar. it happens somewhere in your 27th year. i was really bummed when i googled my own and found out i had missed it by like 2 months.
(if you missed yours too, no worries, we both get another chance to celebrate 15,000 at 41. Unfortunately you will be 54 years old before you are 20,000 days old, at which point we will have overthrown the concept of linear time anyway)
life is very cute, and you have struggled a very long time to be here, and i love you. sometimes i think we need to invent our reasons for celebration. maybe today you are 10,345 days old. or 12,345. or 8,435. maybe u should just celebrate because it is a weekday, and those are hard days. i love u , light a candle and blow it out. i'm proud of you for staying.
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wingedcatastrophe · 3 months
i'm not interested in the original book at all but seeing everyone rb the version of the physical therapist/ballerina "forbidden romance" with the fake/joke sample assumed to be real is kinda . . . you guys. you're making me feel bad for the author. like what if I wrote something that some people thought was kinda cringe (or how people were talking about it was kinda cringe) and someone made a joke excerpt that everyone spread around like it was real just absolutely trashing the book. I would be stripping off the wallpaper with my teeth. kind of a silly example but just goes to show how easy it is to fall for misinfo if you think it's funny or it doesn't challenge your preconceptions or it's focused on an "acceptable target" i guess
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wingedcatastrophe · 3 months
Hewwo friends, I bring to you a small little uquiz today. If you've ever been curious where you would belong in the world of the Chaos In Justice, now you can know! Take this quiz to find out where you'd be sorted! Are you a hero or a villain?
taglist under the cut
Taglist! (ask to be added/removed!)
@themundanemudperson @digital-chance @kd-holloman
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wingedcatastrophe · 3 months
Hewwo friends, I bring to you a small little uquiz today. If you've ever been curious where you would belong in the world of the Chaos In Justice, now you can know! Take this quiz to find out where you'd be sorted! Are you a hero or a villain?
taglist under the cut
Taglist! (ask to be added/removed!)
@themundanemudperson @digital-chance @kd-holloman
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wingedcatastrophe · 3 months
I have. Not been around in a while, oops, life got Hectic. Still is, I'm in the middle of moving again, but I have been putting more thoughts into Chaos recently and changed a bunch more stuff so expect more rambling about that soon~
Tell me something interesting that's happened for you in the new year so far, or something you're excited for happening soon!
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wingedcatastrophe · 5 months
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For this year’s holiday season, we’ll be hosting a Secret Santa gift exchange event! Like last year’s event, participants will be randomly assigned to creat a gift for a fellow participant. These creations can be anything: from playlists to graphics to art to fics. The event will run from DECEMBER 1 to JANUARY 1 with the following schedule:
SIGN-UPS : 12/1 - 12/8
GIFT EXCHANGE : 12/25 - 1/1
NOTE : the GIFT EXCHANGE period will run in the RECIPIENT’S timezone.
be a part of the wtw discord server and reach CROOK aka LVL 5
fill out the sign-up form, which will be linked in the server
wait until you receive your assignment, then start creating!
send your gift to your target within the GIFT EXCHANGE period
if you choose to post your gift to tumblr, tag your posts as #WTWEVENT and #WTWCOMMUNITY
wait for your post to be added to the queue
NSFW content will not be posted to the blog
Please do not hesitate to speak or join the server. We are extremely welcoming and active. But if you cannot follow these simple rules then you cannot participate in our events.
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wingedcatastrophe · 5 months
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the writeblr garden's advent calendar 🎁
welcome to the writeblr garden's advent calendar event! this is the garden's third event, which is all about worldbuilding and characters, along with some other fun prompts in between. 🎊
this event will last twelve days from december 12th to 23rd, and each day is dedicated to a different prompt. you do not need to do every prompt. all you need to do is answer each day's prompt in any way you would like to- graphics optional (unless it's a graphic based prompt 😉). you can list things, share excerpts, show some art- whatever works for you! you can also make multiple posts for each prompt if you have multiple wips you'd like to share!
when creating your post, include the writeblr garden's advent calendar event in your title (or somewhere in your post.) tag your posts with #writeblrgarden and #twgcalendar. if your post is pretty long and text heavy, put a bit of it under a read more to not clog people's dashboards. join our discord server to guarantee your posts are seen and meet other writers! we're looking forward to growing with you 🌱 prompt list below - cut for length <3
the prompt list
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dec 12. holidays.
dec 13. winter moodboard. - make a moodboard with vibes about winter in your wip, or post an excerpt in winter instead.
dec 14. found family.
dec 15. excerpt.
dec 16. traditions.
dec 17. wip playlist. - a short playlist with songs about your wip, seasonal vibes optional.
dec 18. excerpt.
dec. 19. religions.
dec 20. relationships.
dec. 21. cover graphics. - make a graphic about what you'd like your cover to look like! or make a moodboard for the inspiration you'd use for it!
dec 22. magic system.
dec 23. wildcard. - anything you'd like to do! another excerpt, some art, a graphic, another topic you'd like to cover, etc. go wild! ✨
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wingedcatastrophe · 6 months
reblog to give the person you rb’d this from a hot chocolate with whipped cream and marshmallows
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wingedcatastrophe · 6 months
been struggling with writing, so i'm doing what I said i would do in draft 2 and going through and rewriting the beginning chapters of Chaos to fit with all the backstory changes I made halfway through the story. i'm getting into a good flow, which is what I wanted, and I get the added benefit of getting to put in a new fun quote from Unseelie as they continue to just show up for all the cool stuff.
