vokis-inn-and-tavern · 3 months
for tlovm, ive been hooked on a modern!reader getting into Exandria and VM trying to help them home (but there's no way back lol) it doesn't have to be the exact moment they came through but id love headcanons of the journey, (whether its modern world of exandria or our world, just all i ask is there's no mention of reader knowing the show, like an isekai)
No way home
Characters: Vex'ahlia, Vax'ildan, Keyleth, Percy FancyLongName de Rolo, Pike Trickfoot, Grog Strongjaw, Scanlan Shorthalt, (and a guest appearance from Gilmore)
Type of Request: Headcannons
Word count: 1,887 words.
Notes: Usually don't write modern!reader but this gave me such a brainworm
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You ended up in this weird fantasy world about... two weeks ago? You've lost count. You were just driving to home from larp event you had with your friends. It was late and you only closed your eyes for a moment, no more than a blink, and when you opened your eyes it was just you in the middle of a forest. But you've survived and managed to get a few odd jobs killing rats, spiders, and that one wolf pack (You can thank inflation your ability to stretch a gold piece). You are just trying to get a drink in this small town tavern when guards barge in saying that you're a part of this group, Vox Machina, and that you're under arrest. Despite your protests that you've never even heard of a "Vox Machina" you are thrown in this cell with two really short people (gnomes you think they're called?), two women with lightly pointed ears, a man with glasses and white hair, and a very tall and beefy bald man with grey skin.
Oh, you're so lost, and luckily she notices.
"Don't worry, we won't be here long."
She introduces you to everyone (and lightly smacks Scanlan when he flirts with you).
When you all break get out of jail, she is one of the first to suggest that you should come with him. After all, you clearly need help to actually be stable enough on your feet to protect yourself.
Loves hearing about your family.
The second she hears about you wanting to go home she's helping.
Buys every book on dimensional travel that she comes across. Takes notes on what you say happened. Asks every wizard she meets.
Girly just wants you to be happy and if that takes you going home then so be it.
Eventually Gilmore thinks that they've collected enough information for him to cast the spell.
Pike watches as you step into the circle, almost as excited as you!
And watches that expression turn to dread as the spell fails.
And that expression turn to despair when it fails again.
You are in your room for the rest of the night, missing dinner.
Pike knocks on your door that night, bringing dinner.
Her heart breaks even more when she sees your tear streaked face.
After she insures that you have eaten, you make her promise to stay.
"It's okay, I'm not going anywhere. I'll stay, I promise."
She lets you curl around her, clutching her close like a teddy bear.
In the morning she makes your favorite breakfast. And from then on she stays by your side.
Yeah... He's the one who told the guards that you were a member of Vox Machina. Also the one who broke all of you out.
"Sorry about that... But, I mean, I did also break you out of jail... So... Even?"
Agrees with Pike, you don't seem quite competent enough to be left to your own devices. Especially after figuring out that you don't even know what a half-elf is.
Is honest with you and tells you the about elves' less than stellar opinion on half-elves.
Thinks a world without magic weird. Like, how do you defend yourself from bandits without magic 'cause you don't really seem like the type who can only use mundane weapons.
Teaches you some dagger basics, just to make sure you can protect yourself.
He helps gather supplies for Gilmore's spell, just don't ask how he got them.
It's a bittersweet goodbye for him as you step into the circle, it feels like only yesterday when you met.
His small smile falls when the spell fails, his heart breaking for you when it fails a second.
He barely holds himself back from chasing after you as you run off to your room, he knows the face of someone who is barely avoiding crying, but he decides to leave you alone for now.
That mentality only lasts till dinner. The second he doesn't see you at the table he grabs both of your plates and heads to your room.
He doesn't bother to knock as he enters, sitting next to you on your bed and offering you a plate. He makes sure that you eat at least half of it.
Offers to stay with you. Even if you can't go home to your family, you should at least have some company.
"Hey, I'm here for you, all of us are."
Holds you close for the rest of the night, draping one of his raven wings over you like a blanket.
The next day is all about you. Vax waits on you, don't even worry about leaving the bed. Oh, and don't ask where he got that bracelet.
She is so going to lecture her brother for getting a random stranger involved with this.
"Sorry you got caught up in this, darling."
Doesn't think you should come along. In her mind, you're just another person to feed and house, another expense.
Lies and says something like half-elves are loved by all and considered the best, till the lie falls through and she explains the truth.
Starts to warm up to you when she notices your ability to stretch money.
Doesn't really want you to leave but keeps it to herself and helps by financing some of the supplies.
She gives you a small hug before you walk in the ring.
And watches your look of despair as the spell fails and fails again.
She watches you leave for your room, stuck between following you to comfort you and giving you space, but when she doesn't see you at dinner she makes up her mind.
You hear a knock on the door and open it to reveal Vex with some wine and a lavish charcuterie board.
"Hey darling, you look like you need some pampering."
She ends up pampering you for the rest of the night and you two fall asleep in each others arms.
In the morning you two have a spa day, expenses be damned.
He is so confused by you being in the same cell as them.
"Uhhh... Do we know you?"
He'd love to have you come along, you seem like a good person and having someone to teach combat to looks fun.
Wants to hear all about your favorite foods from back home.
Not bothered by you not knowing what a goliath is, there isn't really that many of them.
Teaches you how to swing an axe (just maybe exercise a bit more self preservation than him).
Takes you wanting to go home a bit personally at first but then sees how much it matters to you.
