vampirebloodie · 28 days
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billy butcher in ‘the boys’ season 1
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vampirebloodie · 28 days
Doctor Y/N | Soldier Boy x Reader
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Warning: smut 18+, mentions of sexism
"Do you want me to examine Soldier boy?"
You asked still a little incredulously, looking at Butcher.
"It's not a big deal, we just need to know if he's fit to fight Homelander."
"Okay, and you've forgotten that he's simply the most sexist, misogynistic guy there is?"
"It's just a check-up, beautiful. He won't swallow you alive."
You sigh and agree, knowing that if you said no, Butcher would suck you up until you agreed to help him. So you and the bearded man walk up to the apartment where Soldier is, Butcher opens the door and the two of you walk in, finding the man sitting on the couch, watching television and with a bottle of whiskey in his hand. That room looked like a mess, the coffee table was full of half-eaten fast food. You took one last look at Butcher before focusing on Soldier Boy.
"Is that Soldier Boy ?"
You whispered to Butcher, you didn't have a certain sense of who Vought's first generation of supes were, but you expected Soldier Boy to be an old guy.
"Yes, it is. This is Soldier Boy." *
Butcher answers almost off-handedly, not seeming to be paying you as much attention as the supe was. You can almost taste the disdain in his voice, as if he's talking about some common criminal and not one of, if not THE most dangerous supe in history. Soldier Boy didn't seem to be as bad a person as Homelander, but his powers were still dangerous.
Soldier Boy makes an immediate eye-contact with you, and you can almost feel his eyes on you, watching you. You get the feeling that he's judging you, analyzing every inch of you. This goes on for a second or two, before he gets up and walks over to you, Analyzing you carefully from top to bottom.
"So, who are you?"
He asks right away, his voice harsh and rough like sandpaper
"I'm Y/N."
"Y/n, huh? What the hell's a cute young thing like you doin' with Butcher and his dogs?"
Despite his harsh tone, his eyes are full of amusement and curiosity as he talks to you. After being trapped in a russian lab for so many years, it was something "new" to see women.
"I work with Butcher."
You say in a serious tone, crossing your arms. You weren't too fond of Soldier Boy's joke, but Butcher had already warned you that he had that kind of personality. And well, wouldn't it be nice to mess with a supe that can blow everything up in seconds.
"What a shitty job."
He scoffs, seeming amused by your expressions of disapproval at every word that comes out of his mouth. You'd love to give him a paw, but Butcher's look under you alerted you that it wasn't a good idea.
"Believe me, i've saved the boys' boots several times."
He notices you for a few moments again and his green eyes focus on the gray briefcase in your hands.
"What is that?"
"Briefcase. I'm going to need it."
"What's in the briefcase?"
He asks a little impatient and suspicious, the PTSD really seemed to affect him quite a bit.
"Relax. She will not hurt you."
Butcher says, trying to calm him down a bit.
"Of course she won't. She can't, she's a woman."
You squinted at the brunette, he was quite cheeky, and unfortunately you'd have to get used to it during the examination.
"At least is pretty."
His greenish eyes wander from your head to your feet, watching you closely. You crossed your arms and cleared your throat.
"I didn't come here to flirt with you."
Soldier Boy chuckles, amused at your attitude. He's seen every trick by now, and he has a feeling he'll have quite a bit of fun with you.
"Then what the hell did you come here for, sweetheart?"
"Because i'm the group's doctor. It's not a good idea to take you to a hospital, so Butcher wants me to examine you."
"Examine me for what, exactly?"
He asks, his tone a bit confused and slightly intrigued. As the woman mentions her role of being the doctor in the group, he looks closer and notices a first aid kit on her belt. It doesn't take him long to put two and two together before chuckling again.
"After what happened to you in Russia.... We just want to know if you're really able to fight against Homelander."
Butcher was unsure after learning what the russians had done to Soldier Boy had in any way affected his strength, even though the experiments had turned him into a time bomb that could explode at any moment, they would still need to weaken Homelander as much as possible before exploding him.
Soldier Boy's chuckle quickly turns into a scowl, and his facial expressions hardens immediately, his eyes narrowing again.
"So you just assume i'm weak now?"
His tone is sharper than before, as if he's trying to hide any kind of weakness he might have after spending years in a lab. His voice is much more agitated compared to his flirtatious one. He wasn't liking people thinking he was weak, especially a woman.
"Nope. But after everything that's happened, we need to know if what russians injected into you made you stronger... or weakened"
You've been very clear on the possibility that he's gotten weaker
Soldier Boy seems annoyed at first at the implication that he's gotten weaker, but he seems to mull it over for a couple of seconds before relaxing a bit.
