whats-genshin-on · 2 years
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It is freedom.
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whats-genshin-on · 2 years
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irodori festival made impossible and combined all my favorite genshin characters in one place even little angry hat man my beloved and Albedo with Venti and Kazuha
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whats-genshin-on · 2 years
What we can take away from the Hidden Strifes event: Diluc and his current relationship with Kaeya
I have too many ideas and new theories filling my mind, so I’ll be making several separate posts. Many things have already been mentioned by others, so I’ll be going over those things briefly or maybe even not at all. 
 Ok, let’s start with the new info we have regarding Diluc and the series of events that followed his father’s death.
Diluc did not leave right away. And it was actually Alice who gave him the idea, and from the wording of both of their letter, it didn’t seem to be so much about going on a killing spree, but more about getting away and finding himself (being lost due to the recent events) and along with that also the truth. Also, Kaeya somewhat helped him with it, keeping Jean and Varka from stopping Diluc and giving him a tip on how to leave.
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(A part from Alice’s letter)
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(A part from Kaeya’s letter) The way He worded the last part, makes it seem like Kaeya himself has thought about doing something similar. 
Not so much about Diluc, but we learn that Kaeya kept Diluc updated about the Eroch situation, even though the other hasn’t been shown to have replied or requested the info. You know the “You don’t have to reply” Also that the whole Eroch process took quite the effort from the Knights and probably also time. 
EDIT: I also want to add that Kaeya might be aware or at leas have suspicions of Diluc working with a secret organization. Or those “businessmen” were from the fatui. But I’m more leaning on the first.
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   Diluc isn’t so much against the Knights of Favonius, but due to their different approaches and differences in philosophy, he prefers steering clear of them, unless cooperation is necessary. Also, we can not forget that Diluc still holds a grudge towards the knights actions following his father’s death.
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Lastly, it becomes even more clear that Diluc’s character is built on justice and righteousness. And also that he’s someone who thinks about the present and future more than the past. Basically, someone who strides towards the better future, rather than sulking in the past. But interestingly it seems like he also takes a lot after what he has experienced in the past, sort of gets stuck in his feelings and doesn’t forgive so easily. 
(This is opposite to Kaeya, someone who lingers on the past and holds onto mementoes from everything he can, but yet is quick to forgive and put aside his own feelings. He feels hesitant about the future and prefers not to think about it, rather enjoying what he can in the present)
(I might make a separate post about talking about How Kaeya and Diluc are both parallels and opposites to each other)
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Now to unpacking Diluc’s and Kaeya’s relationship: 
The most important thing we can take away from this event, is that the two have been exchanging letters over the years. Kaeya took the initiative almost immediatly, and even though Diluc was at first resistant, he eventually started sending in replies. 
(I’d like to add, that these reveals are very important. I personally feel that they have made not only both Kaeya’s and Diluc’s characters feel more fleshed out but also their relationship and the string of events more clearer and civil. Basically, it feels much more realistic now. And I’ve certainly felt my perception of the two shift a little)
It seems like their relationship isn’t as bad as some thought, but at the same time it seems like it’s still not as good as some hoped for. I’d say they have found some common ground and are at least on speaking terms. And interestingly you can feel the tone of the letters get better over the years. 
Talking about the tone of the letter. It seems still a bit cold/resistant and there are some jabs at each other here and there, but overall it does seem better than how they communicate in real life. I think an interesting thing to note when comparing the letters to the others, is that while the tone of the other letters reflect more respect and warmth, it’s partially because the letters sent to Albedo, Alice Jean and Varka have been written in a rather polite manner. In an opposing way writings exchanged between Kaeya and Diluc are much more casual (Kaeya’s more than Diluc’s, but still). 
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Maybe I’m looking too much into this, but this line right here, is one of the jabs that actually also seems to have some compassion in it. It seems to be sending a message “Why don’t you worry about yourself instead, I know you act similarly/you aren’t any better, so please do take of yourself too”
Overall it feels like they both have moved past their initial conflict, but there still seems to be a rock between them that makes it awkward. 