Pike he is so exited that you finally get to go home and see your family again!
He doesn't understand what is happening when you don't teleport and when you go off to your room looking sad. When someone finally explains it to him he goes to work trying to make your favorite food.
It doesn't look pretty but when he opens the door with that dorky smile (and a cask of ale) it doesn't matter.
"Hey, uh, I made your favorite food!"
You end up falling asleep on his chest. I mean, who needs a bed when you have a Grog.
The next day is spent cuddling and trying to make your favorite food again.
Even more lost than you when she sees you.
"I- uh- I think there has been a mix up."
Totally wants you to join! You seem super nice and you clearly need help.
Please tell her about all of your favorite plants from back home!
Wants to show you all of the cool plants of Exandria.
When you mention wanting to go home she is down to help!
She tries to provide some input on dimensional travel from a druidic perspective.
She excitedly waves as you step into the circle.
Her heart breaks when she sees the look of disappointment on your face when the spell fails.
And your look of despair when it fails again is even worse.
She gets really worried when you don't arrive to dinner and goes to your room to check on you.
"Hey, uh, a- are you okay? I- I brought some food for you!"
You two end up cuddled together surrounded by druidcrafted flower petals from your favorite flower.
In the morning she makes you a nice cup of tea and takes you on a nature walk.
Doesn't trust you from the moment you enter the cell.
"My name is Percival Fredrickstein von Musel Klossowski de Rolo III and I suggest you tell us who you are quickly."
Doesn't want you too come along. As far as he's concerned you're just dead weight and another person to worry about.
Totally doesn't believe you at all. Like, wdym you live in a world where fast horseless carriages and glowing rectangles that answer your questions in mere second? And you don't have magic?!
He slowly warms up to you as you tell him about the technology from back home.
Still doesn't fully believe you but that doesn't mean that he won't try to recreate the things you talk about.
He really relates to wanting to go back home to family.
As much as he helps with the research, there is a selfish part of him that wants you to stay.
He watches your excitement as you enter the circle.
And he can't help but blame himself for your look of despair as the spell he helped research fails.
He is so caught up in how he could have failed that he doesn't even notice you leave.
He spends the next three days closed up in his workshop, not eating or sleeping and barely drinking, researching how to fix the spell to not avail. It takes Vex (literally) slapping him out of it to shake him back to reality and get him to knock on your door with food for both of you.
"Hey, you probably need food just as much as me right now."
He spends the night cradling you close. He still blames himself but you help ease the ache.
In the morning, Percy's workshop was (thanks to Vex) firmly locked, but Percy never left your side long enough to notice.
Flirts with you on the first introduction.
"What did you do to get stuck in here? Other than being criminally hot."
Wants you to come along, you seem like a good time and it wouldn't be right to just leave you.
Loves the bright colors of your clothes and wants to hear all about your favorite music from back home.
Confidently misuses slang that you've mentioned.
Scanlan gets you wanting to go home, if his home was that cool he'd want to go back too.
He helps Vex barter for magic supplies for Gilmore's spell.
He kisses you hand before you step into the circle.
And watches as you nearly cry as the spell fails and you run off to your room.
He wants to follow you but is afraid of saying something wrong.
Later he comes up to your room with some wine and soup.
He plays a song on his lute as you eat, trying to make the perfect atmosphere.
"I know I don't say this much, but I'm lucky to have you as a friend, we all are."
Is a bit surprised when you ask him to stay (not like he'll show it) but would never say no. As you curl around him he plays with your hair and hums your favorite song.
The next morning is a rest day, Scanlan mandates it. You've dealt with far too much emotional stress to just go on like it's a normal day. And he doesn't let you forget about the found family you have now.
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vokis-inn-and-tavern · 3 months
Just getting into writing and I'd love to write for our favorite band of idiots (Vox Machina)! Send some requests my way! Might do more fandoms as I get better at writing.
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vokis-inn-and-tavern · 3 months
"Hey, listen!"
Vox Machina
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vokis-inn-and-tavern · 3 months
Vox Machina
Percival Fredrickstein von Musel Klossowski de Rolo III
No way home
No way home
No way home
No way home
No way home
No way home
No way home
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vokis-inn-and-tavern · 3 months
No incest
No anti-LGBTQ content
No racism
No pedophilia
No full on smut (I'm fine with somewhat vaguely alluding to it)
No sexism
Things to remember
If the gender isn't specified, I will default to gender neutral!reader
I only write x reader
I can write angst, fluff, hurt/comfort but darker subjects might take me longer to write
Try to make the reader at least slightly unique (i.e. "reader is basically like character X from Y piece of media" = No HOWEVER "reader is like character X from Y piece of media BUT they have Z trait" = Yes
I personally prefer headcannons and I am much more likely to write them as opposed to one-shots
One-shots are one-shots, that means no part 2's (Might make follow up HCs for other HCs though)
Try to sound considerate in your asks, it keeps me more motivated!
I won't put a hard limit on the number of characters I'll do for HCs but try to be reasonable
My grammar is not the best, sorry in advance
I will totally write poly and any LGBTQ+
Be a decent human
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vokis-inn-and-tavern · 3 months
No matter how big or magical or capable of ending my life it is, any canine is always a puppy in my heart.
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Titans of All'Terra fanart of Relnor activating Gwenivere for the first time!!
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vokis-inn-and-tavern · 3 months
This meme is for exactly 2 people but whatever, I love these idiots so much
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