"You have a good point. But it won't make a difference, sweetheart. I'll be as fit as ever. But if it makes you worry any less, I'll let you examine me.".
You take one last look at Butcher and MM, who were still inside the room.
"You guys can go now, I'll be fine."
Butcher and MM just nod, giving you a reassuring smile before walking off. You put the briefcase on top of the coffee table and open it, there were some medical instruments inside. Soldier Boy watches you with an amused and curious expression, sitting down on the couch and getting comfortable. You can tell that he's definitely a little curious about you and what your intentions are with him, but he's keeping his tongue, for now at least, as he waits for the examination to begin.
"Take off your shirt."
Soldier Boy raises his eyebrows in surprise for a bit but complies quickly, standing up and taking off his sleeveless shirt. Underneath you can now see just how fit he is, being leanly sculpted and having defined muscles all over his body. The man is definitely cut. He stands in front of you, waiting for the exam to begin, You gesture and he sits back down on the green couch.
You grab the stethoscope and sit next to him on the couch, placing the device in your ears and pressing the other side of the device against his chest, in his heart.
"Take three deep breaths and inhale"
Soldier Boy obliges, taking the three deep breaths like you directed. As he exhales, you can hear just how calm his heartbeat is. He's definitely got a good heart. You can hear the strong beats pumping a steady pace.
"A healthy heart."
You take out the stethoscope and grab a small flashlight.
"Don't close your eyes"
Soldier Boy raises his eyebrows once again, but doesn't say anything, instead just looking at you as you take out the flashlight. He seems both curious as to what you're going to do next, and skeptical at the same time, but keeps his eyes wide open even when you tell him not to close them.
You examine his eyes with the flashlight, it was all right. He didn't seem to have any eye damage even with the lab experiments.
"Good vision too."
Soldier Boy smiles at that, clearly pleased with your approval. But his expression quickly changes to a frown when he remembers what else you were going to examine.
"What else are you going to do?"
"This depends. Do you feel any pain? Any pressure? twinge?"
You run your hands over his body, giving it a gentle squeeze, to see if maybe he could feel pain due to some muscle or bone damage.
Soldier Boy seems to tense up a little whenever you run your hands over him, but you can't tell if it's because it's uncomfortable or because he's liking it. But whatever the case, it's clear that your touch affects him in some way, and he quickly takes in a sharp breath each time you touch him, as if he's feeling quite a bit of sensation. He definitely doesn't seem to be feeling any pain, though.
"Yes or no?"
Soldier Boy thinks for a few seconds before finally answering your question.
"No. Nothing hurts. Everything feels pretty normal."
You just nod and pull out a syringe and an empty tube.
"Can I get some of your blood out?"
"Yeah, sure."
His tone is neutral and a bit uncaring as he holds his arm out to you. You can tell that he's not as wary about all that's going on as he was before, and he seems to actually trust you after this little examination. His expression returns to a smirk, seeming to be entertained by your efforts.
You take his arm, squeezing until you feel one of the veins, then you stick the needle into his blue vein. Soldier Boy seems to wince somewhat as you stick the needle in his vein, his face making a slight frown for just a second before he quickly regains his composure and his neutral expression. He doesn't flinch or even try to pull away from you, and he just seems to be patiently waiting for you to get this all over with.
You connect the tube with the needle and wait for the tube to fill with blood, then you take out the needle and close the tube carefully. You clean the hole in his arm with a cotton pad and put on a Homelander infant bandage.
Soldier Boy seems to be slightly amused at the band-aid, but he doesn't comment on it. Instead he just raises his eyebrows slightly and waits to see what you'll do next. You suddenly stand up and face him, your hands go to his neck and you move his neck a little.
"Any pain? Discomfort?"
Soldier Boy seems to tense up slightly when you touch his neck, but once again, it doesn't seem to be a feeling of pain, but rather of sensitivity. He almost seems to be enjoying the touch from you again, your hands were soft, he liked it, and you can see a slight grin on his face for a moment before he answers your question.
"No. Feels normal."
You take your hands off his neck and put the things back inside the briefcase. You take a small machine and pour his blood into a glass, letting the machine analyze it.
Soldier Boy waits patiently as you put the things back in your briefcase and run the analysis on his blood. He seems more than just a little bit curious as to what the results will be, but he's not expecting anything serious to come from it. He stays quiet and waits for your results.
After a few minutes the machine prints a paper with the results, you pick up the paper and start reading it. You read calmly without saying anything, and this seems to make him extremely anxious.
Soldier Boy continues to just wait patiently as you read the results, seeming to be waiting to see how this will go. The results from the paper will definitely decide whether he's ready to get back in the game or not. So he's keeping his mouth shut for now and just awaiting your verdict.
