universal-vibe · 4 years
My Healer
Getting to Know You
Warnings: a think a swear, lack a proof read
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To say that the first few days of resting and healing were slow to Geralt would be an understatement. He had to sit through Jaskier’s fiddling around with stings on his lute while coming up with his next ballad. He had to make (Y/N) feed him for two nights in a row in almost awkward silence was more than degrading.
It was the start to the fourth day and Geralt had about enough. He flung the covers off his body to see the cloth bandage wrapped around his torso. He began to slowly sit up. His body felt sore but enough strength to get himself around. Geralt stood up and started to slowly stalk over to wear the side stables were in the house. He had heard some shuffling and a distant voice so he made his way over.
You were tending to your horse, Spyrum (pronounced Spy-Rum), as well as the horse you know as Roach that followed his owner here. Roach winnied and stomped her hoof down, seemingly looking past you. You turned to see the witcher standing at the door frame. You just gave a smile, “I’m glad to see you up and moving. Seems my work was not in vain.”
Geralt tilted his head, a low ‘hmm’ leaving his throat. “You knew I was going to be fine by now, didn’t you.” He said it as more of a statement than a question.
“I extended the time. Wanted to make sure you stayed in bed healing as long as you could handle. Your type is always so restless,” a smirk graces your lip before turning back to Spyrum, petting his muzzle.
Geralt looked slightly shocked. Have you seen other witchers before? Witchers from his home? “And what is my type?” looking at the back of your head expectantly.
“Hunters. Warriors. Fighters. They are all the same,” turning back to look at him, the smile having not left your face, “always itching to get moving and back into the fray.” You pat your horse goodbye as you walk towards Geralt and the door. “Now how about I draw you a bath. I cleaned all I could but you were lying down, unconscious, and you aren’t a light man.” A giggle leaves your mouth as you look up at him. It takes Geralt a moment to register your words. He’s not used to such hospitality from strangers but then nods. You flash him another smile as he moves aside to let you in. Geralt watches you walk into the room with the bath while his mind wanders. He doesn’t sense any bad intent. He couldn’t even smell fear on you. All he could smell was a calming scent of apples and lavender. You certainly have Geralt’s attention and curiosity now.
Days started to pass as Geralt recovered. Jaskier telling stories of adventures he had with Geralt while the witcher tried to correct the bard he was shut down by the other man. You were enjoying it, laughing at some stories like the story of how the two met, how the time Geralt was covered in Silkiemaw guts and the story about he was attacked by a djinn. You, telling your own stories. Geralt also helping you with feeding and brushing your horses.
That late afternoon you are starting to cook again for the boys. Geralt had walked in, now in his usual casual clothes. He wound now only becoming a pink scar on his side. He walks over to the table in the middle of the room and sits down. Jaskier is sitting a seat away from his witcher friend. There is a long pause before you look over your shoulder at white-haired man. His golden feline eyes focused on your own (e/c). You can almost hear his thoughts from across the room so you give him a simple before turning back around towards the meat you were cooking.
“Is there something you want to ask me? I can practically hear your thoughts from here.” Your teasing tone reaches Geralt and he actually gives a small smile. He has noticed these couple days that you are quite perceptive and sometimes blunt.
“What do you do? As much it might seem like this is your house the strong scent of others suggest otherwise.”
You smile to yourself. You should have known that a witcher could pick up such scents. You simply replied back, “I’m a traveling healer. I go from town to town, helping those in need and giving the poorer people some proper attention.” You begin to set down the plates of meat in front of the men. Jaskier gave a hearty ‘thank you’ before digging, watching the exchange in front of him while Geralt just gave a nod of gratitude. You sat across the two men, continuing your story. “This house, however, is actually owned by a weather family. They have a few homes scattered across the continent that they allow me to stay in.”
“What did you do? Save their child?” Jaskier asks with a full mouth.
