vexaholicsblog · 3 months
hi im a musician , & uh i make music , so yeah! here's some musical stuff.
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vexaholicsblog · 2 years
8/28/22, 2:10 PM
People always say everything happens for a reason. I'm a firm believer of this, its just hard to grasp until you're actually in those moments, when the weathers just right, everyone you love is doing okay, you're still here, you feel a breath of fresh air... life is going to be alright. With life, things always tend to feel like a tightrope, but if you don't hang your head for too long, things will genuinely be okay. I’ve felt insecure about my music. I’ve had so many thoughts about failure, hell, I’ve envisioned myself failing... seen what life would be like, who would be around me, how lonely I'd feel. But that’s okay, that doesn't have to be the reality I live. and it wont be. Kanye west said in one of my favorite songs by him ‘Street Lights’ that “I know my destination, I'm just not there in the streets”. To me that means, I know where I'm going to be, and the streets of my mind wont stop me from driving there. I will find a way because that is what I'm here to be. I'm meant to inspire millions, I'm meant to make people feel good with my presence and I wont stop until every moment I live is dedicated to that purpose. All I can do now is work, pray, and show myself the love I deserve. Its not other people’s job to show me the love I'm not showing myself, so when you’re feeling down and in the dumps... yeah, look to the people around you, look to your idols for inspiration. 
But always remember the journey to the best you, starts with loving the worst you. 
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vexaholicsblog · 2 years
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eating mashed potatoes & keto chocolate watching caroline konstnar. the fetch is potent af rn.
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vexaholicsblog · 2 years
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A LEVANTASIA POP QUIZ!!! & Some Planning for the execution of my first Official EP 💅🏼💗
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vexaholicsblog · 2 years
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mixing my first EP "Ratchet R&B" 3 months after making it, a lot of things took place in order for things to take patience... but this took some good ol procrastination. Im human, it happens. But i've been learning a lot about myself through the process and that's what i feel making music is about. I love when you can hear it in the music, you can feel it. "I used to dream of being good, and now that i'm good i dream of being better. I think this is human nature. It's like, cool im good now. But my life isn't just over, im still here. So what if i could be better." you know what i mean? "So i've hit a bullseye, that means i can do it again. And every time i hit it, i can take a step back. sure i'm further from the target, but i'm a better shot now, how good of a shot can i truly be." where is the limitation of this body, it's like the path to enlightenment, a different stroke for every canvas. This just seems to be my stroke.
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