wallstnwhiskey-blog · 7 years
Tribute Bands?
I was born in the 90′s which is basically a nightmare for any hair metal girl. I was born with aqua net in one hand, and a poison record in the other. I sadly missed all of the good bands.  The dazed 60′s, the groovy 70′s, and the decadent 80′s passed me up as I was born in the era where everyone was sad and wore flannels. 
With all of that being said I’ve been lucky to see some of the real acts including Motley Crue, Great White, and countless others. One of my favorite past times is going to local shows and I usually go to see tribute bands because it brings me so much nostalgia even though I was NOT even alive at the time. A tribute can be tricky to do, but if done well it can give the experience for much less. To me, tribute bands are great because they dedicate their lives to show others the passion they have for their favorite bands. In my opinion tribute shows are just large parties filled with dedicated fans and dedicated musicians. I see nothing wrong with that. 
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wallstnwhiskey-blog · 7 years
My obsession with Hard Rock and Heavy Metal...
Being born in the 90′s is not fun for a hair metal girl, but I’ve learned to make the best out of it by inspiring others to find the true beauty and mystery in Rock n Roll that I have found. 
Growing up as an only child I was either drawing, writing, or playing the piano. I always enjoyed music and constantly played my baby keyboard I got when I was 4. I started playing the piano fully when I reached the age of 9. I played for a few years and was classically trained. 
My european parents grew stricter as I got older. I never really indulged in fun activities and spent the majority of my time with my best friend who lived across the street. At the age of 10, I discovered a few of the “emo” bands that emerged in the early 2000′s, but quickly fell in love with Lady Gaga, Blondie, and Cindi Lauper. I was intrigued by their interesting styles and drag like influences.  I was dabbling with different mainstream metal-core artists and also goth/industrial/black metal artists from the nordic countries. I was always into the 80′s, the high pitched screams, and of course the fast riffs. I  just did not now where to find it. 
One day I was sitting in front of my TV and I discovered a song on a car commercial called “Piece of your Action.” I was automatically hooked and typed the lyrics into google to find out who it was. Now... the first thing that popped up was US FEST 1983 Motley Crue. My life took a complete 360. I had finally found everything I had been looking for. 
I started watching That Metal Show, Metal Mania, and Metal Evolution. Those 3 shows taught me literally everything I needed to know. I became obsessed with the evolution of heavy metal. That is ALL I did with my life in high school. I was so in love with the changing economical and societal environments and how the music was impacted by it. My background before my crue incident was heavily influenced by punk music. The fast sound “Too Fast for Love” emulated my love for punk but also emphasized the signature 80′s look which I was in love with.  
Either way, ever since the crue incident happened I became obsessed. My whole life was dedicated to watching, learning, listening, and LIVING hard rock and heavy metal. I began watching interviews in school, at home, at night, in the morning... 24/7!! I was pretty lonely growing up. I had barely any friends and I found refuge in music. 
Now in my college years I find it harder and harder to fit in. Most think it gets easier but for me it hasn’t. The majority of my friends are males who are in their 20′s and 40′s. I love them. I have made friends with a lot of bands and I’m forever grateful for that. When I’m not studying law or business, I spend the majority of my time studying heavy metal. There is something about it that gives me comfort. No matter how lonely it gets I can pop a cd in my vintage stereo, I can spin a vinyl on my turquoise Victrola, or even sync my Spotfiy to my purple Webster speaker. 
I worship the ground that musicians walk on. To me, hard rock and heavy metal is a lifestyle and my first love.  I can’t imagine my life without it. It still is and always has been my my only refuge in tough times. 
Biggest Influences/Icons (solo, specific members, and band as a whole): 
Mark Slaughter/Slaughter, Van Halen (Roth Era), Robert Plant/Led Zeppelin, Eddie Van Halen, Motley Crue, Dokken, Eddie Trunk, Jim Florentine, and DOOONNNNNNN Jamieson, George Lynch, David Lee Roth, Michael Sweet/Stryper, Kiss, Judas Priest, Axl Rose, Ralph Saenz, David Bowie, The Velvet Underground, Arthur Brown, Screamin Jay Hawkins, Ronnie James Dio, Michael Tramp, Great White (Jack Russell Era), Rainbow, Joe Lynn Turner, Sam Dunn, Britny Fox, Steve Stevens, Michael Angel Batio, Deep Purple (Gillan and Coverdale era), Humble Pie, Eagles, Taime Downe, The Beach Boys, Sister Rosetta Tharpe, Rush, Johnny Winter, Hanoi Rocks, Tim Kelly, Motorhead, Buddy Rich, Ritchie Blackmore, David Coverdale, Doug Aldrich, Cinderella, K.K Downing, Steven Adler, Bon Scott, Randy Rhoads, Glenn Frey, Lizzy Borden,  Tony Harnell, Kix, Helloween (Kai Hansen), Glenn Hughes, Venom, Frankie Bello, Dave Ellefson, King Diamond/Mercyful Fate, Bobby Blitz/Overkill and MANY MORE. 