"...What is it? What does the paper say?"
Soldier Boy asks, starting to get a little impatient and anxious from not knowing the results yet. His scowl starts to return as he speaks.
"I think you're not Soldier Boy anymore."
You look at him, Soldier Boy's scowl almost immediately transforms into a look of pure shock. His eyes suddenly narrow and he starts standing up.
"What the hell do you mean I'm not Soldier Boy anymore?!!?"
His expression becomes one of pure anger at your remark. You decide to correct yourself quickly, remembering that he is a ticking time bomb and could destroy everything with the slightest amount of anger.
"You are the super soldier boy! Whatever the russians injected into you, it made you stronger than before."
His expression changes again to a smirk, this time, an amused one.
"Oh, so that's what it is- they made me stronger, huh? So that means I can get back to doing what I do best."
He says proud of himself.
"Exactly. And look, you've become fertile again. compound v made you infertile, but what russians injected in your body brought your fertility back."
Another change in his expression as his smirk once again grows large over his face.
"Wait, you're telling me that now I can actually have a kid again?"
He seems thrilled and excited at this discovery, his body language and tone indicating that he's quite pleased with these results, And a mischievous idea begins to run through his mind.
"You look great, better than ever. Your results are perfect!"
"Perfect results, huh?!"
Soldier Boy's scowl suddenly turns into a big grin. He seems to be very pleased with your assessment, but he's not quite convinced that he should completely trust you just yet. And he's definitely not going to let on just how happy he is to hear his fertility is back.
"So I'm better off than I've been in a long time, right?"
"Right. You've got what it takes to kill Homelander, and it looks like it's going to be an easy task."
Soldier Boy can't help but chuckle at the way you're talking about this as if it'll be some walk in the park. His smile is clearly amused but also showing his arrogance as he speaks
"And what about you? You think you can handle your part of this little task, as well?"
"What do you mean?"
"Well, it can't be all me, can it?"
He seems to be looking down at you as his tone and expression become more teasing with each word. He's enjoying this interaction, his whole body language turning flirtatious and playful.
"I'm not a supe. I will not fight Homelander."
"Awww, really?"
Soldier Boy seems almost disappointed by that answer.
"I feel like this is such a shame now."
A sly grin spreads across his face before he quickly takes a small step closer to you on the couch. His tone still remains playful but he's now closer to you than before.
"Honey, I'm the doctor of the group. I keep my partners alive and tend to all their injuries, but I'm still human. Homelander is 30x stronger than me, it would be suicidal to try to bust him. Believe me, I've tried."
Soldier Boy seems to chuckle at that.
"30x stronger than you? Sounds like a whole lot of talk. And you've tried to fight him before? What happened? Did you get your little ass handed to him?"
You roll your eyes, feeling disgusted by his comment.
"Well, he tried to take me to bed and I refused, and he almost blew my head off with those laser beams."
Soldier Boy once again bursts out with laughter, his amusement now turning to pure humor. He can't stop cackling at what you had said. You'd stare at him blankly as he burst into laughter, but it wasn't really funny at all.
"Wow...he tried to take you to bed? How charming of him. Almost blew your head off too? Well, you know what they say- girls like the "bad boys."
He finishes that last sentence off with an amused wink. If he wasn't a supe you would definitely have punched him in the face now. You sigh.
"Look.. Homelander isn't ugly, but he's still Homelander, the fucking supe psycho, and i don't even like blondes"
Soldier Boy arch his eyebrow.
"Oh, so you have a type, huh? What about me? Am I your type?"
Soldier Boy seems to just be enjoying messing with you as his expression and tone remain playful and flirtatious.
"Misogynistic, sexist, closed-minded guys don't interest me."
"You're pretty brave to talk to me like that, woman."
You lose your temper and get up from the couch with the exam paper still in hand.
"I need to show your exams to Butcher, he's going to like this"
Soldier Boy seems both amused and a bit concerned about your mention of Butcher. So he nods his head in understanding, although he's not about to let you off the room so easily.
"So, are you just going to run off and show Butcher right now? Because if you're about to leave, I've got something else I want to ask you..."
"Ask what, Soldier Boy?"
You look at him crossing your arms.
Soldier Boy smirks as he leans back a bit on the couch and gestures for you to come closer.
"Did you think I was going to let you leave like that?"
You look at him with confused and suspicious eyes. Once again, he's being quite playful and flirtacious in his tone and body language. Soldier Boy's smile only grows as you get closer to him. Once you're right next to him, he grabs your waist and pulls you even closer to him. Then he whispers softly to you in a very teasing tone,
"Oh, I wonder what it is that I could possibly want from you now..."
