vrodo123 · 1 day
Everyone talks about Nick and Charlie, but can we digress for just a bit to talk about Tao and Charlie? The friendship that these boys have is beautiful. No one quite understands them the way they understand each other, their hidden pain, their insecurities, the things that make them who they are. Most other characters in the show/book are still learning those things about Tao and Charlie, but the two of them are already at that deep level of connection. That bedrock of longstanding loyalty is what allows them to be vulnerable with each other, to support each other, to ask for forgiveness when needed, to protect each other. It's why, when Nick is worried about Charlie, he asks Tao for advice. It's why, when Tao is at his lowest point of fear about losing Elle and guilt about accidentally outing Charlie, he can go to Charlie for comfort and support. It's why, despite everything that happens to change them, they're still Tao and Charlie.
May we all have a fierce protector like Tao and a loving supporter like Charlie in our lives.
Also, Charlie and Tao hugs are literally life-giving.
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And to think, this is how it all started 🥰
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vrodo123 · 1 day
Nick gets a lot of (well-deserved) credit for being an amazing boyfriend to Charlie, and we know by now that he's a great friend, too. But what's almost more interesting to me is the underlying core personality trait that enables him to be both of those things--his emotional intuition and intelligence.
You see this in the comics mostly through Nick's facial expressions (no one can look worried like Nick Nelson can), but the show takes it a bit further. He's incredibly in tune with Charlie almost from the get-go. Nick watches him for small emotional cues and recognizes what they could mean, most notably before the confrontation with Ben after rugby practice. He reads between the lines of Charlie's deflections and falsely cheerful texts and pushes (with trademark Nick Nelson sensitivity) for the truth. He notices when Charlie is beset with intrusive thoughts, even if he doesn't know (at least early on) what they're about, and proceeds to interrupt those thoughts. He can read Charlie so well not only because he pays attention, real attention, but because he already has the emotional intuition required to interpret Charlie's inner complexities.
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There are many moments throughout the show where we see Nick display this keen insight with everyone in his life, not just Charlie. When Elle, who he barely knows at this point, is upset about being set up with Tao, he immediately seeks to alleviate her distress by offering a true explanation of why she and Tao were invited in the first place--to be part of a triple date. He wants Elle to know that it was important to him (and Charlie, Tara, and Darcy) that she and Tao be there not just to try to set them up, but because they wanted to include them in an important step for both couples (Nick and Charlie just beginning to share their relationship, and Tara and Darcy trying to find acceptance after coming out as a couple). Nick knows that Elle values truth and honesty, and he gives her that so she can feel comfortable with her friends again.
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Nick is also incredibly understanding of Tao, who, it has to be said, barely even understands himself for much of the show. There are a lot of scenes where Nick is trying to connect with Tao but maybe oversteps just a tad because he sees more of Tao than Tao is ready to have seen. The moment outside Charlie's house when Tao tells Nick about Elle's art college ambitions, Nick cuts through to the heart of the matter--Tao's concern about missing Elle if she's far away. Nick is the first person in the friend group to connect the dots about what Elle's college acceptance might mean for Tao, and immediately tries to help Tao process those feelings. He's met with anger, but only because he managed to hit a lightning bolt of a nerve in Tao's emotional storm.
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And of course there's Imogen, who Nick has known for a long time but begins to understand and appreciate on a deeper level as their relationship moves from superficial connection to true friendship. He sees how sensitive she is, how lonely in some ways, and is always looking out for her, keeping a concerned eye on her. He gives her the space she requests, but also comfort when she lets her walls down enough to ask for it. His innate understanding of what people need--especially when what they need is just someone to be there--is impeccable.
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It almost goes without saying, but Nick's emotional wavelength with his mom is similarly strong and nuanced. When Nick comes out to Sarah, he makes sure she understands how important it is to him that she knows--not only that she knows that he's bi, or that Charlie is his boyfriend, but that she knows him. That their relationship is so important to him that he can overcome his fears to share this most vital part of himself. Nick's value of Sarah extends to caring for her when she's dealing with the stress of having his dad and David around. Of course, Nick is still a teenager and there are a lot of scenes that show Sarah's deft handling of Nick's emotions, but it's a two-way street. Nick takes care of her in his own way too.
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Nick starts his relationship with Tara and Darcy leaning on them for advice and guidance, but by the end of the show they're leaning on him. Nick sees their struggles, especially Tara's, possibly more clearly than anyone else does because he recognizes some similarities between their situation and his with Charlie. When they're in trouble, he knows Tara needs care and honest advice, even if it's not the most comforting advice. He knows that what they both need is strength and security and tries, in his careful way, to give them those things.
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Nick Nelson, always looking out for everyone he loves, keeping them safe as much as he can, hugging them when he can't.
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vrodo123 · 1 day
HS body language post incoming! This is a little one, but I love it.
When Nick tells Charlie that Ben still thinks he has a chance of getting back with Charlie [Was he even with Charlie in the first place? Delusional Ben at his worst.], Nick is actually concerned about what Charlie's response will be. He relates the conversation with Ben straightforwardly and with a general air of confidence, because that's Nick's way. The words "he genuinely thinks he has a chance of getting back with you" do not come out sounding like a question, but they are nonetheless. Despite all Nick knows about the horrible way Ben treated Charlie, despite knowing better than anyone else how Charlie feels about Ben, there's still a small worry in Nick's mind that maybe, just maybe, he could lose Charlie.
