underthefigtreetoo · 6 months
Lives of the Canadian Martyrs – Canadian Martyrs Catholic Church
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underthefigtreetoo · 6 months
The powerful story of the North American martyrs whose feast we celebrate today.
Jean de Lalande
Antoine Daniel
Jean de Brébeuf
Gabriel Lalemant
Isaac Jogues
Rene Goupil
Charles Grainier
Noel Chabanel
Also known as the Canadian martyrs.
Their martyrdom occurred from 1642-1649.
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They remind me of The Mission - based on the historical events that happened along the borderlands of present day Argentina, Paraguay and Brazil around 1750.
“The blood of martyrs is the seed of the Church.” - Tertullian.
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underthefigtreetoo · 10 months
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underthefigtreetoo · 10 months
God wipes away our tears of repentance with the hand of mercy. Let us pray for ourselves and for all sinners:
R/Listen, Lord! Lord, forgive! (Dn 9:19)
Forgive us our pride: R/
Forgive us our stubbornness of heart: R/
Forgive us our anger against one another: R/
Forgive us our greed in all its forms: R/
Forgive us our mercilessness: R/
Forgive us the harm we have done: R
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underthefigtreetoo · 11 months
You don’t have to be Catholic to go to Eucharistic Adoration. You can come to it and be with Jesus face to face.
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underthefigtreetoo · 11 months
Thank you, Beloved 31.
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🖤 To the depressed and anxious- I’m sorry you’re hurting. You matter. Tell someone. You’re not alone. No judgement. Just love. Seek help until you get the treatment and healing you need and deserve.
💔 To the lonely and broken hearted- you are never alone and you are loved by me, because Christ swells in me. It will get easier. Time doesn’t heal all wounds, but love still can heal a whole lot. You will not hurt forever.
🤍 To the woman who lost her baby- your baby was real. You were and will always be a mother. It wasn’t your fault. You will see your child once again. You are courageous. You will always be a mother.
💛 To the ones feeling the weight of the world- slow down. You don’t have to carry it all on your own. Hand your burdens to Christ. His blood was shed, so yours wouldn’t have to be. You are more than a conqueror.
❤️‍🔥 To the ones in ministry- the enemy can try, but he won’t win. What seems broken in your life, is simply to be rebuilt by Him. You’re not demolished. You’re under construction. Expansion is yours.
🧡 To the single parents- you’re doing a wonderful job. I see you. You are appreciated. I know it’s hard. It’s OK to ask for help. You can do this.
💚 To those struggling with finances- your value is immeasurable. Wait on the Lord. May the Lord make a way and may all past due money owed come forward and may jobs open in your favor.
🖤 To those sick and suffering- diseases are not yours. They can afflict you, but they cannot destroy who you are in the spirit. Don’t claim what God didn’t hand you. He wants you healed and whole.
❤️‍🩹 To the addict- you’re still there- behind the addiction. You’re not lost and I pray you find yourself. There is forgiveness waiting for your heart. Bring it to His feet, and let Him love and rescue you.
💜 To the church hurt- don’t stop seeking God just because you’ve found little evidence of Him in a church. You are the church! You don’t need a building to have a relationship with God. Start building your foundation.
💙 To the backsliden- we have all fallen short. Take my hand. There’s no limit on redos. Go forward once again. Stay consistent. He left the 99 for 1. You are the 1.
🖤 To the betrayed- He will never leave you not forsake you. He will judge and convict your advisories. Keep walking in love and leading by example.
💔 To the ones with a broken family- remember that blood is thicker than water, but covenant is always thicker than blood. There’s always a place at His table.
🤎 To the ones unable to sleep- may sweet sleep and peace fall upon you. You are surrounded by angels. Rest in His promises.
🤍 To the ones exhausted in every way- your help comes from above. Float in the water instead of treading in it. You’ll reach the shoreline either way. Don’t fight the current when you don’t have to.
💙 To the ones feeling ugly or worthless- you are not defined by how you look or what you can give. You are a child of God and you were created for a purpose greater than you can see.
💜 To the domestic violence victims- you do not have to remain a victim. There is a way out. You are strong enough. You are worthy enough. You deserve love and safety. You can be free. Please don’t wait to report it. You are precious to God.
💛 To parents- perfection isn’t required. It’s OK you have t showered and done laundry. Your child is blessed to have you. You are irreplaceable.
🧡 To the teachers- you make a difference. You do change lives. You’re needed and you’re of great value. Thank you for pouring into our children.
❤️ To the armed forces- you are heroes to us everyday. We are alive and free because of your sacrifice. Some may have forgotten you, but many will never forget. Thank you for all you do.
🖤 To the first responders- thank you for showing up. You are an angel to many. Your courage is honorable. Thank you for your time. It is precious.
💛 To doctors and nurses- protect and save all life- no matter how big or small. Your wisdom is needed. I pray that for the endless hours you spend serving others, that someone serves you. Thank you.
❤️‍🩹 To the rape survivors- it wasn’t about what you wore or anything your said or may have said. It wasn’t your fault. Shame isn’t yours. You are brave and you empower others when you share your survival story.
💝 To the world- we all have fallen short of the glory of God. None of us deserve His love, but He pours it into us anyway. He will never leave you and He knows how many hairs are on your head. He knew you before you were in your mother’s womb. He can handle anything that comes your way. Don’t lose hope. Walk in Faith. Preach without words, and love one another. Life can be hard to live, but love is easy to receive and even easier to give. 🩸❤️🙏🏼☝🏼
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underthefigtreetoo · 11 months
The poor, the mourning, the meek, and those who hunger and thirst for righteousness are blessed because their lives glorify God, “Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, a gentle Father and the God of all consolation”. Even when our sufferings overflow, our hope is firm. We share in the “consolations” that come from the goodness of the Lord.