"Let me go."
You try to break free from him, but his big, strong hands keep you in place like you're a doll.
Soldier Boy leans in even closer and whispers to you again, this time keeping his hands firmly on your waist, pressing himself firmly up against you. His body language is still very playful and flirtatious, but he's not giving you any space to pull away or escape right now.
"So do you think you can guess what it is that I want from you now?"
"I'm not going to fuck with you!"
You say firm. Soldier Boy pulls you in closer yet again, still holding you by your waist. This time he whispers right into your ear very slowly and seductively, making no effort to hide the flirtatiousness of his tone.
"Oh really? You won't do anything at all with me?"
"Exactly! You heard me very well."
You try to take his hands off your waist again, a waste of time, as soon as he pulls you once again you end up falling on top of his lap, your hands go to his shoulders automatically and you stare at him with wide eyes.
Soldier Boy's smile grows even bigger from your reaction as you fall into his lap and your bare hands press up against him. He's still smiling and looking down at you in a way that is very flirtatious but also very intimidating, as if to say that you have no chance of escaping him now.
You try to stand up but he pulls you again, harder this time, losing his patience, you moan softly as your pelvis slams into his thighs in a strong way.
Soldier Boy lets out a low-pitched growl as you bump up against him, and the sound of your moan does nothing but further turn him on. Your body brushing up against his is sending shivers of pleasure through his bones, and he doesn't seem to want any of this to stop anytime soon. So he pulls you even closer yet again, still keeping his hands firmly on your waist.
"You say you don't want to, so why do I feel your panties soaking wet all over me?"
Soldier Boy's voice is low and predatory as he continues to pull you in even closer towards him, his whole body language now showing that he's enjoying this little encounter of yours. You feel your cheeks get red, he catched you, You try to get up again but he pulls you once again, this time holding you tight and keeping you in place.
"Be quiet."
His hands squeezed your waist tightly, as an act of possessiveness.
"You've examined me, now it's my turn, and i want to do it internally."
You didn't even have time to react before Soldier Boy pushed you against the couch and climbed on top of you, kissing you fiercely and aggressively, you in turn returned the kiss quickly, even though you knew it was wrong and that Butcher and M.M could come back at any moment. You couldn't deny it, as much as he had been imprisoned in Russia for years as a prisoner, he still had a great grip. His hands roamed your body and you surrendered right there to him, his strong hands ripped your blouse at once, exposing your breasts. Ben looked into your eyes as if he could see your soul and smile, his mouth quickly landed on your breast and you threw your head back and opened your mouth, surprised.
You pushed him back and started unzipping his pants belt like a ferocious animal, you had been sexless for a while, so that stimulation activated your libido on a total animalistic level, and Ben's as well. He stands up and turns you around at once, throwing you against the couch and kissing your lips fiercely, spreading your legs and fitting into the middle of them, her hand goes to his pants lowering it completely along with his underwear, Ben takes off his underwear in an impressive quick way and quickly fits his member into his entrance, thrusting himself at once into you, you two moan in unison, your arousal eases the act and makes it less painful and Ben takes advantage of it, beginning to move rapidly back and forth, making a wet noise echo through the silent room that was now only filled by this noise and sound of moans.
His face hides in your neck as he inhales your scent and you grab his strong and big back, your legs curl between his waist, squeezing him tighter to you, you wanted him. Ben was almost roaring like a lion from how excited he was, years without sex couldn't be bought for the months you were without.
"Do you like it, hm?"
He asks taking out your hair that was stuck to your forehead due to sweat, you couldn't even answer, you just nodded your head amidst moans. Ben closes his eyes and screams burying himself once and for all in you at once, making your legs tremble, you both breathe hard and he comes out of you after a few seconds, sitting on the couch, while you continue lying there gasping for breath, his forehead rests on your knee.
"I'm glad you let me know that now I can have children again."
He says and you widen your eyes, staring at him.
You ask in shock and he just winks at you, flashing that scoundrel smile again.
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137 notes · View notes
vampirebloodie · 28 days
Hello dear readers!!!! no i'm not dead, i ll post a soldier boy smut in a few minutes, i missed here and writing new imagines, but i'm back <3
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vampirebloodie · 1 month
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6K notes · View notes
vampirebloodie · 4 months
"it's unhealthy to read fanfiction"
well i'm doing my 20 minutes of daily reading so...
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vampirebloodie · 5 months
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was this done before
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vampirebloodie · 5 months
Midnight Date | Billy Butcher x Reader
Summary: Billy just wanted to threaten you, but a fight leads to the two of you having a hot date at midnight.