You let out a chuckle, “actually it was the mother. Saved her from dying while she gave birth.” A fond smile crosses your face as you look at the home around you, chewing your food. “Luckily I was in town. They were very generous people. I have them to thank for some nights not spending my coin on Taverns. Healing doesn’t come with good pay all the time.” You shake your head from the thoughts before looking between both men, “I was actually planning on leaving as soon as our witcher heals and is well enough to fight.” 
Jaskier smiles, standing up, “well I think I have had enough of singing and wooing hearts so I will retire for the night.” He turns and does a small bow towards you, “Goodnight, (Y/N).” 
“Pleasant dreams, Jaskier.”
Then passing Geralt with a pat on the broader man’s shoulders. “Night, Geralt.”
Geralt gives a gruff ‘hmm’ as you both watch the bard retire to his bedchamber. He then hears you heave a sigh before grabbing all the finished plates and start to scrub them clean. Geralt keeps his eyes on you, examining your movements. Geralt having a thought invades his mind like it always had for the past week and a half. “You know who I am, don’t you.” You turn to see the man staring at you with what seemed to be a scowl etched into his face. You just give him a nod in response. “Then why haven’t you said anything about the ‘White Wolf’ ‘The Butcher of Blaviken’ in your home?”
Fully turning your body towards him as you lean against to counter behind you. “For two reasons actually.” “One. With my experience and a few black eyes along the way-” chuckling the last part out in amusement as Geralt smirked. “-I know that waking up to a stranger who knows your name isn’t the comfiest feeling to wake up to.” You looked at the witcher in front of you then you began your second point. “And two. Fame isn’t always welcomed or wanted and from what I see is that you didn’t choose whether to be famous or not.” Your tone turned more serious as the two of you stared at each other. 
You could only imagine all the things that have been said to and being talked about to this man sitting in your home. “My job as a healer is to help and ease my patients, if that means giving them space and letting them relax then so shall it be.” You pushed yourself off the counter as you stretched, “Welp. I’m going to sleep for the night.” You walked to his side, “you should rest too. I think you have one more day till you’re fully recovered.” You pat Geralt’s shoulder before heading to your room not before turning back to look at him. “Goodnight, Geralt.” Your voice was now soft as you gave him a genuine smile.
Geralt nodded, “Goodnight, (y/n).” Geralt soon went to his own room as he watched you leave for the night. The thought of leaving without you made something in him sink, you were patient with him. Though at times you were poking a prodding but it was only for his well being. He was going to sleep on these feelings and hope tomorrow they will either leave or have figured themselves.
The morning came and Geralt was already up, dressed and packed, waiting for Jaskier to get ready. He could smell you before you walked into the room. Your comfy attire changed to more travel like clothes. Brown leather boots, a cream colored long sleeve with a leather vest over top. A belt to hold all your remedies and supplies. You saw Geralt and your eyes lit up as you smiled towards the white-haired. “Well good morning, Geralt. I see you slept well?” The man just hums in response but it was enough for you as you started to pack up the things you needed to get on your way.
The morning was comfortably silent as you  both basked in the last of each other’s presence. Jaskier then came out of his room with vigor as he shouted a good morning to what seemed to be the world. Geralt groaned and you laughed at the witcher as you finished packing everything. “And good morning to you too, Jaskier.” A tease in your tone which the bard smiled at but his smile became melancholy as the three of you made it outside with the horses.
“I don’t know how to thank you enough for your wonderful service. Here is payment for your service.” Jaskier went to hand you some coins but you pushed it back towards him as you shook your head.
“I need no payment. Both of your companies have been brilliant and can ask for nothing greater.” Geralt raised an eyebrow at you as Jaskier dropped his jaw but before he could speak you continued, “Save that coin for the next time you need to heal him. I have no doubt he gets himself in a heap of trouble already.” picking yourself up over Spyrum you gave both men a smile, “now take care. I hope to see you again, this time unharmed.” A laugh is what you left as you slowly started to trot away.