It seems like Kaeya holds no grudge towards Diluc and his actions and instead takes the blame himself (While they both certainly hold some blame, it feels a bit unhealthy to forgive everyone who hurts you, but you do you, honey). It does feel very Kaeya-like to look at both sides of the conflict and not lable people as good-and-bad or hero-and-villain (Given that Kaeya himself stands between a conflict, having seen both sides, and I’d say that that experience is the base of Kaeya’s character and his actions, but that’s an entirely new topic I might post about one day)
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There’s no backup to this claim (at least not one I can think of right now), but I’d say (and I’ve seen others theorize this), that perhaps Diluc seems hesitant towards Kaeya, because he sees his actions as a wrongdoing, a misguided justice, a violation of his own philosophies and while he has tried to learn from that, he still (depending on whether he knows or not about kaeya never having blamed him) doesn’t see himself as worthy of forgiveness. As “I should uphold myself to same standards as I do others” (So If I can’t forgive others why should others forgive me). And thus keeping a bit of distance from Kaeya, at elast emotionally. 
(Or It’s Kaeya who can’t accept that Diluc has changed, and is thus approaching the matter from the wrong angle. Always referencing things from the past, perhaps thinking it will bring back the old Diluc.)
Lastly, I’d say that we got even more proof about how much the two work together behind the scene. At this point, Kaeya might as well be sponsoring Diluc’s whole Darknight-hero affair.
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And the fact that Kaeya immedaitly figured out that Diluc was the Darknight-hero (though let’s be honest, it’s not that hard) and that similarly Diluc figured out that Kaeya wasn’t blinded, shows that despite both having changed and their relationship not being what it used to, they still know each other better than they’d like to admit.
PS: Sorry if the post is a bit all over the place and long. My thoughts themselves have been all over the place after the reveals. Plus, I’m not best at putting my thoughts to words sometimes, well actually most of the time.
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whats-genshin-on · 2 years
I couldn’t find a clear list of the full letters anywhere, so here they are! I think these are in the right chronological order, but I might be mistaken.
Warning, this thread is LONG and very text heavy!!
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I’m assuming this is from Elzer, since Adelinde is mentioned by name.
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That’s the end of the letters I’ve found so far! The two letters to Kaeya from Diluc are located in a secret compartment above the Knight’s HQ, found by removing a brick in the wall. The details are as follows:
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It looks like Kaeya keeps his important possessions in this secret compartment, including his letters from Diluc, the seashells they collected as children, an eyepatch and a relic from his past.
Hope this helps anyone who can’t play the event but want to be updated on the lore!! :D
EDIT: Added Diluc’s letters to Albedo and Alice!
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whats-genshin-on · 2 years
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whats-genshin-on · 2 years
Things that we’ve learned about Kaeya and Diluc from HS
Kaeya and Diluc write letters to each other
Kaeya thought Diluc wouldn’t reply to his letters but Diluc actually does
They call each other K and D in the letters (which is kinda cute?)
They’re always looking out for each other. They show that they really care, they really care a lot
Kaeya informed Diluc about everything while he was away, and celebrated when they finally got their revenge on the man who sullied their father’s death
Diluc wants to act solo but he knows there might be times when they have to join forces and doesn’t mind
Diluc has so many of Kaeya’s letters around his house that he has kept
Also, Kaeya has really good handwriting
Kaeya’s eye was wounded when he fought Diluc, but he was not blinded. He wanted to pretend that he was, but Diluc knows the truth
Meaning that Kaeya can perfectly see with his right eye and he wears the eyepatch for another reason
Kaeya doesn’t blame Diluc for the fight, he knows that it was bad timing
Kaeya’s family, the Alberich Clan, were not the original rulers of Khaenri’ah but they took over. Which means that Kaeya is really a prince in a way
His family wanted to revive Khaenri’ah but couldn’t. They still want to continue with their plans (They might be allies with the Abyss Order then?)