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Warnings: Smut 18+, creampie, unprotected sex, hair pulling, fight before sex.
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"It's her."
Billy said throwing a picture on the table where the other boys were standing around watching everything attentively. The photo showed you distracted inside a store in ordinary clothes, without your superhero uniform.
"And who is this?"
Hughie asked confused, he knew all The Seven but not you.
"She was invited to join the seven but refused, Starlight took her place as a second option. She is more powerful than Homelander."
M.M explained.
"What? More powerful than Homelander?"
Hughie asked in surprise and Billy rolled his eyes.
"That's right, kid. She doesn't like the spotlight so she lives an ordinary life during the day and becomes a superhero at night."
M.M patted him on the shoulder.
"I'm going to have a little chat with her, i'm sure she'll join us."
Billy said and Kimiko started gesturing to Frenchie.
“This will be before or after he threatened to kill her?”
You heard the sound of the bell ringing, indicating that someone had opened the door to the bar where you worked, you were cleaning the tables, ready to close.
"We're almost closing."
You warned without looking at whoever was entering, you didn't worry, after all, you had superpowers and knew very well how and when to use them.
"I just want a shot of whiskey, i've had a rough night."
You looked at the man, he had a big beard and a closed expression. So you just walked to the back of the counter, taking a bottle of whiskey, he leaned on the wood and took the glass watching you fill it with the liquid.
"We all have a rough night sometimes."
You just said, sighing.
"A supe's night really must be difficult, right?"
He asked, downing the drink, you looked at him, trying to hide your surprised expression.
"You heard me very well, doll."
He smirks.
You remained silent thinking, then you pushed him, your strength making him fly against the other side of the restaurant and fall on the tables and chairs, knocking over everything, you ran towards the emergency exit going into an alley, until your body was pushed against the floor and a hand grabbed your hair making you groan in pain, you recognized the pair of shoes in front of you and it was the same man. Then you saw him take a gun out of his pocket and put the cold barrel of it against your chin.
"Try something funny and i ll blow your brains out, even if i have to shoot 300 times to kill you."
He threatened and you swallowed, scared.
"What do you want with me?"
"Talk. First, why didn't you accept the invitation to be part of the seven?"
He asked and you laughed.
"I don't join with corrupt people."
He was a little surprised by your answer.
"So you know very well about the corruption cases involving Vought. What is your relationship with Homelander?"
"What? What relationship? Homelander hates me me since i was a child and he was a teenager, he always hated the fact that there was someone more powerful than him and who could one day join the seven. They wanted me to take his place as leader. "
You explained part of your story with the superhero, but there were many other things to be told about you and him, nothing romantic of course, you hated each other and almost killed each other every time you met. in the tower or elsewhere.
"What about Vought?"
"Why don't you ask them, do i look like i work at Vought?"
You responded roughly and the grip on your hair tightened, you moaned again.
"Doll, doll...Cooperate with me."
He said in the form of a warning and you reluctantly decided to start talking.
"Vought has been watching me for a long time, i think it's a miracle that they haven't kidnapped me yet to keep me in a maximum security prison."
"And they're watching us now?"
He asked.
"Why don't you ask yourself that, William Butcher? Vought has been chasing you longer than I have."
You suggested and he smirks.
"So you know me? That's great! Now tell me how."
He pulled you by your arms, lifting you up and pushing you against the wall, making your back hit the cold bricks. Your faces were almost glued to each other.
"It would be weird if i didn't know you. The supe killer and Homelander's biggest hater, tsk tsk."
"You know i kill supes... And you're a sup..."
He said in a hinting tone and you smirks.
"You will not kill me."
"How are you so sure?"
"Vought would know and intensify their pursuit of you. And when they caught you, you would beg them to kill you as quickly as possible instead of torturing."
You said smiling, his strong hands grabbed your neck, squeezing it. You felt the lack of air becoming more and more present there, your face starting to take on a reddish color, in an act of defense you kicked him in the middle of his legs, making Billy howl in pain and let go of you. The two of you got into a physical fight, without using your powers to kill him knowing that he was still needed by Vought, you found yourself defenseless fighting a man who was much bigger and stronger than you. Before you could give up the fight and run away once again he grabbed your wrists, cornering you against the wall again, his free hand grabbed your chin making you look straight into his eyes, his eyes contained pure anger, while yours contained fear and despair.
"I'd love to destroy that pretty face of yours, but you're too pretty to be hurt."
He said and smirked, you blinked a few times trying not to believe that he was actually flirting with you at a time like that.
"Are you..... flirting with me?"