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His small laugh here is one not only of agreement with Charlie's statement, but also of extreme relief. He says "yeah," like Charlie's dismissal of Ben was a foregone conclusion, but it's clear he had been anxious up until then, and that it's been bothering him. In this tiny moment where he looks away from Charlie you can see he's just so happy to have that reassurance.
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Nick is so strong for his friends, so level and forthright, and the show sets up his concern about coming out as his main source of emotional turmoil, so it's easy to miss that he has a bit of insecurity in this new relationship, too. I love this small interaction, and especially the way Kit plays it, because it shows that Nick and Charlie really are equals in this--they're both trying to navigate exactly what they mean to each other and how deep the other's commitment runs, and they both need reassurance sometimes.
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vrodo123 · 6 days
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🤣🤣brum brum loll
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vrodo123 · 8 days
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Heartstopper (TV), Heartstopper (Webcomic) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Major Character Death Relationships: Nicholas "Nick" Nelson/Charles "Charlie" Spring, Nick and someone else Characters: Nicholas "Nick" Nelson, Charles "Charlie" Spring (Heartstopper), Sarah Nelson, Tara Jones Additional Tags: Character Death, Grief/Mourning Summary:
Nick is mourning his loved ones
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vrodo123 · 8 days
Oh my god, YES!!!
I make memes for inspiration...actually no that's a lie...I make them to avoid writing.
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vrodo123 · 8 days
My readers making connections and going crazy with the deep lore of my writing
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Me who planned nothing and just typed out whatever random string of words my brain whispered to me today
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vrodo123 · 9 days
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Heartstopper (TV), Heartstopper (Webcomic) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Nicholas "Nick" Nelson/Charles "Charlie" Spring Characters: Charles "Charlie" Spring (Heartstopper) Additional Tags: Therapy, Self-Doubt, Fear, Self-Esteem Issues, Self-Hatred, feelings of worthlessness, Anger Series: Part 2 of Thoughts and Conversations Summary:
One of Charlie´s early therapy sessions, presented in the form of a theatre play
This is a standalone. However, a session like this might have led to the conversation in “Do I love you enough?”
THERAPIST: Hmm. Is he intelligent? CHARLIE: Oh yeah!! I mean – not only with school stuff I mean, he´s not as good as me in school, but..., you know, but you know, he´s just so good with...people stuff, I guess? I mean, he...he really understands things. He understands me...he understands himself. He is, like, he´s very kind of sure of who he is, of who he wants to be. And I admire that about him, I really do! THERAPIST: Do you know who you want to be? Do you know who you are? CHARLIE: Oh, I know who I am! I´m – I´m the gay kid at school! I´m – I´m (deep sigh) – I´m the looser.
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vrodo123 · 9 days
All you writers out there:
Ever though: "oh my god, how am I gonna survive writing this story!"? 😭😭😭
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vrodo123 · 9 days
can we just talk about how amazing it is that heartstopper has a character that is completely comfortable in his heterosexuality and doesn’t worry that doing certain things will make him seem gay
tao is the only non lgbt person in the friend group and he’s totally chill about it. he never once worries if charlie will develop a crush on him. he never questions if liking a trans girl makes him not straight. he kisses charlie during truth or dare and it’s not a big deal because they’re friends. he doesn’t care if people think he gave charlie the hickey. he’s not afraid to be flamboyant.
like i know this should be the bare minimum but the reality is that it isnt. especially for teenage boys. and i just think tao is amazing <3
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vrodo123 · 9 days
I LOVE YOU ALL 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️
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vrodo123 · 9 days
Oh, totally!!! ❤️❤️❤️
Reblog if you agree!
How can i deny!
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vrodo123 · 9 days
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vrodo123 · 9 days
Happy pride 🌈
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Also only 124 days to season 3 🥳
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vrodo123 · 12 days
“No writing is wasted. Did you know that sourdough from San Francisco is leavened partly by a bacteria called lactobacillus sanfrancisensis? It is native to the soil there, and does not do well elsewhere. But any kitchen can become an ecosystem. If you bake a lot, your kitchen will become a happy home to wild yeasts, and all your bread will taste better. Even a failed loaf is not wasted. Likewise, cheese makers wash the dairy floor with whey. Tomato gardeners compost with rotten tomatoes. No writing is wasted: the words you can’t put in your book can wash the floor, live in the soil, lurk around in the air. They will make the next words better.”
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vrodo123 · 12 days
REBLOG if you have amazing, talented WRITER friends.
Because I certainly do, and I love every single one of them and their work.
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vrodo123 · 12 days
Second chapter is online!
Nick reflects on Charlie´s words and comes to a conclusion. He felt Charlie stir in his arms and if woken by his racing thoughts those blue eyes opened and looked up at Nick sleepily. “Hi” “Hi” “Do you think this is enough of heavy stuff for one night?” Nick pulled back a bit to look at Charlie. “You wanna go back to sleep?” Nod. “Kind of” But there´s one more thing I need you to know right now... Nick felt bad, feeling a curly head snuggling closer to him. “Hey, Char” he began. Charlie sighed, pulled back, rested his head on his hand and looked at Nick. “What?” “I was thinking of what you said. You know, that you think you don´t love me enough?” “What about it?” Charlie sounded alarmed as if he just waited for Nick to make a big scene, to tell him how much that had hurt him. To yell at him. With closed eyes Nick shook his head sadly.
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