"You always have a choice when it comes to your future, Max," the villain said, and Max couldn't help but hear the softness in their voice that surrounded the use of his first name rather than his last. "While some choices may seem more obvious, or easier, than others, never think that there is ever a time where you do not have one. 
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wingedcatastrophe · 6 months
mutuals send me a 💌 and ill tell u something i love about you
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wingedcatastrophe · 6 months
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Meet the Arcanist, and his magical sword, The Arcana, in its base form!
I've been rewatching the Tales of Arcadia shows, and it has led to me starting an extremely self-indulgent Chosen One(tm) story.
Currently unnamed, but The Arcanist was a normal college student when the Arcana chose him to be the newest protector of Elemental-kind. Thrown into a world of magic, he's gotta learn the ropes fast if he's going to keep both humanity and elementals safe!
Once he's mastered its base form, The Arcanist can infuse the Arcana with different elements, changing both its appearance and giving it special abilities to help him in his fights.
There will be an over-arching plot, but most chapters are going to have a sort of "monster of the week" format, and I'm going to be releasing chapters here on Tumblr and made on a wordpress blog dedicated to it? We'll see after I get a few chapters written skjfnkejsg
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wingedcatastrophe · 7 months
im not feeling well so not gonna do a proper intro for rn, but some bulletpoint notes for the story im gonna work on for the beginning on NaNo now that I've mulled it over.
dual pov, third person past limited
legends say that the gods sleep in the castle nestled in the Labyrinth in the middle of the kingdoms, locked there in ages past by one who betrayed them. One day, when the world needs them, they will call a hero to set them free.
most people don't actually believe the story, it's just something parents tell their children as a hopeful bedtime story
if it was true, where were the gods when the kingdom across the sea invaded and captured the kingdoms?
Feral Beast boyfriend vs Sunshine Pacifist boyfriend between the two MCs
Sunshine is the son of a farmer, never wanted anything more than the life he was born into, while his twin sister always yearned for something more.
The gods begin calling him in his dreams, and he dismisses it as just a dream. Until he starts hearing them when he's awake, and his sister convinces him they have to answer.
Feral is a fox-boy, most of his kind has been hunted or enslaved by the invading race and so he's extremely distrustful of everyone he meets and violence is his first answer to everything
The three of them meet at the beginning of the Labyrinth before the castle of the gods, grudgingly accept that they must work together
Labyrinth is filled with traps and tricks and all sorts of things to keep them from setting the gods free
If you're interested in being on the taglist for updates/excerpts, let me know!! <3
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wingedcatastrophe · 7 months
Have some vague notes on the Nanowrimo project because my thoughts are still too scattered for a proper summary/intro post:
Currently calling it Outside the Rose Garden, which is maybe a little on the nose given the amount of walled garden/paradise metaphor going on here, but it'll work for now!
It's about a wizard named Adarina (maybe?) who makes a deal with an angel (maybe?) for the power to get revenge against the people who wronged her - in exchange for assassinating the prince
There's also an abandoned, likely haunted palace and a pair of elf siblings who blackmail her toward opposite ends and a sort of devious royal advisor in training who Adarina has weird, hateful sexual tension with; if I knew how to explain how all of these tie into the main plot I would've just written the blurb by now :)
I've been grappling with how to write a story where the ending is always inevitable - where the protagonist is the only character who knows that the future the others are planning for won't happen - while still holding the tension!
(Thinking about Harrow the Ninth's "x months before the emperor's murder" and how that moment still manages to be surprising in spite of it; I'm thinking about Locked Tomb a lot here, actually - which is also evident in, like, the sheer number of lesbians present.)
I have the backstory and plot sorta planned out but I feel like I'm still struggling with some pretty basic worldbuilding stuff (including names!!) -- still in a better position than I usually am at this point, though!
Clean and pretty intro post & more info to come soon, I hope. I'll try to post updates & excerpts throughout November, too! Lmk if you wanna be on the tag list :)
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wingedcatastrophe · 7 months
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the writeblr garden's grow a plant (nanowrimo 2023)
announcing the writeblr garden's second event and first nanowrimo event: grow a plant! participating gardeners will be separated into teams to compete to finish their word goals with the highest amount of words. 🍃
this event will be hosted entirely on our discord server where we will be collecting words, hosting writing sprints, and giving you a weekly update on your plant. each gardener is welcome to set their own word goal but is highly encouraged to write more to boost their team.
each team's word goal is the total amount of words each gardener is aiming to write combined, so if someone drops out of the competition their goal will be removed from your total. but remember, you're competing against other teams to get the best plant, so write as much as you can!
the winning team members will get their own tag on the blog, along with a weekly shoutout and interview about each gardener's main wip. participants who drop out of the competition but were on this team will not be counted. anyone on these teams with less than 10k written will not be counted, either.
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grow a plant will be running the entirety of november. to participate in our first nano event, join our discord server here! join as early as possible to ensure you get on the team you want. we're looking forward to growing with you 🌱
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wingedcatastrophe · 7 months
Happy birthday! Hope you get to do something fun for yourself!!
thank you!! my sister gave me a nintendo gift card, so i got myself the first two Pikmin games and a Fire Emblem-like game, having a blast with them so far!
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wingedcatastrophe · 7 months
it's my birthday :party:
in celebration, let's see if I can manage to finish my notes read-through of the Odyssey today!
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