God comforts us, so that we can offer others consolation in their sorrows.
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underthefigtreetoo · 11 months
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"Nobody escapes being wounded. We all are wounded people, whether physically, emotionally, mentally, or spiritually. The main question is not "How can we hide our wounds?" so we don't have to be embarrassed, but "How can we put our woundedness in the service of others?" When our wounds cease to be a source of shame, and become a source of healing, we have become wounded healers. Jesus is God's wounded healer: through his wounds we are healed. Jesus' suffering and death brought joy and life. His humiliation brought glory; his rejection brought a community of love. As followers of Jesus we can also allow our wounds to bring healing to others." (Henri Nouwen)
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underthefigtreetoo · 1 year
Palm Sunday Reflection
The Path of Waiting
Passion is a kind of waiting - waiting for what other people are going to do. Jesus went to Jerusalem to announce the good news to the people of that city. And Jesus knew that he was going to put a choice before them: Will you be my disciple, or will you be my executioner? There is no middle ground here. Jesus went to Jerusalem to put people in a situation where they had to say "Yes" or "No". That is the great drama of Jesus' passion: he had to wait for their response. What would they do? Betray him or follow him?
In a way, his agony is not simply the agony of approaching death. It is also the agony of being out of control and of having to wait. It is the agony of a God who depends on us to decide how to live out the divine presence among us. It is the agony of the God who, in a very mysterious way, allows us to decide how God will be God. Here we glimpse the mystery of God's incarnation. God became human not only to act among us but also to be the recipient of our responses.
. . . And that is the mystery of Jesus' love. Jesus in his passion is the one who waits for our response. Precisely in that waiting the intensity of his love and God's is revealed to us.
Henry Nouwen
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 Henri Nouwen,
Finding My Way Home: Pathways to Life and the Spirit
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underthefigtreetoo · 1 year
A reminder that God goes with us, guards us, and guides us today with protective love.
Exodus 14:19: "The angel of the Lord changed station and moved to their rear."
And since we are under His protection at all times, we can do the things He is calling us to do:
Eph 3:14-21
"May he give you the power through His Spirit for your hidden self to grow strong so that Christ may live in your hearts planted in love and built on love...filled with the fullness of God."
Glory be to him whose power working in us can do infinitely more than we can ask or imagine.
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underthefigtreetoo · 1 year
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Acts 22: 3-16
I Can See Clearly Now
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underthefigtreetoo · 1 year
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underthefigtreetoo · 1 year
Comfortably Numb
St Agnes, St Agatha Lin.
Mk 3:30-31
"They set out to take charge of him…convinced he was out of his mind"
So Agnes and Agatha, Oscar Romero, Dorothy Day, and MLK were also "out of their minds" when it came to discipleship. They were not better or bigger than their Master. They followed him, right to their own Jerusalems, in Rome and China elsewhere.
So when I dream of things not yet seen or speak of things that sound incomprehensible, there is always the chance that I will be labelled "out of my mind" as well. But already I am in good company. With the reassurance that He who goes before me and is even already on the other side, is also at the same time, journeying with me to my own Jerusalem, and more than that, countless times in the most miserable of moments, has carried me in his arms, and on his shoulders. Bread for the journey. Honey from the rock. A companion on the journey. Never have I been entirely alone. That alone suffices. I am blessed. And strangely enough, comfortably numb. The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want.
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underthefigtreetoo · 2 years
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underthefigtreetoo · 2 years
8/10/22: Blessed Virgin Mary
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underthefigtreetoo · 2 years
Sanctifying Our Galilees
Easter Octave Monday - 18/4/22
He is going before you to Galilee, the angel says. The Lord goes before us; he goes before us always. It is encouraging to know that he walks ahead of us in life and in death; he goes before us to Galilee, that is, to the place which for him and his disciples evoked the idea of daily life, family, and work. Jesus wants us to bring hope there, to our everyday life. For the disciples, Galilee was also the place of remembrance, for it was the place where they were first called. Returning to Galilee means remembering that we have been loved and called by God. Each one of us has his own Galilee. We need to resume the journey, reminding ourselves that we are born and reborn thanks to an invitation given gratuitously to us out of love, there in our respective Galilees. This is always the point from which we can set out anew, especially in times of crisis and trial, remembering our Galilee.
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But there is more. Galilee was the farthest region from where they were, from Jerusalem, and not only geographically. Galilee was also the farthest place from the sacredness of the Holy City. It was an area where people of different religions lived: it was the Galilee of the Gentiles (Mt 4:15). Jesus sends them there and asks them to start again from there. What does this tell us? That the message of hope should be brought to everyone…. If we, who have touched the Word of life (1 Jn 1:1) do not give it, who will? How beautiful it is to be Christians who offer consolation, who bear the burdens of others and who offer encouragement: messengers of life in a time of death! In every Galilee, in every area of the human family to which we all belong and which is part of us, may we bring the song of life! Let us silence the cries of death….
Those women, in the end, took hold of Jesus’ feet: feet that had traveled so far to meet us, to the point of entering and emerging from the tomb. The women embraced the feet that had trampled death and opened the way of hope. Today, as pilgrims in search of hope, we cling to you, risen Jesus. We turn our backs on death and open our hearts to you, for you are Life itself.
Pope Francis
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underthefigtreetoo · 2 years
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