Geralt starred as you started to leave before he dropped his head. “Fuck,” he muttered before her jumped on Roach and trotted to ride beside you. Jaskier shouting to his friend in the background. You looked at Geralt, at the golden feline eyes that stared at you back. “We don’t you stay with us?” You stopped your horse in shock as Geralt stopped as well. He looked at you expectantly. “You said it yourself, I get in plenty of trouble as it is. Why not come with?”
At this point Jaskier has made it to you both. Hearing the last bit of the conversation. “Geralt is certainly right. I am actually quite tired of stitching his wounds at this point plus we loved your company more than enough.”
Your surprised face grew into a smile, hearing the words of the two men you have grown close with. “I would love to.” 
Jaskier cheered while Geralt gave a satisfied grunt. “Now Geralt, being the wonderfully agitated type, doesn’t let me ride Roach so may I perhaps join you?” Jaskier questions with a small plea and happily obliged as the bard soon climbed behind you as the three of you rode off to the next town.
The adventure had only begun.
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universal-vibe · 4 years
My Healer
Hello Healer
Warnings: Blood, injuries, cursing
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Blood trailed on the ground.
Jaskier was shouting out for help as dragged the unconscious body of Geralt. He has been pulling the witcher for almost an hour now but he couldn’t stop despite his muscles screaming at him to stop. Jaskier just started to make out the edge of a small town as he continued to call out for help, needing any healer that was near.
You were tending to your horse outside when you heard the cries for help, turning to see a smaller man dragging a much bigger man. Wait, was that..blood? Once you noticed the unconscious man bleeding out you sprinted over. As you made it over the awake man seemed to finally give up as he dropped his dying friend onto the ground.
“I can help. Follow me please,” looking at the man as he nods. You quickly take the white-haired man so he was riding on your back as you two quickly made it inside. You lead the brunette to a room as you try to put down the man as quickly but as gently as you could.
You started to swiftly take off Geralt’s armor, cover in what seems to be mostly his blood as you see a large hole in his side and as you rip off the shirt you could see poison running up the veins of his body. “What attacked him?” Now looking at seemed to be bard across from you.
Jaskier stammered before blurting out, “A-a manticore.”
Your eyes widened, you had little less than an hour to save him before the poison reached his heart, killing him.
Jaskier watched as you swiftly and diligently looked through shelves full of vials and herbs and other items. You got a wet cloth to clean the wound a little before taking a vial of some dark liquid before popping the cork off with your teeth, laying your arm across Geralt’s torso, and poured the liquid on the wound. Geralt groaned as his body try to move away but you held him still.
Both you and the man across from you watched as the poison in his blood seemed to slow it reaches to Geralt’s heart. You then slowly got up with a grateful sigh before grabbing a needle and thread. Looking up to see the stressed and seemingly tired person in front of you, you smiled before choosing to speak again. “Don’t worry, your friend will be alright. The poison will slowly leave his system.” The man seemed to relax at those words but you continued, starting stitching the wound close, “What is your name if don’t mind me asking?”
“I’m Jaskier and this is Geralt,” he gestures to the man you are working on. You looked at his unconscious face, the name was familiar but you weren’t going to say anything.
“So what do you do Jaskier?” You look up at him with a smile before continuing to stitch.
“I’m a bard actually. I don’t do this whole...bleeding thing” He seemed to lighten up at the conversation despite his hands waving dramatically.
“Wel I’m (Y/N). It’s very nice to meet you but I wish it was in a tavern with you playing instead of this.” You gesture to Geralt between the both of you before getting up to rinse your hand of blood. You motioned Jaskier to help you sit Geralt up so you could wrap up the wound with gauze around his waist. Once that was finished you gentle put him down before covering his body with a blanket. “It’s going to be a while before he wakes up so you are more than welcome to eat and rest here. He is no light man,” you joked as Jaksier chuckled along.