Kaeya only has a small paper that talks about his clan that he saved when his birth father tried to eliminate all evidence
Kaeya’s melancholic when he thinks about his Clan and his birth father
Kaeya misses the Winery and goes there frequently, he spent a few days there while Diluc was still away. Kaeya stayed in his old bedroom and all the staff is happy with him
Kaeya has kept some of the seashells they found when they were kids (I’m crying at this)
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whats-genshin-on · 2 years
Current mental state: in tears over Venti's "would you like to have a chat with me?" teapot voicelines
Tysm emotional support bard, needed to hear that rn <3
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whats-genshin-on · 2 years
Me too, Kazuha
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His elemental burst line is quite ...interesting, i'd say
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whats-genshin-on · 2 years
c3 qiqi let’s goo
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whats-genshin-on · 2 years
That Venti story quest
Diluc: Just don’t drink yourself to death, Kaeya.
Kaeya: You know who died? Our FATHER!
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whats-genshin-on · 2 years
2.8 Golden Apple Archipelago
Hey, guys, I'm sorry. I was originally going to do some more event posts (like I did in 2.6 and 2.7), but I was injured and it was hard for me to play, let alone write. Besides, I thought I'd have all the event stuff done by now, but I still need to get around to it somehow, so these are the emotions the Golden Apple Archipelago event left in me.
So, just to start off. I'm kind of... disappointed? I've been getting positive feedback from all sides about the last event that took place on this map, how fun and lighthearted it was. I guess even the negative reactions from around me about the event got to me. I'm also sorry that Xinyan or Fischl can't normally be seen during hangout events, so this is practically the first time I've seen them "in action".
And now to the individual parts!
Kazuha! The domain was awesome, great, perfect. Super puzzles, the look reminded me a lot of Dishonored 2, where Kirin Jindosh has a similar mansion. The island itself was cool. I liked the changing parts of the island, and the fact that you can collect different local specialties. (Drunk Kazuha, by the way? I didn't know I needed that. And the voice of little Kazuha? And his friend??? Sorry, I'm going to go cry in the corner).
Xinyan! Sweetheart, I love her, I want to give her a big loving hug. Her domain has shown me what a terribly strong personality she is, and the puzzle in particular was challenging but satisfying. The island was aesthetically nice, but it was kind of odd that the player somehow doesn't get to control what shape the island turns into.
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Fischl! Amy and her parents. One of the most emotional quests in my opinion. It's just a shame that the domain itself didn't really grab me, and the puzzles aren't very difficult. And I can't find one chest. I'm so sick of those ravens where you have to solve the mystery. The scene lasts half a century, and if you tag the wrong one, you might as well go make tea before the ravens chatter again.
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Mona! Storywise interesting, the domain was aesthetically pleasing. But the puzzles! And the bugs. I haven't been this angry in a long time. Same goes for Mona's island. There are no indicators anywhere as to how the puzzles are supposed to be solved. The game also freezes horribly often and just refuses to work. This is exactly what happened in the closed chamber, where I tried all combinations of totems, none of them worked, and only when I went through the whole round of guessing again did I manage to open the door. I'm sad that Mona was the last one, because she left the biggest and also the worst impression on me.
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I still think it's a nice event that is not fully packed with time-limited lore. I also love playing on different island and searching for treasures and side quests. But it certaintly isn't a favourite event of mine.
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whats-genshin-on · 2 years
The amount of hate I feel for Mona’s island is unbelievable
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whats-genshin-on · 2 years
Aether being cute in 2.8 event
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whats-genshin-on · 2 years
Hi! Sorry I was a bit absent, but life happened.
Hi to the new 2.8 version! I'm so excited to play Kazuha's story quest, you'll get my input on that!
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This is the first time I won 50/50, welcome home Kazuha <33.
(I stood close to Tomo's grave with Gorou and Beidou, you can use this ritual)
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Yeah, I am desperate for this man.
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whats-genshin-on · 2 years
So all the Harbingers designs are out, and we all saw Pierro right???
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I'm not the only one who sees this right???