I from the bottom of my heart want to thank all of you for putting love back into my heart. In my loneliest times I have always had your melodies serenading my every move. I do NOT know what I would do without all of you. Rock n Roll has impacted me so deeply. I have been truly blessed to have discovered such an amazing genre of people/artists/performers who have paved the road to happiness for me. I love, appreciate, and will continue to support you until my dying day because in my worst days YOU were there whether you know it or not. 
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wallstnwhiskey-blog · 7 years
My Heart is on 5th Avenue
I have such an adoration for New York City. I feel connected to it in a way that I have never felt before. Simple things like the seasons changing or the rain falling is even more beautiful in New York. There is something about the attitude and provocativeness that NYC exudes. With every step you take there is a sexy, rich, mysterious, and luxurious feel. The air is dripping with love, lust, sex, music, art, and human spirit. New York is eclectic. It is packed with new dreamers and old romantics. Another reason I love New York is because it is diverse. On one corner you smell dark black coffee and on the other you may smell Chanel dancing through the air from Bergdorfs. With New York, you never know what you’re gonna get. You can day dream at a cafe while the sun drips honey colored rays, or you can dance the night away at a jazz bar under the moonlight. Whether you are a new dreamer or a old romantic, New York is waiting for you. Young or old, tell you story is New York and be enveloped in the ambiance that is the city. 
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wallstnwhiskey-blog · 7 years
Heavy Metal Books
My main interest in is the evolution of classic rock from 1950-1989 and some 90′s music. There are a few wonderful books/box sets that I recommend for any lover of hard rock and heavy metal. 
Eddie Trunk is one of the most influential people in my life. He is one of the people that has taught me so much about classic rock. His books are biographies on some of the most popular classic rock bands. The book lists the bands alphabetically. He briefly talks about their history, discography, and shares iconic photos of the bands. Both editions of the books are amazing. A must have for any lover of hard rock and and heavy metal. 
Louder than Hell is one of the coolest books ever. It basically shows the definitive history of hard rock and heavy metal in book form. One of the coolest things I find about the book is the musicians are telling the story. They are the ones talking and personally telling their stories. The book also includes a wonderful gallery of photos of all the musicians posted in the book. There are some amazing stories in the book. From love, lust, sex, groupies, and of course good ole Rock n Roll. Purchase Louder than Hell and take a journey back to the good times. 
The Heavy Metal Box Set is a 4 Disc Compilation of Heavy Metal Artists from the 60′s-90′s. It provides a fairly accurate historical representation of heavy metal. It has a lot of classics on it. I recommend this to any beginner because it has a lot of classics, but also mixes in some underrated artists who beginners may not be aware of. It also includes an amazing HD booklet of the artists and brief history of each band. It is a great set for a beginner or a long time collector.  
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wallstnwhiskey-blog · 7 years
Album of the Month?
A review for Slaughters, “Stick it to Ya” will be posted in a few days! 
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wallstnwhiskey-blog · 7 years
Support Local Music! How did  I get here?
When I was in middle school and high school I wanted to be in a band. That quickly faded when I was 15. I started a college program and started working in retail a few months later. I was faced with the realities of trying to survive by making barely anything an hour. After joining the business world and being one of the youngest people there and also being surrounded by men,I was empowered. I enjoyed the competition andI loved the speaking aspect.  It was a very enjoyable time. As I began working 40+ hours a week and going to HS + College as a 16 year old, I was tired. My passions in music did NOT fade. I did not know how to tie the two worlds together, but I quickly realized that music and business go hand in hand.