The moment you say those words a surge of joy floods through your body. Your words are like a call for him to give in to his urges. Without another moment of hesitation he grabs the back of your neck and pulls you close to him. He kisses you passionately, his grip around your neck only becoming stronger.
Butcher''s grip tightens even further as he kisses you back, his tongue forcing itself into your mouth. He pulls you on top of him, the strength in his grip showing just how firmly he has you held. As he kisses you he moves his hands down to your hips, squeezing them firmly.
"We keep just.... kissing?"
You asked a little shy and he laughs.
"Oh doll, if you want more, you just need to say."
He caressed your cheek, you bit your lip and your hand went to his jacket, opening it, revealing a hawaiian-style flowered shirt, which made you hold back your laughter a little and he raised his eyebrow.
"That's style love. Something you don't have in that uniform"
He said referring to his uniform which was showing a little due to his coat being a little open.
"Fuck it"
In one movement, you took off your coat and tore your uniform, leaving your breasts exposed to Butcher. Butcher groans at the sudden motion and leans forward again, this time placing his hands around your body. He stares into your eyes again, this time much more intensely. His voice becomes almost like a grunt as he begins to speak again.
"This is going to get so much more intense..."
He continues to hold you tightly, his breathing becoming more rapid and the tone of his voice slowly changing to a more husky tone.
"I'm going to make it so intense that you'll be a drooling mess by the end of it.."
"I would say that i dare you."
"You will desire not to say this."
The way you reply seems to only increase his desire, his grasp on your body tightening. He stares deeply into your eyes before bringing his mouth to your neck, just before he bites down he whispers one word.
You grab his strong arms and his hands go to your chest, squeezing them hard making you moan, he turns you onto your back, your cheek pressed against the wall as his hand grabs your hair.
"No foreplay today, doll, but next time i promise to enjoy it more."
"So there will be a next one?"
You asked anxiously and he smirked, he pulled down your leggings, leaving your panties showing, which were soon torn, you were startled and just saw him putting the fabric inside his pants pocket, a trail of your juice due to excitement staining your thighs. inside leaving them sticky and sticky. He opened his pants and your eyes widened seeing the size of his member, it was bigger and much thicker than any you had ever seen in your life, he seemed to have enjoyed your surprised reaction, you bit your lip feeling the head of his cock caressing your wet folds before pushing himself completely inside you, you held back a scream.
Billy grabbed your waist as he hit you hard and brutally and you only knew how to moan, he grabbed one of your legs and lifted it, thrusting himself deeper inside you, his balls hitting you hard and his grunts were the most exciting melody you've heard in a while. You never imagined being in a position like that, having sex with a probable enemy in a dark alley right after he had threatened to kill you. His hands grabbed your hair, pulling your head back, your bodies glued together.
“O-oh god! Please please!”
You screamed clenching your inner walls around him, Butcher groaned feeling you squeezing his cock with your pussy. The two of you were already close to full climax.
"Do you want to cum, doll? Hm?"
He asked kissing your neck, you were completely melted by his touches, drunk on his cock, your eyes rolling back and you fighting to keep them open.
"Y-yes!!! Please, Butcher, please...."
You begged, almost crying with pleasure, he smiled and thrust himself into you even harder, if that was possible, his dick hitting your G-spot over and over again without stopping.
He said, his thick and rough fingers starting to massage your clit, your legs starting to shake being held open by his other hand that still pinned your leg open to the wall, you felt that familiar feeling of your stomach tightening and your head spinning. Screaming you melted on top of Butcher and seconds later you felt his hot liquid fill you, your liquid and his liquid mixing into one, running down your thighs. You were a mess, your hair was messy, your makeup was smudged and there were several marks on your body from the grip of his hands. Your legs weakened and you almost fell to the ground, but he caught you beforehand.
"Good girl, i got you."
"What are we gonna do now?"
You asked catching your breath and wiping the sweat from your forehead.
"Now, doll, you gonna help me to kill Homelander."
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vampirebloodie · 6 months
Vought Party | Homelander x Reader
Summary: You agree to help your brother Butcher by spying on Homelander during a Vought party.
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Warnings: little smut 18+, dub-con, violence, Homelander being an narcissistic asshole (natural)
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You were Billy Butcher's little sister, you hadn't seen him in a while, he was always a tough guy who liked to get into trouble for anything and with anyone, you could tell he got worse mentally after Becca disappeared, since then, you rarely saw him, not even at christmas time, where the two of you always got together to eat at night and put up the christmas tree. You felt sad about this, you were always attached to him, he was always the one who protected you and taught you about the evils of the world.