So what if
Kaeya wasn't supposed to be an Abyss or any Khaenri'ahn spy, no he was supposed to be a Fatui spy
And my god this makes everything makes so much more sense
Because if he wasn't a Fatui spy then Diluc's reaction would be ridiculous I honestly was never convinced that just knowing Kaeya was supposed to be a spy or a sleeper agent would set him off
But hohoho if Kaeya was in any way related to the Fatui
Related to the Number one Harbinger
Then Diluc's reaction makes so much sense omg I can't bc how can he believe him? The Fatui just killed his dad, bought the knights and now the last member of his family, his little brother turns out to be planted there by the Fatui? Can he really believe him? Can he believe he didn't know about what was going to happen to Crepus?
It makes so so so much sense for Diluc to lash out by trying to physically hurt Kaeya no idea if the killing intent was there but the boy definitely wasn't all there by that point definitely a break down
I 100% believe that Kaeya wouldn't betray Mond but if he really was a Fatui spy then this means he was passively suicidal that night
There's so many thoughts brain scrambled I can't-
Edit: yup definitely mean Pierro is Kaeya's bio dad XD
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whats-genshin-on · 2 years
Me: (looks at leaks) Okay, new characters! Can't wait for their storylines . . .
Me: (looks at my roots and being a historical nut) (cracks knuckles)
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In what may be one of my most controversial posts yet, I attempt to explain and process what the hell is up with the Sumeru leaks.
I do not expect to not be clowned for this.
Folks, you kinda jumped the gun on this one. Seriously. I have a few points to make on this and it may not be liked, but as a history enthusiast and someone who loves to learn, I have to clarify some things.
If I do get some things wrong, feel free to correct me on them! That's kind of the point here. I'm always ready to learn some more.
1.) Sumeru is somewhat based on the Abbasid Empire.
If people bothered to look at the content we've received about Sumeru so far and actually pay attention, you will be able to tell that there are Indian, Persian, and South Asian elements to the region as well as Middle Eastern. This is shown in the little bits of information that you can find here.
And if one looks at the reaches of Islamic empires throughout history, it will show that at some point, these elements have mixed, matched, or have come into contact with each other during the Islamic Age.
The picture below represents the reach of the Islamic Empire during its initial run from 622-750 CE under the Umayyads along with the Islamic Golden Age under the Abbasids.
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The regions that are shown here include Egypt, Persia, the Arabian Peninsula, Northern Africa, Central Asia, India, Turkey, Iberia, and Central Asia, but they do not do justice to the spread of their culture and Islam at the same time periods.
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(Please note that while the empires did not reach these areas the places shown were heavily influenced by Islamic culture and religion, thus forth making them majority Muslim at the time.)
And as you can see, South Asia is right there.
Now look at these maps compared to a modern map of the same areas and tell me with a straight face that this region wasn't diverse enough to hold multiple cultures besides Egyptian and Arabic.
This would not only explain the different regions featured in Sumeru concerning the characters but also why they may or may not look different and dress as such. I'll go into the really gritty bits about the dress later.
2.) The Baghdad House of Wisdom definitively inspired the Dendro Archon's basis as the Archon of Wisdom and Sumeru Academia
This point speaks for itself, but just to be sure people get it, the Baghdad House of Wisdom was considered the height of knowledge and intellect for centuries during the Islamic Golden age.
As the crown jewel of the capital of the Abbasid Empire, every nation in the known world and their rivals wanted a piece of what was in that place! We got math, language, science, stories, art, music, and all sorts of stuff from them. In fact, we have them to thank for preserving a good chunk of human knowledge, even with its destruction in 1258 by the Mongols.
Now, wisdom is typically defined as the application of knowledge and intellect combined with practical experience, which Sumeru may or may not have a lack of at the moment if Lisa brings this point up once or twice with the state of Sumeru's intellectual elite. This may or may not be the hinting of inspiration from the Abbasid Empire's decline due to bureaucratic corruption, heavy taxes, social strife, civil war, and the impending Mongol invasion.