My aspirations in business have continued and I will be a college graduate in  one more semester! My other love was in the law sector. I began taking Law courses also at age 16. I was a natural born talker and analyzer, this to me felt like a second home. I took just about every elective law course I could. Criminal, Business, etc. You name it, I took it. 
As I graduated high school and continued on with college I was heavily involved with music and business still after a few years. I knew I wanted to be a lawyer after I got my bachelors degree. I’m still working on that. My majors are in Marketing and Managment, two very important aspects in only not music but  ALSO business. Since lawyers are at the top of the Hierarchy in the music industry, I think this would be a perfect opportunity for me. I want to help bands so they can reach their full potential and NOT get screwed over as they gain popularity and start doing tours. I want to protect the rights of these musicians so they can continue to make music their passion without getting used by money hungry people in the industry, 
The BEST local band ever: Nasty 
The importance of supporting local music is crucial to a bands success. Every musician started off playing in basements or small venues to 30 people, but all of those 30 people are apart of the journey and the ladder to reach the top. I discovered a band last year called Nasty. I was seeing a band that I had seen often, (Wednesday 13) and they were one of the openers. I had gotten to my usual spot to see them (left side, front row). I was presently surprised at how talented these guys actually were. Some locals or beginners aren’t as comfortable and hide when they play, these guys did the opposite of that. They had an awesome stage presence and catchy songs. I had never heard of them, but I sure was grateful and happy that I did. I went home and found all of their music and enjoyed it even more. They provide a storyline with their music and are inspired by a lot of horror movies and the genre in general which is something that peaked my interest even more. The guys in Nasty were playing another show a few weeks later so I made sure to go. After thoroughly learning all of their songs, I was even more ecstatic because now I could sing along and was familiar with who they were. After listening to only them for a few months, they were finally releasing a full length album. “After the Fallout” was released to us October 15th, 2016. I bought two copies, one for me and one for anybody who wanted it. I passed that CD along to dozens and dozens of people with two requests: please listen to it in its entirety and like their band page, That album completely blew me away and I listened to it and only that album for months and months on end. I could feel all of the hard work they put into it, and I wanted them to be recognized. I bought their merch and CD and wore it around my college campus. A lot of people were intrigued and thought I was making a political statement with my “Nasty” shirt, but what I was doing was so much better. I was representing our city and our amazing music scene. I was representing one of the hardest working bands in our scene. I was carrying the name of Nasty wherever I was going, and I was PROUD. 
Music will forever be my passion. The most important thing you can do for these hardworking people is give them your time. Go to their band pages, go to the show, and enjoy yourself. Unite with your scene and make it flourish into something great. If anyone of you guys ever need some help in this department I have been studying business for many years now andI would love to give some advice and not to mention I have many connections! :) 
Nasty Band Links and Music
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wallstnwhiskey-blog · 7 years
Feel the blues, baby! 
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wallstnwhiskey-blog · 7 years
Marvelous Manhattan
New York City in itself was an aphrodisiac. The air was blooming with scents of rich pastries from 5th avenue boulangeries and the smell of money lingered through the pockets of business men walking down the financial district. The sunshine made your heart feel warm and the greenery of Central Park gleamed in the sunshine.  New York is provocative. It is the equivalent of red lipstick on a beautiful woman and a nice fitting navy suit on a handsome man. The city is rebellious. It is constantly erupting with fire and passion. There is no other place like it, if you decide to get in trouble, do it in Manhattan- 
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wallstnwhiskey-blog · 7 years
Wall Street or Whiskey?
Now, the name of this page is Wall St. N Whiskey, Not Wall St. or Whiskey. I have been posting primarily about music because that is just what I’am feeling at the moment. I would like to translate more of the business side of it through this blog which was the original idea. I spend the majority of my week writing, speaking, and reading about business/law for school. I enjoy it very much, but usually when I write on here I’m in a particular mood that does not really correspond with business. I have been doing business journals weekly to get inspired and write content on current conflict and personal issues that are important to me not only in business but also international affairs. Will be back with someone business posts for all of your diplomats and scholars out there. As always, much love! 
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wallstnwhiskey-blog · 7 years
“We have the luxury to design our own lives.”