Jaskier was looking at Geralt with a worrying gaze. Being the healer that you are you moved to his side and rested a hand on his shoulder, “You two seem like great friends.” The bard scoffed.
“He would barely want to call us acquaintances, let alone friends.” His brows pushing closer together in a scowl.
“Yet you dragged him all the way here. Most people would let him die,” shrugging before you left the room with a smirk.
It was morning when Jaskier dragged Geralt to town but it soon became late afternoon. During that time you and Jaskier talked, laughed, got him a bath, him singing you a few songs in the work as you both waited for the injured witcher to wake up. 
Geralt’s senses slowly started to come back to him one by one. He could hear the distant sounds of birds and wood creaking under footsteps. He could smell the scent of plants, sweat, and some type of meat being cooked. He could feel the wool under him as well as over him. He could taste blood on his tongue. Finally, he could see. He could see the ceiling of what seemed to be home. He went to move his head before groaning at the strain of movement. 
Jaskier, who was watching (Y/N) in the other room, quickly sprinted to the bedside of Geralt. “Oh, Geralt! You’re okay! I was so worried about you. I can’t have you dying on me now can I?” 
Geralt just groaned as he rasped out a ‘quiet Jaskier’. He tried to sit up but before he could go anywhere a new pair of smaller hands rested on his shoulders. Geralt quickly shifted to the new figure as he was being pushed back down. 
“No-no-no. I am glad you are awake but you need to lay back down.” Your voice was stern and your expression serious but only for a moment as it turned into a smile.
Geralt’s eyes were trained on yours. “Who are you?”
“Ah, excuse my poor manners. I’m (Y/N) and you are?” You let the question drag out until Geralt answered with his name. You just smiled, Jaskier gave you a look but honestly, he cared more for Geralt’s wellbeing than repeated introductions. “Now you have been severely stabbed by, what Jaskier told me, a manticore so you will need to stay in bed rested for about a week and you’re staying in town for another week.” 
Geralt groans again in annoyance. You just chuckle at the poor man, getting up from your seat on the bed, “Well I have cooked a nice warm stew for everyone.” Now you turn back to Geralt, “and before you say anything, yes your horse is safe and yes I did feed her. Now let me get you some food.” You pat his leg before leaving the room.
Geralt turned to Jaskier for an explanation but the bard quickly left the room with a playful blowing of a kiss before grabbing his food. Little after did you walk back in a with a bowl. Geralt could smell the scent of potatoes and more as well as some steak.
You place the bowl down before helping the witcher sit up his bed. Now taking the bowl you offered it to him. “If you want to eat yourself then I shall leave you be or you can let me help you eat seeing that you are very weak as it is.”
Geralt went to take the bowl from your hands but before he could touch it he noticed his shaky hands. He gave a heavy sigh, “fuck,” he muttered before but his hands back down. “Whatever happens stays in this room,” he threatens. You nod with a soft smile.
That was how you spent your night, slowly feeding the soup to the witcher. When he was finally done you helped him lay back down and closed the curtains on the window. You patted his shoulder, “Now get some rest, you’ll need it.”
Geralt just gave a hum before you closed the door behind you. You took a deep breath, everything settling in from the day. You have a witcher in your house. You have Geralt of Rivia in your house. You shook your head with a curt laugh.
This is going to be a strange two weeks.
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universal-vibe · 4 years
Mando x gender neutral reader
Warnings: fluff?? nothing really
You started to land at Nevaroo. You and Din have missed your two friends aside from the fact that you weren’t getting any leads on finding the kid’s people. As the ramp opened you took in a deep breath of fresh air. The child chirped with glee as he waddled down the ramp. You shook your head before noticing the mandalorian coming behind you. “Come on Din. I’m dying to eat some real food.” Picking up the child before it could trip
Dins scoffed, “And here I thought you loved my rations.” You could hear the smile in his voice. Rolling your eyes you continued to walk towards the small town.