You were sitting on the couch in your apartment watching the news, it was always the same nonsense they repeated, Homelander saves the world once again, Vought, bla bla bla. Your doorbell rang, making you look at the door, you were surprised because you hadn't called anyone or ordered dinner. You opened the door, coming face to face with Butcher.
“Billy? My God!"
You smiled happily and hugged him tightly, feeling his hands squeeze you. You let go and he closed the door, entering your house and sitting on the couch, looking with a frown at the television that showed Homelander's face on the screen, he turned off the TV.
"We need to talk."
“You were missing for months, i thought you were dead or the police had caught you.”
You sat next to him on the couch.
“I know, sorry. But the situation is really complicated, i need your help.”
"What can i do for you?"
“I need you to go to a party today and try to get close to someone.... Homelander.”
He says a little apprehensive and the smile disappears from your face. You knew very well who Homelander was and what he was capable of off camera, just as you know Billy's hatred for him.
"I... how?"
"You're not known, Vought knows me and the boys and won't let us near him, i need you to bug him."
“What if this doesn’t work?”
I asked worriedly.
“It will work, you are smart and you are my little sister, i will always protect you.”
The long tight dress that served to highlight your curves made you uncomfortable, but Billy assured you that the more you attracted attention, the better it would be, you sighed, taking another champagne from the tray of a waiter who passed by you.
"Stop drinking. You shouldn't get drunk."
You heard Billy's voice coming from the device in your ear that was covered by your hair. Your eyes rolled back and you wondered if this was really worth doing.
“What is a pretty girl doing alone on this beautiful night?”
You heard that voice coming from behind you and your blood froze for a few moments, you turned around seeing Homelander looking at you with a smile.
“I… I came alone.”
You responded nervously and he grabbed your hand, giving it a kiss.
“Well, now you’re not alone anymore. I'm Homelander, but you probably already know that, after all, everyone knows me as the most powerful man in the world.”
He boasted and you couldn't help but laugh, starting to laugh, the smile on his face disappearing immediately.
"What's the fun?"
“I’m so sorry, it’s so funny to hear that in person.”
You recovered, wiping away some of the tears that fell from your eyes.
“Don’t you think im the most powerful man in the world? Who are you?"
He asked looking at you with disdain.
“I’m Liz.”
You told him your fake name, Vought knew Billy had a sister but they didn't know your face, only your name. Homelander smiles again, maybe he is a bipolar.
“So, Liz...Why don't you come with me? I can show you the building.”
"Follow him, go."
Billy whispered softly and you smiled at the blonde, starting to follow him through the huge building. It was something extremely luxurious and completely out of your reality, you looked at everything impressed, until you came face to face with a huge photo of his face pasted on the wall. It was weird.
"It's beautiful, is not it?"
You lied and he looked proudly at his own image on the wall and you realized how narcissistic he is, but you couldn't say anything so you just nodded. The two of you entered his office, it was certainly the most luxurious one there, with several expensive pieces and security cameras everywhere, which could be a problem for you if someone saw you tapping the camera in some corner.
"Do you want something to drink?"
He asked, grabbing a bottle of wine from a mini freezer there.
“No, i already drank too much today.”
You rejected it, you couldn't trust him and accept a drink. He turned his back.
“Accept the drink! He needs to trust you."
Billy whispered and you wanted to kill him in that moment.
"You said to stop drinking!"
You whispered back and Homelander turned around again looking at you confused.
"Did you say something?"
He asked and you gave an awkward smile.
“I talked to myself, it’s a strange habit.”
He just ignored it and drank a glass of wine, sitting next to you, you felt nervous with his presence so close to you.
“I can hear your heart from far away. Why are you so nervous?"
You looked at him.
"It's okay, i understand, all women are like this by my side, they never resist my charm, being a handsome man is sometimes..."
You couldn't stand listening to his irritating voice any longer so you just shut him up by kissing his lips, to your surprise he responded immediately and grabbed your waist, placing you on his lap.
"Y/N!!!! Get out of there! That's not the way to approach him!!!!"
You heard Billy's angry whispers, but you just ignored him, Homelander ran his hands over your body in a hurry and needily, then he kissed your neck, putting your hair to the side, suddenly he stopped and you opened your eyes, looking at him.
"What is that?"
He pulled the device from your ear, revealing the bug, you felt your blood run cold as he looked at you with a deadly look. Fuck. fuck. fuck.
"I... I have hearing problems, i don't hear very well from far away. It's a hearing aid!"
You laugh nervously and try to take the device from his hand, but he grabs your wrist tightly, you groan in pain but it doesn't seem to bother him.
"Don't lie to me. It's a wiretap, isn't it?"
"If you already know, why are you asking?"
You asked sarcastically, he pushed you against the couch and pinned you underneath him, with his knee on your stomach.