With this, it's no mistake that Sumeru Academia and the area surrounding it sounds a hell of a lot like that intellectual haven and that it may or may not serve as a tragic future plot point.
3.) Dori's design does take some checkmarks for orientalism, but for less reasons than you think.
Yeah, you guys need to look at this first. You need fresh eyes.
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First of all, I'm going to tell you to completely banish Disney's Aladdin from your mind. It holds no bearing on what I'm about to say. None. It's a cheap copy. Don't even process it, because I'm going to bring up the real inspiration of One Thousand and One Nights.
Contrary to popular belief, the stories contained in One Thousand and One Nights is not based in just the Middle East. There's actually a lot of it based in Persia and Mesopotamia as well as in India, South Asia, and some of China.
If the time period of this is to be believed (the book itself was published around the same Islamic Golden Age I keep bringing up), the style of dress was vastly different from what people think, and speaking of their style of dress, I'd like to introduce you all to something called the shalwar kameez.
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The shalwar kameez is popular in Central and South Asia (Pakistan, India, Afghanistan) and As you can see, the bagginess of the bottom is very accurate, and given the established fact of Sumeru's basis, this dress has some historical basis and concrete reasons for it to exist.
Now, let's talk about the lamp. There is real basis for this to be a thing, but I need to clarify some things first. This lamp is based on an oil lamp and to be fair, the basic design for it being made of metal and its look stay true to its purpose and sticks to the regions discussed here. Bronze oil lamps of this look were definitely around.
Now I will briefly touch on the djinn. Djinn are classified as beings of elemental energy and naturally inclined to pranks, harmful or playful as well as possessing an unholy amount of power and knowledge. Djinn in Islamic canon have been known possess people, produce offspring with them, and be described as a force of good or evil.
In the tales within the One Nights, however, they are typically trapped in small objects, typically a ring or a lamp. The rubbing of either of those things can summon them out. In the tale "The Fishermen and the Jinni", the jinni (djinn) is the one to grant the fishermen three wishes, while in the tale "Aladdin and the Wonderful Lamp", Aladdin acquires a djinn in a ring and a more powerful one in an oil lamp.
So the djinn in the lamp at its basis is not stereotypical at all as the idea of having an all-powerful being trapped by something relatively insignificant to its existence is common enough.
However, the overarching cry of what I believe the rest of the design is based on is something that I can see wholeheartedly. The 'dancer girl' top does not mesh at all with the time period described in detail and does indeed give to the stereotypical orientalism. This video goes more into length on that here.
So yes, there is issue with the dress and inspiration behind it, but it was not the egregious crime it was made out to be.
4.) I am personally terrified that appearances have such large precedence over personality with people in this fanbase.
We haven't met them. We don't know them. We have no idea what they're really like at all. And yet, despite this fact, everyone loses their shit once they aren't what they envisioned them to be based on what they look like. Even if they are pale as hell, why does it matter so much? Do I wish that they could consider that? Sure! Will it cripple my enjoyment? No!
As someone quite dark-skinned myself who has suffered constant mischaracterization and bullying at the hands of literally everyone around me for acting certain ways while looking the way I do, I find it puzzling and concerning that people are so quick to write people off because of the color of their skin as the very same thing has happened to me.
As a result, this point has to be made as controversial as it has become:
Culture does not equal looks and there is no difference between discriminating against skin colors because the basis of it is the same.
Let that sink in for a second.
People really call themselves 'not racist' and 'educated' and then they pull this kind of heinous shit in public discourse and pretend that it's completely okay because they looked white.
And I guarantee you that if they were dark-skinned, people would still call it racist for being 'the stereotype'. I've seen it happen and it will likely happen again. You can't please anyone anymore.
So those are my thoughts on the leaks and everyone's reactions to them. Feel free to agree, disagree, or do something in between because I don't care anymore. I'm tired of skin color determining everything here. It exhausts me.
Take the L and go.
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whats-genshin-on · 2 years
Please, I beg you, watch this video
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