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wallstnwhiskey-blog · 7 years
New York City Hearts
It was one of those nights. I was enveloped in satin sheets that were pure and white like soft summer clouds. I stared off into the distance and all I saw was exquisite Manhattan in front of me. New York was the city of lovers. Paris was for the old souls,  it was for the the ones who drank black coffee in front of Parisian Cafe’s and danced in the rain while overlooking the Louvre. New York was for the modern romantics who drink chardonnay and sit in jazz bars waiting for the perfect moment to fall in love. The mood was euphoric as I looked out into the night. The satin sheets rolled off of my skin slowly as if time was stopped. The serene rain fell from the sapphire sky and poured onto the busy streets in which lovers walked hand in hand. The rain was somnolent. I fell asleep slowly to the sound of jazz and the natural lullabies the city offered after midnight.  
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wallstnwhiskey-blog · 7 years
Azure 2
He paid attention to me in a way that nobody else ever did. He cared about my love of New York City. He believed in me like the stars believe in the dark navy sky every evening. He was the dark night sky and I was the star that relied on him to shine. He listened to all of my stories. He believed in my dreams and supported me. What he didn’t know is I would rather stay awake because he was more spectacular than my dreams could ever be. My dreams and thoughts were not tangible. They did not have azure eyes and they did not have golden hair that was combed perfectly to the left. 
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wallstnwhiskey-blog · 7 years
Strange Boys Box Set: Hanoi Rocks
I got this box set a few weeks ago and I have been listening to “Live at the Marquee” ( last album pictured.) A review will be coming on each disk and my thoughts on it. This may take a month or so or longer as I analyze, study, and take the time to enjoy each disc. So far, so good! If you are interested in  purchasing this set, I have put the link above and a picture of everything that is included. 
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wallstnwhiskey-blog · 7 years
Rock n Roll is the best thing that has ever happened to me.
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wallstnwhiskey-blog · 7 years
Album of the Month: Great White, .... Twice Shy (1989)
Twice shy is Great White’s 4th studio album. I have owned this on cassette for quite a while now. I finally got a stereo and put the album in and learned for myself how absolutely amazing it was. For one, the cover is great. Second of all I feel as though this album is a perfect mix of good rock n roll music and slow power balled type of songs. The album def has a late 80′s feel and is a great introduction to the 90′s power ballad movement. I like bands who moved from the diluted sound of the 80′s and went a different direction. My favorite songs on the album are “Hiway Nights” and “House of Broken Love.” The band did some great MTV sessions singing some of these tracks. (I will link them below) 
The track listing goes as followed-
1."Move It"   5:35
2."Heart the Hunter"   4:50
3."Hiway Nights"   6:00
4."The Angel Song"  Kendall, Niven4:51
5."Mista Bone"  Kendall, Niven,
Audie Desbrow
, Tony Montana5:10
6."Baby's on Fire"  Kendall, Russell, Niven, Lardie, Montana6:11
7."House of Broken Love"  Russell, Niven, Lardie5:58
8."She Only"   5:23
Once Bitten, Twice Shy
Ian Hunter
  (house of broken love) 
https://youtu.be/nPgGdtui7rY?list=PL4D8A81DB051F73F0  (full album playlist) 
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wallstnwhiskey-blog · 7 years
It was a cold, bleak, and damp winter in Ohio. I have been dreaming of the alluring winter of New York, but at this time it was impossible to get there, well maybe not impossible, but it was not attainable at the moment.  That was the only place I wanted to be. It was filled with excitement, beauty, and mystery, Every corner, every street, and every building has a story that echoed through the city.  After years of dreaming about the exquisiteness of Manhattan, I was still in the same spot, OHIO. I was tired and worn out. The holidays and college were taking a toll on my already tired soul. I was not feeling nostalgic, nor was I feeling inspired. I was becoming inspired by spring. The vivid colors of the flowers, or even the hues of sky during the evening. The tangerine, violet, and cranberry skies melted up in the air and dripped down their majestic aura into the souls right underneath them. The warm breeze and ocean was what I had been dreaming of. The tantalizing touch of the sun is what I wanted. I needed some color in my life, the dull, damp, and dirty scene of Ohio was not the dream, but it was the sad reality. 
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wallstnwhiskey-blog · 7 years
Happy Birthday David Bowie
One of my favorite men on this planet is David Bowie. He has inspired me in so many aspects. He was exquisite. He was a living piece of art that reminded us every second of the day to dream, create, and follow the path that is less taken by. His talent is indescribable and his music was magic. His legacy will never be forgotten
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