You have been with Din since he found the child a year ago. In that time the two of you have become closer. Starting from just being co-workers to close friends. And recently in the past few months there has been more frequent stealing of glances, lingering touches, forehead touches, and learning his name. But some people have already noticed this before others, especially after leaving Nevaroo the second time.
The town was pulling itself together again being that it has only been only a couple months after the attack of Moff Gideon. Some building still in ruin but the cantina now in a fully refurbished state. Din stepped in first and Karga immediately recognized the the man of Beskar. “Mando!” He stands as the two greet half way with a hand shake and Greef patting Din’s shoulder. The guild leader looking over Din’s shoulder to see you with the kid in your hands. “Oh Y/N! How are you holding up?” He goes to you with side hug while then petting the kid on his hairy head. Din watched intently as you interacted with each other.
“Doing as fine as we can. I see that you got some business going again.” Nothing much has changed besides it was much cleaner and a bit more updated than before. Cara silently approches behind you before answering, “Some have come to see the fame town that was attacked by a fleet of storm troopers.”
After hitting Cara for scaring the living daylights out of you and almost dropping the kid and the two man chuckling while you all sit down at the booth. Din and Karga sitting across from you and Cara. The four of talked about what has happened in the months passed but at one point the ex shock trooper and guild leader make a certain eye contact before Cara gets a little closer.
Din listens to Greef talk but his eyes are focused on you. He watched as Cara’s arm wrapped around the back of you as she went closer to the kid, playing with big ears. You only flinch slightly before relaxing into back into her arm as if it wasn’t there. It gets harder for the mandalorian to keep his compsure as Cara gets closer and closer to you, both of you laugh and joking. He lost every word that Karga has said to him. Din soon picks up words from the woman across from him, “So are you single?”
That’s it.
Din abroptly stands and grabs you by the wrist, giving a quick “We’re leaving,” before dragging you out of the cantina. You and the kid squealed in suprise as the strength of the man was much greater than yours.
Once you made it outside of the cantina and for enough away that you were almost back at the Razor Crest that you finally managed to get out of Mando’s grip. “What the heck Din? We were just talking. Why did you have to pull me out so quick?” You could see the tension in Din’s shoulders as he turned around.
There was a silence between you. You had to put the kid down because your arm was getting tired of carrying him. The beskared man finaly spoke, “I heard what Cara asked you.” You waitied for him to continue but slightly blushed as you know which question Cara asked you. “I-..I didn’t want you to tell her yes.”
You smiled at the man before slowly walking towards him. “I can’t tell her lie but if had let me answered you would’ve known I would also add that I wasn’t interested in her.” Din’s shoulder became relaxed as you talked as well as placing a hand on his shoulder.
You looked at his visor, trying to look at the man behind, to tell him that you mean true and no one can take you away from him. Din puts a hesitant hand on your hip before putting your foreheads together. The moment was soft, a silent declaration saying that their bond is strong. The moment was soft until a tiny chrip from the kid as he tugs on Din’s pants interupting it. The two chuckled before Mando picked him up in his arms. “Now I think we should head back and enjoy relaxing for a day at least and you sir need to apologize fore leaving so suddenly.” Your finger tapping at the beskar chest plate as you commanded him before heading back. Din smiled under his helmet, knowing you were his and only his.
“I knew it.” Cara declares while leaning against the entrance frame, holding out her hand as Karga begrudgingly places a small bag of credits in her hand.
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universal-vibe · 4 years
Hey! So starting this off at a weird angle but I am going to get straight to the point. I love reading "x reader" type of stuff and I am starting to run out of things so I thought, why not write my own? And here I hope that people can help me and sparks some ideas with me. If not then I am just going to start off with things everywhere. Now here is a disclaimer, I am not the best writer. And before you ask yes my first language is english. But hopefully with this I can get better and make everyone enjoy. So here we go!
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