“Watch your mouth.”
You knew there was no way to fight him, he would probably kill you before you even tried to react, Billy was probably on his way to try and rescue you, but he wouldn't get there in time.
"You'll kill me?"
You asked a little afraid and he laughed, he tried to kiss you and you turned your face away, so he grabbed your arms tighter making you complain.
"Kill you? Nah, you're too pretty to waste like that. I think i could use it a little."
He crushed the wiretap with one hand, scaring you, he seemed to enjoy seeing you scared of him, it made him feel more powerful than he already was. Homelander's hands grabbed your waist, squeezing it, you felt his lips on your neck leaving kisses there, you closed your eyes and grabbed his arms. Maybe fuck with him would be better than getting into trouble and ending up with yourself being killed by his laser.
"I knew you wouldn't resist."
He smiled proudly and your eyes rolled back instantly, his hand grabbed your chin, squeezing it tightly making you look at him. If he wanted to, he would have broken your jaw right then.
"Do that again and i ll make sure to burn those pretty curious eyes of yours."
He seriously threatened and you swallowed hard, Homelander was the worst kind of person to challenge and you knew that very well. You remained in absolute silence and he continued to kiss your neck while his hands roamed your body, you were torn between your body denying his touches or accepting all the touches and everything that would come later. His hands went to your dress, pulling up your skirt, showing ur blue panties.
“Blue is the color of my uniform, it’s almost like you’re a fan.”
He boasted again and you wondered if maybe it was more worth taking a laser beam to the forehead than listening to his narcissism. He pulled down the top part of your dress, revealing your breasts since you weren't wearing a bra, his eyes lit up seeing that and soon you felt his tongue in desperation surrounding your nipple while his other hand squeezed your other breast. You moaned loudly, you didn't want to admit it, but his tongue really felt good. Then his hand went down to your core, where he pushed your panties to the side and invaded you with his fingers, you let out a moan of pain because it was something unexpected, you felt like you were in heaven receiving his touches.
That's when you heard a loud knock on the door and before you could react the door was opened, revealing Ashley.
"Homelander! You have to.... OH MY GOD!"
She screamed in despair and covered her eyes with the clipboard, you held back your laughter and he seemed to be angry that she had interrupted you two.
He shouted angrily, his face red.
"I did not see anything! I did not see anything!"
She defended herself by running out of the office before he could probably kill her, your hand discreetly went to ur bag that was nearby, while Homelander was still trying to calm down, so you took the pepper spray that Billy had given you and shot it at Homelander's eyes, who screamed in pain, moving away from you and falling to the ground, you adjusted your dress covering your nakedness.
"Really fucking with the enemy isn't for me."
You told him before running out of the room before he fully recovered and came after you, which he would definitely do soon, you walked through the halls and left through the emergency exit finding Billy's car waiting for you, opening the back door Hughie pulled you inside, that's when a red laser beam hit the part you were on, almost hitting your head and blowing it off. You saw Homelander at the end of the hallway fuming.
“You don’t mess with Butcher’s sister, idiot! ”
Hughie shouted before Billy sped up the car getting you both out of there before another bolt of lightning was fired there.
“HUGHIE!!! What was this idea of ​​almost having sex with that asshole?"
Billy shouted angrily at Hughie and looked at you in the rearview mirror, he still seemed a little disturbed by the things he had heard through the bug.
“Works, Billy, works…Better than he kill me”
“Well, let's take extra care with our work since your "work" now knows who you are thanks to Hughie's open mouth, and will definitely come after you to finish the job."
“I will wait for him then.”
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vampirebloodie · 6 months
Today a new era started and i'm accepting requests for new characters! They are:
Homelander (The Boys)
Billy Butcher (The Boys)
Soldier Boy (The Boys)
Daryl Dixon (The Walking Dead)
Negan (The Walking Dead)
Rick Grimes (The Walking Dead)
Stu Macher and Billy Loomis (Scream)
Thomas Hewitt (Leatherface)
Patrick Bateman (American Psycho)
Bo and Vincent Sinclair (House of Wax)
Feel free to send requests about these new characters (btw: im still accepting requests for saw characters!)
Xoxo ✨💋
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vampirebloodie · 6 months
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vampirebloodie · 6 months
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slut for them
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vampirebloodie · 6 months
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The reverse bear trap stays on during sex
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vampirebloodie · 6 months
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vampirebloodie · 6 months
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Autocorrect will never let Hoffman know peace
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vampirebloodie · 6 months
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the frowny face is from gordon
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vampirebloodie · 6 months
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It came to me in a vision.
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vampirebloodie · 6 months
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